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2023.9.24: Camp Trip!
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Revision as of 20:56, 24 September 2023

2023.9.24: Camp Trip!

09.24.23 Camp Trip!
Garou and Fera BBQ and Camp Out at The Island.
IC Date 09.24.23
IC Time Night
Players Calypso, Ashkii, Stephen, Irsa, Jack, Boots, Grimm, and Arbor
Location The Island - Southern Beach
Spheres Garou

There are a multitude of different tents that strewn the area along with a pile of various size ones for those that decide they want to camp and didn't bring one and need shelter. Giant ice coolers held various kinds of refreshments within them ranging from booze, sodas, waters and even juices. Other coolers are storing all the food both for carnivores and veggie eats alike, nestled closer towards the BBQ pits being maned by several kinfolks that are more trust worthy around fire than like, for example, coyotes. Various camp chairs are laid out around the area in order for lounging. Pop up tables filled with grab food for snacks, plates, bowls, etc. The general provisions are laid out in order to make it sorta-clamping without the RV style.

--- --- ---

One such coyote is not near the fires, the food, or the drinks. Ashkii is seated in the sand wearing just his swim trunks while drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. Content to let the kin working the pits cook, he seems to enjoy just soaking in some sun with his beer and cigarette. There is a smile as his empty bottle is replaced with a fresh, cold beer by a man that passes, his new beer bottle lifted in salute as he winks toward Calypso, "Not a bad set up."

--- --- ---

Arbor shows up in her signature tie-dye shirt, tied off to show off her belly, and wearing a skirt that's easy to take off to reveal her bikini beneath. She's got her green-dyed hair tied up in a bun to keep it out of the way during activites, eyes scanning over the place with a slight smile as she scans for people she knows... or those she should get to know~

--- --- ---

Calypso stands close to the coyote while eye balling him with a look of suspicion resting heavily across the features of her face. She wears a white with cherry print one piece halter-top swim suit with a pair of longer jean-shorts covering her lower half. "It's cause yah get free beer, not-dog.", says the woman drenched with a heavy Scottish accent. "Ah made sure t' put in fer ah keg fer ye specialty s'ydidn't drink all the rations an' Ah doubled up on de food dey said we needed." She motions vaguely towards the kinfolk. "An' Ah donnae 'ave t' do a ting. It's glorious."

--- --- ---

Coming up from the direction of the ferry is a small, dark skinned man. He looks around then sniffs letting his nose guide him in the direction of food. A nod is offered to those already gathered there before he finds a place to settle on the sand. "Hello." is offered once he is comfortable with his legs stretched out before him.

--- --- ---

"Don't worry. I won't mess up anything here. I'll just enjoy the time and maybe tell a story or two." Ashkii lifts his beer in salute to Grimm and Arbor he waves with the hand holding his cigarette. "Helllllooooo, grab a drink, grab some food, come say hello." Pausing he points to Arbor, "Though, we know each other. Right?"

--- --- ---

Arbor, seeing Calypso, raises a brow for a moment before sauntering over. She eyes the great selection of foods, and drinks, then back to the woman and the man in the chair. `Well. Look who it is other than one of my dear customers... did that dress fit, I wonder?` She gives a little finger wave to Ash. `Quite the selection here. I think I'll get some juice....`

--- --- ---

It doesn't take a second invitation before Grimm is getting himself a cold beer. He raises it to Ashkii and leans his way just a little, "Thanks, i'm Istvan by the way." He takes a long drink and leans back squinting up at the sky.

--- --- ---

Quite content is Calypso with coyote leading the charge of making sure folks are feeling welcomed. She's placing her hands on her hips as she's eyeballing out towards the general area as if looking for someone within particular as the corners of her lips curl into a small frown. Distraction comes within way of introductions being tossed around that brings the Scottish woman's head careening towards Grimm's direction. "Calypso." Then she lifts a hand and points to Ashkii. "Not-Dog." Then distraction comes as she glances at ARbor, "Ah.. Ah honestly haven't tried it on yet."

--- --- ---

Stephen might be a little later than he was told the shindig would begin, but the Wendigo does finally trudge his way up the island looking for the camp site and the tents, following the sound of voices and the smell of people. He slows down whe he can see the setup and catch a few of the familiar faces, offering a bow of his head towards the Ashkii and Calypso before coming in closer, humming under his breath.

--- --- ---

"Istvan, nice to meet you, I'm Ashkii, or, as known in some circles by some cats, Not-Dog." Giving a wink he stands and gives a polite nod with the light introduction between the pair. Smiling to Arbor he then motions to Calypso, "Oooh. A cool dress?" There was more that would be said but the arrival of Stephen makes him grin and he waves, "Stephen! What's up? Grab a beer, come say hi. Do you know Istvan and Arbor?" Motioning to them he points to Calypso, "I know you know the Calypso, right?"

--- --- ---

The brush rustles at the edge of the gathering. Alert folk might notice the head of a dark-brown wolf poking out from the greenery. She makes a beeline towards Stephen, making a 'Rrrr!" sound around the handle of a small cooler clamped between her jaws.

--- --- ---

Arbor snickers at the 'not dog' comment. `Oh, are we classifying ourselves based on who and who isn't a dog now? Well, I fall into the not, for better or for worse...` she says with a wink before going over to fill her plate with a very carnivorous selection, despite what her name and profession might imply. `Hello there~` she comments to the familiar wolf, before shifting herself to stand in front of the new Stephen and Istvan. `No, I have not met Stephen, nor Istvan. Nice to make your acquaintances.`

--- --- ---

Stephen smiles a little more at Ashkii's invitation but shakes his head in the negative at the question, "I do not know either of these people, but yes, Calypso and I have spoken before. I think the word she used for me was...ninny?" He seems overly amused at that. Of course, a growling big wolf bearing gives brings a warmer smile to his face and a bow of his head towards the Wolf, "I suspect you can set that down anywhere you like and it will become consumed rapidly." With that said, he addresses Arbor with a small bow of his head, "An honor to meet a new face. Stephen. Or Broken Fang depending on what you need of me."

--- --- ---

The attention of Calypso is drawn over by the sight of Stephen, her head lifts then lowers within a formation of a nod. She looks over towards Ashkii, "Aye, and it' now yer task t' find it. It's somewhere in mah apartment, just can't touch the drawers. Got it, not-dog?" She glances over towards Arbor's direction "Ah it's a wee bit more complicated den just dat. Ah whole system 'fore it to calculate 'em as ah not-dog." She's turning her head towards Stephen. "Aye, rightly so tinkin' Ah was Fianna." Then there's a wolf barreling from the trees that brings every instinct of hers to send her into action - she's scrambling now from her spot, running and weaving in order to strategically put herself behind Ashkii as a shield from the incoming charge of a wolf.

--- --- ---

Istvan lifts his free hand to Arbor, "Istvan." he offers with no other explaination as to what kind of not dog he might be. He moves to offer his name to Stephen when the wolf makes an appearance. After a moment he looks up at Calypso, "Nice party, smells wonderful."

--- --- ---

Ragged Brown Wolf chuffs a greeting at Arbor and bumps into Stephen's leg with her side. Her gaze ticks between those speaking around her before her attention is drawn to the panicking Calypso. She sets down the cooler and looks around, clearly puzzled. It's not often that trotting out of the greenery to greet someone nets a reaction like this among non-humans. She looks up at Istvan and makes a cheerful growling sound.

--- --- ---

"So far, I think I'm the only Not-Dog with the name, Not-Dog." Ashkii laughs a little in response to Arbor and then nods to Stephen, "This is a great way to meet people. Bring everyone together with food and drink." Giving his packmate a clasp on the shoulder after he ashes his cigarette and places it between his lips he nods at the wolf as Calypso moves. "It's cool Caly, it's Irsa." Eyeing the wolf to look at the familiar features he nods and then looks to Stephen who seems to confirm the same familiarity.

--- --- ---

Arbor grins and almost does a little bow of greeting. `Arbor Faye.` She says, cutting up and devouring that meat greedily inbetween talking. At Calypso's sheepish hiding behind the coyote man, her eyes widen a bit and a slight giggle escapes her. She stops herself, though, upon hearing the 'werepelican' comment. A brow raises. `Werepelican? That is one I have not heard before. Very interesting to see such.`

--- --- ---

Istvan grins crookedly as the wolf growls, "Sorry i'm not fluent in wolf but i'll take it as hello. Nice to meet you Irsa is it?" He apparently picked up on what Ashkii said to Calypso. A brow lifts a little, "Werepelican that's kinda adorable nickname."

--- --- ---

The compliment of the party brings a tip of her head upwards towards Istavan. The reassurance from Ashkii that the wolf won't eat her brings a clearing of her throat as she shifts her shoulders back, straightening her posture as if she didn't just find a body guard at the sight of a wolf coming into sight. She reaches up, rubbing the back of her neck as here eyes narrow towards Stephen. "Ah have laws protectin' not eating me, tank ye very much." She comes to counter. A slow blink is made as Calypso's looking at Arbor, "Uh aye." And then it continues that brings her eyes at Istavan with a clearing of her throat. "Aye, adorable." She glances over towards the coolers for a moment then back to IStavan. "What are ye'fluent in?"

--- --- ---

Ragged Brown Wolf crinkles up her muzzle at the chaos and bumps Stephen with the cooler. She pads away to drop off her offering at the food area, shifting to human form to take advantage of these things called hands. Her wolf form was large, she's not much smaller. "Sorry for th' lateness, Tribal business called me away, had t' run like hell t' get here." She unpacks more beer, a number of coldcuts, some cheese in a can, and a bag of chips she fishes out of her pack. She has a deep, gruff, voice, but not an unfriendly one. "Irsa Rawlins, yeah," she replies to Istvan as she rejoins the group. "Nice t' meet ya."

--- --- ---

Bones snap and break, shrinking and shaping into a new form. The creature before you becomes a dark, scarred woman.

--- --- ---

"Oh wait. Some of you don't know about the elusive Were-Pelican?" Ashkii seems shocked to learn of this as he ashes his cigarette. "Everyone get a drink, get some food. If you want to gather around I can let you in on the story, the history of this rare, and secretive fera. You might not know this... But, they're called Lagoonah." Nodding he points to his nose to show he's in the know on this secret. "But, if you're not interested, its not a story I need to tell."

--- --- ---

Istvan extends a hand to the woman once she has finished her change. "Istvan Grimm." His head turns and he looks up at Calypso his lips quirking again, "Russian, Romani, I can curse in several others. Priorities you know fun words first then the boring ones." He drains his beer then sets the bottle into the sand beside him.

--- --- ---

Irsa smiles and shakes Istvan's hand. "Damn, I don't know neither of those languages. Ya can never know too many." She steps across to fill up her plate, piling up her plate with meat and cheese. "How ya been, Arbor? You get that thing done that needed doin'?" she asks, double-checking the spread before nabbing several rolls.

--- --- ---

Stephen smiles just a little when Ashkii starts in on the were-pelican, doing his best to stifle his own amusement by lifting a bottle to his lips and downing a good portion of it. He finds a good spot of ground to park his butt on for the time being, apparnetly putting off grabbing food for a moment longer in preference to socializing and soaking it in.

--- --- ---

"Tank ye fer addin' t' the growing pot o'food. If'in ye weant someting cooked or not cooked ah certain way feel free t'tell the kinfolk chefs, they're being paid well an' earnin' money for ah education purposes. College or so they tell me. Hopefully they're good cooks." Calypso steps around in order to grab a beer from the cooler as she glances over shoulder towards Istvan. "Y'mentioned not woof so dat doesn't narrow it down dat much. Y'speak beer?" She means -bear- but it sounds more like beer with the thick Scottish accent. She pops the top of the cap off with a twist against her palm of her hand. The mention of telling the tale of Were-pelicans brings a look over twoards Ashkii. "Y'tell it wrong an' Ah'll judge ye til the end of yer days."

--- --- ---

Arbor takes a seat, crossing her legs one over the other. She's happy just to observe, mostly, seeing what everyone is doing, saying. At Ashkii's offer of the story, though, she speaks up. `Mmmm... a story of such a secretive thing? Go on, I would like to learn more of this breed.`

--- --- ---

An island! Boats? This is a riot to Boots, a whole new adventure. He'd not had an opportunity to stowaway on a ship in his training, so this was his first time on the water. Once he's back ashore, he looks thankful - clearly he does not have sea-legs.

From there's its following directions as to where the camping is. As he approaches, the young man raises a hand in greeting. "Hey there, folks." He says, eyes going to each person in turn. Jack comes in from Ferry to The Island Jack has arrived.

--- --- ---

Istvan seems a little amused by the questioning and might just be enjoying the game. Eventually he seems to decide to be polite to the hostess. "No I don't speak bear either, i'm a Bagheera." He leans over and snags another beer for himself as he turns his attention to Ashkii.

--- --- ---

Irsa flops down on the sand and looks up when she spots Boots. "Yo, Boots. Just in time for some grub an' a beer. An' a tale in th' finest Trickster tradition." She points to the coolers and waves at the spread.

--- --- ---

Ashkii finishes his cigarette and crushes it out in the sand before he crushes up the remainder and lets it flow in the breeze. The natural tobacco and paper not litter as it is flown into the sand and water. Motioning for any that want to listen to gather around he smiles and then clears his throat as he goes into story mode.

"In the moonlit nights of yore, when Gaia's realms were young, and her children roamed free and unhindered, there existed a creature that was as noble as it was rare, the Lagoonah as some called them or Pele'kanos, Were-Pelican."

"Now, you might snicker or think this is the start of a jest, but bear with me. You see, while the Garou and other Fera waged wars, played politics, and often got lost in their own egos, the Were-Pelican took a different path."

Looking around he continues, "The Were-Pelican, or "Pele'kanos" as they named themselves, were caretakers of the coastlines. With their large beaks, they could scoop out impurities from Gaia's waters, cleansing rivers and seas from the taint of the Wyrm. But that wasn't the most astounding of their talents. Their true gift lay in their sacrificial nature."

"The Pele'kanos had a unique ritual. Once in their lifetime, they would gather in a sacred, secluded lagoon when they felt the Wyrm's taint becoming too strong. Here, under the watchful eyes of Luna and Helios, they'd perform the Dance of the Emptying Beak."

"Using their mystical connection to Gaia's waters, the Pele'kanos would begin to sing a mournful, haunting melody. As they sang, they'd draw out the toxins, the Wyrm-taint, the very essence of corruption from the waters around the world, storing it within their expansive beaks."

"At the climax of the ritual, as dawn approached, they'd raise their heads skyward, and with a final, harmonious note, they'd release the corruption skyward, where Helios' first light would strike it, purifying it, turning the taint into nothing more than mist and morning dew."

"This was not without cost. The Pele'kanos who took part would be drained, their life energies spent, and they'd collapse into the water, their forms dissolving into pure, radiant energy that would seep into Gaia, strengthening her anew."

"Now, you might wonder, why have we not heard of them if they were such noble creatures? Why don't we see them today?"

"Well, as with many tales, tragedy is intertwined with hope. As coastal lands became populated, as humans encroached upon their sacred lagoons, the Pele'kanos became a myth. Their lagoons were lost, and their rituals were interrupted. Over time, their numbers dwindled, until we all thought none were left to perform the Dance of the Emptying Beak."

"But, their spirit lives on. Every time you see a pelican gracefully skimming the water's surface, every drop of morning dew that glistens in the first light, remember the sacrifice of the Pele'kanos. Let their story be a reminder that even in the smallest of actions, even in the most unassuming of creatures, there lies the power to change the world, purify it, and protect Gaia."

--- --- ---

The appearance of another brings Calypso's head careening towards the direction of Boots. She tips her head upwards towards his direction in a silent greeting as Irsa fills him in on the food. "Ah was told bacon purchased fer de mornin' was about as much dat came from ten whole hogs or else they be liars t'me an' eggs dat came out of.. Ah didn't ask 'bout dat t' be honest," says the Scottish woman before she too falls silent with pulling her beer to her lips. Then there's a word that tingles at her senses and she snaps her eyes at Bagheera with a faint widening of her eyes, he has her attention but then there's a story. That beer continues flowing within her gullet as she peels herself away to pay respect to the coyote. Mention of emptying beak brings a narrow of her eyes but then she calms a bit as he continues to explain it. A smirk is made at the end of the story and then she's lifting her hands in a slow, dedicated clap for the storyteller.

--- --- ---

Jack also arrives! He's got a lot of Stuff with him, a loaded backpack and a cooler and a bundle of other stuff under an arm, loaded for Yogi Bear! He's huffing and puffing way back behind Boots, but he manages to catch at least MOST of the story being told. He stops to listen all o.o faced about it, and by all accounts buying every last word that's said. I mean, surely you cant just make that up, that's ridiculous, and it sounds so *true*! "Holy shit!" is his thoughts about it at the end, and you know what, right where he's standing is a good place to dump his crap. Fuck this walking in sand bullshit, he's tired!

--- --- ---

Assuming no one else is in line for food, Boots quickly makes a plate then finds a seat near Irsa. Tribe and all. He's out of his depth when it comes to discussions on Fera, and the rare Pele'kanos - so he listens raptly, trying to be a good student.

--- --- ---

Assuming no one else is in line for food, Boots quickly makes a plate then finds a seat near Irsa. Tribe and all. He's out of his depth when it comes to discussions on Fera, and the rare Pele'kanos - so he listens raptly, trying to be a good student.

--- --- ---

"Huh, wild. Gaia's version of th' Surfrider Foundation." Irsa finishes up a chicken leg and wipes her greasy hands on her shirt. That stain immediately hides among the other ones already there. She nudges Boot with her elbow and offers to share her plate, leaning over to mutter to him.

--- --- ---

Finishing off his beer, Ashkii looks to the empty bottle and then nods to himself. "And so, my friends, as we gather here let's raise our voices in honor of the Were-Pelican, the guardians of Gaia's shores, the silent heroes of yesteryears. Some say they are gone, but, something tells me the more tales we tell. The more we spread of their fame, the closer we'll be to bringing them out of hiding."

The Nuwisha finishes the tale with a twinkle in his eye, gauging the reactions from the gathered kin-folk, fera and garou. Some looked moved, others skeptical, but it seems most if not all had listened. Stories hold power, the legend of the Were-Pelican may take root, spreading and growing, adding another layer to the rich tapestry of the world's mysteries. "Anyways. Sometimes other fera are mistaken for the old were-pelican." Looking to Calypso he gives her a teasing wink.

--- --- ---

Grimm claps for the story and nods his head, "Well told." he then salutes Ashkii with his beer, "I was thinking some wierd corax offshoot but something tells me she doesn't have feathers." He leans back again avoiding the food for now as he looks up towards the sky. For a moment he looks troubled and shifts to take another drink.

--- --- ---

Boots was already moving his plate to share with Irsa - she out-ranks him, and it's proper! He blinks, nodding to her after her whisper - looking a bit sheepish for some reason. The story ends and he gives a round of applause. "So she ain't a pelican?" He asks.

--- --- ---

Jack starts unpacking his junk and stuff, beginning work on a tent. He thinking while he works, soaking this made up story so he can spread it later to his brother and others of his tribe, probably. There'll be debates about this later, surely!

--- --- ---

The 'holy shit' is what draws her attention over onto a new individual arriving to the camp grounds and her head jerks in a silent greeting towards Jack before she's drawn back towards Ashkii's direction. "Ah don't know why y'sayin' mistaken fer, lad." She lifts the bottle of beer to silence herself after she makes that pointed comment, sending the beer spilling within her gullet even more. The slight-call out from Grimm brings a clearing of her throat. "Y'should ask ah corax what dey call their own lost t'the umbra." The questioning from boots brings a glance towards his direction as she imply takes another long sip of her drink. "Y'want t'find out, woof?" The step falls lead her moving behind Grimm, a brief pause and a murmur behind the man is made before she's continuing her steps towards the cooler. Calypso says something in a foreign language.

--- --- ---

Irsa totally lets Boot take over that plate he's finished. "Naw. Kinda my job," she remarks as Calypso speaks up. "Lot t' cover with his teachin', this is easy t' tack on to his lessons."

--- --- ---

Stays mostly quiet, simply enjoying the food. Eventually, though, she stands. `I am afraid I have some things to do, so I won't be spending the night. Wonderful setup as there always is out here, though.` She passes by Calypso, giving her a smirk. `Hopefully you come to enjoy my work, oh mystical werepelican~`

--- --- ---

Smiling as another beer is brought to him and swapped out for his empty by a kin working the food, Ashkii nods in thanks and then plops down to enjoy. "My pack, we travel a lot and hear a lot, and learn a lot, and think a lot?" The Nuwisha grins at that thought and then shakes his head. "So we try to find stories. Or at least I do." Giving the group a wink he nods to all and then waves in greeting to those arriving and those leaving.

--- --- ---

"Oiy!," she calls out towards Jack's direction. "Y'look like ah y'need 'elp pitchin' dat tent." She then slaps a hand down onto Ashkii's back. "Not-Dog will be comin' t'yer rescue." Calypso smiles wide at Irsa, leaving it alone to turn her attention to Abor. "Aye, ah'll be findin' it soon, ah promise and will tell ye how it fits." she bows her head towards her.

--- --- ---

Istvan leans his head back and looks at Calypso as she moves behind him in passing. He just grins at her before looking around as the crowd grows slowly. Finally he rolls up to his feet to make himself a plate before settling back on the ground. "Do you know any other stories?"

--- --- ---

"Sup girl!" Jack says to Calypso's wave hello, his own hands full of an uncooperative tent. "Nah, I've been pitchin tents left and right since I turned thirteen." he says totally seriously in that seriously just joking sort of way. With some assistance, he will get it though. It's simple to put together, just kinda awkward for only one person. Next, he gets a thing unrolled in there, and then an air pump starts up with a quiet yet persistant 'weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' sound. While his air mattress fills, he hooks a couple foldable solar sheets attached to the side of the tent, feeds the ports inside, and hooks a few things up. It's not glamping! But it's not NOT glamping, either. "I'm Jack, by the way! Jack Morrison, or Level Up! Cliath Glass Walker! Nice to meet you all!"

--- --- ---

Boots looks to Irsa, then to Calypso, then back to Irsa. "Is she lookin' to spar or somthin'?" He looks confused by the interaction. Still, he's got his hands busy eating - that's crucial to the young Gnawer. He does have his blanket rolled up, tied with twine and slung over a shoulder. He camps minimally. "Boots. Rite Name FAFO. Bone Gnawer Ahroun. Cliath." He offers out, as introductions are started by Jakc.

--- --- ---

Seated with his beer in just his swim trunks, Ashkii lifts his beer in salute to Jack at the introduction and calls back, "Ashkii Nahimana, Nuwisha known as Laughs-in-Moonlight among the Fera." Seeing as he doesn't have to help pitch that tent, he looks back to Grimm and then nods, "Sure. I know TONS of stories. But I don't have to be the only one to tell them. You got anything to share? Or anyone?"

--- --- ---

Irsa stretches her arms behind her head, twisting her torso to work out the kinks. "Naw, I ain't th' tale-teller in my pack. I'd volunteer him, but... " she shrugs at Istvan helplessly. "Mine are too long for a gatherin' like this one. D'ya mind me askin' when you arrived, Istvan? I've met most of th' Bastet here, but you're th' first Bagheera I've ever met." She shrugs at Boots question. "Dunno, but that ain't a thing t' worry 'bout."

--- --- ---

Calypso cocks a hip slightly out towards the side as she holds her stance, fingers draped around the neck of the beer as she watches Jack. A bark of a laughter rises from her, "Late bloomer eh?", she says within teasing tone. She watches with interest of the setting up of the tent. "Huh. Ah feelin like Ah under packed suddenly.", she says to no one in particular. Introductions under way! "Calypso," she offers that singular name once more with a pull of her beer. "Why do they be sayin' Glass Walker? Ah've never seen ah woof walk glass unless y'be countin' those glass bridges an' de like." The mention of spar brings her eyes to widen at Boots. "Nay not. Ah swore me beak will nev'r be used t'arm 'nother an' woofs are allies 'xcept y'know the smelly kind." After all, she nearly went on a mile run at the sight of Irsa in her four-legged form (again). There's another curious glint passed over towards Istvan, a knowing grin drawn wide across her mouth as she winks at his direction not in a flirting manner but a - you know I know type of dealio.

--- --- ---

Jack continues to make the GREATEST CAMP SET UP EVER! Well in his mind it is. A little pop-up unfoldy thingie to hold his electronics, another for his clothes, a waterproof tubby thingie for toiletries, the kind of comforter set you take with you to your college dorm, all that sorta shit. Laptop bag last, that goes safely on the mattress but under a pillow so that any sunlight wont overheat it or anything. "Uh.. Cause we're city wolves, mostly. Walk the forest of steel and glass rather than wood and leaves. I betcha anything one of us probably did try to walk on glass at one point. Probably didn't work out though."

--- --- ---

"Istvan Grimm, a pleasure to meet all of you." He turns to look at Ashkii, "I know a few but really nothing for mixed company. he wags a finger at Calypso his expression is clearly amused as if the two are sharing somekind of secret. He idly eats as he listens "Been a long time since i've seen such a group together."

--- --- ---

"We need to get a glasswalker running up the side of a skyscraper. Up along those giant glass windows and teaching the rest of us how it's done!" Ashkii is obviously taking what Jack said as literal and thinks it's a pretty neat idea. "Could be a fun game!" Nodding at Calypso as if to say she needs to remind him they need to figure that out he smiles at Jack. "Well Istvan, what are they if not for mixed company? Like sexy stories? Scary stories? Sexy scary stories?! You can tell me, I promise I won't retell them... Unless, they're REALLY good."

--- --- ---

There's roll of his shoulders, Boots not entirely sure what to make of the comments potentially directed his way. He looks to Calypso, then back to Irsa, then to the sky. Luna's not full, but she's damn near getting there. Right now, it looks like he's leaning towards the side of not being irked. Right now.

--- --- ---

"These kinds of gatherings ain't uncommon here," Irsa tells Istvan. "Th' caern's open to visitors, as long as they respect the spirits and honor th' space. Mirror-Shadow's often there. Lyric's been there as well. Gurhal, Corax... though not many stories from 'em, I'm sorry t' say. Mirror-Shadow's hunted with us several times, killin' Leeches 'round th' area." She hunts in her pack and hands a fruit roll-up to Boots. "Eat this, I got ten in this thing," she grouses.

--- --- ---

There's a fair bit of envious nature echoes out across the features of her face as she watches the setting up of the tent as Jack continues onwards. Her head slightly tilts towards the side as she shifts a bit in her stance. "Ah, y'can replicate dat wit' me tent aye?" A slow curling of her mouth begins to show the shades of ivory teeth for a flash of a second before she changes subjects. "So wit' tings movin' to acrylic will y'lot be known as de Acrylic Walkers soon?" Once more she's drawing her attention over towards Grimm. A corner of her mouth curls up into a lop-sided half grin at teh finger waggle as the silent forms of communication continue between the two. "Wha?", she says as shel ooks over towards Ashkii. "Y'go first an' tell me how dat goes fer ye." Calypso's steps bring her closer towards Grimm's direction, coming to lower herself down into a crouch next to him.

--- --- ---

Calypso murmurs something to Grimm next to her. Calypso says something in a foreign language.

--- --- ---

"Dude that would be *so* fuckin awesome!" Jack says, possibly with visions of his pudgy ass defying gravity up the side of a building Spiderman style. When he finally gets his little Glass Walker palace set up, he zips up the door and comes around to find a good place to plop down and yesssssss! Beer! He yoinks one of those if no one objects. "I don't have any cool stories yet. Mike and I are writing the Badass Ballad of How We Got Here, but it's not finished yet."

Grimm says something in a foreign language.

--- --- ---

"I will do it first!" Ashkii says with a laugh in response to Calypso. Pointing to Jack he nods, "See. Let's do it. We'll figure it out. There has to be sommmme way to run like that, up the side of a building, without causing too much of a fuss or scene." Shifting his gaze to the others as he's finding all the holes in this plan he shrugs, "We'll figure it out though, right?!" Laughing a little he nods to the others, "Well, if there are no other stories of note, we don't need to force it."

--- --- ---

Irsa scratches her ear and shoulders her pack. "Probably should give ya th' full name. Hammer-Tooth, born on two-legs, Adren theurge. Leader of th' Bone Gnawer Tribe an' Alpha of th' Mistseekers. I'm glad we met t'day. Welcome t' Prospect." And with that she shifts to her wolf-form and bounds away, heading for the waves and warbling happily as she chases one after the other in obvious play. Running and dodging for the sheer joy of running and dodging.

--- --- ---

Bones snap and break, shifting and warping into a new form, as the creature before you becomes a ragged brown wolf.

--- --- ---

Calypso slowly looks between Ashkii and Jack as the talk begins to develop about climbing up sides of buildings. She pulls her beer to her lips, about to take a sip before something's murmured to her that brings her to nearly choke on her beer as that grin widens further along her mouth and a flash of a look is passed to Grimm. She does manage to take her swig of beer, lowering it before murmuring towards hhim. Looking back over towards Jack and Ashkii, "Double dare y'both t'run into dat water an' yell 'ere fishie fishie fishie t' see if'in ya can attract ah rokea." She looks over towards Irsa, watching as she moves to the water then back to the two she just dared. Calypso says something in a foreign language.

--- --- ---

Boots finishes his plate, blinking as he watches Irsa run out and snap at the waves. I mean, she's not wrong in the play - he just wasn't expecting it. Setting the plate down, he sets down his blanket next. Then he starts unlacing his boots to reveal his bare feet. No socks!

--- --- ---

"YES!" Jack does not know how, but god damn it they will find a way to run up glass walls! "You don't have the booze to back that up!" he accuses Calypso with a laugh, "That shit's *cold*! And I didn't bring a wetsuit." Not that he's opposed to it - the water at least if not the rokea summoning - the shoes come off and what not, but he's still gonna need more beer before he puts his delicate little toesies in that cooking ocean water. He gets to work on the preparatory drinking though, and has a big glug of his brew.

--- --- ---

Istvan's nose wrinkles at the image of the water play and shakes his head. "No thank you dislike the cold myself." He turns his head to Calypso, "Trouble it is." he then offers her a hand which if taken he'll shake vigorously.

--- --- ---

Ragged Brown Wolf dodges back and forth, head high and ears pricked up as mock-growls at Boots. The message is clear: too slow, the waves are attacking! She prances in place and darts down the beach, zig-zagging out of the surf like a furry sandpiper.

--- --- ---

Finishing his beer to get the system going along with Jack to prep for the potential of going in the water per Calypso's dare, Ashkii pauses and looks to Boots. "Oh. Is that why you're called Boots and not Socks?" Giving himself am air rimshot, he laughs. "I'll be here all week folks." Pushing out of his seat he hands off the empty beer and then mutters to himself in his coyote tongue and then makes a run for the waves as full sprint, screaming FISHIE FISHIE as he dives in.

--- --- ---

Next are Boots' jeans - don't worry, he's got layers. Under, he's got shorts. Perfect! He looks over to the comment from the coyote, quirking his eyebrow. "Nah, that ain't it." He says, before removing his coat and shirt. He's got some scars, though they don't look like they are from a battle per say. Once suitably ready, he starts running towards the water as well - splashing in near the big wolf.

--- --- ---

Not letting this dare go, she's staring down JAck. "Y'got fur on ye eh?" She motions with her beer bottle to the coolers. "Ah cleared out what y'lot call ah costco full of alcohol for the weekend. Ah'm sure ah got plenty." She glances over shoulder twoards teh Coyote as he begins to take on her dare then back to Jack. "Yer gonna let ah coyote show y'up?" Going in for the jugular as all the others jump into the water and yet she's in TeamCat next to Istvan. A smirk echoes from her as she reaches out to take the man's hand in a firm shake. "Meet proper later," she says to him.

--- --- ---

Jack gets up to swap out an empty for a not so empty, and then Ashkii goes running and, "Ah fuuuuuuuck." He succumbs to peer pressure! But not before succumbing to mild alcoholism, the Addiction flaw takes the lead! He cracks his beer and drinks it. The whole thing. Really really fast, like a practiced frat boy. As to whether or not he's got fur or gonna get shown up, he buuuuuurps a champion's burp that would make Booger proud while thrusting the empty up into the air like a fat He-Man declaring that he has the power of Greyskull. And then the empty's put with the rest before he goes running and shifting towards the surf. And yes, he's a fat and out of shape wolf as well. Look at all those shifters out there, lean and muscular, apex predators fit from hunting and playing! And then Jack's more like the lazy bulldog that wants to nap, eat pizza, and get belly rubs instead.

--- --- ---

Ragged Brown Wolf has slowed her mad dashing, stopping just past the tide line to inspect something she's turned up. She pokes it with her nose, exposing a small piece of knotted driftwood. Her tail wags as she picks it up, carrying it carefully in her jaws.

--- --- ---

Pudgy Wolf turns into a wolf! A pudgy, but still totally dangerous wolf.

Grimm says something in a foreign language.

--- --- ---

Finishing his food Istvan throws the plate in the garbage. He sits back down beside Calypso and leans back. "Oh to your earlier question it's black it doesn't crack."

--- --- ---

Once in the water, Boots sinks down into it - dunking himself to soak himself from head to to. Breaching the water with a gasp, he shakes his head to toss his hair back and forth. "Good wood for art or somethin', Irsa?" He wonders, wading over in that direction.

--- --- ---

Ashkii does a good job searching for a shark, well, as good as a coyote who doesn't really think he can find a shark does. Working with Jack he makes sure they are far enough away from shore that no one can hear as he says, "Alright... we did what was dared. Let's go back for beer." Patting the puggy wolf he points to the shore and then yells, "LAST ONE TO THE BEER HAS TO GET THE BEERS ALL NIGHT!" With that he's sprinting out of the water and back to the nearest cooler.

--- --- ---

Ragged Brown Wolf trots down to the water's edge to show her prize off to Boots. >> Look. It is a pretty thing. See? <<, she says in the wolf-tongue, setting it down so he can see it. The driftwood appears to be a tangle of roots. A small, empty nautilus shell is caught in their midst. >> It will look nice in a den, or perhaps it will become a small fetish. But we will see. I should speak to the spirits here. <<

--- --- ---

Jack-wolf screams his way into the water, immediately regreting all of his life's choices that brought him to this moment. It's in his EARS! Not being particularly tall, when he stops to shake his head furiously, he just gets thwapped by another wave and bowled over. He's REALLY good at being chum for sharks, absolutely great at being a rolling sea sausage! Not very good at looking for sharks, but you know, he tries.

--- --- ---

Entertainment lightens up along the features of her face as she watches the play of wolves and coyotes alike within the water from the safety of the shore. There's something that's murmured to her that brings a flash of her eyes widening and those cheeks are suddenly very rose-hued. Calypso opts to take a long pull of her beer and replacing it with a fresh one from a kinfolk before responding back to Grimm with a widened grin. "Time fer y't guess me fur then eh? Calypso says something in a foreign language.

--- --- ---

Boots nods to the wolf. "I mean, it could look sweet if you cleaned it up a bit... and put it on display? The way the wood grew, and how the sea changed it is neat." He nudges the wood, peering at the shell. "And it'd smell nice too." A smile.

--- --- ---

The race is on and with Ashkii on two legs it is harder for him to get out of the water. That means it gives wolf Jack a chance to bound past him and over the sand as the coyote shifter tries to catch up with a loud cry of, "BUT IF I WAS ON FOOOOOOUR LEGS!!!" Diving for the nearest cooler he is beat, by a lot. Laughing as he dusts himself off he shakes his head, "A deal is a deal Jack." Grabbing out a beer he cracks it open for the wolf formed Jack and then gets one for himself, "Good race though!"

--- --- ---

Ragged Brown Wolf prances up and down the beach when Boots retires, taunting Jack with her cool new prize. >> Faster, Walker of Glass! You will fly if you keep this up! << she barks in the wolf-tongue. >> Make your Ancestors proud of your prowess!<<

--- --- ---

Istvan gestures absently to Calypso and grins, "Don't you want to go play in the water? I would but i'm deathly allergic to freezing cold." He grins and looks over at the water, "You know you want to."

--- --- ---

To be perfectly honest, Jack thought Ashkii actually saw a shark and kinda freaked out about it. It's the only possible reason he could move so damned fast! He sounds like he's just yelling for the sake of fun and howling, but really it's >>SHAAAAAAARK!<< Until he realizes that's not what it was, and looks a little sheepish. He at least has the decency to move away and shake off. Oh shit beer! Can or bottle, doesn't matter, you cant let that hit the *ground* and get all shook up, ruin that perfect drink inside with a premature bubble fest! It's worth throwing the scant rage his moon gives him into shifting to homid in a blink so that he can catch it, *save* it, and savor it. "Ah fuuuuuuuck!" he complains. Shifting while wet leaves him with wet clothes and sandy feet. To the bat-tent!

--- --- ---

Calypso's perking up as the race is on, letting out whoopin' and hollering noises to cheer on the racers until the clear winner becomes evident. A cackling laughter rises from her, "Not dog! Yer job as me puller on de skates is at risk if'der's a woof dat's faster than ye! Ah expected y't'be triumphant. Long live the walker of glass woof, champion of the run!" A smirk echoes out from her as she careens her head towards the cat next to her. "Ah'm sure yer fur would keep y'nice and warm in the freezin' cold water. Just cause Ah'm from an island doesn't mean that Ah like swimmin'. Ah'm sure there's fish in der bigger than me an' Ah'd rather not fight tonight." Calypso shakes her head with a bit more of laughter. "An' Ah guarantee none of the woofs or not-dog would want me t'piggy back 'em into the water."

--- --- ---

Ragged Brown Wolf snorts and picks up the driftwood again, this time heading for the two Bastet sitting on the beach. She's dripping wet, and sand is all over her legs. She tilts her head at Grimm's words. It tilts the other way as she looks at Calypso. It tilts once more as she looks back at Grimm.

--- --- ---

"You did good Jack, we'll have to have a rematch when I'm in my birth form." Ashkii lifts his beer in salute to the Glass Walker, smiling as he gives props to the man for winning the race. Turning to Calypso he motions with his beer in her direction, "I think a rematch later will be in order. Though maybe Jack will have to take over for me as the puller of skates."

--- --- ---

"That sounds like WAY more work than I wanna do!" Jack says while ducking into his tent after laying a spare towel down inside for sand collection. He zips the door behind him and does some rummaging around for dry duds. And also smores stuff.

--- --- ---

Istvan laughs and shakes his head, "Don't blame you i've seen some of the things that swim in these waters. I much prefer the dry land myself when I have a choice. Pizza eating contest much more my speed, we will have to try that one day." He turns his head to look at the wet wolf then the wood. For some reason he bursts into a smile and shakes his head his mirth evident.

--- --- ---

"Trees are much safer, y'able t' stay dry an' above land." She wiggles a finger up towards the trees around them. "The mention of rematches brings a flash of a grin over towards Ashkii then towards Jack's tent. "Are y'callin' me fat? Too heavy t' pull?" Trap set. She winks towards Not-Coyote's direction with Jack out of sight to be in on the joke. The mention of a pizza eating contest brings another mirth of laughter from Claypso. "Aye? Ah tink Ah could get one set up. Be ah fun match t'see everyone woof down pizza. With permission, can bring it t' the caern so everyone that wants to participate can." She leans over towards IStavan as her eyes are on Irsa. "Do y'speak woof? I don't know what if'in she wants an' don't want t' offend." And followed with a murmur. Calypso says something in a foreign language.

--- --- ---

Ragged Brown Wolf drops her driftwood and growls at Jack in the wolf-tongue. >> Higher Go Up, I am leaving now. Remember: do not go into the jungle, no matter how you are tempted. That way lies Death for young wolves.<< She flicks an ear and adds, >> Also, Mocks-the-Dark'rhya will pull off your skin if you do not remember.<< She sounds oddly cheerful with that last growl. >> Tell your brother 'Good Hunting' for me. I will see you both soon. And eat all the squish-berries for me. They are very good. << She picks up her prize, and extends her neck to sniff politely at Grimm to memorize his scent (all without getting anyone wet, miracle!). She does a wolf-bow to the Bastet and trots away. She stops in place and completely vanishes from sight.

--- --- ---

Ashkii finishes off his beer and then dries off with his towel, knocking off sand along with drying off. Once he's dry he lays the towel out and gets another beer and settles on the towel, finding his cigarettes and sparking one up.

--- --- ---

"Don't worry, Hammer-Tooth-rhya, I will not get skinned or murderized today!" Jack assures Irsa, all changed up in a dry pair of lounging duds. He's got a lamp in his tent as well! And a guitar, which he brings out to strum inexpertly nearby once he's made his smores offerings to the camping gods. And also his companions, cause like politeness and what not.