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About Me

I am the balance of the two extremes of one extreme. Confusing? Good. I am here to be the sanest of the three minds that inhabit this singular body. I am Geu-Roo. The element of my Dharma is Wood and that is why I have taken up that name. Even within the degeneracy and prosperity of Yang there must be the brief calms amongst the frenetic storms that Yang can often spin up into. Where the other two revel in the utmost degenerate pleasures and strive for a naïve ideal, I sit in the middle and allow our one soul to take a long moment of rest.

Moderation of extremes within one extreme may perplex those who have not walked my path... I assure you that we are not what you would call 'crazy.' The Hungry Dead are not humans and We have come to realize that it is about to time to embrace what Yang truly is... the study of Chaos.

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Bone Flowers: My siblings in Yin. The Bone Flowers are stoic and majestic in their own way. It is my job to pull them back from the edge of Death just as they hold me back from jumping the proverbial cliff.

Devil-Tigers: Putting on the mask of a Demon from Yomi is dangerous. See to it your soul remains pure...

Resplendent Cranes: Hannah and Sofie would have you think they are uptight bureaucrats and sexless legal scholars. They are but I won't tell them that. They are much too important to anger.

Thousand Whispers: Life after life, mask after mask... No appreciation for any one life. Throwing one away like underwear... very strange.


Kindred: The Gweilo Barbarians are far too numerous and entrenched in Prospect to do anything significant to them. Even if I wanted to, my duty is to watch and learn. Perhaps one or two will be smart and step off their heretical Humanity driven Dharma. I and my Wu will be here to show them their true natures.

Toreador: Sofie bluntly calls them the Clan of Bitches, I would call them the Clan of Thorns. They wear pretty dresses and say polite words but I would not trust one to speak secrets to another.

Shifters: The Sunset People, as the Hengyokai call them, are unknown to me. They probably exist in the city somewhere.

Hsien (Changelings): I have met one. She was rather polite and we made a bargain... Strange creatures.

Wraiths: The purview of the Bone Flowers. I may want too meet one to see what western death is like...

Demons: Western religion makes a mockery of all that is Right. God... Lucifer... Masks worn by an unknown Yama King desperate to bring about the Sixth Age!

Tradition Mages: The Lightning People are dangerous. They manipulate Chi and the world in strange ways. I call one my Sister.

Technocracy: The Stone People... They are elusive in both body and digital traces.

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Our Soul

Hannah - My younger sister in all ways. Her exploration of Yang is also my exploration.

Sofie - Ditzy and blunt but ultimately kind hearted.


Xiu - One might say that a Kuei-jin and Lightning Person shouldn't trust one another. I beg to differ. Xiu is a cherished family member of my Wu.

Levi- - Antagonistic, aloof and a gambler. Everything I would expect from a Dragon Sister.

People We Know

Io - One of the Clan of Thorns. She doesn't appear to be untrustworthy but caution is still required.

Madeline - The Kin-jin Primogen of the Clan of Thorns. Older than her looks suggest and keeps Us at arm's length... perhaps it should stay that way for now.

Vegard - The Kin-jin Imperator. Brazen, politically adept and a tyrant. He would have been a wise Ancestor if not for his selfishness and greed.

Silvana - A blood servant of the Kin-jin Imperator now. Once thought to be a potential ally but now is a cautious acquaintance now that she belongs to Vegard.

Sally Cho - She knows her place and understands why things are the way they are. Tradition was put there for a reason.

Zan - Who knew that a real dragon was actually as lusty and fun. Spicy Chi too.

Shinju - A Lightning Person that is very interesting. She is wily but ultimately trustworthy.

Mary - Zan's pet. I enjoy her company but do not understand their dynamic

Alicia - Someone who is very good to know. I can consider her my friend even if I am wary around her.

Tian - Instead of moderation, our former brother chose without thought. A shame that he did not talk with me first.

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Geu-Roo 1.jpg

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What You See

Full Name: Geu-Roo Nguyen

Apparent Age: Mid-tenties

Date of Birth: Unknown

Demeanor: Director

Occupation: Human Asset Managment

Affiliation: Looking for Employees

What You Don't See

Court: Planning the Name

Dharma: Dance of the Thrashing Dragon

Direction: Hungry Red Dragon (South)

P'o: The Gweilo

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RP Hooks
Front of the Curtain

Human Asset Management: Geu-Roo's occupation has a great deal of vagueness. She can be seen in the company of both low class and higher class people. For a 'donation' she can match you with someone for an event or evening.

Less Party, More Substance: Unlike her sisters, Geu-Roo much prefers wine to vodka and black tie events to clubs. Anywhere that wealth can be flaunted, she's likely to attend!

Yoga Enthusiast: Can be found in parks and other places where one might find a yoga class!

Charitable: One can see Geu-Roo occasionally giving to the homeless and hosting small local events to feed the local homeless and destitute.

Moderate: Unlike her Others, Geu-Roo is quiet and always watching with a smile on her face. Moderation, to a small extent, is key they say.

Traditional: Geu-Roo is a rather conservative woman. She will advocate for stability over the chaos of change.

Amateur Creator: Painting might an expression of the soul but that doesn't mean it's easy. Making candles is an artform but not everyone can do it. Geu-Roo is looking to find something she can call her own expression of her part of the soul. Would you like to show her something?

Behind the Curtain

Shen: One large community that works together to keep the Great Cycle from breaking... even if we fight amongst ourselves on the occasion. Do you bring peace or discord to Chinatown?

Western Supernatural: Western Supernaturals deserve respect. A wary respect but respect none-the-less. Geu-Roo is always looking to network with others.

Networker: Geu-Roo is always looking to exchange numbers and favors amongst the supernatural community. Willing to compromise in order to get what she feels is important.

Triatic Concerns: Geu-Roo smells like LOTS OF WYLD with only the hint of Wyrm taint.

Banality: Geu-Roo is seriously low in the Banality factor! (2!!!) Perhaps she is your next dreamer?

Yang Imbalance: The Chi of Life flows through this walking corpse. For all intent and purpose, she looks and feels human.

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