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The Unbirthday Party
Sark hosts a public party at Steamed and Hammered with an Alice in Wonderland 'Mad Hatter's Tea Party' theme. Chaos ensues.
IC Date September 10, 2023
IC Time Nighttime
Players Sark (Mad Hatter-Host), Stella (Alice), Eirlys (Black Queen), Steele (Cheshire Cat), Miranda (Queen of Hearts), Nyx, Leigh, Mikael, Ethan, Gregory
Location Steamed and Hammered, Main Restaurant
Spheres All - Public +event

Sark might have been in a back room getting his hat and wig straight when the first chimes of the door started going off, so when people start filing in and get greeted by the staff, SarkHatter has to hurry up to the front and scatter his gaze over multiple incoming people, chattering to himself, "OH, look, look, look, all of the people and places to sit them. And all of you are here for the party!"

Alice-Stella is around somewhere as well, toting her flamingo-mallet for a game of croquet; her blue dress is more an aesthetic than true to the classic. She curves a smile at Sark as he greets the arriving guests. Her flamingo-mallet has a handy zipper beneath it's beak. She makes her way over to SarkHatter and tells him that all the best people are 'bonkers', then she unzips her 'mallet' head and offers him a mood ring.

Gregory saw the formation of an open party, and decided it would be an interesting venue to check out. Pulling on a nice suit coat, and letting a chained pocketwatch hang casually from his finger, and a thick framed theater glasses to help the look. No rabbit ears though.

Cheshire Steele makes his way inside. He pauses at the door and holds out his hand and onto it flutters a rather large raven. The raven is handed onto Steele's shoulder and then the two enter together. He moves from in front of the door and then seeks out the host, but spots Stella first and he moves that way first of all.

Is Ethan at the wrong costume party, or just the right one? It would've been easy to just throw on a floppy In This Style 10/4 hat and call it a day. Too easy. Instead, he's opted for a paint-spattered white t-shirt, blue jeans, a yellow hard hat, and a leather toolbelt with a hammer and screwdriver. "This where the drinks are at?" he asks, addressing everyone in the room simultaneously. Like you do.

Mikael arrives with Gregory and glances around the room. He rocks back and forth on his heels then toes as if he is filled with energy. He is dressed in an Italian gray silk suit with a wine colored shirt and a long black jacket. His long blonde hair is left loose under a black tophat making him strongly reemble the Mad Hatter.

Eirlys is never one to miss out on hearing about allll the spicy happenings around town... and a party such as this is not one to miss! She's gone all out this time, walking into the place in her multi-layered black dress covered in bright and devilish sparkles. She can't help but grow a big grin across her reddened lips as she takes in the surroundings. `Ohhh my... the pictures I got weren't lying! This is gonna be -great-....` She mouths, mostly to herself, as she gauges around at the people. Glancing over at the... construction worker... she nods her head in agreement. `Yes, the drinks! There can be no good chaos without good drink!` Yep, she's playing into it.

Sark pauses when Alice-Stella approaches him, a bright smile on his face as he raises both brows. Accepting the ring from her with a chuckle and a wink, he lowers his voice, "Not as mad as we are all going to be at the end of this, I am sure of that, but thank you, my dear Alice." Spying a certain Cat slink his way inside, he shakes a finger in amusement at Cheshire Steele and lifts his voice a little, "And no vanishing this time when they bring you the check, you miscreant!"

After offering Sark-Hatter his mood ring and replying, "The drink-me's will help make the madness even more fantastical, Hatter", Alice-Stella (or Alistella!) begins greeting guests one by one with a charming smile and tossing random Alice quotes here and there (verbally) in her wake. She finds herself approaching ... damn ... CheshireSteele and simply stopping to admire the facets of his Look. "My my my my my..." the woman in the blue dress with the flamingo mallet says as she gazes at Steele. "As you say, if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Such wise words from such a large kitten." She lifts her mallet and offers a small purse of mood rings to him with a curiouser and curiouser smile. Will he take one?

Tian arrives by himself and is somewhat dressed for the steampunk theme. Tonight he wears a suit inspired by the theme with golden thread and inlay in all dark colors. The cut of the suit is also inspired by the theme which allows for him to somewhat fit the theme while not looking like he's in a costume if he's seen anywhere outside of this event. Looking around the interior of the tavern he gives a slight nod of approval.

Cheshire Steele winks at Sark as he gets fingershook at and he bows grandly to Stella. This makes the raven on his shoulder adjust his position a little bit. Steele rises up and smiles at her, showing off those little fangs. "How queer everything is to-day! And yesterday things went on just as usual. I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think: *was* I the same when I got up this morning?" he asks her, even managing something akin to an accent that the Cheshire cat has employed in one iteration or the other. "This..." He motions around at the party decor. "This is my wheelhouse." He offers a hand to shake to Sark. "Thank you for having me."

With all due pomp and circumstance, in walks the Red Queen. Her regal dress of red taffeta sweeps the ground, her crown site just perfectly on top of her head. She glides as she enters as if on the red carpet itself. Giving a head nod and offering a royal wave. "What a gathering! And all for such a wonderful occasion." Yes, it is Miranda and this all seems very fitting for the raven haired woman.

Gregory checks the themes and admires the menu. "Well, arrived much to early to be late." Giving the pocketwatch a flip and then landing it into his actual pocket. But at oeast the snicker snacks look delightful." taking a moment to admire the effort taken in decor and costumes. "Though I do feel mildly underdressed."

AliStella, while offering a mood ring to CheshireSteele, glances to Ethan with a capricious bit of a smile and points toward the bar, "Bring me something I wouldn't expect and I will endeavor to be oh-so charming in return." This to Ethan before Stella looks back to Cheshire Steele. Of -course- if she is bowed so grandly at, AliStella sinks into a curtsey while dipping her chin and then rises with a bright smile. "Very queer," she agrees enthusiastically, "I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then." She kind of steps on Steele's much superior grip on the tale and its dialogue, but it's in agreement! Shut up! She steps aside so Chesh-Steele can greet host Mad-Sark (no GoT references here, nope!).

Sark clasps hands with Cheshire Steele at the greeting, even bowing his head in an overdramatic fashion, "We always have more room at the tea table, especially for good friends." His attention seems rather fractured as he allows the Cat to continue on while he shifts his gaze to another guest, grinning brightly at the arrival of Mikael, looking the man over in amusement before nodding his approval, "Clearly the madness is spreading. I highly approve of this. Come in, come in, have a seat and some tea!" He's occassionally stopping to make sure the staff hand out the little riddleballs as they are given places to sit or menus to peruse what they might want.

When the Queen makes her way in, he straightens up a little and immediately steps up to offer his hand and a bow of his head, "Your majesty. We are very happy you chose to join us. We will, of course, be in need of your services later, as heads do need to roll, but until then, have a seat, enjoy something to eat and drink..."

Mikael smiles to Gregory as he eyes the menu, "Everhing looks delicious. It looks different than when I was last here, but then, of course, that was several years ago." He chuckles softly, "There seem to be no shortage of characters this eve and many more detailed than I."

Cheshire Steele takes the ring that Alistella offers and he slides it onto his pinkie of his right hand. "Thank you, Alice my dear," he says, then grins at Sark showing off those pretty damn realistic looking fangs. He can even talk around them. Cute little kitty fangs. "I won't keep you. I'm here mostly to support, to say goodbye and to hopefully not get so drunk I can't stand up." Miranda the queen gets a dip of the head and he folds his hands together in front of him to stroll about.

Another comes to join the festivities with click of boots that are lost amongst the noise pollution. While there's countless of stock characters throughout the known series, there's always those fan favourites that lead to duplications to occur. Hanging draped between lips is a small vape pen that is not turned on by the indication of the light, bouncing a little between the lips in an idle fashion. Emerald orbs flash out along the sea of unfamiliar faces gathered within the confines of the building before she's turning attention momentarily on the staff. Nyx extends hand out, fingers coming to clutch greedily at the riddleball placed in her hand as she suddenly has a near-child like spark to her eyes as she stares down at it. She begins to move further inwards, fingers fumbling with the clamshell as the Nyx-Cheshire weaves further through the crowd, attempting to not get the ending of partial bustle-skirted tail stepped on.

Sark watches people settling in and starting to interact, noting that the initial rush of people through the front door has subsided. He reaches up and pulls out a small microphone out of the headset he had hidden under his hat and pushes an activation button on the side. When he clears his throat, its been suddenly sent through the speaker system around the restaurant: "I will take this one moment to interrupt and then allow you all to return to the party. As you enjoy your afternoon, I will be accepting votes for the best costume, and the best portrayed character for the evening, and I have something nice for both of those individuals. Naturally, myself and Miss Stella cannot be eligible for either. Thank you." And then the microphone is tucked away and turned back off.

Eil glances over at all the new arrivals, including the grand red queen, eyes lighting up as the smirk grows on her face. `Ohhhh, all the cards come into place! There just needs be something to shuffle and scatter them into a proper game...`

And thus, she's off hunting the wonderful colored concoctions of the party, filling a glass and raising it where she stands. `May the sun not gaze upon us here, in this dark... may we revel and let our true feelings show... so says the forgotten queen... heheheheheh....` Of course, she's already chugging it. Not much the pompous royal stereotype, this card.

Miranda appreciates the words from Sark, and gives a royal bow of the head to Steele. "Good evening to you, sir. My your whiskers are looking neat and tidy this evening." She takes a moment to look around at everyone here and asks, "Where is the royal throne?" She awaits someone to pull out a seat for her, as the queen does not do that for herself.

Even as busy as it is the staff still get to Mikael and give him his riddleballs. He takes it with a bright smile.

AliStella lifts her head at the announcement to call out to not-so-far-away Sark-Hatter, "That's Alice-Stella. Purveyor of croquet and bearer of mood rings, Hatter." She then pipes down and admires the queen, curtseying again with a light pass of her hand over the back of her own neck. It's quite likely that her etiquette in regard to the royal presence isn't noticed, which seems fine with her. Eil's announcement catches at Stella's attention on her way after Ethan to retrieve some beverage. She stops to lift her 'mallet' to offer Eirlys a choice of mood rings if one is so desired. "The ring is not so much for me as it is for you -- so you can be well informed of your own mood. Good day or night or in between. I am Alice-Stella. I do not believe we have met. Is your name a secret, and if so will you tell me?"

Okay, this party is trending a good bit more thematic than Ethan was expecting, what with the speechifying. The outfits, now, he expected those. Grabbing a drink for himself and downing half of it right off the bat, he approaches Eirlys and gestures with the other half. "Hey, you're a queen, right? Me and my buddy ran out of oysters this morning, can you like have your guards round up some more? Or should I ask the other one?" The much more red, much more sober one.

Cheshire Steele shows the raven on his shoulder the mood ring and the raven pecks at it. Where's his? Steele sighs dramatically and slides the ring off his finger and offers it up to the bird who takes it in his beak and shifts it around a little bit, examining it. Steele takes one of the chairs as the queen demands her throne. He spins it around almost delicately, tipping it up on one leg to do so and offers a hand out to Miranda. "Your Grace."

Sark pauses by Tian and Nyx as they make their way in and look around, checking first to make sure they HAVE received their riddleballs before addressing each one, "Welcome to the party, my friends. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, we have ample seating at the bar where our master or tea and liquor can find SOMETHING that would settle your fancy. Do let me know if there is something we can do for either of you!"

Flashing a bright, almost unhinged smile, he laughs at Cheshire Steele answering the Queen's demand for a seat, and pauses to answer a concerned question from one of the waitstaff done up as the 2 of Hearts.

Gregory gives the Queen a well mannered bow as they cross paths, and as he makes it past, requests a stolen tart.

Tian accepts the riddle ball with a polite nod of his head in thanks to Sark. Looking at Nyx as she's addressed he gives her a smile. Looking around the space, he spots Miranda as she's addressed as your grace and gives a proper bow in her direction.

Mikael helps himself to a Toadstool and asked Gregory, "Would you care to share a Hatter's Tea Service with me?"

AliceStella turns from Eirlys to Ethan and pointedly looks at whatever he's drinking. "Mood ring?" She offers her upside down flamingo with the small pouch in its head currently filled with mood rings of various styles and sizes.

Gregory says, "That spunds marvelous, I'll pick us out a seat."

Gregory sits down at the Large Gear Table.

Black Queen Eirlys turns at the attention of AliStella, glancing over her closely as she hums to herself. `Ohhh dear Alice! So nice to meet you again, albeit in a different time, different life!` She reaches, examining one of the rings before slipping them on. `A wonderful gift, now the card's in one's heart shall be revealed.` She takes a looong sip, glancing away from Ali-Stella and flicking her dark hair back. `I'm afraid my name, nay, even my visage has been long forgotten... all the pages that contained it are rotten!`

Then, Ethan approaches her. Calling her a queen! `I'm afraid any power I once had has been lost, but the red, who still lays claim to a throne, could cover the cost~` she coos, stepping a bit closer as she sips her fruity beverage. `But why not have some drink with me before you go?`

Miranda steps over toward the chair the CheshireSteele offers and very gracefully takes a seat, fluffing out her skirt. "Very timely, sir. You shall keep your head tonight. Now, I need a drink!" She's in full queen mode tonight, her eyes falling upon the Black Queen and looking her over.

Mikael he makes his order. As he gets it he raises his cup to Sark, "Merci, a wonderful party Monsieur."

Sark bows his head at Mikael's compliment and smiles, "Everyone can enjoy celebrating their Unbirthday, we just havent before!" He's trying to keep up with the flux of people making their way around, passing behind Alice-Stella in the process and reaching out to rake a hand across her back in passing. His smile brightens for the Black Queen, lowering his voice as he offers her a bow of his head, "I was not expecting more royalty at the party, but I do hope you find our little tea service entertaining, my dear."

Ethan offers Eirlys a shrug, acquiring another glass of something-or-other and offering it to her. "A refill, Your Highness, but drink it slow." With his other hand, he pulls out the screwdriver and holds it upside down, speaking into the handle as if it was a microphone. "Note to self: Red, oysters, shell." Uh huh.

Wandering in after getting a text from her sibling, Hannah is stretching her arms out in front of her briefly before an elbow pops and she lets out a contented moan. "Now... where is that party animal..." Mumbling to herself as the clicks of her heels ring out from the floor.

In response to the Black Queen (Eirlys)'s attention, Alice-Stella answers, "The pleasure is mine, I'm quite certain; I've just misplaced it somewhere." She smiles brightly as a ring is taken and curtseys deep and abandons hopes of being brought an unusual beverage. She carries her bright pink flamingo-mallet over toward where Mikael and Gregory have chosen to seat and greets them brightly. "It's tea time somewhere." It's a little off script, but it amuses Alice-Stella if her expression is any indication. "Mood rings?" (She offers her pouch of them and tips her brows up with her query.) "Or perhaps some elixir for your tea?" A server passes by and Alice-Stella captures a riddle-ball in one hand to roll somewhere between Mikael and Gregory without warning. "It turns out that late is exactly on time. I'm Stella. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Tian waves to Hannah as he spots her entering the tavern. Slipping away from the corner he occupied he makes his way over to greet her. Speaking with her in their native language he motions to the others in costume as he explains what he's seen so far this evening.

Mikael gives a bright smile and a tip of his tophat to Alice=Stella, "Bonjoir, Mademoiselle!" He flourishes his hand towards the tea pot, "S'il te plaît, it would be an honor for you to join us. I would love to sample your elixir."

The Black Queen obliges, refilling Ethan's 'chalice' with haste. `Slow, fast, time is what you make of it! Never be afraid to dive deeper, dear~` She mumbles, red-violet eyes flicking over to the Sark-Hatter himself. `My, you look familiar... like the image of a dream long past. But do not worry about impressing me wtih the tea, this shall surely be a blast!` Oh, she's practically giggling now with her 'elixir', moving to a toadstool to sit upon and sample the toads and rabbits. `If only there were someone to dance with me, perhaps this lost queen would once again feel glee....`

Cheshire Steele grabs a drink for the Queen should someone pass with one and he hands it off to her. "Your Majesty," he says, handing it off, then he reachs up to scritch the raven on his shoulder and move toward.. somewhere.. out of the way. He does pause to speak with someone briefly and that big smile crosses his face again. Steele is social. Look at him be all charismatic and in character. The riddleball that he was given when he came in the door is rolled across the back of his fingers and around a couple of times in a small feat of dexterity.

There was a nod from Hannah as she is given the theme for the evening. "Oh that's snazzy. I wish you told me that in the text you dolt or I would have come in costume!" Smacking the man's shoulder lightly. "Never letting me have *fun*" Teasing the man with a small stick out of the tongue at Tian.

Gregory looks the elixer over for a moment."Oh, elixer sounds quite lovely. Mood ring?" as he reaches out to scoop up the ball. He tries to flip it between his fingers and almost fumbles, but manages to keep hold. "Quite lovely as well."

Nyx gives off a index finger to brow salute to the individual talking about finding space at the bar as the solo-ist simply heads towards the at direction. On arriving to find a stool, she reaches behind her to that bustle of skirt and tail awkwardly attempting to scoop it up as she takes a few seconds and a few tries before finding a manner of how to plop herself down onto the stool. She leans forward with the riddleball in hand, toying with it until finally it pops open. The top is discorded off onto the counter as she leans forward to peer at the inside. The lips curve into a heavy set frown as she reads the riddle as she murmurs beneath her breath, "Too easy."

Alice-Stella's green eyes light up a bit at the mingling of French in Mikael's greeting. Her response: "Then tell me, sir Anon Y. Mouse (sic), what do you prefer? Or would you like a surprise? If the latter, "Sweet, tart, fruit, or cream?" She means as an addition or chaser to the tea they've ordered, making the assumption that she'll be told if alcohol should be avoided. "I would enjoy a drink-me moment with two mysterious guests."

Miranda takes the offered drink and after a small sip, she nods, pleased. "Cheshire, perhaps I have unfairly treated you in the past. Your attentiveness is comendable." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her riddleball she received. "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" Miranda, the Red Queen giggles, "OH so simple. Does anyone else amongst the gathered Court here know the answer?"

Ethan offers Eirlys a quick nod. "Well, if I spot Prince Charming, I'll send him your way. Me, I only know how to dance in crowds." Which may not be an issue after a while, but the crowd hasn't gone quite that direction just yet. Instead, he lifts his newly full glass to draw the Red Queen's attention. "Both of them cost ten dollars extra for next-day shipping. Speaking of which, do you know where to get a good bulk deal on oysters? My friend's wasted away to a shell of his old self, he couldn't even haul out of bed to make it here, that's how bad it is."

Tian stands with Hannah and replies with the slightest of shrugs. "It took me a moment to realize what was going on." Pointing to a few of the other costumes he switches back to speaking in Korean as he motions between the red and black queens.

Shiny! Something suddenly brings Nyx's attention elsewhere as she drops the riddleball on the counter and abandons it. The woman weaves her way through the crowd quickly as she begins to rapidly press on the vape to get it fired up then vanishes out the door into the night.

Raven? THe raven on Steele's shoulder perks up and fluffs out his feathers a little bit. He is definiely a raven and not a writing desk. Steele turns back from where he is and calls to Miranda, "I could hardly afford to lose my head. I knew who I was this morning, but I have changed a few times since then." Then he swooshes his coattails out a bit and practically glides into a seat, not far from the booze, if one is to be honest.

Mikael gives Alice-Stella a deep nod of his head as he pours her a cuppa. He takes the offered Mood ring to slip on as he leisurely answers her question, a lilt of amusement in his voice, "Oh my dear cheri, a surprise of course, merci. And if you would not mind I would love to have a combination." He glances over to Niranda, "Because in French all the letters in Bureau are contained in Corbeau?"

Oooh, a riddle! The Black Queen perks up from her sudden 'sorrow', mood ring fading back to brightness as she turns to stare at her red counterpart. `I may have lost much, but for riddles there is always room for such! The raven is like a writing desk, oh queen of all that is red, because it produces a few notes!`

Mikael chuckles as he was obviously not at all certain of the answer he gave. He gives an elegent shrug of his shoulders and a smile to Miranda.

Looking about Hannah seems to accept the man's explanation before meandering slolwly towards the costumed group of party goer. Setlla in particular gets a small wave and a smile, Hannah recognizing her face. Eirlys's costume also has the Korean's attention with an almost child like wonder. Give her a grin. she walks up to her. "I *love* your costume."

Alice-Stella delivers shot glasses of what could be additives to Mikael and Gregory's tea or could be chasers -- except there are three shots of various unlabeled liquors and a blue (?) jello shot, after which she apologizes quite solemnly. "Either the kitchen is on fire or everything is perfectly as it should be. This may only be a drill. Or a hammer. Please check for rain and I'll be back to guard your necks from the Queen. And perhaps I will determine your names in the meanwhile." She rushes off while saying something about smoke signals, disappearing through one of the doors labeled Staff Only. (For what it's worth, there isn't even the slightest whiff of smoke or any strange sounds from the kitchen.)

Gregory ninbles his tartans takes his drink, far to amused at the antics of the hosts and their confidants. "I orefer a soldering iron if we're selecting tools."

Sark rumbles to himself as he glances over the room, pausing by the cake and presents to congratulate one of the earlier guests who comes up to the table with a correct solution to her riddle. A small present box is offered in return, opened to reveal one of the 'friendship' necklace sets of sword-in-Jabberwock head.

With that duty out of the way, even the Hatter has to stop at the bar to get himself a small beverage, murmuring his appreciation to the bartender in the process.

Mikael chuckles at Alice-Stells and takes the shot glasses, saluting one to her, "Merci and pardonne oui for not introducing myself to you. I am Mikael Rousseau. I shall wait for your return with bated breath?" He gives her a playful wink before begining on his drinks."

Black Queen Eil crosses her legs the other way, pushing up her night-sky-like veiled dress and giving Hannah a giant smile. Cheshire's still got her beat there, but it doesn't mean she won't try! `A beauty approaches the queen of all that is dark... you have my gratitude, I love your attitude. But, as I ask all who approach me, are you willing to reveal what's in your heart? None has yet agreed to dance out their passions in such an art~` She coos, downing what's left of her elixir with a wink.

Miranda ponders the riddle and then announces, "While answers given are probably acceptable, could be one answer. I, the Queen of Hearts, the Red Queen, I have decided the answer is this. Because Poe wrote on both of them!" There, finally decision.

The raven on Steele's shoulder hops around. HE still has that mood ring in his beak. He tucks it into Steele's carefully painted black and purple dreads and peckpeckpecks at it to keep it tangled there. Steele allows this to happen. He ponders a drink, but there are people over at the bar area so he waits.

There was a squint on Hannah's face as she tried to puzzle out the strange riddle of the strange woman. ""Blood, joy, sorrow and the spice of life." Figuring that might be an on theme answer.

Sark sidles his way up to the table Miranda and Steele are at, chuckling under his breath at her announcement of the riddle answer. With a wink and a bow of his head, he murmurs, "A fascinatingly unique answer, your Highness. But of course, we have a present for such an answer. I would recommend the strawberry lemonade to refresh yourself with and perhaps an order of the warm pig's bellies?" Waggling his brows, he's almost as quickly scooting on to another table.

Which happens to be Ethan and Gregory, holding out his hands in supplication as he bows to them, "If there is anything we can arrange to improve your tea experience, do let us know."

Mikael brings his hand together, chuckling as he bows his head to Miranda, "Wiser words than those of Solomon, Mademoiselle." He nods his head to Sark then, "Merci, Monsieur, everything is marvelous."

Gregory sips on the tea and salutes his host, "Oh, this is quite splendid, and an amazing repast.l

At Hannah's answer, the black queen -stares- for several moments... before standing suddenly to height and wrapping an arm around the woman's back, looking down at her with teeth gleaming. `An answer at one both profound and of the ground, sorrow and joy flow both as the blood of life! But be careful you do not speak too much of blood, or the queen of red will have your head!` Her eyes trail over to the other queen as she says this, but seeing as she's busy, they look back to Hannah. `My crown is all the pieces I have left... that and the night. But that has changed right here, right now, this night~`

Alice-Stella returns perhaps five or ten minutes after she disappeared, but through a door on the opposite side of the staff-only area of the establishment and scans the party, then slips through partygoers, tapping one or another gently and politely on the shoulder with a flamingo head-mallet to excuse herself and any number of other people who may or may not be fictional. Upon reaching the bar she orders a Sazerac and a Fireball, both 'exponential, if you please'. She offers the bartender a mood ring with an impish little smile, given that she tipped quite generously before the party began (it's true!), then she glances over her shoulder before pivoting around and moving not far from said bar, where Steele-plus-raven are seated and she rather deftly holds both drinks in one hand while sweeping her dress to one side to nimbly (but with zero permission!) take a seat on one of Steele's knees. "Dear Elusive Feline," she begins. Steele would be well within his rights to dump her right back off his knee. Offering up the two drinks, now with one in each hand she says, "Some peculiar moments require a very particular and peculiar elixir meant to be a scourge of fire, to reduce the partaker to ashes only to rise again and soar brilliantly. I offer you a scourge of Sazerac or of Fireball. Will you accept?" She holds one up: 'Scourge'; she holds the other up: 'Fire'. Alice-Stella moves the glasses around in her hands without ever exchanging them from hand to hand as if she were running a street card game, but far less deftly. She offers the faintest bit of a query-smile. To the raven, "Hello to -you-, handsome fellow. Though I can't decide which of you is handsome-r. Forgive my fickle judgment."

Mikael catches a movement in the corner of his eyes and shifts his eyes to see the Raven. His eyes look over the cheshire cat carefully and smiles brightly as recognition comes to him. He waits to catch Steele's eyes and gives him a nod of his head in greeting before his attention is captured by Alice=Stella's return.

Cheshire Steele smiles at Mikael. Then he is Stella-ed upon. He was just getting ready to chastise the raven for messing up his hair when Stella greets and sits. Rather than dump her, however, he places a hand on her back to make sure she doesn't tip herself over. He blinks at her a couple of times and then laughs. "Be careful of what you drink. All types of drink can affect your size and judgement. That said, dearest Alice, being that we are all mad here, surprise me." And he closes his eyes and holds out a hand to take whatever is offered. She should give him whatever drink she wishes.

The raven? He knows how handsome he is. He floofs himself up just a little bit.

"Well considering blood is the liquid of life, I am afraid that one can't limit how much red one has within them." Hannah retorts as she looks at the 'red queen' for a brief moment before rolling a shoulder and surveying the surrounding inhabitants of this fantasy party.

Gregory says, "An significant amount can come spurting out when one looses one's head."

Sark passes by Hannah as she talks with the Black Queen and even winks at the woman, "Hello again, my dear..." He does, however, seem to be on a mission as he approaches Miranda again and clears his throat, "Your Majesty. I am afraid to inform you we did indeed catch that thief you were looking for, and have determined he is full of something tasty..." With that said, he draws out a long, flat cake knife from his sleeve and offers it over to her with a bit of a flourish, nodding his head towards the cake, "If you would prefer to do the honors yourself. Otherwise I am sure one of the soldiers would do your bidding..."

Mikael is getting a bit bright eyed, The 'tea' seems to have him in quite the happy mood as he glances around then leans close to Gregory to whisper something to him.

Alice-Stella's smile warms as Cheshire Steele laughs. "You know, Cheshire Cat Steele, you are absolutely correct. I did not choose the correct initial beverage at all. You may keep your eyes closed or open them, I shall set these right here (because conveniently *poof* there has been a table there the whole time upon which she sets those two perfectly apt drinks) and retrieve you the drink that better suits the moment. Do not give away my knee, I beg of you." And back up Stella stands, swishes back around and over to the bar to lean across it a bit. The bartender arches a brow and then nods. Quite a few different liquors are put together for this drink -- of which two are made. Tequila, vodka, rum, gin, blue curacao and some mixers. It's about the color of her dress. Two large glasses, even. Once more she offers her gratitude, once more she checks behind herself, and she swings around to Steele, offering him the glass before using her now free hand (her other hand is holding an identically bright blue cocktail). "It's in poor taste, but sometimes tawdry is just the thing," is 'Alice's prelude. Stella both toasts and says the cocktail name at the same time, after which she will touch her glass to Cheshire Steele's and drink if and when he does. Alice Stella simply says, "Adios Motherfucker." Oh no, Alice! But it does, at least, match her dress.

Miranda takes the offered cake knife and rises to her feet. She raises the knife up and looks toward Hannah and then to the cake. "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" She shouts loudly before going up to the cake and with one swift movement, the head of the Knave of Hearts... cake... goes rolling off the cake and plops onto the table on the plate waiting for it. She then uses a finger to wipe the frosting from the knife and slowly licks it off her finger- enjoying it. "Now... does anyone want a piece of Knave? Or should more heads roll!?!"

Ethan has been absently drifting around the party for a little while, eventually approaching Hannah. "He's got a point," he offers, gesturing toward Gregory. "I mean you /can/ get the red out, but that makes it harder to get anything else done afterward." Then he perks up again as the executions get started. "Does it have mint frosting?"

Sark gives a little nod to one of the soldierstaff to make sure hte pre-arranged plates are brought around. The cake itself is a simple frosted chocolate that has been layered with red cherry syrup so when that head is cut off, it DOES kinda make the knife look a little bit more like a murder instrument. Little squares of decapitated Knave will promptly be offered to anyone that wishes to accept them.

"If you don't know where you're going, dear Alice, then any road will get you there." He keeps his eyes closed and he puts his hands on his knees to protect her seat for her. He takes the drink when it's offered, eyes still closed. When she clinks her glass to his, he opens his eyes and laughs at the name. "Adios Motherfucker," he agrees and has a nice, healthy swig and once more supports Stella on his knee with a hand. (If she sat down again, that is)

Black Queen Eil glances between the raven and the cheshire upon which he sits, leaving Hannah to face the red queen's wrath if she so desires. `Oh, I must say I am privy to the visage of the raven... their feathered coat is simply unbeatable, even my dress pales in comparison~` she coos before walking over to get whatever other magical elixir is being offered.

Then, however, the Red Queen truly comes out! Her eyes are drawn back before she approaches the great beheaded card-cake. `Oh great Queen of the Red, how 'kind' of you to give us his head. But my my, look, his insides are black -and- red! Truly, this night was in the cards for us!`

Having never seen Alice in Wonderland, Hannah just squints as the 'red queen' starts random shouting at a cake and making such a spectacle of cutting off 'a head.' A brow is raised as the Korean just stands there watching the strangeness while basking in the vibes of it all. "What did a cake do? I am very confused on whats going on..."

Alice-Stella most certainly did re-take her seat. And she will clink her glass to Steele's and then take a rather healthy drink of the rather unhealthy looking drink. She blinks a few times - after that drink - in quick succession and then smiles once more at Steele. She speaks far more quietly after she recovers from that first healthy-unhealthy drink and she quotes low in response, "When you can't look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark --" Then Stella adds. "-- if you would like the company."

Mikael watches and makes a little chopping motion with his glass as Miranda cuts the cake. He then downs the last of the 'tea' and grins.

Ethan leans over and helpfully explains the situation to Hannah. "Oh, see, he was part of the court, then he stole the royal dessert tray and ran off with some tart. It's a whole /thing/. So, yeah, abuse of power time."

Miranda laughs as the Black Queen speaks to her. "There cannot be Red without Black. They are two sides of the coin. And in the case of the Knave, very delicious." Slurp! "Everyone - you MUST eat CAKE!" She grins to Ethan, "No mint. Just delicious blood cherry and chocolate Knave."

Cheshire Steele makes a little aaaaah sound at the first slug of his drink, then tips it back and finishes it off. It might well take several long drinks to do it, but he's up for the challenge. He sets his drink down and grabs the other two sitting there and offers .... hmmmmm.. the fire one.. to Stella. He downs his dream and whispers something to her and then he peeks downward and opens up the breast pocket on his coat, letting her peek inside. He has a faint smirk on his lips though as he looks back up at her for her reaction

This explanation from Ethan only confuses Hannah more! "Oh... so it's within the theme of what ever characters everyone is playing then..." Taking a stab in the dark with a guess but is otherwise enjoying the confusing display!

Gregory politely gets slices of cake for his table, wide eyes taking in the crazy of the night as they banter back and forth

Sark even pauses long enough to get a small piece of cake for himself (I mean, he's been on his feet the whole thing, gotta get some suger into you, right?), so at least noone has to worry about the Hatter poisoning the cake! Of course, it doesn't take him long to wolf it down and set the plate aside before he's back to flitting around, leaning in close to murmur a thank you into the Red Queen's ear as he moves around.

The Black Queen nods to the Red's words. `Wise and impasioned as always... now, time to eat and celebrate all days!` Then, she's taking her own biig slice of that cake, sitting opposite to stuff her face with the 'blood' and 'flesh' of the knave. She glances over at the Hatter once more as she's near finishing. `I do not think anyone could have made this a more madly wonderous time, dear Hatter. I am pleased to have re-made your acquaintice~`

Alice-Stella brought two of the same drink on her second 'try' on purpose. So she drinks down her drink at a speed meant to match Steele's, though her eyes are a little wide once she's finished. "For a few minutes, I am going to pretend that THAT was all it might take." Her voice is a tiny bit rough from the sheer-amount-of-hard-liquor she just consumed. Fortunately, she's sitting down. Stella accepts the fireball which leaves the Sazerac for Cheshire-Steele. She clearly decided she was going to keep up with Steele, at least as long as she was occupying his knee as a seat. So she downs her drink while the Cheshire with dreads downs his second. Stella leans forward, using her free hand on Steele's other knee to balance herself and peeks into his suit pocket. "Well hello there, Templeton," Alice-Stella murmurs under her breath. Then she asks Steele something with an appropriately curiouser expression. She finally looks up at him.

Sark slows himself to a stop when the Black Queen addresses him. A warmer smile spreads across his face and he offers her a slow, respectful bow from the waist, "You honor me with your praise, your Majesty. I hope this means we will see you again here often...we will endeavor to make each visit better than the last for you, certainly." With that said, he actually stops for a moment to lean on the back of one chair while surveying the slowly subsiding chaos that is the main restaurant.

Cheshire Steele grins at Stella's reaction and the raven on his shoulder walks from his shoulder to Stella's. She's probably prettier anyway. The raven perches on Stella's head and will easily move wherever he needs to if she moves. THere is more quiet conversation and Steele's grinning broadly, at least so long as Stella has his knee occupied

Mikael stares at the cake that Gregory places in front of him and then turns his head to give him a big smile, "Merci, mon ami, how very kind of you to think of me..." Obviously those elixers and the 'tea' have him just a bit loopy.

Ethan waggles a hand in the air. "Pretty much. Most of them." Only about half the people are talking like they have scriptwriters. "Here, you get a drink yet?" he adds, offering her a glass. What's in it? Who knows, but it's been right out in the open all this time, at least.

"Mystery drinks *and* I am forced to eat some cake?" Hannah say with a widening grin upon her lips. "What ever shall I do in this Kingdom of Fun~" She purrs out as Hannah goes for a piece of the dead knave for her and Ethan. For she must repay him for his small bit of help, right?! "Drink until I cannot walk and eat until I am bursting or the food is gone!"

Tian places a cigarette between his lips and motions to Hannah that he'll be outside. Giving a polite bow to the others gathered he slips out the door to smoke out in the cool night air.

Anyone who is well-acquainted with pre-Alice Stella is quite aware that she will walk through busy traffic to meet a creature of most any kind. Thus, when the raven on Steele's shoulder shifts over to her shoulder and then honors her by giving her a black, living, feathery crown, the quickly-passing-tipsy Alice-Stella looks decidedly delighted. She continues her low-toned conversation with Steele, but a bemused-startled 'coffee?!' is audible amidst that.

Miranda offers, "Do beware - the cake at least does not bear the sign that says 'Eat Me' - but we shall see if it has the same effects it had on Alice during her trip to Wonderland." She gives a plate filled with it to Hannah. "Do know, we do not allow anyone that is a mile-high to remain inside the building."

Ethan makes a face at this latest pronouncement. "Oh man, she's not kidding, either. Had to knock down a wall just to get her out, it was /not/ pretty. Make sure you finish your drink first, that'll take the edge off."

Stella exclaims coffee? Steele nods and there is more quiet whispering and peeking down into his pocket while the Raven sits on Stella's head and also peeks, but occcasionally pecks Steele on the top of the head.

`Alice honoring the bird of black? My respect has grown!` Black Queen Eil exclaims, head tilting back with her drinking. The smearing mascara is beginning to make her look postively deranged! But, she turns once more to Hannah, offering some advice. `Do not worry, this cake is not one you a giant will make. But, if it were to be so, I'm sure a vial labelled 'drink me' would show. Just ask Alice dear!`

Hannah's face scrunches to references that do not register in her head. "Mile high?" Hannah repeats trying to pose it out. "Why would you need to bust down a wall to throw out someone who got too drunk?" Clearly not getting it.

Sark grins a little to himself as he sees Alice and the Cheshire Cat and the Raven getting along famously. To the Black Queen's comment, he odes offer Hanna and Ethan a bow of his head, "We can absolutely make you any concoction you might be in the mood for, and maybe one or two you weren't!"

Alice-Stella sits up straight on her perch on Cheshire Steele's knee where she was, for some reason, peering into his pocket-square pocket and asking questions, or so it appeared. She heard 'her name'. Turning her head a little too quickly (but not so quick as to unseat the raven atop her head) but eventually she focuses on Black Queen Eil. "It is the bird of black who honors me, your majesty." That's right. Definitely ask Alice! "'Eat me' and 'Drink me' do tend to show up together in the beginning. Or if one's companion is being particularly ... companionable." Someone cut Alice off. Or! On the other hand, don't. Could be interesting.

Cheshire Steele drank just as much as Alicestella just did, but he easily outweighs her 80 pounds or so, so when she moves a little too fast, he makes sure she doesn't topple over by putting a hand on her knee just for the duration until she's steady. The bird of black? That'd be the one now sitting on Stella's head who floofs up his feathers and makes himself big and fluffy and gorgeous even more so than he already is

Mikael nibbles at his cake as he watches the 'show' going on around him, smiling the entire time.

Leigh wanders into the tavern, looking down at her phone. She's tilts her head to one side and then looks around with some curiosity. "Huh..." She then gasps as a revelation hits her blonde head. "Oh! I /have/ been here before." She giggles at herself. She then looks around, trying to get an idea of what's going on. A tea party? Well, a party is always a good thing. She's handed one of those balls. She then blinks and looks at the attendant, "Wait, I didn't know there was going to be a quiz!" Her shoulders drop, "I didn't study." She then mutters, "My study buddy will never let me hear the end of this." She then says to the attendant, "What's the world coming to where you have to study to go to a party?" She purses her lips and then ducks over to one side so that she can 'take her quiz'.

Ethan shakes his head. "Not too drunk, too /big/." He starts to gesture with his hands, then shakes his head again and lifts one way toward the ceiling instead. "Well, probably both. Oh, hey, look who made it!" he adds, pointing toward the entrance. He'd recognize /that/ voice from a mile off.

Sark turns his attention towards the new arrival, sizing Leigh up and smiling a little more. When she scoots off to the side to study her riddleball, SarkHatter approaches with a piece of cake on a plate with a fork and offers it to her, "To inspire your mental efforts, my dear. The bar is also open should you need a drink!"

Alice-Stella returns to a strangely intent conversation with Steele and living raven-crown, glancing down and back up again. The very last of it is audible, though not loud. "... if you will forgive me presuming to say so,"

Miranda has her own piece of cake - with the beheading knife still in her hand. "Anyone that does not eat cake will lose their head!" She has a wicked grin as she raises the knife up above her head, showing off the red cherry syrup from the cake still on it - with a bit of chocolate too.

"Oh!" When Ethan clarifies things for her, Hannah looks like that *should* have been obvious. Taking the drink that's handed to her and taking a large swig of it and eating some of her cake. "I feel kind of dumb for not seeing that..." Then Leigh is spotted and if/when she looks up from her 'surprise quiz' Hannah would wave her over.

Mikael hears Miranda and raises the fork currently in his hand, "I am eating mine, Your Highness."

Gregory delicately takes a scoop of icing with his fork, apparently eating the cake and icing seperately

The raven is slightly confused by Stella's head motion, so he just digs in to hold onto her hair and leans forward, peering at her upside down, ala Spiderman and Mary Jane. He even makes kissy noises. Steele rolls his eyes at the bird. The bird gets all the pretty ladies.

Leigh looks up when someone offers her cake. She is cordial and polite, accepting the cake. "Oh, thanks, but..." She tilts her head, "I have to watch my carbs." She rolls her eyes, "The Sisters have like this thing we have to do to make sure we don't turn into whales or anything." She looks at the cake again, "But it does look good. I bet that icing is real icing and not that fake whipped icing that tastes like imaginary icing." She sighs, "Well, I might eat a bite or two." She then grins to Sark, "Oh, but um... yea, I don't try to drink too much. I find that being dizzy doesn't really help with thinking all that much." She then stage whispers, "And I'm told that the whole thinking thing is not my strong suit." And then with that, she does look over and notice Ethan. She rolls her fingers to him, "You didn't tell me that there was going to be a QUIZ!" She points down to the riddle ball. She sighs quietly as she looks down at it.

`Awww come now, my dear, do not worry worry worry so much. The red queen says you eat, and the black says you drink!` Black Queen Eil says, gesturing to the new arrival as she's visibly slumping back in her chair. `And it is not a quizzical thing, it is a riddle--a thing of the heart. Blank your mind and answer from within, and you'll find that missing part~`

Sark laughs at Leigh's answers and nods, leaving the cake where she can get to it with a wink, "Just make sure the Queen knows you tried it and we're good. As for the quiz, I have it on good authority that anyone confident in their answer, will still be getting a prize." With that said, he clasps his hands behind his back and spins away to approach the Red Queen, where he subtly offers to take the murder weapon away from her, offering her a replacement drink in the process.

Ethan looks to Leigh and shakes his head. "I couldn't, they would've reported me!" You know. /They/. "Besides, it's one of those 'there are no wrong answers' things, like in those Mississippi schools. Hey, what should she have to drink to go with the cake?" he adds, looking back to Hannah for a moment.

Mikael looks down at his empty glass as the Black Queen speaks of drink, "O cher

Mikael looks down at his empty glass as the Black Queen speaks of drink, "O cher, I have no more drink." He reaches over to see if there is more tea in the pot.

"Something with a kick." Hannah suggest to Ethan as she looks between every one around. "Yea... definitely something with a kick. Leigh deserves to have some fun."

Leigh can't help but make a face as she listens to the advice given. "Blank my mind and answer from within?" She tilts her head, "Well, having a blank mind should be easy for me." She furrows her brow, and starts to read the 'riddle' that she got.

Dreamign apples on a wall, And dreaming often, dear, I dream that, if I counted all, -- How many would appear?

Leigh exhales, looking as if she really has no clue to any of this. She finds herself taking a bite of the cake. "Hm..."

Miranda puts down her plate and finishes off her drink. "I do declare! The Knave was a scoundrel but quite delicious! Now let's find out whom has been painting the roses red and it will be off with their heads as well!" She looks toward Hannah, "Was it you?" She laughs and then begins to leave. "What a wonderful party! We shall have to do this again!" With that, the queen has left the building.

Gregory swirls the last little bit of his own tea and drinks it. "Excellent drink, and excellent company, But I think I may be late for a very important date. But then again, aren't I always?"

Mikael loos at Gregory and frowns slightly, "Are not you always the 'party-poopster, mon ami? Must we leave such a marvelous event before I receieve my scarf?"