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03.05.23 Ends and Odds at Madd Mods
Erin and Trent talk about trouble, and her KEWL SHOP, and learning.
IC Date 03.05.23
Players Erin, Trey
Location Madd Mods
Spheres Bastet Changeling

Madd Mods - The Shop

The main room is one that would put any regular car shop/machine shop to shame with top of the line hoists and other gear that makes life easy to diagnose trouble with any machines, car or otherwise. The left half of the shop is taken up by the two car pits, lifts and the garages that would allow vehicles to drive in and lifted to work on, not to mention kept nice and clean against oil spills or other liquid mishaps form the main floor. Work benches ring the entire left wall past these and were most all the tools are set or are pegged up out of the way, each having its own place and organized really well. A couple mobile tool lockers fill out most of the rest of that side of Madd Mods. The other half is where things change as there is a small, but fully functional forge and a small, but very high tech metal stamper. This along with the metal working tools and other things that help to bend and shape metal into all sorts of objects can be found there. The temperature of the place even in the winter is close to 80 degrees here and only rises closer to a hundred the closer one gets to the forge. The back has the register on a desk, with important metal filing cabinets with the more recent receipts and other project plans in them. A desk sits further back not to large, but a beautiful mahogany finished wood structure that is sturdy and has a very modern laptop sitting in front of the nice leather chair. On the right wall behind the desk before one gets to the office, a calendar from the Albert Pike Tire shop is pinned up with a cellophane dart board over it. Numerous holes punctuate its surface and all six darts are currently stuck into the calendar dart board here and there. A pass time now and again to toss the darts at after a slightly belligerent run in while Maddox was looking around the local garages.

Cornucopia of colors roam around the place, where one would see high tech paradise in for the reality, the Dreaming side of the place tells an entirely different story. Here and there where one would think that machines were plugged into the city grid it is really powered by FUBARs as a power source, the multi-colored things also known as Will o Wisps happily chug away at keeping the machines working and the whole shop off the electric grid. There are also chimerical sconces that hold FUBARs in a holding ring, providing light for those that see the dreaming, hanging from the roof also, it gives the room a kind of older, more Victorian feel as the wood benches and other things seem to look a bit classier. It should be such, as Madtop was a proponent of FUBARs and how they could benefit the Fae all over. A clean feasible power source that unless one turns into a Glitch works at an efficiency that no other form of power resource can match. It shows in how the machinery has little effect on attracting things from the dreaming and how what he creates can comingle in such a way. It is this balance of technology and chimerical things that finds pixies and other full dreaming chimerical things coming around to look and make the place much friendlier for the Fae overall.

Erin is here working behind the counter. The baby is a swing in the moment. There is music playing as one car is being worked on at the hanger. The silly house cat is sleeping in a chair.

Trey saunters in, his knapsack over his shoulder like usual, seeming to have been out walking about as he often does. "Oh, hi, was hoping I'd catch you here since I was in the area," he says, waving to Erin.

Erin looks over at you and smiles "Welcome welcome.. Make yourself comfortable" she moves from behind the counter checking on the baby who seems to be falling asleep as she comes to meet you.

Trey picks a good spot to lean as she approaches, smiling. "Not catching you at a bad time, am I? I was just visiting a friend who had some homegrown catnip so I'm walking that off now..." Yes, someone got the cat stoned.

Erin oooos and winces "Oh dear, are you ok?" she asks as she nods "Need some coffee or something?" she gestures to the waiting area with all the chairs "I have donuts and popcorn if you want" she offers.

You say, “Ooooh, coffee. And... I'd take a donut. I think I have munchies. I already stopped for fish n' chips but I think I need more carbs. *Carbs* -- a predator needing carbs!" He laughs, though, clearly amused by the whole thing. "Thank you!"”

Erin gives a little giggle "Sure thing" she heads over to fix you up a cup of coffee as she has a Keurig. "Cream and sugar?" she asks and as that fills she brings the box of donuts so you can pick some out.

Trey shakes his head. "Just black is good. Thanks!" He picks out two donuts, a jelly and a Boston creme, and looks eager. "I am convinced most humans are weird," he says without preface, biting into the jelly donut and neatly licking the rivulet of red jelly before it gets on his shirt. "Or at least, that a lot of them need to learn not to jump to conclusions. I keep seeing people getting angry at each other over... just, misunderstandings."

Erin gets your coffee and lots of napkins. She waves to the person working and seems to dismiss them for now. She looks at you "What happen?" she asks curiously as she comes to sit down next to you.

Trey just shakes his head. "Oh, just, one friend of mine and another friend of mine seem to be at one another a lot, and... it would just be easier if they would just say flat out what was needed. Say 'I don't feel like you respect me.' Or say 'your words are hurtful,' or something. Just... instead, people get hurt and angry instead of having productive conversations. You know?" Another large bite of the donut follows, along with a swallow from the coffee. The napkins, he tucks into his palm to catch the crumbs.

Erin looks thoughtful and nods before she asks "yeah people are odd.. they like to beat around the bush instead of just saying what they think or feel.. But then sometimes when you tell people how you feel or how you think then it doesn't always make it better.. Emotions are stupid sometimes" she wrinkles her nose.

Trey offers her a wry smile and finishes the donut in another huge bite, somehow not managing to look like a complete pig despite it. Only when he has chewed and swallowed does he reply, "It's harder when you're not used to them at all. They get really confusing. Especially the weird emotions like shame. I don't feel that one too often, unless I really screw up. But yeah. I'm glad there are formal challenges among my Folk, and the other shifters, or we'd kill one another."

Erin reaches out and places her hand on your arm and nods "I wish I could tell you that your emotions will get better, but they don't.. And as you meet people put yourself out there they really really take you on a roller coaster... I wish there was a way to be prepare for them but really there is not, there is no way to really prepare.. But the light in the tunnel is that it always gets better, we learn and knowing you have friends that you can talk too and that will hold you when you need it" she nodsnods

Trey nods sagely, taking a swallow of the coffee along with her sincere words. "I'll be okay if they don't get better, so long as maybe I understand them better. I mean, getting used to caring about other people's happiness is something I had to learn. Once I did, I realized I really *like* people. Even if they make each other crazy sometimes."

Erin nodsnods "Caring about people is good.. " she smiles "And you have friends that care about you too" she nodsnods.

Trey smiles at that, and pats her shoulder lightly. "I know. And I'm lucky for that. I'm not entirely used to it, but it's a good kind of getting-used-to-it, you know?" He takes a more manageable bite of the Boston creme donut, chuckling as he licks the chocolate off his mouth. "I really do appreciate all the time you spend explaining things to me."

Erin smiles softly "Well I know how hard it can be and if i can help then I rather help where I can" she nodsnods " Also if you eat it where the hole is less mess." she gestures to the donut and smiles.

Trey nods. "Well, at some point, I'll have to teach younger cats, and these'll be good lessons to bring to them as well." He considers her advice on the donut, and tries her suggestion. Less messy, imagine that! "But it'll be a while before I'm a Kuasha -- a teacher. First I need to be ranked higher to be trusted with a kitten's education."

Erin nodsnods "It will come a lot faster than you know, trust me on that. I am sure you will be a great teacher" she smiles.

Trey grins. "I hope so. But time will tell. I've been learning a lot lately, and that's the first part of it... just starting at Rank 1 means a LOT of it. Most of us don't really consider someone an adult until Rank 2." He looks sheepish, and shrugs, making short work of the donut. "Some of my kin back East made noises about me coming back, and I don't want to."

Erin nodsnods "Well you have to learn to grow and all that" she tilts her head "to coming back? well you haven't learn or ranked so you can't go back yet.. You were sent here so have to figure out why you were sent here first before you can do that" she ndosnods.

Trey nods again, and says, "Plus, honestly, I can't teach the young ones and I have a lot to learn, so it would make no sense to go back. I like it here, I've found a place here, and I'm delving into all the truths as best I can. But rank... will take time." And secrets.

Erin is really really good at secrets, she knows a lot of them as she nodsnods "it will take time yes.. And that's ok like having you around so like there is that" she winks and gives you a nudge.

Trey nudges back gently and drains a swallow off his coffee, commenting, "Oh, I'll bet. You seem to know half the city, too. You always find people you know wherever you go." He grins. "That's a good thing."

Erin blinks "who me? Nah I .." she looks thoughtful "Well I've been in the city a while now" she nodsnods.

Trey nods. "It's easy to tell. You said like a decade the other night, right? At least, I thought so?" He offers a wry smile. "I haven't even been alive that long. It's a good thing I learn fast, huh?"

Erin looks at you "your that young? holy smokes" she nodsnods "yes it's good that you learn fast.. yeah I think it's been a decade or so.. Though I don't tend to go out as much as I use too and stick kinda more into family areas than the public cuz fucking trouble tends to follow me." she glances to the sleeping baby then back to you.

Trey smiles ruefully. "I'm six this year," he tells her, "But once we shift for the first time, we learn really quickly. We kind of have to. But from here I'll live a human lifespan, not a Lynx's, so I have lots of decades ahead." He huhs and says, "Trouble? What kind? I mean, if you're in any danger... well, I can't do a huge amount without shifting, but... yeah."

Erin smiles "Well all kinds of trouble tends to find me.. So I have avoiding going out to places and honestly with the baby going clubbing isn't a thing anymore and a husband don't forget the husband" she giggles "Thank you. I appreciate that you will help if I was in danger" she smiles.

Trey laughs. "No, I guess you're not going to go clubbing, but there's still restaurants, which you do, and other stuff. And like you said, the husband. but of course, I would help, you're my friend. I wouldn't let you be harmed if I could prevent it." He exhales and says, "I might need to go looking for danger to impress the spirits."

Erin nods "Be really careful when you look for danger.. Sten said that you can go out with him on patrol so there is that" she smiles.

Trey nods slowly. "And I'll do my best to help. I can heal, also, so if anyone's harmed and no theurge is handy, I can deal with the problem. But I won't go looking for big danger. Maybe some medium-sized danger. Small danger doesn't impress anyone. The patrols are going to be a help, too, in helping me be a better combatant."

Erin nods "Do be really careful when you look for trouble. They get really mad if you get anyone hurt or yourself so.. be careful" she warns and then tilts her head "That's good that you can heal" she nodsnods.

Trey smiles. "I will, I promise. I like myself in one piece, too. Plus, I'm a tricky cat, I prefer being sneaky to being direct when it comes to danger."

Erin sagely nodsnods "I like being sneaky.. Kringer and I tend to be very sneaky" she gestures to the house size cat who peeks but then goes back to slumbering lazy cat.

Trey grins. "Sneaky means being able to strike without being caught, if you're good and lucky." He looks over at Kringer and notes, "And of course you have a *cat* to do the sneaky stuff with..." He beams brightly, and then begins to walk a little, pacing around the space to go look at the car lifts.

Erin smiles "yes sneaky is fun.. I am very good with a bow and arrow.. Talk about really sneaky" she giggles.

Trey blinks. "You are? I've been wanting to learn, I had no idea you were an archer. I wanted to learn that because I'm kind of small compared to most shifters but that would let me use my speed to good effect."

Erin nods "If you want I can teach you how to use one if you would like"

Trey nods agreement, saying, "Definitely, at least the basics. I can practice some at the caern, in the patrol area. But learning at least the basics would be great!"

Erin nodsnods "Just let me know when you have time and we can learn the basics" she smiles.

Trey says, "Absolutely. Whenever you can spare the time, I'm game!" He stops and looks up at the car on the riser from underneath -- not touching anything, just curious what they look like from underneath. "This is kind of neat," he says, checking it out.

Erin peeks at the baby and then looks over at you and nods "yes, I find all of this very fascinating and fun" she grins.

Trey says, "I may never figure it out to any real detail, but the idea that all of this makes it go is interesting. I mean, I make enchantments, so I understand to some degree how to make something do something, but it's different, you don't even need magic to make a car go."

Erin nods "True not real magic" she smiles "But you do need gas and mechanics to make it all go" she giggles.

Trey nods at that, and says, "Yeah, but you don't need to speak arcane words and find gems that resonate with the right energy and... well, actually, maybe you do, in a sense."

Erin smiles "Well for normal stuff, no, but for other stuff.. in a way yes" she nodsnods "But it's pretty cool right"

Trey nods agreement, finally coming out from under the car. "It is, in its own way. A lot of things are cooler than most of us in the family, as they say, want to admit." He chuckles. "Not all of the Weaver's creations are bad."

Erin smiles and nodsnods "yes that's what I say but some will have none of it" she gestures "I am actually off the grid for the most part" she points to the fubars "They keep my shop in power.. So I can run the big machine without bringing suspicion"

Trey says, "The very Laws by which we live are a Weaver creation. Languages. Hell, *memory* is a Weaver creation. So is learning." He shrugs and smiles sheepishly. "I tend to keep those thoughts to myself, though." He comes over to look at the chimerical engines and huhs. "I was wondering how much of your power came through those."

Erin smiles "I would run my entire shop off it but have to not let people become suspicious you know secrets and all"

Trey uh-huhs. "Yeah, you have to consume *some* power or the wrong people start asking too many questions, and that's the last thing we want or need." He chews his lower lip and paces a little, thinking. "You've got a lot of secrets to keep. Like me."

Erin looks thoughtful and nodsnods "I do.. sometimes secrets just fall into my lap and I can't help it" she grins "you will find secrets trust me"

Trey grins. "Oh, I do a pretty good job of finding them, but it's a question of whether someone else beat me to finding them." He begins to examine tools on the bench -- not touching, just looking. "But even if someone did, I still learn something new, so it's not a loss."

Erin smiles "It doesn't matter if someone beat you to one or not.. is the fact that you learned it and can keep it that matters" she nodsnods.

Trey nodnods. "Keeping it is important too -- at least, unless it's something that's going to be worse kept secret than shared. If it's something that's going to endanger our people or... your people, or *our* other people... if you follow me?.. I'm going to tell someone who can do something, if I can't."

Erin nodsnods "Just be careful who you share your secrets too.. Sometimes your best intentions might be taken wrong and it can cause you more trouble than you could even imagine" she sighs "Just be careful"

Trey studies her for a moment, a pensive expression on his face. "I'm always careful about that. But it sounds like you speak from experience, here." He pauses. "I will be careful, I promise."

Erin gives a nod "Some experience, just be careful is all" She smiles softly "But as you can see I have lots of stuff and you are always welcome to use it"

You say, “Bad experiences," he concludes, judging from her hesitance. "But I won't press. Your secrets are yours to hold. Thank you, again, You've been so kind to me.”

Erin smiles at you and sticks her tongue out at you "so what are you doing tomorrow?"

Trey shakes his head. "Morning patrol, I think, but after that, nothing specific." He quirks a smile and asks, "Do you have time to teach then?"

Erin smiles and nods "I can find the time yes to teach you" she smiles.

"Wonderful, that would be really great. Should I come here or somewhere else?" He smiles warmly, grateful as always.

Erin smiles "Meet you at Sunhome?" she smiles at you.