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Revision as of 17:26, 2 March 2023

03.02.23 I Am a Toaster.
Erin and Trey run into one another again at Sunhome.
IC Date 03.02.23
Players Erin, Trey
Location Sunhome
Spheres Bastet, Changeling, Sorcerer



This sign is clearly visible in the common area.

This vast community covers a large expanse of land and looks like something out of Fallout or Mad Max, except for the shiny state of the art solar panels that cover every building. The most prominent is the two story Main House. A second, smaller Guest House sits a few hundred yards away, and is closer to the Main Gate. At the end of a short stone pathway, between the Main and Guest Houses, sits a covered wooden swing amid a garden area (+view swing). Closest to the Main Gate is a long rectangular structure that server as a Community Shelter. Like most of the structures in the area they have been built from recycled, scavenged materials, and designed to withstand the desert climate.

At the center of the cleared area is a large lean-to next to a firepit area. It could easily allow shelter from the sun for most large animals. This area has a large dragon shaped firepit at its center where a beautiful set of chimes seems to always carry, very softly, a musical tone throughout the area radiating a sense of calm and peace (+view firepit / +view chimes).

A stone smithy stands a few hundred yards away on the other side of the firepit, though no smoke comes from it, and an array of mirrors surround it making that area blindingly bright during the day.

The inhabitants appear to be adept at surviving in this part of the desert (see +view people). They've dug out a well out in back of the houses, and planted rows of vegetables. The well is capped with a hand-pump and the vegetables are covered over by an umbrella of cloth tarps to keep the sun from burning the seedlings during the harshest part of the day and keep them from freezing at night. There is also a surprising number of wildlife and lizards once you're away from the homes. Gila Monsters being the majority.

This is a Gaian only room. Please do NOT +meet anyone into this room who cannot pass the locks on their own (see +help +meet implications). This is keyed to Faction = Gaian on +sheet. Also type 'look OOC' for more information.


<-----Views and Places Set----->

Main fire pit area (#1) has 15 empty places. Small fire pit area (#2) has 6 empty places. Lean-to (#3) has 4 empty places. Covered swing (#4) has 3 empty places. Daily ritual circle (#5) has 8 empty places.

You join the others around the main fire pit area.

Trey is seated near the fire pit, the newspaper spread out in his lap. He seems to be making notes in the margins of the pages. Or maybe just doodling? It has a bunch of weird shapes and numbers and lines. Is he some kind of math genius? Is he just insane? It's impossible to know. The crossword and sudoku for the day are both completed in pen, and there's a faint dusting of brownie crumbs on the newspaper, and he’s holding a porcelain mug that's just been refilled. He's enjoying the coffee as he studies his notes, or maybe just spaces out while looking at them.

Erin is coming up the path with baby on her chest once more though she is pushing a stroller and besides her a rather large black panther is walking beside her. He has saddle bags that seem to be filled, so does the stroller mind you. Looks like someone has gone shopping and is bringing supplies. As she grows near she smiles and waves "Sup!"

Trey looks up from the scribbles and smiles. "Another cat? Or the same one?" He's quick on the uptake. "Hey, how are you? Want to come sit? They just made fresh coffee, if you want some." There's a thermos nearby for just that purpose; he can always grab another cup.

Erin smiles "Same cat" she pats Kringer on the head "i've brought supplies to restock the Smore's compartment and I have some sandwiches if you want some" she does make her way over to sit near you as she takes off the supplies from the cat so he can go do whatever he wants.

Trey ohs and smiles warmly. "If you're offering, sure! What kinds do you have?" He seems pleased to be asked. "I tell you, the human Kin I've met here are always busy as hell, it's kind of amazing. I only knew a few Kin back home, and they had their hands full with all kinds of stuff, too." He scritches Kringer along the way and then offers a little wave to Eric. "Hey there," he says with a chuckle.

Erin nodsnods "I have ham and cheese, cheese and peanut butter.. " she smiles softly "I had help from my girls" she giggles softly "yes most of the kin are really really busy here and everywhere" she nods "I am just starting to come back out after the baby. We had a diffiulty delivery but all went well obviously" Eric is sleeping right now

Kringer rubs his head against Trey once he isn't carrying stuff.

Erin dropped Kringer.

Trey hrms. "Girls? You have more kids? Wow, that's great. I thought humans didn't have many. Ham and cheese, please." He chuckles. "I bet they're smart, too." He ohs and says, "I'm sorry to hear that, are you recovered fully?" He headbunts the panther lightly in greeting and chuckles. "He's bigger than I am in cat form."

Erin takes her phone out to show you pictures and nodsnods "yes I have 2 little girls, well not so little" she takes a breath and nods "Oh yes, but I wanted to give Eric some time before I brought him back out you know" she smiles "he is? Oh sorry" she blushes.

<<OOC>> Erin says, "https://cityofhopemush.net/images/f/f1/MearaCOH.jpg https://cityofhopemush.net/images/2/21/Anacoh.jpg"

Trey smiles as he looks over the pictures. "They are very cute kittens. Children," he corrects himself. "So you've definitely got your hands full, it's kind of a wonder you have time for anything." He finally puts the paper aside and then waves off the apology. "I'm a small big cat, if that makes sense. Lynx aren't really big cats, but we don't like to hear that."

Erin gives a nod "I am thankful that I have help and the girls go to school at the Kinfolk house" she nodsnods "Ah that's right I know a bit about Bastet" she smiles "No your not small at all" she grins "Maybe next time we can meet at the kinfolk house and you can meet the girls." she grins.

Trey oh and says, "If that would be okay? I don't want to go where I'm not supposed to be, and sometimes Garou can be very protective of Kinfolk, so I don't want to upset anyone." He chuckles and says, "They'd probably be more interested in my Lynx form than this one," he notes. "I didn't realize the Kin had their own school here. Is it for all kin or... I mean, I know you're not originally Garou kin, but they must consider you such since you have a Garou mate, right?"

Erin smiles "Everyone is welcome at the kinfolk house as long as you mind your manners" she smiles "Well they let my girls there they take all the kin that are vouch for of course. There are the hmmm well you know when a shifter gets busy with another shifter too. But they all learn together" she smiles.

Trey nods. "The metis," he agrees, since they're in a safe place. "That's good to know for future reference. Is it harder for the metis among the Garou? I had the feeling it was. It isn't so much among the Bastet. We're so few in number that we're just glad to see another of us."

Erin smiles and shakes her head "No, they are welcoming of the metis here actually. I know that there are stories about how most Garou are but not all are like that. not that sometimes that doesn't come out but as long as you stay on their good side all is good " she nodsnods.

Trey nods again and says, "It's just so refreshing to come someplace where things aren't like the worst stories say. I'm glad I wound up here. I almost went north to Vancouver from Denver, but I came here instead." He pauses. "I know one of the elders has a metis son here, and everyone seems accepting of him."

Erin nodsnods "yeah and there is one he was the Den Parent for a little bit.. Skully.. He is really really big" she giggles "So see very accepting of them here"

Trey nodnods. "I've heard him mentioned, yeah. That's a good thing, I mean... I've met people and found them so accepting that it still surprises me, but... well, we're all Gaia's, in the end. Even those of us who are of Her dreams." Ah, so that's how he makes it all make sense.

Erin nodsnods "exactly we are all of Gaia in on our own ways and besides I always thought it was our actions that spoke louder than words" she smiles then peeks at the baby who stirs a little bit.

Kringer has found a nice spot to lay down at and just relax. Trey folds the paper and tucks it into his knapsack, which holds a lot more than it would seem. He grins and says, "That is very true. So... hrm. How are you on spiritual math? I mean, things that deal with crossing the Umbra? I figured I'd ask on the off chance. I'm trying to learn to cross the Gauntlet."

Erin ohs softly "Horrible" she nodsnods "I can't go into the umbra. I can go into the dreaming, but not the umbra" she shrugs "I'm ok with my dreaming stuff" she smiles.

"A friend sent me a book on sacred geometry, when I'd asked her about the problem, so I'm still trying to make heads or tails of it. I don't think it's a method I can use, but... well, I figured I'd try." Trey shrugs and smiles. "That's okay, neither can I, yet. Well, not the Umbra. The Dreaming... well, if I'm allowed to pass into a place of the Near Dreaming, I can. I've been a few times. It was fascinating. And wonderful."

Erin looks around making sure that they can speak a little more quiet "You will have to find trod's or people to take you. Since you can't call upon it to just slip into the dreaming" she tells him "Like I can rip a portal and go into it and bring you along" she nodsnods "As for the umbra. I think i heard someone mention that the Fe.. Bastet can't really cross over without help like the garou can. But I could have heard wrong"

Trey drops his voice, leaning in to keep the talk quieter and ensure others don't listen. "You can just open a portal? Wow. That must be convenient. Does it take you to a specific place or just a random place within the Dreaming?" He inhales, and then exhales and says, "We can, just not until we learn a way to do it, either on our own cleverness or from a spirit. I... am attempting to do it my own way, since I am still only a Tekhmet. Rank one."

Erin nodsnods looking thoughtful "To the nearby dreaming" she smiles softly "you know if anyone can really help you with your attemps into stuff talk to Branton, he can make some rather amazing shit" she looks down at the sleeping baby then back at you and smiles.

Trey nods again and says, "I've met him, and liked him a lot. He can probably give me some insight, if he hasn't made himself something similar already." He's already heard about the Umbral vessel, but he's not going to bring it up, just in case it's not public knowledge. "Nearby Dreaming... I wonder what the Dreaming looks like here."

Erin nodsnods "I know that he has done some stuff, but yeah he would probably be all too happy to help you or make you something depending" she smiles and she looks around "There isn't much of one here honestly" she shrugs.

Trey hrms "Is that because of the land being claimed, or..? I know wild places reflect in the Dreaming a lot of the time." He looks thoughtful, then. "But I just mean... around this city and the area..." He motions as if to take in Prospect and the towns beyond.

Erin nods "Some places have the dreaming really clear and they are pretty well up beat places.. some the dreaming is nonexistent yes because of the city and they are sad.. like Maple Park" she gives a shutter "It's so sad!"

"I haven't been into Maple Park, what happened there that the local Dreaming is gone?" He looks confused, concerned. "Is it something that can be fixed? I don't know if I can help, but... well, if a curious cat can be of service, let me know."

Erin hmms "Not sure if it can be helped, but it's just really sad looking" she hmms "i haven't gone to look now that I have Chrysalised if there is something I can do"

Trey ohs softly, and nods. "So what's wrong with it? Just badly kept? I don't like most parks, they feel too tame to me. I grew up in a huge forest, so... it's different for me, I guess. Cities are still odd to me. Interesting, but odd..."

Erin looks thoughtful "Just the glamour is missing it's very grey and dull, not much dreaming there.. If you ever notice the dreaming, it's loud busy and bright"

An eager nod greets that. "Yes. It's almost... too much, you know? It's beautiful, but it seems almost too bright and too intense, but... almost like it hurts to look at, but it hurts more to look away. If that makes sense." Trey smiles at that, rueful. "Dim and grey... that can't be a healthy park, then. Nature isn't grey usually."

Erin laughs "Oh maybe you shouldn't stop by my shop" she teases as she smiles at you "Probably not.. But it's the middle of the city so it kinda makes sense you know" she nodsnods.

"Oh, I'll just go into shock from all the noise and lights," he says casually. "No, seriously, usually it doesn't bother me." Trey laughs softly, and then nods agreement with her words. "That's true. Exhaust fumes aren't good for plants."

Erin nodsnods "Exactly.. Have you been to the market?" she asks curiously.

"The market? The supermarket?" Trey looks very confused. "Or... are you saying there is a fae market in this city? I haven't been there, but... I would definitely love to see that someday if it were allowed."

Erin smiles "you have Fae blood in you, you are allowed" she points out and nodsnods "yes there is a market"

Trey goes wide-eyed, then takes a swallow of coffee to keep himself from looking foolish. He then smiles, slowly and contentedly. "How would I find the Market's entrance?"

Erin smiles "well I can take you sometime if you would like" she nodsnods.

"Would you?" Trey seems really excited about that, and bounces a little in his seat like an excited kid despite himself. "I would really love that, thank you! Whenever you can, let me know, I'll be happy to go..."

Erin smiles and nodsnods "Of course we will make a day of it" she grins. Erin smiles "They have some rather amazing food there so come hungry" she grins.

Trey smiles at her and says, "That will be wonderful. Can Eric go? Is it safe? I don't know much about human babies, I admit..." He looks sheepish. "I'll pick it up in time, I figure."

Erin giggles softly and nods "yes Eric can go. And yes it's safe for him and he is part fae too so there is that. He might be Kinfolk but he is still part Fae as well" she smiles "All my kids are."

Trey actually facepalms. "Right. Of course. Silly cat," he scolds himself jokingly. "Your children are Kin to both. Maybe even true bred Garou, or did you check already? I know sometimes you can't tell right away."

Erin reaches out and touches your arm "Not a silly kitty, a learning kitty" she smiles "Don't scold yourself when you don't get it right, we learn and even when we learn sometimes we forget" she hmms softly "I haven't checked on the girls and we know that Eric is kin, no Garou and we were blessed because the off chance of him being Garou Kin was really slim so.. Thank Gaia" she smiles.

"Oh? I thought that all children of a Garou were considered Kin... it may be different for Bastet. Oh, because you're not..." He stops in case she doesn't want people knowing, and instead says, "As you say, a learning cat. Sometimes I blurt things out that I shouldn't, is all. It's why I'm not higher rank yet, I think, though nobody's said as much."

Erin smiles and nods "Because I am not Garou kinfolk, correct" she nodsnods "While he is accepted as one he might not be born as one.. But he is so there is that" she grins.

"So there must be a Rite to detect that. Huh. I will have to learn that when I start having kittens. Children." Trey grins -- he was probably saying that to be funny. "I've been learning rituals, and once I know the one that I'm learning now, I'll be able to summon spirits to learn from, which will help a lot."

Erin smiles and nodsnods "Being able to summon and speak to the spirits is really, really helpful" she nods "There is one indeed" she smiles "But you have a ways before that sir" she nudges you.

"Do you know how to summon spirits too?" Trey is curious again, smiling. "You're very widely talented, it seems! I only learned their speech recently, but now that I have it, I understand more what they chatter about, which helps a *lot*." He laughs and nods his head. "Oh, in time, yeah. I just try to plan ahead, maybe too much."

Erin laughs and shakes her head "Oh no no no.. I do not know how too. I just know that it's very helpful to understand them" she smiles.

Trey ohs. "I was wondering if you were one of the rare fae who could speak to them. But you *build* stuff, that's cool enough on its own. And yeah, it's very helpful. The Garou are more skilled overall with spirits, so I've been trying to catch up."

Erin grins "No no I’m not one that speaks with spirits.. I can speak with items though" she grins.

AHA! That one he knows about. "Do they ever have interesting things to say? Do they tell you what's happened around them?" Trey grins. "I can only talk to things if they're Spirit Awakened."

Erin laughs and shakes her head "no, they can be a little boring since they lose track of time and have no emotions so." she grins "Though we do wokr together when building stuff" she nodsnods

Ahhhh. Trey puts on a monotone and says, "I. Am. A. Toaster. I. Toast. Bread. Beep. Beep. Oh. No. Your. Breakfast. Is. On. Fire. Oh. No. Oh. No." He then offers a big cattish grin back at her. "That about how it works?"

Erin laughs softly "Something like that" she nodsnods then ohs as she looks down and smiles "Well hello sleepy head, I was wondering if you were going to sleep the entire time."