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A Ragtag New Pack?
The discussion of forming a new pack and picking a totem.
IC Date July 21, 2022.
IC Time Afternoon.
Players Jackie, Irsa, Pandora, Rhapsody, Akio, Pancake
Location Dead Mall, Pancake's Space Ship
Spheres Garou

7/20/2022 14:47:23 Irsa is sorting through the last of those crates she has stacked near the far wall. The trash and recyling bins there are nearly full, stuffed with things all your favorite trash and recycling spirits will ever need. On her worktable, a bunch of rats are rolling around a bottle of whiskey and twelve pack from the distillery opening last night. They've already chewed off the labels and carried them off to their nests.

7/20/2022 14:50:44 Akio arrives dressed in a black t-shirt with matching black jeans and a pair of tightly laced black Chucks. With a backpack on his back, he smiles and waves to Irsa. "Hey, how's it going? Need help or good to go?"

7/20/2022 14:52:10 Jackie knocks at the entrance, poking her head around the doorway. She's dressed more for the city than the country today. "Hey, what's going on?"

7/20/2022 14:54:16 Irsa nods at Akio. "Sure, if ya wanna help. There ain't much left here in these crates. I'll run 'em down later." She looks up as Jackie knocks and grins. "Heya! Just a bit of tendin' ta spirits. Come on in, have a seat."

7/20/2022 14:56:39 Jackie comes in carrying a small backpack and finds a chair. "I wasn't sure what the plan was, so I brought those medical books with me, too."

7/20/2022 14:58:23 Akio gets to work helping Irsa out and nodding to Jackie as she arrives. "The spirits will be good. They were well tended here and we did good work back where they will return. I'm really pleased with that outcome." Looking to Jackie he adds, "What're we learning?"

7/20/2022 15:03:05 Bottles clink together as the rats roll them. They've made some kind of game of it, but only they know the rules. Irsa begins stacking the now-empty crates as she speaks to the others. "Good, Pandora'll be over in a bit. What we're learnin', Akio, is first aid an' deeper medical stuff."

7/20/2022 15:07:13 Jackie nods and pulls the books from her bag, setting them on the table. "Yeah, part of the whole emergency preparedness and learning useful skills thing."

7/20/2022 15:14:57 Irsa and Akio are clearing out empty crates near the bins against the far wall. Jackie is here, with a stack of books. A group of rats is playing with bottles from the distillery event last night.

7/20/2022 15:16:20 Akio laughs, "Makes sense. I need to work on something to help me with combat. We foxes don't heal like most of the other breeds. It takes magic or gifts learned from spirits to recover." Shaking his head a bit he smiles to Jackie, "So until then I might need you to be my nurse of sorts if I get hurt."

7/20/2022 15:17:36 Irsa dusts her hands on her BDUs and grunts as she pulls a splinter from her palm. Damn crates. Into the trash it goes. "For us, even if ya got a Gift to heal, ya need t' know how it all works so you're efffective at it," she says to Akio. "Jackie's got that Gift, so she' way ahead there. And if ya don't have it you -definitely- need ta know first aid. If someone's bleedin' out, ya gotta tend to that fast."

7/20/2022 15:20:11 Rhapsody makes her way to the LLBean within the Dead Mall, and is glad to see everyone when she does make it in. No murder hen attack today. Maybe tomorrow. "Afternoon!" She just catches a bit of the tail end and talk of healing. "I can heal as well. But if you are looking for ways to do more in combat, I'm sure there are some fetishes we can work up to help with that. The furies certainly know a thing or two about long range weapons, and thankfully, I have access to some of those good ideas."

7/20/2022 15:25:38 Jackie waves at the newcomer. "Hi, I'm Jackie. As for the medical stuff, I do know first aid but not much past that. I don't know crap about magic weapons though."

7/20/2022 15:33:01 Akio laughs, "I mean, I'm ok in a fight just not able to heal like a wolf." Chuckling he finishes helping then slips out of his backpack to find a seat. "So, what's up? What're we up to? Learning the first aid stuff now?"

7/20/2022 15:35:58 Irsa rubs her hands together. "Then you're in a for a treat! Ya got two theurges in one room, ta handle all your crazy magical shit questions." She drags a camp cooler over to the fireplace and sits down in the wingback chair. "Anyone thirsty? Just restocked it this mornin'."

7/20/2022 15:37:56 Rhapsody nodnods, "And we may come up with some really fun stuff." Replying to Irsa, "Oh yes, that would be good." She asks a little quieter to Irsa, "Have you popped the questions to them yet?"

7/20/2022 15:38:50 Irsa says, “Naw.”

7/20/2022 15:56:15 Jackie shoves her bag under her seat and looks up. "Popped what now?"

7/20/2022 15:57:54 Akio looks between those gathered and laughs at the response from Jackie. "We getting married? All of us? Here? I'm in but I have some things I need to make sure are understood." Laughing he leans back to pull his travel pipe from his pocket, the small metal pipe already with a packed bowl kept safe with a screw on top. "What's the question?"

7/20/2022 15:58:58 Irsa nudges that camp cooler closer to the others with her foot. "Oh, ya know. Stuff an' things. Good things."

7/20/2022 16:02:53 Rhapsody mmms, "Perhaps we should wait for Pandora to get here." She grins to Akio, "No, not married per se. I'm thinking a little more along the lines of Charlie's Angels perhaps? You can be Bosley." She's totally kidding with that, but she could not resist. "Have you heard about the Elder's plans with opening a sister caern here in the city?"

7/20/2022 16:19:50 Akio laughs softly, "We have to all agree that Bosley didn't have it that bad, right?" Grinning he adds, "Ok ok, I won't push. I'm cool with pretending like I'm laid back enough to not stress over waiting to learn a secret." Putting the pipe to his lips he sparks it up, puffing the bowl to life while exhaling plumes of grayish-blue smoke before taking a heavy hit. The pipe is offered to any that wants a hit as he holds the smoke in his lungs.

7/20/2022 16:21:43 Irsa grins at Akio and waves the pipe on. She's claimed a bottle of Coke from the cooler, she's totally good. "But there's more. Hang onta your seat!"

7/20/2022 16:25:48 Rhapsody continues, cause why not? "So with the plans for this, they need more packs to form up, and be getting ready for the big ritual to build the caern, seeking the totem spirit. This will mean that the Wyrm will be coming at them on all sides. I've heard tales of this and how it is the ultimate event in a garou's lifetime. Truly a once in a lifetime battle. Afterwards, they need packs to continue to help protect the area here in the city. Soooo..." she looks to Irsa, and then back to Akio and Jackie. "Irsa, Pandora, and I have been talking, and we'd like to form one of those packs. And we all agreed we'd like to talk to both of you. Akio, Jackie, about if you would be interested in joining with us."

7/20/2022 16:32:14 Jackie listens along, having heard about the new caern part. She looks a bit confused toward the end though. "Huh? I was gonna help out, yeah, but a pack? You do remember that I'm just a kinfolk, right?"

7/20/2022 16:38:50 Akio nods and takes another heavy hit. Exhaling he grins, "I'm in! Or if you guys are willing to have me for sure I'm in. We work well on stuff we've been doing."

7/20/2022 16:39:29 Irsa takes a swig of Coke. "Yeah, we remember," she says to Jackie. "But you're one of th' lucky Kinfolk who has spiritual strength t' bond with a pack. You've already learned a Gift. Journey confirmed th' rest." That sneaky Elder. "I know ya don't wanna enter th' Umbra, which shows all kinds a' sense. So, ya get t' run wild with Branton an' the wicked mobile." She rests the bottle on her knee and looks across at Jackie. "You're smart, dependable, an' smart. We'd love t' have ya pack with us. Are ya game?"

7/20/2022 16:41:58 Rhapsody grins, "That is great. We wouldn't be asking if we did not think it would be a good idea. Packs are at it's heart, about trust. We trust you both. Akio, you may not be a Garou, but you have proven yourself to others. Jackie, you have unique abilities that fits right in. Now, we will have to probably ask your tribe leader about this, assure him we will take care of you - not send you on the front lines or something."

7/20/2022 16:46:20 Jackie nods slowly, still a bit stunned. "Oh, yeah, right. Super honor, for sure, but I do need to talk to Leif at the very least..."

7/20/2022 16:48:24 Akio grins as he finishes the bowl with a powerful hit. Holding that smoke in his lungs he unscrews the top off his pipe bowl and knocks the ash free while softly exhaling from the corner of his mouth. "Mmmm, yeah I'm in and thank you. All of you for the trust."

7/20/2022 16:51:16 Irsa tilts her head as she looks at Jackie. "Do ya -wanna- be in? If ya don't, it's fine t' say no. We don't wanna pressure ya, or feel like you're obligated. But if ya do.." she waves up into the rafters. "Ya get to do real cool shit an' chill with us. I mean, you're gonna anyway. The Garouscout badge is just an extra bonus."

7/20/2022 16:53:01 There's a bunch of rats up there, looking down. Some might be wearing paper party hats made from chewed-up bottle labels.

7/20/2022 16:55:59 Jackie grins widely, the shock wearing off. "Well, yeah, it sounds really cool. I just never gave the possibility of that any thought before, and it sounds like a big deal, right? So if I'm about to get in over my head, I should at least know it, right?"

7/20/2022 16:56:49 Rhapsody giggles a bit at Irsa's teasing. "The thing is too, figuring out who is in is the first thing. But the big questions come next, and we'll want Pandora's ideas on this too. We need a purpose for this pack, so that we can figure out our goals, and that should help lead us to which spirit totem we would want to seek out. Let alone who would be our Alpha."

7/20/2022 16:59:53 Akio nods and then motions to the others. "What of the other packs in the area. Most of them I'm sure form less of a rag tag group, right?" The word rag tag is obviously spoken with warmth and mostly because he's not a wolf. "But what do they form for? Their purpose?"

7/20/2022 17:01:01 Irsa scratches her jaw. "Well, there's only two who can't be alpha. That leaves, you, me, an' Pandora who can do it. She for sure ain't gonna wanna lead. But that's somethin' we can suss out when we get th' green light from Leif. That's The Wall, ain't it, Jackie?" She snorts at Akio's question. "There's a couple a' Elder packs, but far as I know we'll be the only Cliath one here. The others ain't packed up yet. Slackers."

7/20/2022 17:03:19 Jackie nods. "Yes, Leif is The Wall. Big dude. I had another question, too... What's a Bosley?"

7/20/2022 17:07:28 Rhapsody shakes her head, "I'm not sure of the other ones for sure, but I know there is a pack with an Uktena and a Glass Walker in the city. I think they had a Bone Gnawer with them. I heard of her back east. Rite named "Shits You Not". Galliard. She was a legend for bad choices, but in a funny way, not renown bad way. But bottom line is, they need more. We can be eyes and ears, find the Wyrm and remove it. Call in the big guns if needed. We can protect and defend, that is for sure." She grins to Jackie, "Remind me to show you this old show on the television. Bosley basically was the go to point person for a group of female spies."

7/20/2022 17:11:59 Akio nods and adds to the explanation on Bosley, "Charley's Angels, hot chicks kicking butt, what's not to like?!" Laughing softly he nods to the rest of the discussion and shrugs a bit, "Maybe we claim territory, keep it free of wyrm, all that? Do that eyes and ears thing is good too. I mean, this last little mission was pretty great."

7/20/2022 17:12:52 Irsa raises her brows. "Television? I thought it was a movie. Ya know, th' one with Elizabeth Banks an' the dude from Picard." She shakes her heads as she goes back to business. "That reminds me. There's rabble packs, Bonegnawers who ain't members of the sept. We'll run inta them from time to time. Some of 'em live here, some don't. They're a resource we can tap, for info an' such."

7/20/2022 17:16:43 Jackie chuckles, looking even more amused. "Spies huh? That sounds pretty cool. Cool clothes and gadgets, what's not to like, right?"

7/20/2022 17:18:19 Rhapsody grins, "Exactly! Operating in the city, we'll need that sort of thing to keep the Veil and all. Oh I should mention, my friend, Aurelia, she'll be good to help us from time to time, even though she is not a Gnostic, but she wants to help the nation." A look to Akio, "More ladies for you to hang with."

7/20/2022 17:21:49 Akio listens while packing the bowl of his pipe, his amber gaze moving from face to face as they talk. "More ladies? I am Bosley..." Trailing off softly he laughs, "I get it now, his pain." Teasing he gives a wink then asks, "Gnostic? What's that mean she's mortal?"

7/20/2022 17:23:06 Irsa finishes her Coke and reaches for another. "Yeah, Lorna will be down with th' assist. And Acacia, though she'll def be on supply." She tosses the empty into the recycling bin for the spirits to enjoy. "Means they got a spiritual connection to Gaia that humans don't have."

7/20/2022 17:27:18 Jackie leans back in the chair, stretching her legs out. "Lorna's magical too, right? And if the goal is hot chicks, she's even more qualified than I am."

7/20/2022 17:34:41 Rhapsody laughs! "Well then, we will make Pegasus proud, that is for certain. Hot Chicks taking the good fight to the Wyrm!" She looks around, wondering when the other hot chick will arrive. "Hopefully Pandora will make it soon."

7/20/2022 17:34:52 Irsa grins at Jackie. "Yeah, she is. Have ya seen her dog spirit yet? And what she does with her laptop? That shit's wild. She's a sorceror, like Branton. He's gonna be teaching her more 'bout what she can do." She shoots Jackie a knowing look. "Did ya see th' Fianna droolin' over her last night? Like her taste is that bad."

7/20/2022 17:36:44 Akio smokes his bowl while the others talk, nodding and laughing from time to time. "Who was drooling over who?"

7/20/2022 17:46:34 Jackie nods at Rhapsody. "Yeah, I've met Cain. And I've been informed not to give him onions. Which Fianna, Kennard?"

7/20/2022 17:51:21 Rhapsody asks, "Fianna tend to drool a lot when they are so wasted and horny. That just is Fianna." She shrugs, not a fan. "A dog spirit? I got to meet her!"

7/20/2022 17:52:05 Irsa runs her hands through her short-cropped hair. "Fianna. They're real proud 'bout being lushes," she tells Akio. "They're a tribe descended from Celtic an' Gaulish lines. Stag's their totem, an' they sometimes have ties with the Fae. You've met or seen a couple of 'em, I think: Jackie mentioned Kennard, but we also got Harrow an' Daffyd for Garou. Angus, Niamh, Tinlin an' Torey are their Kin that I've met so far. And yeah, Kennard. I heard he's engaged, just not to who." She grins at Rhapsody. "I'll give ya a call when I nab her next. She's a ton of fun."

7/20/2022 18:00:38 Akio is now crazy confused as he smokes. "Wait, but who was hot and who was drooling on the hot girl?" Shaking his head he adds, "Look, if I'm going to be Bosely you gotta get me in on the girl talk better." Laughing he gives them all a wink.

7/20/2022 18:09:03 Jackie shrugs at Akio. "I don't know, I'm a bit lost myself. I was also back in the distillery area for most of the event."

7/20/2022 18:11:43 Irsa holds up her hand, counting off each point on her fingers. "One: Lorna's hot, an' Bonegnawer Kin. Two: Kennard was droolin' all over her. Ya might've missed that Jackie, it was early on."

7/20/2022 18:14:09 Rhapsody hmms, "I thought I heard somewhere that Kennard and Tinlin were a thing. Maybe I misheard. The gossip at the Smoke and Barley and all." She shrugs, "Or he is just a Fianna, much like the old pack I heard about. Nicknamed the Fuck Pack, since they traded mates around and all." She has heard STORIES. "But who knows with them all. Sounds like he is a player. Thus Fianna. Their reputation is not that good in general."

7/20/2022 18:29:18 Akio seems to have thoughts but quickly hides them as he puffs away on his pipe. Holding the smoke in his lungs he softly exhales from the corner of his mouth then says, "Lorna is great. Also, I'm just saying that Erin is a good friend of mine, she has always been great to me so she may be invited around a lot too. Which now I see means it's legit all women and me. Which... All told, not going to complain."

7/20/2022 18:32:59 "That was fuckin' fast," Irsa remarks dryly. "He's been here what, two or three weeks?" She looks fully disgusted as Rhapsody describes the old Fianna pack. "What a road ta ruin. Eh, their look-out." She snickers at Akio's words.

7/20/2022 18:38:17 Jackie shrugs. "Yeah, I don't really know Kennard. I thought maybe he was dating Tinlin too, but maybe he was just being handsy? Anyway, yeah, Lorna and Erin are cool."

7/20/2022 18:39:08 Rhapsody rolls her eyes a bit at Akio. "Totally Bosley. That is your new nickname." That is going to stick. Sobering up, she nods to Irsa. "Totally. I heard the story that they had some issues with a fomori, and then the pack that was investigating it ended up at their ... commune? Not sure the right word for it. It ended in a challenge at the amphitheater between two Garou. Oh and yeah, heard about that because those were the ones that opened the Irish Times Pub first." She makes a little wave motion with her hand. "So if we are all in, then the next step is to figure out our purpose. What do we each feel strongly about doing and representing. I've been sworn to Black Unicorn, and my purpose has been to protect and defend those that cannot themselves. I feel like there are many in this city, especially our kinfolk, that are in need of that. But perhaps there is something more pressing with the city?"

7/20/2022 18:44:59 Irsa cracks her knuckles, thinking. "Well, we got a lot of Wyrm an' Weaver that needs to be dealt with, especially since a caern is being built. That'll attract the Enemy in huge numbers, so thinnin' them out before hand would be wise." She takes another sip of her Coke. "I'd like ta dig inta hidden threats in the city, and be versatile enough ta handle whatever we come across. Especially since we don't got an Ahroun at this point."

7/20/2022 18:49:18 Jackie looks over and up at Irsa. "How do threats like that hide in the city? I mean, what sort of ways might we have of sniffing them out? Is it actual sniffing?"

7/20/2022 18:53:51 Rhapsody waffles a hand to Jackie, "That is part of it, although the city has a low level of Wyrm taint all over. The Weaver as well. It is more keeping our eyes open for things. Gang activity, crimes, places that seem abandoned. It is kind of like being a neighborhood watch. You just have to learn the areas, and then learn what the signs of trouble are. Is there an uptick of people going to a clinic with anemia? Maybe they are losing blood someway that ain't natural. The Wyrm has ways, and we just need to figure that out. And in a city, they have good ways to hide. Especially when a lot of people are so busy going about their lives that they just do not notice details. THAT is where we, the theurges come into play too. Spirits can give us tips."

7/20/2022 18:58:06 "There's ways of spotting 'em," the Bonegnawer replies to Jackie. Irsa nods at Rhapsody's explanation. "Banes are drawn to suffering. So any place where that exist is a good place t' start. Gifts can detect Wyrm an' Weaver taint, but that takes a while t' narrow down. Think of it like playing private detectives for Gaia."

7/20/2022 19:18:48 Everyone here (except for Pandora, duh) is sitting in the living area. There's an open camp cooler in the middle, stuffed full of drinks. Rats are playing with bottles from Kennard's distillery on Irsa's work table. Up in the rafters, materialized Rat spirits are squabbling over party hats made from the labels.

7/20/2022 19:22:45 Akio is smoking a bowl while following along with the conversation as best he can. "Mmm, so to recap, that brewery thing wasn't great? Lorna is hot, and... we have great friends that will be hanging out more often than not. Also, I'm going to be constantly surrounded by /angels/ much like Bosely from Charly's Angels, right?"

7/20/2022 19:23:02 Pandora said she would be late. But then she comes, bearing.. Snacks. Snax, but also SNACKS. Someone's made brownies. Lots of them.

7/20/2022 19:27:48 Jackie fishes a drink out of the cooler, then raises a hand to Pandora as she stands back up straight. "Oh, hey, you must be Pandora, right? I saw you at the Caern on one of the busier nights, but we never really met. I'm Jackie, Fenrir kin."

7/20/2022 19:30:52 Rhapsody ooos brownies! "Oh girl, you are my favorite person. Going to need to run a lot after this, but you know what I like!" She is happy to get a brownie when she can get one from Pandora. "Glad you are here. We were just talking with Akio and Jackie about the pack idea."

7/20/2022 19:31:20 Irsa looks up when Pandora arrives. "You're a -lifesaver-. I was just wonderin' if I should go snake somethin' from downstairs. This is waaaaaay better." She gets up from her wingback chair to give the Ragabash a hand, setting up another 'table' made from planks and cinderblocks near the seating area.

7/20/2022 19:31:57 Pandora grins and crosses her ankles, then slides down next to Rhapsody and offers the tray over her way. "I left five trays downstairs so I didn't get murdered on the way up here and also that goddamn chicken. I brought MEAT for that thing and it still chased me."

7/20/2022 19:33:14 Akio grins and nods, getting himself a brownie, "Excellent!" Biting into the brownie he's already got the munchies and that tell-tale high look.

7/20/2022 19:36:14 Jackie grabs a brownie too and sits back down. She holds the brownie in her mouth for a moment while she opens the bottle with both hands, then grabs the brownie again and removes it from her face. Most of it anyway, as a large bite shaped chunk is now missing.

7/20/2022 19:38:08 Rhapsody mms, and then gets her drink and enjoys a sip. "That hits the spot. So back at it. Pack purpose? Ideas anyone? Beyond the obvious." She nods to Pandora, "Good call."

7/20/2022 19:40:18 One of the bolder rats slinks over to the tray and filches an entire brownie. Irsa moves her hand around the creature and claims another brownie for herself. "I was sayin' that with a new caern bein' built, it might be wise to thin out hidden Wyrm and Weaver threats. The ritual will attract 'em in huge numbers, so it's a smart move to thin 'em out."

7/20/2022 19:44:45 Pandora nods, holding the tray still for the rat, but then reaching into her backpack to pull out a big bag of teeny tiny brownies, which probably aren't actually brownies. She tosses a couple to the rats. Gotta share. "Afterall, this is their home," she adds aloud. "Didn't we want to consider the City caern specifically?"

7/20/2022 19:49:36 Jackie takes a break from super snack time to pipe in. "I thought something like that was the idea. But I guess we'd be getting started before the caern was actually ready, right?"

7/20/2022 19:51:57 Pandora's done it now. She's promptly swarmed by rats, both physical and materialized, all uttering eager squeaks and clamoring for chocolately treats. Irsa munches on her brownie. "Yeah, well. Once we got our purpose decided, whatever totem spirits we consider should be one that ain't got a problem with bein' in the city. Or the wilds neither, 'cause we have a forest caern we need to protect if called on."

7/20/2022 19:53:37 Rhapsody nods, "Yes, that would be it. To protect the city caern, and whatever threats could come to it. With that in mind, what Mercy's Messenger had said was to consider are we focused more on Glory? Honor? Wisdom? Totem spirits tend to be totems of war, wisdom, respect, cunning... What do you all think of those? I feel more towards wisdom, respect. But each spirit is unique and even one of war could be beneficial for this cause."

7/20/2022 20:11:30 Jackie leans back in her seat. "Well, I'm not exactly a warrior type myself..."

7/20/2022 20:11:51 Irsa cracks her knuckles as she thinks things over. "Wisdom or Cunning," she suggests. "We'll be lookin' for threats and doing a lot of scouting, and those kinda Totems are best for that kinda work. Especially since we're gonna have t' be sneaky at times. I'd say make a list of three we're interested in. We still gotta ask Iris to do th' rite, and see which spirits will come to test us."

7/20/2022 20:17:59 Pandora picks up her own brownie and sets the tray toward the middle of wherever they're sitting. "I am... undecided. I try to go a balanced way. I can see the merit in all those things and I can honestly say that I don't have a preference, but I would lean more toward Wisdom, personally."

7/20/2022 20:25:25 Jackie finishes off her brownie, shrugging. "Really, I don't know much of anything about spirits yet. I only started getting into this side of things a few days ago."

7/20/2022 20:25:32 Rhapsody hmmms, "You know, I have heard of this one totem spirit. Fog. Also known as Aeolus. A spirit of both knowledge and stealth. While Fog is one that Silent Striders and Uktena may favor, it also teaches a gift that the spirit teaches my tribe. The Curse of Aeolus. That might be one to consider."

7/20/2022 20:32:09 Irsa grins. "Sounds like Wisdom it is. Aelous ain't a bad choice at all. Chameleon's another good one for hiding. Jackal, if ya wanna hide and do Umbral work. Heron's great for finding secrets an' opening ways."

7/20/2022 20:42:31 Akio looks to each as the conversation continues. "Ooh. I like Fog, and Jackal." Eating his brownie he frowns, "Chameleon sounds fantastic too."

7/20/2022 20:45:10 "Chameleon sounds interesting," Pandora says. "Of course, I'm also partial to Chimera, but I'm certainly not stuck on the idea."

7/20/2022 20:49:04 Irsa finishes off her brownie. "Only problem with Jackal is there's a downside to its aid. First person that strikes in battle is gonna have a run of bad luck." She starts counting on her fingers. "Aelous an' Chameleon for sure, then, we got four on Aelous an' 3 for Chameleon. Only other totem I can think of Wisdom wise is Rattlesnake. one last round of votes?"

7/20/2022 20:52:10 Rhapsody listens and considers. "Aelous is good, Chameleon is really good too. I'm even good with Heron. But I think Chameleon is really about the best of them. For this purpose."

7/20/2022 21:02:01 Pandora is listening as well and she nods. "Okay. Now let's look at a couple of totems from things that we might not think we're interested in, but what if we are? We can't know what we want if we don't eliminate the things we don't want. So let's each pick a totem that seems really cool, but isn't Wisdom."

7/20/2022 21:03:22 Akio nods in thought as he wipes his hands. "There are a lot of great totems. Did we decide on our purpose? That will help probably point us at the totem, right?"

7/20/2022 21:07:17 Irsa says, “We did, yeah. We'll be city-side for a lott of our work, an' looking for and huntin' down Wyrm and Weaver threats." Irsa considers Pandora's suggestion. "All right. Rat." Well, that was easy. "And not just 'cause I'm a Bonegnawer. If you're gonna throw down, pick a spirit who strikes hard from ambush an' overwhelms the Enemy.”

7/20/2022 21:08:30 Pandora nods to Irsa, chiming in. "Convince us." Before everyone moves on

7/20/2022 21:09:33 Rhapsody has to put out there, "I'd be remiss if I did not suggest Black Unicorn. While he is a totem of War, he does give more protection (OOC: +3 soak dice - good for those with issues healing), and his only demand is for us to defend those not able to defend themselves. He is strong, but noble, chinvalrous even. He is Unicorn's Shadow, with a love for Gaia, and certainly there for us as we fight against the Wyrm."

7/20/2022 21:14:40 Akio looks to Irsa, "Rat is the one you don't want? Or do want?" Looking to the others he's linking the settled on purpose. "I think a no is cockroach."

7/20/2022 21:16:45 Irsa considers this. "He's not a bad spirit. His ban might be a problem, though. We'd have ta help anyone who needs help, which ain't a problem if it won't get us killed doin' it. What do we do if there's a building on fire fulla people while we're fightin' to defend th' caern? Don't get me wrong, I like heroes. I just don't wanna die one." She shrugs at Akio. "I think we'd be better off with Wisdom, given what we wanna do. Rat is a War totem."

7/20/2022 21:18:37 Pandora nods to Rhapsody and states to Irsa, "Right, of course, but we're also defending those people by battling the Wyrm. Any good totem would understand priorities." She nods about Rat too. "Ambush, overwhelming the enemy. Both good points. What does Rat require of its people?"

7/20/2022 21:33:16 Irsa shakes her head at Pandora's remark. "That ain't how spirits work. A ban's a ban. Ya don't get ta pick and choose which part ya follow. It's all or nothin' with them, or ya lose their patronage." She takes another sip of her drink. "Rat is swift, silent, and fierce: ya strike hard from below. Rat asks those who follow it to spare her children. But I still think we're better served by Wisdom."

7/20/2022 21:40:18 Jackie goes near cross-eyed trying to keep up with all of this. "Really, I feel like I should leave this to the experts."

7/20/2022 21:41:32 Rhapsody nods, "I get that. I can see where Black Unicorn can be a tough one to follow with the needs. My heart will always have a special place for him. If wisdom is the way to go, then again, I think Chameleon would be a good choice. I'd also still say Heron, but she may be a bit too fussy about some things. Like who we dress. Even though she is good with finding secrets."

7/20/2022 21:48:26 Pandora nods as she listens. She still isn't stuck on one in particular. This is a good way to suss things out. "Akio? Do you have any other suggestions?"

7/20/2022 21:52:24 Akio nods, "I'm liking all I hear. Wild Raven might be a win for us too. I know he's a little outside the rest but it could help for our purpose. Mmmm, Coyote talks to me too. I would suggest fox, but its a little on the nose."

7/20/2022 21:53:08 Irsa cracks her knuckles. "All right, sounds like we got some choices. Lemme call Iris." And she does just that.
7/20/2022 21:53:19 <Phone> (Irsa talking to someone) *ring *ring*
7/20/2022 21:56:43 <Phone> (Irsa talking to someone) We're set here. Mostly. Where d'ya want us?
7/20/2022 21:59:03 <Phone> (Irsa talking to someone) Er. Well, we're tryin' to vote on a few different patrons. That's the last bit before the magic items. Purpose we got.
7/20/2022 22:01:13 <Phone> (Irsa talking to someone) I mean, it couldn't hurt. Right? Right.

7/20/2022 22:02:04 Rhapsody really wonders what is being said on the other side of that line. "Aelous is still a good choice too. Gosh, this is a hard decision. It would be good to speak with Pancake to get her thoughts."

7/20/2022 22:02:36 <Phone> (Irsa talking to someone) Hold on, I'll ask 'em.

7/20/2022 22:05:18 Irsa covers the mouthpiece of her phone. "Iris says t' ask ya if you wanna see her charts and puzzles. I think that's code for 'Will this spirit work for me?'. She's on her boat. She don't trust earthlings with any of her stuff."

7/20/2022 22:05:38 Irsa says, “Somethin' about a squirrel fiasco. I ain't asking.”

7/20/2022 22:15:53 Pandora thinks about that for a moment. "YOu know, the Get pack has Wild Raven," she offers up, reaching for her like.. fifth brownie

7/20/2022 22:15:55 Akio nods, "I wanna see her puzzles and stuff. Any suggestion is welcomed for sure."

7/20/2022 22:16:18 <Phone> (Irsa talking to someone) Sold. Be right there.

7/20/2022 22:19:02 Irsa hangs up the phone. "Let's go, then. Road drinks!" She snatches yet another Coke on the way out, along with her backpack.

7/20/2022 22:31:28 When the gang arrives via the rowboat, it's Iris's son Pink Floyd that's there to greet them and offer a steadying hand while they step from the row boat onto the ship proper. In homid with his vitiligo skin on display, the gangly little teenager says, "HI! Welcome to the Starship Enterprise! My mom said I could name the boat so I named it that, cause I really like Jon Luke Picard. He's pretty great, right? My friend Dexter says he's a scholor and a pimp." He has no idea what he's talking about, but boy can he yammer. "Momma's on the bridge, she said I had to bring you there when you got here cause she's got too much stuff to do to go walking all the way to the back of the boat, but I said I'd do it because I like walking!"

7/20/2022 22:34:01 "Heya, Pink!" Irsa greets the cub as she steps aboard the row boat. "I didn't know ya knew how to operate this thing."

7/20/2022 22:36:15 Rhapsody comes along, now more familiar with the route. As they approach she gives a nod to Pink as she gets into the rowboat. "Nice to meet you. Thanks for the ride."

7/20/2022 22:36:45 Pandora just hangs onto Rhapsody anyway, eyes closed, but not like slammed shut like the Alamo or something. No squeaking, and she breathes the whole time

7/20/2022 22:39:35 Akio follows the rest of the group and stops to smile at Pink. Turning his backpack around so it's on the front of his body he reaches into it and says, "I meant to give this to you the last time I saw you in the Caern." Pulling free a black fox origami with a white tail and a pink wolf, he hands them off to the teen. "The fox is to remind you that you have a kitsune friend, the wolf of course is you." Smiling to the boy he moves past to wave to Pancake. "Thanks for having us!"

7/20/2022 22:52:00 Jackie remains seated in the rowboat, knees pressed together against the gunwale and her arms crossed over her chest, wearing nothing but the furious blush she's managed to maintain from when she first noticed that her clothes did not join her on the trip up. Something that wasn't helped by the sudden upward movement distracting her from that realization for at least several long seconds.

7/20/2022 22:56:30 Pink Floyd to the rescue! "Hang on!" he shouts when shouting isn't really required, and dives in to some nearby room before coming back with an an excessively colorful maxi dress probably owned by Iris that is guranteed to make anyone look like a rainbow just became violently ill all over them. He thrusts it out towards that naked lady he sees there in the boat but does NOT LOOK past that first glance to notice (hehehhehe) boobies. His Black Fury mom would be *so* mad if he stared. He babbles while distracting himself, "Oh yeah, I know how to work everything! Except the oven, momma says I'm not allowed to use the oven, ever, cause I'll burn the boat down- AW THAT'S SO COOL!" he blurts loudly when he gets his special origami pieces, "You made those for me? You're the best noodle wolf I've ever met!" he says gushily as he hugs Akio. And never, never lets go. Walking to the bridge should be an interesting exercise!

7/20/2022 22:58:24 Irsa grins and shoves her hands in her pockets. She follows after Pink and the hopelessly-squeezed Akio. "My Ma used t' tell me th' same thing. 'Irsa, leave that hot plate alone! Ya wanna burn th' shack down?' "

7/20/2022 23:00:43 Jackie takes the dress with one hand, and figures out how to slip into it without too much trouble. She even manages to look a bit less uncomfortable in the unfamiliar dress than she did while naked, a marked improvement. Settling herself with a deep breath, she steps out of the rowboat and follows the group.

7/20/2022 23:07:22 Rhapsody tries not to look at Jackie, having realized later that there might be an issue. "I really did not consider the issue with coming here, Jackie. We'll have to do something about that for you." Or always bring extra clothes for the kin. "This place is amazing. It really is an honor to get to come here."

7/20/2022 23:10:00 Akio laughs as he's hugged tightly and walk-shimmies with Pink as they move to where Mercy is waiting for them. "You're welcome." Chuckling he looks back to his companions as they move and gives a wink.

7/20/2022 23:12:51 The spirit crew of the ship is low in population at the moment, there's just a skeleton crew of a few naturae and a few light based spirits scattered here and there doing whatever it is they do on a space boat. It's a pretty straight shot to the bridge, taking stairs to get further up before the linear path lets out at the bow of the ship with all its weirdass fetishes for navigation and movement. Iris has the place thoroughly cluttered with hand made books, notebooks, some tattered scrolls, a few old clay tablets and the like. She said she'd help with research and she definitely meant it! "Mm, possibility maybe... Oh Gaia no, definitely not that one!" she's mumbling to herself as Pink brings the Cliaths up to her favorite place in all creation. "Hey! Come in, watch your step, good to see you all. Irsa says you've been making progress on your pack stuff. Pink, let that man go, you're going to squish the poor guy."

7/20/2022 23:15:04 Irsa scrubs her hands through her hair. "Yeah, we got th' purpose decided. We're focusin' mostly on the city. We got a lot of Wyrm an' Weaver that needs to be dealt with, especially since a caern is being built there. That'll attract the Enemy in huge numbers, so thinnin' them out before hand would be wise. We want to dig inta hidden threats in the city, clean things up, and be versatile enough ta handle whatever we come across. A lotta sneaking, a lotta scoutin'. Especially since we ain't got an Ahroun, and we're gotta defend the forest caern."

7/20/2022 23:17:38 Rhapsody nodnods! "We have a short list of spirits we have thought of seeking as our spirit totem, but could really use some advice to decide who to quest for." She adds, "We are a bit of an unusual grouping for a pack, and thus it is important to find the right spirit."

7/20/2022 23:18:14 Jackie shakes her head at Rhapsody, already smiling again. She answers her quietly, trying to not interrupt the others. "It's fine. It was just a surprise, I didn't realize where we were going, or how. I guess I really need to learn how to prepare for this sort of thing, huh?"

7/20/2022 23:22:17 Akio waves as they all arrive at their destination. Pink gets a warm hug when their longer hug is released. Nodding to Irsa's take along with Rhapsody, the kitsune smiles to Jackie. "We'll make sure next time we're all ready for it." Chuckling he looks back to Iris to listen.

7/20/2022 23:24:47 "Mmkay, mmkay, that's the vibe I was gettin, let's see..." Mercy mumbles while looking around for the notebook she was scribbling in, lost somewhere amongst those filled with info notess. "Um... Ah ha, there it is. Okay, let's start with you guys first, tell me what you've been thinking up and I'll try and relate any pros or cons or interpritations you might need about them. If you need, I've got a selection of totem spirits you might also want to consider, and hopefully somewhere along the way we'll find the one that clicks with all of you."

7/20/2022 23:30:05 Irsa scratches her jaw as she puts the order together. "Th' most popular ones were Fog an' Chameleon. Heron was third on th' list, though I ain't sure how that's gonna work with his ban. What else? Black Unicorn was mentioned, but also a problem with th' ban an' the hero thing. Uh, Rat if we wanted War. What else am I missin'?" she asks the others.

7/20/2022 23:31:15 Rhapsody hmms, "A few others were tossed out there by name, but not much discussion. I think those are the highlights and ones under consideration."

7/20/2022 23:33:40 Akio nods in agreement. "We tossed out other names but those seemed to bubble to the top."

7/20/2022 23:35:28 Jackie looks over the assorted materials from a distance as she comes up behind the others. "I was mostly just listening to their advice on this, it's a bit outside my expertise."

7/20/2022 23:39:08 "Excellent picks, actually, Fog and Chameleon are definitely on my list." Mercy says with a grin, "You're right about Heron though. I mean, it's doable, but you'd probably be stressed out a lot. His ban is much easier to keep up with when you're already established in the sky life and don't mind upsetting some people. Fog and Chameleon are good counters, like do you wanna see more or hide more, in terms of which do you like more there. Crow and Wild Gurkey are in the same zone as Chameleon, they're more sight than hide, while Panther and Bat are a liiiittle more hide than sight. Bat's got.... a reputation, I guess you'd say, but the aspect of him that's been pieced back together is a really solid guy. The Digital Eye is... Very appropriate for the city, it'll get you all the secrets, but the down side is you cant KEEP a secret. Glooscap is pretty good at finding stuff out... Have any of you considered the Smiling Happy Buddha? Which I know is a very odd choice to throw out there, but here me out. You need to be able to afford to be the spies you want to be and grease the palms you don't want to stab to death. It's an option, any how."

7/20/2022 23:48:11 Irsa scratches her jaw as she mulls over the choices. "That's a tough call. I'd say no to Wild Turkey. I don't wanna say no to lunch meat an' family get-togethers. What do th' rest of ya think of those options?"

7/20/2022 23:52:14 Rhapsody listens and nods as Mercy shares. "I do like Panther, but don't you have to spend time in the Amazon?" She may have heard wrong, thus she asks. "I'm still feeling more toward Fog and Chameleon."

7/20/2022 23:57:03 Akio nods and thinks over the various totems they've discussed. "Happy Buddha is pretty good but I think I'm partial to Fog out the ones we've seemed to hone in on."

7/20/2022 23:59:24 "Some pros and cons here to help you consider which ones to knock out of the running or to keep in," Mercy says, checking her notes and rattling off, "Panther obviously wants protection of cats, and yes, you're also obligated to head down to the Amazon once a year to help out the Bastet there. Get of Fenris, I think, kinda look down on the whole 'following a cat' thing, but the Bastet will be really cool with you for not being a racist dickhead. In return, you will see better, and do better in matters of stealth and movement. Bat has a reputation, like I said, the totem fell *hard* to the Wyrm and is considered a corrupt totem. The Shadow Lords managed to redeem a fragment of Bat's soul though, and brought him back to us. See better, hear better like a bat, but at the cost of looking kinda untrustworthy. Like, people get stingy about your honor and you have to work harder to prove yourselves. You're not allowed to ever, ever, ever fight another Garou that's not corrupt, like no Gaian garou, not ever, for any reason. The Buddha's a nice guy, you'll just, like, *have* money, plenty of money, you just cant hoard the money. Gotta keep it flowing. Buy stuff, donate it, support your local mom and pop store, invest in someone's wardrobe, whatever. You guys DO seem pretty stuck to Fog and Chameleon though, so maybe it should just be a choice between those two." She rifles around for the notes she's got on those two in particular.

7/21/2022 0:05:54 Irsa listens to the others and nods. "Sounds like we got our choices pretty much set. Any last thoughts before we hit th' green light? Thumbs up you're good, thumbs down ya got somethin' more to add."

7/21/2022 0:06:02 Irsa thumbs ups.

7/21/2022 0:06:47 Pandora also thumbs up

7/21/2022 0:07:00 Pandora might have drifted off a little in a brownie coma, but she was listening

7/21/2022 0:07:18 Akio thumbs up.

7/21/2022 0:10:56 "Ah ha, here it is." Mercy says, taking a second to read, and says, "Chameleon conceals and sees, Fog conceals and understands. Never get snuck up on versus understanding the riddles of plots in front of you. You have to be patient with Chameleon and not do shit until you've got all your ducks in a row. For Fog, you just gotta keep your trap shut and not tell secrets outside the sept or pack, whichever is applicable to the secret in question." She shuts her notebook and smiles, "The choice, she is yours ladies and gentleman."

7/21/2022 0:14:42 Irsa thinks this over very carefully. "That's a tough one. I gotta give this some thought b'fore I decide. Rest of ya first. Right hand for Chameleon, left hand for Fog."

7/21/2022 0:15:15 Pandora shakes her head. "I need some time to think too. They both have their merits and their drawbacks and I need to weigh them."

7/21/2022 0:16:51 Rhapsody thinks about it. "Maybe we need to sleep on it. Either sounds very good. My only concern with Chameleon is to be sure we do not get stuck overthinking before action. It is a fine line."

7/21/2022 0:18:43 Akio grins, "For me it's easy. I'm for fog, no further thought from me. It fits all of us in its focus on knowledge and stealth which we'll need to be successful in our purpose."

7/21/2022 0:21:47 "Sleeping on it isn't a bad idea." Mercy agrees with a nod of her head, "I don't wanna overly influence your decision with my opinions on it since it's supposed to be your personal choice as a pack and all." She nods with a point to Rhapsody, "That's a super valid concern. Chameleon can be pretty slow to leap in to action, though they'll definitely know what they need to know once they decide to go for it. Fog, it creeps as well, but in a more intrusive and invasive way. Through the key hole, under the eaves, it'll find its way in, and the city's got a looooot of nooks and crannies hiding secrets."

7/21/2022 0:23:02 Mercy adds really quick, "And Fog can hide a gigantic bear, which is handy."

7/21/2022 0:23:59 "We can shoot texts out tomorrow to everyone an' Mercy's Messenger-Rhya for a vote. Then set a time for th' Rite." Irsa sets up a reminder in her phone.

7/21/2022 0:25:01 Rhapsody nods, "I see where you are coming from, Akio. I think I'm team Fog too. But I will consider it further and let you all know."

7/21/2022 0:35:48 While the pack's steadily drawing in on their final vote for who they want to dedicate themselves to, and while some players are passing out, Mercy says, "Let's get cocktails and sing our victory on the karaoke machine!" while moving off the bridge and down some steps to the lounge.