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Latest revision as of 19:51, 7 July 2022

The First Unicorn (For Jackie)
Journey summons a Unicorn, Jackie learns her first gift.
IC Date July 7, 2022
IC Time Afternoon
Players Jackie, Journey, Vesta, Irsa
Location Timberland
Spheres Garou

7/7/2022 15:10:29 Timberland, sits there at the end of the road, like normal, Same vaugely unsettling aura for a place that's been pretty cool so far.

7/7/2022 15:14:22 Jackie parks her bike a stone's throw in front of the place, feeling a slight chill as she kills the engine and looks over at the front door. She hangs her helmet off the handlebar and steps up onto the porch, giving three quick knocks.

7/7/2022 15:15:58 Lisa answers the door with a grin, "Jackie, come in." She brings Jackie through the house, to the Lab, where Journey is, a table set up with food while the dirt floor is set up with a circle of wooden plates, carved with runes.

7/7/2022 15:20:11 Jackie follows Lisa into the lab, stepping quietly. Her eyes are first drawn to the runes, her eyes going around the circle of them curiously. "Hey Journey. What's going on today?"

7/7/2022 15:21:54 Journey turns, looking from the dirt floor to the Kin coming in, and grins, "Jackie, come on in, get something to eat, gonna summon Unicorn. We'll have you with excellent healing powers before too long." He grins, "Just getting it all set up."

7/7/2022 15:29:35 Vesta is sitting nearby and she's already snacking. Whatever he's got going on, she's having a little bite of everything. "Welcome," she says, her voice cheerful but still holding a serious tone to it.

7/7/2022 15:32:16 Jackie looks down at the food, then smiles back at the pair. "I better not, I'm still feeling dinner from last night. I can't eat like that every day unless I can find a way to burn ten thousand calories a day."

7/7/2022 15:35:46 Walking in, stepping webbed feet on time, tailfeathers shaking, followed by Stephen, "Thank you Lisa dear." Duck comes into the lab, leading Stephen who runs to Vesta, to investigate what's for food. He looks to JAckie and waves, "Hii." 7/7/2022 15:35:46 7/7/2022 15:35:46 Journey grins and shrugs, "We might hit a thousand, I haven't figured out what the calorie count is going to be." He looks to Duck, then the door as Lisa bows out, closing the door. "OKay last questions?" He looks to Jackie, "We're pretty ready to roll on this if you're good."

7/7/2022 15:37:07 Vesta grins ever so slightly and she finishes up the last of her food. SHe doesn't have much to say, just eager and willing to watch and participate as necessary and as she's able.

7/7/2022 15:43:44 Jackie waves down at Duck, then looks back up to Journey. "Last questions? I was still on first questions... I guess I just need to know what I'm supposed to do? Do I just talk to the Unicorn when it appears? Say hi?"

7/7/2022 15:48:19 Journey nods, "Yeah, just say hello. I'll do most of the talking with her." Duck waddles to the circle, hopping into it. "You just relax, and be you." He nods, "This is as safe as these things get." He smiles, reassuringly, gesturing to where Vesta, Stephen and the snacks table is set up.

7/7/2022 15:49:57 Jackie slides herself over to the indicated table, taking a seat and settling in to watch him work.

7/7/2022 16:00:22 Journey turns and moves to the circle, one finger growing, bones cracking as a Crinos talon erupts from the tip of the finger. He lifts a hand, sweeping the claw through the air-

7/7/2022 16:00:22 Someone just opened a window, fresh air sweeps through the room, the feel of the place changing, the Spirits responding to it as Journey pierces the Gauntlet, tearing with his claw a hole in the worlds, a small opening as the circle in the dirt glows, the Duck inside the circle shining as the runes on the pieces of wood burn in a dusky blue-green light, wafting off it like flame.
7/7/2022 16:00:22 QUAAAAAACK!
7/7/2022 16:00:22 That's the cry, the call of Duck. Absolutely humorous.
7/7/2022 16:00:22 The clackclack of hooves on the floor draw attention as looking over. She stands there, fore and fetlocks snowy white, mane ivory purity, and the limbs slender, fine muscles flecking beneath the skin, the tail hairs flow in pure white beauty. Beauty, it's not a word one thinks of but the sharp pain of the pure beauty of the creature in the room, her neck straightens and in the center of the horse head and single spiraling horn, impossible beauty. Human Nations would go to war over possessing such a creature.

7/7/2022 16:00:22 Journey moves totard the Spirit, bowing, "Welcome." Duck waddles up past Journey, "Thank you for coming dear, This is Stephen, my charge, Vesta, the Mother, and this is Jackie, she's of Fenrir blood, and Kinfolk."

7/7/2022 16:00:22 Duck starts introductions.

7/7/2022 16:26:28 Jackie can't help but gasp softly as she comes into full view. She thought she had mentally prepared herself for seeing this, but the unreality of the reality just isn't that easy to account for without the experience. Her eyes stay fixed on the spirit for several long moments, silently taking it in.

7/7/2022 16:33:29 Duck looks at Jackie and turns, "Stephen." Stephen walks up, looking with biig eyes at Unicorn, "Stephen Farshi, Baconcaller. Silent Strider, Cub." He says in all seriousness. Unicorn steps up, hooves careful as her head lowers, and Stephen holds up, a sugarbeet. Unicorn leans down, snuffing the beet, and takes it with her impossibly dexterous lips, flash of straight teeth in her mouth as she crunches the beet, and-

7/7/2022 16:33:29 The voice comes partly from within, the voice the womans voice from the movie 'The Last Unicorn' And you KNOW it's partly coming from inside yourself, putting the voice to the Voice, but then there's the smell, something you can't quite place, something good, something that reminds Jackie of the innocent part of her life. of the world as it was when she was a happy little girl.

7/7/2022 16:33:29 "Thank you Stephen Farshi. Duck has taught you well, little one." She nuzzles into Stephen, who giggles and gives Unicorn a biiig hug. "Fankoo, Unicorn." Stephen says, giggling as he looks into those liquid blue eyes that are just bottomless.

7/7/2022 16:36:09 Vesta just sits very, very still, watching, listening, taking it all in with slightly wide eyes

7/7/2022 16:40:41 Jackie stands up from her chair, starting to look over the table for any similar offerings as she expects her turn must be coming soon. She didn't know she was supposed to bring gifts!

7/7/2022 16:46:12 Journey stands off to the side, watching with a smile on his face as Duck waddles toward Jackie, Unicorn lifting her head, and clop clop<Even the hoof falls sound like music, life> toward Jackie. "Jackie here is hoping to learn the Mothers Touch, to help ease the wounds of the Garou of her Tribe." Duck says, Unicorn turning her lovely head to look, really LOOK at Jackie with one eye so deep blue, and tranquil, infinite in the glossy pupil. "Is that so Jackie? You are strong enough to use my Healing Gift, if you would take on the burden for others."

7/7/2022 16:47:45 Vesta has not moved or made a noise in quite some time and she continues to do just exactly that, other than her eyes moving from person to spirit to child

7/7/2022 16:52:20 Jackie abandons the last second search for treats, caught by the unearthly blue gaze. She stares into the large eye, nodding slightly as she answers. "Y-yes. I am... Jacqueline Hagen, Get of Fenris kin. And, well, I've never learned to use a gift before, but I've never failed at anything I've ever put my mind to, either. So yes, I do believe I am strong enough to do this too."

7/7/2022 16:58:56 Unicorn, keeps the gaze locked on Jackie, then nods, horn moving through the air, "So be it, Jacqueline Hagen. The power is yours. Take my token." She shakes her mane out hair whipping the air around her, as she pivots, and walks to where Vesta and Stephen are, Stephen moving back to Mommy, Duck leading them.

7/7/2022 16:58:56 Shimmering in the air in front of Jackie, drifting downward more like a whisp of smoke than something physical, a long hair of silvery white.
7/7/2022 16:58:56 Unicorn Hair.

7/7/2022 17:00:14 Vesta scoops Stephen up in her arms to sit on her lap, swallowing a little hard as Unicorn comes closer. She dips her head with utmost respect. "Mighty Unicorn," she half-whispers

7/7/2022 17:05:20 Jackie watches unicorn moving until she gets a few steps away, then her eyes snap back into focus as they spot the slowly drifting strand of while hair. Her hand comes up smoothly and she closes her thumb and forefinger on it, bringing it to rest but still holding it up. Her eyes stay fixed on it, looking at it intensely as she responds. "Thank you, Unicorn."

7/7/2022 17:06:08 Unicorn clopclops to a stop in front of Vesta and Stephen, "Vesta, Mother of Stephen, you have many magics, but not what I have bestowed upon Jacquiline Hagen. You have the strength as well if you choose, you too may have this power, you have proven yourself more than most."

7/7/2022 17:06:08 Journey watches this carefully, seeming pleased with how it's going and watching Ducks bustling nature bringing the interaction together.

7/7/2022 17:06:08 The hair is silvery, strong and two and a half feet long. It seems to drift on the slightest breeze and it smells like.. that smell. Innocence.

7/7/2022 17:07:30 Vesta lifts her gaze to Unicorn, and once more dips her head. "I would be honored, Mighty Unicorn, to be bestowed with such a gift. I have never dared to ask one so wise as you."

7/7/2022 17:16:31 Irsa is met at the door by Lisa, one of the Kinfolk faces who is seen with Journey on occasion. She leads into the house, and down a hall. As soon as Irsa enters the threshold, Rage, lightens to nearly nothing <diff 9> Outside the room, in the Hall The sense of the Gauntlet PLUMMETS, the Umbra very close. Lisa pauses at the door.

7/7/2022 17:16:31 Inside the room, Journey looks to the door and moves to it, opening the door, reaching out and grabbing Irsa, <Good Gaia he's strong> He pulls her into the room, lifting a hand to cover her mouth, turning her head to see-

7/7/2022 17:16:36 Unicorn nods, to Vesta, as the Spirit is speaking to the Kinfolk, Jackie nearby, and yes it's REALLY Unicorn. "Pelican is a good boy, his healing is useful to the Kinfolk, but you have greater strength." She nods, "So be it. You too shall have the power of my healing." Unicorn shakes her mane, and turns, walking off, leaving behind in the air a second Unicorn hair, "I believe you will honor my token with your crafts." The Spirit says, as Journey smirks, and Duck waddles back toward the center of the room, Unicorn following the small water fowl, mane shimmering.

7/7/2022 17:18:46 "I will, Mighty Unicorn," Vesta says. If she notices the new person being kidnapped into the room, she doesn't show it. With Stephen on her lap, she reaches up into the air, plucking the hair from it with grace and poise, though her fingers are admittedly a little shaky. "I will. I promise."

7/7/2022 17:22:12 Irsa doesn't a chance to open her mouth to say 'hello' before she's whisked inside. It's a good thing Journey's strong, she's heavy! Her eyes narrow as her mouth is covered and flick about looking for whatever danger demands silence. Is it Fomori? Black Spiral Dancers? LEECHES?! No, no. That's a Unicorn. She shoots Journey an almost reproachful look as the spirit speaks and stands there all majestic-like.

7/7/2022 17:24:39 Jackie takes a step back out of the way, still looking down at the shining white wisp of hair draping over her fingers. It takes her a moment to notice Irsa's arrival, and she quietly smiles over and waves with her other hand.

7/7/2022 17:26:57 Journey releases Irsa once she's got her feet under her and knows about Unicorn. He nods, and steps back as Duck, also spirit, looks over and Unicorn turns, clopclopping delicately to the newcomer, Duck bustles up, "Welcome Hammer-Tooth, I am Duck of Unicorn. This is Unicorn, Do you have any petitions for my Lady?"

7/7/2022 17:26:57 Journey looks to Irsa, and shrugs, "Timing."

7/7/2022 17:29:49 Vesta stays quiet. She takes the two foot long hair, which is still shorter than her own hair and she carefully but quickly braids it along with a small bit of her own hair. There's nothing to secure it, but it will hold for now.

7/7/2022 17:33:53 Irsa coughs lightly once she's released. "Uh.. no. No thank you. 'M good." Someone here didn't grow up with My Little Pony.

7/7/2022 17:38:05 Duck nods, turning to Unicorn, who pulls back, hooves moving through the air before-

7/7/2022 17:38:05 Gone.

7/7/2022 17:38:05 Gauntlet slowly starts thickening back up and it feels like reality slides back into focus, the hairs still a piece of the unreality, left real. The smell of Innocence in the air as it begins to clear slowly.

7/7/2022 17:38:05 "Buh-Byyyyyyye!" The six year old boy waves tot he space in the air where Unicorn was.

7/7/2022 17:38:05 Journey breathes out as the smell fades to burnt wood from the smoking circle in the dirt floor area of the room. "Hi Irsa."

7/7/2022 17:39:18 Jackie lets out a breath she hadn't known she was holding. "Wow. That was... pretty intense."

7/7/2022 17:46:01 Journey moves to a worktable and slides a rolling chair to JAckie, "Have a seat." He says as the six year old steps to the table of food, and gets a rice ball, looking at Irsa and waves, "Hiiiiiiii!"

7/7/2022 17:48:11 Irsa looks between Journey, the space where the Unicorn just disappeared, and at the others gathered here. "Uh. Hello. Does that happen often here?" What a silly question.

7/7/2022 17:51:49 Jackie catches the chair with her left hand and lowers herself into it. She settles more heavily than she expected, suddenly feeling a bit spent in the aftermath of the encounter. "Is it always like that?"

7/7/2022 17:52:39 Journey points to the smoking circle of ... wooden plates, in the side of the room with a dirt floor, "Nope, that was on purpose, Gifting the Kinfolk with Mother's Touch." He gestures around and smiles, looking to Jackie, as he moves to push a button on the phone, "Yeah, it is, sometimges it goes bad and that's unfortunate. Let's get you into a guest room, let you take a nap." He moves to the door, Lisa answering and he sends JAckie off with Lisa to let her pass out somewhere for a nice sanity restoring sleep.

7/7/2022 17:54:49 Irsa shifts, looking slightly uncomfortable in this very nice house. She tilts her head as the six-year old waves at her. She waves back. "Hi. I'm Irsa." Her voice might suprise listeners, she pitched it much gentler for the youngster.

7/7/2022 17:55:47 Vesta finally snaps back, clearing her throat. She now has a teeny tiny little braid buried in her hair. "Vesta Farshi, Strider kin, mated to Shaderunner, Elder Silent Strider, mother of Stephen." She indicates the little one in her lap

7/7/2022 17:58:41 Stephen moves up to Irsa, no fear, "Stephen Farshi, Baconcaller. Silent Strider, Cub." He says, and holds out a fresh skewer of grilled chicken to her.

7/7/2022 17:58:41 Looking around, yes, this is a large room, a wall knocked out, one side dirt floor, and the other side lines with worktables, crafting stations, large safes and -THAT IS A GRAND KLAIVE- sitting in a shrine to it's spirits.

7/7/2022 17:58:41 Journey smiles, "Yes, hi good to see you, just caught the end of that."

7/7/2022 18:04:12 Irsa nods at Veta and offers her a faint smile. It's a trifle gruesome with that battlescar, but at least it's not showing her teeth. "Irsa Rawlins. Hammer-Tooth. Bonegnawer theurge. Cliath." She eyes the child's offering and kneels down to look him in the eye. "Thank you," she tells him, as gravely as she would if speaking to an adult. "It's nice to meet ya. Ya wanna call me Irsa or Hammer-Tooth?"

7/7/2022 18:05:16 "An honor to meet you," Vesta says, smiling just a little, kind of a far-away look still, but she's starting to focus - finally.

7/7/2022 18:06:44 Stephen thinks about that, and smiles, "Irsa. Imma Feurge too." He confides, smiling, "Unicorn was pretty."

7/7/2022 18:06:44 Journey smiles, and looks over as Duck waddles to the side, Yes, the Duck has remained.

7/7/2022 18:10:02 Irsa eyes Duck suspiciously, flashing back to disastous encounters with waterfowl at L.A. city parks. "It's nice meetin' ya, Vesta. Honor's mine. Ya have a real nice home." She looks down at the cub. "Yeah? Well, that's a good moon t' have. Unicorn -is- real pretty,' she agrees.

7/7/2022 18:14:22 Stephen nods, and turns to run back to Vesta, happily.

7/7/2022 18:14:22 Journey gestures to some of the rolling chairs at the worktables, and slides out one to sit in and gestures to the table with food on it, "Have something to eat, Irsa, tell me about your training, How you see your work as a Theurge, you've got affinity with the vehicle spirits I noticed."

7/7/2022 18:15:32 Vesta scoops up Stephen and gnaws on him briefly before she just sets him in her lap. She already has a plate and there's food on it still. She's got a beer. For now, she's still completely content to just watch

7/7/2022 18:22:04 Irsa stage whispers to Stephen, "Ya better eat that one. That way you'll grow up big and strong, and be way faster 'n me." She takes a seat at the table and helps herself to the spread. She puts together her thoughts as she loads her plate. "I've been checking th' area around the Mall. Makin' sure everything's in place. Looks solid. Been speakin' to the spirits there: no problems there, met an old Rat spirit that's been hangin' at my place. She ain't told me her name yet, but I've been callin' her 'Old Mother.' Been practicin' shootin' things with my crossbow, an' talked to Reno last night 'bout learning Contrition from him.' The Bonegnawers grimace at the mentions of vehicle spirits. "Some a' my Tribe do. I ain't one of 'em. There's a Totem that's... real weird that ya see some followin', but it's not my thing."

7/7/2022 18:23:57 Vesta is all good until the notion of Reno teaching Irsa contrition comes up. She glances over to Journey, then lowers her gaze a little. Yup. Shut up

7/7/2022 18:27:56 Journey listens, nodding, "Renos good at Contrition." He says, "I can certainly confirm that much. Yeah I've done a bit of work at he Mall, Lower level used to be flooded, you've seen the watarline, I'm sure, drained that level got that space back. The local penumbrascape is in okay shape, but could use more tending of course. What Rites have you been taught?" He asks, relaxing into the chair, thoughtful.

7/7/2022 18:32:07 Irsa gnaws on a skewer expertly. It's part of her Tribe's name, after all. "Yeah, I kinda got that. And that's a thing I'd like ta ask about later. What people say, an' what's truth, ain't always the same. " She wipes her mouth on her sleeve. "I know Talisman Dedication, Cleansing, an' Awakenin'. I used ta help tend a small garden at my old teacher's place. She taught me that one."

7/7/2022 18:33:20 Stephen says something to Vesta and she nods, giving him a little pat. "Sure. Come on." Stephen slides out of her lap and Vesta says, "Excuse us for just a moment. We'll be right back. That will also give the two of you time to talk." And then they scoot out quietly

7/7/2022 18:35:48 Journey nods, "Ah that should be fascinating. Well I think Contrition is the right next step for you. Awakening is a potent Rite and I'm sure you'll have all kinds of use out of it. I actually have a Talen design that uses Awakening, but that'll come in time. From there, there's a lot of options for you, but what do you see yourself becoming as a Theurge?"

7/7/2022 18:40:21 Irsa nods at Vesta, and waves goodbye as she and Stephen depart. It's rude to talk with your mouth full. She stops eating, though, at Journey's very serious question. "That's a hard one. Back in L.A., I ran the streets with my pack. If we weren't fighting Leeches an' fomor, we were goin' from camp to camp, tending to our Kin." She rubs her hand under her chin. "That's easier to do when ya got Gnawers at your back. I ain't got that here. So I gotta balance what I wanna learn with what th' Tribe needs from me."

7/7/2022 18:47:30 Journey smiles, nodding, "We don't have many outright LA Leech battles in this town." He pulls out a wooden dowel rod set into the center of wooden angled blade, a child's helicopter toy. "False Dawn. My version of a sunlight grenade, spin it to fly up like the toy and it'll explode into sunlight and hover there for a while shining out sunny vampire death till it burns up completely. Just one of the lovely vampire killing toys. Silent Striders have personal beef with the LEeches, and between George and myself, we don't screw around with Leeches." He shrugs, "Most of the trouble comes from various Wyrm sources or the seeming annual Skullpig infestation we have."

7/7/2022 18:54:13 Irsa snorts. "Good." She rolls up her sleeves, showing Journey those battlescars. "They run in packs up there, and they ain't ones for keepin' what they are on the down-low, and some of 'em have really nasty powers. This one here, I got from a Leech that shot FIRE at us." She rolls her sleeves back down "Most of the others are scared of the shit, you'd think that pass on usin' it." Irsa shrugs and examines the toy. "Mocks-the-Darkness-Rhya showed me his fetish stake. Said we had that kinda hate in common." She looks up and asks, "Skull pigs? I'm guessin' those are fomor."

7/7/2022 19:00:18 Journey looks at the scars and nods, "George is right. Here, take this one." He passes her the False Dawn, " Just in case you need to turn the battlefield your way. Sabbat Thaumaturgists are the worst, the love screwing with anything that won't immediately eat them, the morons. Skullpigs, yeah, back in the 1920s, Pigs were introduced to the area and they became a severely invasive species, there's wild populations of them eating any kind of corrupted shit they come across, it builds up until they start sprouting into Skullpigs, about the size of a Volvo and if they eat human flesh? They gain human intelligence. Sometimes Pentex makes them for one thing or another, but there are recurring Skullpig incidents. I have a LINE of skullpig fang daggers, still have several tusks around here somewhere."

7/7/2022 19:06:47 Irsa says, “Thank you, Shaderunner-Rhya." Irsa says, as she accepts the Gift and inspects it, looking at all the elements that make it work. "I'll hang onto this for an emergency, if I get jumped an' can't get away." There's runing from fear, and running to survive and spread word to the Sept. She's smart to know the difference. "Wait, Pentex? That big company? How does that even happen?" Someone's -definitely- a cliath.”

7/7/2022 19:08:50 Vesta comes back then, carrying a small bowl of icecream. SHe sits down and gets Stephen all set up then hands over the bowl to him. "Sorry about that. Special request."

7/7/2022 19:10:17 Journey looks to Irsa, and nods, "Prentex is the strong arm of the Wyrm, actually working directly for the Wyrms interests, and through their companies are trying to destroy Gaia. There's a lot of Pentex activities that are simply traps for the Garou. It's an entire side of the war that goes on in different ways in different places, I think you were having too much grief from the Leeches to see or focus on it." He looks over and smiles to Vesta and Stephen, "And an important one."

7/7/2022 19:14:36 Irsa looks absolutely horrified, and well she should. This is a 'Wyrm Meets Weaver In All The Worst Ways' scenario. "Companies. Holy..." her words cut off as Vesta returns with Stephen. Nope, she's not gonna have an Elder's child learning profanity from her. She likes her skin. "Uh, that's a lot. What other companies do they have? Any in the area?"

7/7/2022 19:17:26 Vesta smiles at Irsa. "It's okay. I have the mouth of a sailor," she says, then also produces an envelope, laying it out on the snack table, but where it won't get food-slimed.

7/7/2022 19:17:48 Journey nods, "Magadon in the area, O'Tolleys, Many more under the Pentex guise. Those places are just set out traps for us specificly, Killed the occasional employee creature that makes themselves known but usually they wait in their trapped buildings." He sits back, "So be mindful of them." He looks to Vesta, smirking.

7/7/2022 19:20:44 Irsa snorts a laugh at Vesta's remark. "Ya sure? I know how t' curse in three languages." She cracks her knuckles thoughtfully as Journey explains things to her. "Fuckin' O'Tooley's. Well, that explains a lot. Don't worry, I ain't goin' anywhere near those places. Not unless we got orders."

7/7/2022 19:23:35 Vesta holds up two hands and wiggles fingers. "I can do it in 15 and that's not including the languages of the spirits. Some of them are literally clicks and whistles." She winks at Irsa and checks on Stephen.

7/7/2022 19:25:07 Journey nods, "Well, good. Okay. With that in mind; what do you feel you need to get better with to improve your work as a Theurge? In your opinion?"

7/7/2022 19:28:30 Irsa points at Vesta. "Right, I should have counted that one. And the wolf-talk. But I digress. That's real impressive. Most I've ever heard before is eight." Journey's question gets an almost immediate answer. "I was born on two-legs. That means I gotta focus on improvin' my spiritual strength. It's way stronger than most homids, but I still need to fix that. And I ned to learn more about spirits that ain't in the city. I'm not in tune with my wolf, 'cus I'm urrah. I need to learn more of those senses and skills."

7/7/2022 19:31:43 OH boy! Vesta might actually be able to take part in teaching someone something! She speaks up. "I've been seeing spirits since I was a baby. I learned to control it a little better when I was older, but then Journey helped me learn to communicate with them as well. I'd be honored to help supplement your learning from Shaderunner."

7/7/2022 19:32:55 Journey nods, "You can certainly speak with Vesta and pick up a lot fromher and Gecko. Otherwise, spend time in the Sept, in Wolf form, you've had effort put into that, I notice but there's more to learn from that, and it's always worth it. You've started, just keep upwith that. As for spirit work, you can continue learning once you've mastered Contrition from Reno." He sighs, "Which brings us back around." He sits back in the chair and gestures to Irsa, "Go ahead and ask what you want to ask, settle things in your mind."

7/7/2022 19:38:11 Irsa shoots a fist in the air as Vesta's offer. "Hell yes. I'd love that, thank you." She laces her fingers together as she rests her hands on the table. "Yeah, I can do a couple things in wolf, but I'm so green there." She chews on her bottom lip as she frames her thoughts. "I'd like to know what happened with Six. An' how long Reno was here, before she turned up."

7/7/2022 19:40:15 Vesta glances up briefly, then crooks her finger and there's a little skitter along the wall and a little lizard - a gekko - sticks its whole face in Stephen's bowl of icecream and pulls back, eying Vesta in that reptilian way that they have.

7/7/2022 19:45:42 Journey nods, "Six was being tracked by several Dancers and Wyrm Mages, one of who was her Father, all manner of abuse took place, but they spruced her up and released her. Her breeding drew her to Gaians, and then the group tracking her would slaughter the people she found, and recaptured her. This was a cycle of release, find Gaians, kill recapture. over and over, she told the Gaians and packs and warparties fell to this group of Wyrm servants. Then she came to Prospect. Reno,, Reno had been here pretty much a month before Six got here. He'd managed to make a few mistakes and managed to cause a couple incidents with traumatized Kinfolk, running them till they drop and onward, triggering their trauma. He performed Contrition to me for shifting to Crinos in the Kinfolk House. A reflexive action that violates the rules of the place, but it happened. Contrition for that action was made, and this was in the past by the time Six came into the picture." He stops for a breath, "There's more."

7/7/2022 19:49:19 Irsa's jaw shifts from side to side. Her teeth are grinding together. As other Kinfolk are mentioned, an angry glint lights in her eyes. She has excellent control. "Souds like. I'm definitely interested."

7/7/2022 19:49:51 Vesta sits quietly, not looking up because, ya know, Vesta has FEELINGS about such things.

7/7/2022 19:51:42 Jackie steps through the door, thanking Lisa and looking just a little bit bleary still. She pauses as the topic of conversation gets through her grogginess. "Uh, should I come back later? That's starting to sound like a whole lot of none of my business."

7/7/2022 19:55:29 Journey nods, "By the way, Irsa, I'm the one saying this, so, yes, you may doubt anything I say. Not offended, but I say this; Ask Bryan. If you haven't picked up the ability to tell Gaia's truth from words you hear, fine, cross reference. Chases the Wind , the Den Father, will give it to you straight, But!" He lifts a finger, "Night I met Six, she was Just done from being sensed by Iron Flail. I'm sure you remember the experience, but Six passed, because she was most likely cleansed."

7/7/2022 19:55:29 He leans to the side, "No, Jackie, you actually have a place in this story. how you feeling by the way?" He leans to Irsa, stage whispering, "First Gift."

7/7/2022 19:55:29 Leaning back, Journey laces his fingers, "Six mentioned it not being a good idea if she was found with five hundred dollars on her, which I was trying to give her. I asked her what she meant by being found, who was looking for her. I smelled something. And she lied to me, she mentiong just being homeless, but she was leaving something out, she knew was important and she was doing it deliberately."

7/7/2022 19:59:31 Irsa perks up her ears as Jackie returns. "Journey is filling me in. I'd like to hear your take on it, too. From Vesta, too." She cracks her knuckles again, thinking over what she's hearing. "I'd already planned on talking to a couple a' Elders. Thanks, I'll look up the Denfather."

7/7/2022 20:00:11 Jackie nods, thinking back to the night she had met Six herself. She stretches, working the stupid sleep from her muscles. "Alright, I guess? A little strange, but not bad. Kind of like being low on gas, but only because the tank got bigger, if that makes sense?"

7/7/2022 20:00:22 Vesta clears her throat quietly. "I've not met either of them," she says, lifting her gaze to meet on the others. "I have only the words from my mate and the gossip of the sept to rely on. I'd very much recommend speaking to someone who has more actual information."

7/7/2022 20:06:12 Journey looks to Vesta, and smiles, then refocuses, nodding to Jackie, "Yeah, now you'll be more prone to using u your spirit energy." He puts out two small leather bottles the size of an energy shot to Jackie. "Keep these on you, you remember the Spirit Brew. You can feel it like the Fetish, and will be able to use it when you need to." He looks back to Irsa, "I let her off the hook, it was my moon and I was offended, and left, and she spent a couple of days, being shown around by Reno, taken to the Kinfolk House and Smoke and Barley, everywhere she went we had to close. We couldn't guarantee the safety of thos places, the Mages could track anywhere she had been, you see. She finally tried to apoligize to me, when she actually told me the truth and I sounded the fucking alarms, and confined her ass tot he sept where they couldn't track her."

7/7/2022 20:09:35 Irsa grunts. She likely heard a portion of this from somewhere else. "I got two other questions, and I think that'll do . Is she confirmed to be Stargaze Kin? And did ya know Reno is romantically involved with her?"

7/7/2022 20:12:33 Jackie tightens up a little at that last, and nods. "I did, at least. As long as we're on that subject, I think Reno means well, but... I think maybe he's kinda of drawn to broken birds, if you know what I mean. I did hope someone else noticed though, since it seemed a little off to me. Before she cleaned up, at least."

7/7/2022 20:15:15 Journey listens to Irsa, and chuckles, nodding, "Oh yes, she's Stargazer Kin, her father is Fallen Stargazer, you've never been in her persence, she has quite profound Stargazer purebreeding. I would not be in the slightest surprized if he was involved with her, he's been cuddling up to a few Kinfolk, there's a Torey MacTavish he was close to before Six."

7/7/2022 20:15:15 Journey looks to Jackie, "You were there when he tried to hide the fact that they found Heroin works in Six's stuff, when I called him out of his Philodox ass for trying to talk around the truth, and I denounced him for it." He looks back to Irsa, yes, he did. He sits back, "Did I know? I wouldn't be surprised, If the Wyrm ever tempted him, it'd be by his dick."

7/7/2022 20:17:24 Vesta is just.. super quiet with a perfect smile on her face. No emotion really

7/7/2022 20:21:06 Irsa grunts at Jackie's words. "Yeah, he told me about their relationship last night. Fuckin' idiot." She reaches up to rub her temples. "And yeah on the fixin' thing. He was talkin' bout wanting to putting together a pack, and he told me some of this stuff with Six. I was telling him I need to start workin' towards Fostern, 'cause right now I look to be the only Bonegnawer Garou besides the Warder. He started sayin' -we-. Like it's a thing that has to be done -for- me." Her eyes narrow, and a low growl touches her voice. "I'm a Garou, not a human. We rise and fall on our -own- merits. This ain't a commitee or a damn damsel-rescuing service. And I'm hella pissed he's thinking with his second head. He's got th' survival instincts of a bowl of jello."

7/7/2022 20:26:28 Jackie nods at Journey first, then along with Irsa. "She holds her tongue though, trying to not overstep too far."

7/7/2022 20:26:38 Journey nods, "Well if you think you have any pertinant infomation, Blood Thorn, Elder PHilodox Get of Fenris is who I've spoken to about Six and Reno, There's a lot of dead that Six has caused, and her role is not voluntary, but neither is it blameless. Wel will see what happens when Six returns and the matter can be looked into more by Blood Thorn." He looks to Irsa, "Evonna, human name is Evonna. As for Ranking up, training and application of your mystical skills will get you there. I can assist with several points, if you would learn."

7/7/2022 20:30:20 Vesta shakes her head just a teeny little bit, peeking up at the others as they speak. But SHE keeps quiet, with her hands in her lap, fingers laced together rather tightly.

7/7/2022 20:31:12 Stephen has fallen asleep on Duck, who sits there watching.

7/7/2022 20:33:14 Irsa says, “That's all I got, what I said here," Irsa replies. "The only thing I can say is that he confirmed it. I don't know much that'll factor into anything." She shakes her head, dismissing the subject for now. "I got that rite to learn, and then I gotta learn how to sense Wyrmtaint. Already got that on the list.”

7/7/2022 20:33:46 Irsa says, “Advice, I always need.”

7/7/2022 20:42:21 Journey nods, "You can literally do that one at any time with any spirit.." He points to the summoning circle, now burnt pieces of charcoal, cold and used up on the dirt floor, "Put your summoning runes on wooden tablets, instead of scribing it into the ground, you can spend all the time you need carving them individually then assemble the circle at the end of the Rite preperation. Never summon on the fly, or in a stressful situation, that's for mmmmmorons. Summoning a spirit fast isn't something you use a Rite for, that's Gift territory." He stops, thinking, "Just off the top of my head."

7/7/2022 20:45:12 Jackie glances down at the scorched runes, then back up at Journey. "Is there anything I should be looking to work on from here?"

7/7/2022 20:47:05 Vesta takes a breath as the subject changes and she relaxes - mostly. Her fingers are still curled up tightly around one another but the rest of her is relaxed. "Journey tells me that you've been gifted with Gnosis."

7/7/2022 20:47:38 Irsa eyes the circle. "Make that two Rites I gotta learn. I was gonna go look for the proper spirit in the Umbra and learn it that way since I don't have it." She listens to Jackie's question as she follows her gaze. And then looks very pleased with the news Vesta shares.

7/7/2022 20:52:24 Journey looks to Jackie, then Irsa and back to Jackie, and nods, "Yes, can you? Can you?" He adopts a Ukrainian accent, "Can you resist the Tibor?" He can't keep his composure and cracks up, waving a hand, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."

7/7/2022 20:52:24 He coughs and nods, "Yes, I've been working with Jackie to control it, and she has a Gift utilizing her Gnosis to it's fullest, and Vesta has had Gnosis for a while, and yes, please, talk." He looks to Irsa, "That's just the tip of the iceberg. take a car part. Just an old used up, broken car part that just got old, Awaken it, and ask it if it wants to go for one last Ride, Rite of Binding and you have what I call an Auto Club Talen. Named after the Silent Strider Auto Club, it's a Hotwiring Talen, that the Kinfolk can use, Jackie's got a few of them. Totally recycled Talen, Spirit and everything." He nods to Irsa, giving a little laugh, "Oh, no there's lots of Rites for you to learn."

7/7/2022 20:57:00 Jackie turns toward Vesta nodding and smiling a little awkwardly. "Apparently, yes. It was news to me, too. I'm still just learning what that means." Then she winces and shakes her head at Journey's Tibor impression.

7/7/2022 20:57:48 Vesta nods, giving Jackie a smile and she peers up at Journey and actually snorts. She TOTALLY heard about that already. She takes a moment to compose herself and then smooths her pants down over her legs. "You and I should get together soon then. Talk about our experiences."

7/7/2022 20:58:28 Irsa throws up her hands. "Well yeah, but I gotta start with one thing and then do the next thing." She looks at Jackie as Journey mentions the Hotwiring Talen. "I knew it. You're all kinds of cool." A grin appears on her face.

7/7/2022 21:00:29 Journey gets some more of the leather bottles and hands them to Irsa, "Here, Spirit Brews, till you're more comfortable with your spiritual strength." He says, and nods, "Of course, one thing at a time, right now, keep focused, and keep your wits about you. I like what your gut is telling you, Irsa. Listen to it."

7/7/2022 21:06:40 Jackie gives Vesta a thumbs up. "Ok, sounds like a good idea. I'll bet you have more stories than I do though." She holds up her hands to Vesta, deflecting credit. "I've got them, but he's the one who made them. I haven't actually needed to use one yet, but it's probably only a matter of time before we need to steal one of those Wyrm lover's SUVs or something."

7/7/2022 21:08:00 Vesta rises to her feet. "I'll be right back too. I need to go get my bag. Time for gifts and things."

7/7/2022 21:08:46 Irsa practically goggles at the gift. "I will, Shaderunner-Rhya. Thank you." She hefts one of the bottles and inspects it, going so far as to sniff it. Ah, leather.

7/7/2022 21:10:26 Journey smiles to Vesta, watching her as she goes with a decidedly different look than he gives anyone else. He watches her leave, swiveling then spins back to the others, "I don't know what all she has, but it's something." He smiles, "Okay it was a good day."

7/7/2022 21:15:57 Bag. Thud. On the table. Vesta reaches in.. way further than she should, feeling around. "Honestly, my supplies are a little low, but here. One for each of you. When you wear it out in public, you're just less noticeable. If you're drawing attention to yourself, it doesn't work, but if you're just existing, you're fine." She goes back to rummaging, way way deep in there.

7/7/2022 21:20:12 Irsa cranes her neck to try and see what Vesta's hunting for it there. It -can't- be a cat.

7/7/2022 21:21:52 It's empty. Vesta isn't trying to hide the contents - because there's nothing in there. But she still pulls out a little ring that kind of looks like a gun. That gets put back in its little box. And she pulls out another bracelet and when she drops it back in the bag, it .. sticks... to her finger?

7/7/2022 21:23:36 Journey smiles to Vesta, watching her, nodding, then, "Okay well, Irsa, Jackie, is there anything you wanted to ask while we're here and-" He just shrugs expansively. "Any questions."

7/7/2022 21:26:57 Jackie thinks for a second. "The other gift you mentioned, for healing Kinfolk? Should I learn that too?"

7/7/2022 21:29:10 Irsa peers at this demonstration. Spirit shit is so weird. But cool. She wouldn't trade it for anything. "Thanks, Vesta. How does it work?" She shakes her head at Journey's question. "No, but I'm sure I'll think of six I forgot when I get home."

7/7/2022 21:30:35 "Just put it on. It works automatically. It isn't powerful. A lot of the stuff I've made gets passed along to Journey or kept with me and Lisa to protect Stephen." And BOY does she have some doozies

7/7/2022 21:31:36 Journey shakes his head to Jackie, "Naaah, you've got the best healing now, I feel. for the moment, you'll have better results with other Gifts. There's a lot you can learn. we'll have to discuss it." He looks to Irsa, and nods, "That's fair, when you think of one, feel free to ask, and by the way, Kennard is a jackass, nothing he said was ever taken seriously, nor reflects on you. Your offense is perfectly justified."

7/7/2022 21:35:56 Irsa nods and tucks the gifts away. That pack of hers is pleasantly heavy now. "Thank you again, both of you. You've been very generous." It's a trait highly admired among Bonegnawers. "Oh. Him," she replies to Journey with a grunt. "I wasn't sure. I mean, look where I was standin'."

7/7/2022 21:37:08 Jackie slips on the ring or bracelet or whatever it was, doubling the amount of jewelry she was now wearing. "I can't think of any smart questions to ask. Or even any really dumb ones. I guess I just need to take things one step at a time."

7/7/2022 21:42:33 Journey nods to Jackie, "That'll be good. When you meditate on what you've gained, you may want to take up reading about medical information, to know what you're healing. I'll give you some medical books to-" He rises moving to one of the workbenches, and pulls out a crate, opening it, "Yep, things to go over. good start, and there's more generic information online you can read books to download, but I like this one, you can go to the bibliography and look up more from there." He beings Jackie a book on anatomy and basic medicine.

7/7/2022 21:42:33 Sitting back down, he looks to Irsa, and nods, "Yes, you are a Bone Gnawer female, and there's a stigma. Your perfectly right to take offense. I don't believe he understands what he's said, but I don't know Kennard that well, not looking forward to it either now."

7/7/2022 21:46:43 Vesta just shakes her head and makes another little huffy noise as she shakes the bracelet off her finger. It got stuck again. Everything is tucked away and the bag is zipped up.

7/7/2022 21:47:50 Irsa eyes the books with interest. "I can help, too. If you like," she offers Jackie. "My Ma taught me how to patch people up." She lashes her pack shut. "Huh, well. We also-take in metis, that some Tribes make and then ditch like garbage." Ooh. Sick Fianna burn.

7/7/2022 21:51:53 Jackie takes the books, looking them over. The a thought hits her and she looks up, raising her finger with the unicorn hair wrapped around it and held tightly. "Actually, I do have a question. Should I do anything in particular with this? I mean, it seems pretty important. And, oh, yeah, that'd be cool, Irsa. I've got some first aid training, but not much more than that."

7/7/2022 21:53:40 Journey nods, "That is true. You make your own way in Prospect. you make trouble for yourself then there's gonna be trouble, you work to make yourself better and help others, help happens. You lie about important things, you lose trust of those you lie to. Justice does happen, it needs to be brought out." He looks at JAckie, "It's aUnicorn hair, I suggest a locket or something. It's possible that there could be something made from it but I'm not sure, it's a token from Unicorn and what you end up doing with it is your choice."

7/7/2022 21:56:31 "OH! Let me make you something, maybe? I make everything that I create from scratch."

7/7/2022 21:57:34 Irsa gathers up her things. "Thank you again. I'm going to head back home and tuck this away."

7/7/2022 21:58:33 Journey nods to Irsa, "Of course, good luck out there with Reno looking to Pack you up." He says, sympathetically.

7/7/2022 22:06:35 Jackie sets the books down and unwinds the hair from her finger carefully. "Alright, if you like to. The best idea I've come up with so far was like a dream catcher web design or something, but it might not be long enough for that."

7/7/2022 22:09:19 Journey nods, "That's fair thinking though, I'm sure that Vesta can come up with something." He smiles to Jackie, "Now you're really properly Gifted, and have your own power to master. How's it feel?"

7/7/2022 22:12:48 Jackie tilts her head to the side, thinking about it. "I don't know yet, really. It's kind of weird, I've been around a lot of power before, but I was always just kind of... near it. But the most power I've ever been in control of myself is a car engine."

7/7/2022 22:14:51 Journey nods, "I understand. It's a bit to process, and you met a Unicorn. That's worth the price of admission." He smiles, "Of course Duck ended up handling most of the interaction, seemed like it was going down smooth so I wasn't going to interrupt."

7/7/2022 22:20:20 Jackie chuckles at that, glancing back at where the spirits had been. "Well, she did seem to know what she was doing. I probably should have brought some sugar cubes or something, I didn't think of that before hand. I wasn't even sure that spirits ate anything."

7/7/2022 22:24:52 Journey grins, nodding, "I understand, it's really fine, it went quite well, she was in a good mood." He smiles, "The after contact come down happens, and may be a thing, nothing wrong with it, you Learn Gifts in the time when it's safe to do so, either way, naps are good." And that wasn't the living room over sized couch, Lisa took her to a -guest bedroom- to zonk out on, private bathroom, the place is pretty nice

7/7/2022 22:32:06 Jackie smiles, feeling less awkward about it now. "Ok, yeah. It was an eye opening experience though. And I know you're busy with lots of things, so thanks for taking the time for this. I don't want to take to much of your time, but if school is in session again sometime I'll be here."

7/7/2022 22:32:43 Journey nods, "Okay, See you later, Jackie, be well."

7/7/2022 22:36:10 Jackie scoops up the medical books and waves good bye before heading out. "Ok, thanks!"