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Latest revision as of 08:41, 4 June 2022

Of Bourbon, Interrogations, and Movies
Jackie, Reno, and Stephen chat over late dinner.
IC Date June 3, 2022
IC Time Late evening.
Players Jackie, Reno, Stephen
Location Smoke and Barley
Spheres Garou

6/4/2022 0:57:16 Sitting at the little table by himself, is Reno. He's got a plate of appetizers in front of him. As well as a bottle of bourbon and a shotglass. His hat hangs on the back of his chair.

6/4/2022 1:03:18 Jackie enters, waving pleasantly at the closest staff. She glances around the room and raises an eyebrow at the sight of Reno here. She takes a few steps closer to his table so she can talk to him without shouting. "Hey Reno, you're up late, aren't you? Really, I wasn't even sure if this place would be open this late, but I was nearby and figured I'd check. Maybe get a late night snack if they were."

6/4/2022 1:05:54 Reno looks up at the approaching Jackie. He smiles warmly and stands, setting his glass down. He bows a little to her.
6/4/2022 1:05:54 "No rest for the wicked." He teases. He gestures, "You're welcome to sit iffin ya want." He slides the chair out for her. "They keep the backroom open."

6/4/2022 1:16:52 Jackie holds out her hand and tries to wave him off, suddenly flustered. "Oh, don't get up! And definitely don't bow! What the hell? I'm- Ok, ok, if you'll settle, I'll sit." She pulls out a chair at the table and slides into it.

6/4/2022 1:19:16 Reno chuckles, "Momma raised me proper. But I'll stop, long as you don't tell on me." He takes his seat again. "I got a variety plate, wasn't sure what I wanted." He gestures to the bottle, "Drink, or you playing it safe tonight?"

6/4/2022 1:21:42 Just taking his seat across from Jackie, is Reno. He's got a bottle of bourbon and some appetizers on the table. He's smiling too.

6/4/2022 1:21:52 Jackie settles into the chair, eyeing the bottle curiously and looking over the label. "Well, I did drive here. If I'm going to drive home I'll need to be shape to do so."

6/4/2022 1:22:51 It's Woodford Reserve Double Oak. Good stuff!

6/4/2022 1:23:59 Stephen doesn't USUALLY come out to the Smoke and Barley often, but occasionally a nice steak he didn't have to run down himself is nice. Ducking his head a little as he steps into the private area, he takes a moment to narrow his eyes and look around, lifting a hand to wiggle fingers at Reno in familiarity.

6/4/2022 1:26:22 Reno slides a glass in front of Jackie and pours a little bit for her. "Moderation then." Plink goes the ice cube. Wiggly fingers get his attention, "Stephen! Fuck yeah, pull up a chair, we need to talk."

6/4/2022 1:30:54 Jackie raises the glass in her right hand and sniffs it, then looks up and shifts it to her left hand to wave at Stephen as he approaches. "Oh! Hello, uh, Stephen, is it? I'm Jackie. And not forgetting it this time, kin of the Fenrir." 6/4/2022 1:30:57 The fire dances about, finally taking shape into that of the mighty Stag.

6/4/2022 1:32:25 Stephen alters his course to approach the two after Reno's invitation, rumbling a little as he gets close, and offering Jackie a small bow of his head in greeting along with a low, "Hellohello. Am Broken Fang. Theurge of the Wendigo. Honor to meet another kin of the Fenrir." Addressing Reno, he arches a brow, "I heard there was some sort of noise about a dancer, but noone seemed to know anything specific. Something is going on, yesyes?" He does finally reach out for a chair, intent on sliding into it.

6/4/2022 1:36:28 Reno nods, "It's a little more than that. Did you get the letter I sent to you and Kaia?" He does a shot and pours another and one for Stephen. "Six is being hunted. But we might need more information, feel like hunting with ne?"

6/4/2022 1:40:24 Jackie returns her attention to the glass and takes a small sip of the bourbon. She keeps her eyes down on the glass as she takes a second sip, studiously avoiding interrupting any more talk about Six.

6/4/2022 1:41:39 Stephen shifts a little in his chair and leans on it, sitting a little sideways, as if trying to get more comfortable as he listens, "Yesyes. Is a reason why the Get originally let me live around Kaia. Was hunted by Dancers from her old home, but she has bracelets now that let her hide. Make her smell like normals. Does Six need something like that? Or are hunters already here?" There's only a pause of a second before he adds, "Of course I help hunt. What do you know about target?"

6/4/2022 1:44:07 Reno hmms, "I'll have to ask about those. " He looks to Jackie, "You okay?" He does pause, curious about Jackie.

6/4/2022 1:47:55 Jackie sets the glass down, almost empty now. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? I just... Whatever is going on with Six is outside my zone, and none of my business, really. I don't want to be rude about it, again."

6/4/2022 1:50:49 Stephen turns his head to study Jackie for a moment, tilting his head when she says she does not want to be rude. He offers her a small smile and chirps, "If you have good ideas, please say them. Noone unimportant when trying to defend the people, yes? We survive because of our kin. Some wolves forget this, and need reminders."

6/4/2022 1:51:56 Reno pours Jackie a little more. "You're fine sweetheart. Six has some baggage, that's all." He reaches over and pats her hand, "You haven't been rude at all." He looks back to Stephen, "Dude has some goons that follow her around. I want to catch one, see what we can get him to spill."

6/4/2022 1:56:55 Jackie raise the glass again, taking another sip as a small smile twitches at the corner of her mouth. She pauses for a second, then lowers the glass. "Uh, what kind of goons, and where? Like city goons? Or are you talking about wilderness tracking?"

6/4/2022 1:59:10 Stephen mmms softly at the mention of goons and looks confused only for a few seconds until he connects a few mental dots, and nods along with Jackie's question, "Am not so good with torture, but I can find some spirits that may know things about things they carry. Plus might be fun to scare a tough guy who thinks he is going to beat up on 'poor kin', yesyes?"

6/4/2022 2:02:27 Reno eyes Jackie a moment, "I see that smile, go on girl, let it out." He takes a breath, "City, the kind of goons that thinks its cool to beat up a ninety pound girl."

6/4/2022 2:07:39 Jackie blinks up at Reno, with only a slight hint of a deer in headlights look. "What smile? I mean, I'm just glad nobody's getting yelled at, right? But anyway, if you need some people tailed around the city, I may be able to help with that. Catching and... questioning them, maybe not so much."

6/4/2022 2:10:13 Stephen grunts softly and nods his head once at the discussion, "Am good with tracking if need to hunt them down. Have several tricks to find traces and locate certain things. BUt if they always follow her, might be easier to find than you think." He pauses, and glances at Jackie, then back at Reno, "But when we grab one, you should understand it means the rest know we are on to them and might act quickly."

6/4/2022 2:12:42 Reno winks at Jackie, "Don't worry, Journey will always find something to yell at me about. " He rolls hus eyes a bit. "We don't know what they look like. So you prolly be tailing me while I hit all her hotspots."

6/4/2022 2:19:25 Jackie smirks, then can't help but let out a giggle for a couple of seconds. "You... You guys probably don't know the whole 'Phrasing!' thing, do you?"

6/4/2022 2:20:54 Stephen grunts, "Elders are good at the yelling." He tilts his head and gives Jackie a slightly confused look at her giggle, then glances at Reno as if hoping the homid is going to have insight that he doesnt, "I...uh...well, yes, when ready to hunt, let me know, I will check my rituals to find things that will help." Clearly the 'hotspots' comment went RIGHT over his fuzzy head.

6/4/2022 2:22:54 Reno ohs and blushes a bit. "Yeah, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell. " He looks to Stephen, "Hitting her ..."hotspots"... touching her feel good places." 6/4/2022 2:25:57 There is crackling sound, not unlike Thunder from the fire.

6/4/2022 2:27:36 Jackie plants the heel of her hand on her forehead, looking down into the glass. "Oh, man, you're not supposed to just spell it out! Never mind, sorry, that was my fault. I blame the bourbon. Which is good, by the way. Much smoother than the moonshine I'm more used to. But yeah, let me know if you need help on the city end. I got a few of those Auto Clubs, we could 'borrow' a van or something."

6/4/2022 2:28:49 Stephen blinks a few times at Reno then 'ohhhhhs' softly and nods, "Like some of the silly movies I have watched with Kaia. When the characters have sex, bad things happen. Bad guys listen for the groaning and attack." He flashes a smile at Jackie and shakes his head in the negative, "Is okay. I have been in Prospect for a couple of years now, but I have been told I can still be....urban dense? Is a way Kaia describes it."

6/4/2022 2:34:29 Reno arches a brow at Stephen, "Don't ever tell anyone you watch those movies again. Ever." Reno seems serious about this. "Those aren't bad things either." He looks back to Jackie, "Broken Fang'rhya is wolf born. I'm not completely stupid, but a few things go over my head." 6/4/2022 2:35:57 A kinfolk wanders by with huge skewers of meat, slicing some off for whoever wants them.

6/4/2022 2:37:50 Jackie looks from Stephen to Reno, cocking an eyebrow. "Uh, I think something might have just done so. Did you miss that he's talking about horror movies there? You know, like slasher flicks? It sounds like you thought he meant... something else."

6/4/2022 2:38:32 Stephen lifts a hand to wiggle his fingers at Reno, "Is apparently what people call 'campy horror' movies? Not sure I see why they are so scary. Murderer in hockey mask doesn't even run. Burn victim with knives for hands is onieromancer, but a good dream dance would kill him." He seems to dismiss that idea with a roll of his shoulder, and shifts back to the topic of hand, "But yes yes. Tell me when you wish to hunt, and I will come hunt. Kaia will take Astrid to Stonebridge to be safe, just in case."

6/4/2022 2:41:11 Reno takes a deep breath, "It's been a day " He piurs himself another drink, and Jackie and gives one to Stephen. " I don't watch much television or movies. "

6/4/2022 2:45:16 Jackie snorts softly in brief laughter before taking another sip. "Apparently. Which... really just kinda runs in the family. Nobody's gonna hold it against you. I'm actually surprised he's seen many. Especially such old movies. Those are like, from decades ago."

6/4/2022 2:46:29 Stephen again rolls a shoulder at Reno and smiles, "Spent a lot of time having to stay home to keep from being seen. Kaia has the....netflix...subscription? on her television. Free stuff, she says." He flashes Jackie a bright smile at that before looking back at Reno curiously, "Anything specific you wish me to look for while waiting for your call, yesyes? Know anything more about goons?"

6/4/2022 2:48:52 Reno nods to Stephen, "I grew up in a monastery. Spent most of my life under the stars. There were other things to do." He shakes his head. "I have run it by Bryan first. Make sure he's okay with it."