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Latest revision as of 06:50, 2 June 2022

Kinchatter, Detox and Gizmos
Garou and Kin hanging out.
IC Date June 1, 2022
IC Time Evening.
Players Jackie, Bryan, Torey, Journey, Theron, Erin, Branton
Location Kinfolk House
Spheres Garou

6/1/2022 21:25:18 "I'm fine," Bryan says and he looks fine. Rar. He nods to Journey and twirls a green little scarf around his fingers a time or two before he tucks it in his pocket. "She wanted me to tell you thank you for leaving earlier. For recognizing that you were stressing her out and leaving. SHe was appreciative of that. I think I can read her pretty well. She's calm. She is working on digging out the shelter that I'm going to lock myself into with her for a week if she really is as bad off as I think she MIGHT be. But she drank the clearwater and I'll make sure that she can sleep tonight." He smiles over at Torey. "Hello, Miss Tory. How goes the blueprints?"

6/1/2022 21:34:09 Torey is standing on the steps of the porch and is just now rising from a curtsy to Bryan. Journey is the one she responds to first though as she seems to brighten at his approval of the ranch and it's name. " I thank you, sir. I felt it appropriate. I hope to have horses, sheep or goats, a cow or two and chicken. They will be housed a good distance away from the house however as I wish shifters to feel welcome as well though I do not wish the animals to live in stress. Chases the Wind Rhya suggested I take a look at the old Wolf Reservation and I believe it is perfect for the needs of the ranch. There are twenty-five foot walls surrounding the property so it provides privacy should the shifters be in a different form. " When Bryan begins to twirl the green scarf around his hand before slipping it into his pocket the movement catches her attention. She gives him a smile as well and she bows her head once more. "If there is anyone who can reach a struggling kinfolk, sir, I have no doubt it will be you. The blueprints are coming along wonderfully, nearly done though Miss Jackie had some impressive ideas about wind turbines and solar power I would like to speak more with her about so changes may need to be made. " But then she looks a little taken back by something else he's said "Lock yourself away with her for a week in a shelter?"

6/1/2022 21:37:16 Journey bursts out laughing at Bryan's words, "Healing the Soul? Whew I know that one. That's gonna be a full week in that thing with her. You're the one to do it that's burned for me. Make sure you have someone collect the waste baggies after you chuck them out, makes thing so much better." He nods, considering, "But, yeah that'll do it." He leans against a pillar on the porch, looking to Torey and nods, "Yes I know the Wolf preserve, that'll do nicely, and you're right about the animals. You're planning to build the Ranch proper then? That's impressive."

6/1/2022 21:40:45 Jackie drives her car quietly up to a parking spot and slips out of it, slowly approaching the gathering near the porch. She waves casually with her hand in her jacket pocket, basically just flapping the side of the coat at them.

6/1/2022 21:41:11 Bryan nods to Torey, giving her a little smile. "I'm hoping that it won't come to that. I'm hoping I can work her through the withdrawals. Maybe not." He nods again to Torey. "The way this gift works, the one performing the gift and the one doing the healing have to spend a week in ritual seclusion. I don't know the gift yet, but Banebreaker said that before she would even teach me, that I had to build the shelter. Like I said, I hope it doesn't come to that. Maybe it won't. But if it does...." He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Lots of ventilation." He eyeballs Journey and nods. "I didn't want to ever learn this gift. I really didn't. But ... like.. I think it's time."

6/1/2022 21:49:10 Torey still seems a little surprised at the news of this gift but she comments to Journey "I hope to, yes. The research I have done on such places suggest work with animals, in the garden, on the property like mending fences or mechanical or handy work, in crafting such as crochet or knitting or even sewing and of course in the kitchen. The research suggest letting those coming for healing try out each area they may be interested to see which makes them feel the most fulfilled. " She fans herself a moment at the thought of being locked away with someone for a week though when Bryan speaks of the gift and she says "Are there breaks between sessions or a full seven days? That sounds exhausting. I hope it does not become a need." Jackie arrives though and once more the woman rises. "Miss Jackie."she will say to her "It is always such a delight to see you. I hope this evening finds you well."

6/1/2022 21:52:00 Journey looks over to Jackie's car and when she flaps at them, he waves back, "Jackie, you're a wheelwoman, right?" He takes out a car key with alarm functions on the fob, holding it up, "Know what this is?" It's an Auto Club, if you're aware. He looks to Torey and smiles, looking to Bryan, nodding, "Yeah I been there. It's powerful but needs commitment and a lot of planning, I suggest Cliff Bars."

6/1/2022 21:52:48 "It's a full seven days. I'll build in a little privacy, but the subject and the caster can't really seclude from one another. It's a very useful gift. Just not one I ever wanted to know how to perform." He makes a little grumbly sound, but then gives Torey a little smile. "It'll be okay. YOu can still bring me food if you want to," he says with a little grin.
6/1/2022 21:52:56 Bryan ALSO waves at Jackie!

6/1/2022 21:57:22 Jackie stops when she gets close and looks at the key. "It's a different brand of key, but if it's an auto club then it must be the same as the one George gave me. I haven't had a need to use it yet though, so I still have it. And hi Torey, it's great to see you too. And truth be told, I haven't had a non-well night since I've gotten here. It hasn't even rained!"

6/1/2022 21:58:47 Theron is making his way slowly towards the kinfolk house, a slight yawn as he walks along. A idle tap of his finger against his belt buckle with one hand as he approaches.

6/1/2022 22:12:51 Torey will listen to the talk going on around her but she picks up her sketch pad and places it in her lap again. A beautiful smile is given to Jackie and she tells her "I am very pleased to hear that. It has been beautiful weather. I am enjoyed it as well." She does look over to Bryan and she asks him "Would you like me to warm your dinner sir? "

6/1/2022 22:13:25 Journey ahs, putting the key away," "George gave you one, awesome." He pulls a keyring out of a pocket, and brings his hand up quickly, clearly intending to throw it to Jackie, "Here, don't worry about using your only one." When she's ready, he tosses the ring, several Auto Clubs on it, "There ya go." He looks over, "Hey Theron." He says, waving, and looks up, nodding, "SoCal in early June, yeah, bring on Summer."

6/1/2022 22:15:28 Bryan smiles at Torey and nods "Yeah. That'd be nice. Thank you. I had some stew earlier, but I wouldn't mind some real dinner." He glances up to wave at Theron

6/1/2022 22:17:48 Jackie snags the keyring out of the air with a casual looking sweep of her hand, but then holds it gingerly as she looks up to Journey. "Oh, thanks, that's really cool, but doesn't anyone else drive and maybe need these? I don't want to hog them all myself..."

6/1/2022 22:19:01 Coming up the path is trouble, I mean Erin she's by herself or at least it seems that way. She would be torally silent if it wasn't her humming.

6/1/2022 22:19:57 "Hey." Theron greets the group. "Whats up tonight?" he wonders idly. "Little bit of the usual and just hanging out?" he wonders with a glance around.

6/1/2022 22:24:22 Torey will nod and she goes to rise, brushing off her long dress before she says "Would you like me to bring it out to you or would you like to come inside? I am happy to do either, sir." She does give Theron a smile though and says "It is wonderful to see you again, sir. It is a good night to come visit with friends."

6/1/2022 22:25:27 Journey shakes his head to Jackie, "I designed them, they're great, 100 percent recycled, including the Spirit. Crunch all you want, I'll make more. Lemme know when you get low." He looks to Theron, "More or less, yeah, don't have any specific plans this evening really." He looks to Erin and waves, "Hey there, evening."

6/1/2022 22:26:41 "Nah. I'll come in with you." Bryan points at Theron. "Tell your dudes to get ready. We're going hunting soon. BIG. Big stuff." He waves at Erin. "We'll be back."

6/1/2022 22:28:01 Theron shakes his head to Torey, "Didn't I say the other night to not call me sir?" he wonders, "If I didn't, now I am." he adds with a hsrug. His gaze swings to Bryan. "I don't really have to tell them at all, the Get of Fenris are always ready for a hunt big or small." he claims boldly.

6/1/2022 22:28:13 Erin smiles over to Journey when he greets her "Evening" she looks over to the others and gives a little wave "Sup" she then looks over to Bryan and Torey nodding "ok" She tilts her head "We are going hunting?"

6/1/2022 22:28:44 Jackie waves to Erin as she approaches, and nods to Theron as she answers him. "I wasn't too sure myself, I thought it was mostly a quiet night. Not that being loud is bad, or anything."

6/1/2022 22:30:57 Torey will see Erin has arrived and she will give her a bright smile as well. "Hello, Miss Erin. I was just stepping in to prepare the Elder something to eat. I hope to see you again soon. I hope you all have a wonderful evening." Though she bows her head to Theron and blushes "Forgive me, Theron. Old habits." But she curtsies low and proper to all there before she moves to slip inside the kinfolk House.

6/1/2022 22:31:24 Bryan shakes his head to Erin. "Not you." He points at Theron again. "Well, this one's going to take some planning. So send people around. I'll be parked at the Caern for the next several days." And then he follows Torey inside. 6/1/2022 22:32:27 Bryan opens the front door of the house and goes inside.

6/1/2022 22:32:31 Erin looks to Bryan "Why not?" she pouts a little bit then smiles at Torey "Good to see you as well"

6/1/2022 22:37:06 Journey smiles, looking over the the rest of those still out here. "Yeah, quiet enough night for the moment. Should be a decent rest of the week too."

6/1/2022 22:45:27 Erin looks over to Journey "I sure hope things come up decent enough for the rest of the week" she smiles to Jackie "So I brought more stuff for smores" she grins.

6/1/2022 22:49:56 Jackie turns and grins at Erin. "Ah! This time I managed to find some dark mint chocolate. I left it in my car though, so I'll bring it over there later."

6/1/2022 22:50:35 Journey looks to Erin and Jackie, "You take my idea?" He asks them, smirking.

6/1/2022 22:54:25 Erin nodsnods at Journey "Oh yes definitely and I found that they make a few others that I brought because who doesn't like some caramel and chocolate" she mmmms.

6/1/2022 22:58:45 Branton comes wandering out from the path to the smaller cabins, looking freshly showered and carrying his duffel bag, wandering over towards the fire "Evening folks."

6/1/2022 23:00:13 Journey nods, grinning, "Excellent, though Caramel melting in a S'more is just too great. for words. Still I think I'll head off right now, and get back for dinner." He moves off the Porch and turns to Branton, "Hey, Branton, glad you got the blade back, can't wait to see the finished product with all the Bells and Whistles, Talk to you later." He says, starting for the path to the back clearing.

6/1/2022 23:00:32 Jackie nods along with Erin at Journey, then turns at the approaching footsteps and waves at Branton. She realized she's doing so with the hand still holding the keyring of Auto Clubs, and stuffs them into a zipper pocket on her jacket.

6/1/2022 23:03:06 Erin smiles "Yes I do like the idea of the melting caramel in the smore" she yums then smiles at Jackie and waves to Branton "your making a new sword? what kind?" she asks curiously.

6/1/2022 23:09:40 Branton nods and answers Erin "A Grand Klaive. Its a multi person process, Elder Farshi did the spirit part. I'm doing the physical part." Then to Jackie "How's it going?"

6/1/2022 23:13:35 Jackie looks to Branton smiling warmly. "I guess I'd say really well? It's been a crazy week, but a full and interesting one. And it just seems to be looking up. Oh, and I did find a couple of possible options for electric truck base frames, but I wasn't sure how to send them to you."

6/1/2022 23:14:38 Erin ohs softly "I've only heard of those things.. That's pretty cool.. I can't wait to see it when your done" she quiets down when Jackie speaks of the trucks and rocks on her heels.

6/1/2022 23:17:30 Branton shrugs at Erin "That'll be up to its new bearer." Then to Jackie blinks and sets down the duffel and rummages through, coming out with a small metal case that clicks open and he offers over a business card "Text or email will work for this."

6/1/2022 23:20:59 Jackie reaches out at takes the card, giving it a quick look over before sliding it into a pocket. "Awesome, thanks. I'll get that to you by tomorrow morning. I hope it's not distracting you from other projects though. What's this Grand Klaive you're talking about?"

6/1/2022 23:22:49 Erin lets Branton and Jackie speak as she moves off to go put the smore stuff on their place.

6/1/2022 23:28:39 Branton shakes his head at Jackie as he sets down by the fire "The finishing stuff at the end of the Grand Klaive crafting isn't super intensive. The hard part's over. By the time I need all my bandwidth for your project this one will be over. I got contacted by the most senior of the local Silver Fangs to make his family an heirloom blade. Since I'm the only Klaivesmith in town that has the traditional tools for it. At least as far as I know."

6/1/2022 23:32:11 Jackie stretches and yawns, looking surprised at herself. "Oh, wow. I guess it's been a longer day than I thought. I should be getting back to Stonecreek. I'll get you those specs soon though, I promise. And Erin, see you at the shop!"

6/1/2022 23:34:05 Erin looks back to Jackie and smiles "Of course" she waves to the woman as she finishes putting stuff away.