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Latest revision as of 21:09, 26 May 2022

Quiet time at the Kinfolk House
A small meeting between Jackie and Torey
IC Date May 26, 2022
IC Time Late evening
Players Jackie, Torey
Location Kinfolk House
Spheres Garou

5/26/2022 21:49:38 Torey is in the kitchen of the kinfolk house. Dinner for people here is all over and people have gone off to do their own thing. Torey is doing the chores of kitchen clean up and is currently washing dishes.

5/26/2022 21:52:57 Jackie comes inside, apparently quite late for dinner. Her car is visible parked out by the road, which is slightly odd as no engine noise announced her approach. She looks at the two others still present, raising a hand in greeting and wearing an easy smile on her face. "Hey, hi there. I'm Jackie, just got into town the other day."

5/26/2022 22:02:35 Torey hears someone coming in and she quickly turns to see who it may be, tense and with slightly wide eyes. When it is a Jackie and not a monster she relaxes a great deal and will grab a towel to dry her hands. She sets the cloth aside as Jackie introduced herself but then she dips her small body low into a curtsy that, combined with her clothes, dates her in Medeival times not current" Good evening, Jackie, I am Torey Leane McTavish, pure kin of the Fianna. Welcome. I am pleased to meet you." Still holding that curtsy with ease. Her voice is silky but holds an incredibly thick Scottish accent.

5/26/2022 22:09:16 Jackie arches an eyebrow, not quite expecting this outside of a renaissance faire or SCA event. After a moment of recovery she returns the curtsey, just a lot less skillfully and not properly dressed to make it look good. "Well then, good evening to you, Torey Leane McTavish. I am Jacqueline Hagen, kin of the Get of Fenris."

5/26/2022 22:14:39 Torey will rise from her curtsy and smooths out the skirt of her dress. A beautiful smile blossoms on her lips when she sees Jackie returning the curtsy. " It is an honor, Miss Hagen. I have heard very positive things about the Get who reside here in town. I have been wanting to meet all of you but have not had the chance. I am pleased to get the opportunity now. Can I get you anything to drink?" She says as she folds her hands before herself.

5/26/2022 22:22:18 Jackie straightens up, tugging her jacket into to place in a sympathetic mirror to Torey's dress smoothing gesture. "Well, whatever you might of heard, I can't claim any credit for it. I've only been here for a few days now. Still just settling in, finding my way around, that sort of thing. But yes, the others do seem like a nice bunch. At the very least, they've made me very welcome. Oh, uh, just a water or soda or something? I still need to stay in a driving state."

5/26/2022 22:28:57 Torey will move forward to the fridge where she pulls out a pitcher of water. She gets some ice and carefully pours the glass before moving slowly towards Jackie to offer it out. She is graceful in her movements almost as if she floats not walks. " Yes, of course. I would never wish to cause you to be unsafe. " She extends a delicate hand out to motion towards the sitting area as she asks " Would you care to sit to be more comfortable? Are you just visiting or are you looking for someone inparticular? The Den Father, Chases the Wind Rhya is currently out on patrol but should be back soon if you have come seeking him."

5/26/2022 22:35:44 Jackie takes the glass and slides into a seat at the table. "Oh, no, nobody in particular. Really, I hardly know anyone around here yet. So I've just been trying to get around a bit and meet people, you know?"

5/26/2022 22:41:46 Torey lowers herself to sit as well though the position she chooses puts a wall at her back and gives her a clear view of the room. " Yes, I understand completely. I am new here as well. All those I have been able to meet however are very kind. I spend most of my time here however. It is peaceful. "

5/26/2022 22:45:41 Jackie glances around the room, and out the windows toward the campfire area. "Can't argue with that. Any of that, really. I've been staying at Stonecreek though, so I've spent a bit more time there than here. And shit, sorry, did I interrupt something when I got here? It looked like you were busy, I don't want to get in the way."

5/26/2022 22:49:29 Torey takes a sip from her own water glass but nods her head to what Jackie says " Moves Like Quicksilver Rhya spends time out there as well. He says it is a wonderful place. I hold hope of being able to visit soon." Jackie's last words bring a musical chuckle bubbling from her lips " I was only washing dishes. I have learned that no matter how many times you walk away household chores will always be there when you return to them. Worry not, Miss. No interruption at all."

5/26/2022 22:52:57 Jackie smiles back, caught up in the contagious mirth. "Alright then, but let me know if you need a hand before I go. Or if anything around here is busted, too. I've got my toolbox in the trunk. Oh, and I know Reno, he showed me around quite a bit the other day."

5/26/2022 22:59:02 Torey folds her hands upon the table as they speak and she responds "I do not have the knowledge nor the authority to say what is broken or what is though I am sure Chases the wind Rhya would be quiet pleased with the help if fixing thing here. She only smiles brighter when she hears Jackie knows Reno as well saying , " He is most helpful in such things and has a helping spirit. He has been a great support to me since I arrived in a less than ideal state. I am not surprised he showed you around. He is eager to ensure everyone is well taken care of and feels comfortable."

5/26/2022 23:04:08 Jackie sips her water, nodding. "Ok, hopefully I'll get to check in with Chases the Wind Rhya sometime. I'm still trying to figure out how and where I can pull my weight instead of being a burden. And yeah, Reno's been a big help to me, too. Uh, what do you mean by a less than ideal state?"

5/26/2022 23:13:26 Torey looks a little shocked at her question and she shifts in her chair and she lowers her gaze for a moment. " My journey to this place was a difficult one, littered with troubles, dangers and challenges. When I arrived I was mal nourished, injured and suffering the mental toll such challenges bring."

5/26/2022 23:16:34 Jackie grimaces at her own faux pas, setting her glass down. "Shit, sorry, I didn't mean to pry into a bad topic. And sorry to hear that, I'm glad you're ok now."

5/26/2022 23:22:30 Torey shakes her head a few times and says " No, no. No need to apologize. I am aware it is something I must speak about and answer questions. I am alright with that. I realize my situation is a delicate one. My body has healed and I am working on the rest. It has not been essy but the support of Moves like Quicksilver rhy and Chases the eind Rhya has been a balm to ese the healing process."

5/26/2022 23:28:00 Jackie still looks slightly pained on Torey's behalf, but relaxes at least a little. "I'm glad you had help then. I don't need to hear private details, but anything like that is harder to deal with alone."

5/26/2022 23:38:44 Torey takes another sip of her water to give her something to do with her hands . " In time things will heal. For now I take it day by day. Thank you for your kind words."

5/26/2022 23:41:46 Jackie shifts awkwardly in her seat. "I wish I could offer something more solid, but that's not exactly my specialty. I hope the others are helping well though."

5/26/2022 23:48:41 Torey offers her a smile now, her expression and tone warming " In matters such as these healing must come from within. It is not a task anyone can truly help with. What can be done is the offer of well wishes and empathy which you have shown both so you have helped, Miss Jackie and for that you have my sincerest gratitude. "

5/26/2022 23:53:42 Jackie doesn't exactly stop squirming, but at least looks a bit less upset on Torey's behalf. "Ok then, glad I could be at least a little positive then. Hmmm, it's getting late, isn't it? I guess maybe nobody else is likely to come by tonight?"

5/26/2022 23:58:49 Torey nods her head to her and looks towards the door before looking back to Jackie " Perhaps patrol kept him or perhaps he simply went straight home. I should prepare for bed myself honestly. I am very glad to have gotten to meet you."

5/27/2022 0:03:07 Jackie finishes her water and nods. "I should head back too. See you around, I'm sure?"