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Revision as of 22:27, 28 December 2020

It's A Trap!
The Get of Fenris gather a war party to go to the Hunter's cabin and end the attacks they hope.
IC Date 12/28/2020
Players Aldric, Ben, Detlef, Einar, Evonna, Killigrew, Leif, Ulf, with Theron and Heidi as ST
Location 14 miles away from Stonecreek

The path to the forest is known well by those that did the scouting mission the day before. Fourteen miles, the Get of Fenris have to travel carefully through the woods to the location of the hunters cabin. When they cross an unknown, unseen threshold its as if everything is darker, scarier. The shadows are deeper, much deeper. In some areas its hard to see into them around the cabin. One light is on within, fire light dancing in the darkness. Even the trees seem more imposing and unnerving than the rest of the forest. As is the Get of Fenris have just stepped from their territory...into anothers. Into the enemies. They can feel it. There is no need for a danger sense, there is no need for sense wyrm. Everyone can feel the darkness there.
From a tree is still the dead wolf, kinfolk hanging by one leg, flies have begun to gather. Off to the side of the cabin is a new addition, a cage with a wolf still living and whining within.

Detlef isnt shifting just yet, moving in manform, he has his sleeves loose so he can easily access his knives. He moves quietly and follows with the others to see what is going on.

Eikþyrnir was on the hunt today. No compassion or mercy on the savage wolf's features. The absurdly large beast walks with the others, teeth bared when he spots the hung wolf. There aren't any words or growls, not wanting to immediately ruin what little surprise they may have.

SO this is tricky. Before he shifted, he took off his belt. The belt Branton gave him. He hands it to someone who hasn't shifted yet, then HE shifts into his hispo form and now wears the belt as a collar. This is IMPORTANT, understand. Very important. The wall has taken point today, being the least likely to go down with a one shot, but is most definitely not in charge. It's Meat Shield duty. He stalks along, presumably with the other very lorge woof and he also snarls a little when he sees the dead.

Einar is on all fours with his packmates, approaching on plate sized paws, the Rotagar in silvery grey fur keeps a low crouch. The whimpers and whines of a new wolf only making him more tense, but he doesn't do anything brash, instead taking the opportunity to sneak in upwind since he gives off no scent to pick up. Plus who expects flanking from upwind?

Blood Thorn travelled part way on foot, then in Lupus, and as they got closer through this no man's land, she's in hispo. There is not chance she is going to be caught off guard, after seeing what she did last night. Holding back a snarl, her claws are at the ready.

Ironsides follows along, bringing up the rear with Killigrew on his back. His ears flatten as they cross over the boundary, a look of distaste wrinkling his muzzle as he looks the area over. When he sees the dead hanging from the tree his fur bristles, and Killi can feel the vibration of a stiffled growl run through his frame.

Bow strung and an arrow nocked to the string, Killigrew dislikes this place. Uneasily, she adjusts her seat on hispo Ironsides, leaning low over his back to make herself less of a target, for now. "Can you feel that?" the tiniest whisper, but it displays the kin's uneasiness - much of the rush for the hunt crushed by the weight of that boundary crossing.

Detlef seems relaxed, but alert, as they see the first signs of the threat, he goes up a tree, about 10 or 15 feet up, just enough to give him a good overview, as he moves from tree to tree, running down one limp and jumping to the trunk of the next tree. he isnt hurrying, moving slowly, and making every effort not to be loud.

Theron is in the back of the group, the Viking warrior has his sword drawn and his shield in his off hand. Watching as best he can in the darkness, but his senses are not what the wolves sense. Not even close.

The wolf whines in the cage for a few moments until the door opens part way and a man leans his head out and yells out, "Shut up you fucking beast, or I'll wear you for a hat." the door shuts. The wolf whines twice more, but then...you swear the shadows deepen, as if living and breathing from the fear...the hate...the rage....this quiets the wolf, it lies down, cowed by the fear, cowed by the darkness.

Detlef deftly takes two steps down one limb and springs off of it to land against the trunk of the next tree and repeats this pausing between leaps to plan out his next leap, and to look for signs that anyone has noticed the approach, including looking up.. and looking for mines and traps that are up in the trees. He keeps his breathing slow and easy, staying at the ready.

Blood Thorn will nudge Einar a bit, toward the new wolf, and her intent to focus her attention toward getting closer around to the wolf to free it. The others can handle the charging if they wish. But going alone without backup may not be the best idea.

Ironsides hangs back, ears flicking as he looks around. His eyes continually roam over the area around the cabin, never know when someone might be coming back from a beer run. His head jerks in a small nod to Zoe's question, hackles up as he walks around slowly.

Killigrew stays low, but ready, the scent of the fear thick on the kinfolk. She doesn't like this one bit, and there's no doubt Aldric can feel the tension in her or scent it rolling off of her.

Einar is still low as he keeps his nose to the ground, creeping along quietly until he catches whiff of something. Those that can see him will see his ears and tail flag high and straight before curling and pointing in front of the wolf's cage, and the hanging kinfolk. As best a silent communication as non-pack can hope for at the moment.

Theron for what its worth, he stays back, letting wolves sniff and find traps. He doesn't have their senses.

A low chuff from Leif. <<Traps everywhere. There, there, over there. Under the dead wolf, in front of the cage.>> Presumably this happens BEFORE people take off on their own.

Leif points out all the traps as best as he can. There are four on the left side of the cabin, 4 on the right and 4 back behind. All over the place. Be CAREFUL, but let's fucking GO ya'll

Blood Thorn moved in the shadows to attempt to get a better view herself and tried to jam the traps. It may have worked, but not as well as she had hoped as it isn't so good when she is a wolf.

Detlef is still up in the trees for overview, but he is not pulling ahead of the others. Just staying with them to slightly behind them. he is clearly looking to make sure nothing hits from above while the others are focused on the ground.

For a moment, the wolf in the cage sees the others, smell the others and it has hope. It lifts its head and whines again in their direction. Pleading for help

If the wolf has spotted people, and the sound of her whine changed, then it's time to go before they lose the element of surprise. Leif has pointed out the traps, now he's going right through that front door. Like now. He'll TRY to be sneaky, but that probably isn't happening, but he's going in while other people try to not get blown up.

Eikþyrnir is behind Leif - careful in his steps to avoid the traps. Action is needed, he'll follow the Modi into the fray. There's been enough suffering for the wolfkin, he won't let it continue.

Detlef moves around as close as he can get to where Blood is working, still in the trees but within striking distance if she gets in trouble. His blood is starting to race with anticipation.

Einar is standing guard near Evonna so that she doesn't get ambushed while she digs up the mine to get to the living wolf. The SOS pack ready to pull off a rescue.

Blood Thorn gets closer and will dig dig dig dig, dig dig dig, and dig the whole time through. Yes, dig dig dig dig, dig dig dig, is what she's going to do! Free the wolf! Free the wolf! She chants in her head, as she works to get this trap out of the ground!

The Wall makes it there first, having broken away from cover and moving quickly. He feels his Rage quicken within him as he passes by the wolf that's still alive. <<Quiet>> And then everything else is certrainly NOT quiet. Leif hits that door like it's made of paper and busts through. Once inside, he has a pretty good sense of who is where and what and launches himself at the biggest motherfucker available, pouncing, ripping, tearing, shredding, the massive 1000 lb beast bowling the guy over and raking claws with intent to kill.

Detlef knows that the trouble has started, he stays alert, watcing for threats that the others might miss. He isntgoing to intrude himself into any of it right now.. but he is ready to protect.

Hot on the heels of The Wall, is Patience of Eikþyrnir. The Hispo leaps into the room as well, moving against the next opponent standing. The sheer bulk of the Hispo bowls over his opponent, teeth sinking into the poor person even as razor sharp claws dig in. It is a mess.

Einar suddenly stands upright, his ears flicking into stiff radar mode as they tilt and twist, his nose lifting. Growling out loud as his hackles literally stand on end. <<More coming. Prepare!>> and the huge wolf is wheeling around to put his back to Evonna, giving her a line of someone between whatever is coming and her backside.

Blood Thorn raises her paw, once the trap has been dug out and pushed at least away from the cage a bit. Still a dangerous thing, but it's at least not RIGHT there. Her claw forces the door open to allow the wolf out. She chuffs low, >> Careful footing. Traps about. << She'll help her to walk out of there, hopefully she is able to go on her own, taking those first few steps. Here Einar, she'll put a paw infront of the wolf, and look to see what is coming. >> STAY LOW! << she chuffs quickly to the wolf.

Detlef hears this from his Alpha and turns to see what is coming, trying to identify the threat and numbers from his higher vantage point..

The slate gray Hispo Ulf braces hear Theron, having heard the warning cry and sweeping his eyes along the perimiter toward... whatever will be here soon.

<<Too easy!>> The Wall chuffs to Ben as they quite easily tear the hunters to bits. And then there's Einar's call Leif, knowing where the traps are, slips out the back if there's a door. If he can get ANY sort of advantage, that's what he's going for Ironsides moves then as the wolf comes out of the cage, waiting on the other side of the mines with Killigrew to take over watching the wolf once it makes its way out of the clearing. Poor Zoe, just getting carted around.

KA POW!!!!! the thundercrack of a gunshot echoes through the woods.
Thankfully, none of the Garou nor the wolf were the target of the hunter hidden in the darkness.
Unfortunately. The mine that Evonna dug up....it was the target.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! There is an explosion of fire, and concussive force as this mine was filled with nails, and screws and other scrap metal in a flechette spray of death and destruction to all near by.

Eikþyrnir made quick work of the hunters with The Wall, and were bolting out the door - when the world explodes. Shrapnel blasts into the side of the Forseti - thank goodness for the Fenrir hardiness!

Detlef was apparently looking the wrong way. He doesnt cuss.. not out loud.. when the explosion happens, he goes still, pressing aginast the tree trunk and tries to see where it came from.. where others might be coming from.. it has to be in direct line of sight..

Killigrew is alright with being carted about, the hispo acting as a shield for her. When the explosion happens, she ducks lower with a startled squeak, free hand tightening in Ironsides' ruff.

Ben and Leif had plenty of success in the cabin, those poor bastards were easily disposed of within. Thy were not the real threat, they were bait. They were the facade, the false victory for the real hunter...out there...in the darkness...a predator hunting its prey...for someone bold enough to call Get of Fenris prey.

Ironsides moves instinctually as the blast comes, moving the core of his body (namely the rider) behind a tree. His head whips around and he snarls, the time for silence past as he focuses in on a spot in the dark and growls out, <<THERE!>>

Blood Thorn quickly takes her Hispo form and covers over the wolf kin, like a hen sitting on her babies, she covers her good. She's been through MORE than enough! Einar in front of her shields her somewhat from the blast, but with all that debris? She's got a gash on her shoulder, her leg, nicked an ear, and the tip of her tail? FUR GONE MAN.

Einar doesn't have enough synaptic responses firing to respond to everything that he wants or even needs to do. He catches the glint of the scope, the brief pause right before the gun fire and he's already moving. Muscles burn as he strains to push them and launches himself high while Evonna puts herself between the mine and the wolf, he's half in front of his packmate. That upward trajectory does mean that about a half-ton of wolf is being flicked through the air like a fly by that explosion only to careen back first through the shit-hole shack's side wall and through it with a mighty crash of weight and wood. There's growling coming out of the cabin, so he's at least not dead!

Right in the eye. Or almost. It's enough to throw Leif off his game for a second and he turns in a full circle, swiping at his eye, shaking his head, trying to spot where the target is, having absolutely no luck in doing so

Eikþyrnir is knocked to the ground, even his bulk isn't enough to not get smacked down from an explosion. He shakes off the flash - his ears still ringing as he gets to his paws. He peers around, still unable to hear.

Theron has no idea where that shot came from, the kinfolk warrior for all of his courage he raises his shield and crouches down to try and make himself as little of a target as possible, doing all he can to make sure he isn't the next target for that sniper.

Ironsides looks over the Fosterns and kin as the debris rains down over them all, then back towards the woods. <<Behind the cabin, fifty-yards. Traps in the way.>> He calls out, moving from tree to tree in an effort to get up as close to the newly freed wolf without exposing his charge.

Detlef takes two steps out, springboards off the limb, shifting as he lands into his Chrinos form and begins to run full tilt toward the shooter "he is here.. " he has to cross a part of theyard, but will go back into the trees, a-la Tarzan, as soon as he hits them again, making his way rapidly toward the shooter.. "He is There" he calls out pointing even as he crosses where the others can see.

The sniper is a master at what he does. A hunter peerless. He doesn't waste any time, he pulls the trigger softly and fires at Killigrew, only for the Get of Fenris dire wolf to react at the last second.
Its a powerful sniper rifle, and those rounds...they aren't normal. Enchanted with dark spirits of the Wyrm.

Shadows begin to shape all around the area and grow darker, thick in shape. Sound begins to become muffled. It's an eery, unsettled feeling in the entire area. Shadows begin to rise and coil and are moving. There's a whisper, a murmur to your left, behind you, and then things start to move to engulf the remainder of the shack that is splintered. Sounds of terror may make one feel panic rising within them as shadow creatures are starting to be seen out of the corner of your eyes.

Ironsides moves, the glint of the scope making him lunge in time for the bullet to hit him instead of it's intended target. The blood flies and the Athro yelps as the tainted bullet tears into his shoulder and passes out his back; the strength of the hit putting him on his knees.

Blood Thorn has not released the wolf kin yet from her nest protection. She's almost paralyzed with fear to move with all the danger around them. She should be stronger, but this has gotten to be more than she expected. Hearing the yelp from the Jarl, she fears more for the one she is protecting. The shadow monster going after Ben, and knocks him down. She's just about shaking. >> I got you. Don't move. << She chuffs to the kin.

The shadows do not invoke fear in Patience of Eikþyrnir, quite the opposite. They enrage him! He turns to start the charge towards the enemy, only to be crushed into the ground by the shadow manifiestation.

Well, that JUST won't do. Leif's vision has cleared and he turns to help Ben and then... <<Well, fuck>> And so he charges in, headlong, into battle. He is The Wall. He is tough, he is stronk. And this fucking thing isn't getting ANY closer.

Theron sees the chaos and decides to act. Oh god. What a fool. A brave fool. He charges out at the shadow beasts, doing his best to close the distance as he holds a shield up in the general direction of the sniper. Between the shadow beasts, the sniper and the land mines...this is suddenly...looking rather dire.

Einar is still shaking off the cobwebs and there are barky little muffled woofs that sound kinda like "Mah...mawp...mmmmah!" A silvery grey paw shows first and Einar climbs back out of the hole he created, still singed and smoldering, his flawless fur burnt down on one side to reveal a heaving and slightly burnt flank. Finding Evonna guarding the wolfkin he gives his packmate a nod as he fearlessly charges into the fray after his fellow wolves. Albeit slightly less fast.

Aldric's blood sprays up over Killi's shirt and thighs, the exit wound of that bullet narrowly missing the kin's left leg when the hispo turns to take the round. Mustering anger as much as courage, the Fury kin sits up and spies the shape in the darkness. Not one, but two arrows are loosed with incredible speed, the broadheads thunking into layers of armor like porcupine quills, neither driving quite deep -enough-. "FUCK!" Halfway between the heat of anger and piss-herself fear, she's already reaching for the next arrow from her quiver.

Grimshade sees Patience of Eisenhower go flying and immediately takes the long route around the damn mines while howling, << I will heal him! >> and silently praying not to run into a Shadow Hulk on the way.

The Shadows feel like they are closing in. Sounds move all around the forest mine field. A flicker of a shadow hand there, or a leg moving behind a tree. One already manifested. Another may push through, and no one knows where it will be next. An eerie shriek comes right behind Ulf and then another behind Killigrew after the arrows fly!

Yes, please don't pee on the upholstery, even if it's justified in the situation. Ironsides hears the shriek behind him, claws scrabbling on the ground to heave himself back up onto his feet. It's half rise, half roll, turning to put Killigrew behind him before facing whatever's approaching from behind.

The shadow beast roars at Leif. And most likely the Modi in the back roars back! It's a fierce competition as the two square off before engaging in a battle... that will be long.

CRAAAA KA-POW! Another gun shot thunders out. It hits Theron right in the shield with enough force that although his armor holds he is thrown back a good five feet and lands in the mud. It hurts, badly, he looks to his shoulder with a grunt, its out of its socket and its bruising quickly down his arm, internal bleeding. Its been awhile since the kinfolk felt that sort of hit. "Have to take out the sniper!" he yells out the fucking obvious as he tries to stagger to his feet, swinging Dainsleif at a shadow beast that really isn't there...its just shadow.

Spectre of Winter is terrified, enough so that he misses his first leap for the limb of a tree, but he knows he has to keep moving. no matter how afraid. The source he is focused on has to be the gunman. He will leap after another step for the next tree, to go up, over the mines.. trying to get close enough to the shooter while keeping the tree trunks between them at least most of the time. He is trying simply to avoid those terrifying shadows.

In the background, behind the broken cabin, and so many yards away, the battle ensues between the giant shadow creature and Leif. The two wrestle. One pushes the other and the other pushes back. The strength is incredible as Leif suddenly gets pushed back hard to land a few feet near where Ben and Ulf are. And Leif charges right back in like the Juggernaut! Roaaar!

Blood Thorn nudges the wolf kin, as she gathers her courage up. >> We need out of sight. Slowly - stay under me - shuffle to cover. << She'll help lead and protect her to a place that is far safer for her. There is still the job to retriece the dead wolf, but she's not leaving the live one in danger! It takes a bit, and courage on both of their parts to make it!

Killigrew's thighs hold tight to Aldric's back as he rolls to his feet and turns. He's moving too much and she abandons ship, sliding back off him and pivoting. Trusting the Modi to take care of whatever is behind them. Gambling, she pushes for speed over accuracy, sending a fucking volley of arrows, calling on the bow of her Mother. She doesn't even breathe, pulse racing - terror and anger making her want to rush it. The first arrow plinks into armor, but shifts that asshole enough that the second can find purchase. The second impact turns him a little more and the third finally finds chink, digging deep into the Sniper's side, blooding him. It's a fight, though, her legs want to go all woobly, and her stomach is tied in knots of nasuea. It's uncertain how much longer the kin can push past the rising tide of fear.

Leif goes flying back toward the cabin area as he's tossed like the huge heavy WALL he is. And THUMP! That vibration hits the ground when he lands and a landmine goes off behind the cabin.
Dirt. Debris. Shrapnel goes flying up into the air with a loud *BANG*. The Wall wasn't close enough to be laying on it fortunately, but he does get the debris flying across his torso and left leg.

The shadow monster in the back is bleeding black goo all over the ground as it next moves. Stomp. Stomp. <<<Shrieeeeeek!>>

The sniper swears, "Fuck you! Fucking bitch!" he rises out of his hiding spot. A thumb switch flip and the gun is switch to auto and he begins to spray hot lead, bursts of the tainted ammo, awakened by dark spirits of hate and violence spray across the field of battle. "I'll fucking kill you and rape your fucking skull." the hunter screams out in the general direction of the Gaian's. There is nothing nice or redeeming about this man.

Ben was the original healing target, but Leif hitting the dirt changes priorities, as he's more vulnerable. Without breaking stride, Grimshade hangs a left and kicks out to back up the downed giant, making an odd bite at his forepaw while he runs. The reason for this becomes very obvious once he's near to the Shadow Hulk, as Grimshade becomes a HELLHOUND! He lets loose a gout of searing flame with a roar of << CRY HAVOC! >>, and the shadow goes from ultraviolet to an animate bonfire!

Ironsides continues to shield Killigrew as best he can without getting in her way. It's a bit of a juggling act, but when the hail of bullets starts up he shifts to Crinos to wrap her up in furry arms to cover her from the rain of tainted metal.

Whoooooosh! Fire Shadow! The creature screams in agony and terror. It lights up on fire and goes for a running streak right across the left side of the cabin, shrinking as it goes and lighting up landmines as it THUMPS. Boom! THUMPs. Boom! thumps. Boom! thmp. Boom!
It disintegrates to ashes, burning a pile now in the yard. All shadows near the flames back away withdrawing.

Spectre of Winter sees the man pop up.. otherwise that could have been really bad.. he isnt a tank like leif.. but he does ahve a tree there.. Splinters of it spray into him as the bullets plow into it, and a couple graze him.. He drops down under the limb he was on, even as he is being pelted by those bullets.. and when the gunman turns the spray, he swings around and leaps in all his Crinos rage, spending his rage to leap across the distance and then fall on the gunman, Even as a final round from the gun hits him point blank in the shoulder, he slashes his claws around at the man's throat, terror, anger and duty all scream from him as he will not allow this man to endanger his family, no matter its cost. And two things fly through the air.. the final slash of his claws take the man's head off.. but so too does Detlef fly backward from the impact of that last bullet, Both spinning to crash into the ground.

Theron swings his sword at the shadows, the shadow beast that was never real to begin with fades in the light of the fire. An explosion of a mine near by and he has to shield himself again with the shield in his arm, it aches from the previous shot, its hard to lift. He looks around, trying to cover the group as best he can.

Spectre of Winter stabs his claws deep into the hunter and it drops his gun. A strong hand rises and grabs hold of the wrist of the garou trying to hold him back from its full strength, he spits up blood, the hunter is in bad shape. "I'll take you with me you fucker." he says as he reaches back to pull out a dagger to try and counter attack...

Blood Thorn missed out on the gunfire thankfully, but now is time for more danger again. Knowing the wolf kin is safe for now, she moves over under the cover of the chaos to get to the dead wolf. She'll take a look to find the trap and figure the best way to deal with this.

Einar, having had to take time to shake off the explosion of the mine in the cabin, took the opportunity to split off a different direction than the rest. Moving in a slightly more circuitous path that had the Rotagar flanking and taking a bit longer to reach the fight. Still, it seems fortuitous as the glimmer of vivid blue eyes is the only warning that Detlef and the Hunter get before he's lunging out of the darkness. One moment Detlef is facing down the gleam of a knife, the next blink there's a streak of silvery grey and a wet crunch as Rides-thunder takes the distraction to apply jaws to arm and yanks it nearly out of its socket as he and the hunter go spinning to the ground in a flurry of teeth and claws.

A black tentacle snakes out behind a tree near Blood Thorn as she moves by. It slithers along the ground right behind her as it charges!

Having vanquished the Shadow Hulk like a Fire-Breathing Dynamo, Grimshade notes the withdrawal of the shadow-creatures from the flames. He shifts to a kneeling Crinos, and is holding... a wooden toy. A dowel with flat helicopter blades, which can be sent upward with a quick twist. << Eat this, >> he snarls, zipping his hands quickly in opposite directions and sending the toy rocketing upward like a firework. No, not fire; pure fucking daylight, illuminating the entire area like someone just woke up a baby star from a nap.

There's something gut wrenchingly horrific about being shielded this way. Killi manages to move the bow to keep from accidentally stabbing Aldric with the next arrow she's in the middle of nocking. Not that a small cut would be noticed with tainted lead pelting him. Ironsides will heal, or be healed eventually, but the sound of lead tearing into his flesh is almost her undoing, courage faltering and yielding to the fear and the weight of crinos arms, trying to slip loose of his hold enough to side step, using him as a literal meat wall, stepping out just enough to shoot around him.

Ironsides moves to let Zoe out once the hail of metal comes to an end, bleeding from more than one place now. His claws dig into the wood of the tree next to him, using that to make sure he keeps his feet, sensitive eyes wincing and head ducking as the sky turns white.

Blood Thorn has figured that there is danger everywhere, on the side, in back, in front of her - overhead, and probably underground as well. The black tentacle does not go unnoticed, she backs away from it, carefully but yeah a bit scared. The bright light makes her blink, but she realizes it was for the shadows around them.

The entire sky blinks outward like an exploding star and it illuminates all into pure daylight for those few flash seconds. And then the shadows completely disappear with a horrific hiss, to return whence it came.
The sniper lays on the ground staring up at the sky as he is torn apart now by Einar's sneak attack and Detlef's certain follow up. His eyes wide, blood splattering everywhere in a mess of horror. The last thing he sees is a flash of light from the False Dawn that Ulf calls over the battlefield.
There in the light now, they can see the true horror. Smoke and char from so many explosions, the cabin destroyed...sadly body parts of kin that were killed as bait to finally lure the Get of Fenris here are strewn about.

Theron looks around, a bit shellshocked from the explosion near by as he tries to see if anyone else is still in danger.

Spectre of Winter drops to one knee, tottering for the moment as he hopes his healing will start soon, not sure if this kind of wound will heal or not. Struggling just to stay conscious. He is silent though looking up at the light and the hope it represents.

Blood Thorn gets right in there and starts to dig. Doesn't matter to her injuries, she's here for a job! She gets around that trap under the dead wolf, digging around it and under and working to get it out of there! This is going to take a lot more than the other one!

His dirty trick now pulled, Grimshade turns to The Wall and reaches out with one hand, setting it on the giant's arm and transferring healing energies accordingly. << Beware of more traps! >> he roars out, followed by, << Who is most injured? Do not fall back on pride; I will heal all before this is done. Is Patience of Eikantspellit roused? >>

Blinded, Killi lifts a hand to shield her face, blinking against the brightness. As her eyes adjust, she stares at the land around them, ravaged by the fighting. The oppressive feeling of trespass might pass, but there's still just -horror- for the sights of it all. Numbly, she puts the held arrow in her quiver and slings the bow across her body, turning to see how bad Aldric's wounds are - afraid to touch him. "Hey..."

Blood Thorn gets the trap out and then rises up to release the wolf. She howls for it, a mournful howl, letting all the can hear it and all the spirits know this wolf will soon be at peace. She gathers the body and carefully moves it out away from the trap and away to safety.

Adrenaline, that's pretty much all Ein was working on anymore. With the sniper ripped to shreds, he manages to pull a solid chunk of flesh away before he stumbles away and just kind of flops over in front of Detlef with a wheeze and a grunt. <<We get the kinfolk free?>>

Theron begins to carefully walk around the battlefield and he pokes his word at any shadow that escapes the bright light from Ulf. You never know...or maybe he's just paranoid.

Spectre of Winter stays there kneeling, a rather large hole in his shoulder, and several lesser scraping wounds from where he was shot, and teh oppression of teh terror makes it easier to breath, but that arm isnt going to be doing much for a while. "I.. Dont know." he manages to get out.. He doesnt try to rise, just to not go further than just to his knees. "Remember. Mines along the forest floor between here and the Cabin.. dont hurt yourself now.. Im. Going to wait here for the healer."

It takes the Athro a moment to realize that the fighting is stopped, ears ringing and eyes still a bit dazed. He looks down at Zoe as she moves over and speaks, then looks at himself as though remembering his injuries. <<Need bullets dug out.>> His black fur wet in several spots, and the whole hole still in his shoulder and back. Still he makes himself move, stepping out to survey the damage and see if anyone needs assistance.

Ulf makes his way across the battlefield, sticking to spots that have obviously been exploded or otherwise disturbed so that he doesn't set off a goddamn mine. He makes it to Einar first, kneeling down and extending his hand to the Rotagar's shoulder to apply healing. He moves along then to Detlef, applying the same balm and checking who else is nearby.

Blood Thorn will lay down next to the wolf kin, and the dead wolf, and wait for their turns for any healing. Whenever Ulf gets to them, she will insist on the wolf kin be healed, and not her. She knows this is time for her rite of wounding.

Theron looks over the paper a bit and then says, "Fucking map...they were tracking where they were capturing kin to lure us here. Well...they won't be killing any more ever again." he exhales. "Nice work guys...nice work." he exhales, wiping some ash from his forehead.

Spectre of Winter will wait near the dead hunter, patient now.. he didnt die immediately, so.. he isnt going to fall over now.. His sister would kick his ass for that kind of a failure. He is the furthest from those others that are wounded, so he expects to be gotten to last.. and thats fine.

He's not down or dead, so he'll get better. Kili knows not to go traipsing across the areas, so leans her shakey legged self back against a tree and watches as the healing and the cleanup aftermath things begin. Being unable to go and help, for fear of the mines, is almost as horrible as Ironsides taking round for her.

Ulf is quickly by Evonna's side and does not hesitate to heal the wolf first, passing healing onto the vulnerable beast. That done, he moves on to Evonna, erasing most of her injuries with the careful surety of a battlefield medic. That's two more down; four more known entities to go.