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The Great Hunt - Pack 1
Bane-breaker and Hushed Blaze sends forth the Sept's Hunters at Summer Solstice.
Players Burt, Hjalmar, Ildar, Jes, Mora, Remi, Troy, Brooke as ST
Location Forest Fianna Pub, Shallow Canyon
Spheres Gaian Garou


xxxxxOut along the Highway, along the edge of the Forest, lays an old looking building that has been turned into a Pub. Parking lot is covered in gravel, with some pickup trucks parked, and motorcycles. Neon signs hang on the front walls on either side of the door for various beer companies.

xxxxxInside is your typical pub with tables and chairs, and a long bar with stools. It smells of liquor, and is well loved.

xxxxxOut the back is a picnic area, and further back is a more ceremonial/party ground. A big bonfire pit is filled and burning, as every Garou around has come for the ceremony and ensuing hunt. Most are dressed for it, weapons at the ready, and Fianna already covered in woad drawings. Chanting began early on as Hushed Blaze and Bane-Breaker began the rite, and stories of bravery have been told. Bane-Breaker has taken a bowl around to collect blood from all of those participating.

xxxxxThey all wait for the dawn to receive the signal from Gaia for the target, and get the go.

xxxxxRemember - this is serious. Only your life on the line. May the odds be ever in your favor. GOOD LUCK!

Hjalmar came prepared like most. Axe at the ready, and face painted in Woad. A big grin is on his face as he takes in all the others around. And as the bowl passes by, he uses his Sax to cut a wound in order to donate some of his blood. After that, he takes a drink of a bottle of mead he brought along. Offering the bottle to any and all that feel the desire to take a sip as well.

Sickening ripping and stretching sounds are heard as the transformation takes place and Hjalmar becomes a huge murder machine

HK was there, one among the others who were gathering for that hunt. His bow was primed and the fetishes he had about him ready, singing to join him in this hunt. Silently, he readied himself and waited, preparing for the coming hunt, excitement shimmering through him almost as much as that rage.

Having arrived early to give a sacrifice of blood, Mercy's Wings powers up his silvered armor, then undedicates his staff. It's the size of a Crinos bo-staff as it slips free from the spirit matter. Seems like the young Galliard has learned a new trick. He stands next to his pack brother, giving him a nuzzle of encouragement with his shoulder.

Remi is there eyeing the other participants while checking the loads for the guns having put on some light body armor under the hoodie. Notably Remi must be in Fair Glabro or something because they're much bigger than they usually are.

Burt sits at the edge of the group singing in Hopi painting his face and bare chest in ash.

Mora is ready as she is in war form with her dagger on a belt. She seems calm and a bit excited ready for this, but she joins her pack mates.

Burt continues his singing dipping his fingers in ash to paint glyphs on his pack mates Alpha first then the Ahroun. He nods once he is finished melting into his lupus form.

While Honor's Keeper persists in existing sometime in the past-tense, Death's Jester is /so right now/ it /hurts/. He shows up smoking a Nat Sherman and toting a flask of something potent enough to be scented twenty yards away, and he is dressed like he intends to seduce the /fuck/ out of whatever it is they're hunting for. Slate gray Versace vest and black slacks, a bone white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to reveal an EXPENSIVE AS FUCK platinum Geneva watch, a blood red silk Armani tie... what the fuck does he think this is, the Great Hunt for Options Market Valuations? He adjusts his rose-colored glasses, pulls his Sig Sauer pistol out from behind his back and checks the magazine before replacing it, and asks nobody in particular around his cigarette, "Did anyone bring any snacks? I'm feeling peckish.".

xxxxxAs the sun rises, the fire dies down lower. One the first sun beam hits it, a fan of flames rises up higher than it has before.

xxxxxHushed Blaze declares, "It is the sign we wait for. Gaia, whom is the target of our Great Hunt!"

xxxxxBane-Breaker has been walking around with help from some assistants. Each participant has had a pictogram drawn on their foreheads with the comingled blood. She turns with the others to watch for the sign.

xxxxxxxxxxThe flames become like a screen for a movie (or if anyone has been to Disneyland and seen the water fan of Fantasmic!). You see a pen on a farm, with a large overgrown pig.. no... a skull pig if you look closer. With what appears to be a tag in his ear. Ugly from what you can tell in the flame picture.

xxxxxThe wind whooshes through around them all suddenly. In your ears you hear the word. "Grrgluck"

xxxxxThe flames die down again, and the bonfire is back to normal.

xxxxxTHE HUNT IS ON. The groups start chanting and each taking off to figure out their plan and put it into action.

Looking over at Jes as Remi goes to stand next to Burt and Mora as a pack. Nodding at the Sig Sauer recognizing someone else has taste in weapons before focusing on the ritual and the vision. Remi turns to the pack mates to decide on a plan.

Well, fuck; if no one brought snacks, Death's Jester is gonna get /hangry/ in a fucking /hurry/. He shifts to his big piebald Hispo form, not bothering to put out his cigarette; he just smokes it as a fucking giant dire wolf, letting his fur get painted with hallucinogenic body butter or whatever and watches the fire images dance in the shape of a Skull Pig. << Some Pig, >> he growl-snorts mockingly, a puff of smoke shooting out his wet nose. << So who's the all-around big swingin' dick of this motley crew? I'm a fucking Adren and a pack Beta, but hey, if you got the stones to boss up, come at me. >>

Burt nuzzles Mora implying the desire for direction. He whines slightly, ears and tail low as a soft growl rises and holds in his throat. He yips at Remi starting to prepare a ritual.

Honor's Keeper bows to allow that painting on his forehead, prepping for what is to come. As the sign is given, he nods a little, then looks to the others. << I am a Silver Fang Ahroun. I'm leading. Follow me and we will find the glory together. >> He huffs out loud enough for everyone there to hear. << Those who can track? Show the path. The rest, form up together. We move as a pack. We hunt as a pack and we celebrate our victory together! >>

"Rank means nothing if you can't find shit." Remi stands at full height and gestures to the pack mates with them. "We've seen its face. We know it's name. We have the rites to find it. You all should follow us. The Ghosts of Uktena know how to find and take that which is hidden from the Nation."

ShieldBrother is going up in the whole ceremony... It is awesome like always. And the bottle of mead would probably be empty soon. Seeing with whom he hunts today. And then.. That Skull pig image. He snarls in anticipation.. He hears the words and looks at the rest of the group. And cants his head at Death's Jester. He grins and rolls his shoulders. He's in no need to lead today. And lets the Ahroun of the group sort that one out. << I don't care which Ahroun leads. But we need to be quick. No need to delay. For the hunt is on. >>

Death's Jester huffs and shifts up to his War Form, apparently so that he has /hands/. He pulls the cigarette from his mouth, then puts... a monocle? Yep, a monocle. He puts a monocle up to his eye. << I can find it just fine. I can also fuck you up like an inflatable fuck toy if you snap at me again, >> Jes replies flatly to Remi, giving her the middle finger without looking her direction. << We're doing this together, and you can respect rank or you can eat my dick for the rest of the evening like a Roto-Rooter. Your choice, Fucktena. >>

The mottled frame of Mercy's Wings gives a loud roar from his chest as Honor's Keeper take the lead. << Tonight the Wyrm shall tremble beneath the might of the Enduring Sept! Tonight we will bring glory and resolution for our mother's favor! Brothers, sisters! Gather together and follow the lead of Honor's Keeper Rhya! Tonight we Hunt! Tonight we Revel in unity! >> The Galliard rallies the emotions as he lifts his combat-staff in the air, then slams the end down upon the ground with a mighty thud before he moves along with the group.

ShieldBrother nods at Honor's Keeper. << You lead. We follow. >> And with that, he would set out with HK in the lead.

Mora says as she is studying the picture "so that's what a skull pig is." she is trying to focus on it and cant seem to focus on it.

Death's Jester seems like he might be intimidating there in that big old War Form, acting all tough and pulling rank, and he /might be/... if his cigarette did not literally fall out of his maw at that point and onto his chest, where it /sets fucking fire/ to his hair. He /yelps/ like a /puppy/ and starts swatting at his burning pecs, and when it's all over with he has a dumb-looking heart shape burnt right onto his left pec. Oooh. Tough guy.

Remi is not cowed nor moved. Just cocks an eyebrow at Hispo growling threateningly and does what one does when any wild animal is giving you lip and you don't have a rolled up newspaper nearby.. And then the wolf is on fire. Remi just sighs with that long put upon sound of someone that puts up with so much before reaching into a pocket to throw a bacon strip at Death's Jester.

Honor's Keeper growls low but steadily at the others, watching the back and forth between DJ and Remi for a moment. << We have things to do. If you are going to have a pissing contest, do it on someone else's time. If you can track? Then shut up and track. Otherwise sit down and let those who work together get this done. >> He points at the path leading away. << Let's go. >>

Burt stops his movements and evocations after his pack alpha seems to have a clue. He barks supportively of the Silver Fang's rally though his follow up confusion belies some confusion. He bumps his pack mates, muscles tensing as he prepares to run when the running starts.

ShieldBrother nods at HK's words, and looks at the dickswingers in the group. << Aye. We linger for too long. We need be going now. So no more nonsense and follow Honor's Keeper's lead.. >> He rolls his shoulders a last time and prepares to set off with the rest.

Dead Chesthair is smacked by bacon, and you know what? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. He eats the offered pork product before shifting back into Hispo and four-legging it, falling in line after Honor's Keeper and offering, << Monocle tells me it's thataway, chief. >> He points with his nose, a direction slightly different than the one suggested originally, but... like, only by five degrees or so.'

Liquid smooth, HK shifts from Crinos to lupus, the massive wolf giving a shoulder bump to MW, then ShieldBrother. A bob of his head is given to Dead Chesthair. << Good. Keep up the info. >> With that, And a howl leading that hunt, HK takes off into the woods, following the path given by the one who gave them something to track!

Black and brown fur sprouting over his body and a strange sound coming from within. ShieldBrother shifted into his wolf form.

Bacon. Because you should always be kind to someone else's Omega. Then Honor's Keeper is demanding attention. Now see, that's leadership there, Remi nods in compliance and forms up with the pack.

Continuing to follow, Mercy's Wings doesn't take the rear, but he floats about the middle. He continues on at a brisk pace to keep time with the group.

Mora says < Lets follow him for now and Remi save pissing people off after the hunt > said as she starts to follow the rest as she thinks he is right... yes she is fooling herself.

xxxxxThe Monocle leads them out into the forest, deeper away to a shallow canyon. Away from where patrols of the bawn would typically go. It seems like a normal place up until you see some funny looking stakes with something on them. (perception + alertness vs 7)

xxxxxBeyond the stakes there are many trees obscuring what could be a structure. That seems to be your destination, as per the Monocle.

Mora looks to the heads on the pikes < Well that's a sign we are on to something, I hope these ones do not wail like the ones back home do.> she seems undisturbed about this.

HK continues his heading that way. Slowing at spotting the heads, he growls low. <<Be ready. We are obviously getting closer. Still this path? There is a building ahead..>> He slows from that run to a trot, making sure everyone is still with him as he would pass the heads to keep heading onward. He remembered the sign and the animal's surrounding location with it.

At the sight of the stakes, Mercy's Wings lets out a pained noise in his throat, his heart breaking for those who's lives were lost so needlessly. He tightens his paws around the staff, then chugs along after the night's wyrm foe.

<< We seem to have some sort of Lovecraftian Jeff Dunham situation on our paws, >> Death's Jester comments wryly before padding over and lifting his leg to the nearest pike. There's a weird sparkle, then... yep, he's pissing on the damn spike. But hey, /somehow/ it's chasing away the Wyrmy influence a little, so... net positive, right? << Monocle says it's the building over there, Black Widow, >> he replies to Honor's Keeper mid-stream.

ShieldBrother snarls at seeing the staked heads. <<We indeed get closer.. This will get to be a good fight.>> The wolf stays as close to the ground as is possible whilst following HK. And at MW's reaction. <<Will bury after.>> He cants his head at DJ's remark and.. Pissing? Shaking his head he looks back at the building. <<Good.. Quarry indeed is close.>>

Burt flanks his pack alpha letting out a low whine punctuated with a chuff. His tail is low and his gait unsteady as he whips his head back and forth with all the grace of a puppy.

Nodding to the others Remi unslings the shotgun and lets Garafena's Crown fill it with joy. 12 gauge joy. "They're screamers alright. The wards have been tripped. They know we're here."

xxxxxAs Death's Jester has run ahead of the group toward the stakes, he must not have heard as screaming began. Alerts have been made to whomever is behind it all.

xxxxxThere is sounds of some movement. Squeals can now also be heard.

HK Pauses as Dead Chesthair's defiant pissing would trip the alert. Once again it is that smooth transition, wolf to Crinos with the bow available to him as he growls. <<They know. So we go in fast and hard! Let the hunt be glorious! FOR GAIA!!>> That last part is howled out as HK charges with the others. No point in stealth, afterall!

Sickening ripping and stretching sounds are heard as the transformation takes place and ShieldBrother becomes a huge murder machine

ShieldBrother turns to Crinos the moment those alarms start blearing. He snarls, or is it a grin? No matter! HK's shout lifts his spirits even more, and he echoes, <<FOR GAIA!>> as he charges in with HK, staying close to the group's leader at this point.. For now at least. His axe is at the ready, frost rimming its edges. And murder shining in the glare of the sun on the flat of the blade. It has been far too long for SB to have fought a good fight...

<< Awwww, fuck, >> Death's Jester grumbles wolfishly as the alarms are tripped, hanging his head for a moment and closing his eyes as the screaming commences. << I should have stayed home and jerked off to anime, >> he growls, but there's no going back in time for Marty McNotAsFlyAsHeThought, who does not know where he parked his Delorean. He just sort of falls in behind the vanguard rushing ahead, half-heartedly padding after them and adding a lukewarm, << Arroo >> to the battle cries.

xxxxxCharging ahead, the group passes by more staked heads, all screaming, and comes upon the pens. Some look broken, but right there in the middle is one BIG BOSS HOG. Ugly as all get out, with long tusks, and surrounded by piles of bones. The smell wafting off it all, will make the toughest Ahroun tear up from the fumes here. It does not take long for the animalwyrmybanenastything to notice the Garou. He starts charging the sides of this pen to get toward them.

Letting out a powerful roar from within his chest, the Galliard fills the air with a war cry that is meant to shake the bones of those who defy them. Mercy's Wings sings a song of war and glory as he races after his packmate, keeping close to his side.

Burt breaks into a full sprint still riding the high from the Silver Fang's rallying cry. The screaming heads slow him down a little as he fights to maintain attention in the face of strange magic. He scoots to a brief stop examining them, a cautious sniff before he snaps back to the task at hand and starts to pull up the rear.

Remi advances with the rest shotty at the ready but is keeping aware since they sounded alarms and surprise is.. Not a thing anymore.

HK pulls up as the beast is revealed. A growl at it's scream and that bow comes up, those twin arrows are fast, smooth and even. But while that first one harmlessly pierces the pig's ear, the other sinks into that eye, blinding it with the shot. He growls as he missed that first shot, but prepares for what comes!

<< If there is anything in the Umbra we are gonna get /fuuuuuuucked/ >> howls Deej as he promptly jukes sideways, because somebody should have done that all along and that somebody was probably him. Whatever's waiting there for him is about to meet him.

As the battle wages on, Mercy's Wings has been moving slowly, gearing up for his moment. Now that the creature is blinded, he looks to pull it's full attention away. He gives a leap to one side, away from the combatants to drag the hog's attention as he lets out a high pitched wail that would make Whitney Houston wince. He hits the high notes, trying to make the creature's ears prick and turn towards him.

The moment before those arrows hit. SB'axe flies. It hits the bastard nastily with his frost rimmed axe. Though in the corner of his eye. He sees someone else attack as well.

Remi also ran up even though ranged and tried to trip up the hog first thing to give everyone else an advantage.. Problem being is with big fat boss hog even if he drops to the ground he really doesn't go anywhere so not much of anything happened.

Garou roar. Garou shout battle cries. They can be loud and proud. But few can roar louder than a Glass Walker with a shotgun. KABOOM! Remi unloads a slug of Weaver lovin point blank into the skull pig's skull face which explodes in a shower of tainted pork rinds and brainy bacon bits.

Mora's dagger makes a small cut in to the pig nice and deep with a skill full flourish but does a quick jump back as the blood coming at her bounces off her magical armor around her. But she has little to enjoy her luck as the Pig now blinded angrily lashes at her and with a graceful hand stand roll she gets out of the attack.

Honor's Keeper draws those next two arrows smoothly from that quiver, notched and fired, right into the middle of the erupting melee without a hesitation. Taking it's eye and that leg, he pulls the axe next. Although he doesn't quite launch it, as it looks like with the combining forces of everyone else, it gets dropped like a rock.

Burt growls at the muck and mess. "I can cleanse. Taint runs deep. Magic knots. Will unravel.".

Shieldbrother is ready to put another chop in the pig's skull. Making sure that it will NOT get through. Trying to form the frontline with seemingly, Mora today. But the moment he wants to make another hit. The beast drops down from a damn shotgun shot to it's face... SB looks to the shooter and nods. <<Good shot.>> And then scans the surroundings for anything else... This pig was bred by someone. And that someone.. Probably put up those wards as well. For the pig could not.

As the beast falls, Mercy's Wings rumbles in his throat. ~We need to take care of the screaming heads and find Death's - Jester. he went sideways during the battle.~ He plucks his staff up in his large paws once more. ~I can also cleanse and lead the ritual.~

"Point of concern. It was a skull pig in a pen.. That means. Breeders. There is someone here BREEDing them." as Remi rests the shotgun on the shoulder and looks to the buildings. "I don't think we're done."

Burt barks at Remi "Pigs have no thumbs. Did not set up wards. Wyrm magic. Everywhere."