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A Hostage Journey!
To explore the baronial islands of Lodestone, Tabin kidnaps Ambrosine.
IC Date 2020.11.23
IC Time 10am
Players Ambrosine, Tabin - ST, Wick
Location The Dreaming
Prp/Tp Two-fer PRP
Spheres Changeling
Theme Song A theme song for the log

The NRS Journeyman


Tabin is itching for adventure. He's an Eshu! Why wouldn't he? Hawaii is one thing...it's becoming old news, as much adventure alone is there the Eshu feet are wanting different horizons. A freshly new experience to engage in. The problem is...there is no sea he hasn't explored! Save one....held by a particular Sidhe. Regardless the veracity of rumormills and gossip around watering holes and dens, word on the street is that Ambrosine ni Beaumayn has everything from 18 mind-controlled Krakens to the kitchen sink (it's own...dangerous beast) hidden in the depths under the ocean. Tell any Eshu that there is a DRAGONS BE HERE YO area and they are bound to arrive!

But how to avoid the 7 leviathan beasts that eat anyone and anything at Ambrosine's say so? Well...steal Ambrosine. That's how. So Tabin concocted a plan. And during that plan he told Wick he was going adventuring on the Journeyman! And Wick decided to come with. Sailing en route to Lodestone Island Tabin made port on his Caravel ship, the NRS (Not Royal Ship) Journeyman, and told Wick he would be RIGHT back...he just needed a few things.

And that, is where the plan began.

Hiding in a corner, Tabin pulled out his knapsack and changed into a set of clothes he had seen Ambrosine wear...once. Then drank a potion. Then he was Ambrosine. And "Ambrosine" went inside the tower.

He would play his part well, not talking to anyone and looking like he was half-stoned, half ignoring people off in their own little world. Making a quick scurry around the Freehold until he made it to the lady's chambers. She had to be here. She had to be! But how to get her out! Simple! Knock them out. That's how.

So Ambrosine would be surprised with an Ambrosine walking into her chamber and getting put to sleep through an Unleashing of Onieromancy. And that...as they say, is that.

So Tabin returns to the Journeyman, looking like himself, holding a jar with airholes with a very lazy, very slumbering frog in it. "All done!" He says to Wick. "Let's /get out of here/. I'm ready to explore!"

It's only away from the island, that Tabin lets the frog out of the jar and onto the deck. The frog would be awake now around now, and the effects of his Metamorphosis will no doubt end and as much as he is antipathetic toward Sidhe...having one of them burst through a jar is not exactly his taste either.

Amber had been engrossed in a rather large book. Who knows where Max was but unfourunately with the luck of Eshu the Guardian/Tom Cat is away on 'business' of some likely salacious nature. So Amber is beset upon, falls asleep rathe easily as that is how Amber spends about eighteen hours a day anyway and be-frogged. Only after some time to awaken and be released uncerimoniously onto the deck to which she croaks a sound that is disturbingly familiar to "What?"

Unweaving is a magic all it's own and Sidhe are, sadly, disturbingly good at it so with a few magical plucks the pale petite S pulls at the last of the magical threads holding her form hostage and the Sidhe stands in her nightgown with a very bewildered expression. The nightgown and lack of choker do however expose the strange sick looking scar across her throat and long thin silver-on-white scars that line her shoulders.

She's very unintimidating. Small, really, and wide eyed. For a Sidhe she's positivly average too. Also? There's no firey indignation.

Wick has no part in the kidnapping - he remains on the Journeyman, doing his best to be useful while Tabin makes what he assumes to be a supply-run. By the time Tabin returns, he is in the midst of swabbin the deck. But he pauses at the sight the sleeping frog. Quite curious. But before he can ask too many questions, it's time to set sail! And Wick remains keen to help however he can with his limited sea-faring knowledge.

Wick had almost forgotten about the frog by the time Tabin lets it out on the deck. He's just about to finally ask what its story is when POOF! It turns into Ambrosine. Quite shocked, the Satyr stands staring at her for a momet before rushing to her side. "Ambrosine! Are you ok?" He seeks to take her hands. Then looking to Tabin, he blinks. "What's going on?"

Tabin looks over at Wick. "What's it look like?!" He gestures to Ambrosine. Like...'duh, I kidnapped her bro'. "We can't explore this part of the ocean without her!" He says. Whether Wick likes it or not, he's in CAHOOTS now. Haha! "So! Since this part of the ocean has every nasty in it's depths and she is the Baroness of them all, figured I would get us some insurance! That way we can go explorin'. She gets to have a wild ride in the meantime and get out of her stuffy uncomfortable looking tower and everyone wins." ...DUH.

He looks to Ambrosine. "Welcome to the Journeyman, Lady Ambrosine! Your gonna be our guest for a while as we go explorin' straaange new worlds. Kick back. Relax. We'll get our high adventure kick on and then we'll have you back to your fortress of solitude lickety split."

Wick's presence makes Amber look bewildered before she turns her strange glowing violet starfields to Tabin. "Oh my.." She blinks a few times and looks back towards Wick again sidelong to see what he makes of this. She does however listen to Tabin, still shell-shocked perhaps? She listens for what he has to say before lifting a pale hand to her lips and hiding a smile. "I see. Well, I do hate to be the one to break the news to you but the Silver Waters really aren't my domain. Those that navigate them have to come to terms with it's Denizens." She says with a light cluck of her tongue.

The sidhe drifts over towards the bow of the ship and peers out over the waters caught by the three eclipses above in silvery-shadows. "I'm suprised you'd let him kidnap me, Wick."

Wick follows Ambrsoine to the bow with an urgent shake of his head. "I didn't. He just said he'd be right back - I thought he was going to get supplies or something. I didn't know." Running both hands back through his hair, he looks to Tabin from between his elbows. "We could have /asked/ her, Tabin... To come with us on the adventure."

Tabin listens to Ambrosine say it isn't HEERRR people have to tend with, it's the Silver Path. Yeah okay. "Everyone knows these are your waters, Lady." He says, obviously disbelieving. Tabin knows the Silver Path, and the Silver Ban, and that the Path also applies to water. He continues steering.

When Wick looks back and says they could have just asked Ambrosine Tabin sniffs. "/Yeah/ okay. I'm not a courtier Wick. If I need something I have to wait for months only to have to pay some ungodly fortune just to appease their ego, BEFORE getting even to see them. Whatever." He says. "Powerful people don't treat me the way they treat you. They -have- to with you. Me? They just look at me like garbage or something foul just rolled into their fancy castle. If I want something I have to take it. How it's always been. And I ain't gonna do nuthin' to her. She can freakin' sunbathe for all I care."

Ambrosine's head tilts though she doesn't turn around and she smiles though really Wick can see it only because he can see her profile as she stares at the waters ahead. "Well he is right. You could have asked but since you have decided to take the adventure." Amber turns and looks towards Wick with a dip of her head. "Adventure you shall have." The Sidhe turns to look back out over the water and reaches up as if she's grasping for the glittering galaxies that lay in the ether beyond the three eclipses of the Shadowed Souls Barony. Even as the islands dissapear behind them the silver water remains lapping at the boughs of the boat.

Wick ducks his head with a slight wince as Tabin reminds him of the priveledge of his good fortune. But peeking over at Ambrosine, her smile eases the tension in his frame. And he brightens further still with her agreement to adventure. "Wonderful! I mean... I've missed you. Shouldn't have been a kidnapping... but I'm glad you're here." He looks to Tabin. "Perhaps... we could sing a travelling song. Or... even a shanty. For Ambrosine." Ever keen for music.

For all the Dreaming it does look as if Amborsine is arranging the stars in the sky of her own Barony. The starry eyed sidhe wearing a Mona Lisa smile as she does what it is she's doing. Some Sidhe are frightening because they are fiery and passionate but Amber has her own sauce, one that can raise hairs but it's like watching a spider weaving a web rather than eating it's prey. The croaking hasn't stopped, Amber's voice a raw ruin no matter how she speaks or when. The three eclipses stand out against the spangled ether of the Dreaming beyond as meticulously Tabin's fate is, for the time being, rewritten.. just a bit. Just enough. But you know what they say about butterflies beating their wings which is about as much noise the Arcadian rolling off the scarred Sidhe's tongue.

Tabin senses magic! Tabin rolls Perception + Kenning vs 3 for 5 successes.
Ambrosine casts Fate Fire on Tabin! Ambrosine rolls Intelligence + Fae vs 4 for 6 successes.

Wick remains entranced in Ambrosine's starfilled gaze as she reaches up as if to touch the stars in the skies. But then his gaze drifts to the curve of her neck - bare for the first time since he has met her. He stills with a sudden pained horror, gazing at it before returning his attention to her features. And there's something about them then that unsettles him - that hint of watching a spider at work. He doesn't quite understand it, but he can't help but ease back a little from the Sidhe. Catching his lower lip, he glances to Tabin, uncertain.

Tabin gets a FATE WHAMMY. Which you would think would be a bit more...omnipotent. But alas. That's not the case. Tabin feels nothing. Not even unease at being casted on by a Sidhe. So! Righteous indignation allows him to sniff. "HA." He says. "Shows what you know. Eshu /always/ travel." Duh. Cuz they are travelling? So they travel more? Get it?

In spite of Ambrosine's attempt to thrust Tabin in some cosmic adventure that pits the entirety of the Dreaming in the balance he looks at Wick. "Don't think she wants to sing bro, throwing power around like that." Whatever conversational value was going to be had ended with Ambrosine's cantrip. He was even going to give her clothes! But not anymore. Fate deems Ambrosine must fight the evil in her nighties. He leaves the confines of the Silver Path for the endless winds of the oceanic dream, which by virtue of the Dreaming the Silver Path immediately vanishes. Out in the wild blue yonder they go. And! WELL WHAT DO YOU KNOW? THERE IS AN ISLAND!

"Ha! See?" He sneers at Ambrosine. "I already know this island is there." He pulls out his map. It's an up-to-date nautical map!...and doesn't have the island on it.


"Well! Land ho!" Time to do what Tabin WANTED to do. Go 'splorin'.

The island is not very wide. One could probably traverse the entirety of the island in about thirty minutes. Larger than an Atoll, smaller than a grand island where civilization might be it is heavily forested and dotted with mountainous outgrowth as if a volcano or mountain WANTED to form...then just decided not to.

"Best pull up yer britches friends. I ain't got this one on any map."

The Deep Dreaming - Isle of Hula Pele

Birthrights are doubled in strength Frailties are doubled in strength Cantrips are -1 diff to cast All Cantrips are considered Wyrd


Ambrosine just smiles. No witty retorts or attempts to soften the blow of what she's done. Amber is a Sidhe and her cruelty lives in little things and she is always honor bound to repay a debt. Now no one knows where they are." She does glance over to Wick and small long fingered hands lift to her throat as if suddenly realizing and then beomcing mildly uncomfortable. As in the way of Sidhe in the Dreaming the air around her almost seems to radiate her pensive expression. It's brief though because the island catches her attention and her eyes narrow a little bit. "Hmm. I suppose I've explored worse in less."

She looks towards Tabin and then Wick with a little secretive smile. "We will not die..."

Not. Die. -Very- reassuring.

Wick scampers quick to tuck his guitar below deck and returns with a staff in hand - borrowed as usual from the Ebon Watchtower. And as he returns to the main deck, he says, "I mean... uncharted waters are best waters, aren't they?" Then peeking over at Ambrosine, the Satyr hesitates a little with her secretive smile. But he nods with appreciation at her assurance. "That's good to know. And... um... if you like... I could use metamorphosis perhaps to turn your nightdress into something a little... sturdier? If you like?"

Tabin doesn't seem to be paying much attention. There's an unknown island! And his map was bought, which means no one knows about this island! Which means the Eshu is a -happy- camper. He already has his gear ready, leaning down at the helm and grabbing his backpack, making sure his cutlass is on the right side this time he moors the Journeyman onto the beachhead of the island. While Wick pays attention to Ambrosine, which someone should...running around in your nightgown? Beh. Tabin hops over the side and onto the grissled sand of the newly discovered island. "If I had a flag I would soooo be making a spain reference right now."

Ambrosine looks down and blinks at herself and nods. "Please. Light banded mail if you would." She looks at her hand for a moment, "I do not have my bow, either." She ponders this situation before turning her attention to Tabin as if he might be able to provide such an archaic weapon for the elf-earred young woman. She's already reaching back to gather the silvery-platinum hair back into a thick rope like braid. Doing so exposes another set of cas, twho that seem to be in two massive silver lines along her shoulderblades. "If necessary I think we are deep enough that I could make one." Amber looks up at the sky and closes her eyes a moment as if discerning where they are. Can she?

Wick smiles off after Tabin with warmth, glowing with pleasure for his best friend's delight. But returning to Ambrosine, he nods and focuses on that fragile dress of hers. It's hard for the Satyr not to get lost in the impossible beauty of her delicate curves. But the scars break his heart. His eyes glisten with tears. And summoning up the cantrip, he transforms the fragile fabric into the sturdiest (and rather elegant) light-banded mail.

Drawing in on a sudden, the Satyr takes Ambrosine's hand in both of his. And he can't help but press a kiss to her delicate knuckles. "I hope this will keep you safe," he murmurs.

Wick gives Ambrosine some proper adventure gear! Wick rolls Stamina + Prop + 1 vs 4 for 6 successes.

She tilts her head at Wick for a moment and lifts a hand from his to place it on his head with a small smile that doesn't seem to make the stars that glitter coldly in her now huge almond eyes any more warm. Her beauty is intense, she's become somehow even more delicate, more pale. So pale she almost glows and her ears long and tapered are transluscent. Sidhe take on many flavors and the scarred Beaumayne's Aishe appearance is almost entirely alien. Amber sees that there's no bow and she sighs and tilts her head. Wick has seen her do something similar, small and really nothing more than a reshaped mote of glamour. This however is something larger. Amber plucks strands of hair from her head and begins to braid it. Carefully as she does the strands of hair thicken and become sturdy an silvery, woven like a filligreed silverwood longbow, string with a strand of the purest platinum. The next are a set of twelve shimmering arrows and a small but simple quiver, nothing fancy and seemingly lighter and more delicate than mortal fare would be. She does this not without effort though and she looks a bit tired after it is done. However she looks more reassured for their ventuer with the bow in hand. Her movements fluid silent grace and for such a whimsical creature very self-confident with the bow in hand. "Let's go." The Baroness says quietly with her ruin of a voice.

Ambrosine conjures a bow from the power of dreams! Ambrosine rolls Wits + Prop vs 3 for 5 successes.
Ambrosine spends 2 Permanent Glamour to make it permanent.

Wick grows entranced in that cold, terrible beauty of Ambrosine's smile. Motionless under her hand upon his head. But the graceful dance of her hands as she crafts the longbow ensnare his attention. And it's not until her quite rasp of a voice declares it's time to go that the Satyr returns to himself at last. He nods and sets off after Tabin, hopping down over the side of the Journeyman.

And so. The three trek off to explore the island no one has seen before, in the depths of the Far Dreaming. Let's be honest, there IS no exploring. Because the first thing they find is the thing about this island that makes more peculiar than an ordinary island out in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to a certain Sidhe. The Jury is out on Who.
The Place of Peculiarness is a waterfall. The waterfall itself is coming from a hole in a mountainside that isn't connected to the island. If one strains their eyes, one might be forgiven for thinking that the mountainous outcropping pouring water into a pond is an outgrowth of the dark blue sky above it. The pond is majestic to look at it, and on any other occassion a tranquil place of pure beauty. The trees and flora are almost painfully beautiful to the point of Romance (with a capital R). Spoken of more as emotional verbs, than a place of physical description.
Within the pond itself, the floor has an ornate design. Obviously artifical in some respects it is a circular pattern that has 4 positions. One of them is positioned right under the waterfall. One of the positions are already affixed, a wooden panel that has a pictogram of a dragon is placed in the rightmost position. Nearby, there are three wooden planks, difficult to carry without assitance due to their weight - Each has a symbol etched on it as if someone burned it into the wood: One of a Canoe, One of a Flower, One of a Squid.

Ambrosine follows the Eshu along. For all the Sidhe's many follies they know when to follow the tour guide. She looks around the pond and turns her gaze back to the Eshu and the Satyr with her pale brows aloft. "A challange it seems." She steps to the edge of the pond and she looks at the three options and then murmurs to the group. "Would you two like to decide our fate or leave it up to me?" She really doesn't seem to want to sound ominous but somehow it does.

Wick only just manages to stay focused as he follows Tabin and Ambrosine through the island's lush beauty. But as they come upon that pond, he stands for a moment in enchanted wonder. But with Ambrosine's question, he blinks and looks to her. "Ah. Well... I expect you or- or Tabin, you'd be better at puzzles. For this, at best I could only make a lucky guess." Tabin is drawing. Because that is what an explorer does right? And clearing the path. With Wick having a walking stick and Ambrosine with her...well..her everything. Her big eyes. Her skin probably feels like clouds on a stormy night right? It takes Tabin literal effort to not gush and fawn. "Wha?" He looks down at his drawing, which is just of Ambrosine, and crumbles it up and shoves it in his backpack and just focuses on whacking a path through the jungle-like tree line for Ambrosine...WICK! and Ambrosine.

Tabin is looking around at the wooden slabs when Ambrosine makes her query. He looks over to her. Tabin may hate the Sidhe, think they are self-righteous a-holes...but he's gotta give props to the Dreaming where the Dreaming's due...Ambrosine has a great ass. He looks at Wick when Ambrosine makes her suggestion. "Well they gotta represent somethin'. Anyone know what a dragon, canoe, flower and squid have in common?

Oh what she'd feel like is easy enough to imagine, whatever it is is cool like starlight. The smell of her is something aquatic with a hint of jasmine and the smell of frost and berries. To go with that perfect pale crown of hair on her head and the unnstural lithe limbs that flow like no flesh should ever. She looks back to the puzzle and her moonlight white lashes drop as she considers.. It should be noted here. Closer to her true nature those scars are uglier, having taken on a almost lavender hugh. It probably doesn't help that though her curves are softer and her form is definately what one would call 'effeminate' she's got the agile almost adrogynus build of a dancer.

"I'm terrible at practical puzzles." The Sidhe confides quietly to her companions. "Ask me what they mean in dreams and I could interpret the portents but.." Ah the crippling detetchment of Arcadian Sidhe to the real world. Amber's head tilts and she frowns a little, her pout glittering silvery as she does as her brows knit.

Wick remains ever entranced in Ambrosine's heart-breaking beauty. It takes everything he has to keep his hands to himself, firmly gripped around his staff (not that one). But he can't help but drink in those androgynous curves of hers. Only the rasp of her voice interrupts his reverie. "Mm. Well... The dragon... is like a guardian? And the squid too. A bit like a kraken? Maybe they're on either side of the pond as guards. Then... the canoe, I'd put it over closer to the waterfall. Like it jsut went over the edge. And then the flower over farthest from the waterfall. Like... growing on the shore. But..." He gives a slight shrug. "It's just a guess." <hr?

Ambrosine and Wick ponder!
Wick rolls Intelligence + Academics vs 7 for 1 successes. Ambrosine rolls Intelligence + Occult vs 8 for -1 successes.

Ambrosine's brows knit a little bit. It's in these moments that her otherness really shows. She lifts an arm to cross across her robs, the other elbow supported in her hand as too long fingers tap against her shell pink lips as the Sidhe considers. Wick's knowledge of stories however makes him invaulable and she turns another smile towards him though again it doesn't touch the inhuman starlit eyes. The mention of Balor makes her shiver a little and she lifts a hand to gesture to it. Can they be moved, arranged perhaps? Or is there another connection?" She wonders.

Wick follows those fingertips across Ambrosine's lips. And that smile devastates him, leaving him lost in a deep ache of longing. The Satyr only just barely pulls himself together to focus on her questions. "Mm. I'm sure they can be moved... I can move them. But... to where..." His own thumb brushes across his lower lip as he contemplates.

Wick blinks. "Wait. I think I remember something like these symbols... Maybe Conn mentioned them? Can't remember. But out here on the islands - they could be the four gods. I forget the names, but the dragon could be the god of war and violence. Then the squid, yeah that's the sea and the underworld. Which means... the canoe is the creator. And the flower - that's lono, I remember that one - it's of peace and fertility. Maybe. It seems to fit. But. I don't know if that suggests an order. What do you think? He looks from Ambrosine (gaze lingering) to Tabin.

"Lono? You mean Hawaiian stuff?" Tabin is trying to move one of the planks but is basically forced to drag it. "Oh! Those four? I know those. Heard a Menehue talking about them. They each live in a heaven of their own. Then people got spat out along the way. Lopo and Kupo live in one, then the creator dude, and then the squid dude." Tabin adds. Eshu bardic abilities for the win.

Yup. They may as well be speaking another Language. The alien Sidhe blinks a few times and she's curious enough that she's leaning in towards the two Commoners. Sort of drawn to lean forward as if she towers over them thgouh she doesnt and her eyes blink a few times as the weight of her gaze drifts between them. "Should each be in their element?" She wonders curiously still resting her fingers against her lips as she considers them and closes her eyes the scarred Sidhe thoughtful. No, it's no use, these tings these practical things that are not focused on Monster Slaying and Dreams are difficult for Amber to wrap her head around. THere may be a reason she has the reuptation she does.. locked in ehr high tower and withdrawn from anything resembling normalcy. It's a shame, really.

Wick smiles with a glow of admiration as Tabin recalls the rest of the story /and/ makes sense of it. He hurries over and helps lift the other end of the plank with little trouble. The Satyr is far stronger than he looks. "Ok. So there's the order... let's try it. Lopo... then Kupo was it? Then the creator and the squid."

The Sky Ocean

Nothing happens. Well...that isn't precisely true. What happens is that the three adventurers begin falling upwards. On closer inspection everything is reversed here. The trees are not so much growing out of the ground, they are getting pulled toward the sky. The waterfall isn't flowing /downards/, it's flowing /upwards/. And the outcropping borne out of the sky isn't just a mountain poking out of the sky, it's the reflection of the pond adjacent to the water fall. Falling into the sky isn't what it's cracked up to be. They simply 'fall' upwards, head first, hitting water.
Because didn't you know? The entire sky is an ocean. Just of a different kind. The deep blue sea is endless. Stretching as far as the eye can see. There is no need for shapeshifting because you can breathe. Though swimming is still a requirement but there is no 'water'. Apart from splashing into the sky, there is no water to be found anywhere.
Looking up you see the waving reflection of the island. To your left and right, endless blue. Below you, is a token shrine atop a rigid, rocky mound. The shrine itself is archaic, unadorned and long forgotten. A simple altar, with simple totem edifices surrounding it of a million different faces.


Amber curls her arm awith the bo close and her arm crooks just above her head as she's upended and she makes a sound much like a squeak, a high nervous sound that doesn't exactly sound dignified but t's far from laughable. She floats uneasly her shoulders hunching and shaking herself a little which only causes her to drift awkwardly about for a moment. She doesn't breath at first but when she does it's with alarmed panic until she realizes she's not going to drown on sky.. She does to her credit give a brief look around but there's no verbal question if the two Commoners are all right. They're alive so.. that'll do..

However once she gets her bearings she's headed for the object of interest. Swimming, sort of, towards the shrine - or at least making the attempts to do so ..

Wick would have panicked - but it's so much like a dream, that it all just sort of happens. His hooves move a bit in the air as if trying to swim, but other than that he doesn't struggle against what's happening. He's flown before. Ambrosine's squeak rather ensnares his attention. He reaches out for her, offering his hand for whatever assurance or stability he can offer. "I guess it worked," he says with a bit of a grin. Then gazing up, he seeks to drift towards the shrine. "Any guess to what this is honoring? Or... protecting?"

Ambrosine attempts to deduce the altar! WP Ambrosine rolls Intelligence + Gremayre vs 9 for 0 successes.
In another time, in another place, somewhere in the recesses of Arcadia's fabulous libraries Ambrosine probably read somewhere the stories that men and women tell themselves to go to sleep at night. Among them, is a story of Primal Waters. That the world was once nothing more than an ocean, and that the goddess who shaped the world fell from the sky to the primal waters below where she was saved, by a turtle.
So if the story is to be believed, or given truth to form, the shrine is probably a token to her, and the rigid cropping it is located? That big mass of land? That /might/ be...one big tutle.

Ambrosine hums softly and swims about for a moment, turning herself upside down as she peers at the shri and then hums softly. Does this look like a turtle to you?" She wonders allowed of well, herself? Maybe Wick and Tabin it's hard to say. Once in the deepp creaming the strange Sidhe is much more self-absorbed, not in a snotty way but definately less concerned about the presence of the commoners than she might normally be.

It's a fortunate thing that Wick had replaced Ambrosine's nightgown earlier when she turns upside-down. Not that the Satyr can help but stare at her any less. The more she overlooks him, the more he seems to ache for her. But then blinking with her question, he focuses and squints a bit at the shrine. "I mean... maybe? But... should we go inside perhaps?"

Tabin looks over at Ambrosine when she asks if it looks like a turtle. He looks down and shrugs. "I dunno? I mean...maybe?" He scratches the side of his head. "Can't help but take a look right?" He says deciding to swim toward the shrine.

"Hmm." The poor Sidhe rasps as she sucks in a quiet breath and nods. "After you." She tilts her head indicating that the Eshu and the Satyr should go first. It could be because she's the archer and therefore ranged .. probably. Right? The elegant inhuman creature drifts that direction angling herself to enter with a heathly reaction time should Tabi and Wick encounter something...

Wick nods to Ambrosine in a devoted little bow before drifting on after Tabin into the shrine. He holds his spear at the ready - ready to stab at anything. Or even throw it. His star-filled gaze shines bright and alert as he takes in his surroundings.

The Classic Spot Check!
Wick rolls Alertness + Perception vs 8 for 0 successes. WP
Ambrosine rolls Perception + Alertness vs 8 for 2 successes.

It is difficult to see, the sky is just so...blue, and the 'stars' are actually just the ocean floor. Reflecting sand particles from a light visible from somewhere. While Wick may not see it, Ambrosine certainly sees that /something/ is moving around the mound. That is until it breaches the surface and /something/, is headed toward our heroes.

The thing that comes towards them is a monstrous head - The size of a dragon but it has no 'fangs' or 'jagged teeth'. It is a turtle's head, so it has a beak more or less whose tip is near reflective showing how sharp it is. It's head moves surprisingly fast for the stories about turtles as it seems read to 'snap' and 'swallow' our heroes! But, Ambrosine manages to see it in time for last minute preparations, but not enough time for casting.