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Three Meet At A Club
"Emilee", Evie and Vic, having each decided to go clubbing independently, and end up talking at the bar at Club True Note
IC Date November 3rd, 2020
IC Time A couple of hours after sunset
Players Emilee, Evie, and Vic
Location Club True Note

It's a techno night at the club, with music thrumming and pounding away. The lights behind the DJ's booth flash various colours, while streaming up to the ceiling and back down again. As the tempo picks up, the strobe lights kick in, giving the dance floor a surreal appearance. One of the dancers is a pale woman in goth attire, moving with the music and seemingly enjoying herself. No partner at the moment, but that is opt to change in a place like this.

Dressed a bit differently but no less casually than normal, Vic is wearing a pair of lace up black leggings with an asymmetric red and black plaid skirt, a black hollow out v neck halter top and a pair of black Converse all-stars with white laces. Her hair is done up in a double Dutch braided bun and she has hints of color on her lips and cheeks. She arrived alone and is moving in rhythm with the music with a degree of skill that is noticeable by those around her... if they choose to pay attention, she surely isn't putting any major focus on those around her at this time.

Emilee is dancing and watching the crowd, so she notices Vic not all that long after she hits the dance floor. Her own dancing falters, ever so briefly, then she picks up the pace once again. Bobbing and moving her body in time with the music, she slowly makes her way towards the other woman and offers up a brilliant smile when close enough. "Nice moves!" She says, raising her voice to be heard over the pounding of the music.

As she was decidedly not watching the crowd around her, Vic doesn't see the woman who's moves faltered on seeing her, nor is there anyone who would likely have both seen it and also cared to comment on it, why call out a misstep and be a Debbie-Downer after all. Vic's movements are whole body, head and neck one way mirrored by her hips while arms and shoulders move in counter point, her feet are even always in motion, seemingly instinctively avoiding stepping on anyone else's. The music is loud but with Emilee being close and speaking loudly she can be heard over it. Vic opens her eyes more fully, choosing to leave the almost Zen-like state she was in and says, "Thanks!" also using sufficient volume to be heard. "Nice outfit!" she follows up with just as loudly.

"Thanks," Emilee calls back in return, smiling and doing a little spin at a particularly upbeat bit of music. "What's your name?" She asks, while flashing a winning smile.

Grinning at the blonde goth, Vic starts to sync her movements to Emilee's... she's not mirroring the other woman, nor is she synchronizing their motions... no, each is still dancing in their own unique fashion but she's synced the motions so that it obvious to anyone watching that they are dancing together without actually being a couple. "Vic!," she says loud enough to be heard over the throbbing techno music and asks, "Yours?" again loud enough to be heard.

"Emilee," the goth woman shouts in response, now dancing with the other woman. Eyes closing, Emilee seems to loose herself in the music for a short time. "Regular here?" She asks, eyes reopening.

"First time clubbing in Prospect," Vic replies in a shout. Bumped violently - but not harmfully - from behind by a clumsy club goer, she responds by bumping into Emilee but in a much more controlled fashion so that it is more of a flirty, fully body bump than a balance risking contact like the one that the brunette with a bun suffered. She smiles at the blonde goth in a friendly but not really apologetic fashion; she at least isn't upset at the clumsy guy who threatened a multi-person pileup had he contacted a less experienced dancer that way.

In response to the full body bump, Emilee allows a hand to lightly rest on the other woman's hip. She smiles, leaning in a little closer as she dances, so she doesn't have to shout quite so loudly to be heard. "Buy you a drink?" She offers.

Answering with her body before her voice, Vic presses into the hand and guides Emilee towards the bar without missing a beet or step. "Sure!" she says at the same time, grinning, and adds, "As long as you're joining me!"

"Of course," Emilee replies, allowing herself to be guided towards the bar and off the dance floor. The volume of music drops as they move away from the press of bodies, making it far easier to hold a conversation. "What's your poison?" Emilee asks, hand maintaining contact with Vic's hip. "Haven't been in Prospect long, or just trying something new?"

Accompanying the drop in volume there's a palpable drop in temperature as the club's air conditioner is no longer competing with the mass of sweaty bodies practically if not in actuality pressed together like sardines in a can. "A bit of both," Vic replies, her voice sounding extremely pleased to not be yelling anymore - if voices could have desires and emotions of their own.

Emilee senses “Vic's shadow is visible but it is not normal in appearance. Instead it is flickering slightly, in the fashion of an old CRT screen TV tuned into a frequency without anything being broadcast on it. It is not in sync with the lights of the dance floor, nor can you see anything else that would cause this effect.”

Emilee draws in a deep lung full of air, releasing it with a contented sound as the pair exit the dance floor. "Mmm. Place is a bit fancier than I typically frequent," she says, reaching the bar and waving to catch the barkeep's attention. "Long Island," she orders for herself, then looks over at Vic expectantly.

Vic nods to Emilee about the quality of the place. "Back home we had private parties more often then public outings, they weren't really safe." Then the ordering begins and, giving a slightly mischievous smile to the bartender and obviously attempting to get a rise out of him or her newly met companion, she says, "[www.drinksmixer.com/drink1867.html Sex on My Face] please."

Emilee's eyebrows go up and she laughs, looking over at the barkeep and waiting to see if he knows how to make the drink. "Not familiar with that drink?" She asks, smiling easily. "What's in it?"

The bartender chuckles at the order and shakes his head at Vic's attempt to get anything but a professional reaction out of him as he begins to mix the drink.

Almost in time with the bartender's actions Vic describes the contents. She says, "Whisky," as the bartender eyeballs half an ounce of Yukon Jack Canadian Whisky; "Rum," is said as he pours an equal part of Malibu coconut rum which if followed by Southern Comfort peach liqueur as Vic says, "I thought it was peach Schnapps but..." she shrugs as that's obviously not what the expert mixologist is using. "There's a banana flavor also," she says as the bartender pours a non-brand fluid into the mix cup in an equal amount to the other. "Then there's cranberry, orange and pineapple juice also," Vic says as a splash of each is added. Emilee's drink is brought to her by another bartender as the one working on Vic's drink by pouring everything out of the mixing cup into a tall glass with a couple of ice cubes in it and slides it to the braided brunette.

"Thanks," she says as she raises the glass to honor the blonde goth before taking a drink.

Emilee claims her Long Island and raises the glass in a toast, before bringing it to her lips and taking a sip. "Not bad," she concludes. "And that is quite the drink," she adds with a giggle, watching as Vic's drink is made.

Vic chuckles as she glances at the seemingly stoic bartender and says, "Its better if the message is responded to Emilee but... can't reel in every hook you cast as a success," with another hardy laugh.

Emilee smile shifts slightly, drifting from amused to mildly apologetic. "Sorry. You have quite the moves though," she says, looking out over the crowd. "Certain you could give it another go."

Vic and Emilee are at the club's bar with drinks. Vic's is a Sex on My Face while Emilee has a Long Island. The brunette is dressed in a revealing hollowed out V-neck halter with a tights that has an integral asymetric plaid skirt while the blonde is dressed in a goth outfit.

Vic nods to and smiles at Emilee's comment and says, "I'm certain I could," while locking her jade green eyes with the other's ice-blue ones.

Emilee's chin tilts down a little, seemingly discomforted by the rather direct gaze. Clearing her throat, she looks down at her drink and takes a sip. "Do you have a preferred type?"

Evie is just a bit adventurous tonight. She pops in wearing a black goth mini-dress, a light just-for-show jacket to cover her arms, knee-high boots, and white leggings. More of a show than she usually does. Oh, and she's got a thin black kitty-charm choker around her neck. Here alone, though she seems to be scanning for people she recognizes. Huh.

"Dynamic, interesting and intelligent," is Vic's fairly simple but possibly unexpected response which is then punctuated by another sip of her drink. Seeing that her gaze made the blonde uncomfortable she stops locking eyes with her and glances around the nearby club-goers to see if she recognizes anyone in the crowd.

Emilee smiles in response, glancing back up at Vic as she does so. "Well, I have to say I'm a bit flattered to have possibly been deemed those things."

Evie continues scanning. There's quite a number of racy and showy outfits, from guys and girls alike -- and one of them belongs to... "VIC?! Wow. You have managed to surprise the heck out of me tonight. I mean... damn." Her eyes fixate on the copious amounts of exposed cleavage, to which she now talks. "I never would've placed you for a party girl. Then again," she now looks up to Vic's eyes, "I never would've placed me for one. But here I am!" Emilee gets a sly smirk, a friendly elbow-jab, and one raised eyebrow. Also a whispered thing.

Emilee murmurs something back, as she returns the friendly jab with one of her own. "Wasn't expecting to see you here," she tells Evie. "Looking good," she adds with a smile.

Vic looks less intensely at Emilee and smiles. "You're welcome," she says in such a fashion that implies that the book isn't closed yet on the subject. And then her name is called out, in a familiar voice.

Vic turns to look in Evie's direction. The first comment draws a small but warm smile, the second broadens it and the third cements it as an extremely pleased expression full of happiness. "Can't always be serious, Evie," she says, "You risk a brain meltdown if you don't let your hair down sometimes." Winking at her friend as normally she /does/ have her hair down. Then she looks between Evie and Emilee and asks, "Wait, do you two know each other?" in surprise.

Emilee offers up a smile and a shrug, looking between Evie and Vic. "Ran into Evie here at another club awhile back."

Evie can't help but give Vic another once-over and a nod of approval for her outfit. "Funny enough -- yeah -- we met in another club near here. Club Extacy? And yeah, I do try to relax from time to time. Keeping up with ledgers and such can get just tedious. So how you two hitting it off?"

Vic shows her half empty glass and smiles at Evie. "She bought me a drink, waved off my flirting," she says to her more long term friend and then, addressing Emilee, she says, "I still reserve the right to continue in that vein unless you're /expressly/ asking me not to do so of course."

Emilee brings her glass to her lips and takes a sip from her long island. The expression on her face remains apologetic, lifting a hand and absently tugging at one of her ears. "Expressly asking. Sorry," she apologizes once again.

Evie looks back and forth between Emilee and Vic, suddenly quite confused. "Uhhh. You're... she... /ah/." Her confusion melts when Emilee clarifies what's going on. "Yeah, thought so. Drink was an offer to talk, not really a flirting thing. Em's, uh. Actually I think I'll let her explain if she wants."

Vic shakes her head. "Its okay, Evie, she doesn't need to explain anything at all," she says. Then, so Emilee, she says, "No apologizes required. Maybe I should apologize to you, I can be intense sometimes." After a sip of her drink she says, "I'm... lets say my preferences are complicated."

Emilee offers up a smile in response, shoulders straightening a bit. "It's alright. Aren't everyone's?" She adds with a slight shrug of her shoulders, clearly trying to add some levity to the conversation.

Evie sighs softly with a smile between the two of them. "Oh my yes. I'm not even going into my own preferences. Anyway! Goooood to meet you two again." She's desperately throwing out small talk in the hopes that something sticks. "Vic, sorry, you do make a compelling case, but I'm taken." Looking down at her dress, she adds, "Funny thing.... speaking of relationships. An ex got me this as a gift. It's silly, I think, keeping it for sentimental value, but she wasn't that bad. Just had a couple deal-breaking quirks is all."

"It looks good, there must be something there still if they are giving you a dress like that," Vic says and then adds, "I should probably just find a cute guy for a one night stand," possibly adding more credence to her earlier 'complicated' comment.

"It does," Emilee agrees, directing a smile towards Evie. "There are more than a few cute guys on the floor. If that's what you want, go for it."

"Wait, no no, the ex gave it to me while we were still dating." Evie clarifies her point for Vic. Then, at the comment of a 'one-night stand', she points out one not-obviously-creepy guy who looks pretty damn sharp. "He knows a bit about nerd stuff, a bit handsy but knows the meaning of the word 'no'. You go get 'im girl."

Vic smiles. "Thank you for the drink, Emilee," she says after finishing it and leaves the empty glass on the bar. "It was great to meet you," she adds and then says, "See you around also, Evie," as she looks over at the indicated guy and nods. "Handsy I can handle and good to know I won't have to apply any of the training I've been getting on a guy won't won't accept no," she adds as she departs, dancing into the throng, approaching the man and fairly soon vanishing into the crowd on the dance floor.