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Someone's Secret[1] Shared
Parker meets Erin and gives the kinfolk a private piece of information that others do not know
IC Date October 26, 2020
IC Time afternoon
Players Erin, Parker and Ray
Location Ananasi Hive
Spheres Ananasi

Erin isn't use to coming here often but she does stop by to bring food to the other's when she can with her is a rather large black panther that seems to be sticking to her side rather closely. She has brought various meats this evening as she shivers a little touching the panther as if it was there for some kind of comfort or protection

Parker's arrival is proceeded by the sound of a motorcycle outside the cave system. The distinctive sound of a Harley echoes into and though the caverns as it approaches and then cuts off. A few moments later, Parker enters the nest dressed in a way that mostly seems out of place in the desert - a gauzy, translucent white blouse over a black bra with a black suede-like skirt over pale gray, crushed velvet tights look more like a clubbing outfit while the dark gray ankle boots /could/ be hiking boots but are also still more stylish than normal desert excursion wear.

Seeing Erin and the panther, the Secean's eyes narrow and she says, "Hello?" while looking the pair over inquisitively.

Erin jumps when she hears the bike though Parker got to miss the initial jump. She does turn to the opening to see who is coming and upon seeing a new face she gives a shy little smile "Sup" she keeps her hand on the panther who at the moment has sat down and is more of someone Erin can lean upon than anything. Erin tilts her head "you new?"

Parker says, "Yes," and looks at Erin's face intensely. "Spelunker?" she asks the redhead inquisitively and then, with a glance at the panther, she adds, "And with a pet?"

Erin keeps her hand on the panther and looks at Kringer (panther by the way) and shakes her head "Spelunker?" she looks confused for a moment "Kin" she smiles and shakes her head "No not pet friend, buddy" she grins

Ray walks into the Colony grounds crossing over the rough terrain in his hand cobbled shoes with unnatural grace. He tosses his hat toward a mushroom, misses but seems indifferent to the accessory toppling to the ground. The Amari Aliquid then loosens his tie and starts to roll up his sleeves.

Parker and Erin are just starting a conversation. The Secean is examining the redhead's face and keeping a wary eye towards her panther companion at the same time.

"Bastet then?" Parker asks Erin regarding the panther and, oblivious to his approach due to her intense focus on the young woman in front of her, asks Erin, "Does Roy know you come here?" with a mildly interrogative tone to her voice.

Erin shakes her head "No I'm not Bastet" she looks oddly at Parker then there is Ray someone she actually knows and she smiles and rushes to hug the man "Ray!" well that answers that question doesn't it as the woman seems happy and not as shy suddenly.

Ray pauses mid saunter when he sees he is not alone. A brow slowly rises while he purses his lips thoughtfully. When he is acknowledged he brightens up and throws his arms out, "Why hello there!". The Latino in bespoke guffaws when the kin rushes over, "Hello my dear! How are you? And your husband? How is the good doctor?". A little two fingered salute is offered to the Tenere.

Parker nods to the Amari Aliquid and says, "Greetings," to him. She is visibly relaxing as the senior Damhan obviously knows the woman. She also mutters audibly, "Was asking about the animal," before putting on a forced and slightly pained smile. As it appears that a social catch-up is starting she otherwise holds her tongue and watches the other two interact.

Erin hugs Ray and kisses his cheek as she stays in his arms as she grins "Keeping busy but good, we are good.. Chuck is good though, he is gone, out of the city on some dig or something or another.. Man can't sit still for shit" she rolls her eyes "So just me and the girls for now.. How are you?" she ohs at Parker "No Kringer is not Kin to anyone just my friend and he is complicated to explain" she gestures "Kringer go wait on the other side"

Kringer stretches out rather lazy like and gives Erin a complaining roar before it heads out of the cave like asked by the red headed kin.

Ray is visibly distracted a moment as the fictitious feline departs. Looking back up to Erin, "Hmm? Oh..that's good. I hope he finds something fun!" he trails off and taps his chin, "I do need a new talking piece for my dining room...". The Kumoti starts to edge toward Parker so the Secean doesn't feel excluded or so his body language implies. "Are you settling in ok? Did you need any assistance with anything?" he asks once he settles into a more middle ground.

Parker shakes her head. "I've been exploring the city, finding things of interest and possible use," she explains. "Although if you have a truck or car I can borrow I need to get some boxes to Velvet Dreams, going to be selling some fabrics to the owner and put some of my own work for sale there on what I feel to be an excellent profit sharing split," she adds.

Erin comes over to Parker with Ray though she sticks to Ray like she was leaning on the panther guess Ray has now become her leaning thing or her security blanket. If anyone notices she isn't looking around or anything she seems to be concentrating on the people or her hands. Erin tilts her head "What do you do?" she ohs suddenly "I'm sorry.. I am Erin" she hmms "If he doesn't have A truck i can lend you one, have some at the garage for sure" she sagelynodsnods

Ray nods reassuringly, "I'll send some people to move everything for you. Don't worry. Glad your prospects are on the rise! It's so fun to make friends!.". He wanders off a second to brush his fingers against the wall like he's looking for something.

Parker smiles at Erin. "Thank you," she says to both of them about the vehicles, explaining, "Its hard to transport boxes on a motorcycle." She then answers the redhead's question by saying, "I am Secean. In order to earn money I make cloth and clothing in addition to enjoying certain activities which are considered illegal by your kind's laws." Addressing Ray she says, "Yes, its been an experience," without further explanation.

Erin can't help but let out a little whimper when Ray walks away from her and she takes what one would say is a brave breath as she looks to Parker "Ah cool cool. Maybe I can see what you make and get something.. I've been told I need to expand my closet" she rolls her eyes then blinks "Oh well interesting.." she sagely nodsnods.

Ray calls from his examination point, "I have an extensive staff. It's my pleasure to assist." he knocks on the wall before wheeling back. Beaming at Parker he asks, "Oooo what illegal things I wonder? Please do tell.". He pouts just for a second and looks at Erin, "You haven't happened to have seen Eiji lately have you?".

"You could call me a cat burglar but, like the Cringy one over there," Parker indicates Erin's panther Kringer, "I am not a Bastet." She smirks, obviously thinking she made an excellent joke. Then when Eiji is mentioned she says, "I met a Kar who gave his name as..." she trails off and fetches a cell phone from her bra and looks at the screen for a moment, "... as Zachariah. Do either of you know him?"

Shaking her head to Ray "Nah, but I know his about always leaving messages of he was here. He thinks he is funny" she rolls her eyes "Just cuz I said he can use the shop" she scoffs a little bit then looks to Parker "Oh a hmmm ok got it burglar sure.." she look thoughtful then shakes her head "Nah don't think i've met him yet.. I don't come here often" she blushes about that.

Ray nods slightly, "I met him briefly when a..." he pauses looking at Erin sympathetically before continuing, "series of unfortunate circumstances were resolved. Smoked alot if I recall correctly?". He shrugs a little as an afterthought, "I may have work for you at some point. I am deply invested in acquisitions.". He nods at Erin, "Not many of us do sadly. But less visitors means the meager resources Eiji and I set up aren't easily squandered.".

Parker returns Ray's nod with one of her own and asks him, "Do you desire my numbers then, Roger?" The rest she just listens to, again observing the interactions as one who isn't accustomed to everyday social interactions.

With Ray not coming back to her side, Erin starts to rock on her heels back and forth as she looks to Ray and looks thoughtfully at him "Wait didn't I meet him too maybe or was that someone else? There is also another woman name Alla about too if you guys haven't met her yet" She tilts her head a little bit "you know if Eiji and you need help with resources or anything you just need to ask right?"

Ray puts his hand on his chest, "It is not my place to assume what the Queen Mother told others to do. But I am not opposed to any Damhan to lend their strength to the Colony. Eiji and I are the only two to merge as of yet but the sacred tasks still wait undone.". He nods at Erin, "When we hunted that spider thing. He showed up for the beginning but had to leave before the work was done. I've met the newest Amari Aliquid. I had heard rumours of a fairly fresh Hatar but I have yet to confirm those.". He smiles at Erin in response to the last bit.

Parker tries to smile comfortingly to Erin, although its definitely awkward even if it fails to be creepy. She then asks the redhead, "Your mate... your husband... it was Cluck, right? Does he know about your relationship to us?"

Erin is still rocking and now looking down at her hands cuz that smile was indeed creepy as she takes a breath and nods "Of course he is.. He is Chuck is actually blessed by the Mother he is like Ray, actually I think they are of the same in all aspects" she turns to look at Ray to confirm or deny what she just said as she rocks.

Ray smiles a little wider confirming Chuck's place in his faction. The Kumoti looks at his watch and sighs,"Ah it seems my time has run out. It was nice seeing you both. Have a wonderful rest of your day." he waves good bye and starts to collect his discarded things.

"I have made you uncomfortable," Parker states to Erin. "I regret this. Please tell me what I have done wrong," she requests after an awkward silence following Ray's departure.

Well there comes another whimper for Erin as Ray leaves her and she takes a breath and waves bye to him as she looks back to Parker and gives her a little odd smile. She shakes her head "this place makes me a little uncomfortable.. Do you wanna come by the shop we can talk there if you want too?"

Parker's face lights up with a smile that looks almost natural on it. "Ah, so its not me, that's nice to hear," she says. "Sure," and then asks, "How did you get out here?" explaining, "I've got my bike of course but I can't give a ride to both of you," indicating Kringer as she refers to him and Erin at the same time.

Erin hmms a little bit "I have my ways" she pulls out a card out of her pocket it's a little bend and all as she offers it to you "I'll meet you there?" the card reads Madd Mod shop.

Parker takes the card and glances at it before taking a picture of it with her phone. She tucks it into a pocket on the back of her phone's case and puts the whole thing into the 'pocket' created by her bra and cleavage. "Sure, but... are you certain you can get back on your own without a vehicle? I didn't see any outside after all."

Erin sagely nods "Kringer and I will be ok getting there. We will see you when you get there" she smiles.

Parker nods and, having been assured all will be fine, simply turns away from the redhead and departs the cave. Moments later her motorcycle revs up - again its that distinctive throaty rumble of a Harley-Davidson - and then the roar of the engine starts to fade as she rides away from the hive.

When Parker arrives at the Madd Mods, Erin is already here and has started some coffee by the smell of it and it's almost done. The shop is actually empty as she had people head out so that well you and her can be here.

It takes a bit less than two hours for Parker to reach Madd Mods. She rides up on a Harley-Davidson Night Rod Special wearing biker's leathers and an open face helmet and while she slows down she doesn't stop until the rear wheel of the motorcycle is just on the outside edge of being in the shop. Kickstand is kicked and the bike dismounted.

"Sometime you'll have to tell me how you did it but for now I'll assume your mate has set up some sort of umbral shortcut that you have access to," Parker states as she removes the helmet and hangs it from the `cycle's handlebars. She shakes her hair out and it falls into place perfectly.

The motorcycle wasn't running right, Erin's mechanic's ears can hear it. Likely all that time out in the desert. Parker is apparently unaware of the issue as it is still extremely subtle. As the Damhan steps away from the bike she shrugs out of the leather jacket and begins to unsnap the chaps that are wrapped around her velvet covered legs. "So, this is your shop?" she asks looking around the place.

Erin walks over to the bike "your baby needs some love she/he isn't sounding right" she then blinks shaking her head "No he didn't do such a thing " she smiles and winks "Do you want me to fix her/him up?" she asks curiously and then nodsnods "yeah this is my shop, welcome to Mad modd"

"Its a thing, but I do love it," Parker says, not as coldly as most Ananasi would but showing her clearly inhuman perspective. "But yes, if it needs a tune up I'll defer to you," she says before asking, "Its the desert isn't it?" At this point she's taken off the leathers and, after folding them, puts them into the cycle's saddlebags. Her clothing, despite having been encased in leathers for nearly two hours, look pristine and unwrinkled by the experience.

Erin goes to the bike and moves it to the racks after you are done putting your stuff away and nods "yeah the dessert doesn't help let me tell you" she begins to work on it as she smiles "So guessing human is not your birth form correct?"

Chuckling, Parker nods. "Hopefully its only so obvious because of your knowing what I am," she says, "But yes, I was hatched in South America I understand but I was brought to North America before my metamorphosis." She watches Erin's work quietly as well.

Erin smiles feeling a little proud she got that right "Well just some things you say is all but yeah it helps that I know you" she continues to fix the bike as she curses a little bit as she works.

"Is there anything you'd recommend I do to protect it when I take it out into the desert?" Parker asks as she continues to watch the work done on her bike.

While working and cursing she hmms "Just bring her by and i'll keep her nice no charge" she also gives you other details on how to keep her from going to hell and then smiles "There you go.."

Parker nods. With a smile she says, "Thank you. I currently reside in Leisurland Mobile Estates so... even there there's a lot of sand. Every now and then ask for money, you're doing work after all."

Erin nods "Do you have a cover for it?" she asks curiously. She steps away and ohs "I got coffee and donuts if you would like some"

Parker looks confused for a moment and says, "Cover?" and then the realization dawns on her face and she says, "Any recommendation on where to pick a good one up?"

ERin moves over to a storage closet and pulls one out and brings it over "Here you go"

Parker accepts the cover and smiles. "Next time have me size you, I'll make you some clothes to order," she says and then asks, "You don't mind that I make the silk even I hope?" as she puts the cover in the other saddle bag, pulls out her leathers from the first and starts to put on her chaps.

Shaking her head "Nah I don't mind that it's made out of silk.. Silk doesn't bother me " she giggles softly as she steps back as you begin getting ready to go. She rocks on her heels "so what name do I call you when we are out in public?" she finally asks curiously

"Parker," she replies as she fastens the chaps on and shrugs into the matching jacket. "I... inherited the name you could say," she adds and explains, "Rory and the other Damhan do not know where I reside. I have shared this with you, please keep it between us however."

Erin sagely nods "Of course I would keep it to myself... Parker... Ok got it" she grins and smiles.

As she positions her helmet Parker says, "Also, if someone refers to Eyes-in-the-Dark that is me or someone is appropriating my name." She glances at her phone before fully zipping the jacket and says, "You're Erin," while looking at the picture of the business card. Into her bra the phone goes and the jacket is fully zipped. "Thanks for fixing the cycle, Rinee," she says as she starts it up and backs out of the shop.

  1. Quote from the song "Parker/Poetry#Spiders