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Revision as of 03:33, 12 October 2020

A Friendly Meeting
Vic and Ed meet to talk, Evie "chaperones"
IC Date October 11th, 2020
IC Time a bit after sunset
Players Ed, Evie and Vic
Location Tech Addiction
The text message format here and at the bottom of the chat is built using Nerdvana's Formatting Text Messages for Wiki Log Posts
The first text was sent by Vic at 16:33:46 on 11 Oct 2020, about an hour before sunset. The reply came about two hours later, roughly an hour after sunset.
Reply when you'd like. My first choice would be Project Roasters. I'll assume that's off the table. So... three ranked choices: The Murder of Crows, Tech Addiction or where we first met. You choose, tell me when.
(Ed) Been by the Murder. It seems to be pretty busy right now. I can do Tech Addiction. I'm free now.
I'll see you there.

After sending the reply to Ed, Vic packs up her computer and catches a bus to the neighborhood containing Tech Addiction. Once there she slips in and does some 'window shopping' and then stakes out a spot at the snack table where she gets a pastry despite the hour and a steaming hot mug of coffee while she waits to see her friend's friend show up.

Maybe ten minutes after Vic settles into her seat, Ed makes her appearance. After a quick look around, she locates Vic and acknowledges the other woman with a slight inclination of her chin before ordering a black coffee and settling into the chair across from her in the snack / coffee area. "Hey. Hope you don't mind. Told Evie I was coming here."

Vic nods and smiles in Ed's direction. "Not surprising. I left a note at the gym I live in," she says, "So, I covered my bases as well." She dunks the semi-stale pastry into the coffee to moisten it and then says, "Evie really likes you."

And not soon after that, Evie sneaks in looking ready for a night at a bar. Satin long-sleeve ruffled blouse, black lace miniskirt, sheer black leggings and kitten heels to match, and makeup to the nines. Yet here she is, at Tech Addiction? Pretty sure they don't sell mixed drinks here. She does not appear surprised in the least to find Ed and Vic conversing with each other.

Ed lifts and lowers her shoulders in a non-committal shrug before taking a sip from her cup of black coffee. "She's a friend," she states as if that explains everything. She looks over at the door as Evie enters the shop, offering up a warm smile and a lifted hand in greeting.

"Friends are important," Vic says. She inclines her head in Evie's direction and gives her friend a smile as well. She sips at her coffee and then says, "I think we could be friends also, Ed," circumspectly.

Evie is quite tense when she sees the other two, raising a tentative hand of greeting to Ed and Vic. "Hey there. You two seem to be getting along well?" Definitely a question asked more to find out if conflict is about to transpire, rather than a polite inquiry of opinions.

"We're okay so far, Evie," Ed claims as she gestures to a free seat. "You look good. Sorry to pull you away from Open Mic Night. She returns her attention to Vic, studying the other woman for a moment before replying. "I wouldn't object to that. I just have to be careful. I... Uhh." Here, she draws in a deep lungful of air and releases it slowly. "Here. What we are doing here. Just talking. It is potentially rather dangerous for me. One day just poof, gone, never to be seen again. Mingling is, uhh, distinctly discouraged."

"I won't say I understand, but I'm willing to listen," Vic says. She then adds, "Evie and I confirmed she's not under any external influence also... at least none that I can determine." She asks, "Do you mind if I do something to satisfy my curiosity? It won't hurt," she then adds to Evie, "And it won't make the other customer's freak out." She subtly indicates the music playing softly in the store by slowly bopping her head to it. She also pulls her smartphone out of a pocket and sets it down on the table, leaving her hand laying on it.

Evie keeps a small distance from Ed and Vic, preferring to play mediator for tonight rather than interfere directly. "Definitely no hurting anyone. That goes for both of you." She then poses to Ed, "Your call if you wanna trust this. I don't expect any surprises, at least." Then she decides that yeah, this music be boppin' and starts jamming lightly to it. Letting the whatever is going on here play out.

Ed's jaw works for a moment, as she mulls over the request. "That depends on exactly what you're checking," the woman states and looks over at Evie for a moment. "I don't play those sorts of mind-games. But, if you are looking for an outside influence you will find one now. What is seen isn't always the reality... I would ask that you not mess with that. It would cause the other customers to freak out."

"I want to test a theory," Vic says. "It will require nothing of you... heck, I don't even need your consent but I'm being kind about this and asking." She looks to Evie hoping to get some moral support and says of her to Ed, "Evie can tell you, its not going to hurt. I wish I could be more open about this but I have no way of preventing those around us from listening in." She takes another bite of her danish and then says, "Unless I'm totally wrong Evie can watch the flow of the work and be able to see what I'm doing." The cryptic nature of the statement doesn't feel like she's being evasive, more that she's being circumspect due to the surroundings more than anything else.

Ed sighs and leans back in her seat, crossing her arms and looking less than fully enthralled with the situation. "Go ahead."

"Hang on." Evie fishes out a flawless quartz crystal from her purse and sets it onto the table next to Vic's smartphone. "It might be a bit superstitious but I'm just using this to make sure everything's above board. Okay? Won't interfere." The crystal for her is a focal point to see what magick is being worked via Vic's focus.

Editor's Note: Evie successfully opened up her Prime (1) Senses to watch what Vic was doing.

Vic closes her eyes and focuses on the smartphone and the music, not the best foci for this effect but sufficient for the basic working. She puts some 'juice', as the V-Depts call it, into the work and quietly weaves changes to her senses and then opens her eyes. When she looks at the target of her magic, Ed, she will see at least one date (birth date) or maybe two and have a concrete sense of whether the woman who is her friend's friend is living or not.

To any observer without Prime Sense there's just a pair of women sitting together and talking, with a lul in the conversation.

To a mage who's Awareness was extremely refined, there would be a sense of magic being worked in the room but little else.

To Evie, or anyone else with Prime Senses focused on Vic and Ed, there is a clear flow of probing Quintessence moving between them with a sense of multiple Spheres being applied at once for a purely sensory enhancing effect while it lasts.

Editor's Note: Vic did a simple Life 1/Matter 1/Time 1 effect here.

Ed's heart stopped beating of its own volition forty years ago and she came into this world twenty years before that. The woman across from Vic continues to just sit there, arms crossed and lips set into a thin line. She acquires this vaguely worried look on her face at one point and pulls off one glove, examining the hand beneath.

Evie chooses now to shift closer to Ed, vaguely defensively, sizing up what Vic intends to do with her newly-acquired information. "Right then. This is getting far too tense for a simple tech shop chit-chat. Either of you have a preferred venue? My house if neither of you have any better ideas."

As she drops the magical effect Vic voices, "Forty....," for a moment before she collects herself properly and says, very very softly, "That's what I thought." She glance at Evie and then says to both of them, still fairly softly, "Don't worry, I'm not going to go all Van Helsing on you or anything like that." Then she mouths, "Werewolf?" at Evie with a laugh voiced showing how she finds her so ironic.

Ed finds her hand satisfactory and tucks it back into its glove. At the mouthed word of 'werewolf', she visibly bristles. "I appreciate that. I try and avoid trouble when possible."

Evie has to place a hand on the table to keep from collapsing from her stress departing all at once. "Great... everyone cool with just reconvening at my place? I got plenty of space to just veg out. Food in the fridge for... anyone who wants it."

Vic starts to nod and then her phone, still pressed between the table and her hand, vibrates and buzzes. She pickes it up and glances at it. "Jeez, will this server ever be fully set up?" she says in frustration. "Sorry gals, I'm going to have to take a rain check on a group hangout." As she stands she asks, "Matrix Marathon next time thought?"

"You okay there, Evie?" Ed asks, arms uncrossing and looking over at Evie as her hand makes contact with the table. As Vic prepares to leave, Ed switches her attention to her. "Sure... I could join in on something like that. Have a good evening, Vic. Good luck with your server."

Evie shakes her head very slowly. "I'm... fine. It's fine, everything's fine, we're all fine. Sure, we can watch the Matrix trilogy next time." Holding up a finger, she adds, "I know it's tradition to claim there is only the first movie, due to the other two being legendarily bad in comparison, but yes. There are in fact two more movies after the good one." She gives Vic a wink with that. Back to Ed, she asks, "You and me at my place?"