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Two Computer Geeks at a Coffee Shop
Vic meets Dalvin at Prospect Roasters
IC Date August 24th, 2020
IC Time ~5pm
Players Dalvin, Eden, Elizabeth and Vic
Location Prospect Roasters Patio
Theme Song "Summer of `69" by Bryan Adams

Midafternoon finds Vic at a table by herself on the patio at Prospect Roasters. She's enjoying a late lunch consisting of a peppered steak sandwich, wedge cut french fries, green apple slices and a frozen Oreo smoothie with the obligatory glass of ice water. Her laptop is set up within reach of her left hand and her smart phone, apparently tucked into her bra for hands free presence, is playing random 80s music: currently Bryan Adams' Summer of `69.

Eden was one of the rare few who enjoyed the weather today and joined Vic on the patio. "Hey that looks good.", she offers the woman - while carrying a tray of celery sticks and peanut butter spread down the middle. She had a pumpkin spice latte and sat a distance away. Being polite and giving space but also in range of talking or conversation should it occur. "I like to think fall is my favorite season with the leaves changing. But I really love winter."

Wearing a soft, content smile on his lips as the tiny red head emerges from the cafe with a cup of coffee in his hands, Dalvin seems to have a cheerful gait to his step, his massive hoodie engulfing most of his physical features. Though when he steps out and spies Eden, his cheeks seem to immediately flush into a shy blush, and he peeks down at the coffee in his hands, and then back towards her, and her conversational companion. Whatever trepidation he might be experiencing, he cautiously starts to move towards the pair, still wearing that blush on his cheeks. "Afternoon." He murmurs quietly as be approaches them both.

"Does Prospect get a true fall with changing leaves and the like?" Vic asks Eden in reply to her statement. Then, when the ginger college student approaches, she says, "Hey there... um... Del... No, Dalvin, right? Long time not see," and asks him, "How's the Python going?"

Eden smirks, "It is Dalvin... I see you two know each other. Small world.", she exclaims happily but focus is immediately drawn to the snake. "Oh my goodness, you have a python too!? That's so cool. I have one back home. I love him so much. Hold on, I might have some photos of him.", Eden says going through her phone for images. "Um, I'm a transplant. This will be my first winter here. So I couldn't tell you. Originally I'm from New York. So, we will wait and see.", answer Vic about seasonal changes.

When Vic asks him about the Python, Dalvin's cheeks flare into a deeper blush, likely on account of some recent experiences, rather than a direct connection to something she said. "Oh, um..." He starts shyly, taking a soft sip of his coffee, which apparently helps to calm him. "It's good, so far. I'm about... Three, almost four weeks ahead of my homework." Then he shakes his head lightly back at Eden. "Oh, no. She's talking about my code class. Introduction to Python." He informs her softly. "It's um, good to see you again, Eden."

Vic, having heard the other woman's name, says, "I'm called Vic," to her as a means of introduction. She doesn't pursue the topic of seasonal changes and nods to Dalvin about the homework. "Being ahead sounds good. So long as you aren't rushing it," she says while grinning at the misunderstanding then asking, "Hey at least she didn't think I meant a different misunderstanding for Python, right?" with a slightly suggestive wryness entering her grin as she speaks.

"Oh... code....", Eden says a bit embarrassed, apparently the only there with an interest in reptiles. "...gotcha.", sighing and eating a celery stick, looking back to Vic. "Nice to meet you. I'm Eden Huxley.", giving her full name and shrugging with a laugh. "I've already seen Dalvin's other python. I don't know what he feeds it. Probably why he blushes so much.", she teases. "Maybe I should look into Python the coding language. I know the others like C++, Java, SQL, Prolog and few others. I just get tired of always learning something new. Where's my one programming language to rule them all?"

"Oh, no... It's just... A really easy class, but I have to complete it." Dalvin explains, and then as Vic starts teasing about -that- python, his cheeks flush more into a deeper blush and he peeks back down into his coffee, and then back over towards Eden, almost predictive of the teasing she'll direct his way. "It's what I expected from her..." He admits shyly towards Vic with a timid roll of his shoulder, and he seems to have called it, blushing more. "I can um, help... With that..." He murmurs shyly back towards Eden, about teaching her code.

"Either of you know Lisp," Vic asks on the subject of computer programming languages before crunching on an apple slice while continuing to smile in Dalvin's direction regarding the blush deepening.

Eden hand wobbles, "I've used Lua and Perl. But never tried Lisp.", eating celery sticks. "I'm sure I could practice it and learn how to tweak it. But again, currently I'm not too invested in all the languages at the moment. Was there something specifically you wanted to use it for?", Eden asks nicely and looks back to Dalvin. "Are we all computer geeks here?", the DoD contractor asked.

When the teasing seems to abate for the time being, Dalvin's blush seems to subside a touch and he lightly shakes his head back at Vic. "No, not personally." He murmurs softly. "I'm taking a focus in web development, so I mostly know Java, Javascript and HTML, as well as C sharp, and C plus plus." He informs her softly, and then peeks back at Eden with a soft smile and nods at her. "Seems like it."

Vic taps her laptop and grins. "I bring my laptop with me to lunch," she says then asks, "Maybe that's a solid clue?" She pauses for a sip of her slowly melting smoothy and then says, "But yeah, I totally am, just working on minor probjects right now while pondering the best way to improve my employ-ability."

Eden nods, "Employers are the worst. I ended up joining the military when I was 18. Joined Navy, it was fun but contracting jobs as civilian pay way more. So I got out and been a DoD contractor ever since. You can make bank doing it. I'm not sure if either of you know Dr. Arumi. But we met and are friends due to government work. It's the biggest mafia around, and I say that with a tease. But often the private won't match or cover it. But this is just my opinion.", offering a shrug and nod. "Cyber security is huge right now. Military warfare considers it the next fighting domain. Why nuke a city when you can cut off all their water and power with a malicious program. That's why we need fine folks to defend the system."

"I usually do too." Dalvin murmurs an agreement towards Vic as she mentions taking her laptop to work. "But I needed a break for today." He offers softly, bringing his coffee to his lips, taking a light sip. "Oh, I um... Probably couldn't help much with that... I mean I've got a web development job... But..." He starts, and then shrugs lightly. "I'm not the best at interviews." Though with the provided wisdom from Eden, his attention shifts towards her and he brings his drink to his lips for another sip. "Um... What she said." He offers, gesturing towards Eden with his coffee, as he peeks to Vic.

Vic's face lights up at the mention of the good doctor. "I do know Arumi," Vic exclaims, "She was going to get me some goverment work but... I'm not entirely employable yet I fear." Then Dalvin mentions needing a break and she nods. "I need a break also... the other kind. Likely need to do some creative resume crafting to fix it."

Elizabeth walks out of the Prospect Roasters and out to the patio with a latte and some cheesy nachos in hand. She takes a look around and spots the other people, particularly honing in on Eden and Dalvin. She walks over to Eden with a confident stride,"Excuse me, have we met before? I think I vaguely remember you. I could be mistaken but I think I remember a girl talking to me about some kind of aptitude test..."

Eden looks to Elizabeth and there is a sad indication that she doesn't quite remember her. "I'm so sorry. I end up helping a lot of people. You seem vaguely familiar but I can't recall off the top of my head. Now if you can forgive my faulty memory, I'd love to start fresh. Maybe things will jog back into place. I can certainly help you get in with a ASVAB test. This is a military test that does check for aptitude in specific categories. You don't have to join the military if you take the test. But they might try to recruit you based off how you score. So..", pulling out her business card and sliding it over. "... the test is different than the SAT or ACT for college. Sure they both will check you for reading comprehension. But the ASVAB was developed off the original IQ test. It will check for special reasoning, logic, breaking and interrupting code and other subjects. How this becomes valuable is you might score high in something you had no idea in. In example I was adept as spacial recognition. I could of been an engineer but instead became a fighter pilot. Your standard ACT or SAT won't examine for that. They basically set their perimeters to accept college students without knowing what that students interests or natural talents might be. In essence, they just want you to consume a degree for money without knowing if you'd really be good in that degree. The ASVAB is free. I'd take it, just to learn about yourself and have a positive experience.", spilling the beans on some hidden insight or opinions the woman had. "If you need help Vic, whether it's clearance issues or back ground checks. I can help.", shrugging and looking to Dalvin. "I sometimes get sick of computers, besides my phone and have to leave it all at work."

"Um... What do you mean by 'the other kind' of break?" Dalvin murmurs curiously as he finally moves to claim a seat at the table the girls are sitting at, having otherwise just been standing near the two of them thus far. As Elizabeth arrives, his gaze sweeps over to her curiously, but otherwise he keeps quiet. While Eden gives her spill to Elizabeth, he quietly observes, taking in the information, but generally not interrupting or seeming to have much to add. Instead, he smiles softly back at Eden, and nods at her. "Um, yeah... I can see that. Though generally when I'm not working, or doing homework, I'm playing a game. Though, I haven't made a mod for a game since I started college."

Dalvin left the scene as he had a planned scene to join, as he didn't pose out I user:Nerdvana (Vic's player) included it in my next pose

Vic says goodbye to Dalvin when he excuses himself and then asks Eden, "Got another two of those cards by any chance?" as she pulls a pen out of the bag sitting on the patio next to her chair. "Also," she asks further, "What's required to take one of those tests, do I have to provide an ID or anything like that?"

Elizabeth motions,"Well it was months ago. I really don't remember much of what we talked about. I'm not sure it matters much now." She then motions to the table. "Do you mind if I take a seat? Also, in case you don't remember I am Elizabeth." She sits the plate of nachos on a table and sips her latte but waits for permission before she takes a seat.

Eden raises a brow at Vic, not because she was judging - but because she had never been asked about requirements for it. "I'm um... I'm not sure Vic. It's been awhile since I personally took it and I don't know if rules and regulations have changed. There is no fee, but you might have to have a student ID or a driver's license. To validate who you are. I don't want to give you a wrong answer here, but I know it's pretty generic and basic requirements. They often test kids out of high school. So whatever a high school student might have needed as a requirement which likely isn't much. They'll probably ask you for. Now I've helped other people get into homeless shelters. Those who didn't have a high school degree or GED. All I'm saying is. I'll help you figure it out if there's a problem. But let me research that and get back to you, cool?", handing over two business cards to Vic. "One to keep, one to loose.", looking back to Elizabeth. "Well it is nice to meet you again, Elizabeth. Was there anything specific you were interested in or wanting to do with your future?", eating a celery stick and trying to be helpful towards the two.

One to keep, goes into Vic's bag. One to write on, she flips it over and writes a number upon the back with Vic written next to it and then slides it back to Eden. "Wrong thought on the second one, but close enough," she says and then, addressing ther third woman at their table, she asks, "Hey there Elizabeth, I saw you last night as I was leaving that impromptu gathering of friends, right?"

Elizabeth gives a shrug as she sits down at the table and eats a cheesy nacho. She manages this with grace somehow, her movements are smooth and calculated."I haven't full decided, but I'm well off financially. I plan on starting up my own venture someday or other. I plan to make my own mark so to speak. The major idea I have right now is starting my own private university. I might do some sort of research... medicine, technology, something like that." She then turns back towards Vic,"Ah... yes. I do believe that I saw you leaving from there as well. It's always good to make new friends, too bad we didn't get a chance to speak much then."

Eden nods, "That sort of venture requires a lot of capital. Especially depending on the size of the university. You'll be in competition with UC Prospect unless doing something smaller like an IT or trade school. I wish you luck.", she says to Elizabeth and pockets Vic's information. "I'll send you updates on what you might need, Vic. Any issues. Hit me up.", finishing her last celery stick and starting on her coffee.

Vic nods to Eden and says, "Will do, thanks," as she shuts down her laptop. While waiting for it to power down, Vic finishes her smoothie and the last of her fries. "Yeah," she says to Elizabeth before asking the young woman, "What areas of technology and/or medicine interest you specifically?" At the same time she slips her now powered off computer into her bag.

Elizabeth nods,"Well I am not worried about my access to capital. I don't think I'll put it in Prospect so it won't be technically competition. I'm considering maybe going in the direction of Chula Vista, though I'm open to other areas, perhaps find somewhere more underserved in the field of education." She sips on her latte and grabs a nacho before turning to Vic, as she ponders her response."Well. I'm not entirely sure. Maybe I could help find a cure for cancer or something. Who knows. I want to find something that I can both profit from and make a difference. I don't see why those ideas should be seen as exclusive at all. I think I could find ways to really make a difference in people's lives. The other fact is our education system is full of so much fat, so much waste. It should produce knowledgeable students that can enter the workforce in as timely a manner as possible. I'd be interested in finding ways to help improve their success and either reduce the time it takes or at least improve the efficiency of any time spent doing so."

Eden doesn't have much to say in response to Elizabeth, it's not like she disagreed with her. Rather the drone was perhaps a bit more realistic and less hopeful in the circumstance - so instead of saying something that could be misconstrued as discouraging, she smiled. "Sounds like an appropriate challenge for you.", winking to the woman and turning to Vic. Sipping her pumpkin spice latte, and taking a moment to carefully examine the other female. Just admiring her clothes and fashion.

Vic's phone beeps and, after glancing at it, she grabs her bag and stands. Slinging the bag over her shoulder and positioning it against the small of her back she says, "It was great meeting you both but I'm going to need to check on a compiler's results related to an ongoing project I'm working on."

"Vic, I'm with you. I should probably head home for the night and actually feed my pet python. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope we encounter each other again. Likewise to you Elizabeth, I hope you have a good evening and wish you luck in your high aspirations and pursuits.", Eden says while offering her right hand to shake in a formal goodbye if desired, to both.

Elizabeth finishes her latte and nachos and stands up,"Well, I have to be in class soon. I will catch up with you later. It was good seeing you again Eden. I'll let you know if I ever need anything. If I succeed in creating my own university maybe we can look into some research contracts or something someday. That could be neat. It was good speaking with you as well Vic. Good night." She then gathers her stuff and walks off to her class.

Goodbyes said, the three women part, heading off in their own directions into the city.