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Latest revision as of 01:18, 8 December 2018

Mammoth Family Night
Family Party, Honoring Mammoth
IC Date December 7th, 2018
Players Ildar, Johanna, Khol, Libby, Skully, Tinlin, Xenovia, Kandula's Hope
Location Serenity Grove
Spheres Gaian Garou

Party Information.

The yard outside of the Serenity grove House has been set up for a bit of a party. There is one large round picnic table with room enough for a dozen or so people to eat at with plenty of room. and there are two folding tables set up. One with drinks ranging from water and fruit juice, to Wine and beer. The other table has plates, bowls and silverware to eat with. Spread over the second table are side dishes. There are fresh peas and carrots with a buttery glaze to them and a hint of mushrooms in the sauce. Corn on the cob. Fresh made coleslaw. Several types of bread, including three loaves of round crusty peasant bread, and chibatta bread, as well as homemade Kaiser rolls that are split for sandwiches. There is a large pot of soup, that looks to be chicken noodle soup with plenty of herbs and vegetables in it. There are three dozen deviled eggs, and a green bean casserole with onion strings over the top of it.

But the center point of the dinner is between the two tables, and set back just a bit, A large spit has been raised, and a boar has been roasting over it for the last two days. Now the boar has been cooked to perfection, and some parts have been pulled into shredded pork, and placed on a platter on the nearby table, and some parts have been sliced into boar steaks and also plattered, but this boar still has plenty of meat left , and the skin drips juices into the, now low, fire giving off hisses and a very enticing smell of roasting meat.

Lastly on the opposite side of the picnic table from the drinks and main foods, there is a smaller table with desserts. There is a Banana pudding dish, beside a fresh cinnamon apple pie, and a Sugar cream pie. And homemade cookies, peanut butter, chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies.

The tables are all setup, food galore has been made! It seems when the family and friends come over, everything gets made and the smells...oh... drool! Now, it is time for fun and a good time to be held for them all together, without being overrun be a zillion people. As people arrive, Johanna is sitting at the table, sipping a drink. Khol is getting some last minute thing prepared and will join in shortly.

It's fortunate that on the west coast it isn't dark yet. But close enough. Down the driveway a car pulls in beyond the new gate with its lights on. The Shadow Lord kinfolk, Xenovia, parks the black BMW and she peers at the rest of the gang in the car. "We're finally here! Oooh and look at the new gate we drove past. Much nicer than the last one that blew up before." She pulls the keys into her hand and smiles to the crew as she climbs out of the driver's seat. "Hey everyone!"

Ildar was thoughtful in the car as he'd drive with the others. He looks at Xen confused, then back at the gate, musing for a moment. He was sitting behind her since Skully was in the car and probably took up the rest of the front seat that wasn't where Xen was driving. "I.. didn't know it had blown up before. Did they do it or did something else?"

Khol Comes out from inside, with the last platter, this one just has fresh vegetables on it, olives, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and a few homemade dipping sauces. He sets this down on the table and smiles as he notices the others arriving. He smiles to everyone and offers, as they arrive "Hello and welcome!"

Libby arrives on foot. Making her way towards the hill and the section of the property which has been set up for the group feast. She's in her customary clothing, flannel over a rock T-shirt, jeans and ever-present Timberlands. Her backpack is a bit less full than normal and as she walks there's an unusual sound of metal against metal. She waves a hand at a distance but as she arrives close enough for conversational 'yelling' she greets, "Hey, Afternoon, everyone." She looks a bit tired but otherwise as healthy as ever.

Skully doesn't so much get out of the car as /fall out/ of the car; it's just not built for someone his size, and it's easier to kind of tuck up into a ball and roll out than to try to stand. He hits the gravel and pushes up to his knees, then up-up-UP to his feet, stretching and working out the kinks. "I'm takin' a Moon Bridge home," he grumbles, but his muttering stops pretty quickly and is replaced by a grin as he pulls out the big tub of frybread he cooked up and hauls it along with him before knocking on the door and letting himself and the others in. "Hey, we're... mostly here," he states, catching sight of Libby and waving a big paw her way.

Xenovia looks amazed at the food spread. She hones in on the veggie tray right away and then pauses, to look over at Ildar when he mentions the gate. "Long story. One of the pack here can tell you about it." She smiles over and loops an arm around the Fang to squeeze him, before letting go. "Let's have a good time tonight. Oh hey, Khol. Good to see you. And thank you. Everything looks delicious." Her head turns once more to see Libby and she smiles over. "Hello there." She leans to look around Skully's big height. "It's okay big guy. Moonbridge or ride on the hood next time, all's good." She chuckles.

Johanna waves to them all as they arrive. "Welcome! So glad you all could make it!" She has to head over to Skully first, directing him to the table to sit down his goodies. She will wait for a hug until he is done, so for now, she gives Xenovia a hug first! "It is quite a story, Honor's Keeper. I'm sure we can share it with you tonight. As well as other stories. Tonight will be a grand night for stories." She smiles to Libby, "Welcome to our home, Libby."

Ildar waits for Skully to.. well.. fall out. Before he'd get out as well. A warm smile is given to Xen and he'd hug her back, then nods to Johanna with a chuckle. "It sounds good." Looking to Khol, he'd wave and when Libby calls out, he waves her way too with a chuckle. "Well. I'm glad I was able to come! This looks amazing! I've never had anything like this before.."

Skully places his frybread trove down and gives Johanna a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek when she's done with Xenovia, then claps Khol on the shoulder and gives the man a hug, as well. "It ain't so bad to ride in, jus' not much fun to get in or out of," Skully states to Xenovia, stepping over to give Libby a hug, as well. "Glad you could make it, sister. Been wantin' to make you more a part'a this sort'a thing for a while. Reminds me, by the way; I got somethin' for you, so don't let me forget to hand it over." He nods seriously, but then heads over and grabs himself some frybread to gnaw on, stating, "I know Tiana's gonna be ready to come out later, an' I'll go get her when she is."

"Hi, hi folks. Thank you Johanna. Khol." She says to their hosts. "Ouray sends his regards but while I was brewing the tea he fell asleep and I wasn't quite able to wake him. I asked Mick to send him our way if he wakes up anytime this afternoon." Ildar and Xenovia are given a quick wave as well as she slings her backpack off her. "I've got some canisters of sassafras tea and spicebush tea. Should still be nice and hot. Where should I put them?" For once Libby is without food but clearly she can't go anywhere without something to contribute.

Khol smiles and waves to each of you as you arrive, and motions to the tables "Please help yourselves. and take a load off.. I have a radio if you want to have a little music.. well assuming no one wants to sing or play anything while you eat. " he smiles and makes sure he is out of the way so everyone can get their food and drinks.

Libby also returns Skully's hug and pats his broad shoulders with a light laugh. "Okay, I'll remind you later if I remember. Remind me to remind you?" She teases.

Xenovia is all very excited as well. She hasn't been seen out that often recently, and she's just lighting up again when she sees her friends. A HUGE hug is given back to Johanna, mindful of the baby bump. "And how is the little one?" She asks Jo. "I plan to pig out tonight, no judgment. So if you eat for two, we'll look like it's completely normal." She bobs her head up and down, grinning. "So! Time to gain 5 more pounds and then a swim in the lake later."

Johanna giggles, placing a hand on her ever growing belly. Still not very big, but on the lithe Stargazer, it is getting obvious now. "He is doing well. In fact, I feel him flutter every now and then. Very soon, he should be able to hear you all, so anyone that wants to start telling him stories will be welcome to." She blushes a bit. "And I do plan to eat tonight. Loads. So yes, join me so I do not look like I'm over doing it as well." She grins.

Khol gives a return hug to Skully "It's good to see you Big man." he grins "I expect you to eat at least half that boar." he teases "I made sure there was plenty for everyone." he smiles to Xen "that's why Gaia made lakes and ponds, for us to work off these good meals.. right?"

Ildar watches as everyone greats each other and chuckles, shaking his head a little. He grins a big ol' grin and shrugs, shoving hands in his pockets. "I guess this is what it's like to have family.. Ah.. food!" He gets a plate for himself and goes to pile up a meal. Him? He's a teenager, so it's piled high anyways. "Oh.. and congratulations to you both, Khol and Johanna!"

Xenovia smiles back at Khol, and eventually has to let Johanna go to get a plate. "All in good balance definitely. The fish are getting fat at the end of my dock, from feeding them little tidbits of bread every day." She hrmms, "But as to books, Jo? I have a collection I'd like to read the little one. Gaian books we had when I was young, and they are sweet little pocket sized books." She finds a seat next to Ildar, and then looks to Libby. "Libby, you and your mate are welcome to come visit me out at the lake as well. We're thinking about building some training grounds on one of the islands. And one of the areas will be for archery," she has a nod to Skully, and Ildar.

Johanna gets herself a plate of food, and encourages others to join in. She loads up on some meat, bread and some veggies. Once she takes a seat not near Xenovia, she says, "A training ground sounds great. And an Archery range? Ever since I was asked to judge the contest, I've had that bug to learn."

Libby's putting the tea on the table and she seems content to watch the others get comfortable as she listens to the conversation and shuckles about working off excess food. "It does smell like heaven." She tells Jo and Khol but then her head whips around at Xenovia. "Thanks, I will but I don't have a mate." She holds up a hand waving it off with a light laugh though there's a little tension around her eyes. "I'll be happy to come by though if I haven't already." She grins a bit. "I sort of wander all over these days, though Hunting season's almost over."

Khol waits till everyone else is served before he grabs a plate for himself, and begins to pile on a good bit of the food as well. Not a night for moderation. he will grab a beer as well and asks "Anyone else want a drink?"

"Don't go pushin' Miz Libby further down the aisle than she's prepared to walk herself," Skully chimes in at Libby's protestations, laughing a bit. "She an' Ouray are /datin'/. It ain't a marriage. As she's pointed out to me a time or two." He claps Libby on the shoulder and comments, "Can't blame folks for assumin', though. Gets to be a bit like a Mormon Tabernacle 'round here. Couple holds hands once, all'a sudden it's church bells." The big Metis makes himself a plate -- a first plate, anyhow -- and takes a seat, going at his food with a will.

Ildar can't help but have that little thrilled look as Xen sits next to him. He chuckles to himself as he'd watch the back and forth between people and well his food as he'd enjoy it too. Ildar looks over at Skully, then Libby curiously. "I.. actually.. I realize it's a delicate topic.. but I was curious.. Dragomir is mated to Miss Felicity, but they're not married.. right? Is that part of it.. or.. well.. how's that all work exactly?"

Johanna grins. "Take your time Libby." She looks at Ildar with his question and replies, "Well, with Garou, mating and announcing that to the Sept is enough. Those of us with more human ties, especially for our kin that are more human, we will choose to legally marry as well. It just isn't a priority for some."

Khol nods as he settles into a seat next to Johanna, and offers to Ildar "Johanna and I are both Mated, and Married. It's a matter of which government is certifying the bond. Mating is verified by the Garou nation and its leaders.. Marriage is a Governmental acknowledgement from the Mortal government of the United States, indicating we are wed."

Libby snorts at Skully pushing her braid over her shoulder and her nose wrinkles a little. "Meh, I'm used to it. Just don't need people thinking it is more than it is, for his sake as much as mine. They've got a Litany and all too." She pats that big mitt on her shoulder and searches for a cup so she can get herself some tea before she starts in towards the food. To Khol she shakes her head and lifts the tea, "Nope, got mine thanks." She follows Skully to grab some of the food for herself, cutting free some prime cuts from the boar before loading her plate up. Despite her whipcord appearance she appears to intend to eat half her weight. "Can be hard to get a license if your intended makes mortals want to pee themselves." She winks at Ildar.

"Some folks make it a part'a matin', some don't," Skully replies, following up after Johanna. "For some, a handfastin' ceremony or somesuch is part of it. For others, they jus' howl out their claim an' that's the beginnin' an' end of it. Depends on your Tribe, I suppose, an' your upbringin'. Four-foot types keep it simple. Contrariwise, I heard some Silver Fang weddin's take damn /days/. So... 'sup to the couple, I guess, on what's important to them. An', yeah... how scary you happen to be to the normal-types what gotta issue the certificate."

Xenovia blinks, "And some of us are a little less human but weird enough to pass for it." She laughs heartily. "I'm sorry Libby. I thought you were but don't worry." She now has a plate of veggies that look like a pile of color in no order whatsoever. A crunch of a carrot is made and she grins at Ildar. "I could lick your cheek and we could start a rumor. But, I should probably be good. I'm feeling in a rare and silly mood tonight." Then she asks, "Skully... is your bread like super freshly made? I want some but you know I follow that super strict diet, and it looks like it needs to be eaten."

"Oh, yeah, umm... finished it jus' before you got me. Still warm from cookin'," Skully replies to Xenovia, gesturing at the frybread. "'Specially what's on top. Eat up."

Johanna mmms, "The smells tonight... We are doing this again next month, and every month. Not just for Mammoth, but the good eats! Oh wow!" A smile to Xenovia, "Silly is great for tonight. Things have just been so trying lately. We need something like this."

Libby shakes her head, "Naw, no sweat." She tells Xenovia with a light smile. "Just how folks are. Comes with part of bein' kin." She agrees with the general consensus about mating and rumors. "I doubt me and Ouray are ever gonna get to that place. Just havin' fun while there's fun to be had. Bears gotta be particular about who they actually take the time to have litt'ns with." She makes her way to the table with her mountain of food and tea and drops into a chair but she doesn't start eating just yet. Instead she waits for everyone to settle in. Hazel eyes turn to Jo. "Things been rough?"

Ildar nods to the others, musing. He glances at Xen and chuckles with a small shake of his head. "Hm. That's thinking I wouldn't mind that.. But.. I've already told you about all of that." Ildar grins at Johanna and nods, lifting a chunk of the fry bread he took with a flashed grin at Skully too before he'd eat some. "All types.. I know I'm Silver Fang, but.. I'm a street kid. No one has time for that.. eh?" He'd chuckle, then grins at Libby and shrugs, eating some more of his food as he'd listen too.

Khol just falls quiet and eats, listening to the others. He follows the conversation with his eyes though.

"Yeah, give the girl a Ring Pop an' call her 'honey' an' that's married," Skully replies to Ildar with a laugh before taking a huge bite of boar and chewing carefully, all the while making satisfied, happy noises at the quality of the food. He sighs once he's done, commenting, "Dang, that's delicious. Excellent work, Khol."

Johanna nods, her hand reaching over to Khol's arm, since he is eating. "Yes, Libby. A lot of things going on. The add up, and the more issues you need to deal with that are unpleasant, it just weighs on you, you know? Thankfully, things are mostly all dealt with now and it is a time to breath and enjoy family and friends. I'm sure something will be around the corner, the Wyrm always is planning something it seems. At least our home is fixed again, and more protections are put in place. In a blink of an eye it will be April, and our little boy will arrive and who knows what will happen between now and then."

Xenovia hops over to get a few rolls off the top pile and then adds them back to her mountain of veggies. She settles back in at the table and waggles a piece of bread at Libby and Skully. "No ring pops. It's entirely too much sugar. What a girl really likes are love letters. But no one really writes those anymore. It's all email, or texting. Whatever happened to a piece of paper with real handwriting? We couldn't have cell phones at my last Sept. Not on the inner bawn anyway."

"I'd be entirely too embarrassed to write a love letter," Skully admits with a small laugh, shaking his head. "My handwritin' ain't never been very good. Wasn't exactly a priority to learn, growin' up. Probably come out lookin' like a Kindergarten Valentine, full'a bad spellin' an' backwards letters." He blushes a little, going back to his food, but looks up at Johanna and adds, "Everythin's startin' to work out, sister. Life is good again. Look forward, not back."

Libby's brows lift and she shakes her head in amusement at Xenovia, "Yeah Kinfolk weren't even really allowed on the bawn where I was from. Well unless we had to keep patrols while they had a moot or something." She seems pleased for the change of subject. Once most of the gathered have settled Libby starts to dig into her food. She's not a messy eater but she borders on voracious. She nods her full-mouthed agreement with Skully then to Xenovia. "At least there's time to take a breath." She says after swallowing. "I'm just sorry I haven't had much time to check in with everyone."

Khol continues to eat, but he gives a smile to Johanna and nods "IM sure many wonderful things." he glances over at each of the people "Its nice having so many here."

Ildar grins a little as he'd listen to the others. He shakes his head and chuckles glancing between Xenovia and Skully. "My writing is horrible. I'm lucky I know most of the alphabet sometimes I think. So I'm right there with you. Besides.. text makes it so that you have spell checker to make sure you get your backward e's in all the right spots, right?"

Johanna nods to Skully, "It is. The heart was strained for a bit, but that could also for me be some hormones going crazy." She takes a bite and listens to the others and keeps eating. Once she can, she says, "Whatever comes from the heart is what means the most."

Xenovia smiles at Libby, "We had kin patrols too! But it was more militaristic there than here. My plan is to stay here and build a home, so this place suits me just fine. And trust me, I do have a cell phone now. Good Gaia, the things I missed." She shoves a roll into her mouth happily, and chipmunk chews. It might be that she does it on purpose and grins back at Ildar, to test his ability to deal with her teasing bad manners. But she did warn she wanted to be silly! "Mmff wisiz goofpht." She compliments Skully's rolls.

Skully laughs aloud at Xenovia's antics, rolling his eye and putting his face in his palm. "Gaia, your angel's a flyin' squirrel," he jests, adding a bit more to his plate and continuing. "Things're lookin' up. I went an' saw Kohana t'other day, out at the territory he an' Miz Aowyn keep. Brought Ouray with me to see their new cubs, who are as sweet as you'd guess. They're buildin' lodge houses to shelter displaced Kinfolk there, includin' some orphaned children, an' we're pitchin' in some. I's hopeful those'a you gathered here might wanna assist, seein' as we have a number'a talents present, an' they're in need with winter comin'."

Khol Finishes his plate and offers to Skully "I'm glad you like the boar. .I cooked it traditional.. Spiced it then wrapped it in Wetted Banana leaves, it spent most of two days roasting that way, before I removed the leaves to finish it up.. I think it came out pretty good." otherwise he just leans back from his now mostly empty plate to listen.

Ildar nods to Skully, then grins at Xen. Of course, that just means he'd have to shove two rolls into his mouth. Yep.. big mouth. He's never been the quiet type anyways, right? Grinning cheekily at Xenovia, he looks over to Khol and nods his own approval, chewing on the mouthful of food he's now crammed in with a muffled laugh as he nods his agreement to helping. At least, that most likely seems the case. It's not like he can really talk at the moment.

Xenovia smiles more over at Skully and starts to laugh even more. Her blue eyes for a split second, have that glitz of electricity behind the iris, and then it's gone as fast as it was there. It might be a rare occasion where she's letting a bit loose tonight to relax and be with everyone. She's her old self again, as she points to Ildar mirroring her antics. Eventually, she has to swallow that bread to speak again, and gulps down some water. She laughs, then asks a pointed question at the Pack Alpha. "How many displaced kinfolk are we talking here?" She asks Skully. Nodding back to Khol, "You have to give me a play by play how it tastes," or perhaps her glance to Libby for a good description puts her on the spot. "My diet prevents me from eating it, or I get hives like the measles. The meat looks delicious, I just wish I could? But can't."

Khol smiles to Xen "There are several veggie only dishes over there too. I knew you had issues with the Meats.. I tried to cover that."

Ildar grins at Xenovia, then would manage to clear his own mouth, chuckling as he'd drink some water and nods along. "I'll be happy to help Skully. Whatever I can do, ok? Just let me know how and where. I'll be there." Looking over to Libby, then Xen, he snickers and would stand himself to get some more food on his plate, including a bit of that boar, it looks delicious!

"It's at least two score," Skully replies to Xenovia with a sigh, shaking his head. "Housed as they can, for the time bein'. Been helpin' build 'em shelter an' such, tryin' to provide food an' blankets an' the like. Just seemed like a thing Mammoth'd want of us, y'know? Help those as need it most, sacrifice as you can to keep others safe."

Libby is devouring her food. She's been listening, clearly, her expression alert and intent and a small smile on her face. But food first. She blinks and looks at the food then back to Xenovia and then chews to swallow. "I don't know. I could describe it for ya, if you like, but I mean I feel like I'd be doin' it a disservice. I might get the recipe from you though Khol, send it back home with some Banana leaves."

The mention of the displaced Kin though draws her attention and she nods. "I'll send Ouray their way with some food then."

Khol nods and offers "I'm always willing to share my recipes.. " he then looks to Skully "displaced kin? I've missed something apparently? I can fix some food stores to take to anyone that's needing it.. and I can help build if you need it."

Xenovia favors the carrots on her plate, and nods to Libby. She attempts to think of what to donate, "I can set up a fund under the Den Father, Skully. This way when things arise you can choose what is most needed by the Wendigo Elders. Boots? Clothing, blankets, or things we may not think is important, but as First Nation? Perhaps? I wouldn't know where to begin, but I can write home for assistance in setting up an account." She slowly turns her head to peer back at Ildar to see what he's doing. Aha! She suddenly grins.

"It's a perfect match for the way we used to do it at Los Coyotes," Skully says to Khol with a bow of his head, giving the man a smile. "You got the knack, brother. Makes for good eats. As for the Kin, they're Wendigo Kinfolk from another Sept, currently huddled in tipis out on Kohana's land 'cept for those as have better options. I'll take some'a y'all out there tomorrow with the supply van an' we can get to work. Ain't take all that long to throw together a longhouse, an' we got a few cast iron wood stoves at the forge we can sacrifice to keep 'em warm. Utility's the key."

Khol nods once "If you need hands, I'm there.. you know that." he smiles to Xen and chuckles at Ildar. To Libby he offers "I'll be glad to help you with any cooking at all."

Ildar comes back to his spot next to Xen with a smile her way. He'd sit next to her and nods to the others lightly. He muses for a moment and looks to Skully. "However I can help." Smiling to the others, he'd grin at Khol and tucks in to his next plate of food with gusto. Yep.. teenager.

Libby smiles at Khol and she nods. "All right. I've got quite a bit of stuff ready to be smoked and dried so if you want pop on by in the next few days and we'll work on that." She glances to Skully, "Ouray's pretty handy too and if it's takin' care of people you know he'll be all over it like honey on a biscuit." She says between bites of food.

"Yeah, Big Bear already did a great cleansin' on their territory to make sure it was safe an' secure for 'em, an' I know he'll go out there with me every time I go if I ask 'im," Skully replies to Libby with a smile, bowing his head. "Good soul, that man. Worth knowin'."

Xenovia grins, "I'm not good at building things in the traditional sense. But if you need some welding, I'm sure Grandfather Thunder won't mind an extra helper there." She sips more water and then waits for Ildar to settle again. "Desserts look amazing too," She tells the Fang. "We're going to need bigger plates."

Ildar grins at Xenovia, chuckling as he'd nudge her with a shoulder while continuing to eat. Looking between Skully and Libby, he nods. "I like him too. He was really patient with me as a cub. I'm sure I asked him at least a dozen questions about what he is and he was happy to answer."

Khol nods a little bit and offers "I haven't met Ouray, as yet, I don't think. but I hope to soon.. and Ill swing out and help you get things smoking and ready Libby. I would be honored to.

Libby sips her tea and grins at Skully with a little nod. "It's made work at the Shop much easier knowing him." She agrees before grinning at Khol, "Awesome! Nothing quite like a smoking party. Come by the shop anytime, Ouray's been taking up more work there and sometimes works the counter for me so you might meet him. If he's not out surfing or couch surfing." She laughs lightly and looks back towards Ildar and nods. "I think most of the folks here are kind along the same lines." She glances at Skully then back to Ildar.

Xenovia feels the nudge and reaches a hand up to give Ildar a playful nudge back. Except this time, he gets a *zap! It's a small little static electric shock and then she grins as her eyes widen. "Yep! Definitely dessert time." She looks back to the others mentioning smoked meats, and clues in. "He seems like a really nice person, Libby." She smiles.

"Ouray's somethin' else. Does my heart good, workin' alongside one'a Bear's sons; it's the way Gaia wanted it to be, a'fore things all got messed up an' backwards. I feel like we're mendin' fences jus' showin' folk how easy it is to be friends." He shrugs, leaning back a little in his chair and letting his food settle some. "This does my heart good, too. The idea of 'pack' means somethin' different to each Garou, but for me it's always meant 'family'. Strong bonds, shared joys."

Johanna has just been eating food, and enjoying the time here. "I've met Ouray a couple of times, but would love to talk to him further." She agrees with Skully. "Family and pack. That is how I saw it. And felt it. Especially when.." she trails off for a moment. "..I was younger. I do not know where I'd be without it."

Xen gets a laugh from Ildar and he'd grin at her. Chuckling, he finishes up his second plate and nods. "Desert it is!" Standing to his feet, he'd beam at the others and go pick over the desserts first. Taking a sample of just about all of it. Going to sit back down next to Xenovia again, he'd offer to share some with her too if interested while looking at Johanna and then Skully. "This.. this reminds me of good memories. Young memories. Mostly forgotten.. but.. my family.. my brother and sister.. my parents. It's.. it's good. I never thought I'd have this sort of feeling again.."

Libby laughs a bit and she nods at Xen. "Painfully so." The Wendigo Kin's nose wrinkles in a hint of amusement. But she doesn't elaborate her statement instead she continues to devour her food. She hasn't finished everything on her plate but she appears to be steadily working her way through it. She digs into her pocket and pulls out a phone, wielding her fork with one hand and the phone with the other she taps out a message and then tucks the phone back away. "Does remind me of home." She echoes Xenovia's statement.

Khol seems content , a slight smile on his face as he relaxes and just listens.

Skully seems quite content with everyone eating and laughing and sharing and volunteering to help. The big Metis pats his belly once, then takes a swig of his beer -- finally -- before stating, "That's part'a why I invited you out here, Ildar, an' Libby an' Ouray, too. My pack is my family; not jus' Starchaser, but Khol an' their cub, Xenovia, an' Tiana'lin, too. The core'a my world. An' that's a thing I wanna share more of, an' show more of; 'specially to those as need it most. Mammoth ain't exclusive; he wants as many willin' hearts as will take up his aims. An' to me, that's best done arm in arm."

Ildar smiles happily to Skully, bowing his head. "It's really appreciated. I'm honored to be included and I'm glad I came. I wouldn't miss this for the world." He'd laugh then. "The food is good too." Grinning, he'd glance over at Xenovia, muses, then nods a little, looking over what desserts he did take to pick out the ones that are mostly fruit based, offering that to her with a small grin.

Xenovia smiles to the rest, "It is a lot like home, isn't it?" She agrees to the consensus of the group gathered. She's a bit distracted as Ildar is sharing his desserts, "You know, a long time ago, like four score and five hundred years ago, beyond Lincoln? I loved chocolate, and could eat chocolate, and if any of those desserts -were- chocolate, we wouldn't be sharing. But I'll settle for your kindness and your fruity'licious dessert. Kindly, thank you, Sir." She slides over the sorted portion to her own plate and happily samples. "But chocolate would have been war. Gaia love the chocolate! I should have been born French."

Khol chuckle and offers "If you ever need anything.. come here.. Food, shelter, help of any kind. if I can't help you.. I'll find someone that can."

Johanna looks to Skully, "When should we bring out the tusk? So they can see it and we can share more about Mammoth?" She is quite in awe of it, and has been looking forward to this night. "It will make our hearts as warm as our bellies from the food tonight."

Skully considers Xenovia's statement, scratching his chin, and posits, "Y'know, I can /make/ chocolate. It... it ain't all that hard, when you got the ingredients. I could use fresh cacao an' cane sugar. You could probably eat that." He shrugs, finishing his beer, and chews on another bit of frybread. He checks his phone, laughing a bit to himself, and murmurs, "Tiana's gonna be ready for me to go git her soon enough."

Libby has finished nearly her whole plate and she grins a little at the talk of chocolate. "None for me." She holds up a hand, "I'll just have more meat." She doe after a moment shake her head and she looks towards Skully, "Hey when you want to give me what..gift.. I also need to talk to you about somethin' Mry said." Then her attention is back to Johanna and her brows lift, "You have a tusk?"

"Oh, right!" Skully replies, rolling his eye and reaching behind his back. He pulls out a sheathed knife, dark leather with a bone handle, and sets it in front of Libby. "I made it for you," he explains with a shrug. "Thin-bladed bonin' knife, for near cuts. Leather's the boar hide offa that pig I killt, hilt's the tusk. Figured it was appropriate, an' somethin' you could use. Nuthin' fancy, jus' solid craftsmanship."

Xenovia also looks up when the Mammoth tusk is mentioned. "I'd like to see it but it'll have to be another time for me. I have a meeting with some of the Shadow Lords to attend to, but if it ends before long, I'll come back?" She looks from Jo to Khol, "Thank you for the invite for the food. A nod goes to Libby, "And it was good to see you again." She smiles. To Ildar, she finishes the last berry dessert on his plate, and grins more. "I'll try and get back, so maybe like a midnight swim or something if the party isn't still going." She rises and takes care of her plate. "Tell Tim Tams I said hi, Skully." It's a goodnight from her to everyone, and she slips out.

To Johanna, Skully nods and smiles broadly, "Soon as folks're done eatin'? When y'all are ready, well... as good as it is to sit an' share food an' the like, we're here for Mammoth, an' there's a ritual to these things."

Khol nods once and offers "I am done.. if I eat any more IM going to have to be rolled off this bench. "

Libby takes it and smiles, "Wonderful!" She takes it out losing all interest in the food as she takes in the quality of the knife and turns it in her hand. "Man this is beautiful." She whistles low and glances back towards Skully. "Gorgeous, thank you. I can certainly use it, it'll go in my kit as soon as I get home." She assures, "Still we'll talk about that other thing later. I'd like your advice." But she has food to finish and there's a ritual to be observed.

Ildar, for his part, finishes up what Xenovia didn't take of his dessert. He'd look over at her, then over to the others. "If it's ok with you guys? I'd like to try to come back to see it too, but I'll see Xenovia to her meet to make sure she's safe, ok?" He stands to his feet, taking up his plate and Xen's too to go put them up. "I am looking forward to seeing it."

"Always happy to give advice an' practical gifts," Skully replies with a grin, reaching out to pat Libby's arm. "Sometimes I get to forgin' a thing an' halfway through I realize why I'm doin' it. S'how it was with that knife; felt like makin' one, realized part'a the way it was for you, so I crafted up the rest of it outta things what meant somethin' to the both'a us. You know I'm proud as a lion to have you as my Kin, so... there you go." When Ildar and Xenovia make their goodbyes, Skully also excuses himself briefly, stepping outside to call on Mammoth and hopping home and then back to bring Tinlin with him. He brings her inside, showing her to the food, and says, "Starchaser, I'm thinkin' we can manage to do as we need while Tinlin grabs a bite, if'n you're ready?"

Johanna exits from the table and comes back with the tusk, after greeting Tinlin with a warm hug, and gesturing to the food for her to share in, and drinks. The tusk looks very large next to her small frame, but she handles it with great care.

Tinlin arrives and is all cleaned up after working in the custom shop. This evening she shows up wearing a short blue and black kilted skirt with a dark blue sweater. There are knitted stockings on her legs and a pair of knee high boots as well. Her red flaming hair this evening is French braided into two plaits, and the pippy lengths hang over her shoulders where the elastics knot. "Good evening," The Scottish Fianna kin greets and walks over to hug both Johanna and Khol once she gets to the party, "I didna think I'd ever get out o'the shop. So many Christmas orders! It's insanity, I tell you." Her green eyes warmly look to the food. "And the supper here is mouth waterin'!" She greets Libby, after stealing a hug to Skully.

Khol smiles "hello Tinlin," he turns a bit to the side and gives a one armed hug, very briefly and then steps back. "Please help yourself.. its all still fresh and warm."

Libby smiles at Tinlin in greeting and waves but she's super distracted by looking over the quality of her new boning knife.

When Johanna returns with the tusk, Skully's eye gets a bit misty, and he takes a deep breath, broad chest puffing out. "Y'all know I ain't given much to speechifyin'," he rumbles, "but this tusk here... it's a symbol'a the promise Starchaser an' I made to Mammoth, mighty an' fadin' into memory. We promised we would /not/ forget, an' we'd champion those causes as others figured hopeless, bringin' hope when an' where we can. It is, in truth, a real, actual Mammoth tusk, from the livin' remains'a one as went on to join Mammoth's spiritual brethren. It was given to us by truly ancient Ancestor spirits what hunted an' followed the mammoth 'cross the frozen plains of America. It is truly sacred."

The big lug clears his throat, bowing his head. "I'm proud to have it here, with my pack. With Starchaser an' Khol, my sister an' her mate, my brother-in-arms, an' their child, Lil' Star, soon to meet the world. My girl, Tiana'lin, who I love dearly. Libby, like a sister to me. An' even those as couldn't be here right this second: Xenovia, Gaia's own angel; Ildar, who I brought up like a lil' brother an' who so recently took his place among the Garou; an' Ouray, my brother of Bear's brood, who keeps the same promises we do. It's a sacred thing, the family we're gatherin' in Mammoth's name; thank you, all'a y'all, for takin' part."

Johanna brings the tusk up to Skully and let's him hold it if he wants, and invites the others to take a look. It is truly special with the markings all on it. "Shortly, when we are ready, he will play it, since it is a flute as well, and honor Mammoth, remembering him and the Ancestors."

Khol nods slowly, and rises to walk over, he doesn't reach out to touch it, but his eyes widen "This is .. " he licks his lips as he looks the tusk over "its amazing." he looks to Johanna and nods "I can't wait to hear it played."

Tinlin places her hand up over her heart once she finds a place to sit down and watch the ritual. She decides to forgo the food for now and loses herself in the dynamics of the history and story that is about to be told. Her own green eyes mist over when Skully mentions the love he has for his family, and then for her. It is all beautiful. Her hand reaches up to tuck away and errant lock of red hair behind one pointed ear, and then she looks to where things are about to begin with the tusk. "Me too. Aye, it looks ancient." She's already on the edge of her seat.

Libby's brows lift over her surprise towards the tusk and then smiles up at Skully as he speaks of the tusk and the meaning behind it and her smile softens a little as she inclines her head. The knife is tucked away and then she looks to Jo and Khol, then back towards the flute itself with quiet interest.

Skully takes the tusk and holds it in his huge hands, looking over the designs etched in the ivory and sighing softly. "It's a thing'a majesty, Starchaser," he says quietly, shaking his head. "So old. So very sacred."

The behemoth smiles nervously and states, "I ain't no musician; I can't play it as it needs be. But... for Mammoth, I intend to learn. For Mammoth, I intend a lot'a things." He takes a seat, bringing the end of the tusk to his lips, and takes a deep breath before blowing a long, clear note through the ancient Fetish. It doesn't quite ring out like a horn; there is something of Mammoth's call to it, a trumpeting declaration, as if stating clearly, "I am real, and I am a part of you".

Johanna is just in awe of the flute, as she was the moment they first were given it. "It is a memory of a time that is so quickly being forgotten." As Skully takes the lead to play it, she just holds her breath and closes her eyes to listen. It isn't an instrument that requires delicate skill, but just playing it and giving life to what is no longer here on this earth brings a tear to her eye.

Khol steps back a little to listen, and watch, his eyes wide and he seems to be enraptured by the sound as well.

Tinlin also closes her eyes for the duration of the note that is played. She takes a long, slow breath before opening her eyes again and looks up and around at the joining pack mates.

There's a small smile on Libby's features and she looks down with a tilt of her head. She simply listens and lets the spirit of the..Sprit.. wash over her.

Skully's huge lungs help sustain the note for a long time, giving life to the Fetish and bringing back memories of times long past and behemoths disappeared into history. Finally, he runs out of breath, ceasing his long trumpeting, and sighs, bowing his head. "Thank you, Mammoth," he murmurs quietly, smiling broadly.

Johanna has her hands still on the massive tusk flute, and strokes it a bit as she helps stir it to life. Granted it is more for remembering than show. As Skully finishes, she suggests, "A story may be in order now."

Libby's eyes blink and she smiles a little before she shakes her head to snap out of whatever she was thinking. She smiles warmly and strokes her braid for a moment before standing to go get herself more tea. "I am -always- down for stories."

Khol closes his eyes for a moment longer then smiles and shudders a little as the music ends "my goodness.. " he looks to the others "I love hearing stories."

"Too bad we ain't got a Galliard here to tell one," Skully replies with a smile, looking to Johanna. "You got one in mind, Starchaser? Sounds like the audience is ready to hear it, if'n you do."

Johanna hmms, "Perhaps we should tell them more about how we were given the tusk? I know some have heard it, but it is a good tale." She looks to Skully for his approval of that, and help to tell it since they were both there.

Skully bows his head at that, smiling broadly, and says, "That's a fine first story for the tusk, Starchaser. Tellin' how we come by it an' pledged our lives to Mammoth. I ain't a storyteller, but I'll help as I can, sister; it's dear to my heart an' all."

Libby smiles, "Yeah I'd love to hear something more detailed. I have a particular interest in.. that time in history anyway. And I'd like to hear about the Ancestor you dealt with and.. really anything." She smiles a bit sheepishly but she's intent, now that her appetite's been stead her curiosity is at the fore.

Khol smiles a bit and he settles back in his seat "I would love to hear this story more completely as well

Johanna nods. "Of course. Well, it all started when my Great Great Grandmother, Stardancer came to me. She led me to bring Weathers-the-Storm with me to Alberta, Canada. We arrived and were met by one that knew we were arriving. We were taken to a lodge and inside is where we first knew this was special."

Skully smiles at the memory, nodding his head and adding, "The folk there was prepared for our arrival; spirits had said we was comin', an' knew of our Ancestors, both Stardancer an' Heart-of-the-Pack. We ain't known what we was bein' brought to, but the people foresaw our comin'; it felt like we was walkin' a road'a destiny."

Libby leans on the table, elbows down and fingers folded under her chin. She listens with intensity.

Khol is attentively listening, his expression enraptured as he listens to the tale.

Johanna smiles. "It was. They are protective of Mammoth, and know that their time is limited. Mammoth is slipping away, out of memories. They shared the tusk with us, and with that, memories of him, of his pack, of his people. It was overwhelming at times, but oh so important to us. We were given the chance to take the tusk, to go to the place we were called to, and to play it for him. Weathers-the-Storm carried it like he would carry a fragile treasure. When we got there finally, we played it." She lets Skully speak of their next part of the encounter.

"The Ancestors we spoke to... they were /so old/," Skully says wonderingly, shaking his head. "So very ancient. Lookin' upon them... you might be forgiven for thinkin' they wasn't entirely human, they was so far removed from the humanity we know today. Only one'a them could speak with us; the other didn't have the speech for it." He smiles, looking at the tusk.

"So we carried it free an' took it to the clearin' an' played it, an... Mammoth came. Not jus' Mammoth, but the very spirit what left the tusk; it was missin' on his spirit, on account we had the Fetish. He was so proud an' majestic; ain't never seen nuthin' like him before."

Libby's teeth catch her lower lip and then her eyes widen a little. She leans in a bit and nods. "What were they like? Did you get to see much of how they lived? And the Mammoth, how big was he?" Yup, she's super enrapt leaning forward more and more. Definitely relevant to Libby's interests.

Johanna continues, her head nodding. "Mammoth was more than I could ever imagine he would be. We made our pledge to him, to spread his memory and follow his creed - while helping others as we love to do. It was something I'll never forget and will stand up for Mammoth as long as I have breath and then some." She moves her hand to Skully's arm with that light touch of hers. "Stardancer and Heart-of-the-Pack knew just what we were destined for and now we are linked in a way so special. And hopefully soon, we will spread more of the memory of Mammoth here to this Sept, and join more into our pack as well." As Libby asks her questions, she smiles, "Mammoth was enormous. So big. I felt like an ant."

Khol blinks as he listens to all of this "Oh my.. " he continues to listen in awe of what he is hearing.

"His people were slight, but powerful; strong an' lithe an' full of life even at an advanced age. An' wise; very wise. They explained that though they hunted the mammoth, it meant that they too were of mammoth; they were made of the same stuff as mammoth, lived an' died with the mammoth. I ain't never quite thought of it that way, but... it was true. To live alongside the herds'a mammoth was to become them." Skully smiles, bowing his head. "Ain't no shame in huntin' to survive, never has been; but when you link your lives to a herd like that, they're as much your family as your own kin."

Libby smiles, "Yeah. Tell me about it." She mutters oddly aside to Skully before turning to look towards Johanna and smiles warmly. "That's really awesome. And uhm, sorta.." She wiggles her fingers in a circle, "Brings me about to what I needed to discuss with you, Skully. But after the story."

Johanna agrees with that point. "It is just so sad that Mammoth is only with us in spirit. We are the lucky ones to have the connection that we do, not just as a totem, but the opportunity to really live up to all he asks of his children. To be blessed with his tusk that we can use to that end. I just do not have words for it."

Khol furrows his brow, listening "Its both wondrous and sad" he comments softly.

"But hopeful," Skully adds, raising a hand. "Hopeful, because even after all'a that, Mammoth persists. Barely, true, but still; he is with us, now an' always. An' his memory lasts, so long as we hold it dear."

He looks to Libby, tilting his head, and says, "So I think it's about time you said what you had to say, sister. We're listenin'."

Libby blinks and smiles with a dip of her head, "It sounds like it was a once in a lifetime experience." She says with a light smile but then she's put on the spot and she looks towards Khol and Johanna a moment and her nose wrinkles. "Yup." She sits up and presses her lips together for a moment. "Well, yanno that thing I toldja about. The one thing where I can't -really- die. Well, there's appearently more to it and I.. don't have to pursue it if I don't want to but Mary thinks I have the potential to seek out and learn from a Spirit. But she's not entirely sure which one but she suggested her totem."

Johanna blinks herself. "That sounds like really something. What is her totem? Do you know?" She knows she just jumped into a conversation, but man is this interesting.

Libby says, “Yeeah.. Wolverine." She answers Johanna. She looks to Skully, wide eyed. "Kwakwadjec.”

"Yeah, umm... I ain't mentioned it to the pack, but... Miz Libby has a unique spiritual gift," Skully states, bowing his head to Libby. "In the event'a her untimely death, proper spiritual oversight will... well, bring her back. So... she can't rightly die, like the rest'a us. I ain't known you had further spiritual connections, sister, but... the pack is here for you. Whatever we can do to help you find the fullness'a your spirit, we will. Got a lot'a knowledge between the all'a us. Xenovia, she's blessed by Gaia specifically. Tiana'lin has knowledge'a the fae. We cast a wide net; what there is to know, we'll help you learn."

Khol listens but doesn't know what this really is about.

Libby sighs and leans back hands going out as she shrugs. "I'll figure it out, it's just I'm not sure if that's really the route I want to go. Or if there might be a better you know less.. Offensive option." She laughs and scratches her cheek. "Which is kinda where figuring out if there's another spiritual option related to my people and our particular quirk."

Johanna is still behind on this, and considers the aspect of Wolverine. She doesn't say much now, still taking it in. "We will help all we can."

"I think, Libby, that what's important here is... what spirit calls to /you/," Skully opines quietly, frowning a little. "Your sister can offer her connection, an' we can offer ours, but... truly, it's your seekin'. You ain't no stranger to Gaia's ways; you feel any special connection, seek /that/."

Khol nods a little "And no matter what." he chimes in "You're not going to be alone.. You have friends and family here that will support and assist you in every way we can"

Libby sighs and taps her fingers on the table and nods. "Yeah." She grows quiet again and then smiles at Khol. "I know. I wouldn't exactly be talkin' about it if I didn't feel safe." She assures and then nods to Skully. "All right. Yeah I'll think about it.

Johanna agrees. "It may take some time, but if you wish for help, we can find a way to help you find what you seek - it simply needs to be found within you, what calls to you. There is obviously something special Gaia has planned for you." She does feel honored to have Libby sharing with them all.

"Could be what you need is to seek a personal Totem," Skully offers, bowing his head. "I can help with such a thing, if'n that's what you need. Find out which spirit out there is callin' to you. Could be that's Mammoth, jus' like with us; could be Wolverine. Could be any number'a spirits. When you're ready, though; when that's what you see for your own destiny."

Libby smiles a little dubiously as Wolverine is suggested again. "Maybe? I'm not entirely sure but I'm happy to find out. Ouray knows to he overheard the phone call but his knowledge of some of our ancestor stuff's minimal." She lifts her shoulders and smiles a bit. "I'm happy to learn what I can from you all though, help me figure it out."

Khol smiles a little at that, but doesn't say anything else

Johanna moves over towards Khol, and puts her arm around him. She listens and nods. "Learning is always the first step."

Khol nods once and wraps an arm around Johanna, "that's what I'm trying to do myself."

"It's what we're all doin'," Skully answers, standing up and going over to the now-sleeping Tinlin and picking her up in his arms. "I'm gonna take Tiana home an' put her to bed, guys. But... thank you all for bein' here. It means more to me than I can say, honestly. What we're buildin'... it's important. Not jus' to me, but to the Nation. It's the greater good we're seekin', an' that's a great goal."

Johanna walks over and gives Tinlin a light kiss on the forehead, before giving Skully a kiss to his cheek. "Go safely, and I look forward to more nights like this, with family." She moves back to Khol, and placing a hand on her belly. "Our growing family."

Khol nods "travel safe Skully.. And come back soon"