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To Find a Kami
To Find a Kami
IC Date January 14th, 2017
IC Time Late night
Players Blackthorn, Sandra, Jake, Tabia, Bob, Felix, Simon Jones
Location Umbral Forest
Spheres Gaian Garou, Corax, Mortal+

It is a quiet evening in the underground forest that is the bawn of the caern. The underground forest is amost tranquil right now. There may be a bonfire going which to rest near, and the warders are doing their slow patrol of the area. From the cave that is the entrance moves a fiarly big native woman that points out to a bird the direction to where there might be people gathered before limping her way back towards the the path to the surface.

The raven flies into the forest. "Garou! Here Garou! I need to rely an important message!" The Raven calls out, the accent seeming bits and pieces of various places. "There was a small battle recently. Garou are lying dead in the umbra near prospect. A woman was stolen by spirals and banes." The raven yells about the place, making sure he was heard by someone.

Just dumb luck, apparently, that three Ahrouns happen to be coming off of patrol at the same time as all this is happening. The first of the patroling trio to appear is a hispo-form grey wolf that's oversized even by Garou standards. She notes the appearance of the native woman first, and-- one can't help but miss that cawing soon after, her ears flattening back and her lips curled back in an annoyed growl. Once the abrasiveness wears off, however, her ears prick back up to listen to the message, her head turning to look over her shoulder towards Starjumper and Defiant-Storm in turn. She doesn't need to wonder if they heard it, but defers to the Adren to respond, in this case. No question as to whether or not she's spoiling to help out, on this one.

Defiant-Storm growls lightly and regards his two patrol companions. <<Spirals and banes. This could be it. Don't know if this has anything to do with the mystery pack or not but I had a feeling we were due for some bad news. Dammit. Grab whatever you need and we'll head out.>> The large black wolf suddenly transforms into his homid form...Jake. He then looks up at the Corax. "Can you lead us to them?"

As stated, Starjumper is coming off patrol with the other two Ahrouns. He is just behind Razor-Eater who took up point tonight. He notices Dani and watches her for a moment before he hears the cawwing and lowards the Tengu, listening to it. LIke the other, though he defers to the Adren to speak on the matter. Unlike the adren though, Starjumper remains in lupus and sits on his haunches next to Razor-Eater. He bobs his at Jake, who seems to still be not so comfortable in his lupine forms. < I am ready > He growls.

Felix is chatting with a couple kin near the fire, eating some kind of meat jerky they brought and bullshitting about nothing in particular when the bird in the caverns catches his attention. Okay, the fact that the raven's also yelling doesn't hurt on that front, either, and WHAT he's yelling gets slightly lifted brows. "A'ight, that sounds like somethin' I oughta check on," he says to those he's with, and snags another piece of the jerky as he rises and heads toward the group of Ahrouns and the bird. "How recently's 'recently', y'know?" he asks, "...an' also, evenin'."

Scratch might not be on patrol with the three Ahroun, but she's out at the caern and has the Corax pointed out to her by the native woman. The Strider Ragabash shifts to lupus, the better to cover the necessary distance to investigate in relatively short order.

"Yea I can lead ya. The dead managed to get a direction on where they were going. With luck I can track them down for you and your friends to rip apart." The raven says. When others shows up the raven just looks between everyone. "Battle's pretty fresh. The spirals ambushed a group coming for here. something to do with a woman, they took her from the group."

By contrast to Jake, Razor-Eater seems perfectly at home in this form, though she eases down to a similarly massive full lupine form-- likely for the same reasons the approaching Ragabash does. She sniffs the air as Scratch approaches, offering a tacit greeting, though the bulk of her attention is on the raven. She issues a light snort at the not-the-least-bit-subtle 'function' the group of them serve, but she's not about to deny it. ~If the battle's fresh, there could still be some lingering stragglers keeping an eye on the site,~ she points out to Jake in the Mother Tongue. Whether or not the Corax can understand it is up in the air; whether or not she cares isn't. The bird has wings; he can fend for himself. ~I'd recommend a cautious approach, if possible.~

Jake has a quick exchange with a Kin who brings the Ahroun his fire axe and he turns to Starjumper and Razor-Eater. "Okay, we can handle this. The woman may still be alive. May be." He offers a nod to the others present before looking back at Razor-Eater. "Definitely. We need to observe from a distance first so a plan can be formed." He faces the group. "So, is everyone going? Grab a weapon if you need one."

Scratch doesn't seem inclined to take a weapon, not that she'd have an easy time of carrying one that wasn't dedicated in this form, anyway. <<If we need to observe from a distance, then I'll scout ahead,>> comes her reply.

<Yes we can handle this.> Starjumper barks at Jake, Razor and Scratch. Then to Jake, <You should learn how to dedicate that, then you wouldn't have to have it fetched for you Jake.>

"I'm in," Felix says, and just flexes his hands at the mention of weapons, with a toothily feral grin that probably owes at least something to the size of the moon, "Let's go kill us some Wyrm shit. An' save the princess." Apparently he's in Jake's camp on casual forms, though, not shifting just yet. He glances to the raven again, thoughtfully. "S'pose p'raps there ain't really time for proper introductions, but you got a name? I'm Felix. Lets-Them-Eat-Cake."

"We will need to go into the umbra and I will take you all to battle site then we can track them." The bird says before turning it's head to look at Felix. "Takes-the-Shinies....You can call me Bob." The bird says as he begins to flap his wings to get airborne to lead the garou.

Razor-Eater, similarly, inclines her head in the direction of her right flank, as if to indicate that she's already got something on her. ~I'm ready, Adren,~ she says simply, watching as the raven takes flight before any further introductions can be given. She gives another light snort, a bit distrusting of the bird and not particularly afraid to show it, though she raises no further comment. Merely curls her lip subtly to show teeth.

Jake hefts his axe and turns to the raven. "I'm Jake. Defiant-Storm. Ahroun Lord. Lead on and we shall follow!"

It takes about an hour of running through the umbral forest until the lot of you end up in the small clearing where the battle took place. There are still bodies scattered about, a two of them twisted and defiled wolves that are starting to decay already, the other five are for the most part just mutilated. Two wolves from that bunch and three human. Most of which have had their eyes removed.

The corax lands on a branch overlooking the battle. "The eyes are what I did....it's corax ability, We see what the dead last saw if we eat their eyes. They went in that direction." The Corax says as he begins to fly up higher in the air so he can try and find the spirals.

Starjumper comes to the scene of the battle and sniffs the air. He takes in the scene, then looks to Jake, <Looks pretty gruesome.> Likely nothing they haven't seen before, save for the missing eyes, but that was explained by Bob. He stands next to Jake, <Shall we continue after them. We can come back this way and give a cleansing and proper burial on the way home.>

~Someone may want to tell our 'guide' to wait,~ Razor-Eater growls, letting her irritation be known. Without waiting for an affirmative to check the grounds out, she listens first for any sounds filtering in from the forest around them, then begins to move along the perimeter, her eyes flitting to and from the pair of defiled wolves. ~The site itself may tell us as much about what we're in for as our over-eager 'scout' up there,~ she says to Starjumper, ~but it will arguably make less noise about it.~ As eager as she is to lay down some serious hurt, she seems pretty intent on taking her time here, for the moment, sniffing the ground and studying the bodies, her gaze centering on the signs of the struggle itself.

Scratch pauses to peer at the Corax. Did he really just admit to eating the eyes of not one but five dead Garou? Because that's going to win him friends. For her own part, she begins to sniff at the area, looking for indications of what performed the attack, how many there were, any evidence of survivors.

Once the gang hits the Umbra, large and powerful black wings unfurl from the Ahrouns back and he immediately takes flight, keeping close to the Corax. As they approach the clearing he scouts the area from the air, frowning deeply. "Shit. No survivors here." He swoops down landing next to Starjumper and Razor-Eater. "Yes, we'll definitely give them a proper burial." As the Corax flies higher to look for the Spirals, Jake looks at the others then hunkers down to examine some of the dead to see if they were killed by claws, teeth, toxins or possibly something even more horrendous.

Lets-Them-Eat-Cake can't fly, alas, so once in the Umbra he goes to four legs to keep up with the others as they run. When they arrive, he looks around at the carnage, brow furrowing when he sees the decayed state of the wolves, and further at part of the raven's remarks. ~You what,~ he says flatly, looking up to the bird, and then back to the dead. ALL the eyes? A slight shake of his head, for now, and he takes a closer look at those two worse-off corpses. Spiral casualties, maybe? Maybe there's something notable there.

Everyone gathered notices the trail that leas northwest heading from the site of the battle. There are five distinct sets of paw prints that are able to be seen, three wolf and two sets of crinos, as well as drag marks for something.

Starjumper investigates with the others, sniffing the air and looking around at the corpses. He seems to be the only one not in shock about the eyes, though truthfully if he falls in battle he doesn't want a Tengu eating his eyes. Thats what Galliards are for.

~They're Spirals,~ Razor-Eater remarks to Cake absently, without having to so much as look at the two dead and mangled wolves a second time, the bulk of her attention shifting from sniffing the ground to noting the tracks.

After studying the carnage and looking incredibly angry, Jake spots the paw prints along with the others and curses under his breath. "Okay, looks like there are at least five. Be prepared for more." He exhales softly and touches his right temple...and his transformation to Crinos begins. It's fluid and not at all instant but after complete he growls deeply. <<Okay, I suggest activating any gifts now.>> With that he begins to activate Luna's Armor.

Scratch continues sniffing. <<Only some, then. One smells of the Mother, of plants -- likely their prey. At least two other scents that smell of filth, but not wolves. Of this place.>> So banes, then, even if the wolf-speech doesn't have a word for them. When it becomes time to start their hunt, she'll move away from the group and go more quietly, to better avoid notice until she's ready to be seen.

So its time to go Bipedal, he watches as Jake shifts to the war form. For now the Stargazers will stay in lupus, and run point as he watches Scratch move out to the side, and undestands the tactic she plans to employ. He moves to the edge of the clearing and eyes the tracks, <They have some distance on us. These tracks are hours old.> He barks at Jake.

Lets-Them-Eat-Cake makes a slight nod-like movement to Razor-Eater, but continues looking. Alas, nothing particularly interesting that he can notice, aside from the prints they all see. He nods to Jake's suggestion, and focuses for a moment. For now, he stays in Hispo; hours old sounds like a fair bit of ground still to cover.

Bob flies closer to the group. He circles around them as if waiting for them to decide which way to go. "There are marks around tree branches and trunks, like something lashed on. I believe the woman is creating a means for us to track her." He says as he waits, landing on a branch.

Noting Scratch moving off to one side, Razor-Eater shifts up to her Hispo form and begins violently clawing at one of the trees, leaving deeper and deeper furrows in the bark until she's satisfied. No real wonder what she's up to, there. ~Someone should move up the other flank,~ she says, posing what sounds like it could be an order as a suggestion to Defiant-Storm. ~Mirror Scratch. I'll stay by you. Starjumper, Lets-Them-Eat-Cake--~ She pauses. To the Gnawer, she says, ~Of the two of you, you're smaller, and more experienced. Would you be comfortable breaking off from the group?~

The main group and the raven are spotted by a pair of Kalus Banes that seem to be bringing up the rear as lookouts. Though you all notice them as well. They let out a shriek that echoes through this forested area of the umbra, then begin to fly off, the cowardly banes that they are.

Defiant-Storm nods to Razor-Eater, looking around the group. <<Sounds good. And once we get closer I can get a look from the air.>> His wings shimmer as he shakes them out. <<I can carry one person too, if that's needed." He looks up as the shriek reaches his ears and he frowns deeply. <<Shit.>>

~Yup,~ Cake says, with a slight inclination of his head to the Get, and he gives a full-length stretch before slinking off to the opposite side as the Ragabash to weave his way quietly through the Umbral woods. That shrieking catches his attention as well, of course, but as it's not followed by hints of combat as yet, he continues on his way.

Starjumper growls lowly, <We need to stop them.>, as he spots the flying banes. <Your the only one that can fly Jake.> <You could throw me at one and I can hope to use it to break my fall.>

Scratch hears the shriek from the banes, but with no way to take action against them, ignores them and continues on as she had been.

Razor-Eater lets out a low growl. To Defiant-Storm, she says, ~It's a fifty-fifty chance they're signaling an alarm or shoring up support. The choice is yours. But I would suggest against any action that could potentially put one of us out of commission. I don't like the look of this, any more than I like the look of our 'guide.'~

Defiant-Storm nods to Starjumper. <<Good idea but I think we need to find the Dancers and the girl first. The banes have already sounded the alarm. What's done is done.>> He looks at Razor-Eater. <<Well, right now I think we need to stay together. We're stronger as a team. Come on, let's get moving!>> He then continues to follow the tracks...

The raven caws at the banes and remains with the main group. "I got 9 hostiles in this area guys, be careful." The raven says loud enough to be heard by the main group. He then tries to fly higher to get a better vantage point and try and see where the rest are hiding.

Starjumper follows the orders of Defiant Storm and keeps following the tracks, as he is right the alarm is sounded. He doesn't need to vocalize a responce as he continues down the path towards the Spirals and wolves.

In the clearing ahead there is a group that seems to be waiting. Three twisted garou in Crinos form, two banes that look like their only purpose is to cause pain and one ghoulish looking bane that stand near two other figures, a crinos that is bound in chains, and a carving of a woman whose legs end in root covered feet.

Razor-Eater looses a low grunt. It's not disapproval-- she herself said there's a fifty-fifty chance, and time isn't really on their side right now. She, too, begins to follow the tracks, flanking Defiant-Storm, the raven's loud-ish, though 'helpful' report from the sky met with a grimace, followed by another low, albeit sharp growl of annoyance. She knows better than to shout back. But though her hackles raise, she seems perfectly 'happy' to channel most of that knee-jerk frustration into prepping for the upcoming fight. ~Pain Spirits,~ she says to Defiant-Storm as the gathering comes into view, a fact that is apparently putting her on edge, her simmering Rage felt by her nearby companions, but kept in check. But while she does her damndest to examine the other banes at this distance, she says, ~I don't recognize the others,~ still keeping her voice low. ~They're rare, though. Rare enough that I don't recall whether or not I've seen them in my research.~ And then, in a weighted tone that may not be warranted (or might very well be), she says, ~Be careful.~

Defiant-Storm nods slowly to Razor-Eater, a soft growl escaping from him as he views the scene. <> Yeah, he's thinking of something. <<Pain Spirits, eh? Sounds like I'd better prepare for that.>> He then activates Resist Pain.

Starjumper remains in lupus and listens to Defiant Storm and Razor-Eater. He eyes the pointed out Pain Spirits and notes to himself to try and avoid those. He watches the enemy closely, mentally preparing himself for the combat that is about to take place.

Lets-Them-Eat-Cake continues his sneaky way through the forest around the clearing, keeping an eye and ear out for friend and enemy alike as he moves to continue with the general 'flanking' plan originally laid out.

Defiant-Storm looks around and says quietly, <<I'm going to try a distraction. If they go for it, rush them. If they don't...wait for them to come to you. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. You be careful.>> With that, his wings carry him up, up, up and away from the others, disappearing into a clump of trees.

It isn't fifteen second later that Defiant-Storm simply APPEARS not fifty feet from the enemy, wings continuing to flap, hovering about ten feet off the ground. He growls at the enemy, <<Come and get me, fuckers!>>

Two of the Spirals and both of the corrupt pain spirits move towards the image slowly, but the third of the spirals gives two deep inhales and growl out something that almost twist the mind to listen to. Then the advancing things pause.

That raven, high in the sky? It grows bigger, almost human shaped and continues to keep flying high up, watching the goings on with black eyes, claws flexing slightly.

Lets-Them-Eat-Cake is Scratch's silent mirror on the other side, aiming to find himself an ideal position to attack from when the battle is properly joined.

Starjumper is waiting to see if the distraction worked. Given that it started to work and then one of the spirals barked out some orders <That one seems to be the leader> He growls low to to Razor-Eater.

The image of Defiant-Storm continues to flap it's wings, staying where it is at the moment. <> Yeah, he's really trying to get and keep their attention. <<If you have the balls, that is. Personally I don't think you do. HEY, LOOK AT ME YOU FUCKWADS!>> The image raises a few feet, remaining above the enemies head. You paged Lets-Them-Eat-Cake with '...tragic.'

~Yes,~ Razor-Eater says under her breath to Starjumper, ~and it doesn't look like he's buying it,~ quietly steeling herself before all hell breaks loose, the unnatural flood of resilience allowed to suffuse her limbs as she glances overhead to see the Corax shifting. ~What's this?~ she barks at the group, baring her teeth to them, not far from the illusion Defiant-Storm casts. ~Hesitation? Worried you can't face up to a single Shadow Lord and his entourage?~ She snorts. ~I would be, too, if the best parts of me dried up in the gaping ass of a withered charach.~

Since the distraction didn't work as hoped, the image of Defiant-Storm fades away into nothingness and the real Defiant-Storm swoops back into view, landing near Stargazer and Razor again. He growls, <<Goddammit, that didn't work. Guess these guys are smarter than usual.>> He then raises a hand to his temple again and concentrates on who appears to be the ringleader, eyes narrowing and...he suddenly recoils as if something hit him in the head and is stunned for a moment.

~No response?~ the Get Ahroun growls, still advancing, her head raising to take a position of dominance, the sheer size of her Hispo form only exaggerating the move. ~Not that I'm expecting one.~ She keeps moving forward with Starjumper alongside her. ~You're the burnouts. The gradeschoolers throwing Nihilistic temper tantrums, whining that Gaia never gave you the ass-pats you so *clearly* deserved. You didn't join a greater cause, you *ran*, cowered underground to jerk each other off in the giant hugboxes you call 'Hives,' and somehow, *impossibly*, you still think you can frighten us.~ She scoffs. ~We gave the lot of you enemas, we could bury you collectively in a matchbox.~ She looses another snarl, and keeps her voice loud enough to be heard. ~So go ahead,~ she barks at them. ~Let's see how well you--~ She stops short suddenly, eyes flashing, the Rage that's been tapped-- felt, like a ripple working its way outward. In no time flat, what started out as some pretty well-timed invective turns to a mindless snarl, her body surging upwards to ten feet of solid fury, the sheer weight of the Fenrir's anger turned on what's straight in front of her. There's no announcing howl to follow, no warning: she just bolts forward, heedless of the danger the pack poses to her.

<Ahh crap, this is isn't good.> He growls, as Razor just bolts forward. Seems though there was a tactical advantage to staying slightly behind her, yet to the side, just out of her vision. Then there is Defiant Storm, who seems to be in a daze. He turns his attention behind him, <Snap out of it Defiant Storm we have enemies to take down.>

Of Scratch, there is simply no sign. Not a rustling of the underbrush, not a shadow that looks out of place.

Lets-Them-Eat-Cake's eyes narrow as he listens to the pro-taunting and focuses on the BSD that seems to be the leader -- long enough to do what he was aiming to, but not much longer. The pointing and approach of the spirits right toward him widen his eyes, and Razor-Eater's snarling charge widens them further. ~Well. Shit.~

Takes-the-Shinies finally dives down to where the prisoners were, shifting to human form once he was on the ground and goes to work picking the lock which contains the lady with root feet. He focuses on it and when the sweet sound of a click is heard he grins from ear to ear. "Man I love my work."

No risk, no reward. Scratch keeps hidden as long as she possibly can, using the element of surprise not to attack, but to emerge as near as she can to the prisoners. Ignoring the unknown bane that's close by for the moment, and with the Corax already helping the plant spirit(?), it's the Garou she makes for, touching her nose to the chains and invoking Open Seal in the hopes of being able to add an ally to the fray.

Lets-Them-Eat-Cake launches out of failed-hiding and toward one of the approaching pain spirits, moving around the outside to try to be farther from the other. He leaps at his target, jaws snapping, and catches it well -- but the spirit seems to just shake it off.

True to form for a werewolf completely and utterly out of her mind, Razor-Eater doesn't just pounce at the Black Spiral Dancer closest to her-- she *throws* herself at him (her?), letting the collision knock him off balance, though she clearly aims to lay him out completely. Without missing a beat, she's on him again, pushing past an ungainly swipe at her muzzle to rake her claws across his neck and chest, with little regard for tactical prowess. The Fenrir wants him *dead*, no questions asked, her own blood seeping into her mouth from the opened wound that, just as quickly, begins to seal itself over.

The two Pain spirits seem to be ganging up on Felix, and while they can cause pain, they are not very proficient in combat. Meaning that Felix is able to hold his own. And the herios COrax moving in to free the Kami, proves just how fragile a human form is when that Unknown spirit slashes him, sending the hollow-bone man flying back a few feet. And that one BSD is amazingly holding its own against the Rage of Razor-Eater...For now.

Bob is slashed by the bane and it takes almost all of his strength to keep from losing consciousness. He is a bird, they arent made for combat. However when the dryad comes to him, healing him, he looks up at her and then gets up. "Someone grab the KAmi and lets get our butts out of here!" He yells out as loud as he can before shiting into a bird and begins to fly off.

The charge of the big Spiral Dancer isn't met with any critical thinking on Razor-Eater's part, but absolutely no one is expecting that from her. All she sees is movement, and the second he comes within range of her, she lashes out, sinking her claws into the meat of his shoulder, all but roaring in his face in a fashion that one can almost imagine as 'sit down and shut up' if it weren't so murderous. Maybe if 'die crying' were added to the end. The guy's packmate comes away with a worse deal, all around. Using every ounce of momentum she's got, seeing only a hint of movement alongside her, she wheels around to slam her claws into his head hard enough that the sound of his neck breaking echoes with a wet snap through the forest, the deep gouges she digs into his throat and face sending a spray of blood every which way. But it's not enough. Not by a long shot. The Get's attention snaps back to the big Spiral Dancer, teeth bared, the wound on her muzzle turning her teeth bloody.

Lets-Them-Eat-Cake growls deeply and snaps into the spirit again, sinking his teeth deeply into its essence and tearing -- and then again, ripping through it, but not quite enough. The wounds are obvious, but it doesn't yet fall, still hardly even seems to notice. The Galliard's ears prick at the Corax's call, and he flicks a glance to the rest of the battlefield, perhaps checking the feasibility of that suggestion.

The pain spirits are having a tough time dealing with Felix, who is doing a great job keeping their attention. With one of the BSD down and the other snarling and Ripping at Razor-Eater, meaning he is busy as well. The Badass bane is actually being held tight by the unintroduced Gaian and he is Roaring out, "He is right....Fuck this thing....Get her away!>>

Blackthorn herself leans over the damaged corax, injuring herself enough so that some of her sap drips on to his wounds, healing him completely at the cost of her own health.

Blackthorn looks confused, though seeing someone friendly and injured she lumbers her way over to heal Razor-Eater. Or at least try to. She is a very angry thing and that really does interfere with her power. She looks a bit weakened from the attempt. The first of the pain spirits go down to Felix's continued assault. And the other one gets clawed from behind for no insignificant amount of damage. The 'boss' of the Spirals, goes down and is mauled past the point of death.

The other little Melee going on seems to go very wrong very quickly for the Gaian as the Bane's clawed hand goes clean through his chest, almost effortlessly. It looks at the rest of the situation and snarls before running off in to the umbral woods, directly away from when you guys came.

Scratch doesn't even try another strike at the bane, she just makes a beeline for the two frenzied Garou, spraying something in the Get's face. Normally, something like that would be a bad idea. If the calming spray hadn't worked, it probably _still_ would have been a bad idea.

That hit should've taken her out of the fight, frenzied or no. Or damn near close. Razor-Eater's body seems primed for this, though, wounds opening up that should be spilling organs or at least a torrent of blood instead just digging thick, angry lines into her chest, in a diagonal pattern going from her ribs to her shoulder. She ignores it outright, snarling at the Dancer that still stands in front of her, the sudden spritz in her face earning another sharp snarl as 'annoyance' turns to more raw fury, jaws snapping at the source for all of a heartbeat before the corrupt Garou, whom she assumes is responsible for this nonsense (because of course he is), is made to pay for Scratch's intervention. Lashing out in an upward rake of her claws that splits open his abdomen, doing to him what he *hoped* to do to her, she knocks him backwards, only then seeming to lurch forward for all of a heartbeat. One can almost see her mind racing, her gaze whipping around to get a sense of what the hell is going on, the heavy scent of blood all but suffusing her senses. There's a flash of Rage in spite of the calming effects of the spray, one that a touch on her (...) distracts from, but as she pulls away, she lets out a wordless-- it's like a half-wail, half-snarl that speaks to the offense she's been dealt, every ounce of her frustration poured out into the sound as her clawed foot coming down hard enough on the Spiral's head to send the shrapnel of his skull flying off in all directions. She's not done, though. Not by a long shot. Seeming to realize she's only got a few moments longer before she starts to feel the effects of the waning frenzy, she throws her all into doubling back towards Cake and the corrupted pain spirit, skidding to a halt to rake her claws through the creature with enough precision to suggest that she's got her wits about her again. Still, the aftermath of her kills and her injuries make for a gruesome sight as she stands, panting, not far from the wreckage that's to become of the banes.

Lets-Them-Eat-Cake chomps at that pain spirit again, throwing it off so that its attack whiffs by -- though its partner's does land. Not hard enough to do damage, as it turns out, just enough to ramp up the Gnawer's level of 'annoyed' another notch. He snaps his jaws into the first spirit again, and shakes his head roughly, scattering flickers of essence as the bane finally comes entirely undone. He takes half a step to the side when Razor-Eater is suddenly there and slashing, covered in her own and others' blood, but it isn't enough to stop him going for that damn spirit again as well. With the fight now two-on-one in their favour instead of the banes', they make short work of the remaining spirit. Cake looks around once it's handled, with a bit of a wince at the Get's state and the Unknown Gaian's as well. A look after the fleeing bane... but he doesn't follow. ~You a'ight?~ he asks, first mainly to Razor-Eater, but a further look suggests it's to everyone, overall, and he moves to check on both the recently-captives, though one certainly seems to have gotten the worse of it.

Blackthorn lumbers on over to where that namless Metis lies dead. Obviously from the fact that he did not shift to another form when he passed. Death cannot be healed, but the plant Kami tries over and over again to heal it, still confused. The more it tries the weaker it looks, as if every ettempt takes mopre and more out of her. It doesn't speak, and once it stops trying it seems to regenerate. It just looks to the others, unblinking.

"We won! Hurray!" The raven says as it lands on the Kami's shoulder. "We beated the monsters, rescued the damsel and lived to tell the tale. I got to tell you folks this was the first I ever been in combat, I dont know how you guys do it all." He says as he faces the dryad and says. "Hello."

As the bane flees, Defiant-Storm wings his way back into view and lands next to Razor-Eater looking quite ruffled and pissed as all hell. He assesses the scene, growling softly. <<Looks like you all did a great job. I'm sorry I was...detained.>> No reason to offer any more information than that. Not at this time. He does a quick scan of the battle party to see the extent of he injuries.

Scratch shifts down to glabro, since so far as she knows, at least, the Corax doesn't speak the Mother Tongue. "Then congrats on your first taste of glory." A beat. "Er, do you even earn glory?" After all, not all the shifters acknowledge the same types of renown. She doesn't look to have been hurt in the battle.

Razor-Eater is unsteady on her feet-- unsteady in general as she nods to Cake's question, though the gesture doesn't have a lot of certainty to back it. Her eyes turn back towards what was, for her, the epicenter of the fight, still not recognizing her wounds with her Gifts still intact. Defiant-Storm's arrival leads her to turn somewhat as if to move in his direction, to at least ask some questions, before that unsteadiness turns into an outright loss of equilibrium. She falters, reaching out to a nearby tree only moments too late to catch hold of herself, and lands heavily on the ground. For now, at least, it's lights out, her body reverting to breed form even as she seems to struggle against the haze. Blood blossoms up from under her dedicated shirt not long after, the slash that had been on her muzzle scoring over the bridge of her nose and down along her cheek. But-- well. Hey! It's over, right?

Blackthorn turns her head to regard the raven on her shoulder with unblinking eyes. "Hel-lo." She repeats back to the corax as she brings a hand up to try and touch the bird. Though when Sandra hits the ground in her breed form, the Kami moves in her direction as quickly as possible for what she is and reaches out again as if compelled to heal.

"We acknowledge the same renown stuff as you. We just prefer wisdom over anything else." The raven says to Scratch. "Simply put we arent built to be fighters. Atleast not originally. There are some ravens which enjoy fighting. They are all women." The raven lets the kami touch him and when she moves he flutters away to land in a nearby tree branch. "Good god look at all havoc she unleashed. No wonder she is out." Does the Kami speak the Mother Tongue? Does she-- it?... she speak anything they do? Cake shifts up to Glabro as well, giving English a try. "Don't think there's much anyone can--" he starts, and then the Get's faltering. Thankfully -- for him -- Felix's a little too far away to manage to catch the Crinos while in this form, and he instead goes to scoop up her human, unconscious form. As the dryad is approaching, he carries the Get to her -- here, that healing could do some good!

Tabia says, "Ahroun. Get Ahroun at that. Kind of their specialty." She studies the kami curiously. "Are you sure she's a kami, an' not just a spirit, though?"

"She could just be a spirit, but the feeling I got from the other folk was this spirit was special in some way." Bob says as he watches the goings on and looks around. "I am going to go into the air and keep an eye out for any other nasties out there." He says as he waits for a reply before flying for the sky.

Blackthorn seems to be wandering off in a direction that isn't the caern. After all she doesn't exactly know where she is is supposed to go. She just has a curiosity to her, an this place is so different than the one she was 'born' in. Luckily she isn't the fastest at moving, but few trees can walk, so she is speedy in that regard.

"Well, we oughta at least get her to a Theurge, then, they'll know," Felix says, "...an' we still gotta cleanse that area an' get folks buried." He glances at the poor Gaian Metis, then looks after the kami as she starts off. "Hey. Thanks for the healing," he says, raising his voice a bit so she can hear, "You might be in more danger walkin' here, though. Wanna come back with us?" At least Sandra isn't bleeding on him anymore. Not freshly, anyway.