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Revision as of 10:23, 25 January 2015

“If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”
- James Herriot

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Creature Features
Vampire "I have a wrench and am not afraid to use it! Keep your walking corpses the hell away from me."
Werewolf "You can't choose your family, though if given the choice? I would choose no others but you."
Wraith "I see you. No really, I do. Can you please leave me be?"
Changeling "I have heard of your kind in passing, not so sure I am up for the psychedelic acid trip though."
Mage "Suck the mojo from our sacred sites and I might have to beat you with my wrench!"
Mortal "I wonder what it is like to wander the world blind to everything... perhaps in another lifetime."

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  • Rodrigo - One of the first people in the city to actually offer a me a sincere welcome. Knows his way around a motor, which is good. Even gave me a few job recommendations which is better! But damn if the boy has no filter.
  • Cynthia - Rod's better half and a helluva lot of fun. Letting a stranger toss knives at your head? Yeah, you just might be more of a daredevil than I.
  • Laike - I didn't know gypsies still existed. Accent, knife throwing, gregarious charm - it's like he popped right out of some Lon Chaney Jr. flick. At least he's solid entertainment to say the least.
  • Johnny Redbird - I've met my share of angry men in my day, but damn he's a powder keg ready to ignite. Sure, some comments hurt more than others, but pick and choose your battles. Deflection is always better than rage when dealing with ignorance.
  • Rianna - It's sweet she wants to make the world a better place, naive as hell, but sweet.

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RP Hooks

Ms. Fix-it: Car trouble? Bike trouble? Other mechanical items just seem to go on the fritz? Chances are Sydney can fix them, or at the very least take a peek and find out what's wrong.

Rou who?: Are you a Garou? Do you patron Gaia? Looking for friends, family, etc? Sydney's one of them kinfolk to the Glass Walker tribe and always looking to spend time with her extended family. Venting sessions, listening sessions, anger management assistance, or just plain having fun - she's up for it all. Oh, yeah, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty too when needed!

Hook3: placeholder

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Date of Birth: November 25, 1990
Nationality: American
Hometown: Helena, MT
Occupation: Mechanic
Demeanor: Confidant
Race: Mortal+/Kinfolk
Tribe: Glass Walker
Allegiance: Gaian
Pack: None at the Moment

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Notable Stats

Mechanics: Fdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.png

Repair: Fdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.png
Pure Breed: Fdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.png
Gnosis: Fdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.png
Lore Garou: Fdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.png
Spirit Sight: Fdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.png
Banality: Fdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngFdgrndot.pngEdgrndot.png

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Wrench Wench: Mechanical inclinations have, for various reasons, traditionally been forte of men. The Wrench Wench is a girl who sets out to change all that. This can sometimes extend to pure electronic devices, but a Wrench Wench is more likely to be found with a blowtorch and ratchet set. She will always be confident about her own work, but because she's technically an enormous geek she sometimes has trouble with other things. Tick her off and a Wrench Whack may be in the offing. (Courtesy of tvtropes.org)

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