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Stupid Hunter Mantion
Alessio Gets a Call About a Local Threat
IC Date August 22, 2015
IC Time Early Afternoon
Players Journey, Alessio, Runt, Torsten, Fergus
Location Old Town Prospect
Spheres Garou

So, people know people! And Alessio know some people. And he needed some people fast to do this thing, quick and dirty. And so he grabbed Journey.. and he made a quick call to get some extra support in that was close by. Kinfolk or otherwise, he would send out a call that some quick action had to be taken. Basically, there was a chance some evil-doers had to be killed. Was it Wyrm? Unsure, but they were not good. The message was shown as the call being totally voluntary. Journey responded to the call by following. He's a Strider and he's self contained. when need arises he's ready. Satchel on his torso, light step, easy gait, lots of energy, if seeming a little unfocused as he looks around, taking in everything.

Bat signal in the noon sky.. noon .. wait? Yeah it's daylight when the crew gathers, the target location seems to be a large mansion in the center of prospect's old blood neighborhood. One of the original 1800's railroad mogul's spreads. Fortunately there's a park across the street, with benches, picnics, families.. a great place for a bunch of guys to show up and hang out on a Saturday afternoon. As you all seem to gather, the population of the park diminishes. Moms remember laundry that needs doing, husbands offer to trim those hedges, and the kids just want to get the hell out of there. Way to go folks, but this much rage pooled in one place? The cub's getting a first hand look at the effect of it on humans.

Torsten rolls up on his bike, Fergus riding behind. The rumble of the engine suggests that there's been a few modifications over the years but it still runs. Wearing a leather jacket with a khukri slung on an armpit sheath to his side, the smith carries, almost comically, a large sledge hammer that's strapped horizontally along the side of his bike.

Alessio .. is ready for fighting. That means basically he has a pair of guns with him, large ones. Point fifty Desert Eagles. And on his head? A bike helmet with a black visor that one might assume is for hiding ones face. He is waiting for the crew to join, "Seems we got a few people coming." he comments to Journey, "Once this is done, you'll have a favoured owed to you by this Glass Walker, thats for certain. But whats in there.." he points to the Mansion, "Thats.. bad. And it needs killin', just as my name is Doubletap." he looks around to the various Garou and such gathering.

Runt was dressed as he usually was, a beat up t-shirt and some comfy looking jeans. Track shoes and of course his Mets baseball cap. He was lounging backwards, a baseball back resting across his shoulders with his arms draped over its form.

Journey looks normal, really. Not holding anything special, not strapped up with anything. That's a little scary, the guy who doesn't tool up for violence. He nods to Alessio, "Little meet and greet, a little of the old ultra violence, and home in time for Matlock." He looks at the mansion, "Any specifics?" He inquires, watching the normal world retreating before the assembling forces of Gaia.

Across the street, an old man tottles around from the side of the house with a pair of pruning sheers, snipping at the flora. The gardens are immaculate, manicured is not a proper name for the state of the ostentatious display of class and wealth. There are large hedge rows separating the mansion from the open space to one side, and the encroachment of a large wooden structure to the other. The structure seemingly a restoration of the old stables and smithy which onces served as the hub of commerce for the town. Now, a tourist trap.

Alessio is quiet a bit, "Well, thats the bad thing. You see, normally I'd have bursed in there myself. But, hmm.. it is a bit of an unknown. Its quite possible these creatures in there are vampires." he looks around, "Undead fuckers. But.. the status on that is unsure. Basically, we do not have much time to scout the place. Be ready for anything." he motions, "Its a big place though. We are too few to cover all exits. I am thinking these people will fight rather then flee though. So we might want to move in as a group, or as close together as possible."

Smithy? You'd swear that Torsten was a midwestern soccer mom that just saw a sign for a yard sale. Oh, there's a considerable amount of effort to resist investigating the place, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't cast a few leering glances towards it. "Ferg...stay on my rear like I own you..." the tone is considerate, protective almost with more than a hint of commanding leadership. He's not about to see a pup injured while he can stand.

For most of you, except Torsten who's really distracted by the smithy.. notice the old man seems to be muttering to himself. But the Gnawer. There's something more he sees.

Journey looks to the old man narrowing his eyes and frowning, looking to Alessio, then around to see what the plan of attack or assault is. Looking at the old man and the mansion. a smithy. Hrms as he stares at the place.

Runt shifts his weight, his head cants off to the side and he notes the man. He turns to the others "Sometimes people are just very bad at blending in." his accent is a thick one from Brooklyn "He's got a piece in his ear."

Alessio eyes the man pruning the bushes, but does not seem to notice more about it until Runt speaks. He arches his eyebrows, then looks around, "Well, damn." he nods once, "I think its safe to say they have security. And was expecting trouble.." he notes, "I should have expected that really." he sighs, "Well, who's up for a bloody run through a mansion?" he wonders.

Journey nods, "Yeah this place has a pall of death. Okay I have an idea. Alessio? you come with me. Just listen and when we get into point blank range, just let him have it. that's the signal, everyone else comes up right behind and hit the mansion, alessio and I will come in when the old mans down and in the bushes, Sound good?"

Torsten peers towards Alessio and the others, unstrapping the sledge from his bike to carry it in one hand, close to the head to keep the balance reasonable. His attention was focused enough on the smithy that he lost track of nearly everything else, but as others speak of security and such he snaps back to the reality of where they are and what they're planning. "So...you want to go ring da bell...or should I?" he asks with an odd bravoso to his voice. That's his father's tribe talking; the Get are known for manners and all.

Fergus looks about the scene, "well I think we should do something about Mr. Hedges there. want me to distract him, while you guys do....whatever it is that you do?"

Across the street, the old man stoops to pick something up off a walkway. With tender care it seems he's placing a caterpillar on the broad leaf of a plant.

Knocking on the front door? Going in guns blazing? Where the hell was Runt? Oh, he's already moving off towards Mr. Hedges and he's moving -fast-. Quick someone catch Leroy before he gets the whelps!

Alessio looks to Journey, then nods once, "I think thats a good idea as any." he replies, then looks to the rest, "Ok, you guys. Me and Journey here will go up to the guy with the earpiece. We'll get close.. as close as we can then I put two in his head. One thats done, just.. rush up and follow us in. Anything looks funny at you, kill.." he silences, "Well.." he looks at Runt, "I think .. we're going now." he says, pulling his guns out of his holsters, "Lets go." he grins to Journey, "Good plan otherwise, man!" to which he begins to move!

Journey blinks as runt goes off, bat swinging, "Or, we could do that." He sprints off. but Journey doesn't catch and overtake Runt, just prepares himself while he runs, Garou battle training kicking in.

  • ZOOOM* Faster than speeding hamster! Runt kicks on the extra speed as his body rolls up into a bulkier form. Because charging someone with a bat while you're only five feet tall isn't all that impressive.

Fergus sighs in irratiation as he jogs behind the others, grumbling to himself the whole way.

A car horn blares as a taxi screeches to a half just barely missing Runt. The Cabbie starts to lean out and shake a fist, but there's Alessio, guns out. .. and Journey! And Holy Crap.. look at the size of that hammer! Yeah. The Cabbie just sits in his car and pisses himself, the In-Service light going out! The seemingly harmless old gardener is reaching behind himself as the crew rushes the property - it's like the rest of the world is in slow motion as the pack announces it's presence in broad daylight, the old man's gun is pulled and aimed at Runt.

Runt skids his ass along the top of the Taxi's hood, because that's damn awesome. He leaps the final distance towards the oldman as he pulls that gun "Hi there chucklefuck!" that bat comes swinging around with tremendous force that the little guy can put behind it

Journey jumps up to the hood of the taxi, feet passing in a whisper over the metal, then he springs off the hood, carrying himself across the distance slinging off his satchel and flinging it at the old man, having known where he was going and what he was doing he knows the Satchels contents are expendable, and he hurtles it at the old man with the gun. Hey spoiling a shot, but he is free to change then and when he lands the change is already beginning after Runt starts shapeshifting.

Torsten is not Journey. He's not jumping up and over the hood of the taxi like an elf sprinting over a dwarven shield wall. Nope. He's a smith, with each step he grows bigger, broader and the hammer in his hand grows slightly lighter to grip. He's heading for the old man though it seems that Runt and Journey have that covered so for him - it's the front door - or a visble entrance.

The bat is coming down and connects with the old man, the crack can be heard all the way back at the taxi. He screams in agony, and is pulling the trigger. But the satchel hits him square and the weight of it knocks him sideways. The gunshot thunders, bullet flies.. Runt gets just nicked in the biceps instead of taking it full on.. and the old man is down but not out. He's not being very helpful with the information, but no doubt the person or entity on the other end of that ear piece as well as anyone in the front of the house, can hear his screams.

Alessio is not staying human either, but with one slight difference. He does not take warform. Instead, his body grows just a little bit, adding in size and musculature. Clothes and helmet appear to be dedicated for they grow with him, into the near man form. Guns are still out as he ignores the old man now, moving instead for one of the windows. He's not going through the front door, it would seem, "OK, lets hurry this up! Clear it out, then we get the fuck out of here." Because, just in case.. Cops.

Fergus speeds up to a sprint and leaps across the hood of the car, shifting to crinos midway across, and bounds after Alessio, making sure he's not charging in alone.

Runt rolls his bicep, he seemed more then a bit mad that his form didn't cope with that. Then theres that -pain-. He growls out and swings his bat down again, this time aiming for the man's head "Silver bullets! YOU. FUCKING. DICK." each word puncuated with another swing

Journey transforms in the heat of battle, his Rage lighting his blood and touching off the recently infused Wyld energies in him, and he lands in Crinos, brass bracers on his forearms, long neck, jackal headed Crinos, emitting the fearmadness of the Garou, looking at the old man, and opening his jaws in a quiet snarl as his padded feet propel him at the old man, talons extended and sweeping for the vitals of the old man as Runt works the head. He's a medical person, he can perform an on the fly vasectomy, thank you. One old ex-man.

[In the Mansion Foyer]: The first steps into this rather large mansion one might get the feeling of a contemporary mansion with classic style. The cool neutral colors of the custom stonework walls meet the deep shifting colors of the hardwood floors and trim. There are a couple benches strategically placed so that one can remove their footwear before pressing on deeper into the house be it upstairs to the private rooms to the left into the commons area take a right over in the direction of the library or go through the large mahogany door that leads to the basement. The whole house is well lit with evenly spaced light fixtures lining the walls almost set up to look like torches.

Torsten busts in the door with his foot, shoulder, sledge, it's crackling, splintering, blowing open. the Cabbie is freaking like a good mortal should... and all those who enter the foyer behind Torsten find themselves here.. there's a man on the stairs with a cross bow, firing the bolt with a flaming tip at the first being who comes in.. aiming for center mass on Torsten. "DIE MONSTER!" He's laughing as he yells it, apparently quite amused. On the pavement the old man's head is smashed open with a sickening crack, his organs soon following as they spill from the massive claw wound. Alessio and the cub, find something else entirely as they burst into the Commons.

Shaderunner snuffles over the old man, licking up the mans corpse <<GO!>> He growls at Runt, pulling the corpse in and grabbing the weapon and moving to stash the corpse so it's not lying in the street before following the group.

[Through the Window]: The sharp, contemporary style of the mansion continues into this room while allowing a more open aired feeling. This grand hall could probably serve as a ballroom if needed but appears to be set up as more of a comfort area. A serried of white marble columns line the wall nearest to the foyer while a large floor to ceiling window covers the far side and allows a grand view of the garden outside as it flickers under the moon light. The floor shines as the highly polished dark wood beneath you almost seems black and you can't help but to feel the resonance of each footstep that would echo if it were not for the heavy drapery that outline the windows and two remaining walls in a deep royal purple.

       The furniture of the room feels a bit scarce, as the area could easily accommodate more. But what pieces are in here seem to be grouped together to allow people to chat comfortable while seated on the plush mahogany fixtures. The only two folks in the room besides yourself however are a pair of tuxedo's men. As Alessio comes in one hurls a Moltov cocktail at him.. the other however catches sight of the Crinosed Cub is starts to scream like a terrified child. Not so manly is he.'

Runt spins on the balls of his feet and darts towards the house, he moves -fast- so he tries to get around the back to prevent anyone from leaving

As Runt rounds the side of the house, a woman in an elegant evening gown is running his way. She's in her mid forties, and looks like she's just had the scare of her life. She thrusts a cross up at the garou, "BACK YOU BEAST!" she screams.

Alessio comes in via the window. Its not the normal way to do it! But he does it because, well, he wanted to try to flank some people. But then there's things in here, and things flying at him and.. well.. thats never good! "Move left!" he yells to the cub behind him as he raises his guns, aiming at the bottle tossing maniac!

As the flaming bolt is released from the crossbow, Torsten tries to juke to the right, out of the way but he's just not fast enough. Thankfully, though, the bolt embeds itself into his left arm and fire starts to spread up his leather jacket a little. "Bitch!" The word escapes his mouth as soon as pain registers in his mind. Now that he's inside the building he's able to push his form up another not, fueled by the rage of his injury into the true warform; he shall become Thorstone Foe Hammer.

Runt cringes before the sight of the woman with the cross "Oh! Christ! Fuck! Ow!" totally to lull her into thinking that a cross actually works against him. He snarls and straightens to sweep his bat around to shatter the woman's knee "Fucking hunter bitch."

Shaderunner stashes the old man in the hedges and turns, focusing himself and DARTING across the space, feet moving in a blur as the Strider calls upon his speed to cross the open distance between the cover of the big hedges and the broken out mansion door, racing in behind ThorStone and swinging around, prepared to swing as he finds a target.

The man on the stairs fumbles with his crossbow as the garou takes his warform, and Journey- body hidden in the hedges erupts from behind the Fianna with the singed hair. The would-be assassin panics, grabbing for something out of his pocket, a small hand held radio into which he screams, "WEREWOLVES!" as he tries to flee further upstairs. Across the room you hear gunfire from the direction of Alessio and the cub. And outside a woman's scream as Runt blows her knee out with the bat.

In the side room Alessio’s bullets tear through the first man, and he falls like a mortal should. The second target is cowering in his own piss, clearly suffering from the delirium but blocking the door into the main room. Meanwhile on the side of the house, the woman is laying on the ground before Runt.. begging for her life. "I have children!" she's telling him.. pleading for him to spare her. While she's begging Runt notices motion up above and right over him at an open window.

The sound of Alessio's twin Desert Eagles would ring out at this point from the room next to the main entrance. One time each, the guns fire. Alessio watches the first man fall, then turns his attention on the second screaming one. Making sure the Cub is still with him, he moves for the door; planning to go through it and the screaming one.

Runt just swings that bat around again "So. Do. We." he'll dart off to the side though as he notes that motion above him. He twists about and darts under the window

Torsten flips the hammer to his opposite hand and pulls the arrow from his shoulder, tossing it to the ground as he charge forward and up the stairs to give chase to the fleeing crossbowman. Such an odd sight; a grey-furred werewolf wearing a black, canvas kilt carrying a large maul of a hammer in one hand as easily as a child would carry a baseball bat.

Shaderunner straightens and snarls at the man on the stairs and as the hammer wielding Garou charges, his hands make clicking noises as his talons rattle off each other hands coming together, passing over the bracers as the tip of a claw slides along the metal, then in a sudden swing his hand comes out a small glass ball flying toward the ASSHOLE with the crossbow. Paingem away

The woman's head cracks open outside and a bucket of flaming gasoline just misses Runt by inches. The flare of flame can be seen through the windows in the main hall as Alessio curb stomps a man on his way through the opposite side, where flames are already engulfing the room he and the cub were in. The pain gem explodes, right in front of the fleeing man, stopping him and knocking him back into the range of the hammer welding monster as he claws at his ruined face with both hands. A woman runs out into the upstairs hallway as Runt dodges her attack from above, but at the sight of the invasion she screams, and flees into the only door left upstairs, trying to close it behind her.

Downstairs we have Runt coming back in through the back doors, having stopped the only apparent escapee, he can see Journey and Alessio on the main floor. Torsten is on the balcony, a woman has barricaded herself in the last room up there, and there is one more door off the main room. The cub comes through two now-dead men who were throwing Molotov cocktails at he and Alessio.. and with all this chaos, fire, smoke, and combat - rage checks are in order!

Shaderunner thrills through himself as the fire begins to spread, turning and sprinting up behind the wall of Fianna and Hammer, keeping low low and minding the swing of the hammer as he angles for a swipe, taught to strike in the primal style, group tactics because fuck you one on one is for those who lose the fight. Talons flash out striking like an adder.

Runt wanders on into the house, dragging the woman behind him, because you don't leave people outside on a nice sunny day.

As Runt drops the body of the woman in the kitchen, he can see Fergus coming through the door in full crinos behind Alessio's glabro form. Upstairs, the smith smashes his hammer down on the head of the faceless crossbow wielder as Journey snakes in and takes out his legs, the scream of agony echoes through the house..

Fergus eyes gleam with rage and his vision starts to blur, A low mounstrous growl boiling up from his throat right at Alessio's neck. He places his hand on the smaller mans shoulder and half growl half yells "Move!" right into his ear as he quickly pushes for Alessio to make room.

Having just gone through the human that was screaming on the floor, having put a bullet into the persons head, Alessio is about to go through the door when he looks behind.. and spots the cub. In a frenzy. He blinks once and goes, "Oh shit!" before he seeks to, as FAST AS HE CAN, open the door and close it behind him! Time to contain a frenzied cub in a room with no one in it! He'll totally blow off some rage to do that.. totally. But.. no, thats not going to happen! The door opened, he blinks as the near frenzied Cub stops and asks him to move. And.. move he does. Its all happening very fast!

Runt closes the door behind him after dumping off that idiot woman with the cross. His brow lifts as he watches the crinos and his knuckles turn white as he grips the bat, just in case.

Torsten continues up the stairs, following the sounds of people frantically trying to escape and hide. There's something burried deep within his hind brain, his wolf brain, to 'chase the rabbit'. The smell of the burning house, the heat from the flames drives him on as he turns cornrs, checks blind spots and listens for their tiny beating hearts. Shaderunner moves alongside ThorStone, Quadripedal in Crinos, and points as he calls on another of the spirits Gifts, and points to where he hears the activity.

Upstairs, the body of the man who assaulted the Smith collapses to the floor.. if not already dead he'll bleed out in moments. The large double doors where the woman ran are closed, but there's definitely sounds of motion.. Journey leads straight to the entrance, which has been pitifully barricaded from the inside.

Downstairs the three are faced with a choice.. up the stairs, or to the final door on the ground level.

Fergus hears the sounds of battle upstairs but turns to the last un-opened door at ground level, charging towards it and attempting to open it.

Well, this certainly is going well! A whole house full of evil, bastard Hunters all here for the killing. Better them then a Garou! Alessio looks around a bit, then decides to head for that final door, both guns held in ready. The Glabro'd up man walks with sure steps for the door which he expects to be fully opened by the charging Cub once he gets there.

Seeing the door has been closed and partially barracaded form the inside, Torsten takes a swing with his hammer at it to 'knock'. The door did not stand a chance and splinters off its hindges and snaps down the center like a piece of rotten wood. Whatever was on the other side of it is scattered like leaves in a pile before a charging ten year old. The Fianna smith charges in, pulling his hammer up to the ready as he makes it through the threshold.

Shaderunner darts in to the side of the Fianna with the Hammer taking a flanking position and prepared to take a new target as soon as he gets a view.

God damn its hard to open a door in crinos.. full of rage, the first hit though, stops even the cub! The steel screams as it's stretched cold.. a sound Torsten will hear even through the crackling of flame, the roars, and their own attack on double entrance, which yields like wood to a maul.. as the hammer tears through the wood, the backside of it has desks, chairs, books piled in front, and as they barge through the gaping whole the two can see a terrified woman in a red evening gown, clutching a vial of clear liquid. "Get back or you'll burn in hell she screams at the pair of Crinos. Next to her feet is a gas can and a lighter.. the room itself though is a Silent Strider Theruge's bane. [Upstairs in the Library]: The smell of old books fill the air in this section of the manor in what could easily be made into two or three separate floors in the building but instead serves as one large open room with grand dark wood shelves line every inch of the walls all the way to the ceiling two floors up. Long ladders are attacked to a pipeline that runs the circle of the shelves, to let people reach the higher parts of the room, and give the visual of a funnel down towards the middle of the room where a small gathering of leather seats and a couch are gathered at the middle of the room and focused around a dark wood coffee table; someplace for people to sit and relax as they read.

       Scrolls, leather bound books, collections of letter and papers, untitled tomes, and all other sorts of keepers of knowledge fill the shelves and add to the air of the library and the feeling of being surrounded by knowledge and curiosity at the same time.

Torsten charges the woman in the red dress, dropping his hammer to a low strike - as though he were about to hit a golfball.

The Glass Walker Ahroun is waiting behind the cub though. He is not using him as a shield, nope, but he is waiting for the Crinos to file in first and hopefully catch people off balance in there before he goes in, guns blazing.

Downstairs the cub charges the door a second time, fueled by his rage and the first failure.. This time Fergus hits the steel door and blows it open.. following through it head over heels down the concrete steps.. a full story and a half below onto the concrete floor. Alessio, the more level headed of the two, gets to watch the beast careen and gets the first full view of the basement.

[The Basement]:The subterranean chamber beyond that steel door is fairly vast, the walls and ceiling are reinforced concrete with an inner facade of bricked stone to give it an antiquated feel. Four pillars of stone hold aloft the weight of the structure above along with graceful arches spanning between them. These pillars effectively divide the basement into nine quadrants, each furnished to serve a distinct function and purpose.

       Soft ambient lighting spills forth from adjustable LED bulbs evenly spaced all along where the ceiling meets the walls and shedding light onto the various alcoves where, amongst other things, you see a couple of desks for study, a shelf with glass vials and other implements, a securely locked vault, an equally secured cage and much more. The central quadrant, however, stands empty but has a colorful mosaic of tiles fitted together seamlessly to form one large circle within which two lesser circles are placed side-by-side. The border of each circle engraved with glyphs that differ and wriggle as though shifting, depending on angle from which you look at them.

Within the room are at least six folks, all dressed in finery. Two of the men hold guns trained on the door and the thing which piled through it, shots ring out as the first three shots ricochet off concrete.. "KILL THEM!" screams on of the terrified women, another breaks from the crowd with nowhere to run.. a third collapsing in sobs as the delirium wreaks it's havoc.

The water pours over the woman, saturating her and the instruments, as Torsten charges, she flings the vial.. splashing him across the chest and face... but it does, nothing more than get him wet. She barely has time to realize it before she's being set on by the pack of two.

Shaderunner blinks. Team Theurge comes into the library and this bitch just threw HOLY WATER on them? Awww HELL NAW! He watches ThorStones charge and follows the result of his strike with a very deliberate pounce on what's left of his kneecapper, to sink his talons into her neck, before trying to pop off her head.

Torsten takes aim with his 'golf-swing' but spins around at the last second to reverse the direction of his swing. Rather than cutting up and into the woman's gut, he's now drawing the hammer's head up, pulling in enough momentum from a near one-eighty degree swing to drive her into the ground like a tent spike.

The Fianna swings down, the Strider claws up.. and the pair of them remove the young woman's head like she's little sister's barbie doll. Revenge for GI Joe has never been so sweet.. or messy. The body ruptures, spraying and showering blood all over the two heroes.. and many scrolls and books. Downstairs the fire starts to spread faster. the gunshots ring out from the basement... ad Runt, sandwich in had, can hear the fire engines in the distance.

Runt decided that the food in the fridge was probably going to go to waste anyway, so he fixed himself up a hoagie with the works and was busy chewing happily as he waited for things to resolve themself

Shaderunner shakes off his claws and looks around, ears working eyes taking in the library, he pauses, grabbing a handfull of books from the stacks and snarling, <<No time. Damn>> He moves for the door, taking the Gas can in his other hand and flinging it at the rest of the library, <<Forgive me>> He says before leaving to assist the others, the books he has still in his hand.

Torsten roots through what books and scrolls (because somehow scrolls are more impressive) and uses a blanket, throw or even the woman's now bloodied dress as a possible hobo sack to carry them in. One title in particular catches his attention and he tosses it in and dashes out of the room to follow Journey.

Fergus sees the people shooting at him and hurls himself back towards the stairs, dropping down to Lupus form as he goes, scrambling up them to find something to kill them from a safe distance.

Alessio peers into the room that now suddenly is made readily available for him as a shooting gallery. He grins as he eyes the cub, then calls out, "Thats right! I know what you're thinking. You're thinking Werewolves!" As he says this, he lifts his guns and begins to shoot, aiming for anything holding a firearm first, "But you forgot! We can also use guns!" Wether or not he will be heard over the sound of guns firing, though, thats another matter.

Having looted the library and set it to burn.. Torsten and Fergus come racing down the stairs, Runt is in the kitchen doorway macking on a hoagie with a shit eatin' grin, a wolf hauls ass out past Alessio like a bitch. Alessio in the mean while, is a much better shot than the two with guns, and he starts taking folks down like fish in a barrel, as they were so focused on the beast that had lunged in they almost ignored the near man.

Runt continues to chow down on that baller ass sub he crafted for himself in the kitchen. Gunfire? Oh...Right! They were here for something. He'l mosey on over to the one firing a gun "Ya need some help?"

Shaderunner races with his eerie Strider speed through the house, tearing off a bannister and swirling a curtain and using that as a torch to light the place on fire, as he ensures the house won't survive enough to let any of this cause problems. Moving to the front door, he looks out, surveying the exit and visually sighing along their extraction route, which he can pick up his satchel along. He shifts down at the front door, peering out, looking ready to run, books under one arm.

A Golden Wolf sprints up the stairs and back the way he came in, shifting over to Glabro form when he finds the douchbag with the molotovs, and begins rifling about his bloody carcass. returning quickly to the basement stairs, "so! who wants to burn em alive?" he asks gleefully.

Torsten pauses on the ground level as the others are dealing with matters below - he does a quick scan out of the windows to get a visual sense of how close they are to being discovered - how many onlookers, etc. He's planning for an escape and he does -not- want to have to leave his hobo bundle of books and scrolls behind if they have to slip sideways to make their getaway. Once he's confident he has a modestly secure escape route in mind, he calls down to the others <<Let's GO!>> and does his best to direct them out and away.

Runt finishes up his sandwich, licking all his fingers before scooping up his bat and sauntering his way out of the house

Alessio glances to the cub, raising his eyebrows, "Well, if you have 'em use 'em!" he notes to the man. He's currently keeping himself somewhat protected by the doorframe as he shoots into the basement. With fire though, he can save some bullets, "Just chuck it in!" he looks to Runt, "We can always use some help, but those guys are shooting silver down there. So.. might wanna keep back some."

Fergus smiles and flicks the bottle down the stairs, he nods to Alessio and motions to Torsten, "come on lets go! fire bad and all!" and make for the exit like a bat outta hell, shifting back to homid when he gets close to the threshold.

Journey moves out as Runt moves, heading to the hedge and getting his satchel, slinging it over his shoulder and putting the books inside, then cinching the satchel closed, and looking to Runt, offering a hand slap, "Gimme five. Good meeting you." He says, looking around as he walks toward Alessios bike slowly, looking back at the house, making sure they're.. and there's Fergus so yeah he's keeping lookout.

The way has been marked, the threats are dead.. that last pesky one behind the steel cabinet screaming as the molotov engulfs him.. the crew peels out, and down the street here come the fire trucks. Though as the historical building next door has caught on fire, well priorities people! This mansion will be nothing but a husk by sundown. A tragic house fire set off in the middle of an elegant dinner party for 12.