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Latest revision as of 17:05, 26 June 2024

Blade Forging Talk, then Curry
Some talk about forging blades, then some light chatter over dinner.
IC Date June 20, 2022
IC Time Late afternoon.
Players Jackie, Erin, Theron, Irsa
Location Dead Mall, Curry Corner
Spheres Garou

6/20/2022 16:52:28 Whatever the reason to come over maybe the new Theurge but whatever the reason here comes ERin oh no!

6/20/2022 17:02:04 Jackie is over by the loading dock, helping to unload a van full of supplies that just came in. She waves at Erin when she sees her. "Hey, what's up?"

6/20/2022 17:07:43 Erin makes her way over to Jackie "Nothing, just checking stuff out making sure everything is cool.. Whatcha doing?"

6/20/2022 17:10:10 Jackie gestures over at the van. "Oh, Journey got me helping shuttle supplies and stuff for the people displaced here from the Kinfolk House. I just got back in from a run."

6/20/2022 17:11:11 Erin smiles and nodsnods "That's awesome.. Well if you need any help.. I can drive" she smiles.

6/20/2022 17:18:47 Jackie nods, and checks her phone messages. After a moment she smiles up at Erin. "I think we're good for now, I'm not seeing anything else scheduled. I'm not sure how many drivers we really need, I'm pretty sure that Journey just handed this off to me because he didn't want to do it himself."

6/20/2022 17:24:27 Erin rocks a little on her heels and nodsnods "Oh no worries.. Just putting it out there if needed" she smiles.

6/20/2022 17:30:31 Erin is standing over to Jackie near one of the van's that is being unloaded.

6/20/2022 17:50:07 Jackie puts the phone away and hangs the van keys on a pegboard in the loading dock area. She waves at Theron as he enters. "Yeah, that's what I did too. And then I spent the last few hours doing deliveries. Not the funnest type of driving, to be sure."

6/20/2022 17:52:14 Theron arrives and takes a look around. Theron is never here so its clear its a response to everything. "All good here?"

6/20/2022 17:53:07 Erin looks over to Theron and waves "Are you following me?" she looks at him then laughs softly "yup, we all good here" she nodsnods

6/20/2022 17:56:58 Jackie nods, sticking her hands in her jacket pockets and looking around. "As good as might be expected, at least? I'm pretty sure there's enough food for days, probably weeks. I couldn't say what it's normally like here, today is my first time here."

6/20/2022 17:59:50 Theron arches his brow and rolls his eyes, "I dont have time to be following you around Erin. Jackie maybe, but not you." he jokes idly. "Just adjusting my patrol to include here since the kinfolk house is shut down."

6/20/2022 18:00:31 Erin gasps "Rude" she gives him a bit of a stink eye and looks away from him.

6/20/2022 18:05:34 Jackie laughs lightly at the pair of them. "Well, that's good to hear. And it makes sense, one advantage of shutting a couple places down is that we're not spread as thinly, right?"

6/20/2022 18:09:14 Theron nods, "Fair enough, but I like my familiar haunts." he admits. "If something happens at the kinfolk house noone will question me with a sword...if Im fighting a guy in the street here? Terrible."

6/20/2022 18:10:39 Erin sticks her tongue out at Theron "Meaner" she then nods to him though "yeah or if Kringer goes full size no one will batt and eye here well he can only be small size.. No but we are also more together and spread out.. But It will be fine soon we can go back to normal" she nodsnods.

6/20/2022 18:21:18 Jackie looks at the sword hilt sticking out over his shoulder. "Hmmm, good point. I got so used to see you with a sword, I forgot it would stick out around here. I guess it's still fine inside though, right?"

6/20/2022 18:23:30 Theron nods, "Yeah sometimes I have to drag it around in a large duffle bag like the hockey players use." he points out, "I dont want to be caught unprepared."

6/20/2022 18:24:36 Erin nodsnods "If you see him with a big old duffle bag it's his sword.. It doesn't like the duffle bag it thinks it's too stuffy " she smiles.

6/20/2022 18:26:46 Jackie blinks a few times at Erin's comment. "Uh, how literal is that? It sounds like a joke, but you never know with this crowd..."

6/20/2022 18:35:33 Theron chuckles softly, "My swords only demand is blood if drawn." he shrugs. "A great weapon but cursed to do its job."

6/20/2022 18:36:17 Erin smiles at Jackie and gives a shrug and stage whispers "His sword is super nosy.. He likes to be able to see.. But is super happy when it strikes and gets blood.. Also kinda creepy" she grins and then looks to Theron and nodsnods "yeah it definately likes lots of blood"

6/20/2022 18:38:50 Jackie nods, then tilts her head thoughtfully. "Ok, yeah, that is more than a little creepy. But at the same time, a sword has one job, right? Like, my car can't talk, but if it could I know it'd be happier going fast than sitting in a garage. That makes sense, right?"

6/20/2022 18:42:48 Theron nods, "Makes sense." he agrees with her. "Just the same, this sword has saved my life many times...and I know if I dont honor my word to it, it will no longer." he speaks as if it has a personality.

6/20/2022 18:44:46 Erin sagely nods to Theron "Oh yeah it be super pissed if you didn't honor it definately.." she looks to the car and looks to Jackie "Yeah probably would say that.. Do you want me to ask?" she asks curiously then smiles.

6/20/2022 18:47:51 Jackie shakes her head raising her hands. "Oh, no, let's not go casting any spells on my car. I don't understand any of that stuff and I don't want anything to go wrong."

6/20/2022 18:52:00 Theron smirks, "I dont blame you really." he admits with a shrug of his shoulders. "So what do you street race or just like tinkering or...?"

6/20/2022 18:54:11 Erin laughs "It wouldn't make it do anything wrong it wouldn't hurt it.. Though finding out shit like what it might see or whatever can be a little bothersome" she shrugs and nodsnods "But it can be useful sometimes to help things along too... Like it might not like the window cleaner you use but likes another one" she giggles.

6/20/2022 18:58:05 Jackie nods at Theron, getting a bit of a glimmer in her eye as she thinks about it. "Oh yeah, both! Not as much since I moved, I still haven't really gotten in touch with any real racing groups out on this coast yet. But I made a lot of money at it back east, enough to pay for my car and then some."
6/20/2022 18:58:05 Then she turns to Erin with a more thoughtful expression. "What do you mean, what it might see?"

6/20/2022 19:02:57 Theron shrugs, "Thus may sound crazy considering the way I talk about my sword but yeah...just let your car be your car. This world has enough crazy. Enjoy the thrill of the race without worrying about it having feelings."

6/20/2022 19:03:56 Erin looks to Jackie and tilts her head "Hmm " she glances to Theron then back to Jackie as she considers "Nevermind, I wasn't going to do it anyways so it doesn't matter honestly.. Forget I said anything" she shrugs.

6/20/2022 19:15:42 Jackie glances back towards her car, sparing a moment to wonder how much trouble it could get her in if it could tell stories, then shakes herself out of it with a shrug. "Right, so.. What else is new? Any other news or anything?"

6/20/2022 19:20:24 Theron glances to Erin, "You good?" he wonders idly. Then a shake of his head, "Not really? Train, forge, drink, sleep...life is a treadmill." he muses.

6/20/2022 19:22:03 Erin gives her head a little shake "No news here.. Lots of preparing and just kinda standing by to see where or what kind of help is neeed" she looks to Theron "yeah I mean why would I not be?" she smiles.

6/20/2022 19:28:49 Jackie nods along with the list, then grins a bit. "You did forget to mention eating, so that's at least five things. You said forge though? Like you make your own blades or something? You don't seem the plow forging type."
6/20/2022 19:28:49 She turns to nod at Erin. "Yeah, a lot of that going around. It's nice to see everyone coming together though."

6/20/2022 19:33:39 "Yeah all of my weapons I created myself." Theron explains with a shrug. "I have a process, a traditional way of smithing that goes back to berserkers past."

6/20/2022 19:35:02 Erin nods "Yeah the wapons are prett awesome.. I should make some more just haven't felt like it lately" she shrugs "Oh of course there is eating"

6/20/2022 19:38:05 Jackie looks back and forth between them. "Oh, do you both forge swords then?"

6/20/2022 19:50:06 Theron nods, "I cant speak much for Erin but I do know she can do quite a bit." he mentions. "But thats for her. Me? Yes...but I am discerning on who I give what."

6/20/2022 19:52:19 Erin looks over to Theron and gives him a smile and then nods to Jackie "yes I can forge a sword and a great many things.. Even jewelry" she nodsnods.

6/20/2022 19:57:05 Jackie waves her palms at Theron, in a denying motion. "Oh, I didn't mean to infringe on any berserker traditions or anything. I was just remember there's a forge out at the creek and in the shop. With everything going on, maybe I could make up some throwing knives or something? Might be better than nothing some day, if a bad day happens."

6/20/2022 19:59:14 Theron smiles, "If you want to forge some throwing knives I can help you through it." he offers. "Not all of my work is trade secrets."

6/20/2022 20:00:28 6/20/2022 20:00:28 Erin smiles "If you want we can teach you definately" she nodsnods "Or Arrow heads"

6/20/2022 20:02:51 Jackie smiles back. "Thanks, that'd probably help. I know enough to try, but there's a good chance I'd screw something up. Arrows could be cool, but I was thinking knives because they can be hidden in a pocket more easily. Arrowheads can too, I guess, but they're not as useful without arrows attached to them. And a bow."

6/20/2022 20:06:21 "A knife is the best universal weapon." Theron agrees, "Easy to conceal and still can be very deadly."

6/20/2022 20:06:52 Erin nodsnods "Yeah knifes are pretty cool and Theron is right" she gives a little shrug.

6/20/2022 20:09:34 Jackie gives a thumbs up accompanied by a grin. "Awesome. If things calm down, I'll see what I can pound out when we get a chance."

6/20/2022 20:11:59 Theron nods, "Love pounding out metal in the forge. Great workout and great mental cleanser. Dont think, dont worry...just move metal."

6/20/2022 20:13:14 Erin looks curiously at Theron "Have you started your sword training with Mira?" she looks to Jackie "It's quite the work out, if I want to start something I better do it before the belly gets in the way." she laughs "But yeah either Theron here can teach you or I can " she smiles.

6/20/2022 20:21:13 Jackie notices that the van is unloaded by now and everything by the dock is calming down. "Should we find a spot to sit down or something? I feel like we shouldn't keep you on your feet, Erin."

6/20/2022 20:24:04 "Not yet." Theron admits with a grunt. "But soon, we picked out a training sword that is a good weight for her." he nods. "Im going to need to find a place to grab some food and a drink...Ill probably actually hit Stonecreek back up...its weird not having the Smoke and Barley."

6/20/2022 20:25:59 Erin looks down at her feet then at Jackie and smiles "I can still see them so we are good.. We can go to the Curry place" she looks to Theron "Ok I gave her a lesson but if you have started I won't step on your toes.. I know it's so fucking weird cuz it's like really close to the shop and I hate not being able to go there.. so.." she makes a face "So you bailing or coming with?"

6/20/2022 20:29:19 Jackie digs in a coat pocket to make sure she still has her own car keys, then freezes as her stomach growls loudly. "Yikes, I guess it's been a while since I stopped to eat. Which is funny since I was transporting food by the van load of crates today. So, uh, yeah, I could go for some food right about now."

6/20/2022 20:32:44 "Im going to take off. Maybe Ill swing by later but I want to wrap some other stops. Including Stonecreek." Theron explains.

6/20/2022 20:33:46 Erin looks to Jackie and grins "Come on then let's go get some food" she looks to Theron "Ok catch you later don't be a stranger"

6/20/2022 20:36:28 Jackie waves good bye to Theron, then turns to Erin. "Ok, where should we go? Got any cravings you want to feed?"

6/20/2022 20:38:15 Erin smiles softly "hmm I want some of that fried cheese.. So let's go to the curry place unless you want something else?"

6/20/2022 20:43:05 Erin and Jackie are standing by talking about heading off to get for food.. Jackie's belly is talking as she seems to be hungry.

6/20/2022 20:46:53 Irsa tromps downstairs, followed by a young child. The boy is on the thin side and second-hand clothing, but looks well-cared for. "Yeah, I'm sure you can have some flash cards," Irsa says to the boy. "Tell ya what, I'll look for some bottletops while I'm out, and make ya a necklace like mine." The boy squeals happily, hugs her legs and bounds back upstairs.

6/20/2022 20:48:39 Jackie looks embarrassed at the stomach grumblings, but speaks over them as she waves at Irsa. "Oh, hello!"

6/20/2022 20:49:33 Erin looks over to Irsa and the yong child and waves "Sup" she smiles watching them walk by.

6/20/2022 20:50:35 Irsa looks up and waves at the pair. "Heya. How is?" She approaches them, shouldering her pack. "Your stomach's sounding like mine did about an hour ago." The boy has already disappeared upstairs, and can be heard chattering excitedly: 'Mama! Mama! Tia's making me a necklace!"

6/20/2022 20:52:13 Erin looks up and smiles as she can hear the child "They do love the small stuff.. If you need anything for any of the children let me know.. I am sure we have some stuff" she nodsnods "Mine hasn't started talking yet.. So we are heading to the curry place if you want you can come with us"

6/20/2022 20:53:27 Jackie nods, covering her stomach with her hand to try and quiet it. "Yeah, I kinda forgot to eat earlier. I was doing a lot of running around in the sluggo vans shuttling in supplies."

6/20/2022 20:55:05 Irsa grins. "I might just take you up on that. Josef's driving me nuts. In a good way. " She turns and waves up to the balcony. "I'll be back late, Mariah. Don't wait up!" Another woman's voice shouts down, "I never do!" Irsa laughs loudly and turns back to the others. "My cousin. Sept just cleared them for entry last night. I'm headed out to the caern now to make some thanks. Maybe the next time you head out for food, I can tag along."

6/20/2022 20:56:22 Erin gives a smile "Sure thing.. I will bring the box of toys and clothes with me next time I come by" she looks to Jackie "Are you ready to go eat?"

6/20/2022 20:59:55 Jackie nods at Erin. "Sure thing! Curry it is!"

6/20/2022 21:00:34 Irsa adjusts the straps on her backpack. "I'll trade ya a nice art piece for that, Erin. Come by when you got time, and you can tell me what kinda stuff you like. I do great custom work." She offers Jackie a fistbump and heads out the door.

(Scene Jump to Curry Corner)

6/20/2022 21:10:25 Erin takes your arm as she leads you inside "So.... Garlic naan is a must and the fried cheese" she nodsnods "Anything else is fine" she giggles.

6/20/2022 21:12:59 Jackie laughs as they head in. "Well, of course! Something Paneer was the cheese, right? And something spicy, I think."

6/20/2022 21:15:27 Erin smiles "I am a wuss.. I like not so spicy" she giggles.

6/20/2022 21:18:16 Jackie heads for a table. "Well, that's fine, we can share the cheese and naan, and have our own entrees. Everyone's happy!"

6/20/2022 21:19:20 Erin nodsnods "That sounds like a good plan" she sits down with Jackie "Have you seen Mira lately?"

6/20/2022 21:20:37 Jackie shakes her head. "Not since yesterday, no. She might be working today?"

6/20/2022 21:21:07 Erin nods "That's true, she might be at work.. She does have one of those" she giggles

6/20/2022 21:29:52 Jackie shrugs, grinning slightly. "My jobs are maybe a bit more irregular, so... Still, I can't really imagine being a cop. Yeesh."

6/20/2022 21:33:24 Erin sagely nodsnods "yeah me either I couldn't imagine being a cop either.. All the dangerous shit and the stupid people that you have to meet too" she hmms "So hopefully she stays safe"

6/20/2022 21:35:10 Jackie looks back with an easy smile. "I'm sure she'll be fine, she seems to know what she's doing. Better than me at that stuff, at least."

6/20/2022 21:35:54 Erin looks at you and smiles 'I think you sell yourself short. I think your a lot more awesome that you give yourself credit for"

6/20/2022 21:37:01 Jackie chuckles at that, quirking an eyebrow. "Well, I didn't say I wasn't awesome. Just not at that. Actually, Mira got to see me be a little awesome the other day."

6/20/2022 21:38:10 Erin smiles "Oh yeah? Details details"

6/20/2022 21:42:50 Jackie waves her hand airily. "Oh, it wasn't anything super crazy, but Branton got a new Hummer EV to test out, and we pushed it until it gave up. An impressive machine, really, I had to get a bit nuts to get it to fail. But he says he can make it even better."

6/20/2022 21:44:48 Erin ooos softly "That sounds awesome... That sounds super awesome.. maybe one day i'll get to see this hummer" she grins.

6/20/2022 21:46:24 Jackie nods vigorously. "Oh, of course! Once it's ready I'll take you for a spin and see if I can make you puke. I mean, out of the factory it's like over four tons and still does zero to sixty in three seconds."

6/20/2022 21:48:06 Erin laughs softly "Why are you trying to make me puke?" she smiles softly "That's awesome" she nodsnods

6/20/2022 22:10:59 <<OOC>> Erin says, "no worries"

6/20/2022 22:11:55 Jackie laughs, waving off the accusation. "Oh, no, not really! I just worry about that sometimes. I wouldn't actually try for that, of course."

6/20/2022 22:13:05 Erin smiles "yeah puking isn't fun " she smiles "Thankfully past the puking so yay for that" she waves "Enough about that let's eat"

6/20/2022 22:14:39 Jackie nods at that, covering her growling stomach again before tucking into dinner starting with the hot curry and letting Erin get first crack at the paneer.

6/20/2022 22:16:27 Erin puts a big order for the paneer and the garlic naan and she decides she wants the prawn curry because mmm prawns is yummy "I am glad that you are keeping busy.."

6/20/2022 22:18:30 Jackie shrugs slightly. "Well, I wanted to help out. And this is a busy time, it seems. And I don't have to fight big monsters or anything."

6/20/2022 22:19:35 Erin nods "Fighting the big monsters is not always a good thing.. They are strong and they hurt"

6/20/2022 22:21:22 Jackie nods in agreement. "Oh, yeah, I am not built for that. I'll leave that to the big dogs."

6/20/2022 22:24:05 Erin nodsnods "Me either.. I shoot from the back" she giggles.

6/20/2022 22:28:56 Jackie grins. "Way, way back?"

6/20/2022 22:29:45 Erin sagely nodsnods "As far and as hidden as possible.." she grins

6/20/2022 22:33:21 Jackie mimics her sagely nod motion. "Sounds like the safest way. Well, maybe not as safe as not being anywhere near there, but..."

6/20/2022 22:34:23 Erin giggles softly "Well not being there would be best honestly shit gets very hairy and scary sometimes" she nodsnods

6/20/2022 22:40:00 Jackie agrees with a hearty nod, then giggles. "Yeah, true. Especially the hairy part sometimes, right?"

6/20/2022 22:40:57 Erin nodsnods "yeah it's not for everyone to be there up with people that's for sure" she smiles.

6/20/2022 22:46:11 Jackie looks a little more sober. "Well, I'll try to help in other ways."

6/20/2022 22:50:36 Erin nodsnods "You are helping, we all help as long as we put a little effert into it honestly"

6/20/2022 22:53:44 Jackie smiles, lightening up a bit again. "Yeah, of course. Whatever it takes and whatever's useful, right?"

6/20/2022 22:54:45 Erin nodsnods "There is a place for everyone that's for sure"

6/20/2022 22:55:36 Jackie looks down at her food, taking a bite before replying. "Yup, just trying to find one for myself here. And it's going well so far."

6/20/2022 22:58:12 Erin smiles at you "That's good to hear" she eats some of the naan just enjoying her food quite a bit "Your doing good honestly very good" she nods "Seems that you have found your niche into things so that's good"

6/20/2022 23:01:10 Jackie shrugs between bites. "I'm trying, at least. But yeah, it seems to be working out so far."

6/20/2022 23:01:53 Erin smiles "Did you get to meet Murder hen while you were at the Dead mall?"

6/20/2022 23:03:45 Jackie shakes her head. "No, only heard the rumors. I didn't really explore much, since Journey put me right to work."

6/20/2022 23:05:09 Erin ohs softly and nods "Just becareful when you meet her is all" she smiles.

6/20/2022 23:06:54 Jackie looks up, an eyebrow quirked. "I thought the warning was to avoid her?"

6/20/2022 23:08:02 Erin nods "Well yes, but she does make her rounds and eventually you will meet her so just be nice" she smiles.

6/20/2022 23:09:07 Jackie still looks puzzled. "Is it a normal actual chicken?"

6/20/2022 23:10:16 Erin hmms "It looks like a normal chicken" she shrugs.

6/20/2022 23:11:04 Jackie chuckles. "That doesn't mean much though, does it?"

6/20/2022 23:11:55 Erin smiles softly "No not really.." she smiles "Did you get to meet String yet?"

6/20/2022 23:14:09 Jackie shakes her head. "No, who is that?"

6/20/2022 23:14:49 Erin looking thoughtful "It's Iris's familiar.. Maybe sometime she will show it to you"

6/20/2022 23:16:16 Jackie nods. "Ah, ok, I've barely met Iris so far, so that's not a surprise.

6/20/2022 23:18:16 Erin smiles and nodsnods "Well just give it time" she smiles

6/20/2022 23:22:42 Jackie pauses after a bite. "Sure, I'm sure it'll be fine in time. Unless she disappears back into space?"

6/20/2022 23:24:34 Erin nods "Well there is that.. She does go to space a lot"

6/20/2022 23:25:29 Jackie chuckles, "So I gathered. All that space cadet energy in her."

6/20/2022 23:25:59 Erin nodsnods "Have you heard her actually go all nerd about space?" she smiles

6/20/2022 23:31:21 Jackie nods. "Yes, but just the one night at S&B."

6/20/2022 23:33:47 Erin smiles "Well maybe you will get more chances to hear her tell stories.. or maybe Branton will tell you some stories" she smiles.