Tommy Brash and assertive, the 'elder brother' of the group, he does guard duty when Ramona cant, or takes charge to direct the rest and get shit done. Stocky build, his hair is spiked and dyed different colors, rather enjoys spray painting.
Johnny The chilled out smooth talker, he's usually the one trying to smooth over misunderstandings or talk their way out of trouble with cops or other street hoodlums. Slim build and average height, keeps his natural brown hair color but changes up his punk hairdos often.
Joey A little more serious than the others, has a quick wit but gets frustrated easily by set backs. The one least satisfied with living rough, but also the one more most suited to making sure no one does anything stupid while out there. Has a mohawk but typically keeps it down and floppy, and he's pretty stingy with his smiles.
D.D. (Dwight Davies) Quiet, a little shy, gentle and thoughtful, he's skinny, lanky and a bit nervous, letting his hair grow out long. He's ostensibly the caring heart of the group that dispenses empathy, first aid and hugs, and is developing an interest in cooking.
Sheena A total fashion bug of the streets, she's sassy, a little snotty, the one that patches and fixes the gang's clothes and jackets, and cuts and dyes their hair. She pulls off the punk look with style and grace with an immaculate mohawk and makeup. Tends to play pranks on her siblings and acts as devil's advocate during debates.