I can chant the spell,
 I can see the soul and the heart
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Evonna: You are a gracious host, and a welcome friend.
Steinar: Firm in his convictions. This is a good quality.
Sean: You're more tolerable than most. Could use a better sense of humor if you ask me.
Isla: Pretty and headstrong. Very admirable.
Sergei: You made a strong first impression. I must take care not to cross you.
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Apparent Age: 21
Occupation: Volva
Height: 5'6"
Race: Kinfolk
Tribe: Get of Fenris
Statistics of note:
Pure Breed    
Merits and Flaws of note:
Lesser Shaman
Spirit Sight
Bard's Tongue
Deranged (PTSD)
Intolerance (???)
Mind Shields    
Animal Psychics    
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Raven: Nadja has... A pet wild raven! Nothing special about it- other than its oddly close attachment to her.
Mystic: She can speak to spirits, summon spirits, send them away, awaken objects and see everything at once. Is this a skillset you might require?
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