Among humans, Cecil appears to be a moderately well-off businessman...who works in a run-down mechanic's shop. The (ENTIRELY SUBTLE) secret is that Cecil isn't just doing repair work, he's stealing and dismantling high end cars. The SUPER SECRET is that Cecil is a Glasswalker, a member of the, progressive tribe of the Garou Nation.
Note: Cecil has Rage 5, for Curse purposes.
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- Glasswalker
- Ahroun
- Homid
- Criminal - car thief, chop shop, general disregard for law.
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- Criminal activity! Cecil is Streetwise 3, works in a chop shop, and frequently makes off with vehicles that aren't his to be dismantled and sold.
- Werewolfy stuff! He's one, so. Yeah.
- Other Supernatural Things! Cecil can be less kneejerk in his reaction to other supernatural creatures than some Garou. Filthy urrah.
- Pack! Looking for one.
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- Andrei: an...old acquaintance, from back home.
- Greg:
Squirrely. Emo. Cunt. Squirrely Emo Cunt-RHYA. Sorry.
- Jamison: Get some kneepads. Sister is hot.
- Katherine: Little Sister, you're going to regret making that nickname stick.
- Mason: Jamison's hot sister works for him. This is totally enough separation to mean her brother isn't supporting her.
- Mimi: What have you done?
- Ms. de Brocéliande: You almost never have a woman give you her phone number after you tell her how beautiful even meaningless, mindless destruction of human life is, but when she does, you notice.
- Owen Blanchard: ...holy shit that's a big dude. Where did you find a gay pride wolf backpack?!
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Race: Garou
Full Name: Cecil Doakes
Tribe: Glasswalkers
Auspice: Ahroun
Rank: Cliath
Pack: None Yet
Totem: None Yet
Apparent Age: Early 20s
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