Bill Wheeler

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Bill Wheeler
Navigation: Information, Snapshots, Hooks, Contacts
Information Snapshots

Full Name: William E Wheeler
Age: 39
Apparent Age: Mid thirties
Date of Birth: The Day "All That Jazz" Opened
Height: 6' 0"
Hair Color: Reddish.
Eye Color: Hazel
Build: That Dad Bod, tho.
Occupation: Bartender & Helldiver
Race: Mage
Nature: Celebrant
Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Resonance: Swirling, Erratic
Essence: Dynamic
Faction: Traditions
Tradition: Cult of Ecstasy
Hooks Contacts
Changeling.png I have heard weirder ideas and found them to be real. My parents' voting record makes this whole concept look kind of tame.
Demon.png I don't believe in them. I've met too many already.
Mage2.png If ever you want to see how a good idea can turn bad, talk about it constantly and keep supplying the team with Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Mortal.png Why we do what we do. And why we do it best in the dark.
Werewolf.png I have no earthly clue. No opinion, good or not, so far.
Wraith.png As if being alive didn't suck already. This is our addiction to nostalgia taken to the illogical extreme. Be like Elsa, man.
Camarilla.png You can do just about anything, if legends and stories are true. That usually means life sucks for you. Legends are reverse advertising.

Frances: How does that song go?




RP Logs

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