2024.08.24: Traditions Social

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Traditions Social
Gathering of members of the Traditions to get to know new arrivals
IC Date August 24th, 2024
IC Time Afternoon/Evening
Players Alec, Eden, Hayden, Lavender, Luke, Paul, Robert, Steele, Storm, Tyler, Xiu
Location Prospect Roasters
Spheres Bygone, Mage, Sorcerer, Traditions

The dumbwaiter dings. The door at the top opens. Steele steps down past the handicap accessible chair on the stairs and hops up a little and rides the banister to the floor and hops off at the end. There is, as always, a rather large Raven on his shoulder who has spread his wings a little to better enjoy the ride down. "Sorry. Running a little late." He hurries over to the dumbwaiter and pulls it open. "Pizza." The dumbwaiter is absolutely full and Steele starts pulling out the large stack of medium pizzas that are clearly labeled with different toppings. "Welcome everybody. Sorry I'm running late. I had a child emergency."

The pizzas are quickly pulled out, opened up. There's just plain cheese, pepperoni, supreme, veggie, meatlovers, and several dessert pizzas.

Lavender is here, sitting in all her lavender glory. She's by herself at the moment, happy to be here. "Emergencies happen to the best of us. Can I help you with setting out the pizzas?" She begins to rise from the seat she is in.

Xiu decided to visit the place a bit earlier than the announced time - so the girl is already present at the table, *and* eagerly waiting for a tasty slice of the pizza. Because it's Steele. It had to be pizza.

Her clothes - a neatly folded pile of what seems like a dark faded hoodie, faded green cargopants and faded red running shoes is sitting against the wall near the stairs. Naturally that means, she's not wearing them.

The chinese girl instead is in the buff, her chair haing a red think cloth of silk draped over it, as a positively absurd mass of long black braids hangs all over that chair to the floor. She looks like she could devour a couple pizzas too - the girl is ripped AF, head to toe.

She grins at Steele as he hurries to grab the pizzas, but before a word leaves her mouth, a growl of her stomach decided to pipe up first. "Mh. I *was* about to take a bite out of the table. Hey Steele."

Robert chilling, not naked, no critters. Inhaling deep as the pizzas come down, and grabs a desert pizza before it's gone, and a couple of meat lovers slices. "Glad I came hungry, this smells amazing."

Alec arrives just in time for pizza. Stepping into the basement he gives a polite nod to those gathered and then waves as he looks for a place to settle in. Pursing his lips a little as he looks for that perfect spot he says, "Mmmm, pizza is always a great choice. Great to see everyone, glad to see there was meeting called." Smiling at Steele with that said he moves to find a good spot.

Luke is not someone usually out and about amongst mixed company. He would, most likely, be a new face to some who've come to this little gathering. He certainly is a bit of an odd duck, though, wearing an outfit that almost seems like it wants to break away from a modern cut, to something akin to Victorian Era mens fashion. It still looks modern enough though to more file under 'unique fashion' sense than anything else. He wears on his head a pair of odd glasses, thick brass frame with several little arms holding different coloured lenses that can be swung down or up from the main lenses. Complimenting the attire is a rather thick looking gentlemans cane, crowned with a round brass nob that features a strange glass lense area at one side. He, too, has arrived a bit earlier then most and is currently inspecting the wall over in one corner; clearly not having decided to socialise fully with anyone yet.

Eden is present, clad in a silk witches dress, which.. exposes a lot of leg. Like, all the leg. Some star-patterned, shiny stockings. Circular glasses. And, oh look, a MASSIVE witches hat. And given how bulky she is, well.. she's quite brave. She's taken a spot to sit and read a manual for some niche tabletop war game set millennia from now. It's not like she knew anybody here. She had armies to manage! She does peek up at the mention of pizza however. But she soon went back to her manual.

Paul had followed Robert downstairs, having had a 'snack' upstairs before coming down and is still holding his large iced tea. He smiles as he sniffs the air, and helps himself to a slice of cheese, veggies and dessert. He is dressed as usual. He is wearing jeans, a blue work shirt and a lightweight jacket with a backpack he drops in a chair next to Robert.

Steele probably does have a joint tucked behind his ear.He isn't naked. The RAVEN isn't wearing clothes. He grins at Xiu, sliding her a whole pizza. Whatever she ordered last time there was pizza to be had. "Well, owning a pizza place has its advantages. I just had to transport it in the weed van and so we had a little sliding around. Not equipped the same. He steps away from the pizza to let people get some if they want it. He looks around the place and his eyes land on anyone who isn't familiar to him. "Welcome everyone. For those who don't know me, I'm Steele Smith. I'm the council seat for the seat of Spirit. Welcome, each and every one of you. This is my familiar, Kohne." He motions to the raven on his shoulder. "Everyone please eat and enjoy. I'll have drinks down here in just a second." And if anyone else wants to introduce themselves, that might have been a cue

Robert finishes off a slice, daintily dabs his lips with a hankerchief, stands and takes a grandiose bow. "Robert Daw, Veternarian, Lifeweaver. What most would refer to as a Sorcerer."

As for Lavender helping Steele, he gives her a smile. "Yes, please help. There should be some napkins and things coming along. Thank you."

Xiu snatches herself that rather meaty pizza that Steel is sliding over, and she begins to peel off a large slice. She grins up at the man, as she brushes some of those long braids back in preparation for eating - and those eyes of hers especially focus on the raven on his shoulder. "Hey there, majestic Kohne. It is nice to see you again." she says and lifts her free hand, wiggling fingers at him, before she slips the tip of the first slice between her teeth - and lets her eyes silently wander over those present right now. Lavender gets another wiggle of fingers. There is a certain subtle smirk as she sees Luke play wallflower, but for the most part her eyes flick their attention between those she doesn't know yet, or really don't know well. Soon enough, soon enough. That's why they're here, after all.

Given that Steele *did* kind of introduce himself there, the strange girl peeks up at him just as she swallows that first piece o' pizza. "Mh..introduction time?" she wonders, as she lowers the hand holding that slice - and when Robert goes right ahead as well, she follows it up. "Xiu ('Sheyoo') Tong. Council seat of Life, Verbena, Lifeweaver, Dark Flower of Lilith, and so on and so forth." She waves a hand. "Just Xiu is fine. Nice seeing new faces down here."

Lavender will help Steele be sure the pizzas are all set out - whatever he does not handle himself. After it is emptied, and the next load comes down with napkins and plates, as well as some grated parmesan and red pepper flakes for those that like it. Oh and some little containers with garlic sauce and ranch and hot honey for the daring! All on a nice tray, Lavender takes it out and sets that up and offers it to anyone nearby her. She waves to Xiu and to Luke as well. She's not really familiar with most of them. The cue given, she introduces herself, "I'm Lavender Rhoades, Orphan. Owner of Butterfly Orchards." Not much for her to say, she's still figuring it all out.

And to this, Luke turns away from the wall. Ok, so he was not actually studying the wall. He was, in fact, reading from a small book of some kind, bound in black leather. As he turns around, he closes it up and secures it with a little band before he puts it inside his jacket. He puts on a well practiced but not entirely unpleasent social smile as he steps away from the wall to make himself a bit more socially accessible. As he then speaks, he does so with a very formal tone and accent, one well practiced and almost a bit posh in its very nature, "A well intended greeting is offered, to all those new faces in the room." he inclines his head, "My name is Luke Whateley of a group that refer themselves as the Sons of Ether .. or in other instances, the Society of Ether. Etherites, yes, could also be acceptable." he pauses, "Like others present, I too hold a chair at our local little Council. For me, it is the Chair of .." he clears his throat a bit, "..Matter." The word is used with a tone of voice suggesting that really is not the name he would have used normally.

Paul listens to Robert and Xiu and takes his cue. He rises and brushes a bit of hair from his face befire he speaks in a shy tone, "I'm Paul Barakat, animal whisper, herbalist and crafter. I'm with the Verbena." He gives a quick smile and then sits down hurriedly.

Alec listens to the others as he gets some napkins and collects some pizza before taking a seat. Settled in he waves and simply introduces himself, "Hi, Alec here. Pleasure to meet you all." With that done he takes his first bite while listening to the others finish their introductions.

Eden is mostly absorbed in her reading for a while, but she listens in spite of that. When Xiu introduces herself, she clears her throat, sets her book down, and stands up. Her large figure most likely struggles to even fit in the basement. Her voice, in spite of this, is rather gentle, a little quiet, too. "Eden Riley. Of the Verbena." She keeps stood, too. Trying not to appear /too/ introverted.

Robert glances around the room for a bit. "Well, I know who the popular kids are now."

Robert naturally gets a nod and light grin by Xiu when he says that he is another Liveweaver. When Paul *too* mentions he is with the Verbena, Xiu's eyes flick their gaze towards him after a blink - and she quietly studies him there for a moment, returning that smile with one of her own. Not as quick, it remains for several seconds before she slips that pizza slice back betwen her teeth, taking another bite as she continues to listen to the introductions while chewing eagerly.

Alec's short introduction has her softly chuckling, though she does not speak until she finally swallowed again. "Mh..great, now I feel like I said about 20 words too many." she remarks to him in an amused but friendly tone. "Welcome, Alec. Nice to meet you." The greeting gets accented by a short lift of her pizza slice.

Said pizza slice gets lightly curled into an U shape as she brings it towards her mouth again, peering over at Eden. And the pizza slice holds still. "...well well, looks like we got the majority representation again." she murmurs with a smirk on her face. Chomp.

"Indeed, so many of the Verbena showing up in our fair city once more." Luke agrees with what Xiu comments, "I think perhaps it is time I try to put up some wanted posters for some more Etherites to come join our little group." he lets out a light laughter, to which he strides over to the pizza area. Presumably to get pizza, "However, I am not entirely surprised. I never quite got the sense that Prospect was the sort of city to attract the mechanically minded of us. My presence here, after all, is wholly random. If there really is such a thing as random chance." Stopping by the pizzas, he begins to scan them all as if trying to figure out which sort to go for.

Paul has been steadly eating while he listens to the introductions. He pauses long enough to give a little smile to Eden at her introduction and take a long drink from his tea.

Steele glances around as people introduce themselves. "Welcome. All of you. There's not much to this other than for all of us to get together. There are a few others in town that I don't see here. We are actually a fairly large, if quiet community. I just wanted to make sure everyone could take a break and see that we're not all alone out here." He smiles at Lavender as she takes over the duties. "This place, specifically, is for anyone and everyone in the community- mages and sorcerers and psychics and a few others that might NOT be that, but are involved in chantries. We have a couple of other places too and one more coming up hopefully soon."

Pizza. Lots of it. Napkins, sauces, plates, all that stuff. Available. Introductions are happening (Log will be available later)

Robert chews up his other slice of meat lovers. "It is nice to chill with people we can talk shop with and actually understand at least most of what we have to say... even if we don't actually talk any shop."

"..So long as we don't have any lickers, I doubt you'll see much trouble from me." Eden grumbles to Steele, while stomping towards the pizza. "Can't promise I'll be gentle if we do.." There's pain in her tone. "..But it's relieving to know someone has my back now." Her big hand reaches out, and plucks a slice of.. cheese pizza. Then, she returns to her seat, picking her book back up. She does inspect the pizza. The flop. The crispiness of the crust. Eventually she just shrugs and bites the damn thing. Every now and then she sets her phone up and down, texting, before going back to reading.

Practically falling down the stairs in a rush not to be late, Tyler's feet cling to the steps with talons of stubborn determination and sheer will. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." he appologizes profusely as he tries to steady himself once his controlled fall is suspended. And then his eyes feast upon all of the people and the color drains from his face. Maybe it was the bountiful amounts of pizza. Yeah, gotta be the pizza.

"Um...hi..." the young academic offers and looks around for any familiar face. Tyler's bright blue eyes are a mix of fear and curiosity as he tries to calm himself a bit.

Lavender makes sure everyone gets a slice, napkins, anything else there before she makes a plate for herself. Seeing Tyler come in, she smiles. "Welcome! Have some pizza! Join us."

"Indeed, we can talk openly here. This place.." Xiu idly flicks her free hand. "Is safe. So, be yourselves and relax." A light grin moves her lips. She shifts a bit on the silk drape on her chair - the thing's just there for hygienic reasons, really - and then that first slice of that meaty pizza is gone, before she reaches for the next, and eyes Luke there for a moment. "Feeling lonely, Mr. Whateley?" she wonders wth a light grin on her face. "Can't you send something up your...ah.." She tries to find the right word. "Ether..grape..vine?" Hey, she tried.

When new steps can be heard up on those stairs, she turns a bit, peering towards them. "Yes, don't be shy. Join us!" Says the nekkid little chinese amazon.

Luke offers a quick nod towards Robert, "Quite so. It is the reason for why these gatherings happen, to put faces to names and to create .. connections." he points out, "Although, had we gone just a few years back, I fear I would not have been here. I was a whole lot more .. hardlined .. in my views about security back then." He finally decides on a pizza, and goes for a pepperoni one. He smiles, nodding once, "Why did I even pretend to think it over when I've always prefered a good pepperoni pizza."

He gives a quick glance to Xiu, "I can, but I will not. I find the quiet to be almost relaxing."

Robert nodes to Luke. "Yeah, there were.. issues then."

"Lick...ers?" Steele asks Eden. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about." There's a clear path to the pizza and Steele even makes way for Eden's approach. He looks up as Tyler stumbles his way down and he chuckles. "You're fine, Tyler. Come in. Introduce yourself. This is Paul and Robert and Lavender, and Alec and Xiu (shyoo) and Luke and .. Eden was it? More people for you to get to know, to help YOU along your journey too." He motions toward the pizza. "Come get yourself something to eat."

Dressed in purple.. well, it's basically a dress lacking any sides and showing off ample cleavage in silk, with a matching witches hat, is Eden! Tyler might recognize her! Maybe! Eating some cheese pizza and reading a manual on a war game. Sometimes texting. Doing her best not to stare at Xiu by covering the image with her hand any time she looks around the room. When Steele questions her, she BRIEFLY puts her hand by her mouth, making devil horns. It looks like she has fangs. She waves it off like a joke. "So.. why is Shyoo naked? Not that I mind, just.. I'm used to running through the woods naked, not this."

Alec finishes his first slice of pizza and then waves to Tyler as Steele does introductions. Wiping his face with a napkin, he leans back to reach into his pant pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes. Pushing one of the filtered ends out of the pack as he listens to the conversations going on about him.

Wraiths? Nah. Ghosts? Hell, he's got three as besties. Strange creatures from the Shadowlands? Has coffee on Tuesdays. But little nekkid Chinese amazons? Yup, that freaks Tyler out. Probably because of his uptight, upper class, uppity upbringing but either way he glances in the direction of a few people, spies Xiu and his eyes bloom with a mixture of surprise, anxiety and embarrassment.

With his eyes focused somewhere, anywhere else so as not to be looking in her direction (as the good, formerly Christian manner's dictate), Tyler introduces himself with a shakey voice that tends to stammer in places, "Hi. M-my name is Tyler. Um. Hi." He waves to those people he doesn't know (and can see)." Turning to Steel he mutters something out that's generally audible, "...this feels like some kind of wierd A&A meeting, ya know?" he pauses to switch his tone to the general pandering tone one might use for such an occasion, "It's been three days since I I got Skin-Ridden...and I'm tryin to put my trust in the lo-ward," the southern twang at the end seems to be just for added emphasis.

And then he spies Eden in her witches hat. Ok, someone is punkin him. It's gotta be some kind of club initiation, right?

Paul wipes his mouth with a napkin and starts to eye the veggie pizza, that for the most part seems to sit there, sadly neglected. He waits to see if others want more of it before he slips over and takes a couple more slices. He smiles to Steele, "Thanks for the veggie." His eyes go to Tyler as he enters and he gives him a quick nod on his way back to the table with Robert. He doesn't look away from Xiu, having gotten used to the woman's au naturel preference.

Xiu lets out a grunt as 'licks' becomes 'vampires', and her own expression changes in a way that makes it clear that....yeees, she is definitely not a fan of said Licks. Heck, she showed her own teeth there for a moment before that expression relaxed again, and after a soft exhales she takes another bite of that second slice and idly chews - glancing over at Tyler again. Oh, she's quick to notice when her state causes the usual avoidance of glances. That's two in the room so far. She, for one, is absolutely casual about her state, and instead simply listens to Tyler's ntroduction. "Mmmh, Arcane Anonymous?" she quips at the A&A, lightly smirking..though 'skin ridden' makes her blink. Oh, it's clear the question of 'what the heck is skin-ridden' is just bubbling on the forefront of those thoughts there.

And then Eden's question comes. Xiu peers over at her, and then thumbs over her own shoulder. Just the general way of 'woods'. "Oh, trust me, I do that, too." she makes an understatement right there.

Steele points at Alec, points to the 'window' over there that signifies a smoking area. The smoke won't radiate outward. There is the faintest little updraft. Don't tell the health inspector though or whoever is in charge of that. FDA? Anyway. There's a smoking area.

He nods to Eden. "Vampires. They exist. They're around. They mostly mind their own business." He doesn't address Xiu being naked and instead turns his attention to Tyler. "No skinriding down here. That alone should probably prove that this is real, even if it's uncomfortable, right? Safe space. We're all just regular people who can also do magic -- fashion choices aside --." He Likely means Eden and probably Xiu too, though that's more of an afterthought. "Paul, Robert? I think that maybe you guys can help Tyler out a little bit more than I could." Belatedly, Luke gets a grin. "I AM glad that you pulled that stick out of your ass, yes."

Robert runs his finger down the buttons of his shirt. "I only do 'nekkid' when it's magic time. Pockets. I am addicted to having pockets to stash my stuff in." pulling out a lighter, flipping it between his fingers, then tucking it away.

"We should do rituals in the woods at three in the morning." Eden snorts to Xiu, but she does address Steele sooner than later. "I was trying to be discrete. I have a score to settle with 'em." Chomp. Chew. Back to Xiu. She looks a bit more often. "You have me curious about you now. But I prefer answering questions, not asking them." Her book is already tucked under her arm though. Like she's asking if she can come closer.

Alec winks at Steele and then stands to move to the spot indicated by the window. Settling in and sparking up, the cherry is puffed to life and the first heavy drag is taken from the cigarette. Exhaling towards that slight updraft to keep the smoke moving away from the room and the gathering he nods at the info being put out.

Luke, trying his best to eat a pizza slice with one hand while the other still holds that gentlemans cane of his, decides upon a most important thing; to lean the cane against the wall, so that he can use both hands for the Pizza. A nod is given over towards Steele, "Yes, well, one can only walk with a stick up ones rectum for so long." he admits. A glance is given to Tylers reaction to the gathering. He offers the man a quick, "Well met."

Lavender is confused by a number of things being discussed here, and she just takes her pizza and sits down so she can listen.

Phil pauses near the top of the steps, looking around at the mix of faces, some familiar, some less so. "That shit'll kill you, you know." Is he talking about the smokes or the grease?

At the revelation that Steele just dropped about vampires, Tyler's thoughts froze mid-grind and he turns to the white-haired guy to ask for clarification, subtle as ever. "Do what now?" He waits for just a breath before repeating his question and takes a step towards the Street Shaman, "What was that /phrase/ you just mentioned about vampires? They're real, you say?" His brief mention of Paul and Robert are met with a quick turn of his head, a polite nod of introduction and then a refocused attention as he takes just another step to get close enough there's no way he'd be misheard. "Vampires... we're talking fangs, blood drinking, SPF ten-thousand, lives for centuries, walking corpses...are..." he takes a breath to calm his thoughts, "...real?"

As Luke offers him a quick "Well Met," Tyler drops the bright-lights and interrogation tone to clarify something Steele mentioned to offer a very polite, if completely opposite voice, "Oh...very nice to have met you sir..." before jumping back towards the topic at hand. "And what's next were-wolves?"

Xiu lifts her chin a bit, smirking at Robert while pointing at him. "And that is why I have fancy leather pouches and satchels." she remarks, before she leans back and peeks over at her cargo pants and hoodie folded up there on the floor. Yeah okay, she likes lots of pockets on clothes, too. Bah!

The second slice is gone, and she reaches for the third while her eyes linger on silent Lavender there for a moment, with a rather...apologizing expression for some reason. Another bite, another chewing, before she looks at Eden again. "Mh, be my guest. I live there." she remarks and lightly grins. "The woods, I mean. Bona fide 'homeless' person. With a home." She winks, before there's steps on them stairs again.

Peering over, Xiu blinks - and blinks again, and again. "Well, holy shit. Phil. What corner of Prospect have *you* been hiding out in?" she asks, sounding..well, actually baffled to see the man.

Steele retreats just a little bit too, to let people mingle and do what they need to do. Getting to know each other is kind of the name of the game here. He takes a seat near Lavender and he gives her a friendly wink, then turns full attention to Tyler. "Yes. Wraiths you know about. Mages, sorcerers and psychics.." He motions toward Tyler. "I mentioned dragons. I know you don't believe that part." He motions upward. "Vampires and werewolves shouldn't be that big of a jump. But yes. AS real as you and I." He lifts a hand to wave at Phil.

"But, why live without it. Such a boring life it'd be, right?" Alec grins as he replies to Phil on the /shit will kill you/. "If you want a cigarette, I will share." Smiling it seems the offer is given to all as his pack is pulled from his pocket and left out should someone like to partake, along with his lighter. "I think the key with all the other things out there is to give them they're space and make sure they give us ours."

Robert raises an eyebrow as Tyler asks his questions, giving him a lookover. "Oh, there's all sorts of things out there, and things that resemble other things, but arenKt quite."

"Nah, I gave 'em up years back. But thanks." Phil heads down to get a closer look. "Behind the scenes, mostly," he replies to Xiu. "This isn't some cheap-ass Chuck E. Cheese pizza, is it?"

Lavender blinks with it all. She does not notice Xiu look at her, and Steele sitting down next to her just barely brings her out of her confused, bewildered state. "Here I was just concerned that a cat I thought was dead, just went back home into the spirit world.. and may come back. Damn."

The slize of Pizza that Luke acquired is all but consumed, which is good because generally it is rude to eat with your mouth full; at least if you are a man like him that seem to hold to an older attitude of being. As Phil arrives, he gives a nod of his head towards the man, "A face to a name I have only heard previously mentioned. Well met."

Paul's shoulders shudder a bit but he tries to downplay it and just digs in to a slice of pizza as he listens, occassionally shifting his eyes over to the person speaking. He does look over at the stairs when Phil's name is mentioned. He gives the man a smile and a nod.

"A rat face killed my husband a few years back." Eden grumbles, while taking a seat beside Xiu. "You got a number, Shyoo?" A pause. "Or do you not use phones either?" She's content to sit on the floor, finishing her first slice and opening her book to read and chat. "Either way. You seem.. fun. If not a bit peculiar."

"Nah, this is prime Steele-owned Twisted Toppings." Xiu replies to Phil with a light smirk. "You can taste the weed in every ingredient." And speaking of said greasy goodness, that third slice? Goooone after another moment. Xiu just grabs the forth. She's on a roll.

That grin of hers fades a bit as she catches Eden's words there regarding her husband, and she lets out another grunt, just munching on the pizza slice with a different sort of mood, just blankly gazing ahead for a moment. It almos makes her miss it as Eden settles down on the chair next toher, but as she does, Xiu blinks and glances sideways. "Mh. Legend claims I am in the possession of a little old dumbphone. Mundane words and text *only*, and I won't have it with me all the time....but yeah, I have one. Or so the legend claims."

She rattles off the number - loud enough so that anyone can hear it, really.

Tyler is basically stunned by the revelations that he's been hit with so far and finds himself a seat. He's been stunned into mostly silence for a bit, only making the occasional small talk to those nearby. So much to process. Oh yeah, pizza.

Paul suddenly says to no one in particular, almost as if to himself and barely misses a bite, "Mister Steele's pizza is delicious."

There's pizza. There are people. There's a lot of good food. Xiu's naked, Eden is wearing a purple 'sexy witch' halloween costume. Alecc is smoking by the 'window.

Phil, it may be noted, does not touch the allegedly weed-infested pizza. "Sorry to hear that," he says, nodding to Eden. "Did the rat get taken care of?"

Steele reaches out and gives Lavender's arm a little pat. Not Tyler's. That'd be a little weird. "It's a lot, I know," he says to whoever might need it. He eyeballs Xiu. "Different business. No weed. Weeds, perhaps, if you count the arugula." He shudders a little bit and glances to Eden to see if she's going to speak further about things

Hayden walks in quietly looking like a southern Gothic Mardi Gras Krewe member. He gazes over the crowd and smiles.

Robert rubs his chin for a moment and whispers something quietly to Tyler.

Paul leans towards Tyler and whispers something.

Lavender looks grateful to Steele. "Not sure how you all handle this all. But.. wow." She is still processing it all, her pizza forgotten for the moment.

Hayden gives Alec an appreciative study before walking towards a potential source of drink. He's looking to see if there is anyone here he knows.

As Hayden walks down those stairs, Xiu peers over and blinks - before she lightly grins again. "Welcome, welcome." she greets him. "Don't be shy, join us. Grab some pizza, settle down and say hi." she invites him. Unnecessarily so, but it's just a friendly gesture.

She then begins to work on that fourth slice, rapid bites and chews making short work of it. She most certainly isn't a patient eater right now, but that stomach *did* growl earlier, so there is that.

Licking her lips, she watches as Tyler, Robert and Paul head for the kitchen area, and she can't help but softly chuckle. "Mh. This is really turning into a classic party in some ways. Kitchen's always good for hanging out."

With the last slice of pizza in his mouth Paul grabs his tea and backpack and follows Robert and Tyler.

Eden shakes her head, grumbling: "No. But he will." A little sigh. "I'll be in touch. Trust me, we're going to do lots of stupid shit. I can feel it." A sagely nod. "And I wouldn't mind learning things either. I'm less familiar with this than I wish I was." A huff. "He, the rat face, smelt like shit and looked worse. Tore my husband to shreds like a woodchipper. All I can say on it."

Alec says, “Stupid shit, just the thing the Trad's love I'm told." Alec laughs from his perch in the smoking section. Knocking ash into the ashtray he motions around and then adds, "Though, I think if that's said more like /We'll go out and bring this monster to justice/, a lot of this kind of group could get behind it." Smiling in greeting to those that arrive he nods with that smile.”

"Stupid shit, just the thing the Trad's love I'm told." Alec laughs from his perch in the smoking section. Knocking ash into the ashtray he motions around and then adds, "Though, I think if that's said more like /We'll go out and bring this monster to justice/, a lot of this kind of group could get behind it." Smiling in greeting to those that arrive he nods with that smile.

Lavender looks to Steele with questions in her eyes, but then goes back to observing the room.

"Oh? The Lick isn't gone yet?" Xiu wonders there, as Eden reveals that said vampire is, indeed, still existing. Probably. She narrows her eyes and softly inhales, that *other* expression of hers returning again - the smile gone, and a more..resting bitch face kind of thing going on. Another bite cuts that fifth slice in half, and she chews slowly, cheeks full. "Hrm." A bit more silence follows, before she slowly swallows and exhales softly. Eden mentioning that she will be in touch has her expression shift into a light smile again, and she nods. "That is fine. My position means I *am* there to help the fellow Verbena around if needed, though quite frnakly, most don't pick up the offer." She shrugs. "Which is fine. Offer's always on the table."

Robert says, “When doing stupid shit, take notes, so we can read it later and live vicariously.”

Indeed, there is at least one person present whom Hayden knows. "Oh hey," Phil says, turning to look at him for a second. "Speaking of people we haven't seen in a while? Thought you fucked off to Burning Man a few years ago with the others."

Steele clears his throat at both Eden and Alec, kind of including them in the glance that he gives. "So.. like.. doing stupid shit is fine, but make sure that the fall out doesn't hit anyone else. We've had plenty of that. If people want to team up and do stupid shit together, that's cool. And as a whole, we will back you up on things that happen TO you, but instigating is unlikely to get backup." He smiles at Lavender and tips his head a little, questioningly.

Hayden heads for the lovely woman who spoke to him. "Please excuse me, do you mind if I join you?" He turns and laughs with a mix of French and Southern accents. "I have been around the world indeed."

Lavender leans in toward Steele, her brow furrowed a bit. She says something to him, before blinking and taking her phone out to read a text and cannot help but smile at it. She shows the picture on it to Steele.

"I always wanted to do creepy naked sex blood ritual devil parties in the forest but I've never had creepy witches to do it with." Eden muses, clearly in jest. "But no. He isn't. And until I can get a weapon or two, I'd probably not make it." A sigh. She holds out her hand to Xiu. "Pass me a slice?"

Xiu glances up as Hayden approaches, and - though surprised - she shakes her head, smiling. "No no, I do not mind. It is an open party, and the table has got lots of seats left. Join us." she says, and pulls out the chair at her other side that's still free. Hearing that Phil knows the man has her make a mental note. He can't be that new around. Or her people memory is lacking.

That, in a way, worries her.

"Nice to meet you. Xiu Tong." she introduces herself to Hayden, before she...eyes Eden there for a moment. "Accurate." she finally says, and then turns to grab one of the pizzas before she slides it towards Eden. "And dig in. remember to harshly judge the quality loud enough for Steele to hear."

Robert says, “Define 'creepy' and which devil? I mean, you can always grab some college kids for the naked sex party part.”

Phil shrugs at Robert. "Probably draw some frat boys, though. I mean if that's your thing--" He leaves that thought unfinished. "Actually," he adds, looking to Hayden again, "I think I heard you found a whole different set of running buddies at one point? Or did they wander off, too?"

Steele leans to hear Lavender ans she whispers and then he leans back to see the picture. He gasps dramatically and covers his eyes, then laughs. "Scandal," he says, then glances around the room briefly and his brow arches. "Oh, I don't miss a single thing, Miss Tong," he says with a smirk. "But if we're planning creepy weird sex vampire killing rituals, that might be better off NOT being planned out in an open social room. If you ruin people's appetites, this pizza will go to waste and though I'm NOT a verbena, I'm a pretty goddamn big hippie, so there's th--" His phone chirps. Actual chirping. And the raven who was dozing on his shoulder startles awake briefly.

Eden takes the slice with a dip of her chin. She holds it. Inspects it. Then blurts out: "THE CRUST SUCKS!" A chuckle, as she actually bites into it. Chews. Swallows. "I like pretending I'm the Wendigo and scaring college kids sometimes." A chortle. "One of the only benefits to this figure."

Lavender puts her phone away, and as she hears the talk from the Verbena, she still looks a bit concerned. She has been paying attention, seeing Phil talking to Hayden, and Hayden seeming to be focused on Xiu.

Hayden gets a slice of pizza and eats it one topping at a time. "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am."

Phil shrugs at Robert. "Probably draw some frat boys, though. I mean if that's your thing--" He leaves that thought unfinished. "Actually," he adds, looking to Hayden again, "I think I heard you found a whole different set of running buddies at one point? Or did they wander off, too?"Phil (re for Hayden)

Robert says, “Hey, what's wrong with frat boys? You think I went through med school without having my own frat moments?”

Paul can't help glancing over and blinking as he looks between Phil and Robert.

"Oh dear, he used 'Miss Tong'." Xiu remarks and glances over at Steele, softly chuckling. "I think the ritual part was more 'in general', really. I am not sitting here planning shit." she clarifies, before she sticks her tongue out at the man. "And here I thought you knew me well enough. For shame, Mister-." There she is about to deliver a retort to 'Miss Tong'. She pauses. She pauses *and* narrows her eyes. "Steele, what is your damn family name?" Because honestly, she does not even remember ever hearing it. There's definitely weed in this pizza.

Hayden says "I did and then we parted ways for a bit. It's been quite a long strange trip. But I am home now."

When someone mentioned frat boys, Tyler's ears perked up a bit but he's not sure if there's some kind of university connection. And then Robert's comment draws his attention back to where they're semi-hiding in the kitchen. "Well that sounds like a story..."

Phil just rolls his eyes a bit at Robert. "Well, if you need an explanation, then nothing comin' outta my mouth is gonna help." And back to Hayden. "So, home as in just the Nine as a whole, or--?"

Steele turns his head and murmurs quietly to Lavender as he rises to his feet. He dips himself into a grand, almost elegant bow. "Steele Smith. We won't go into middle names, but Steele Smith. That's me." He rises fully and gives a little salute. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go hunt down those drinks."

Robert fetches anothe piece of whatever kind of pizza he gets to first. "Oh, my first magical love is shapechanging. College was an absolute blast while I was earning a degree in medicine. Could be a new person every night. Fly around campus, et cetera. Though honestly my adventures were pretty tame and mundain. Didn't want to get caught and all that."

Eden looks content to read her book. Eventually, she looks over at Xiu. "I dunno. I'm planning on kidnapping you so we can go fishing, barrel down the highway blaring Black Sabbath.." A shrug. "My favorite friends are crazy people. Because I'm also a crazy person."

Paul can't help glancing over at the veggie pizza that still has slices left... he does so for a few moments before he goes and helps himself to two of the remaining alices. There are still two left...

"Mistah Smith." Xiu says as Steele repeats his family name - and yes, she indeed heard it before - before she just grins and watches him head for the stairs. "Be back." she calls after him. "Kohne, make sure he does not get lost!"

A soft snicker leaves her, before she turns and prompty eliminates her fifth pizza slice, before she eyes the last one left. "Mh. Fishing. Now that is a thing I have not done in a while." she remarks, considering that fact for a moment, before she picks up that last slice and leans back on her chair. "I make some damn find game jerky, though."

Steele winks at Xiu and heads up the stairs. "I gotchoo, Xiu Xiu," the RAVEN SAYS IN PERFECTLY GOOD ENGLISH.

Hayden says, “Home as in here in Prospect on this material plane”

Hayden looks at Phil. "Here home physically, As far as my metaphysical home goes I haven't a clue."

Lavender is sitting on the couch, pizza on a plate in her lap, but her brow is a bit furrowed as she keeps listening to all the talk around here. Ceratinly, there is much she has to learn.

Hayden picks more toppings off his pizza to eat them.

Storm opens the door at the top of the stairs. He pauses there for a second and scans the room. Damn that's a lot of people. But he descends, one step at a time, skimming the room before he lands on Lavender. His face breaks out into a huge grin and he quickens his step to make his way to the floor below and heads in her direction.

Eden blinks a little, before staring at Xiu. "Did that bird just talk?"

Phil considers that answer for a few seconds, fingertips visibly twitching for a moment before he finally answers Hayden. "Okay. Word of advice? And I do not mean this sarcastically. /Get a clue/. Because if you're in this room, then you have serious potential. What are you good at, first off?"

And Xiu's glance flicks towards the stairs as...no, that's not Steele. Storm! She seems about to greet him, before she catches his intent stare across the room.

She glances in the other direction. Lavender. The witch's head swivels back to Storm, and she just lightly grins, wiggling fingers at him. Best not to interrupt him when he's on a mission!

Instead she glances at Eden and...well. She nods. "Yes, he did. Khone is.." she hesitates. "Let's just say 'Steele's familiar'." she keeps it simple, before that last pizza slice gets chomped in half.

Robert glances at the exit... "Not actually sure it's a bird, I mean, not all the way anyway."

Lavender is a little taken in by all the conversations going on around here. She's a pretty quite woman, aside from her strong need for the color purple. She does not even notice Storm coming in just yet as everything else going on here is a bit overwhelming.

Paul states simply, "A friend. The Raven is a friend."

Storm waves fingers at Xiu in passing. He's pretty focused, but quite aware of his surroundings. Everyone gets a quick glance, but then he slides into the seat that's still warm from some hippie's scrawny ass and he leans in to whisper in Lavender's ear before he smooches her on the cheek.

Hayden looks at Phil, "Singing, performing, speaking languages. I can also touch things without touching them." He says more softly. "I can see spirts and into the spirit realm as they lay intertwine and overlap the material world."

Phil leans back in a seat, considering. Still giving the pizza a wide berth. "Okay, I can kinda see why you landed on the Order's radar, on paper at least. But maybe you should check in with the local shamans."

Lavender smiles suddenly with a little giggle. She gives Storm a kiss to the cheek and says something softly to him.

Hayden nods "I will take your advice into consideration. "

"His totem, technically." Xiu says, and clarifies to Eden "Steele is a shaman. I don't get the intricate details of their relationship, but.." she shrugs. "I like him, Kohne likes me, we make jokes at Steele's expense, it's all good." She grins - before she lightly pats her adomen. "ANd now, if you will excuse me.." she says and pushes her chair back, while pushing herself up. "I need to visit the little witch's room." Which means getting upstairs. Which means getting dressed. She lets out a soft grunt of dissastisfaction at the idea, before she turns and wanders towards her clothes pile, where she leans down and plucks up the things. Really, it is just three items. That hoodie, the cagopants, and the shoes - and piece by piece, the chinese girl that looks like she could benchpress another chinese girl transforms into just some chinese street rat gal with crazy long hair in rather worn-out baggy clothes.

Hayden says, “BE safe.”

Eden melts into her chair, massaging her temples. "Aye. I'm leaving myself." She's quick to stand after saying that. "Hope you don't need a ride home, Xiu." It's an offer. "Or. Home to the nearest dumpster."

Storm slides his arm over Lavender's shoulder as there's a brief bout of whispering and then a quick look around. "Nice to see you again, Xiu." He catches a whiff of Pizza Smell. That's important. And people are leaving. He assumes there have been introductions. "Hi there. Storm Riley, Ecstatic or Sahajiya depending on what flavor you like."

Robert gives Storm a wave from the kitchen. "Robert Daw. Lifeweaver."

Oh, hey, someone's doing intros! "Phil Harrison, huckster and part-time asshole." Not exactly formal ones, though.

"Oh, nah, nah." Xiu says and slaps a thigh. "These legs are made for walking. Thanks, though." she tells Eden, before she turns, taking a few steps backward as she waves to the general "ROom. "Stay safe, everyone! Do not let the techbugs bite."

With that said, she pulls all those braids forward over her shoulders, and then pulls her hoodie hood up. "An' don't be strangers."

She turns, and makes her way up the stairs, hands stuffed into the hoodie's pouch.

Lavender leans a bit into Storm, although she looks much more comfortable now. As Xiu is leaving, she waves to her. Phil's declaration has her asking, "What's a huckster?"

Eden waves to the general crowd, before stomping on out herself. She had other things to do. Like sleep.

Hayden says "Hi I am frequently known as Hayden but you can call me hay if you want. I sing songs and see dead people along with many other talents."

Paul looks at Storm closely as if he had seen him before but he still introduces himself, after Robert does, "I'm Paul Barakat, Animal Whisperer, Herbalism and Crafter."

Tyler pokes his head out from the small kitchen alcove that he, Paul and Robert have been talking in to hear some of the introductions. "Hey folks. I'm Tyler and I'm generally clueless about all of this. After I came back from the dead I could see and do things that I wasn't able to before. Still figuring it all out and willing to hear any advice from folks."

"Card shark, basically," Phil explains for Lavender's benefit. "You say 'Hermetic' and people make /all/ kinds of assumptions."

Hay looks at Tyler and smiles.

Lavender gives her introduction again, "I'm Lavender Rhoades. Orphan. Still.. learning." She nods to Phil, "I thought most card sharks lived in Vegas?"

Storm makes assumptions. He looks Phil over with a raised brow. Of course, it isn't like Storm himself looks like an Ecstatic. He looks downright CIVILIZED. Hayden also gets a quick look over. "Nice to meet you..Hay...den.." He couldn't stop at Hay. That just sounded weird

Sark can be heard on the stairs long before he actually appears, clutching a mug of tea and a chocolate chip muffin to his chest as he pads down in his sandals. Ducking his head a bit to get a good look at the multiple voices he hears, he smiles brightly and wiggles his fingers in a greeting towards Storm and Lavender and Tyler, offering a low, "Hihi. I didnt miss the shindig?"

Hayden smiles at Storm "How are you ...Sir." He chuckles and seems happy to see Sark.

Robert says, “Well, you missed a few people, but there may be people coming and going for quite a while. Or maybe just until the pizza smell dissapates.”

Tyler offers that people have been coming and going, munching on the profileration of pizza and enjoying conversations and introductions. "Well, not -everyone- is ripping off their masks but it's not a coming out party."

Lavender wave to Sark, "oh good you made it! There still is some pizza if you want some." She nudges Storm, "You too." She still has her plate she has not even eaten yet. "Ripping off masks? What, like scooby doo or something? Or the masked singer?"

Paul smiles to Sark and gives him a nod as he slurps up the last bit of icea tea.

Sark tears off a piece of his muffin to shove into his mouth and bounces on the balls of his feet once he reaches the bottom of the stairs. Hayden gets a brighter grin as he starts to weave his way into the room, eyeing the pizza as Lavender calls it out. She gets a quick affirmative nod, but Tyler's comment about ripping masks off gets an amused, "Is this where we accuse someone of being the old man behind the scam, or am I quoting the wrong show?"

Hayden shakes his head "This is the place where you find that the Wizard of Oz was real the whole time."

Robert says, “We'll follow the yellow brick road, and fight some flying monkeys.”

Hayden says, “Don't forget the poppies.”

Tyler adds, perhaps sarcastically, "I'll take a broom if anyone's offering..."

Lavender says without hesitation, "Watch for the shoe."

Hayden chuckles "Careful of the lollipop guild."

Paul looks to Robert then Hayden then Tyler with astonishment as if, 'No, you didn't'...

Sark grins, "Sorry, wrong theme on my part then! Now Im going to be singing 'follow the yellow brick road' later and driving Stella nuts with it." With that said, he searches for a free chair to ease his butt into it and set his tea and muffin down for a second.

"Shit, even my assistant doesn't call me sir," Storm corrects Hayden. Sark gets an enthusiastic wave and he looks Lavender over. He picks up her plate and puts it back in her hands. "Eat. I'll get me something too." He pops to his feet, shrugging out of his jacket. The boy cleans up good for someone who claims to be an Ecstatic. "The Wizard of Oz was totally a static mage lost in this world of fantasy that he found himself in,just trying to get by and be as special as everyone else. How do you compete with talking trees and horses that change color when you're from Kansas?" Storm makes his way to the pizza while this is being said

Hayden sighs and relaxes. "Home." He looks at Sark. " how are you doing?"

Robert says, “With enough smoke and the right mirrors, he could hologram the world.”

Sark takes a sip of his tea and relaxes a little, perking up a bit at Hayden, "It has been interesting! Lots of new people recently and the baby Im taking care of is learning how to fly, so its been very exciting."

Lavender smiles as Storm reminds her to eat too. She takes a bite of her pizza and then nods a bit. Finishing her bite she says, "That would be a lot like how I feel some days. I'm not in Kansas anymore."

Hayden nods "That sounds sweet." to Sark. To Storm he says "Many have tried to train my yes sires

Hayden nods "That sounds sweet." to Sark. To Storm he says "Many have tried to train my yes sirs and ma'ams out of me without success." He's happily teasing a bit. "It's in my blood."

Sark laughs at the exchange and offers, "Sometimes a habit is hard to break, yes?" With that said, he finally caves in and rises to his feet to pad over and grab one slice of pizza, to abscond back to his chair with it and nibble on it.

Storm's eye fairly twitches at the idea of being called sir. He grabs him a slice of... well.. that looks good, but so does that.. and that too.. and that one.. and.... he just takes one of each and a couple of little containers of...ranch? OH!!! Hot honey. Yes. That. "Well, the way I look at it, some people don't mind much. Some people mind a lot. That's like Miss Lavender over here introducing herself as Lavender and then me calling her Lav." He licks a bit of sauce off his thumb and wanders back over. "Like, there's nothing WRONG with me calling her Lav, but she doesn't like it. Her name is Lavender. Some people feel the same way about sir and ma'am. You know?"

Lavender mmms, as she eats another bite of pizza. Then she adds, "Lav feels like you are almost calling me lava - even if the pronounciation is different. The thing with Ma'am at least, while it is a way to be polite, it also comes off as making someone older than they are. I'm not a ma'am. I'm not even 30 yet. It's a cultural thing that you need to adapt to."

Hayden says, “I know, what name do you go by in the mundane world? I can't promise ti never slip up but I will try my best..”

Sark tilts his head a little as he devours that slice of pizza, shooting Lavender a more curious expression as maybe this kinda thing hasnt come up in his conversations before. He just doesnt say anything to interrupt the exchange...after all, he has tasty pizza.

Storm blinks slowly at Hayden. "In the.... mundane world? My name is Storm. Her name is Lavender... And trying is all that it takes. I feel the same way about names as I do pronouns. Just like.. call people what they want to be called." He takes a nice, big bite of his pizza and turns to kiss Lavender on the cheek with not quite saucy lips. "How about you, Sark? How you been?"

Lavender looks quite confused. "Is there other names in other worlds? I'm so confused here."

Sark bobs his head at Storm and smiles, "Things are good. Met several new people so that makes things more interesting. I was happy to see so many people down here, usually its so QUIET...."

Hayden looks at LA

Hayden says, “sometimes there are different names for different situations, yes”

Storm grins at Sark. "Good. Yeah, I'd heard Prospect was bangin' most of the time." He shakes his head to Lavender. "I mean, I guess there COULD be. I've never been called anything but Storm and ..." He glances over at Hayden. "What situations might those be?"

Lavender nods with Storm's words. She says to Sark, "It has been quiet. It's like we started the Chantry and then people scattered."

Hayden says "The interwebs both dark and light, dating app profiles, criminal enterprises. magic users... chantry? I used to belong to one but it didn't last long."

Storm's brow arches. "Internet, okay. Sure. Dating app though? And magic users? I figure a magic user could probably figure out my name anyway. Whose chantry?"

Sark nodsnods quickly at Lavender and murmurs, "I've never been part of one before this one, so I dont know how a lot of things usually work. I HAVE fixed up the music room nicely and I might have convinced Stena to use some of my playlists to relax when she gets upset..."

Lavender shrugs to Sark, "I've never either. It's only in the last year that I really started to understand what I can do.. that this all is more than a fairy tale. I do need to stop by the chantry, see what I can do there to put my own touch to a little part."

Hayden gives you the name. "I was working with Cultists but they left."

Sark nods quickly at Lavender, "You have that pretty butterfly garden, right? It would be very pretty to see some of the house done up with butterflies. Relaxing, even...." He tilts his head at Hayden and murmurs, "Was one of them the chocolate lady that didnt last very long?"

Storm finishes off his slice of pizza and drapes an arm around Lavender. "I've been a part of a couple chantries over the years. They vary as wildly as their members do." He nods to Hayden. "So since then, what've you been doing?" Sark suggests butterflies and Storm grins. "That's an incredible idea. Not that I get an opinion."

Hayden nods "Probably, it was. Sark. yes. "

Lavender doesn't know about a chocolate lady or other cultists, just Storm on that end. She smiles to Sark, "We had Serqet over the other evening to see the butterflies. I'd love to have you over to see it sometime and commune with them."

Sark nods kinda contemplatively at Hayden's response, murmuring, "She had really REALLY good chocolate. Even struck a deal with her to keep an eye on her shop in return for a weekly delivery of it. Pity that." But communing with the butterflies is more than enough to yank Sark out of that reverie and he perks right back up, "I would love to do that. Just let me know when!"

Hayden takes a small crystal ball out of his pocket and holds it in the palm of his left hand. He starts to concentrate and it floats a bit in the air.

Hayden looks at Storm and says "I have been singing for my supper, perfor

Hayden looks at Storm and says "I have been singing for my supper, doing a little acting here and there, stage magic and seeing if I could make it without using my gifts."

Storm nods to Hayden. "And how did that go? Have you found your way outside of all that?" He smiles over at Sark and Lavender. "Serqet is pretty great, but the butterflies... man.. I dunno if it was my mother's influence or what, but being surrounded by a zillion butterflies just DOES something.

Hayden says, “It went but I am here again. I felt like something in my heart was missing. plus I never stopped seeing dead people like the movie the sixth sense. So I gained bit of a weird reputation. In New Orleans, the spirit realm is all around.”

Sark shoves the last bit of his pizza piece into his mouth and devours it while he considers, "I dont know that it is easy to describe but I suspect Miss Lavender understands, being able to sit and let the little things flutter around and land on you is very very peaceful and relaxing."

Lavender smiles, "Considering what I know about you, Sark, I bet it will be quite an experience for you. We'll have to set up a time." She shakes her head a bit, "To go from some wanting to track down and kill vampires, to the blood sex devil naked rituals to now talking my jam and butterflies... it has been quite an afternoon."

"Don't forget dead people," Storm says, touching Lavender's shoulder with a fingertip briefly. But then he roams back to Hayden. "Have you.. like.. sorry. You're a static mage or a dynamic one? Like have you ever been whalloped in the ass with paradox or does your stuff work around that?"

Hayden says "I do a tiny bit of dreamwork and alchemy but mostly I have psychic gifts, the ability to mentally control my body on the molecular level stuff like that."

Sark murmurs, "Blood sex devil naked rituals? Wooo, I missed some interesting things, apparently." Storm mentioned Paradox and Sark winces a little, scrunching his nose in distaste at the concept, muttering, "Paradox gives me gas."

Lavender replies to Sark, "Between Xiu in all her usual glory, and Eden, who I think just wants to do crazy dangerous naked stuff.... yeah." She cannot help but laugh out loud suddenly before covering her mouth. "Remind me to stay down wind."

Storm nods just a little to Hayden. "So you're static. Alright. And you worked with Cultists before? Why? Are you officially part of the tradition or are you just a groupie, so to speak? I'm not trying to bust your balls or anything. I'm honestly curious. I'd like to help make sure you're were you should be."

Hayden says, “It was the plan to possibly awaken me but that went over like a led zeppelin you know. I am just trying to figure myself out."”

Sark scrunches his nose in amusement at Lavender, "I havent had to smooth out Paradox for someone in a while, so no worries unless someone needs to go blatant sometime soon...considering how quiet it has been, I dont think that will be happening any time soon. Stella's abilities dont seem to tear at reality, so I dont think I'll have to be smoothing anything out for her, either."

Lavender asks Storm and Hayden, "Can a mage be awakened? I thought it just happened naturally?" She is rather surprised by that statement made.

Storm's brow shoots upward. "Like force an awakening? Really? Holy shit. That's pretty hardcore." He doesn't approve, obviously. He finishes off another piece of pizza and wipes his hands, then lays one of those hands on Lavender's leg and explains to her more directly, "That's a thing you CAN force, but it's quite often fatal. Pushing the avatar to awaken when it isn't ready is.. very often the psyche can't take it." He tips his head toward Sark a little. "Is that.. like.. do you get NOURISHMENT from it? Or is it just something you're able to mitigate?"

Sark shakes his head rapidly at Storm, "Nooooo, nono. We are...uh...I guess you could say we are attached to reality, so when you build up Paradox, that's like pulling hard on the bouncy part of the trampoline we are all standing on. I can even out that tension for you, a little at a time, by using my attachment to it. But its not the most...pleasant thing to do."

Hayden says "I didn't know what was dangerous or not. It never went too far. I mostly picked up my dreaming manipulation gifts then it all fell apart. From Storm's response I consider my self very lucky ot did."

Lavender asks Hayden, "Was it someone from here that wanted to force this awakening? You said those people left, but some are still here just they do not come out that often. Like I heard about this cultist named Johnathan... but never met him myself. He still owns a business here."

Storm nods faintly to Hayden "I mean, maybe whoever was doing it knows something I don't and that's ABSOLUTELY possible. I'm not a baby mage but I'm pretty far from a master at anything too. My understanding is that you can nudge things in that direction, but forcing a full blown awakening would.." He motions toward Sark "Probably at the very least give you explosive dragonshits." Yes, one word. Dragonshits. He nods a little to Lavender. "I've heard the name as well."

Hayden looks like he's a little freaked out. "Which business?" He trembles a little. "That name sounds familiar. It was more like he taught me a couple of things and moved on without pushing anything gard "

Sark glances around at all three faces and shakes his head, "I dont think Ive met him. Maybe good I did not? Everyone else in the Chantry I am current in has been lovely to work with and tolerate my music obsession pretty well. I...dont really know much of anything about how you folks BECOME one other than a moment of stark clarity that really knocks the crap out of you."

Lavender replies to Hayden, "Velvet Dreams. Sounds like things got bad for him a few years back when he broke up with his wife. But I heard she then got remarried and cheated on her second husband before leaving him. Rather sad all that. But enough of that drama. The future is really where to look to." She does notice Hayden seems upset and that name struck a chord.

Storm's brow shoots up even higher as Hayden flips out a little. Still keeping half an eye on him, he slides the other two and a half eyes to Sark."That's .. a simple, but accurate way to describe it. Of course it's a whole lot more indepth, but that doesn't make your answer less accurate." His attention swings fully back to Hayden asLavender speaks and he waits for an answer

Hayden calms a little "Remember the Cultists that I was hanging out with? His wife was one of my best friends at the time. I am so glad I didn't get too caught up with all of that trauma drama. And now for a complete change of subject, cats or frogs?" He shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair to self soothe. "Well I missed that mess luckily."

Sark nods quickly at Storm's comment and smiles a little, "I figured as much but didnt want things to turn into an interrogation at the time." He listens to Hayden for a moment and asks, "Cultists seem to be such a strange group. The chocolate lady seemed to...expect me to be shocked she was so blatantly sexual. I know hedonism is kinda their thing, but..."

Lavender looks concerned, "It sounds like you got out at a good time, because I met that lady a few times, and I wanted to avoid her at all costs." But the subject is being changed, "Cats, all the way. Although frogs are helpful creatures. Cats have a special place in my heart for many reasons. Dogs too." She looks to Storm as she says that.

Storm's brow slowly lowers and then he sighs quietly and rubs his face. "Chocolate lady? I don't know if I even want to know. Cultists can be a pretty diverse crowd, but it's just the uneducated babies who think it's all sex, drugs and rock and roll." He isn't ignoring Hayden by any means,that was just.. a lot

Hayden is very happy to let the conversation flow around him for a but. He's taking a few breaths and says something in Cajun as he makes the sign of the cross. Hay starts to calm down and relax.

Sark grins a little at Lavender's comment about cats, but doesnt say anything to that. Rather, he just rolls his shoulder at Storm and perks up, "She made very very good chocolate, so I have to give her that? Would have gotten my big scaly butt fat had I kept up my deal with her, I think. Have to go out flying more often or something..."

Storm also gives Lavender a light little hug as she mentions dogs. "I think Hershey likes you better than he does me these days." He gives her a light squeeze around the shoulders and lets his hand rest in a familiar way on her thigh. "Cats, by the way, but ALSO frogs. Interesting, useful,tasty.." He nods slowly to Sark. "So.. a mage.."

Lavender asks Hayden, "So what brought you back here? Cats or Frogs? Or something else?"

Hayden says "The places I used to think of as home weren't anymore. just pit stops on a road trip that led me back here. I have traveled a lot but never found a place that I wanted to stay. So I came back here."

Sark glances down when his chest beeps at him, taking a moment to pull the cellphone out from around his neck and look at it for a moment. With a pouty look, he sighs and rises to his feet, "I gotta go. Martin needs help and Stella is off dealing with an issue so he's got no backup. Thank you all for the pizza and the company, hopefully will see everyong again very soon?"

Storm nods to Sark and he smiles, then he to Hayden and he leans up a little and reaches into his back pocket to pull out a business card holder. A little flick of his wrist and that extends a single card outward just a little. "Well, listen man. I haven't seen this beautiful lady in a full 24 hours and I'd like to kiss her a little more thoroughly. So take one of those boxes of pizza or two. I'm gonna do the same, and I'm going to get her out of here. Cool? If you need anything,, you can give me a call."

Hayden nods and takes the card. "Thank you, Storm." It was hard but managed to not say sir. "BE safe and have fun."

Lavender smiles to Storm, "Yes, we should get going. It's been nice to meet you, Hayden."