2022.07.15: Fists Of Cake

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Fists Of Cake
Gathering at the Caern turns into an Unbirthday party and a chance for one year old Phoebe to dive into a special cake and thus earn her first deedname - FIST OF CAKE!
IC Date July 15th, 2022
Players Erin, Harrow, Iris/Pancake/Mercy's Messenger, Irsa/Ragged Brown Wolf, Journey, Miguel, Pandora, Rhapsody, Richard, Tibor
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun

Pancake, Iris, comes swishing into the meadow from some other place in this excessively big underground cavern, soaking up the sun filtering through the rents in the ceiling, admiring the clouds that drift and swaying her way along to whatever music is playing in her head. She's got a dopey smile on her face, hands waving side to side with the groove, just generally being a super happy sort of person that's currently in the sunny phase of madness.

Tibor is seated under an oak with Irsa. He's smoking a cigarette. The stone tablet has been freshly washed and scrubbed and there is a bucket of hot soapy water nearby with a natural sponge in it. Tibor sees peoples coming into the area and quickly puts out the smoke.

Irsa shakes her head. "No, it's a lot diff'rent. There's one caern held by the Black Furies up in th' hills, an' a number of septs. Largest one is Shattered Stone, where I come from. There's Griffith Park, that's a mix of Fenrir an' Shadowlords. An' a whole buncha smaller ones, an' a lotta 'Gnawers that ain't in a sept." She lifts a hand in greeting to Journey, and stares at the Rite Mistress. She's only heard her name before now. "Uh, yeah. It ain't a great place. Lotta Weaver, lotta Wyrm. Fuckin' Leeches everywhere. The bastards roam in packs." And behold. Pancake. She gets another wave.

Rhapsody comes along into the Caern today, with a bag over her shoulder. Seeing only a small group today is good as she waves hello to Pancake, Irsa, and Tibor. "Afternoon!"

Journey wanders over, waving to Pancake, and looks to the Younger Garou listening, and nods, "Yeah, there's a steady traffick of Striders moving through California, A lot of them make the PCH." He looks to Tibor, "Pacific Coast Highway, large road going along the coast to a lot of places, Prospect, LA, San Francisco, the major cities, massive travel artery connecting the towns, we get the occasional fallout from other cities." He sighs, "Took out a Sabbat Garden while back. Kendrick was there for that one."

Pancake sways herself on over to the group when she sees Irsa's and Rhapsody's waves, giving them a happy little smile. Journey gets the brunt of her mood though as she sidles up to the Strider to take one of his hands and loop an arm around his waist for some dancin. "I fell asleep amid the flowers, for a couple of hours, on a beautiful daaaay." she sings. "A sabbat garden sounds equal parts horrifying and amazing."

Tibor listends to Journey. "Sabbat?...ummnn Leeches?" He looks past her to the Ritemistress, studying her for a few long moments. He gets up to go quietly introduce himself. He returns a minute later and resettles on the grass next to Irsa.

Let's try this again. This time Richard's walking in with a toddler at his side. They're walking hand in hand and the little girl seems pleased as punch. He's also got the diaper bag too.

Irsa cracks her knuckles. " 'Upyr' is what the Shadowlords call 'em up there. Vampires. Dunno what Sabbat are, gonna guess some kinda Leech tribe." She spots Rhapsody and lifts a hand in greeting. "Heya."

Rhapsody waves more to Irsa, "Nice to see you!" She bows her head to Journey, "Shaderunner'rhya. What is a Sabbat garden?" She has not heard those terms before and it sounds important to learn.

Journey nods, arm going around Pancake as she gets the dancies, he moves along with her, stepping into dancing properly, some Wyld tempo happening automaticly. His tone and expression maintain the seriousness of his words though.

"Indeed, the Sabbat are the Leeches that travel in packs, seek to cause destruction and are the more dangerous in terms of battle, due to their group nature. They use a tactic involving collecting a mass amount of people and turn them, then bury them in a 'Garden' and wait for them to rise, and dig themselves out from the ground, undead, crazed with hunger. Then they get hit over the head, traditionally with a shovel and knocked out. This is called a Shovelhead. It's used as a single agent, or as a massive army cannon fodder."

He explains as he dances along with Pancake.

Tibor ahhss. "Much like the vampire lords in Eastern Europe. But they also use monstrosities. Like giant formori.

"Isn't that technically a graveyard?" Pancake asks while raising up Journey's hand so she can do a spin, and then get dipped like a proper lady, "I mean they're dead people getting buried, so... And if they're undead and climb out of the ground, does that make them zombies, or do you have to be more after brains than blood for that to be the case? Just curious, and I like figuring out how exactly words work."

Picking up the little one, Richard sets her on his shoulders. The conversation gives him pause, but only for a moment. He walks up, but stays back just a bit in case this is serious business. He smiles to everyone though.

Irsa's eyes go wide at Journey's words. "Holy shit. Yeah, that's bad news all around. Do th' Sabbat fight with each other? I've seen that happen. Some of 'em are marked with glyphs." She's not going to draw Wyrm symbols here, so she describes it instead. "Looks like a jagged 'A' in a circle. That sound familiar?" She nods at Richard and his child. "Heya. Good t' see you again."

Rhapsody askes further, "What makes something a Sabbat versus just a Vampire?" She wants to know, especially if it changes how they are dealt with.

Journey dances with Pancake, spinning and dipping her, and continuing, switching between leads in the dancing as Iris pulls. He can do this till she wanders off, till then it's conversational dancing "No, though the Sabbat do sometimes dig up people to use the coffins, for the fun of descerating the dead for the simple sadistic pleasure of it." Now the Sabbat are one faction, organization of vampires, such as they are organized in some cases. The Sabbat have a lot of Chaos, and the Anarchy symbol as it's known is a kind of holdover."

He pulls Pancake up to him, looking at her face, "I got sidetracked," And into the dancing again, "So this Strider pack, contacts me, for some extra muscle. they found a Sabbat pack, who planted a Garden, and were, they think heading to LA with it." He nods, "The next time you see Kendrick, ask him about the Garden, and his feathered butt dropping False Dawn sunlight Talens over the battlefield."

Being addressed, Richard steps in forward, but is listening to the conversation . Phoebe is on his shoulders and has her hands of hair. He bows his head a bit, "Hope you are well, Miss Irsa?" He gives a wave to the group. "Someone wanted to visit." He says, looking up at Phoebe.

"That Kendrick fellow is awful nice." Pancake opines, "I'd like to chat him up again some time. Bird-fellow, wasn't he?" She abandons Journey so she can dance with Rhapsody! She waggles fingers at Richard and Spawn.

Erin slightly waddles into the area, awww man we have entered waddling stage. She notices people and there is dancing that causes her to smile rather widely as she makes her way in that direction and waves "Sup" she greets.

Irsa rubs her temples. More than one faction of Leeches, lovely. "Yeah, I'll ask him. Thanks, Shaderunner-Rhya. That's a buncha stuff I didn't know." She looks across at Tibor. "You an' me gotta talk t' Mocks-the-Dark-Rhya. He knows a shit-tons a stuff 'bout Leeches. He's offered to share." She grunts at Rhapsody's question, it's a good one. "Well, who's this?" she asks Phoebe, putting on a look of totally fake surprise that even a very young child could see through. "Is it a warrior queen? Hello, Erin!" she tacks on.

Journey parts from Pancake, with a final turn, coming to a stop. Dancing mode deactivated. "Kendrick, Deals, Corax, owns the Gramma and Pa..Um" Eyes close, then open, "Flea market. Yeah, you wanna dig through someone elses old stuff, that's where you go. He keeps it clean." He nods to Irsa, "Yeah, absolutely, take Georges Leech lessons!" He nods, "You will love Georges Leech lessons, when I furst got here as a Cliath, I spent it mostly on that Island. I built a bicycle from the garage pieces in that shed, if you've seen it." He nods, considering. "While back." He looks to Richard, and Phoebe and smiles, "Heya." He says, sort of settling.

Rhapsody takes ahold of Pancake as she is taken up into a dance with her, she spins around however she is pushed, pulled, etc. She barely had a chance to wave to Richard and his daughter before spun around. Wheeeeee!

"All lies," Pancake says in a blissful tone, "He was never a Cliath, Journey sprang fully formed as an Elder from the mildly irritated brow of a librarian that really wanted to travel but couldn't find anyone to take their shift for a weekend. That's my theory and no one can prove otherwise." While getting her dance on with her tribemate, she looks to Tibor and smiles, "Feeling better today?"

Leaning towards Irsa, Phoebe squeals and lunges for Irsa. Richard gets pulled forward too. He laughs a bit. "She's friendly ..." Like that wasn't obvious. He also catches Rhapsody and waves back with a smile. Definitely different than he was yesterday.

Erin comes closer to everyone and waves to Richard and then to the little one. She looks over to Pancake and Rhapsody as the dance then looks back to the others. "Lovely to see dancing today"

Journey points to Pancakes new dance partner, "Made her sword on that Island. That's right Iris, careful, she's packing a Power Blade, the original." He grins, the two dancing know exactly what Journeys talking about, and he grins, sticking his tongue out at Pancake, then as Phoebe goes for Irsa, he grins, nodding, "She knows where she's going." He nods.

Irsa snorts laughter at Pancake's remarks. "Uh huh. So what's your excuse for makin' Elder?" She reaches out to catch the youngster, setting her gently on her feet. "I don't mind. I like kids. My nephew's six now, an' still climbs all over me like this."

Rhapsody laughs while they dance, seeming to really enjoy this! Especially the remarks from Pancake and Irsa. "She is cute!" Looking at Phoebe. "If you need someone to babysit sometime, I'd be willing to help start her training." Because of course, why not with a baby?

Pancake looks to Rhapsody then and says, "So this is one of those times where I can ask if you've got a sword in your pocket or are just happy to see me, right?" She dances with Rhapsody like she's making up for the prom she never got to have! "Who, me? The catastrophe that is me being an elder is entirely someone else's fault, and it probably only happened so that I'd have full authority to go far, far away more often and not wreck reality here."

Journey nods, turning to face Pancake, "You made Elder to get your Captains license. Then you could build your own damn boat with blackjack and hookers and fly off." He smiles, "You needed the power of an Elder to go and find the stones that call to your passion and damnit, Pancake, you DID it. I still haven't had the slightest chance to see what you brought back though and I'm sorry for that."

Well, Irsa thought she was putting Phoebe down, but she got a great big ole one year old hug first. Phoebe takes a second to get steady on her feet and then ... ZOOM! Off she goes! Richard turns and starts to follow her.

She's headed straight for the dancers. "Looks like you have someone cutting in!" Richard stops chasing her though and stands up. He offers Rhapsody, "If I let everyone babysit, I'd never see her." It's a tease, "But we're getting out more, now."

Erin giggles softly at the is thee something in your pocket or are you happy to see me line. She looks at the child and makes faces at her to try to get her to giggle. She looks over to Journey and smiles as he speaks to Pancake and nods then looks surprise to hear that he hasn't had the chance to see it.

Rhapsody waggles her eyebrows at Pancake. "You know both would be a good answer." She winks to her before she is able to reach down and SWOOP up a WILD PHOEBE! "You want to dance too?" She puts the child on her hip and they make it a three way dance with Pancake!

Irsa hunts around in her pockets and pulls out a packet of beef jerky. Teriyaki flavor for the win! She offers it to Journey, then Erin, before taking a strip for herself. "I really gotta pick up Baptism of Fire. Last thing th' rabble are gonna want is one of their kids poppin' in the bread line."

Pancake disentangles herself immediately, and with alacrity finds her way over towards Irsa so she can pilfer a piece of jerky, all super casual and convenient like. She doesn't eat the jerky though, she just wants to smell it a lot. "I could help you out there, unless you can find someone of a lower rank that could use the kudos for teaching, that is."

Erin smiles at Irsa "Thanks" she takes the beef jerky and takes a bite. She looks over to Pancake and tilts her head curiously "What kind of food or treats do you like or can have?" she looks a little thoughtful.

Seems that Phoebe in the squealing stage. She's got that 'Just a few teeth ear to ear grin' on her face and is hissing with laughter. Richard waves to Erin, "Afternoon Miss Erin." He does bow his head a little as Iris goes flying by for jerky treats, "Miss Iris." He looks back to watch Rhapsody and Phoebe. "Be careful, she has this way of wrapping everyone around her finger." Richard fake warns Rhapsody.

Pandora heard something about a ... birthday? So she left and came back with... birthday cake. That she made. From scratch. Using basic supplies, but still with enough skill and panache to make it look really really fucking awesome and taste just as good. She comes through CAREFULLY, dodging a few lupus pups and holding the cake up above her head. It's tense. It's dramatic. There's background music!

FOC Cake.jpg

Irsa considers the offer from Pancake. "I'll ask around, see if anyone knows it. It ain't a common one, that's fer sure. Not everyone's down for dealin' with kin-fetches. They're noisy as hell." The bag of teriyaki beef jerky is going to vanish quickly at this rate. "Behold, the cake!" she thunders as Pandora returns with her glorious display. "Is that a forest fire I see?"

Rhapsody an hear Pandora before she sees her. Before she can turn or say anything to her, she's tickling the little Phoebe to continue her giggles. "Too late, she already has! She'll be a great Black Fury when she is older." She kisses the top of the child's head and then turns to get her to wave as well to Pandora.

Journey looks at Irsa, then the Jerky, and pulls a piece, nodding to Irsa, in turn. He looks contemplative, nodding, "A few have that Rite, yes." He says, looking over as Pandora arrives with a cake. He blinks and nods as the background music kicks in, and smirks before looking to Phoebe and Rhapsody, chuckling.

Erin blinks as she hears the music and smiles as she sees what is going on "Oh my!" She ohs and looks to Journey "Thanks for the rub it was really really good.. I think I put it just in about everything" she blushes.

Phoebe is pleased as punch and giggles to show it. He slips his hands in his pockets and watches. Richard nods a bit and turns to the others. "Forgive me Shaderunner'rhya, I did not mean to ignore you." He offers with a little bow of his head. More people. There's a wave to Pandora. He casually sidesteps out of the way, making room for cake and more people. He looks back to Rhapsody and Phoebe.

"If not, I got you, or the rite mistress has got you." Pancake says to Irsa with a smile, "You two were great the other day with the learning," she says, and then adds over to Journey, "You missed some of it but it went on for a few hours, talked about all sorts of rites and did demonstrations and everything. Simply wonderful!" She waves at the cake laden Pandora, "Hello, opener of boxes!"

Journey nods to Pancake, "Good, lots of learning to be done." He turns to Richard, "Nope, nopenope, that young Fury had business." He says nodding to Phoebe. "Pressing matters, I understand completely." He says with all seriousness. He looks at Erin and nods, moving over to her, "Okay, what kind of cravings have you been having?" He says to the Ananasai Kin Fae gestating a Get's child, god help him.

Pandora does not wave at anybody! She's on a mission. Her expression is grim. The necklace is happily making little slippy cartoon noises and the first one, Pandora nearly freaks out, because IS she falling? No? No. Oh shit. She ALMOST dropped it anyway. "Hi," she says to Pancake and peeks around the not really that huge but still big enough cake. "Birthday..." she says, carefully setting the cake down on a surface of some sort. She's drenched in anxiety sweat

Irsa nobs and finishes her jerky. "Now that's gorgeous, Pandora. How long did that take you t' make?"

Rhapsody points to the cake and asks Phoebe if it looks yummy. She has no idea how much solid food the baby is used to, but babies like cake, right? Granted they will get most of it on themselves and not in their mouth. She nuzzles the munchkin and says, "It was a great day yesterday. I love learning rites, and spiritual tools."

Erin looks up at Journey as he comes over to her and she hmms thoughtfully "I been craving burgers a hell of a lot.. At first it was the milkshake dipping fries but now it's been cheeseburgers with bacon.. and oooo fried mushrooms" she actually mmms "And if you put your rub on it oh that would be yummy" she notices she's drooling a little bit at the sudden thought and she gives an apologetic look up at him and then takes a bite of the jerky.

A look to the cake and then to Phoebe and then the cake. Richard makes a face, "I have a change of clothes. The sugar rush will just make it easier for bedtime tonight." He says to Rhapsody. "She's eaten good today, please, go ahead." Like she needs his permission. Phoebe's just having a blast, she's in high gear with no signs of slowing down. "Someone's birthday?" He asks, only catching pieces of the other conversation.

Journey thinks, listening to Erin and nods, "I'll see what I can come up with." He nods and turns to the cake/baby upcoming collision and nods, "Okay, he nods, "That looks great Pandora." He suddenly points to the side at the small collection of Lupus who followed the smell, and eyes them, "I see you."

Mercy - because fuck you Mercedes, I'm USING IT FOR IRIS and you're not gonna paint me into a name corner and force me to use breakfast foods! - knows better than to offer to help Pandora. Like, she *wants* to, her hands even start to twitch outwards like 'I gotchoo, gurl!', but no, because she would somehow manage to make it a true catastrophe, not merely the threat of one. "Who's that for? How many people have birthdays today?"

"Not a bunch of sugar," Pandora says, wiping her sweaty hands on her skirt. It's plaid today. She's kind got the catholic school girl vibe going on. She smiles at the little girl and grins at Irsa. "Not long. Whipping up a shortcake takes almost no time." She stands up straight and grins at the little, then over at Mercy with a shrug. "I don't know. I just heard it was someone's birthday, so.... here's a cake. Whose birthday is it?" The little one gets a huge grin. "It isn't yours is it?"

Erin smiles brightly at Journey "Thanks, your the best you know that" she starts like she is going to hug him but then stops herself. She looks towards the cake then looks around "Who's ..." she starts to ask but seems Iris is already asking "It looks really really good Pandora ooo nice " she nodsnods then looks around to see if anyone is having a birthday.

Journey shrugs to the question, "Almost, Whasis middle of July, I'm on the other side of the year, not even exactly, so not me."

Rhapsody is happy to let the girl dive into the cake - but not before they figure out who's birthday it is. "Maybe call it an Unbirthday cake, and it is good for everyone?" Because of course that works. "It looks wonderful, Pandora. I think youngest first gets some?" Because how cute will that be to see Phoebe with icing all over her face?

Erin nodsnodsnods to Rhapsody "yes that's a great idea, then it works for everyone" she grins "Well cute for all of us.. Not sure how Richard will think it's so cute when he has to dig the icing from behind the ears and up her nose" she grins.

Irsa shoves the empty jerky bag into her pack. No littering the Bawn, ya'll. The Ritemistress might look old, but she's entirely capable of whoopin' the Bonegnawer's ass. "Thumb wrestle for th' first piece," she suggests to Mercy and Journey.

How cute will it be when Rhapsody has icing all over her too? We shall see. Phoebe's is ferocious with the cake. He looks to Erin, "Oh, I'm going to let her find out first hand what happens." He pats the diaper bag, "Sometimes I get the pleasure of just being able to watch."

Mercy leans in to whisper to Pandora with a smile, and offers her the piece of jerky she'd been smelling, now that her hands are free. Looking over to Irsa she smiles, and passes that buck to Journey instead.

Journey shakes his head, "I'll let the first honor go. That young lady looks like she's got business with the cake. If there's some later I'll take a slice." He takes a bite of the Jerky in the meantime.

Erin giggles "The lesson of how much cake I should bath in takes a few years to get" she laughs softly "But it is a lot of fun to watch" she looks to Journey "Huh?" she looks a little thoughtful as she takes the last bite of her jerky. Ah sad face it's all gone.

Pandora grins at Mercy and then chuckles. "I really didn't know, but it totally is. Shall I serve the little one first or just give her the whole thing?" Because THAT is entertainment right there. She reaches under the edge of her skirt and she has a little knife sheath there. All hot and sexy or SOMETHING. More function than form, though, and offers it out to Mercy to cut the cake if she wants. Or just hand it to the little.

Alas, those gathered here will just have to imagine two Theurge Elders, locked in a mighty thumb war for the honor of cake. Irsa eyes that very same cake, just waiting on her chance to gobble down a piece.

Journey grins, lifting his hands, "Not my cake nor my baby." He says, diving for plausible deniability like an outfielder.

Mercy's eyes go WIDE at Pandora, and she says, "Give her the whole thing!" in the same sort of awed whisper one might use before saying something like yes, let's blow up the *entire* building! Some people just want to watch the world burn, you know? Or, in this case, see a father dreading life and a toddler literally covered in fancy cake. There is an unspoken rule about not listening to Iris when she gets excited, so, feel free to disregard her suggestion and not sacrifice everyone's dessert dreams!

Pandora doesn't even fucking hesitate. All her anxiety gone, she carefully scoops up the cake and turns around, crosses her ankles and then goes all the way to the ground, legs folded criss-cross-applesauce. "C'mere, little cutie pie. I dunno if it's your birthday or not, but this is for sure your cake." She just sits there, holding this thing in her lap. She's gonna get just as sticky as the baby probably.

Rhapsody sits down next to Pandora and offers Phoebe over to her. Not that it will take much, since CAKE IS INVOLVED! "I think we will all need baths afterwards. But it will be worth it."

Journey stands from a slight distance and has excellent dodging skills, but he watches.

Oh lord, Richard walks over, so he can get a better view. "Too bad we can't record this." He offers. "I take no responsibility for what's about to happen." He grins, "I have a small towel and soap, so ... it'll be a long bath for anyone but her."

Erin gives a little wince "Oh girl!" she knows what is totally about to happen and smiles as she nods with Journey about not her cake or baby. She looks thoughtful then ohs softly as Journey moves she backs away too with him she looks at him "Are you up for birthday party planning for the girls? Meara turns" she actually looks thoughtful then gasps "9 she's turning nine and Ana 4.." she sighs a little heavy at the thought of her girls getting older.

Irsa mutters as the cake is offered up for sacrifice by toddler. Oh well. There's always conchas at home. She leans back from the incoming carnage, ready to run for it if she has to.

The albino James Harrow, comes into the area at a casual lope bringing with him the smell of horses and lye soap. His bejeweled hair is bound behind his head with a red ribbon and he is wearing a brown leather vest over a black long-sleeved button shirt. A pair of sunglasses are on his face to protect his eyes from the bright sunlight and a pair of tight leather gloves to protect his hands. He's whistling the theme for Irish Spring.

Journey looks to Erin and tilts his head, "Most likely, I'll get back to you after I try something." He says and looks back to the cake destruction impending, noticing Harrow, before looking back to the cake being sacrificed to the baby's whims.

Erin is about to ask the whole twenty questions but nods "Ok, thanks" she waves to Harrow and turns to watch the cake destruction from the Tot.

Pandora glances up at Journey and there's a slightly pleading look to her face. "Shaderunner-rhya. Do you have the gift of the Memory Circle? I know this is a frivolous thing, but maybe there's someone who can make a copy for us all to enjoy at a moon one day." She takes the baby in one arm, the cake in the other and scoots the two together with a HUGE grin. No one EVER let her give a baby a WHOLE cake before!

Journey chuckles, nodding, "Yeah, I got a way." He reaches behind him, under his jacket, and back activating the spirit gift as he watches.

Irsa scooches back a bit further on her butt, wiggling out of the splash zone. She's a Garou, she's not afraid to use wolf legs to bolt for cover!

Mercy offers Irsa an apple. It's not golden, and it's not made out of cake, but she has them in her purse anyways! She stays well away from babies, especially when they're armed with cake.

Rhapsody aahs, "That is an awesome gift." She wishes she had it! She grins to Irsa, "You know, maybe she'll throw some cake your way? Be ready to catch?" You just never know with kids.

Erin laughs along with Journey "Oh this is going to be epic" she goes to stand by Irsa and smiles at her.

Harrow approaches the others and claps his hands. "Cake is the best." he announces. "Is there any left for a Harrow?" He turns in a graceful circular dance step to entertain the kids.

The little girl is getting the WHOLE cake. Double decker, triple layer, all the mess

Mercy waves at Harrow when he ambles in and greets, "Hello! How goes your fine day, friend?"

Phoebe takes a tentative touch to the cake, only three fingers to take a taste test. It's good enough, she reaches and gets a fistful! She shoves it all in her face, getting cake everywhere. She makes happy noises and then offers that same fist to Rhapsody! But if that's not enough, she reaches for a second handful and tries it too! She's happy and offering that fist to Pandora. Cake is falling in her lap, icing is up to her elbow. That cake has lost the battle, but Queen Phoebe is victorious!

THat's the important part, really! Pandora giggles and reaches up to just stabilize the cake to keep it from falling ONTO the baby. She's coated, the baby's coated, Rhapsody BETTER take that offered bite. Otherwise, she's ALSO going to be diving face first into this cake. Pandora will make sure of it. "Oh! Yum! That's super good, huh? The secret is the merengue," she informs the tiny child, encouraging her to grab and shovel MORE in

Bones snap and break, shifting and warping into a new form, as the creature before you becomes a ragged brown wolf.

Ragged Brown Wolf takes on her wolf-skin and -bolts- as the cake it attacked. She runs like a mad thing around the bawn, barking << Sticky food! Sticky food! Beware, howl a warning to the full moons! Sticky food comes! >> A knot of people around the cookfires look up and start laughing as the Bonegnawer darts past.

Journey grins, watching Phoebe get into the cake, yep that's the total good stuff and when she goes for it he nods, grinning, just focused.

Rhapsody takes the offered fistful, and licks it up. Would be much easier to handle this in lupus, but then it gets in all the fur! "Yum! This is fantastic!" She grins to Phoebe, "Share some with the brown wolf?" They are all going to get coated in the cake, but it's all good fun.

Erin stands back watching and awwws softly "Always a delight" she smiles then turns to look as the wolf run around giving warnings and giggles. She moves back and looks for a log to sit on away from the splash zone but not the ground because that's getting harder to get up from.

Mercy bursts out laughing at Irsa's zoomy antics, making sure everyone knows what horrors await in this meadow!

Journey grins, watching carefully, nodding as he grins. "So sticky, such fun." He murmers as he takes in the cake destruction, smiling.

Erin giggles softly "It's too cute.. " she looks down at her belly and gives it a little rub as she looks back up with a smile.

Yes there is cake! There are fists full of cake. Unless stopped, Phoebe is going to get up and try to feed everyone a fist full of cake. Rhapsody gets some on her cheek and then Pandora gets it on the nose. The Cake Queen is speaking! "Dada!" She calls, coming for Richard. There's a laugh and Richard kneels down to be at fist level. He holds his arms out and gets caked. He makes smacking noises at her and then points at the wolf, "Go cake the wolf!" And then off she goes!! It's Cake Mania!

Harrow takes a bottle of port from his messenger bag and uncorks it. "Who will partake with this young freaky metis?" he asks the group. "It appears that I have no glasses." He drinks from the neck of the bottle and makes an ahhhh sound afterward, then holds it out to whoever wants some.

Caked! "Mmm hmmmmm yummy!" Pandora says as she gets a snort of cake and lets the little girl take of. She swoops her finger through the frosting and licks it off, just enjoying the hell out of the sense of FAMILY that abounds here. It's nice. "What are we drinking to?" she asks Harrow.

Ragged Brown Wolf lets out a loud 'RRRR!' as her fellow theurge totally throws her under the cake bus. She prances in place then jukes left, then right, dodging imaginary baked good foes. << The cub approaches! >> she barks. << Beware, sisters and brothers, I fall in battle! >> She totally pretends to trip and fall, an open invitation to be pounced on by Phoebe.

Mercy casually uses people as meat shields while making sure to stay out of toddler sight when she sees the kid on her sugary mission of diplomacy, until Irsa has her nice and distracted. "What is it?" she asks Harrow, but doesn't reach for it, "And what's your occasion?"

Erin laughs softly as she watches the Tot head off to share cake. She awws as the wolf pretends to fall "Oh no the poor poor Irsa" she grins letting Mercy hide near by and also looks to see what Harrow is drinking.

Journey holds still, watching. Fading out slowly as Phoebe starts passing out cake. Watching but fading from view silently. Hiding from baby feeding.

Ragged Brown Wolf gets painted with cake and icing. All over the faces. Now it's fists full of cake and wolf fur, she runs to the next victim!

Richard just shakes his head and looks at Rhapsody, "You've created a monster." He walks over and sits down, pulling wipes out of the diaper bag and offering one to Rhapsody.

Niamh follows the path down, a overlarge hoodie worn with the hood up and over her hair. Her hands are shoved in the pockets and she doesn't seem to be in a hurry, but does offer a smile to the large group as she starts to come upon them.

Ragged Brown Wolf sneezes as she sits up. Her tongue lolls as Phoebe approaches her next victim. << The cub is swift! Run, run for your lives! >> She trots over to Rhapsody with a devious look in her eyes.

Ragged Brown Wolf might be smeared with cake and frosting.

Erin hopes she is far away enough that the child picks someone closer to her and the cake.

Journey stands there, watching, invisible, no frosting or cake on him. These two facts might be related.

Rhapsody watches the wolf be taken down by baby cakes! "Oh no you are not!" She gets up to her feet and grins as she takes off toward Mercy's Messenger, "Protect me Elder! She plots to cake me!" Not that she does not already have cake on her.

There is currently the cutest year old little girl with Fists of Cake running from person to person, squealing her head off. Oh, a moving target! Phoebe changes direction to chase the moving target. Richard watches and then puts the wipes back up. He just watches though. He's got a happy smile on his face. This is a good thing.

Mercy's eyes go wide at the approaching cake baby and she shouts, "Smoke bomb!" and throws one of those little 4th of July snappers on the ground. There's no smoke, just a little bitty pop sound, and the Theurge straight peaces out through the Gauntlet. Zoop! Gone in a blink.

Ragged Brown Wolf half-chases Rhapsody then sneakily changes targets. << Got you! >> she growls as she tries to wipe her cake-smeared muzzle on Erin's shorts.

Harrow tells Pandora, "We drink to cake! And her orchestra!"

Erin was trying to avoid the whole cake watching where the cake people where going she turn to watch Iris poof and she's a little slow and eeps as Irsa comes at her and gets cake on her "Hey" she rubs at her fur as she tries to just really rub that cake into her fur laughing "take that!" she is laughing.

Rhapsody is exposed as Mercy's Messenger pops through the gauntlet. She gasps, but then the brown wolf changes to Erin and she breathes a sigh of relief.

Journey cinches Zephyrs invisibility around him and moves away, just not reappearing.

Niamh takes note of the mighty cake battle taking place and takes the practical course of not drawing attention to herself. She finds herself a tree to sit down behind and get comfortable.

Ragged Brown Wolf growls with totally-fake menace as she's assaulted. <<< I am slain! Again. >> She falls down on her side and pretends to be dead for a few seconds, before sitting up and trying to lick the cake off her face. << Wet bark? >> she asks Erin. This is apparently wolf-tongue for 'wet wipes.'

Fists of Cake takes no prisoners! Mercy might be gone, but Rhapsody now has cake on her knees. *Bounce* Phoebe falls down and then gets back up. Wolf hair, grass, and cake. He giggles and runs towards Erin!

Harrow climbs into the old oak and hides from the cake assault. In seconds he's up in the tree top.

Erin laughs at the wolf as she falls down and looks at herself "Oh I think we will need more than wet wipes" she does dig into her pocket and pulls some out. She takes one out and begins to whipe Irsa down first. "There you go let's see oops I got that in there really good sorry" she snickers. She looks up as the child is running at them "run run she's coming" she tells Irsa as she squats down to a better position to catch the tot that is coming at her.

Niamh looks over, watching Harrow take sanctuary in a tree. She laughs softly and gives him a sympathetic look and a nod of greeting. "Ye have the high ground. Smart."

Ragged Brown Wolf flattens her ears as the assault continues and totally cheats by stepping sideways into the Umbra, vanishing from sight. Damn theurges. She's not gone for long: she reappears a few moments later, sitting up in the oak tree with Harrow. A certain fox-shifter would laugh himself sick at the sight.

Harrow smiles at Niamh and waves down to her.

Rhapsody laughs as she gets her knees covered in icing. "Go, get her Fists of Cake!" She cannot help loving this scene.

Ragged Brown Wolf chuffs a greeting at Niamh from her broad oak perch. Welp, wolves are in trees now. It's totally a thing.

Erin has kids so she knows how to grab without hopefully too much of a mess and she takes a little bite of the cake and mmmms "That's really good Phoebe, have you shared with your daddy?" she smiles a little mischievous as she boops her nose.

But there is only so much energy that a toddler can spare before it wears off. "Dada ..." Phoebe answers and then runs back toward Richard. This prompts dad to reach into the bag and pull out a hand towel. "Time to clean you up little girl!" Dad the Killjoy. "You've terrorized enough." Oh yeah? That was NOT what she wanted to hear. She stops and looks around, then decides to just sit. *Plop* She licks at the Fists of Cake.

Niamh grins at the wolves hiding up in the branches, shaking her head lightly. She teases them with a, "Mighty warriors of Gaia." before laughing and looking around the base of the tree to see where the sticky fingered toddler has gone off to. She's got no room to talk, she's hiding too.

Erin looks over to the two on the tree "you guys are funny. I think she's done " she tells them then looks to Niamh "Hello" she uses the floor to try and push her rolly polly butt up as she oofs a little bit. She looks at her skirt and uses some of her whipes to try and clean some of the cake she got from Irsa.

Ragged Brown Wolf sneezes, not at all delicately. A small smattering of leaves drifts down from the tree. << Well met, >> she growls in the Garou-tongue. << It is nice up here. You can smell the wind. >> She's not met this person before, so who knows if they can understand her in this form? She growls at Erin, << I will remain right here. I have enough battle-scars. >> The group of people around the cookfires laugh and return to their cooking.

Rhapsody stage whispers to Phoebe. "Don't worry. Aunt Rhapsody will have you over and we can have some good messy fun then!" She winks to Richard and mouths, 'Bubbles'

Erin looks over to the wolf and laughs "Chicken" she teases the wolf then looks to Niamh "I think your safe" she tells her before looking to Rhapsody "That's what Aunts are totally for" she nodsnods and looks to Richard "She's going to sleep really good." she rubs her back a little bit.

They've played this 'game' before. Richard gets up and looks to Rhapsody, "Oh, she loves bubbles. The bigger the better." He goes over and squats down, "Alright Princes, let's get you cleaned up." Yep, this is NOT going to be fun. The Princess is not impressed with the desire to be decaked. She fusses, but doesn't put up too much of a fight.

Niamh grins at the Wolf as she talks, then looks to Erin to give her a nod. After that her attention drifts over to the father and his little Princess, watching as he attempts to clean her up with a soft smile.

Ragged Brown Wolf grunts and steps sideways, reappearing a few moments later next to Niamh. << We have not met before, >> she growls. << How are you named? >>

Erin rubs her back a little bit as she smiles softly as Richard starts the job of cleaning up the tot. She looks over to Niamh "She would like to know what your name is" she smiles as she translates

Niamh gives Erin a glance and a nod. "I know what she says." Looking back up to the Ragged Wolf she responds. "Niamh Sile O'Gadhra, kinfolk to the Fianna. And you 'Rhya?"

Ragged Brown Wolf stretches out her neck to sniff Niamh's hands. << Hammer-Tooth, two-legged Bonegnawer crescent moon, Cliath, >> she replies. << Erin can give you my two-legged name. Have you been a member of the sept for a while> >>

Erin smiles at Niamh "Oh good" she smiles softly "Her name is Irsa" she then takes a breath and looks thoughtful "Have we met?" she looks totally thoughtful.

Niamh answers the Garou first after nodding to the addition of her homid name. "A while now. Year, maybe more." She shrugs lightly, her hands folding around her knees after the sniffing finishes. "I tend to keep to myself out at my cabin." Looking back up to Erin she shrugs lightly, "I don't know. If we did it was a while ago."

Erin nods to Niamh "Yeah probably well then I am Erin Blixt, Deedname Tough cookie, nicknamed Troublemaker, mated to Sten Blixt, Rite named Stormhowler, Athro Skald of Fenrir. I was born Kinfolk to Mother Ananasa, and I am also of the Fae."

Niamh nods to Erin, "Well met." though the look in her eyes is a little puzzled. She turns back to the Wolf and nods. "The tribe has been very quiet until recently, it's good to see brother's and sisters coming to the Sept. I've hope we will have enough to make a more permanent home."

Ragged Brown Wolf cracks her jaws in a huge yawn. Running like a mad thing is tiring. << As she says, she has many names. And two cubs of her own. Have they been been marked with a kin-fetch? >> she asks Erin. She lays down, her hind quarters tucked under her with her great paws stretched out before her. << Yes. It is good to have a pack. The Bonegnawer Kin that belong to the Sept have only the rabble outside of it. Now, they have me, and my own Kin. I can lend my strength to theirs. >>

Erin shakes her head "No, we have not marked the girls. We know they are at least Kin, but haven't looked deeper" she admits.

Rhapsody has not met Niamh either yet, so she offers to her, "I am Rhapsody Teresi, Rited Protector of Hope, born with two legs under the crescent moon, Cliath of the Black Furies, sworn to Black Unicorn. I have heard there are many of your tribe that have arrived."

Once Princess Fists of Cake is clean, she's ready to be picked up. Richard does so and she promptly puts her head on his shoulder. She lifts up and boops his nose with her forehead before laying back down. Richard makes a cross eyed face. That smarts. He gets her comfortable and lifts the bag to his shoulder.

Niamh looks to Rhapsody and nods her head to her respectfully as well. "Welcome to the Sept Protector of Hope'rhya. There are a few now, it's nice to see. First Garou of my Tribe I've managed to run into locally. The previous Elders seemed to have left just when I arrived. Timing." She shrugs lightly and laughs.

Ragged Brown Wolf growls to Erin, << It is never a certain thing, which cubs are Garou. The signs are easier if they are closer to old wolf-blood. >> She's speaking of Pure Breed. << And some cubs show no signs of changing, and then!! >> Here she growls loudly, leaping to her feet. << Then their Rage builds and grows, and their kin-fetches go howling 'CUB! CUB!' to the nearest Garou, and lead them to their charge. This is why we mark them. It protects cubs and the humans they might slay in anger, breaking the Veil when they take war-skin for the first time. >> She lays back down and rumbles at Niamh. << There is Shield-Brother-Rhya. But I have not met him. He is a half-moon, Athro. >>

Rhapsody does know who the wolf speaks of, "Interesting, I have not heard of that Athro, but I am new and looking for the more spiritual ones." She nods to Niamh, "Thank you. It is a good place so far, and glad to have such wonderful Elders to learn from."

Erin looks over to Richard and smiles over at him as he gets his princess all settled. She turns her attention over to Ragged and nods "I know, I am sorry that I have not done it" she says a little softly chewing on her lip a little bit.

Niamh gives Rhapsody a nod and smile, a glance to Richard as he finishes getting his kiddo wiped down and changed. There's no comment on the kin-fetch topic, but she nods. "I have heard of him as well, but have not had the chance to meet him. I think he's much like me, keeps to himself." She shrugs a little, then pushes herself to her feet. "Well, I think I shall be off, perhaps hunt up my kin-folk and see what they're up to."

Ragged Brown Wolf snorts and butts Erin with her broad head. << They will not change right now, as young as they are. You can still have them marked. If you did not know this, no one will blame you for not having it done at birth. I do not have the Baptism of Fire rite, but the Elder theurges do. They will be happy to help. >> She shakes out her ruff as Niamh departs. << Good hunting. >>

Ragged Brown Wolf changes as well. Cus she's had enough wolf for now.

Bones snap and break, shrinking and shaping into a new form. Enormous Wolf becomes a scarred woman.

Rhapsody hears the talk of the kin fetches and offers, "Well, know no. That has to be performed within a month of the child's birth, if they are Garou. I've seen it done, but do not know it well enough myself. I do know that it needs to be done in the light of their moon. Plan for that with your baby on the way then, for sure. I'm sure between many of us, we should be able to help."

Irsa runs her fingers through her hair. "Traditionally, yeah. Should be done inna mouth, if ya can track 'em down then. But later does happen from time ta time." She standing on the bawn, speaking to Niamh, Erin and Rhapsody. Richard is collecting his small girl-child.

From the tunnel to the surface comes padding a seriously large Jaguar. Its moving lazily, like it has no where in particular to be. When he gets close enough to notice the talking going on he starts padding in that direction.

Niamh inclines her head respectfully to the Garou, and gives Erin a small smile before she starts to make her way up the tunnel. A warm smile is given to Richard and the toddler, "She's a cute one." before moving to continue on her way. The sight of the Jaguar's approach does make her pause. You don't see those every day after all.

Erin waves to Niamh "It was nice to see you again or meet you.. Hope to see you again" she gets head butted and nudges the wolf "I know, I know" she wrinkles her nose a little and gives her a smile "We can talk about it later?" she nodsnods as she puts her hand on her belly "oh trust me that this one will be done for sure and " she looks around and then to Irsa "Already has lots of aunts and uncles awaiting his arrival"

Fist of Cakes has also shifted forms!!! Now she's Sleeping Beauty. It didn't take long for her to zonk out on daddy's shoulder. "I think it's past this one's bedtime." Richard says to folks. He offers a bow of his head to all the garou. He grins to Niamh and is making ready to leave.

Rhapsody asks Erin, "If I may ask, you have 2 other children. What made you wish for a 3rd? My mom would always say that as much as she would like to gift Gaia with more children, one was enough for her." As Richard is about to leave and Nimah, she waves to them all. "See you soon, I hope!"

Irsa stiffens at the sight of the huge jaguar. It's an instinctive reaction, a predator's response to another predator. "Uh.. heya," she says to the jaguar. "Howzit?"

Erin smiles at Rhapsody as she rubs her belly "Well they are a handful, that's for sure. This is Sten's first child.. We will see if I want more after this one makes his appearance" she looks over to the Jaguar and waves.

The Jaguar glances back at each of those who looked at him and winds up looking back at Irsa before sitting back on his haunches and yawwwning wide. Then he swiftly melts into a human shape that is still fucking enormous as he draws up to his full seven and a half foot height "It is well daughter of the wolf. I am Mirror-Shadow. Miguel Hernandez of human name, Jaguar Warrior of the Tenocha Balam. From the lodge of Tlilpotonqui, warchief of the land of blood and water."

Balancing just right, Richard digs in his pocket and pulls out a little credit card sized thing. Opening it, he pulls out a card. He'll walk over and hand it to Rhapsody, "It was a pleasure. I'm not hard to find." It's just his name, number, and a youtube address. He bounces Phoebe just a little, "Give Aunty Rhapsody Nini kisses?" She does without even opening her eyes. Zonk! Tank is officially empty. He bows his head to the Jaguar and waves to Erin and others on his way out.

Miguel is carrying an enormous stone sledge hammer, carved with runes slung over his back

Niamh watches the Jaguar move towards the group, shifting up into his human form. A small shake of her head and a little smile and she continues on her way.

Rhapsody smiles as the Jaguar enters and makes his introduction. "May Gaia bless you, I am Rhapsody Teresi, Rited Protector of Hope, born with two legs under the crescent moon, Cliath of the Black Furies, sworn to Black Unicorn. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Irsa looks up at this huge dude who was just a jaguar. It's the second man she's seen in two days that's even taller and broader than she is, which is just a crazy thing. "Sorry, haven't seen ya before, kinda startled me. Irsa Rawlins, rite-named Hammer-Tooth, Bonegnawer theurge an' cliath." Her eyes track over the weaponry that pokes out behind him. "That is a seriously wicked weapon."

Rhapsody blows a kiss to Phoebe and takes the offered card. "I'll be calling."

Miguel nods at the offered introductions "Good to meet you both. I have mostly been keeping to my own affairs but tonight I had time to be neighborly." At the comment on his weapon he takes it off his back and sets it down with a thump. The stone head is the size of cinder block and carved with glyphs and runes of earth "It is, isn't it."

With a bow to Rhapsody, Richard heads on out with the Fiercest Warrior Princess of the day.

Erin waves to Richard as he heads out and looks over to Miguel, she already knows the man as she takes a deep breath.

Rhapsody nods to Erin, thankful for her answer. "I must excuse myself. I have to go help with a patrol. It was good to meet you. Have a wonderful evening and be blessed."