Marlon - A brother.. we grew up together. He used to watch my back in Jersey. The streets will eat you for breakfast if you don't have friends. I didn't have many... but he made up for it. No matter where we go in life, I always got your back. Sad to see that things changed once we got here... it's like you forgot where we came from... what we were meant to do here. I feel pushed away... so be it.. Farewell, brother... take care of Alyssa.
Alyssa - The one who got away... Marlon was an older brother to me.. Alyssa was like a younger sister. I always wanted her to be happy. Now hopefully he will make her that way.
Zeppelin - Another one I let slip through my fingers. (Girl)Friend Zone.... damnit.. damnit... damnit.
Khaled - My Alpha.. soon to be sure.. but I still look at him that way regardless. He is the King Arthur of our round table.
Athena - A packmate and comrade in arms. She shows me the way of Garou might and courage. I've not met many that are her equal in this.
Duncan - A pack brother, or hopefully soon, I don't know him well but I already feel that bond of brotherhood with him. I hope to know him well.
Rhys - A potential pack brother.. Hope he and I will become good friends.