2014.06.08:Mud Run 2014

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Mud Run 2014
The Second Annual Gaian Mud Run!
IC Date June 8th, 2014
IC Time Evening
Players Acheron, Aodhan, Connor, Devlin, George, Jennie, Kokomo, Mnemosyne, Quinn, Rianna, Sara, Trekome, Yeta
Location Deep Forest: Private Training Grounds
Spheres Gaian Garou, Gaian Fera, M+/Kinfolk, Mage
Theme Song Yakety Sax

The Same secluded grounds have been selected this year as last. There is only one trail up to this side of the mountain and at the beginning of it there are two uniformed park rangers informing hikers of the trails closure. That is unless you mention to the Pair of Kinfolk that you are here for the Mud Run. Then they give you further directions to the clearing

The clearing is a small expanse between rolling foot hills and a river. Don't asked what hell the Kinfolk helping to organize this event had to go through to get a backhoe up the trail you just took. Or the calculations it took to flood the various water based obstacles with the flow of the river. Just appreciate the expertise in their skills having transformed the clearing into a few miles of hell designed to test and train the mighty.

There is a Spectators tent set up at the peak of a hill lending a good view of all the obstacles. Food is laid out on rows of tables of the traditional picnic variety fried chicken ribs mashed potatoes casseroles of varying ingredients as well as plenty of Ice tea water and Lemonade. It being a Fianna organized event a few coolers of Fianna Brewed liquor has been smuggled in despite the firm no given to them by the chief organizer.

Quinn is busy setting everything up and being far mor particular about every detail than she needs to be. She has her Clipboard of authority and a teen aged Kinfolk at her side at nearly all times. When she dispatches one with a message another just appears in it's place.

Aodhan spends his 'prep' time, drinking beer, and entertaining some of the kinfolk who've finished their assigned setup tasks with bawdy songs.

Jennie is all happy to arrive but really surprised not to see a flood of people here before her, lifted brows and a curious smile showing this as she looks about. On her way to the food table, is who she is, she begins to meet and greet the kin, that always fun for her.

Kokomo has arrived.

Quinn calls out "Starting bell in 45 minutes"

George is lounging on a rock with a canteen, watching the preparations and the people gathering. He notices Jennie arrive and offers her a friendly wave.

Acheron came! But... he's not sure on the rules. So he's dressed, with his soft sole boots and clothes that he won't mind getting dirty. Ok, so he doesn't own anything he doesn't mind getting dirty, but that's hardly the point.

Trekome is lounging out on some grass, sipping from a Camelback. He's just wearing a t-shirt, old cammie bottoms, and boots. "So... no blowing up obstacles to clear a path?"

Quinn smiles to Trek and shakes herhead no "I'll go over the rules in a bit, when everyone arrives" she looks off into the distance of the trail "if anyone else comes" she says so vary nervousely.

Quinn is also dressed.... well Identical to Trekome. How Embarising, showing up in the same outfit.

Mnemosyne has arrived.

Kokomo is there, at the spectator area. "I'm so stoked to watch the mud run!" She says smiling at her own joke. Her walking stick is resting on her knee where she sits, the white and red pole aquired a little mud of it's own on the walk in.

Jennie makes a few jokes about needing to 'carb up' for the course while then upending an open bottle of water into her lips to balance there while some ribs and chicken occupy her hands. Thusly is how she approach her Beta, maybe pretending to be a sparklets water bottle. By the time she gets to him the upturned bottle is finishing draining and she lets it fall to be caught with a forearm and cleavage before gasping for breath. "Glad you made it Boss man!" Bright smile. Over a shoulder to the others. "No influencing the judge Trekie! And they will Quinn!" She waves to the blind Kokomo!

Given she's wearing her usually somewhat dressy clothes, Nem is clearly not here to actually participate. She picks her way to the spectators tent somewhat carefully, avoiding the worst of the mud.

Trekome grins at Jennie. "What influence? If I were trying that I'd be offering her the detonator to the explosives. Besides, I'd fully expect her to tell me 'with no due respect, go fuck yourself, sir.'"

Aodhan continues to drink and hang out with the kinfolk, maybe he doesn't intend to run? But then he's dressed in a pair of ragged cut off shorts, and lots of curly red hair. So maybe he does.

Devlin has arrived.

Quinn goes back to organizing the Kin that have come to help. they range in age from as young as 10 to as old as... well they are fully grown. some just seemed station to dish out food but there are also many at each challenge armed with flags to hoist at the sight of misconduct. a few of the younger more fit are runners to fetch and relay messages. Quinn seems too distracted to be involved in the currect jibes and proddings.

When Devlin arrives, he has a couple gallons of Prospect Roaster's Coffee and several desert items that look home made. They are added to the food tables before he moves over to where the spectators and competitors are gathering.

Yeta arrives on sight. The frail looking Shadow Lord has a soft, pleasant smile on her face as she moves closer and takes the gathered crowd in curiously. She slips her hands into the pockets of her jeans and rocks back on her heels as she scans the crowd for people she knows.

Kokomo, or Ellie as she's told a few sits with the other spectators. She leans from one side to the other around her feeling out with her hands to feel if anyone is near by her. The blind girl asking aloud "Do they have a commentator? Who's giving the blow by blow?".

Collecting herself a bit of food that she can drag around and munch on without bothering with a plate, Nem also pounces on the coffee when it arrives, sending a big smile Devlin's way. Once she has food and caffeine in hand she retreats to find somewhere to settle, nibbling on food and watching the rest of those present.

Trekome looks over at the new arrivals and gives a friendly wave to Nem, Yeta, and Kokomo as he makes his way over. "Hey, glad y'all made it out to watch and listen." He gives Devlin a nod, "And thanks for bringing out the drinks and snacks."

Jennie laughs and mmmhmms at Trek, very amused. A curious look to Mnemosyne's staying out of it, then seemingly the same with Aodhan.. THen she is remarking to George, making her voice carry. "Watch the red headed one, I have heard Gingers cheat, especially the ones that like to sing.." She grins and winks at Aodhan, then is giving a welcoming cheer for Devlin's supply baring arrival. Yeta, mostly new and unknown gets a warm wave in greeting, she has been waving her hands full of food at everyone else too. "The food is amazing, get some!" Leaning to George, she begins to omnom again.

Aodhan smiles and pushes a young redheaded boy of about twelve "Go keep the nice blind lady company and tell her all the good stuff, and keep track of any runners she wants to know about." he slaps the kid on the back of the head "And don't be an ass." yup that's about as 'older cousin'/'Uncle' the dwarf is gona get. The kinfolk kid scrambles off to join Kokomo and give her blow by blow on the coolest falls and any runners she wants to know about specificly.

Yeta notices Jennie and Kokomo, and she raises a hand to wave to them. The girl makes her way over to nab three cups of coffee, and she balances them precariously as she makes her way over. She carefully holds one out for Jennie, before holding one out for Kokomo. "Coffee in front of you," she lets the blind girl know in her thick Ukrainian accent.

Slipping back to her feet when Trekome approaches, Nem lifts her coffee in his direction in greeting. "Of course," she greets. "I've been looking forward to this since I heard about it."

"Welcome, best I could do on short time to act though. The deserts were baked by Wanda." Devlin replies to Trek. And about half of the deserts are some sort of German cake or pastries. "Still debating if I might give it a go solo.. on standbye for flying tonight but.. " He shrugs, "I can always get someone to cover. Other than the chopper pilots..." with that remark he looks over towards Quinn.

Quinnis vary distracted with preperation and misses almost everything directed to her. she turns and calls out to the crowd, "do we have anyone wanting to participate as a Team? Any Teams running today?

Kokomo smiles hearing she gets her very own commentator. The blind girl reaches out for the coffee. "Lovely accent girl! I remember your voice. It'd be hard to forget in these parts." She smiles taking the coffee cup carefully. "Did you hear this nice boy is going to give me the play by play? I must be a judge or something." She jokes with an easy smile.

Acheron peers about, curious and not sure about the team thing or any of that other stuff. He just hops up and down and looks about, waiting for somebody to tell him to start running... or... something.

Rianna has arrived.

Jennie finishes her meat rib and ohhs. "Thank you for the coffee Yeta." That also gets drank down quickly and she begins to jog for the start line.. A pause to fall to all four half way there and she explodes in size, soon a mamoth 30' long, 4 tun, armored throw back, trundeling to the center starting area. She huffs and paws up the ground. "Am ready.." Her club tail begins to swing side to side eagerly. "Rules Quinn?"

Quinn turns about to address everyone. She has no problem getting the volume to talk over any of the lingering conversations thanks to years of training in the art of yelling and still being understood. "Welcome to the Second annual Mud Run!" pause for applause?. "We are just about to get started, I will ask that all participates sign in before taking their place at the starting line. Before we get started I would like to point out our Lovely volunteers. There will be a team of volunteers at each obstacle If you see one of them raise their Red Flag and point at you, You WILL stop what you are doing and step to the side. Some but not all of the reasons you can get a red flag is touching or hindering your fellow runners, This is a friendly race Not a Shifter Derby! Also you are not allowed to destroy the obstacle in order to complete it! There are multiple lanes but we want to leave the obstacle in working condition for anyone running behind you. There are medical personnel among the volunteers looking for signs of fatigue or injury, If they pull you to the side it will only be for a moment and to make sure that you are ok to continue. They have the final word! If they pull you over to rest, arguing will only ensure you do not get back in the race again! If you will notice There are nets over all the challenges but one, In order to complete the obstacle you must remain under the net" she looks to George specifically "no jumping over the course!" And over to Jennie's club "and no weapons what so ever."

Yeta nods to Jennie with a smile, and she grins widely when she watches the Fera change, actually bouncing in her seat a bit. Weird Shadow Lord. She looks to Kokomo, then. "Jennie just transformed into a dinosaur, so you know. I'll hang out here with you. I don't intend to run the race." She scoots over beside Kokomo and nurses her coffee.

Blink, blink. Mnemosyne watches Jennie explode forms, and she moves to settle back down into her seat, kicking her shoes off and tucking only slightly muddy feet beneath her on her chair. Coffee is consumed, for all that she's eying the Fianna coolers occasionally. But she behaves.

Devlin takes a moment to shove his jacket and shirt into a small pack he brought with him.. and slips on an old jersey.

Rianna comes making her way to the course, dressed out for jogging, halter top and running shorts. Except she's barefoot. "Don't start without me!" she cries. "I got here as fast as I could, traffic was a -bitch-!"

Kaiju listens respectfully to Quinn, this very much her turf and event. Though some how with exaggerated body language such as lifted and then then lowered main body, head, and tail,she manages to convey amused dejection at pretty much each and every rule and most especially at it not being a 'shifter derby'.

Aodhan stretches, finishes a last beer and lines up, he's wearing just a pair of cut off shorts. His bare chest is a forest of curly red, and his back is a webwork of scars, a roadmap of growing up Metis, not every wound heals clean even if you heal every wound. He's barefoot and raring to go, the dwarf looking all serious about winning.

Yep. It's gotta be this way. Acheron slips off his boots, takes off the shirt, and drops his pants. He's going to be running this skyeclad. NAKIE RUN! I mean... it's that or destroy his clothes, and nobody wants that. Somewhere, Ray Stevens is singing, "The Streak."

Yeta takes note of Aodhan's scars, and the frail looking blonde Metis draws her knees up against her chest, resting her chin on them silently.

Mocks-the-Dark straightens up and moves over to the starting area, shifting up to Crinos with the controlled ease of long practice.

Devlin walks up to the line as he stretches in a loose meditation sense. He pauses after a moment to close his eyes once he stands still.. just focusing..

Everyone can see teh first obstacle is a Wall climb! once teh run starts all shifting rolls count so choose your form before the startign gun goes off.

Acheron shifts to his breed form. Speed, strength, and height! Huzzah! And no homid ween flapping in the breeze.

Kaiju looks side to side. "Aodhan, tell me you bright a snorkel, love your singing and cooking to much to loose you under my mud wake.." She waggles her mass, getting ready to go.

Mnemosyne doesn't lose her pleasant smile any as various peoples' forms shift, as scars are revealed. She does lean a little more into her seat, but she's just getting comfortable, see. Attentive, watching all of it. If she's rooting for anyone in particular, she's not giving that away yet.

Trekome listens quietly to the rules and gives a short nod once Quinn has finished explaining the race. He makes his way to the start line, shifting to crinos along the way.

Rianna sets herself up on the line with the others. Tying her hair back as she looks up at the Garou as they assume their Crinos forms. And Jennie as she goes Ninja Turtle. "Oh yeah, -this- is fair," she says, hopping from foot to foot. "Dude, it's gonna be so funny when I totally -own- you guys." She has an excited smile on her face, fairly humming with energy. Someone's been into the hi-octane caffiene it seems.

Aodhan laughs "No need to worry lass." he syas as he shifts into a red and black crinos, with an odd fluid grace to the change, efortless, and leaving him topping out just over six feet... A dwarf even in this powerful war form.

Quinn Yells out "Runners Take your Mark!"

This 30 foot wall of slats spaced 3 feet apart is more than intimidating to most. Runners must climb to the very top and then transition to the other side of the wall and climb down. Simple!

Quinn Lets the tention rise "Get Set!" Quinn raises her starting pistol and FIRES!

Kaiju pushes off /hard/ with her rear legs, club tail wumping the ground behind as her 30' forward she catches air for several steps only to come crashing down in a full charge right at the wall! Mud kicks and splatters everywhere as she drops her spiked head, looking intent on just going through.. Vastly too heavy and large to do anything but obliterate any obstacle she tries to interact with, she instead, puts all four wide legs forweard and slides her mud wake to a stop, politely tapping the wall with her beak, before rolling aside to watch the race go in without her, between the walls.

Devlin was in a very loose stance to start this race, not seeming ready at all. But with the firing of the starting gun, the pilot proves his reflexes are fast as he dashes up to the wall to climb it.

Thanks to the mud wave of Jennie's, there is mud where Devlin did not realize where he was jumping to get a hand hold has mud on it. Grab and pull followed by grip slipping unexpectedly as Devlin suddenly just comes off the wall to land on his back with a thud.

Ok.. a fall in the mud there by Devlin and he rises back up, cursing in some language.. Yupik for those in the know and he takes a different path on the wall reaching the top swiftly.

Rianna watches the Garou shifting to their Crinos forms, setting her jaw. Bringing her hands together in a hitsuji mudra, she closes her eyes and breathes deeply. "O Blessed Lady, hear and attend," she whispers. "Light as a feather, fast as light. Light as a feather, fast as light." The bang of the starting gun snaps her out of her trance and she leaps forward. Moving faster than any human alive, she bounds across the mud field and leaps at that wall. Her feet finding purchase with uncanny ease as she scrambles up it. It takes her a moment to get up to the top, but her parkour practice has been paying off. She flips over the top, rapelling down the other side and hitting the ground running again.

Connor bounds down into the path, muscles coiling at the last moment to launch himself at the wall and claw his way over the wooden structure

As soon as "Go!" is shouted, Kokomo is hollering "Yeah! Go fast person!". She leans over to Yeta after to ask "Who is the fast person?" She asks from the corner of her mouth. The blind girl cheers for them all the same.

Mocks-the-Dark coils himself for a leap and instead winds up shoulder checking the wall. He then goes with the hand over hand speed climb method and that suits him just fine.

The red and black dwarf garou leaps about half way up the the wall and claws his way up from there to slide and drop down the back side. He isn't the fastest but he's holding his own.

Trekome doesn't react all too much to the starting gun; he doesn't slack off with the race, but he isn't going all out on the first obstacle either, just trying to get something of a pace going and having fun with it. Good thing for him too; Jennie damn near makes a mud tidal wave with her wake and ends up coating most of the wall with it. He picks up some speed and jumps at the wall, grabbing for a hold, though the mud from Jennie makes things a little slick, but he's over it without too much difficulty, and then down the other side.

Acheron takes off from the line, running on all fours. The metis jumps up, grabs the lip of the wall, and pulls himself over before sliding down over the edge to land on the other side. Quick, precise, and with minimum fuss! Rar! FURIES REPRESENT! Kaiju watches the others climb and scramble as she settlers and sinks some into the pleasently cool mud. The two nameless who fall and splat. Pfffft, the dino giggles..

Sara watches the red furred crinos fly past her on the wall, pausing at the top to lob a handful of mud at the back of Connor's head from the top, where's it caked on from all the boots and paws, as she watches everyone else flying toward the second obstacle.. laughing as she calls out, "Bastard!" Someone's got catching up to do!

Parallel three foot deep trenches are dug out for what looks like the length of a football field and filled with mud and water. At the beginning of each trench is a pile of sandbags. Runners must collect one sandbag and carry the 40 pounds through the trench to the end. But be careful with your load! If the sandbag touches the water it will become heavier!

Trekome grins when he sees the next obstacle, and can tell a Marine built this course. He grabs a sandbag and hefts it onto his shoulder, keeping a firm hold on it and shifting his weight slightly to keep it stable as he makes steady and swift progress across the trench. It isn't overly difficult, especially without Jennie digging the trench deeper, and he's across in no time at all.

Devlin grabs a sand bag and charges into the water. At first he seems to struggle a little with the weight of load; then perhaps due to shifting how he is carrying it or perhaps how he is moving in the water it gets easier for Devlin. No dropping it in the water. The Kinfolk drives on hard. Till the very end when he drops his sand bag at the right spot and grabs his back.. yeah.. someone is in some pain. Can we say fall may be showing itself now?

Mocks-the-Dark has not stopped moving after the false start of shoulder checking the wall. He's moving with a quickness and a purpose, not busting out his foot race cheater speed either.

Hitting the mud with a splash, Acheron continues to lope forward on all fours, standing up to scoop up a sandbag and heaving it over his shoulder while striding forward with long, purposeful steps.

Connor lands easily on digigrade legs from the wall, padding over at a steadily pace he scoops up a bag and easily shoulders it as he darts into the trenches

Rianna reaches the flood, Owly Eying for a moment. "Come on, -really-?" she pants softly. Setting her jaw, she scoops up one of the bags and hefts it up onto her shoulder. She starts forging her way through one of the lanes, sloshing water ahead of her as she goes. Halfway through, she lets loose a squeak as she loses her footing, sending up a splash that wets down the sandbag as she tries to steady herself. Watching the other Garou pull ahead of her, she gets a look of pained concentration, struggling ahead. She only gets a few more steps before she finds a particularly soft spot, making her stumble and fall. "-Fuck-!" she snarls, scooping the sodden sandbag out of the water and driving herself forward. She almost doesn't make it. Almost. But in time, she manages to extricate herself from the flood, slinging her sandbag aside.

Silver Tongue charges forward, picking up a sandbag and throwing it over his shoulder... but damn if the water and mud isn't waist deep even in crinos for the dwarf. He slogs through the mud, dropping his back once, but this seems to piss him off and when he picks it up he powers through the rest of the mud trench.

Sara can't let that moment go completely to waste, so Sara does this amazing front flip to snag a bag and dive into the trench. She makes it a stood way through beautifully, then slows a little at the end as Connor slides past in the last moment again. She mock-glares at him with a little growl that leaves her grinning ridiculously.. they're muddy and sweating. Life is great!

Kaiju awwwws whole watching the next portion and the people moving through it. Then she is chearing people on, giggeling when the few that fall do so, slapping her heavy tail down to drump their fail, but then cheering when they don't give up even louder! And the ones that vroooom on through. They get pfffftd at!

A 4 foot deep trench has been dug 6 feet wide and 25 feet long. At the beginning it slopes to its full depth slowly and once at its full depth there is a wood wall blocking further progression. Barbed wire over and the height of this wall makes going over it impossible even for a 9 foot creature. To advance one would have to duck under the obstructions which reach one foot under the surface of the water, leaving only 3 feet clearance. There are three of these walls every 5 feet before the trench stops leaving the Runner on their own to pull themselves out of the freezing water.

Yeta is silently sitting off to the side, her legs splayed to the side. The frail looking Metis is sipping a cup of coffee as she watches the race with a wistful grin.

Connor shifts smoothly through his forms and hits the obstacle with all the grace of a brick to the skull, he really did fucking hate the cold!

Being from Alaska, Devlin has done the insane dive into freezing water bit before. In he goes, and the biting cold slows him down at first before the first wall. But he then gets his stride or is that stroke as he swims faster for the 2nd and 3rd walls.. and then slowing down a bit to get under the 4th one. Dripping wet with the old jersey clinging to him, Devlin gets out of the water while shivering a bit.

Trekome sees George ahead of him, and watches the instant transformation. He quickly realizes what's going on, and immediately does the same thing before diving into the ice, muttering a few choice profanities to himself as the cold hits him. Seriously, the fuck, Quinn? Ice water? Someone must have been talking to the Get pack for ideas... He darts under each obstacle in front of him, coming up at the last one shouting, "Fuck you, Quinn!", then shifts back to Crinos.

Mocks-the-Dark its a good thing he's not stopping moving, but he isn't thrilled as he drops into a more streamlined form for the chilly swim. He doesn't even come up for air he just pulls through swift and powerful, popping up out of the water and back into Crinos.

Diving into the water with purpose, Sara screams "FUCKME!" as she hits the surface. Clearly it's colder than she anticipated. That drives the kin to slip through the narrow easements at a quick pacing, coming up only for air until the last one. "OHmygodohmygodohmygod!" she pants as she hightails it for the next obstacle, "Thefuckoutmyway!Icedtitiescomingthrough!"

Rianna is from Washington state, so she thought she knew cold. Plunging into the trench disabuses her of this notion. She sucks in a gasp as she ducks under the first wall, shuddering with the cold. She scrambles her way through the second, trying to pour on the speed before the chill saps her completely. By the time she hits the third wall, she's slowing down, fighting to clear the obstacle. Dragging herself along through sheer willpower, she manages to get through the last wall, hauling herself clear of the frigid water. "Frosted -Christ-cakes, that shit's -cold-!" she gasps, teeth chattering.

Kokomo listens to her redheaded young friend describe the group plunging through the icey water and grins wide. "Into the trenches! Dive! Dive! Dive!" She yells laughing. "Tell me how shocked their faces are at the water." She asks the boy still clapping for the runners.

Silver Tongue drops in all furry and muddy, but hey it'll clean him up. Fuck it's cold. The little crinos roars his disaproval before dipping under the first wall and popping up to gasp then down again, and again and then he's trying to scrable his small muscular furry dripping wet frezzing ass out of the pool.

Acheron continues loping forward, sees the water and the low barriers, and chuffs once with irritation before channeling his rage and forcing himself in to the near-man form. The naked glabro runs on his two feet and then dives in, swimming beneath the wire and finally working his way to the other side. Not as fast as he'd like, but he doesn't do much swimming. Especially in freezing water.

As everyone approches the next Obstacle They hear this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S700Rd4iZfs

Kaiju laaaaughs and laaaaaughs at the funny sounds everyone makes at the ohh so cold sounding water. Miss cold blooded seems sudently all sorts of happy that she did the early quit now. Watching with delight.

The Spectators get this played for them too

Ever wonder where all that dirt gets displaced from all those pits and trenches? Well it seems it has been piled up here to form a hill. It's a leisurely slope about 8 feet tall with a pavilion roof built over it and the hill doesn't look imposing at all! The dirt is even covered by a layer of linoleum to make it all smooth. However as runners approach they will see that the hill is also covered in green tinted slim that regrettably looks a lot like snot and is twice as slick. Sprayers hang from the pavilion roof continually coating the hill. What was going to be an easy hill to get over will now surely be slap stick gold! On top of this it seems the more whimsical kin have brought in speakers to play Yakety Sax over, adding a sound track to the runners attempting to take the hill.

Beside the slippery slope running up and down the hill, and making wity remarks about peoples inability to handle the slick slope are six redheads. Each is female, clad in a 'SEXY' version of costumes such as nurse, teacher, cop etc. The kinfolk it seems have gotten into the pun...ch.

Taking a look at the slime hill.. Devlin looks back towards where Quinn should be and flips her off. "I hate fuck'n English slap shit...!!" He then notices something in the pattern of the slime.. reading it like he does bad weather and takes a steady path up.. at first making progress even as he slips here and there. Then he exclaims as one of the sexy kin tosses a slime ball in his way.. "BITCH!!" he does the one legged slip n slide almost falling over as he flaps his arms.. "fuck me!!.." and then hops to another ~lane~ managing to avoid the face plant and keep making his way up the hill till he reaches the top.. and again.. he flips off Quinn for this one before he falls over laughing seeing a strider pinball behind him trying to make it up.

Mocks-the-Dark frowns at the music and takes a running start at the bottom of the hill, he's never heard of the source material so he has no idea what's coming. He spends far too long getting up the hill and sipping and slidding around muttering obscenities under his breath about promising not to fly or jump over obstacles. Even though he nearly frenzies in frustration he makes it over the hill by the rules and keeping his promise.

Well damn. It's a rough going for Acheron. Back in Crinos, he starts slow, making some progress up the hill and then finding himself slide back down. Well damnit. The Fury chuffs with annoyance and digs his claws in, slowly fighting his way up, slipping a bit, and then finally cresting too the top where he pants contentedly. The pup's a slimy, muddy mess, but all in all? Rather pleased with himself.

Rianna slows in her jog as she comes to the hill. Just. Staring. "Oh fuck my ass," she says. She casts a scathing glance over her shoulder towards Quinn. "I hate you -so- much," she says. The redheads on the sidelines are not enhancing the girl's calm, not one little bit. Nor is Yakkety Sax playing at weaponized levels of volume. This is SRS BZNS for the young Kin. Squaring her shoulders, she runs at the hill and jumps. She sliiiides back down. Getting her feet under her, she scrabbles for purchase. "Nnnng.... FUCK!" she snarls. Bending with inhuman flexibility, she seeks out the little ridges and bulges where the earth beneath ripples out the linoleum. Slowly clawing her way to the top, bit by agonizing bit. "Yeah! YEAH! I AM A MONSTER TRUCK THAT WALKS AS A WOMAN!" she crows.

Trekome hears the music and slows just a touch, knowing that Yakety Sax can only mean... oh, fuck you, Quinn.He isn't sure if he should go all out, or step back and watch people slide all over the hill and each other. If there were more female kin doing this, he'd just wait and wat- oh, hey! Skimpy sexy kin! But they're not sliding around on the hill, so... fuck! He growls under his breath and lunges at the hill, diving over a very pissed off looking George and Devlin, digging his claws and muscling his way up the hill. "DAMNIT, QUINN! FUCKIN'... NOT FAIR!" It's not clear if it's the obstacle itself, or that the kin in the outfits not joining in. And where the fuck is Leandro when he could use a wingman?!

Kaiju pushes up onto all four and has all sort of time to walk around the course for this one, weeeee people glong all over. She thought it looked easy at first untill the powering through fail. "Hehehehehe ohh that is what happens to over achievers!" Giggeling as she shifts down, she watches from the minimum safe distance, beginning to bounce and clap. Again at the worst atrocities. What fun is something like this if not to all giggle and laugh together. Looking over at Quinn. "You are a sadistic Bitch and I love you a little bit." Then back to the action. "Laaaaame Acheron, boooooo where is the entertainment value in that!" A few mudballs for encuragment. She bites her lip at the near frenzy from her Beta and drops the mudball intended for him. More cheering. "Well done, that was awesome all!

Silver Tongue trots in crinos until he see's that he's close to that rediculous hill. Then he's charging, then he's hispo. The just over wolf sized dire wolf digging in hard as he barrels full steam at the hill. That last leap that should have seen the over sized form careening carelessly around, instead finds a just over fox sized wolf slidding up the hill. Sliiiiiiiiiiide, and almost to the top he realizes he didn't build up enough of a head at the bottom and it goes from a smug looking belly slide to little paws scrabbling to get him those last few feet. At first it's puppies first time on ice, then finaly he's over the hill and thinking about how he can injure his cousin.

Connor spots the naughty costumed red heads at the top of the hill and does his damndest to take it too and he almost made it! Before his claws slip on the slime and he goes tumbling down the hill becoming a ginger slime monster before barreling his way back up skittering the last few paces

Devlin's skating, George is bouncing, and some are just cruising up the hill. Sara's not taking the cautious trek, but instead elects to power her way to the top with one hand over the other in a reptilian crawl.. if she's grabbing an ankle here or there, who's to blame her? Maybe that's what was really making it so damn hard for Acheron and the tiny Crinos. The blonde throws herself belly down in a flop when she reaches the top of the hill, "Fucking God.. where the hell did she find green afterbirth?!" Nothing else could possibly be so slimy after all.

Yeta catches sight of the women, and the girl blushes crimson. She keeps watching the show, though. Her attention now is -mostly- on the redheads, though.

Quinn whipes away a tear as she gets so many death threats.

Kokomo laughs deeply as her young friend describes the hill. She can hear their curses and the music just fine so he giggles and heckles with the best of them. "It's only a hill! Don't you have claws! Climb! Climb the slime!" She yells.

It's The Final Obstacle! Runners will be funneled into one of two wide hallways. It seems this is the only segregated obstacle as one is brightly labeled KINFOLK and the other SHIFTER. In this hall there are lengths of wire laid out in a one foot by one foot grid pattern. These are TAZER wires! The wires will activate at Random! The Quicker you run through them the less likely you will come in contact with an active wire! The Shifter side is set to cattle prod settings while the Kinfolk side is set to a standard police tazer. The finish line is just at the end of the Hall!

Oh man.. electrical shit.. Devlin just starts out at a fast jog doing his best agility ladder running through the cables, doing great till he snags a foot.. and stuck for a moment, "Fuck.." but so far the shocks not dropping him.. may be the slimmed jersey is conducting the charge around him. With a bit of care he gets back on the move at a bit slower pace than he started but gets out unzapped..

Rianna peers at the last obstacle, looking between the two. "Why separate us now?" she asks, frowning a bit. "I can handle anything -they- can!" But she plunges into the Kinfolk side. Working her way through the wires. One of then snaps loudly, making her cry out as her muscles lock. She staggers, almost losing her footing. But she keeps going, swatting her way though the wires until she barrels out the other side. "Oww... fuck -me-, that hurt!" she says, rolling her shoulder in a circle.

Mocks-the-Dark quirks an eyebrow at the electrical obstacle and decides small and fast is the way to go. He still does not stop moving at all, he just drops to all fours and melts into his jackal eared wolf shape. He gets shocked once, gives a low growl and puts on a burst of impossible speed and agility through the rest of that run.

Trekome sees the dangling cables and recognizes this from similar races he's seen on YouTube. He immediately shifts into lupus form, making for a faster and smaller profile as he dives on through. One of the cables zaps him, right on the tail, making the fur frizzed for a moment, but he keeps plowing through, refusing to stop until he's clear of the cables. Once through he looks for the next obstacle, but finds that was the end of the race, so he immediately bolts and circles for Quinn. The moment he spots the evil wicked devious kin he runs up to her, coming to a skidding halt right in front of her. RIGHT. IN. FRONT. OF. HER. And..... SHAKES! All that mud, goo, ice water, dirt, more mud, and grim, shaken right off of him and onto her! HAHAHAHA! PAYBACK!

Connor would pound paws first into the electric avenue, and seems to find every single live wire on his way through, bouncing around only to stumble onto another live wire, with a final growl of frustration he blurs his way through to the other end, fur singeing up along his haunches

Sara kept through her side with minimal issue.. but waiting for Connor and Aodhan on the other side? That's got her concerned. So much so she actually paces a few steps. When they 'finally' both have emerged, the blonde kin sweeps them with her eyes, "You two stop for a hot double-date with Hello Nurse and the Night Patrol?"

Oh... oh this is a plan. Acheron follows suit with a few others, slipping in to lupus and dashing through the obstacles. A wire 'bbzats' once as he brushes it, causing the pup to grit his teeth, but he presses through without dropping. Reaching the end? He's MORE than happy to share some of the fun with other kinfolk about and shakes as well, spraying mud and slime EVARWHAR! He'd probably shake on Kaiju, really, but like she would care?

Quinn is, In Fact waiting at the finish line.... wincing at ever zap and vows never to do this Obstacle again O.O! she Squeels as she is Sprayed by Trekome.... Who is the FIRST one through the Finish Line!

Silver Tongue charges in still sporting his small (very slippery) lupus, run run run at the wires. He makes it a few steps then he's down in the mud, then up, then down, then up, then down. The small wolf just grits his teeth, thinks back to the monestary and drags his sorry little ass through the wires. Once out he quickly finds Quinn and then he's hispo, just to make sure when the little direwolf starts shaking, the hair is longer and can send propper waves of mud and birthing agent slapping wet and stickily on his cousin.

Jennie claps for the people getting out the quickest this time rather than for those failing the most, looking a little concerned and expressing hopefullness for the zerking going on. Yay her fleet if grumbly Beta, ohhh the kindof well done smelling Aodhan and Connor. Sara gets a smirt for a consistancy of seemingly sailing pretty while Acheron's thinking about something gets a curious look. Annnd Quinn getting sprayed gets a loud cheer, another cheer turned and waved to the more stands ward observers. Being mud caked is worth front row. "Woofs are kinda stinky when sizzled, huh Quinn?"

Kokomo laughs hearing that people are shaking off on Quinn. She cheers and tucks her knees up to her chest leaning over a bit to tell her redheaded new friend "If they come shake off this way warn me.". She reaches to pat the boy's shoulder. "I guess we shoulda brought ponchos."

Rianna comes running across the finish line near the end, her face a mask of pain as she slows to a stop. Panting for breath as she rests her hands on her knees, shaking from her exertion. "Fuck... fuck... -unacceptable-..." she pants. "I have... to do -better-... -fuck- this hurts..." She sucks a few more breaths, lifting a shaking hand to her shoulder. "Gaia... heal me," she wheezes. A few moments pass before she straightens, the pain fading from her face.

Mocks-the-Dark moves around the competitors to see if they need any healing, dispensing his gift freely and making sure everyone's okay. He's kind of embarrassed at his third place showing and behind a kin but keeping promises counts for something.

Silver Tongue shifts back to homid and punches Quinn in the thigh (cause shoulders are too high) "Alroit... now that we've all gotten wet and muddy and tired, and fuckin elecricuted cuase my cousin thinks it's funny." he says "It's time for the rest of the food to come out, and for the drinks." he whistles loudly and the Benny Hill starts to play Whiskey in the Jar.

Connor shifts smoothly to his human form, rolling out his shoulder with a faint look of disgust, though he did have a ton of fun on that run

Two legths behind Trekome, Sara crosses the finish line followed by George, Acheron, Connor, Rianna, Aodhan and Devlin. in that order.

Acheron is a pretty proud pup. 4th ain't a bad placing all in all, and managing to beat out some ranked Garou? Hell, he'll take that. The cub takes his breed form and pants contentedly, giving another shake to at least /try/ and clean himself off. Somebody needs a bath.

Quinn lifts her voice to adress the Crowd. "THANK You All for coming out. Remeber to congradulate ALL our Runners. Terhe is still Food and Lots and Lots of Beer and Remember Don't Forget To Tip Your Kinfolk!" and at that all the helping Kinfolk up turn thier hats towards teh runners and spectators.. all 50 of them.

Trekome grins a rather wolfish grin and rubs right against Quinn, wiping off more muck onto her. He barks once to Sara, a pleased bark, and goes off to find a clean pool of water to wash off in, flicking his tail as he pads off to fling one more bit of mud at Quinn, because she's evil. He makes sure to rinse himself off well before shifting to his breed form and heading to the refreshments for some coffee and to see Kokomo. "That was fun!" he says, and gently takes the kin's hand so he can hand her the fresh cup.

Yeta applauds politely and smiles. "That was quite a show. Everyone did a fantastic job," the Ukrainian girl offers softly. She glances about at everyone and leans back, getting comfortable again.

Taking the cup of coffee, Kokomo smiles up at Trekome. "Aren't you freezing? It sounded very fun." She agrees, nodding. Sipping the fresh coffee she gives a satisfied sigh. "Very warm, just the thing. Thanks."

Rianna makes her way to the refreshment stand. "Water," she demands. "Not beer. Water." She picks up the cup, drinking it greedily. She wipes her forehead, leaving a lovely smear across it.

Quinn grumbels as Trek keeps rubbin' against her. she starts up the hill towards the refreshments and one of the Many Towels she has stored up for the runners after the event. She even managed to bring a few robes for the ones that shifted back to homids in the nude.

Jennie trots up to the others and bounces, clapping for them. "Well done all, yay you!" And then for whatever reasons, George gets a full on mud squishing hug and cheek kiss. "That went very nice. Honorably played is well won." Then she huffs at Aodhan. "A very funny sense of humor." She smiles at the applauding Yeta and Kokomo. Then to all. "Sooo did that ice bath feel as cold as it looked? Saw sooo much shrinkage coming out of that obstacle... Oh hay food." Catagory:Yeta