
From City of Hope MUSH
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Basic Info
  • Bikes: It's more than just a means of transportation, it's a lifestyle - a degree of freedom.
    • Mechanic: He's got some skills with a wrench but it's not the only thing he can do.
  • New In Town: Word has it that he came in from Vegas a few weeks ago.
  • Businessman: He's got two projects going in town, one downtown and one harbor-side.
    • Styx and Stones: This has been and probably always will be a front for criminal deals downtown. Rough, seedy and not all that to look at, he's throwing a coat of paint here and there, some new, steel doors and a better kitchen so he has at least a descent place to catch a meal while he's working. As for the loaded fries, one of Tommy's specialties.
    • New Era Garage: This was one of the stranger acquisitions but probably connected to his love of motorcycles. Located harbor-side, the old lot doesn't have much going for it. A run down garage, a tree-enclosed scrap yard out back - so what does he see in it? One word: potential.
  • Favors: Dawson is the kind of guy that does favors for people - mostly because not everyone has the cash to pay for his services. These favors can include relocation, new IDs, forcible emancipation, finding someone, getting yourself lost, etc. So if you have a need but don't have the green, don't sweat it. He might (emphasis on might) help you.
    • Ain't No Charity Here:The favor is commensurate with the fee. What's he charge? That all depends on what you have and what he needs.
    • Marker: Just like in the old days, sometimes carrying lots of cash around with you isn't an option but you need some way of holding the marker - the favor on your person. He gives these tokens, these markers out to folks for doing him favors. You can cash them back in whenever you like. They're typically for something small and in return he'll do you a small favor. He'll bail you out of jail (depending on how much the bail is) or arrange a pick up, etc.
Occult Info
  • Pagan: Most people will mistakenly assume that he's a pagan. He's not. He doesn't believe in the old religion of Europe, he doesn't go to local pagan festivals in hand-made robes or dance skyclad around a spring-time, fertility statue. Nope. His believes are much darker. That being said - he's more willing to deal with Pagans than non-pagans.
    • He's even been known to go out of his way to help Pagans who are in a pinch.
    • He will often ask those who claim to be pagan if they follow the "Old ways of Blood and Storm of shadow and flame" as sort of a password to see if they're REAL witches/warlocks (sorcerers) or not.
  • Drawn to the Darkness: He's always been dawn to the darker, more gritty side of things. It's just who he was. He's not the kind of person that seeks the spotlight, center stage or the attention or adoration of the crowd. Rather, he prefers to hang out in the wings, on the fringe and in the shadows. From his first brush with magic, he was tempted by the things that whisper to him from the darkness - telling him things that fed his curiosity and his need for power and revenge. He's drawn to the darker forms of magic and to those who study and practice it.
    • This could be dark witches, the odd satanist, etc.
  • Faces in the Flames: Fire is one of his principle, magical tools. Should he be summoning a spirit or casting a curse, fire will be involved in one form or another. In addition, he goes through a portion of ingredients and materials that he has to acquire through sometimes more unconventional means.
    • Do you have connections to find the rare and unusual? Maybe he can work with you.
  • Aint his first Boneyard: Aside from fire, the next most prominent material of his spells is bones - typically the human variety. This means that he might be found out at some of the old cemeteries that have been conventionally forgotten. They tend to be easier for making withdrawals.
    • Are you the kind to dig up a grave under the dark of a moon?
  • Streetwise (1): He bought the old pool hall, Styx and Stones and is giving it a pick-me-up. Nothing big but enough so that it's not falling down anymore.
  • Streetwise (2): Word has it that he's also a mechanic that and is working to open the New Era Garage and Salvage Yard in the working class/industrial part of town. His place employs a few people with a criminal history. He claims that he’s trying to help them get back on their feet, but he could just be building a new crew.
  • Streetwise (3): He was a Hitter for some of the small families / organizations in Vegas. Heard he did also pulled a nickle back in South Carolina for agg. assault.
  • Streetwise (4): He used to be a member of a small gang called the "Harbringers" that ran between Texas, Arizona, New Mexico. They were into some of the spooky stuff but it probably was just to keep people scared.
  • Streetwise (5): ???
  • Find a Castle: The saying goes that a man's home is his castle. Well, one of Dawson's goals is to finally settle down somewhere so that he can have such a place. Somewhere that he can call his own and can do whatever he wants in it. In this town it'll probably be his garage.
  • Find a Crew: You can't watch your own back for long - at least not well, so he needs to find people who are willing to watch his back if he watches theirs. It could be three people working at the shop or a dozen who ride with him around the city as he tries to steak out a claim - either way he's tired of fighting this war on his own.
  • Find the Cash: All the wants in the world don't mean squat if you ain't got the cash to make them happen. He's put almost all of his money into the garage and that's a start but he knows that he'll need to find some way to get the money he needs to live life a bit more comfortably.