Character Generation/Kinain

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Revision as of 13:34, 3 September 2024 by SassyCat (talk | contribs) (Updating for C20)
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Important notes

  • We are in the process of converting everything to Changeling 20th Anniversary. If you find something that has not been updated, open a +request so staff can look into it. Anything listed here is still under review.
  • We DO NOT use Changeling: The Enchanted here. Most of it is superseded or overlapped by old entrenched house rules. Some individual bits and pieces have been adapted.
  • Sidhe (both varieties) is available only at staff discretion. (as of 7/6/22)
  • Shadow Court is currently closed.
  • Kiths we will approve are limited to the 13 Common ones at this time. Any others are at staff discretion only.
  • The Seelie and Unseelie Court are not deadly enemies. They have philosophical differences, and individuals may dislike each other individually, but as groups they still work together and it isn't a big deal. Their real enemies are (a) the Dauntain and other forces of Banality, and (b) the Shadow Court.
  • Multiclassing (e.g. kinain + kinfolk) is available only at staff discretion. (as of 7/6/22)
    • Existing multiclass kinain should be careful about spreading yourself too thin. If most of your time and energy is spent elsewhere, then the changeling sphere probably won't spend a lot of their time and energy trying to include you.

Choose Concept, Heritage (set as Kith for code reasons), Legacies (Seelie/Unseelie)

  • Legacies: Kinain do not really differentiate between Courts like Kithain do. You can pick two legacies if that are Seelie, or two that are Unseelie. Codewise - set them as Legacy Seelie and Legacy Unseelie, and then set a +note to state you picked two Seelie or two Unseelie for completeness.
  • House rule: When open, Autumn Sidhe (C20) are allowed and are listed as such on +sheet; Arcadian Sidhe are just "Sidhe" on +sheet
    • 'Autumn Sidhe kinain' indicates that your closest known kithain relative(s) are Autumn Sidhe

Select one of heritage's birthrights and set a +note about that

  • If it's an attribute bonus, don't add it yourself, ask staff to set an +effect instead
Stat Baseline Freebies per additional dot
Attributes 1 in each + 6/4/3 5
Abilities 11/7/4 2
Arts 1 5
Realms 2 (1 at least in heritage's affinity) 3
Backgrounds 5 1
Banality 3 Changes only from RP
Glamour 2 Cannot be raised
Willpower 3 1 (Max 8)
Freebies 21


  • New background: Faerie Blood
  • Not Allowed: Dreamers, Dross, Holdings, Remembrance, Retinue, Title
  • Rare: Treasures, Chimerical Item, Chimerical Companion
    • All backgrounds are still under review from staff with the conversion to C20.


  • While we still list it on the +sheet as Kith for code reasons, we do need a +note as well to pick a birthright.
  • Kinain do not have a fae mien, but can use a &faedesc and say something like "People with Kenning can tell this is a Kinain." Or even just add a few words to point out the parts of their physical appearance that points to their Heritage. Not all Kinain will manifest physical features of their Heritage, some it will be more in personality, so some sort of note in the &faedesc is appropriate.
  • Court & House are not applicable to Kinain. They can have Kithain Parents that are in both, but they themselves are not official members.