2023.06.05:Meeting to discuss the Lost Tapes

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Meeting to discuss the Lost Tapes
Evidence is gone over and plans for the next steps are made.
IC Date June 5th, 2023
IC Time Evening
Players Viktor, Selene, Aleysa, Mandy, Lavender, Miriel, Zan, Henry, Xiu
Location Lady of the Lakes, Chula Vista
Prp/Tp Lost Tapes pt. 2
Spheres Mage, Sorcerer

The day is here! It's finally here! WOW!

Or rather, the night.

The sun had started to make its way down below the horizon by the time the meeting was set to start... And set to start it was! Down in the basement of the Lady of the lake, the whole space had been revitalized. Books placed back on their shelves, decor placed up at sensible locations... And purpose, it would seem. That large round table which was the centerpiece of the space was spread with all manner of foods from the restaraunt upstairs- including a healthy selection of vegetarian options for those who couldn't abide the consumption of meat.

Three people are here first of all.

Selene sits... For once, at the head of the table with an array of books infront of her. To her right sits Chrysanthemum- a beautiful woman with two-toned hair who seems to be focused more on the ceiling than on anything else... And...

Mandy to her left!

She's just... Reading. Going over what looks to be hand-written notes as she waits for the Traditions and Friends to arrive for the appointed time.

Not nervous at all.

Not at all.

Miriel enters a little later than she'd expected to arrive, dressed in a black skirt with hippie fringey bits dangling off and a crochet short-sleeved top dyed steel blue. The clashing color of the cat on her shoulders doesn't seem to bother mage *or* cat in the least. She moves to Selene and leans in to murmur a soft, "I'm sorry I'm late, traffic kicked my ass today," and kiss her cheek sweetly. She then settles in next to Mandy, smiling a hello at the other woman.

Henry descends slowly into the meeting area. The lost look on the man's face suggest whatever official channels lead him to this meeting were barely known to him. His lips thin as he looks around, regaining whatever missing composure haunted him through the threshold, an idle hand rising to ensure his tie is straight.

One of the first ones to arrives is...Xiu? Well then. The young woman is making her way down the stairs of the basement, looking grumpy - or rather starts to as she takes the steps, one hand in her hoodie's pouch, the other already reaching up to pull the hood back.

She's not alone either - in tow is a guy *and a gal! Zan the man, and Aleysa. Somebody probably car shared in some way or fashion.

"Well, here we are." she remarks to none of the two in particular, while her eyes get used to the slightly different lighting down here. Spotting familiar faces throughout so far - aside of Henry - she can't help but lightly smirk despite whatever's bothering her right now.
"Greetings, everybody. Guess we're on time after all." she says, as she finally takes the last step and then begins to immediately circle the table, looking for a chair to claim.

Mandy certainly is here, sitting calmly next to Selene. The green-haired woman is just clad in a crop top and athletic shorts, probably in need of a wardrobe extension at some point. But for now, she's just happy to be here. Or at least satisfied with being here. She's attentive, but rather neutral about the whole affair. She looks towards Miriel as the woman sits next to her, lifting a hand to offer her a small wave. "Hello," she greets the woman.

Shock and surprise... Aleysa is actually on time! Despite the still damp hair and the smell of sea salt still clinging to her. It may have helped that she didn't just rely on her own (atrocious) sense of timing, but comes on the heels of Xiu. And Zan. And gives friendly smiles and waves to the assembled even as she slips into a seat at the table.

Viktor comes in a bit later than most of the others, and seemingly later than he intended judging by how fast he comes down the stairs. He stops at the bottom and looks around, waving to familiar faces before heading for a chair down at the 'bottom' of the table. "Sorry I'm late. Or just almost late, maybe?"

Zan arrives with Xiu and Aleysa. Still smelling of the beach and seawater he is dressed in a red Hawaiian shirt with floral board shorts and a pair of flip-flops. His hair is still damp and with a smile, he combs his fingers through his hair to try to look a little more presentable. A wave is given to all those present as he looks for a place to settle in with the group, pausing for a moment to look at Xiu." Laughing again he shakes his head and preps for the meeting.

Lavender is probably one of the last to arrive. She has never been around here and she is walking slowly on in until she sees Miriel and Viktor and Zan and Selene and Aleysa. "Oh I found it!" She waves her hands in an excited manner.

As people begin to file in? Selene looks up from her reading... Just in time for Miriel's cheek kiss to find it's mark. She turns to the woman and the cat, giving them a little fingerwave. "It's fine, mi corazon. We haven't gotten started yet all the same." She looks back down at her arrangement of open books there, shuffling them around in a particular order. Probably a bunch of STUFF to talk about.

SHORT agenda.

She looks up to regard the others, in particular watchiing Xiu's company as they file in... With ALEYSA on time!

Henry gets a look from her as well in a moment without recognition- though it doesn't stay for long. If he's here, he's meant to be after all.

Selene smiles brigtly. Those pretty green eyes alight behind her silver specs as she clears her throat.

"Hola everyone! For those who haven't met me, my name is Selene Leahmnach. Matriarch of the Circle of the Grey Moon here in Chula Vista. I'm glad that you all could make it to the grand reopening of this lovely little space... It took some effort, but look at how homely it is?"

If a non-euclidean space could be considered homely. To Mages, probably.

"Tonight, I have a few matters of urgency to go over with regard to the incident we resolved last week. With the truck, and the Fomor. With the help of some contacts of mine, I've managed to get access to some more information that I'd like to split our focus between as we're able." Her smile fades there... Into a plain old neutral smirk.

"After that? I think that it'll be a good time to chat the day away and get to know each other better. Seem fair?"

Once Xiu finds a good chair near Selene, she pulls her other hand from the hoodie pouch. And said hand is holding a...silk cloth? She places it onto the table and grunts. "...It's bad today..." she mutters, before she nonchalantly reaches up, for the upper back of her hoodie - and just begins to pull it off.

There is - as certain people in the room expect, and others will not - nothing underneath. What might catch the attention more than that though is the red, irritated skin and the blisters that seem to cover her, aggressive looking. What *Zan* might notice as well is the fact that Xiu looks goddamn shredded. Very unlike the time earlier at the beach, where she looked...relatively normal, contrary to a predatory beast.

She just drops the hoodie next to her on the floor, slips out of her sneakers, and then unclasps the best of her cargo pants before letting them just fall down. Again, nothing underneath. And more rather nasty skin irritation. As she stands there though, letting out a loud sigh of relaxation, the irritation begins to fade - the skin slowly turning normal.

And the young woman picks up the silk cloth, spreads it on her chair, before she finally settles down, with a casual expression that says: Nothing to see here! Her eyes find Selene as she sits there, cross-legged, one elbow on the chair's armrest and her chin lazily propped up on her knuckles.

Miriel offers Selene a little wink as she gets ready to speak, and sits back in her chair to pay attention. She offers waves to people as they come in -- since she knows most of them, almost everyone gets a quick 'hey, dude!' and a fingerwave. The sleeping form of Fortuno hasn't budged from his position as 'cat-shawl.' She digs into her tote for her phone, narrowly missing tipping over her coffee travel mug, and pulls it out with a stylus as well, apparently planning to take notes. Anyplace with this many books is probably going to feel welcoming to Miri, at least. She oohs softly at more info, and then nods as Xiu begins to strip, seeming completely unbothered by this turn of events. "Sounds good to me," she responds to the query, not putting in more data -- now is the time to be helpful, Miriel.

"There hasn't been any more... incidents since the last one?" Aleysa asks as Selene kicks off the little meeting, all ears for what that additional information might be. Though Xiu's stripping and apparent (but fading) rash does get a curious look before back to the topic at hand.

Henry looks around at the gathered Will Workers offering nods before finding a seat at the table, hopefully an empty corner given how much of a stranger he is. He seems intent to listen, more inclined to watching the responses of those herein then offering one himself.

Viktor had clearly not been expecting Xiu to go nudist like that, and looks away quickly. He looks across the table to Selene. "So, did the tape lead turn up something useful?"

Zan settles in comfortably into his seat and then looks to Xiu after Selene speaks. There is a slight widening of his eyes at the ripped body on display and with a grin, he looks to the others, silent asking if they see what he sees. Looking like he's about to say something, he stops himself and instead focuses on the topic at hand and the information being exchanged, seeing if there is anything he can do to help.

Mandy watches curiously as Xiu strips down to her birthday suit, not really seeming to know what to make of it, or the reddened blisters beneath. She doesn't seem bothered, although perhaps a bit confused, as is evidenced by a tilt of her head. Afterwards, she looks towards Selene and asks her quietly, "...I thought you said that wearing clothing was necessary. Is this place an exception?"

Xiu idly uses her free arm to play with some of her dark braids draped al around her and the chair, while she subtly tilts her head at Selene's words. Her eyes are allll focused on Selene, a light frown still on her face - and curiosity, especially at Viktor's question comes up.
She, herself, remains quiet for now - questions are already starting to come in, after all. Though Mandy's question? That gets a comment. "I am always the exception to that rule." she simply remarks, with a quick glance towards the other, before her eyes find Selene again.

"...Several useful things." Selene says first to Viktor before responding at large. "There's been no more incidents, either. Thanks to Phil and Gwydion- I'm pretty sure that our Ian Mckinley lookalike is never going to be anything more than a pile of ashes again. You'll recall that we did recover the remaining tapes from Paladin Computers? We've gotten them out of the city for now- but I've come to learn that the presence of those tapes was NOT just happenchance." She sits up alittle straighter as she talks... Chrysta side-eyes her for a moment, and leans back in her seat. A very easy, very human kind of relaxation.

"...Mandy..." Selene says, "She just has a condition. You don't." Very matter of fact, before she continues...

"I've gotten information on the dealer- as well as where the trailer ended up. Beyond that, I've been informed that the truck that the murderer was driving was... Enchanted. I'd like to have that looked into, but it IS in a police impound lot. I'm also informed that it is a very good truck." She blinks...

"Whatever that means."

She draws in a deep breath there, and adds with a little bit of difficulty...

"Roja, the distributer, is based out of Slaughterhouse Studios in Tijuana. A small branch of the studio that makes films in Spanish. I'd 'love' if we could get some people down there to look into it- but I understand that it's pretty damn dangerous. And... One, probably the most important thing. Unfortunately for us, we're not the only ones who noticed the strange patterns of death. The Technocracy has two agents snooping around the city... But as long as we stay 'quiet.' They shouldn't be of any issue to us."

Lavender finds a place to sit around here, and listens to what is being said. She may be a bit lost, so she mostly takes time to look around the room.

Henry frowns slightly, folding his hands in front of himself on the table. Despite being otherwise unfazed by the events unfolding in the room, the mentions of a Spanish speaking distributer and patterns of death illicit twitches from the corner of his mouth.

Miriel blinks slowly. "Enchanted, like a Wonder or Fetish?" She is about to ask more but instead falls silent to hear out the rest, and chews her lower lip in thought for a few seconds. "We'd need people who speak Spanish, and preferably know the area, if we have anyone." She winces at that and sits back, her eyes flicking to the tabletop as she ponders further. "I'm honestly a little dubious about going down there, but I think if we had the right group, it could work."

Mandy looks to Xiu and Selene respectively as each responds to her question, and nods in acceptance to each. "Oh, okay," she replies, clearly just willing to accept that. She doesn't really have any comment on any of the important things being discussed. At least not until Miriel speaks. "I can speak Spanish. I don't know that area. I've never been outside of Chula Vista," she informs her.

Aleysa blanches a little as Selene mentions the Technocracy scooping around. "That also seems like a pretty big //Should// on the idea of them not being any issue to us... They're bound to investigate the accident sight. And while we did cover our tracks from the mortal side of thing," A look and quick smile sent Viktor's way for that, "Supernatural investigation probably would pick up more."

The mentioning of the Technocracy has Xiu's eyes narrowing there. In the way that somebody narrows them who's getting ready for some serious business. After a moment, she remarks "I cannot speak spanish.." And she lifts her chin just a bit off her knuckles, tilting her head. "But give me a couple days and you will have that truck. is the impound lot in Chula, or are we actually talking Prospect?" she wonders, while her other hand continues to idly play with some of the braids.

Zan looks to the various mages gathered and shakes his head when the topic of the Technocracy is brought up. "I can help with whatever is needed, or maybe provide muscle for anyone that is out and about, protection. I'd love to help in any way possible so please, I'm Zan, just say the word or let me know what I could do to help."

Selene looks to Miriel... She's definitely not happy about that idea, and it shows on her face as she sighs. "We can figure out who goes where when we've got the time... But for now, we can keep the Tijuana option open to... Yeah. People who can speak Spanish." She utters something in Spanish below her breath, and momentarily closes her eyes before continuing.

"Apparently, the Technocrats DID investigate the site. I'm told they didn't have any leads at the time but, obviously, we can't be sure. I can't imagine they'd send a 'serious' squad here just to look into a fomor issue... But, great Xiu ma'am! It's at the Chula Vista impound lot. It shouldn't be too hard... Just... Obviously, try not to cause a scene. But I really don't think I need to tell you that." She looks back to the others and hums...

"That all said. The location that the trailer is supposed to be is, almost certainly, an ambush. Unless people are 'really' confident in their ability to defend themselves, I really wouldn't recommend going... But if those tapes move, they're off to somewhere else, likely, to cause the same thing to happen elsewhere." She pauses again, considering Zan's offer...

"You're an actual dragon, right? Like, fire and smoke? You should 'totally' be viable for helping with the trailer, but I'm not going to ask you to put yourself at risk." THEN she looks to Mandy and Miriel...

"...I can go with the two of you, if you want to go."

Chrysta looks down at her at that, a brow quirked. But no words.

Henry raises a hand a little when Selene mentions people who can speak spanish, the gesture seems to just paint him as a speaker if nothing else. When Zan is named as a dragon Henry gives him another look over looking impressed.

Miriel winces. The idea of her, Mandy, and Selene as the Tijuana Team is not something that thrills her, either. "I think *want* may be overstating," she says with a wry smile. "But if it needs done..." She stops and looks over to Henry, her expression curious. She motions for him to go ahead.

Xiu's eyes find Zan there for a moment - and while she looks surprised, it lacks that certain flavor of 'omg an actual dragon!?!?!' and more ventures into the are of 'oh ho reeeeaallly..?', one eyebrow rising, while her lips pull into a smirk as she eyes the guy. "Water dragon?" she teases him there for some reason, before she glances at Selene again - and nods. "As I said, it might take me a few days. Precisely because I want to avoid any ruckus."

As conversation turns towards Tijuana trips that might be trapped, Aleysa looks a little torn, staring down at her own hands, but she doesn't volunteer for that crew.

Mandy looks between Selene and Miriel as the discussion of the Tijuana incursion is discussed. She nods in apparent agreement with Miriel's words. "It sounds... fun," she states, not sounding like she really grasps the danger of the situation.

Zan nods and then says with a laugh, "Yes, I'm a literal dragon, dragon. That can fly, rend with teeth, and claw or burn with fiery breath." Chuckling softly he bows his head to the group, "If I can help keep you safe, or be your meat shield or whatever it is to help in making your work easier, safer, I will gladly do it." Nodding to Selene when that's said he adds, "Putting myself at risk is fine for making sure what needs to be done, is done." Looking back to Xiu at that question from her he can help but chuckle, shaking his head to reply with a grin, "Perhaps."

Henry quirks a brow at Miriel, geturing dismissively. "Oh I just speak spanish and it would be my pleasure to assist. That's all. I had nothing else substantive to add." punctuating the statement with a warm smile.

Selene looks to Henry when Miriel indicates him, and she says to him in Spanish...

"Fancy a trip to Tijuana this weekend then?"

Then, in English, she speaks to the others... "Xiu, would you mind taking Aleysa with you to do whatever you intend to do with the truck? I was thinking... Vik might be helpful down in Tijuana too. Even though I'm 'pretty' sure he can't speak English, we might need someone to scrub surveillance once we're done."

Apparently she's pretty settled on going to Tijuana herself now. Go figure.

"Zan... Once I can get in touch with Phil and Gwydion, I can hook you up with the two of them and send you all after that trailer. Like I said- an ambush is almost guaranteed. So I think our pointy things would best be put to use out that way."

"Oh.." Xiu says, her eyes finding Selene at her question regarding Aleysa - and she eyes the latter just a moment later, smirking. "That would be absolutely perfect, Selene." she decides and lightly nods at the other. "I am fine with that plan." She rests her chin gently on those knuckles again, idly coiling two braids around an outstretched index finger of her other hand.

Miriel is not about to let Selene go down there without backup. She smiles at Henry's comment and then looks over to Selene with a 'well?' expression, then nods as she speaks to Henry. "Okay," she says simply, looking around the room for others offering input.

Aleysa gives a little smile towards Xiu. "If there ends up being any talking to people involved in your plan..." That girl next door charm. So approachable and clearly not up to any trouble.

Viktor nods at Selene, drumming his fingers on the table surface thoughtfully. "Right, I don't speak Spanish, but I can help out, no problem. When you said it was dangerous down there though, what sort of trouble would you be expecting?"

Henry tilts his head toward Selene responding in Spanish, "I would be delighted. Should I leave a card when I go?". He looks between Miriel and Selene when he is done to ensure everything is fine with that. Returning to English, "I am no terror in a fight but I am also not unfamiliar with Death if that adds any value?".

Mandy starts to smile a bit for the first time tonight as the conversation goes on. "...We should get tacos in Tijuana. The nice Mexican lady I know said that Tijuana has the best tacos. I like tacos." She looks at Henry as he speaks, her head tilting as she stares at him for a moment before she asks something in Spanish.

Zan nods in agreement with Selene's response and then settles comfortably back in his chair to listen to the meeting. Looking to the various groups that are forming to handle tasks and work out how to react to the topics that come up.

"...Well, anything really." Selene says to Viktor, though her eyes are somewhat evasive.

"...Cartel for one. I mean, Roja is cartel. So we know that much already. Chrysta's going to come with us- so she should be able to help out if we have any issues that need to be fought out that we can't handle on our own. Right?" Selene looks towards the Wyldling, who looks back... And says,

"Of course."

Just the barest whisper of a Welsh accent.

Then Mandy mentions tacos, and the nice mexican lady.

"...We can get tacos while we're in Tijuana. Absolutely, mi hija." She looks to henry then, speaking in Spanish to Henry.

"Mmm. Go ahead and leave a card, and we can arrange to meet up. We'll talk once we're through with the business side here if you've got time?" Then in English! "I thought I was good in a fight, but this little bit of nonsense proved me wrong... So you'll be in good, weak company. Mandy and Chrysta are the only ones of us who can throw a good punch I think." She draws in a deep breath and says...

"That's... About everything that I had as far as an agenda goes. So if you've got any questions? Go ahead and ask. Otherwise... Start eating a bit, huh? Donny's gonna flip if none of this stuff is touched and I do NOT wanna deal with an irate Irishman tonight."

"Viktor." Xiu suddenly says, lifting her head a bit again as her eyes find the guy - and oh dear, he might have to look at her this time. "Aleysa mentioned you scrubbed mundane evidence. Computer person?" And countless VE's screamed in terror at that simple term. "Can you get me a blank release form used at those impound lots? It would save me some time I'd need to put into acquiring one."

Viktor looks back towards Xiu at the question then looks away quickly again. He settles for looking at the table kind of near her as he answers. "Yes, I do know my way around computer systems pretty well. If they've got the forms stored online anywhere, I can get you some hard copies. That should be no problem."

Henry as he responds in Spanish he takes some business cards out his wallet and sets a bunch on the corner of the table. They are for a, "Henry A. Vaneberg. Front Office Manager for the Hotel Indigo" a number for the hotel, one for his direct office and his work email all on the card.

Miriel pauses and goes to grab some food from the assortment, smiling as she does. She seems a little concerned, though, when she isn't forcing herself to look content. She claims one of Henry's cards, and fishes in her bag for a card as well -- it mostly has internet addresses and describes her as a 'content creator' to offer him in return. The cat onher shoulders bestirs himself to open one golden eye and peer at the man. "I'm Miriel, Miri for short."

Xiu's lips draw into a wide, happy smile there for a moment, her serious expression just gone. For that moment. "Perrrrfect. Thank you." she tells him - and mercifully leaves out any comments about his gaze aversion. With that said she sits up a bit more straight, simply letting the raised hand settle down onto the table in front. With that done he pushes heself up, rising before she moves around the table - and heads for the food herself! Miriel has done the mercyful thing and went first, after all, and Xiu certainly intends to et her fill. She might, someday, admit that she's a fan of the pub's food. and, as she pasesses Miriel there, she lifts a hand to gently scritch Mr. Gatto's back for just a moment.

Mandy stares down at the business cards that Henry puts down on the table for several seconds, before looking up at Selene and asking her a question. "Mother, why don't you have business cards? They look pretty." She then sets about, as requested, to start grabbing some food.

"The magic of paperwork?" Aleysa asks with a little smile to both Xiu and Viktor. And then for Selene, "If anybody comes into any harm on that excursion, let me know? Might not be the best in a fight, but picking up the pieces after..." She wiggles a hand. "That's where my hands seem best suited for."

Selene blinks at the exchange of cards, and says in response to Mandy...

"...You're right, mi hija. I SHOULD get business cards. Seriously. Almost everyone I've met just hands them out like candy." She looks at Miriel there, canting her head to the side.

"...Miri have you always had business cards? Since when?" Then to Viktor!

"You're gonna be pretty in demand around here I'm afraid Vik. Being the only AV nerd in a crowd of mystics is, uh... Gonna be alittle rough." As she speaks to Viktor, she takes one of Henry's cards and settles back down with a plate of food.

Chrysta, there, rises from her seat... And just starts to walk towards the stairs. She's apparently done here for the evening.

Selene watches her walk away, then says to Aleysa... "I'll totally let you know... There IS something else you could do, but I'll get with you about that alittle later. It involves that girl that we... Saved, I guess>"

Miriel blinks at the question and then says, "Oh, no, I got those done a couple of days ago, it just seemed like a good idea. I mean, I was in the office place getting printer paper, so... I just kind of went with the urge." She asks, softly, "You want one?" She also adds toward Viktor, "At least I sorta speak the language, I can be the translator."

Fooood. Xiu fills her plate with a healthy portion of...many things. But she's definitely the type to burn those calories easily. Once she has everything arranged, she carries the plate casually along the table again - and passes behind Selene's chair there for a moment, idly leaning down near the woman's ear before she murmurs something, smirking and lightly tapping the side of that chair with her fork, before she ventures back to her seat, settles down - and eats!

Viktor gets up to go have a round at the table too, filling a plate pretty haphazardly with whatever looks good. He nods over at Aleysa's comment about paperwork. "Paperwork, computer systems, it's all information and data. And that can work like magic sometimes."

Selene's attention flits to Xiu at that, and she whispers something back before the Lifeweaver can move away. Then?

"...I do kinda' want one." She utters to Miriel, "...We could maybe just take Mandy out and get business cards made for all three of us. Make hers all... Planty, or something." She nods matter of factly.

"Be sure to let me know how the food is! I uh... Told Donny I'd tell him the general opinion and so I probably should."

Aleysa helps herself to a plate as well, sticking more to the mushroom pie and colcannon since the vegetarian options were indeed options. And her head tilts as Selene mentions the girl and some other task. "Is she having... after effects? Something with that sort of hold on someone doesn't give up without leaving some marks..."

Miriel giggles as she gets a card for Selene and passes it over, mming happily at food and taking the newly vacated seat next to Selene. "Hers can be all planty and yours would be all Goth..." She grins and settles in with victuals, cheerfully munching on Irish delights and keeping close to the other woman.

Viktor digs into a pile of shepherd's pie taking up a large chunk of his plate. "Well, you can tell Donny two thumbs up from me, at least. But what was that about the girl? Is she still in danger?"

Selene takes the card from Miriel, snickering alittle at the idea of a... Business card date. "Maybe not planty. She can pick for herself... Who knows, she might want somethinglike... UFC branded." Then she looks to Vik and Aleysa.

"Not in danger... Just... I kinda' wanna check in on her to make sure she's still okay. She's the last one who viewed that tape, and while I'm sure we saved her from it? I just... I'm not confident that she's entirely okay. If she is though? That's great. She might be able to tell us alittle more about Roja. Or she might be nothing... Either way. Just a wellness check."

The redhead DOES seem a teensy bit concerned. Teensy, as she shifts closer to Miriel.

"Donny'll be overjoyed Vik! He's uh... Michelin starred. Mrs. Grey, my teacher, got him over here from Ireland and uh... Made him make cheap pub food. If you look at the menu up there, you'll notice the fancy four course option. He INSISTED. So uh... I'll tell him you said it was better than Hell's Kitchen. Fair enough?"

Mandy suddenly perks up at something she overheards Selene say. She suddenly turns her emerald eyes upon the woman, filled with hope. "Mother... does that mean that you've decided to let me join the UFC?"

Selene blinks. And stares. And says...

"No, mi hija."

Miriel shakes her head and says, "Wait, wait... Mandy, you're joining the UFC now?" She looks... confused to say the least. "I um..." She laughs softly, and takes a forkful of something delicious. Beats having to answer, right?

Aleysa nods along, in between bites of her mushroom pie. "Well, health and wellness check should be simple enough. Especially if you or Viktor want to come along with that. Definitely not a big group, since that'd probably freak her out more even if she had been doing just fine."

Viktor takes a few more bites, tasting the Michelin star in there. "That's more than fair. I honestly can't remember the last time I ate nearly this well." He cocks an eyebrow in curious confusion as the UFC topic comes up from Mandy, and her strange level of enthusiasm for the idea.

"...Oh. Okay," Mandy replies to Selene's refusal, looking down at her plate of food. Her eyes shift to Miriel before she shakes her head. "No, I'm not. Mother said no."

Selene nods matter of factly, and then sighs...

"Well, there we have it. We'll get each of those parts organized and get it solved... Preferably by the end of the next two weeks. I uh... Know a bit about the Cartel and how fast they work. I'd like to work faster- because right now, we have the edge." She leans back there... She hadn't finished her plate of food yet, but perhaps she's JUST not hungry. She leans towards Miriel even further.

"That's the entiiiiiire agenda for the night, friends... Thanks so much for coming. If you wanna hang around, you totally can! But I swear there's no uh... Spell binding you here or whatever. I know it's a bit of a drive back north. I'm going to try to do these meetings onyl as needed... When important things come up, monthly in general, or some such. At the next meeting- I'll keep the floor open for people to bring their own matters to it. Deal?"