2022.06.19:Pouring Out Some Mead for the Closed Kinfolk House

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Pouring Out Some Mead for the Closed Kinfolk House
A small gathering at the Get Hub, talking about the closing of the Kinfolk House and the Smoke and Barley.
IC Date June 19, 2022
IC Time Late evening.
Players Jackie, Evonna, Brandr, Mira, Theron, Armani
Location Stonecreek
Spheres Garou

6/19/2022 19:08:49 Evonna nods. "Ja, ZomBeavers. Zombie Beavers. Nasy buggers that were tainting an area not too far from here. There were three of us in our pack at the time, and three ZomBeavers. I killed all three, although my pack mates did injure two of them. Teamwork really. Not something you see all that often, but shows that the Wyrm will infiltrate whatever it wants to get to its end goal. She smiles as Brandr returns. She takes her drink and lifts it to toast. "To another day, another fight, another win." She takes a sip.

6/19/2022 19:09:41 Oh, there's a party! Reno sits at a table with Evonna and Brandr. They're apparently drinking and telling stories.

6/19/2022 19:16:03 Reno wrinkles his nose a bit, "Yeah, that doesn't sound fun at all." He grins, "When I was back on the ranch, it was not long after my Rite of Passage. We were driving a herd down to Reno." He starts, taking a sip. "Anyway, we're at this dive, and they have an old mechanical bull. After a couple pitchers of beer, my old boss thought it would be funny to get me to ride this thing." He takes a sip of the mead, good stuff. "I was the driver that night, but they convinced the waitress to sweeten the deal with a kiss, if I could ride this thing." He rolls his eyes a bit as he says this. "They get me on this thing, and turn it wide open. No warm up, just straight to the moon with it." He grins, "I held on, barely, but this thing was old, and it died with me on it. Spectacular show of smoke and sparks before I did get tossed. So, from that day on, they called me Reno. It's kinda stuck." He glances over and raises his mug to Jackie, "Afternoon Miss Jackie."

6/19/2022 19:21:09 Evonna tips her glass to Jackie, and grins to Reno. "That is quite a story. Not even any spirits having fun in that? I'm sure it was quite a show. Do you know what they did with the remains afterwards?"

6/19/2022 19:25:34 Reno clears his throat and takes a big pull on the mead. Makes him happy, yes! He takes a deep breath. "They bought a new motor for it." He smirks, "Which fooled a lot of people. I rode it a second time, but not with such fanfare. It threw me halfway across the bar. Oddly, they named the bull after me."

6/19/2022 19:28:29 "I did much the same with a polar bear, but the only one there to make merry was Throatcrusher." A gnarled, grissly-looking old wolf is perched at Evonna's side and he belts out a howl of laughter. "It was hilarious," the wolf says in perfect English. Better than Brandr's who speaks with a very heavy Dutch accent.

6/19/2022 19:31:57 Seems Reno is still here, and now there's even more folks around. Reno's sitting at a table with Evonna and Brandr, Throatcrusher's there as well, sitting next to Evonna. Jackie's just coming out of her skjol as well.

6/19/2022 19:33:48 Jackie steps a bit closer to the table and raises a hand in greeting. She looks to Throatcrusher and Brandr first. "Hi, I don't think we've met yet. I'm Jackie, kinfolk. I moved here what, like about three or four weeks ago now?"

6/19/2022 19:36:00 Evonna mmms, "So the bull is named Reno now?" She takes another drink from her mead, as Brandr and Throatcrusher share. "I always enjoy the stories you can share, TC." As Jackie approaches, she says, "Oh ja, come meet my mate." She grins to Brandr knowing he'll introduce himself.

6/19/2022 19:36:15 Brandr nods to Jackie, half-rising. "I am named Brandr Nilsen, so named by my father, Fire Claw. I am the grandson of Fenrir's Claw and the great granson of Whispers the Truth. I am kin to the glorious Fenrir tribe and mated to Blood Thorn, Elder of the Get of Fenris. This is Throatcrusher, my companion, so named well before he came to me and lives up to it still."

6/19/2022 19:38:41 Mira makes her way into the area from a nearby trail in the woods, appearing surprised to see such a large gathering. Her feet are still bare as she walks over to the table, bowing before Evonna and waving to the others, "There's quite a few people around, not used to this." She smiles at Throatcrusher and Brandr as they are introduced to Jackie before adding, "And I'm Mira, also a kinfolk. It's nice to meet you." She finds a spot to sit and watches the others curiously.

6/19/2022 19:40:27 Reno shakes his head at Evonna and chuckles a bit. He waits for everyone to introduce themselves before continuing. "No, they named it Hyrito. We were in Reno, Nevada, which is where my nickname comes from." He tips his hat to Jackie and Mira, then takes it off and sets it on the bench next to him.

6/19/2022 19:43:41 Jackie waves at Mira as she comes in, then looks back at Reno. "So Reno's just a nickname then?"

6/19/2022 19:47:30 Evonna takes another drink. That'll help! "Oh yes, of course. Because the nickname came after that, so yeah, makes sense. I do wonder if anyone has a mechanical bull in this area. Seems like it would not be quite the style." She waves to Mira. "Come join us. How are you both doing? Any news?"

6/19/2022 19:48:23 Brandr rises to his feet. "I'll get more drinks." He heads off to do just exactly that, leaving TC the talking wolf to fill in his place.

6/19/2022 19:50:55 Mira sits back in her seat, tilting her head at Reno. "Your nickname came from Reno Nevada? I would have never guessed, though it makes a lot of sense." She smiles at Evonna and replies, "Not much to talk about with everything being closed down. Well.. not everything but it sure feels that way." She frowns down at the ground before shrugging, "Oh well, I just hope it doesn't last too long."

6/19/2022 19:50:56 Reno hmms, "Got any redneck country bars? They'd probably have one." Reno offers. "It'd be a hoot to try and ride one again." He grins and then looks to Jackie, "Yes ma'am. But only a few people still call me by my first name."

6/19/2022 19:55:33 Jackie laughs lightly. "Sorry, just thought that was your actual name. I mean, a lot of people around have plenty of names, so that didn't sound weird. But no, no real news on my end. I've just been staying in the last day or so since the warnings went out."

6/19/2022 20:00:09 "I would think that there would be even more to talk about with our social centers shut down. Things like how this happened and how to keep it from happening in the future," Brandr says as he comes back with a cooler and a handful of bottles of mead. The cooler's full, but there's never enough mead. He plunks the cooler down, motioning toward it to indicate people should dig in. He glances to Reno then. "What IS going on? From what I've heard, you know more about it than most anyone else.

6/19/2022 20:02:04 Evonna shrugs, "There are a lot of more places to go than that two, but I hear you. We can do more things around here. It is a good time to learn some new places. But the threat will be dealt with soon."

6/19/2022 20:05:03 Mira hmms before replying to Brandr, "Well, you know more about it than I do. All I know is it has something to do with the Black Spiral Dancers." She shrugs before taking one of the meads. "This is embarrassing but I've actually never had mead before. What kind of Fenris kin am I?" She laughs before taking a small sip hesitantly. "Hmm.. wow, ok. That's delicious." She beams and happily takes another decent swig.

6/19/2022 20:12:22 Reno rolls his head around, cracking his neck. He gestures for Brandr to have a seat. "Well, cop a squat and I'll tell you a little story." He wets his palate with more mead. "I ran into Six in city. She's Stargazer kinfolk." He settles in, "She's not the most friendly thing when we met. But, we kept bumping into each other, I brought her to the Sept to be checked out." He looks into his mug, "That's when we found out she's being Hunted. She's being hunted by her father, who's a batshit insane Dancer. He's got a pack and some seriously deranged minions. She's been tortured, tormented, ... " He doesn't continue that sentence, letting the imagination take over. He takes a calming breath. "He does all this, got her hooked on drugs, and then lets her go, to do it all over again. He's slaughtered whole packs, as well as innocents to get to her. Part of why she doesn't let people get close to her."
6/19/2022 20:12:22 Reno looks down into his mug. "So, she's been sequestered in the Caern. The Denfather has spent the better part of the last month working with her. They are goons in the city looking for her and watching what and who she talks to. Hence, shutting down the Smoke and the Kinfolk house. She's been to both of those places more than once. We've finally had a breakthrough and the Denfather has figured out how to track them. They're preparing a War Council to figure out what and how this will be done."

6/19/2022 20:17:49 Jackie looks over at the cooler of mead when Mira goes over and looks contemplative, then gets distracted by Reno's story.

6/19/2022 20:21:13 Evonna hmmms, "Well, that is the meat of the problem. There is more, but nothing you all need to worry about. Elders are worrying about and we will squash it. But if you all would give some time to meet and get to know Six, help her on the better path and heal, the kind of healing that is more emotional, that would be awesome."

6/19/2022 20:22:03 Brandr shakes his head at Mira. "I think we know exactly the same amount," he says, nodding at her approval of the mead, then sits when Reno bids him to do so and he listens, leaning forward just the slightest bit, and his brow knits ever so slightly at the culmination of the story. He opens his mouth as if he might say something, but does not actually say it.

6/19/2022 20:23:56 Mira shrinks down in her seat and turns a bit pale as Reno speaks, staring down thoughtfully into her mead and waiting for everything to fall silent before speaking up, "If there's trouble with goons I can keep my eyes peeled when I'm out patrolling the city on the job and report back anything strange." She frowns and bites her lip, a troubled expression darkening her features. "It's not much but I want to help any way I can." She nods at Evonna, "We can try our best, right Jackie?" She looks over at Jackie before wincing and adding, "Poor girl, I can only imagine the pain she must be going through." She curses, "They are horrible, how could someone do that to their own daughter?"

6/19/2022 20:30:59 Reno takes a moment, staring into his mug to recompose himself, before chugging the contents down. He sets the mug down and wipes the residue out of his beard. He is quiet a moment, "Don't be afraid to speak your mind, Brandr." He offers the man. Nodding to what Evonna says, "The best thing you can do is go in and just be sociable. Don't try to pity her, don't treat her like a victim. That will only piss her off, also, you have to understand, she doesn't have much hope. So just be yourself, go running with her, go spar with her in the Mercy Circle, she likes that." He looks to Mira, "Don't. Don't go looking, don't try to chase, if you see anything suspicious, you run and call an Elder." He seems pretty serious about that. He scratches at the corner of his eye brow. "Who would do that? An insane, batshit crazy, Wyrm infested fucktard. The fact he's doing it to his daughter, is just icing on the cake for him." Yeah, he's getting riled up now.

6/19/2022 20:36:58 Jackie steps over closer to the cooler, then looks at the others. "I try to avoid drinking if I'm going to be doing any driving. What are the odds we'll need to go anywhere tonight?"

6/19/2022 20:39:17 Brandr shakes his head a little. "What I had to say was neither necessary nor kind and won't solve anything. I'm learning to keep my opinions to myself when they are irrelevant." He motions toward Evonna and wraps his arm around her affectionately. "A few good knocks from my mate has taught me to hold my tongue." You're supposed to joke about things like that, right? Clearly he isn't injured in any way. It's probably JUST a joke. Quite likely, in fact. The old wolf, though, speaks up, "Seems to me like all that information should have been put out there BEFORE she started coming around." Brandr lightly kicks at the wolf, who turns and snaps at his foot.

6/19/2022 20:41:05 Evonna nods, "I'm just surprised the Warder did not get all the information out of her. He would have figured it all out, so that does worry me that there is something more about her we are still to find out. Until then, we protect us all including her."

6/19/2022 20:41:24 Evonna elbows Brandr a bit at his comment, but enjoys the affection.

6/19/2022 20:43:38 Mira nods at Reno, "Of course, no pity or anything. I would be happy to spend time sparring and running with her, if she wants that at least." She frowns but nods as he continues, "I won't put myself in danger but if I happen to see something or if I get a call in and it happens to have something to do with them, I'll report it. I can't always completely avoid the danger zone as a cop though, that's why I've been trying to get trained in self defense just in case."

6/19/2022 20:45:29 Training in self defense? That is like Theron's siren call. Here he comes trudging out of the forest nearby towards the Fenris encampment.

6/19/2022 20:45:45 Reno clears his throat, "She screwed up, yes. She simply wanted to make her presence known and then go about her business." Reno explains, eyeing TC, but looking back to the group. "In her mind, if she just stayed to herself, didn't get close to anyone ... /when/ they came for her again, it would just be her." He gets up and gets a refill. "She lied by omission. She was caught. Now we just have to deal with it and move forward."

6/19/2022 20:50:15 Evonna looks square at Reno. "You do realize the Warder is very gifted at his job? This is a blemish on him, as he uses more gifts than I know to sniff out all of us when we enter the Caern? She could lie by ommission, but she is potentially THAT much more of a threat when she was brought to our Caern, and able to pass those tests and have nothing found? It stinks of there being more done to her than we know. Which is why the Elders are more twitchy about this than normal. Not only that, but using a kinfolk to basically be a ticking time bomb toward our destruction."

6/19/2022 20:50:49 Jackie shrugs and pulls a bottle out of the ice. Hopefully the party will just stay here tonight. She moves over and finds a seat near Mira, clinking bottles before taking her first sip. "It sounds pretty rough. I mean, I thought my father was a jerk sometimes, but all this... Woof."

6/19/2022 20:53:17 Mira waves at Theron as he approaches before turning to listen to Reno explain. She frowns and takes another drink of her mead before shaking her head, "That's no way to live. All alone. It's too much to bear without support. I hope she will open up a bit." She falls silent and listens to Evonna as she speaks before clinking her bottle against Jackie's and tilting it up to finish it off. She nods in agreement before saying quietly, "I never knew my father. I guess in a way I should be thankful. Could be much worse."

6/19/2022 20:56:12 It takes Theron a moment to try and catch up on what they are all talking about but when Theron has a brief understand he is boldly willing to speak up. "If I'm involved? And I fucked up with the warder...and the Silver Fangs from what I heard? I'm....going to be on my best behavior. Thank you, but I dont need people up in my shit worse than it already is with just life." he explains. He gives Mira and Jackie a friendly enough smile and nod. Reno a more respectful nod, and Brandr and Evonna he just smiles at, they are family.

6/19/2022 21:00:51 Brandr just shakes his head a little bit and glances down at TC. It's the wolf's turn to look like he's about to say something, but Brandr kicks him n the ribs. Not too hard, but hard enough to know he's kicked, and Throatcrusher rounds on him and POUNCES, knocking Brandr out of his seat. Is it death? Has Brandr kicked the wolf one too many times? Is there going to be a tussle?! Throatcrusher pins the man back there on the ground and worms his way up and farts. Right on Brandr. It's RUDE, but no one's hurt. Nose hairs might be singed all the way around, but Brandr gets the worst of it, and immediately goes to coughing and gagging and trying to push the big wolf ass off his chest while he issues a string of what is probably obscenities, in Dutch

6/19/2022 21:04:48 Looking to Theron, Reno's brow spocks a bit, but he returns the nod with a bow of his head. "What have you heard? It's bad enough without the rumor mill." He nods to Evonna. "I know, Blood Thorn'rhya. One of her fears is that the Elders will decide she is not worth the effort and end her." He makes a face and takes a swig. "All I can say, is that she's trying. She fighting her addiction, she's trying to be productive in the Sept, granted, that's part of her own quirks, but still. I pray to Gaia every morning that that day will be a good day. That she finds the courage and hope to take one more step into the light."

6/19/2022 21:08:11 Jackie smiles back to Theron and raises her bottle to him. She stays quiet for now though, not wanting to interrupt the current important topic.

6/19/2022 21:11:14 "What have I heard? I mean....if I'm going to be honest, not alot." Theron admits as he heads over towards Jackie as she raises the bottle, "Drinks tonight?" he wonders idly as he seems ready to accept. "But I saw that the Smoke and Barley and the Kinfolk House is closed....which is the first time ever in my memory." he explains, "Also I saw the Silver Fang elder chime in about it? I mean...its just alot of tension."

6/19/2022 21:13:57 Mira doubles over with laughter as Throatcrusher tackles Brandr out of his seat, wiping away a tear as she sits up. Her mirth fades as Reno speaks, quickly returning to a troubled state. She leans over to Jackie and says, "We should go try to spend time with her sometime. If I challenge her to spar maybe she'll say yes." She smiles at Theron, "Best time to drink right? Considering our favorite haunts are closed." She goes over to get more mead before returning to her seat.

6/19/2022 21:18:35 "The short version, Theron." Reno says. "Six, my kinfolk is being hunted by her father, who happens to be an insande Dancer. He's slaughtered packs and innocents alike to get to her. He's screwed her up pretty bad between the drugs he's pumped in her and the torment, torture and rape. Those places were shut down because she'd been there more than once, so could be a potential target, if Xavier decided to burn the city down looking for her. She's got some issues and we're dealing with it."

6/19/2022 21:24:30 Jackie lets Theron take the bottle. Her mouth twists into a wry sarcastic smile for a moment. "Sure, why not have some drinks? Welcome to the party, and the nice and light conversation about bad dads."

6/19/2022 21:32:32 Reno does add, to Mira, "She'll accept your challege, but be ready, she's got a mean right hook."

6/19/2022 21:33:07 "My dad was fantastic...he'd love you." he says to Jackie or was that Mira? It's hard to say. Its just sort of a broadbrush comment. "Best I could ever ask for, and god am I lucky to have been adopted by such a man." he chimes and then he feels free to guzzle from Jackie's bottle. Then to Reno, "Someone accepting my challenge?" he asks facetiously, he doesn't actually intend to fight anyone.

6/19/2022 21:35:43 Reno pulls out an old ass flip phone and starts punching buttons like crazy. You know, the old style texting. He flips the phone closed and then looks to Theron. "Oh, she'd fight you too." He gestures to the gear, "But you might want to take that off. She and I went a few rounds, she's a tough nut to crack."

6/19/2022 21:36:20 "We aren't supposed to hit women, Theron," Brandr reminds the man as he shoves the stinky-ass wolf off his chest and sits up, gagging at the smell left on his shirt. "TC, you're a bag of dicks," he informs the wolf, who is just chuffing and chuckling happily

6/19/2022 21:39:49 Mira grins at Reno, "I'd gladly take the pain if it means I can take her mind off the bad things, even if momentarily." She drinks from her mead thoughtfully, "I wonder if it's considered bad form to use guns in a spar against a shifter." She humphs and sticks her tongue out at Brandr playfully, "Hey, that's not true. I bet our Elder can more than take a punch." She nods and adds, "Plus I think it would be exciting. I never feel as alive as I do during a fight. Knowing that one wrong move and you're dead, walking the edge between life and death. Nothing can compare, though I'm not suicidal.. just appreciative."

6/19/2022 21:41:50 "Evonna?" Theron chimes, "Oh hell yeah she can take a punch." he leans in and whispers to Mira, loud enough on purpose for others to hear, "But last we sparred I took her down." he beams lightly, Oh its just to tease Evonna. He grunts then, "I hope thats not the only time you feel alive...we dont need more Kinfolk like me making bad decisions." he points out despite having encouraged her by promising to train her with a sword.

6/19/2022 21:42:08 There's a chirp and Reno pulls out his phone, flipping it open. He smiles and then closes it. He looks to Brandr, "Mind if I take a few bottles back with me?"

6/19/2022 21:44:05 Brandr waves a hand at Reno, peeling his way out of his shirt. Pretty impressive. He's Get after all. Lots of scars. Tons of them. The shirt is cast aside and he sniffs himself, then glares at TC who is still trying not to laugh. Brandr pushes himself up to his feet and wanders over toward the water, scooping some up to sort of remove the stink. "Theron's always eager to beat up women. I believe he gets quite a kick out of it." He says it straight, but it's still probably meant to be a joke.

6/19/2022 21:47:56 Reno gets up and goes over to the cooler. He pulls out several bottles and then a bag to put them in. He sets the bag on the ground and looks around. "I need to get back. Thanks for hearing me out." He smirks, "I know she gets tired of seeing me every day, so swing by, we're staying in the little hobbit hole in the village." He bows his head to Evonna, "Blood Thorn'rhya, be well, and a pleasure as always." He bows his head to the ladies and then Brandr and Theron. "See y'all later." He says, then shifts to wolf form, picks up the bag, and starts off into the woods.

6/19/2022 21:50:58 Mira nods at Theron in confirmation, though when he says he beat Evonna she peers at him suspiciously. "Hmm.. I don't know.. you probably got lucky." She nudges him teasingly and laughs at Brandr's comment. She gasps in mock indignation and says to Theron, "You do? I knew it, how could you?" She shakes her head and drinks from her mead. "Unbelievable." She can't help but crack a smile, unable to keep a straight face. When Reno leaves she waves, "See ya later."

6/19/2022 21:55:12 Oh Theron opens his mouth to respond to Mira and Brandr but shuts it then, rather than say the first instinct he shuts the fuck up for a change and just drinks some mead. Finally however he says, "Only if they are lucky." which is not what he planned to say but its enough.

6/19/2022 21:56:07 Jackie snags a fresh bottle, letting Theron keep her partially emptied one. She gives Theron a mock disgusted look. "Wait, that's not what you did at table five, is it? Beat them all up?"

6/19/2022 21:59:30 Evonna has to step away and take care of something. She waves to those here before she does.

6/19/2022 22:13:53 Mira almost spits out her mead as she hears Jackie, choking with laughter and shaking her head before tilting it at Theron, "That's what happened at table five? The wolf is out of the bag."

6/19/2022 22:15:53 Theron laughs, apparently he let Mira and Jackie in on the table 5 joke at least a little. "Oh you are terrible." he pushes Jackie on the shoulder lightly, "Noone at table 5 got anythign they didnt want." he claims as he swigs some more of his mead. "My honor is intact."

6/19/2022 22:23:05 Jackie giggles at Mira, pausing only to take a drink. "Does that count as evading the question?"

6/19/2022 22:26:15 Mira giggles along with Jackie and replies, "I think so, we'll have to investigate." She laughs again before saying, "Oh we're just teasing, I'm sure they had a lovely time. Who wouldn't with a handsome man such as yourself." She drains her mead and sighs in satisfaction, "It reminds me of honey mixed with wine. Really good but kinda sneaks up on you."

6/19/2022 22:27:46 "Oh mead is dangerous." Theron agrees with Mira. "It seems fine, a sweet drink, you have a few sips a few more and then...wham. You are drunk and dancing to music only you hear." he grins, "A few more and you are puking regretting it...a few more and you are passed out face first to the ground in the bathroom." he grunts, "So enjoy it when you can." he adds with a smirk.

6/19/2022 22:31:09 Jackie takes another sip. "Oh, I don't know about dangerous... But it is good. I mean, who doesn't love honey. Oh, have either of you ever had bearenjaeger? It's a liquor made from honey. Kind of the same idea as mead, but stronger."

6/19/2022 22:34:12 Mira huffs defiantly at Theron, walking over to refill her mead and returning, taking a sip and shivering pleasantly. "If I need to pass out my cabin is right there. That is if I'm able to make it." She frowns curiously at Jackie, "Bearenjaeger? No I can't say that I have. Sounds good though."

6/19/2022 22:37:37 "I dont think I have." Theron says to Jackie, "Although, my mentor, Heirolf, he makes a drink that is unreal...dangerous, but amazing. A smooth taste, alcohol clearly but a hint of...well, life." he says with a shrug unable to describe it. To Jackie, "You have Bearenjaeger?" he wonders.

6/19/2022 22:40:09 Jackie smiles brightly then looks a bit crestfallen. "Shit, no. I wish I had thought ahead. But I will get some soon. Or as soon as I can go into town without getting ripped up by BSD's? Things are a little weird right now, so..."

6/19/2022 22:45:16 Mira frowns down at the ground before standing and swaying a bit, "Yeah.. you were right.. now I'm starting to feel it." She tilts the bottle up and drains it before heading to her cabin unsteadily, but not before giving the rest of them a dazzling smile, "Night. I'm gonna sleep it off."

6/19/2022 22:47:47 Theron chuckles watching Mira head back to her cabin and he can't help but be amused. "Well, at least she was right...she was close to home and her bed."

6/19/2022 22:52:21 Jackie nods, looking up at Mira's cabin to make sure she got past the porch and made it inside. "It's a good advantage for a drinking night. I didn't start until I was sure we weren't going anywhere, since I'm usually driving."

6/19/2022 22:54:12 "It is part of Stonecreek that makes it great." Theron mentions, "Lots of places to crash, and everyone protects everyone. We are family here." he reminds Jackie.

6/19/2022 22:55:04 Off in the distance, there is a vehicle approaching. An SUV of some sort. Shiny, clean, with just enough mud on it to qualify for actually driving out here. It bumps along the road and the driver can be seen pulling in next to Theron's jeep, wherever that is. A young woman, Armani, climbs out and calls to Theron, "Come here, Muscles. I brought supplies for some of the kinfolk!" Her voice is soft but carries well enough on the wind.

6/19/2022 23:01:09 Jackie looks over at the SUV, then grins back at Theron. "Well, I'm pretty sure she doesn't mean me."

6/19/2022 23:02:41 "I am sure not." Theron agrees with Jackie and then he stands and heads over to help, "I am one of those kinfolk." he points out to Armani, as if he needs supplies which she damn well knows he doesn't. Theron takes care of himself plenty.

6/19/2022 23:05:46 Jackie sets her bottle down and follows to help, small as her muscles may be.

6/19/2022 23:07:09 Armani rolls her eyes at Theron, but she grins. "I meant you, silly person. C'mere. Help. My hands aren't workin' well today." But even with that said, she heads around to the back of the SUV and crawls in, planting herself behind a cooler and using her legs to push it toward the back hatch. "I got meat and I got some fresh veggies and I know ya'll got a lot more people here and I know ya'll can take care of yourselves, but with us closed down, I didn't want a damn thing to go to waste, so I'm ----" She gasps briefly for breath and SHOVES on the cooler, moving it about an inch or two, then just KICKS it. She mad, bro

6/19/2022 23:09:21 "Relax Armani." Theron says as he nudges her aside, "I got it." What was difficult for her, he lifts easy. Too easily in fact, Theron has strength that is greater than even his muscular frame looks. "The Get will appreciate it, thanks. And make sure to pass on thanks to your tribe as well. I dont need any fancy King mad at me." he teases her.

6/19/2022 23:14:27 Jackie lets Theron handle the heavy looking cooler, and looks to Armani. "Anything else I can help with?"

6/19/2022 23:16:20 "I'm the one that's madder than a rat in a shithouse," she mumbles and gives the cooler one more little kick as Theron takes it. She's wearing jeans at least. Nothing fancy, but the clothes are still super high quality. There's more stuff in the back back there. How she managed to get back there between them is a mystery. "Yeah, just start grabbin'. Lighter boxes in the other rows of seats." Looking it, it's VERY well stocked, everything tetrised in as best as she can. "Already been by the Dead Mall to drop off things for them, so this is my last stop."

6/19/2022 23:19:20 Jackie nods and heads off to the side door to collect some of the lighter boxes. "That's awesome, thanks! I mean, these are not the best of times, and it's appreciated, really."

6/19/2022 23:22:11 "Thank you Armani. I know its gotta be tough." Theron agrees as he carries the supplies over to where they store the food. "Its not fun for anyone I dont think, but you guys give alot with that place and it...well, lets hope its settled quick."

6/19/2022 23:25:19 Armani grabs a couple of bags, but it seems to be true about her hands. She almost drops the bag and ends up sliding it and a couple of others onto her wrists and curling her fingers into fists. "It's been over a hundred years since those doors have been locked. And I'm not letting that flame die. So we've got people rotating in, and someone talked to the spirit in there and he's agreed to less feedings, but more at a time and he won't desert us. He wouldn't know where to go either." She lets out a little sigh and carries the bags on her wrist over to help out. Green beans. Freshly picked. There's some canned goods too, but someone else can carry those. There are also toiletries and things.

6/19/2022 23:28:13 Jackie looks at Armani, staying close to her after seeing her have trouble. "Oh, shit, I hadn't even considered that. Man, this sucks in more ways than I had thought of. I wish there was some way I could help... Besides carrying groceries, I mean."

6/19/2022 23:29:27 A pause and then Theron looks over to Armani, his brow arches and the kinfolk considers, "I...I dont know if I can help with that, but you know you have me if you need me?" he reminds her.

6/19/2022 23:31:16 Armani shakes her head at Jackie. "There isn't. If you want to come to Pennington and babysit some of the kids in the daycare, or do food runs or whatever, or even better, go help out at the Dead Mall. They need people more than I do." She gives Theron a tiny, but sincere smile. "Nah, muscles. We're good. Just need this shit to be done and over with." She seems to be doing just fine, so long as she doesn't have to GRASP anything. "I'm mostly just REALLY mad that the doors had to close at all. I'm mad that the KINFOLK HOUSE is shut down, for fuck's sake. I'd be okay with the Smoke having to shut down, but Kinfolk House? That's supposed to be even safer than SAB."

6/19/2022 23:36:25 Jackie nods, thinking it over. "Ok, I'll head over to the mall tomorrow, and see what I can do. Not tonight though, I've had enough mead I don't feel safe to drive."

6/19/2022 23:37:14 "I know." Theron admits, "I dont think I've ever known the kinfolk house to close since it opened." He adds with a shrug of his shoulders. "I mean...fuck, when I first came to town I stayed in a cabin at the kinfolk house...its never closed since I've been here."

6/19/2022 23:39:08 Armani nods a little and shrugs, letting out a little sigh and she takes a seat. Surely there are other people helping to empty the SUV. "I don't think it has either. It's a good place. I heard that the original owner tried to ban Garou from being there at all, and that went over like a lead balloon. It's a part of the culture here, just like Smoke is." She gives Jackie a smile. "See that you do. And if you have any people who need to go to town tonight, I can take them back with me when I go. But you said something about booze? I'm all in. I brought my meds and everything."

6/19/2022 23:42:27 Jackie diverts to the cooler to grab a cold bottle of mead to bring to Armani before recollecting her own from her spot and taking a sip. "Thank Brandr for these, he was our supplier for the night. Ah, yeah, I guess I can imagine the big dogs not wanting to be excluded from anything, huh?"