Log: Divide & Conquer - The Meeting

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Northern California: Nove 19th 2019
::Early Afternoon


The Meeting that Starts It All

“Just the facts, ma'am.”
- ― Sgt. Joe Friday, Dragnet

The Magic Box Second Floor had been the location send along with a request for a meeting regarding something important regarding the Pit's assets. The letter (for those who don't just get a grumpy phone call) is simple, signed only with a letter E and states that it's semi-urgent.

In the Second Floor of the Magic Box there are packets! They're cheap three ring folders made of cardstock and brads full of grainy photocopies and set out on top of what looks like a blown-up topographical map of Lower-Central and a bit of South California, centered mostly around the desert. There are makings on it though most are in an odd somewhat irregular oblong shape following along the routes into and out of the desert. There are also two smaller maps pinned to the wall of the Coastline fifty miles south and north of Prospect with all the major intake points highlighted and another, cropped in, of the desert that has an aerial view above it; it appears to be a simple two strip private airport out in the goonies.

Eris is in true form tonight, literally. The grub-pale and mako-eyed Ragabash pacing and tapping her teeth with a nail - joint burning away in her other hand- as she waits impatiently to see if anyone will arrive.

Pembroke flops onto a couch, sprawling out, joint in his teeth, looking over the presentation material.

Pax, of course, lives here. Or he does sometimes, anyway. He at least owns the building. Appearing somewhat suddenly from a seemingly random door to a bedroom down the hall, the Kin steps out in his usual state of dress, carrying a small black duffle bag over one shoulder and a freshly mixed white russin in his free hand. No joint today, but he does look somewhat tired, strolling himself on into the living room of the second floor where he plops his ass down into a highbacked chair and slumps his duffle bag from his shoulder to plop onto the floor. A grunt is the only real greeting given.

Being a part-time resident of the third-floor makes visiting for meetings that much easier. Raquel arrives in a pastel pink t-shirt and pajama pants, complete with pink fuzzy hooven coverings. Her hair is tied back, and her arms are full of a rather large wicker gift basket. A fruit arrangement of gargantuan proportions. Careful manuevering and super-strength allow the doorknob to be turned and the woman carefully shuffle inside. "I brought snacks!" It's not chocolate, thank goodness!

<OOC> Eris says, "Quick note.. Vagueposting a bit hre until I get a solid yes from Staff on a couple things. If they don't pan out things will be altered slightly but the plot will continue. :)"

<OOC> Raquel nods.

Stefan arrived with Eris and Pembroke dressed in his pressed jeans and dark blue shirt,, loaded with a backpack. He is busy digging in that backpack over by the couch.

Anything regarding the nature of the Pit or its lands or assets therein are of great interest to Azoth and, beholden to his duties, is obligated to attend the meeting. He is by no means a stranger to obscure or strange forms of communication -- much of his messaging is done via spiritual couriering or kinfolk. The microbus that arrives and parks outside has two people disembark: one is a girl, possibly just entering adolescence, with black hair. She opens the side door to the VW and helps the man inside out and to the building and even goes so far as to hold open the door. The man is in his mid-twenties but is very stress-aged. He wears a long black coat that is buttoned closed along the torso and seems to wear equally dark pants and sunglasses.

It takes some guidance, hand in hand, for the girl to direct the scruffy-haired individual through and upward to eventually reach the destination. There's a knock on the wall, however, and the kinfolk girl announces, "The Keeper has arrived." That's all she says. The man, pointedly a Homid form of Azoth rarely seen, reaches over to place a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Perhaps you should wait downstairs," offers the man.

There is a subtle puckering at the edges of reality as the Master of the Rite steps through the veil with an effortless charm. The layers of reality warp around his figure and then solidify as a single black boot crunches down on the floor with his arrival. Russ is wearing a black mantle composed of fur and feathers left open over his shirtless chest and a pair of black jeans. He offers a sour look around the Box and squints at the room, giving it a quick once over before loping off in Eris' direction. Eris's in a rib-hugging black tanktop with padded black leather pants that look like they're made for motorcycle riding, there's a black high collared coat on the chair next to her along with a pair of keys and what looks like a sac which either contains a head or a really misshapen watermelon with hair. When people arrive she nods to each of them but to say she's preoccupied would be an understatement. A quick roll of her wrist to check the time. "Thank you, Roxie.." She does look grateful even already eyeing the fruit basket to decide what she might take. But there are more people and Eris' goldfish-track mind flips back over to business once more.

"Hey folks, I appreciate you coming. I appreciate your coming to deal with this. Right now, all my assets are currently tied up and there's something that needs taken care of, A.S.A.P." She gestures to the folders, "I apologize for the budget package but I didn't have time for a Kinko's run. Now, whether or not everyone's settled let's begin. While working on my side project I uncovered a couple of things. Some of the leads might be dead ends but some of them also look like they might be legitimate. Which is not good because it could potentially involve people attempting to buy up the land around the Pit. It also involves what few resources the Pit has managed to gather for itself. One or more underworld groups are vying for control of some of those resources. -UN-fortunately my informant was under duress at the time was not as clear as I would have liked him to be." The Ragabash lifts her joint back to her lips and takes a hit off it. "This includes taking out some of our younger folks who were out there taking care of those assets."

Eris moves over to snag one of the folders and lifts it up. "This is important class." Her lip quirks in a teasing but ragey sneer of amusement as she opens it up and points to the first page. "These booklets are all the information I could get. It's not much.. in fact, I wouldn't even take a job based on this little information usually. But we don't have the time to risk this being a really, really nasty coincidence. From what I could gather we're going to have to work this in groups; there are corporate angles, territory angles, spiritual angles and possibly an airfield we'll need to take. And this is the really critical part here... cooperation and communication are going to be key here. So each group will need someone to let others know what they find. I'll be too busy to play central intelligence. Anyone up for it or want to bust out before we figure out who's going to do what?" Russ' appearance makes Eris smile and she lifts her face towards her Alpha before looking back to the room.

Wow, talk about being a bright eyesore in a sea of gothy black! Raquel gasps as Eris' tummy looks noticably slimmer, and the basket is carefully depositied on a free spot on the coffee table. Her expression is a mixture of excitement and tension, as there are a million questions she wants to ask the Pict without all her friends there. "I'm.... I'm willing to help." Raquel huffs a weak laugh as she then snatches one of the booklets and backs away so that the Spirals can conduct business without too much interference.

Remaining in his seat for now, Pax takes another slow sip of his drink, eyes drifting to the others and offering them all a grin and a tipping of his drink just before he takes another sip of it. An ankle is tossed over his knee, bouncing there idly as Eris goes about explaining the whole ordeal, and the angles that need to be worked. "I'll pick up the pieces, once everyone else has gotten whatever the fuck they're good at outta the way." is explained, along with a light wave of the hand as the drink is sat on the nearby end table.

Russ has a lopsided grin for Eris and after the Ragabash says her speech he goes over to pick up one of the booklets. He takes it with him, looking it over as he moves to stand beside her where he can drape an arm over her shoulders and reach for her joint. "Yer gonna have my support, of course." His scottish accent coming out with a softly spoken authority, "Especially on the spirit side." His odd eyes drifting back to the pages in his hand.

Pembroke loosens his tie a little as he starts to look through the material a little closer. "An air field? That sounds like a place for a physical scrap." and huffing out a bit of smoke from his nose before taking on of Raquel's snacky yummies at random. "Corporate angle would probably be my strongest suit. But if anyone nabs someone alive, I can extract a little more.. delicately.. if needed."

"On second thought," mutters Azoth thus stopping the girl during her exit and a pointing finger in the general direction gets the point across. She's going to have to be Azoth's eyes in this. Wandering over to take a packet, notably giving all courtesy and right of way to most everybody else she may cross in her path, she grasps one and makes her way back so that she can look the material over while Azoth listens.

First, Azzy unbuttons his coat to reveal that he wears no shirt and is in surprisingly good shape. It also exposes the chaotic mix of spiraling tattoos that scrawl across his pale sickly-colored skin. Next , he reaches into a coat pocket and fingers about with a rattle of muted plastic before pulling out a piece of hard candy. Eaters-of-Souls stress eat?

Now, Azoth isn't the best built for long excursions from home; under normal circumstances he tends to be the one most likely to bring a group down, or so he feels, which is why he avoids packs and devotes so much time to spiritual reverence alone and through duty. "I will offer what spiritual ability and service I have available, though, respectfully, I am outclassed by our venerable Brother AnguDa'Staagra. Still, I will not sit idle with our Family threatened so. Point me to the throats of our adversaries, if you must. Otherwise, if it comes to interrogation, I can assist in keeping any subject in question...operable, as well as dealing with aftermaths of any...'scraps'." Stefan gets a box from the backpack and it on a nearby table as he listens intently to Eris. He reaches for a booklet, his eyes reading over the material swiftly. His dark eyes go to Eris and a smile forms on his lips as he nods his head to her. "Just put me where you want me, I'll help wherever you think best."

Eris leans into the grinning redhead when the Theurge moves over to try and snag her blunt. She eyes Russ and pops her teeth a bit. After relenting the joint the pale Raggie flashes a dazzling if toothless smile Raquel's way before nodding to Pax. "Help where you can, that's what really matters." Pembroke gets a nod, "Well that was the idea for Jamie over there but I lost my temper." She admits but now that she has another free hand she flips through the folder she's holding. "Here is my, admittedly, very basic strategy which I'm hoping people can work off without being micromanaged." She flips the folder around so everyone can see written in really girly handwriting - she seriously dots her eyes with little hearts - and reads out loud.

"Find a way to gain control of the land that is being fought for. First, Remove the people they have there now however you can and then attain the land however possible; take over the company, red tape them into the ground, do whatever you have to. Buying it ourselves is not an option... I tried." Eris grumbles flatly before continuing.

"Regain control of the Pit's assets. This may include taking important people out, tracking and buying or stealing it back and really cutting it back at the source if we can. Importantly I believe the Airfield will be a huge help in this as it appears to be where a lot of it is bottlenecking."

"Lastly, we need to ensure that these things remain ours which of course means conversion! This is everything from pushing back at the Spiritual encroachment that has been occurring and bribing or taking over our targets."

She closes the folder. "The rest is in the booklet. It's all I have. You guys know your skillsets; who's most suited towards espionage and who's just wanting to go in and storm an airfield filled with gang members for a little of the ol' ultra-violence. I'll also let you guys decide who's going to be calling the shots." Eris seems staunch against taking point at this time. Maybe because of how pissed off and tired she looks. "Oh yeah I should also mention at least one of the companies has the Weavers trademark."

If Raquel has been in a truer form, her own mule's ears would have flattened

Andone arrives fashionably late. No, just late. He has his hands shoved in his pockets as he slides into the meeting trying to go rather unnoticed for the moment as he's not sure where they are in the conversation.

Pembroke chews around the end of his thin joint, looking over the plans. "So this weaver mark.. who gets to bust up some webs?"

Stefan reaches a hand out to tap Pembroke's shoulder for him to pass the joint. His eyes go to the newcomer and he nods in greeting to him as his eyes look him over.

Nails scratch over the vertical trail of thick scruffy hair along Azoth's lower belly that isn't much more present higher up on his chest. This doesn't quite have the same effect as if he were Crinos, but it's still a habitual tic that he has when in deep thought. He also isn't sitting, but standing as he takes in what is shared.

The kin girl is a very bright bulb, though, and carefully reads and rereads what is available in the packet along with cross-referencing details in other media provided. She even sighs a bit; it's far beyond her or her siblings ability to help and it sounds very serious. Looking up to Azoth with a scrunched face, she watches the Keeper remove those sunglasses to rub around his eyes next.

"My spiritual brethren may be able to provide cross-communication where the Weaver's toys are not allowed, though it will not be instant. Meanwhile, I can help patrol our borders; perhaps with some persuasion our resident Banes will be more inclined to help spread their influence. Sometimes they merely need...motivation. I trust that any Umbral assistance I can offer otherwise, or any treatment of injuries, will be brought to my attention as is needed?"

Andone steps forward and picks up one of the packets, flipping through it slowly as he starts to catch up. "If you need some help with spiders I might be a bit of assistance." He grins as he says that, his gaze drifting over to Pembroke. "If you really want to bust up some webs. Though there might be a more subtle solution as well." Russ takes a long pull from the filched joint and then he tosses the booklet aside with a smirk as he exhales, "I think we'll all be fine, I can arrange a few outings to help get the Umbra around the Pit secure..." He glances around the room, addressing everyone gathered, "If anyone wants to tag along this week, I'll be at the Pit or at my Rnach down the road." Russ clears his throat, "I can reshape some of the Weaver spirits into Banes. Its something I learned to do recently, twist the essence of a spirit into something more appealing to the Wyrm." He puffs on the joint again and then hands it back to Eris. "That should give us an edge."

Eris considers the gathered and then the new comer. She shifts her weight and ducks under Russ' arm and shifts almost half behind him. "Hmm. You're new. Who're you?" She wonders from her new spot, taking the joint over Russ' shoulder. "I think we'll do fine and Azzy, I don't see any reason you shouldn't be on the front lines. You've been with us long enough.. and this is the land you keep..."

When Russ admits to being able to do such a thing, Azoth is undeniably turned on by the notion and his core body temperature rises and pheromones are released telling as much. He even stammers a bit, "Th-tha-that is...marvelous, Brother AnguDa'Staagra. Perhaps one day I might be worthy of such a thing." It's almost like being able to breed, and when you're arguably more spiritual than physical, it's a very hot thing to think about. His voice shows longing and an absolutely deserved amount of jealousy. That's high praise for the Master of the Rite!

"If I am otherwise unneeded elsewhere, please allow me to join you. I very much want to watch," admits the covetous blind man that is now hot under the collar. Good thing he's wearing pants for a change, isn't it? He is, however, distracted by Eris' words which take him by surprise. Front lines? His duties involve such mundane stuff compared to combat. Most of his blood loss in his duties is willing...and he's certainly spilled a lot of blood. After all, each day he ritually drains a bit in reverence to the Wyrm. Many have seen him do so.

"If- If you feel that is best, I will gladly do what I can." Most Bawn security duty is passed on to those more combat proficient while those like the Keeper and the spirits posted as watchdogs warn of problems or intrusion, but Azoth's pride in a job that most in the Pit tease him for being naught more than a janitor or gardener prevents him from ever backing down from such a notion now that it is put out there.

"Andone Eneko Bidarte." Comes the answer quickly enough from Andone as he looks back to Eris. His eyes then drift over the other present in the room. He recognizes a few of the faces here and he's sure they recognize him if they remember him. "Pleasure to meet you. Ananasi and a new hire at the company."

Eris's head tilts, "Ah, well, nice to meet you as well and thank you for stopping in to help. This isn't a company issue and so they should be kept seperate from it but we welcome your assistance all the same." She assures, touching Russ' shoulder and then moves past him again and gestures about. "Please feel free to mingle. Adone.. these packets hold everything we know so far." She offers over the folder in her hand. "Give it a read, feelf ree to check-in with anyone you've met here and dive right in."

