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Corinthia Shaserra & Crisis Response Unit
Mundane World Overview
  • Mental Patient: Parents killed by monsters, committed after Chrysalis, and Wyrm tainted doctors' tormenting drove her crazy. Her lover Alice Tracht turned formori "Dame Gorehound", destroying everything. A coverup listed the escaped inmates as 'released'. WTF!
  • Prospect: Making only enough to feed/clean herself via repair work, she can be found at any free/low end hangouts.
  • Charity: Dispite her ragged life, she volunteers at the local soup kitchen and brings donation toys to the children's ward, when sane enough.
Delusional disorder & multiple personalities.
  • Delusional Disorder: She sees life as randomly distorted and almost metaphoric.
  • Multiple Personalities: They all interact with each other and often fight or make demands on whichever is currently in control.
  • Athena Seelie-Knight: She serves The Greater Good by making wonders which then are used to protect innocents and hunt monsters. [[ ]]
  • Aresia UnSeelie-Ringleader: She serves ego & order by conquering enemies, taking which can serve her, destroying what won't. [[ ]]
  • Eris UnSeelie-Schismatic: The world is banal/stagnate, uncaringly crushing people's light. Laugh while burning it down! [[ ]]
Supernatural RP Hooks
  • Warhammer 40k Theme: Findind 40K media when nearing Bedlam, her fae soul resonated with the Tau, so she adopted the theme for grounding.
  • County of Lion's Reach: Lion's Reach County's Snow Fang Peak is her home but she hunts in Ember Skies often. Countess Voughn granted hunting/gathering rights in return for 1/3 of the take. Another 1/3 goes to her Warlord, and the final third hers to use/sell.
  • Seelie Court Nocker: As most of her personalities are Unseelie she loves the Unseelie freedom and passion. The Seelie personality won the fight for which court to join be, through her higher purpose for the Greater Good.
  • Other Sphere Ties: Dhe has a history of fighting Corruption and other monsters, becoming sort of ally against shared enemies.
  • Dreaming Tech: Karel Capek coined the term robot in his 1921 play "Rossum's Universal Robots", the first robots on film were 1927 by Fritz Lang's "Metropolis", so they have been part of dreaming for 100 years. Corinthia loves and deals with such technologies rather than clockwork or steam-tech.
Fate bound Enemies
  • Movie Night Gorehounds Enemy2: Alice Tracht "Dame Gorehound" is a Formori/Bane who uses tainted gore video parties to influence people into Thrill Killers then turning them into Gore Hounds before unleashing them and vanishing. She still (Twisted)loves Corinthia and is obsessed with corrupting/reuniting with her.
  • The Spawning Pools Enemy3: Spawning pools open up in various places and times, all connected to a central spawning chamber where the Brood Mother births monsters. These monster Chimera begin ravaging the area, gathering materials and corpses to feed their queen, fueling her spawning more. A long time enemy.
Fae Name: Shadowsun
Court: Technically Seelie
Seeming: Wilder
Kith: Nocker
Nature/Demeanor: Maniac / Varies
S/Us Legacies: Varies
Holding: Nomadic
Pub-Name: Corinthia Shaserra
Ht/Wt: 5'4" 115lbs
Hair/Eyes: Blonde/Blue
DoB: Jan 1 2000
Birthplace: Del Mar, CA
Occupation: Yeah Right!
Record: Mental patient. Arson.
Person: Thought
Person: Thought
Person: Thought
Person: Thought
Person: Thought
Person: Thought
Person: Thought
Person: Thought
Person: Thought
Person: Thought