Plot:Life and Death/Updates

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Several bodies were transported from the Tamerlane to the offices of Dr. Kinsey Jackson. Following a routine autopsy, she uncovered that two of the bodies recovered were long since dead. Others were fresh, killed at point blank range with a pistol. The shot victims all had the same tattoo - an eye with a skull as it's pupil, with the numeral 5 on it's forehead.


Ann, DeadPixel, Sin-Eater and Madame Zara sneak aboard the Tamerlane at night to investigate. Much of the Tamerlane has been surveyed by investigators, but they have found some clues that the investigation team has missed. DeadPixel found a young adolescent's shoe stuck between a stairwell leading down into the hull of the ship and the command module, Ann has found a pair of missing preservers and lifejacket and also a pre-teen's Minnie Mouse jacket in a rusted hole in the hull of the ship. They have found ghost activity, and a cargo container that seems to have contained an essence of Oblivion that has ripped it's way out and into the real world. The Shroud is disturbingly thin here as they continue their exploration.


Ann, Madame Zara and Sin-Eater continue their investigation of the Tamerlane. They find MURDER! Lots of MUUURRDDDERR. And bodies. They also discover that there were two stowaways, a father and daughter, on board. The girl, appears to have escaped. The father was not so lucky, beheaded and left for dead in the woods as he attempted to make for the Highway. They found a cargo container on the lowest deck, blood pouring into it from the dead bodies above whose contents were a broken box and some obsidian. Lastly, they learned that the father and the bridge captain had crossed the shroud and were reaped by Slavers. They had a brief conservation with the Slavers, before they let them go.


New investigators appear! Ann and Sin-Eater meet back at the Tamerlane to continue hunting a few days after the Slavers left. They are joined by Evan, Graym, Harmony, Li Bong and Silvana. They muse over the knowledge Ann receives from visions and Li Bong has collected as he hunts for the monster who seems to have left the ship and is hunting for something. Perhaps the girl! They discern the monster is making it's way toward Prospect and at the Harbor, somewhere, is the missing girl. The chase is on!