2019.09.13 Prospect 1881 - The Saloon

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Prospect 1881 - The Saloon
Frostbite and friends roll into Prospect looking for answers
IC Date Sometime in the Future and a Long Time Ago
IC Time 1881, Evening (Half Moon)
Players Royan, Zyler, Miguel, Aaryn, Sten, Theron, Micah, Aldric,
Location Prospect, CA
Prp/Tp Ravenscar
Spheres Garou, Gaian,

Frostbite and Devilâs Own (and friends) set off together from Ravenscar, following the most direct path they can. After a few tries, Micah is able to catch the sense of one of the children, once he does he begins to push them as fast as he can. The party spreads out in order to find clear travel paths, those who can take their wolves (or big cat or bird) when they are able, but unless they spend the resources to dedicate their new clothing to themselves, they are forced to travel by foot. As evening approaches, Micah alerts the party that he has lost the sense of the kids, but continuing on in the direction they were already headed, they come over a slope of hills and see a western boom town stretching all the way to the ocean. Welcome to Prospect, California, 1881 - Pop. 2,637


There was no thought in the ravens mind to take period specific clothing. Mostly since he had no plan to take a form that would require period specific clothing. When people were rifling through clothing stuff, he took to the air to avoid such things. And in the air he remained, landing only from time to time incase he needed a breather. When they set out, he made sure that Bob was hiding in some pocket or bag of Aaryn as he scouted up ahead; like a big, black and creepy shadow of ravenly doom.

Miguel is looking a bit fish out of water when he takes his human form in his /fancy/ silk suit. Likely looking like a spanish nobleman's accidental offspring. His hammer is impossible to conceal but he would not be leaving it behind, confident he'll deal with that when the time comes.

Guides-the-Dead lopes carefully to the top of one hill, having chosen her lupus form to travel in. Her ears perk and she glances to the sky. The mood hangs, half-full in a night sky above what appears to be... Deadwood <tm>. She turns to look at her traveling companions, <<S'a town. I'm pretty sure that the places Branton told us about are down there... We'll head to the Saloon, right?" As she turns toward Micah, she moves to transform into her homid form, reaching down to smooth at the silk skirt and tug a little at the laced collar.

Micah looks wrung out and exhausted. Through a clock, a night of nightmares, a attack by banes, a grave to dig and then the hunt. He has cobbled together what period clothes he can but doesn't spend the gnosis to dedicate them to himself. He kept his 21st century boots on. They're the best thing he owns after all. His bow and quiver are on his back and he is covered in the dust of the road. "It's a town all right. This makes the most sense of where they would take them." He grimaces, "Boats, trains... so many routes out of here."

And thats a nope on Bob traveling in Aaryn pocket or bag! He was probably hanging on to her fur for dear life! At least until she finally shifts so he can crawl into a pocket.

Zyler would just wait for the others, meditating on the map he was given thoughtfully, studying it's reactions to him, so he could well understand it. Once everyone is ready, he would grimance, then shift, that black wolf form seems to mirror his outfit, pure black with those yellow eyes. He runs along with the others, getting to the edge of town to shift, settling his gun properly on his back once done and glances at the others, then simply just keeps walking with them.

Aldric shifts back to his human form as well once the edge of the town comes into view, looking back to the rest of the group. He's quiet, a soft frown on his face as he listens to the conversation.

As you enter the city, the two packs split off to search for their respective targets: Frostbite and Friends to find the Saloon Branton saw in his vision, and Devilâs Own the Brothel. Prospect 1881 is a city on the rise. You can tell that it is beginning to boom by all the FOR SALE signs along the road as you walk into town. http://s3images.classcreator.com/18820/004/35585/1193442.jpg

The further into town you go, the more bustling it becomes as people come in for the night and flood the burgeoning Gaslamp district. The sounds of laughter, music, and general carousing begins to filter into the streets.

As the group moves into town, their natural pack instincts keeping them close together, people on the streets begin to take notice of them. Women move their children across the street from where they are and men watch them warily. Especially the large man in the fine clothes with the giant hammer. And who is that man in the unique black coat with a shotgun strapped to his back?

You paged Common Raven with 'From your vantage point you can see the gaslamp district from the sky. Actual GAS LAMPS lit along the roads. You hear music, people going in and out of several saloons. Ladies of the night leaning over balconies to get men to come into brothels. You also realize you are not alone in the skies. There are a number of crows or possibly ravens LOOMING (that's your move!) on the rooftops'

Zyler ignores the looks. Use to them as he is from his own time, what's the difference here? Anyone who was going to try to mess with him has the pack nearby to also ward them off. Afterall, that feral fear in mortals is very real. He keeps alert of his surroundings, but doesn't comment, splitting off with the others to head for that saloon. This was going to get interesting, to say the least.

The roads are thick in dirt. No matter that Ryn holds the deep red skirt up, it still drags in the dust. She glances down and frowns but, when she looks back up, she quickly realizes that there are more important matters to worry about. Subtly, she shifts her position in the group to spread out just a little more... She considers insulating those who appear differently, or those with higher rage.... But then realizes that she is the only one not in that category and.. Just takes a deep breath. This? Is going to be interesting.

Aldric aquired himself a hat to go along with his new getup, so keeps the brim pulled low and avoids making direct eye contact with the folks on the street. They're already skittish enough. He hovers in the center of the group, keeping an eye out around them as they walk. His nose wrinkles as they get deeper into the city, trying to scent something familiar in the cacophany of humans.

You paged Zyler with 'It doesn't take long for you to realize that you've picked up a few shadows. You can't tell if they are all together. But there are a few people who have taken note of the group on your walk and instead of walking the other way, are trailing you.'

Miguel is also a bit of a spectacle, being seven and a half feet tall and massively muscled. It took a lot of silk to dress up the Mestizo giant. Even without the hammer he'd draw eyes but that's true no matter what era he's in. Even though he doesn't have the pack up instincts that garou do he stays in formation with the group, keeping to the back. So as not to block his allies sight lines and maybe give the impression of a hired guard (when one looks like muscle, best lean into it).

Bob found a new place to hide with Aaryn once she took human form. And from those hidden depths of hiding-place-untold, the little spider speaks out, ~Feather says the roofs are full of other feathers. So many feathers. And fiery things that glow on sticks. And people talking to other people on the ground.~ Because helpful spider is helpful.

Up in the sky, the large black raven begins to slowly descend towards the town, moving closer to the street that his allies are moving on.

You paged Aldric with 'You are overwhelmed by the scents and smells of the city. It isn't modern day prospect, but lots of dirty, unbathed humans, and lack public sanitation, and OH GOD the horse shit'

Theron is getting a taste of what it means to live with the Rage that his Garou brothers possess. He walks along, next to Aaryn, and keeps his head down. He avoids eye contact with the locals as much as possible, preferring instead to keep an eye out for the sign indicating which building is the Saloon. Best get there, quick. And get out just as quick.

Micah continues to take point, keeping his eyes and senses on the path ahead of them. He usually trails the group and watches their backs, but since he started tracking, he has kept to that position.

Aldric dares to lift his face briefly, a deeper breath taken as he tries to catch a familiar scent. It ends with him coughing, covering his face as he ducks his head down for a moment. From the look on his face when his head comes back up that was a terrible idea.

Finally the group comes to the Gaslamp district proper. The proper heart of the night time business of the city, it looks to be slowly fading into decadence as the more "reputable" business relocate to the newer areas of the city. Hotels, bars, true western saloons and brothels have begun to take their place. Actual GAS LAMPS are lit along the roads. You hear music, people going in and out of several saloons. Ladies of the night leaning over balconies to get men to come into brothels.

Eventually, Micah gives a shake of his head and passes a thought across the link that connects their pack, identifying the saloon that Branton described. A sign reads in large letters SALOON and then in smaller letters above it, Trivoli. There are a number of crows or possibly ravens looming on the rooftop of the Saloon and they kraa at you as you approach.

The raven continues to go down, down and more down until he comes to a landing on a rooftop opposite the saloon that the group enters into. From this point on, his contact with them will be via Bob, as he absolutely will not go inside. For now. He does keep a wary eye out on the crows though, and making sure the ravens are not hostile.

Ryn reaches over to pat Aldric on the back, a concerned look on her face. "You OK, boss?" She asks, sparing a look around. She reaches a fingertip down to slide across the fuzzy spider spirit, appreciatively, before tugging the waist-gathers of her dress up just a smidge more to make sure he's covered and out of sight. She looks behind her and offers a smile to a passer-by before turning back to her Alpha, "penny for your thoughts?" As she feels Micah nudge through their link, she looks up at the building, her gaze floating up at the ravens gathered. She furrows her brow and, as Theron steps aside to take watch outside the Saloon for a bit (cause he totally disconnected), she slips her arm into Aldric's. She remembers enough from television Westerns to know that women dressed 'properly' never travel without a male. It should be noted here that this really gauls her.

Miguel nods tho Theron and gives the street a look around as he waits to follow the group inside, just assuming that the garou will go first.

Aldric nods to Ryn, having to fight against a few more coughs, leaving him talking through gritted teeth. "Too many smells. None good, none what I was hoping to find." Still he puts starch back in his spine though the hold on his arm does get a curious look. But nothing said as he turns and starts to lead them inside the Saloon. He's tense, and doesn't look happy about it, but the goal is enough to make him go inside without balking overly much.

To anyone with really good ears, one might be able to hear a light little humming sound as Bob, having found a way in under the floorboards, is moving along them for the wall. That light humming goes up the wall, still singing away happily. Although, the sound from the piano would drown him out fully once he gets far enough away.

Ryn realizes that Aldric has been making good use of the television in the Longhouse. She turns to look at him and smiles, impressed. "You're right," she says, looking to Sten, Zyler and Aldric. "We need to talk to the bartender and get info... But... Which one of us should that be? And..." She looks around, "maybe someone else might know? The piano player, maybe?"

Aldric looks to Sten, "This place was seen in a vision, as was the Brothel the others are looking into. There should be answers here, we just have to figure out the questions and who to pose them to." He nods to Miguel's statements. "Perhaps someone that won't make them too tense to answer would be best approaching with the questions?" Looking over towards the the piano player he nods again. "And more likely plied with money or drink. Do we have any currency?"

Micah leans over to Aldric and whispers, "Tank says this place has a this weaver web around it, but most of the city is pretty barren. The building aren't solid like at home. Seems like the spirits can move in and out pretty easy. Maybe we try looking around in the umbra?"

Ryn looks to Aldric, "we have no currency. Didn't find any in the rubble. So... Just a suggestion, boss? Since we can't ply with liquor, maybe charm? Send the Skald to the redhead atthe piano and... Micah or I to the bar?"

Bob is having the time of his life! Its a new place, new exciting things to watch! And for once, he's allowed to roam around a building full of people without Feather poking into his brain and directing him! Happy spider is happy, so he's just crawling around with that one request in his mind from Hrafn, his Feather: 'See if you can find something weird.. is that Raven eyeballing me?!'.

Aldric nods to what Micah says, "We'll look there too." Then turns to their Galliard with a faint smile. "Feel like trying your hand at wooing the songbird?" He sits forward a little bit, glancing at the bartender before nodding to Aaryn. "If you feel up to the task Aaryn, I think you would be best suited for the bartender. You manage to make friends everwhere you go, hopefully to our advantage this time."

There's the sound of heavy boots on wood, accented by the metallic *ching* of spurs as a tall, broad-shouldered man enters the bar. He pauses to give the Saloon a slow look around, removing his hat as he does so. The bartender calls out something that gets a nod of recognition before the man makes his way to the bar. There's an air of confidence about him, perhaps bouyed by the silver star on the left lapel of his coarse blue jacket. He slides up on a stool, nods to order his usual and then leans with his back against the bar and his attention... On the table of newcomers.

Common Raven pages: Its like Danger Sense, but more specific. Its activated and not innate. I get a sense of who might be a danger in the area. At more successes, more information gleaned. At 5+, I could get like.. ambushes and such. Traps and the like

Aaryn purses her lips for a moment and gives Aldric a brief withering glance before she stands, set to the task now at-hand. She smooths her hands down the dress, giving the bodice a quick tug and pats at her hair to smooth it into place. She heads toward the bar, mulling over what she should say when the Sheriff in Town walks in.

Micah rises with Aaryn, "I'll go with her, flank the room and see what I can see through Tank's eyes."

Miguel looks around from his seat, watching out for threats and zeroes in on the man with the shiny star. He comments to Aldric "We could get some currency. See if anyone wants to have a try at an arm wrestling contest or something like that."

You paged Common Raven with 'It being a bar in a seedy part of town, there are lots of possible dangers, but since you are looking for very specific things, you are able to hone that into a few particular things. The Raven eyeballing you, isn't JUSt a Raven, and he may ave ill intentions towards you. The floor below you, there are three figures in there that could be considered enemies, right around Bob, and then there are a few more down in the bar itself.'

Aaryn catches something out of the corner of her eye and she shares a look with Micah as he moves to one end of the bar. She continues to make her way to the bar as the man with the star take a drink offered by the bartender and turns to scan the room. He eyeballs Aaryn as she moves closer to him, looking her up and down and regarding her as he sucks on his teeth.

Perhaps not the best timing, but when Theron sees that the sheriff arrived his hairs stand on end with potential concern. He has seen a few westerns in his day. Slipping inside slowly so as to not appear to be following the law man in, its ourely conicidence!

<Frostbite> Micah says, "Movement at the stairs, guy just took off upstairs when the sheriff showed up."

Aldric gives Aaryn a bland look, the source of her ire lost on him. He turns back to Miguel as the two Godi's move off to start nosing around and asking questions, nodding at the suggestion. "It's a good idea. May allow the rest easier movement as well if people are focusing on a contest. Shall we start then request challengers for the winner?"

Miguel nods at Aldric and edges around to be seated across from him, putting his right arm up on the table with a grin "Excellent plan."

Zyler is silent as the others talk. Listening to them... well.. maybe listening to them. But more importantly, watching those around them. When the sheriff comes in, it's not the man with the star that Zyler is studying. So as the sheriff sits, Zyler slips out of his seat and moves, quietly making his way after.. something, careful to just be ignored as another part of the background movement of the bar.

The large black raven, sitting outside, lets out a light little Kraa sound. He then lets his thoughts flow to Bob: 'Find blondfeather'.

To this, Bob turns around and begins to move back the way he came. He's moving faster now, having perhaps sensed his friends urgency. So, he moves down the wall to the first floor, seeking to get back to Aaryn.

You paged Zyler with 'As you move up the stairs behind the man, you come up to a room where you hear voices talking. Someone is telling someone else that the sheriff has arrived and is snooping around. One of the voices... there is something familiar about it. Something that makes a chill go down your spine.'

Micah leans in to the bartender and asks a few questions quietly. He fishes through his pockets as the bartender brings back a drink.

Aldric unbuttons the sleeve of the shirt he's wearing, pushing it up out the way. Scooting in he takes Miguel's hand in his with a firm clasp, then counts down. "Three, two, one." before testing his strength against his table companion's.

Settling into a seat off to the side. Theron consoders the events for a moment. When the lawdog checks out Aaryn there is a heavy pounding in his chest, he could swear all could hear it but he knows the reality, its just in his head. He swallows it down, the heart of fenrir has had an effect on the berserker.

<Frostbite> Theron says, "Ive seen a few westerns, its never good when the Law comes checking you out in a saloon..."

Micah gives a nod to the bartender and kicks back a drink, his eyes shifting from Ryn to the stairs and back.

<Frostbite> Micah says, "The whiskey is delicious though"

Aaryn tries to ignore the Sheriff's undue attention and slides back away from him to lean over the bar and flash a smile at the bartender. She turns her back slightly to him and begins to speak to bartender in hushed tones. After a few moments just watching Aaryn, the Sheriff downs the rest of his whiskey and stands. Instead of taking her back to him as rejection, however, he only seems more interested. He steps in behind her and leans down to speak in her ear, so close she can feel the hairs at the nape of her neck stir. Whatever he says makes Aaryn go rigid. As subtly as she can, she turns her head to look back at Aldric & Miguel.

Bob would make it down through the walls to the main floor where he stops in a dark corner. He stares out at the place where there are a lot of people now and, with Hrafns momentary guidance, decides to stay put. Instead, he lets out a little humming singing sound, as if trying to call upon Aaryns attention.

Miguel gets really into the contest of strength with Aldric and forgets that they're supposed to be putting on a show and drawing attention. The match goes well for Miguel, but it looks like no one notices.

Zyler was listening. As he does. So it's only after he senses a conclusion to what he hears that he would move on, slipping away before someone comes out and potentially catche shim. Quietly coming back down those stairs, he checks out who else might be around, quietly heading for the table.

Upstairs, three men, one by one step out of a room and move towards the stairs, but they do not see Zyler. The first is an ugly man with a bandanna partially covering his face. The other two are both finely dressed, like gentlemen on a stroll. One is blonde and finely featured, the other dark haired and Eastern European l ooking. Ahead of them on the stairs, Zyler reaches the bottom before they do. He stealthily blends into the downstairs crows and they pass by him.

Aldric struggles against the push of Miguel's hand, but in the end his hand is the one that lands on the table. He gives the man across from him an appraising look as he rubs his wrist, nodding. "Well met." tone impressed. But then he looks and sees...no one looking their way, so much for that. Well, there's Aaryn, which has him tilting his head and giving her a look, one that asks if she needs help; a glance flickered between her and the man with the badge.

Aaryn stands up and turns towards Aldric's table. Her eyes move over Micah, and Theron and she notices Zyler at the base of the stairs but, before she can do anything else, the Sheriff has taken her by the arm. "After you, Miss," he insists with a wave of his hat. She begins to walk toward the table, but seems a bit distracted as she looks back, over her shoulder. There's a certain familiar hum. She chews her lip and gives Micah a pointed >look< and a push through their pack link >>Get. Bob. In the corner.<<

<Frostbite> Aldric says, "Aaryn, are you in danger?"

Zyler is ghosted a bit against that wall by the stairs. It's the Eastern European man who looks at him, that has Zyler's teeth set on edge and suddenly he lashes out, that attempt at a hard punch to the guy's face showing how little the man in black really fights, as he's able to hit him, but that's about it. Zyler curses to himself as he steps back, staring daggers at the man.

Aldric stands up as the Sheriff takes ahold of Aaryn, his expression darkening as he watches the man put his hand on her arm. He's not armed, in the conventional sense, but his fingers are twitching.

Zyler is ghosted a bit against that wall by the stairs. It's the Eastern European man who looks at him, that has Zyler's teeth set on edge and suddenly he lashes out, that attempt at a hard punch to the guy's face showing how little the man in black really fights, as he's able to hit him, but it's nothing like what the Get would do with that deck to the man's face. Zyler pulls back, ready for that response with a small curse and glaring daggers at the man.

Zyler sucker punches the Eastern European man across the jaw and it spins his head around. The man is shocked more than hurt, he turns his eyes onto Zyler and they go red. Then all hell breaks loose. <OOC> Micah says, "Micah and Theron are at the front of the saloon nearer the door. Ryn and the Sheriff are at the bar. Zyler is at the stairs. Sten is at the stage and Miguel and Aldric are at their back table."

<Frostbite> Theron says, "Uh do we know whose side the sheriff is on?"

Miguel sees punches get thrown and eyes literally change color and grins, now he's much more sure what to do. Striding over quickly he reaches out and wraps the ugly one into a wrestling hold.

Sten pushes through the crowd towards the three men, as miguel goes for the ugly one Sten goes for the blond putting his arms around him to keep him in place.

Micah pushes away from the bar, he starts to go for his bow, but that would be useless here. He puts his hand on his hip instead, as if he might have a gun holstered there. He scans the room looking for additional threats. ' All Hell Broke Lose. Bob's hiding in the corner and he is NOT moving out of it! He does not want to be stepped upon! And outside, Birdbrain is realising things are happening so.. true to a bird that finds himself not near allies for once, starts to look at the evil raven. If evil raven moves, he'll have -issues-.

The Sheriff's eyes narrow as All Hell Breaks Loose in the Saloon. Ah, shit. This is just what he was worried about. He'd discard the little lady at his side, and by that, he means give Aaryn a bit of a shove back and out of the way. For her own safety, of course. As he does so, he reaches for his gun. His eyes dart toward Aldric, Miguel and Sten as he unholsters his firearm.

Aaryn is shoved and she stumbles back against the bar. She growls, but then takes advantage of the situation and darts off toward the corner where the sing-song Bob is hunkered down. ~C'mere Lil Guy!~

Theron heads towards the bar and the sheriff, Theron takes hold of a chair to drag along with him...its no sword but it could make for a nice improvised weapon...eyes watching the action carefully.

Aldric starts to move over, then veers as the crowd chooses their fight or flight paths. He moves towards some that are seeming to choose fight, one especially that has a rather feral look in his eyes. Drawing back he sends a right hook his way, connecting with an overly solid jaw.

When Aaryn comes closer to the corner, Bob sees his chance. He darts out, all eight legs moving quickly as he dashes for the woman. Reaching her dress, he leaps the rest of the way to land safely in the protective care of Aaryn. Zyler eyes the man with that hatred and contempt, stepping back only that half step as he managed to catch the guy by surprise. That next strike? Right for the throat, a surprisingly serious jab to really hit the guy hard as Zyler lays into him.

The blonde man that Sten grabs does not resist. He smiles as he looks into Sten's eyes, his own eyes mesmerizing and hypnotic. "Attack your friends. They are now your enemies."

The Eastern European man wheezes, catching his breath from the throat punch and looks into Zyler's eyes and commands, "Flee!"

The ugnly man who Miguel is wrastlin loses his bandanna and a very ugly Nosferatu is looking back at Miguel. But given that he has already used his action to try and wrastle him back, he just bares his teeth and hisses

The feral looking man Aldric is attacking grows claws on the ends of his fingers and swipes across Aldric chest, ripping through his fine silk clothes and marking red lines across his skin.

On the roof, the raven looks at Hrafn apologetically and says in the language of the corax, "I'm sorry cousin, I had no choice." And flies from the roof.

And that? That Hrafn will not accept. And it rather surprises him! When the raven takes off from the roof, Hrafn lets out a loud KRAA! and then .. gives chase! Someones getting punted from the air!

If you ever wandered what it would be like to be in a bar fight in the old west, well not you have your chance. Everyone start moving at once. Patrons start moving for the door. The two outlaw gangs (because that's what it looks like to them!) begin to swing at each. And then oh shit the sheriff pulls a gun. And that guy over there looks like he has a knife. Miguel grabs an ugly guy and Zyler punches the Count and everyone is shouting commands.

Miguel has the really impossibly ugly one that hissed at him in a wrestling contest. Miguel isn't at all sure exactly what his foe is other than monstrously strong and ugly. But power squeezing is a solid play for most things so, slamming into the floor with a grunt he squeezes the guy tighter.

Sten lets go of the blond man and turns to Miguel and punches him though seems there is no real fight in him, swing is bad and no real ooomph in the punch which litterally just bounce off the mass that is Miguel.

From his vantage point at the door, Micah spots another attacker moving against the flow of the crowd, shadows playing around him and pulling away from the wall. Living up to his name, he pulls his bow from his back fires and arrow through the crowd, zipping past the ears of fleeing patrons and slamming into the chest of his target.

When shit quickly spins into chaos, Theron is quick to jump in and help out. The chair in hand he takes the short steps forward to smash it across the vampire fighting the pack alpha, a human growl as he attacks. The sheriff fires a round into the ugly thing that Miguel has a hold on and realizes the problem with vampires is that they have no organs to hit. The ugly doesn't even notice he's been shot.

Most women would shriek at having a spider leap at you, but Aaryn isn't most women. As soon as she had Bob safely clinging to her, she turns and quickly studies the mess that's unfolding... With the Sheriff there, things could get messy. er. And quick. She bolsters her voice and shouts, "WE HAVE WHAT WE NEED!" And waves toward the exit as she makes her way there, herself.

Zyler matches the man's glare with one of his own. That demand he flee just has Zyler grit his teeth before a final, "Screw You!" would be given. Although at Aaryn's calling out, he snarls, then would shift, to back away. It's not fleeing. It's tactical retreat as someone got something out of this.

Aldric seems offended. The bastard just tore up what was probably the nicest shirt he's ever had on. So he reaches out and grabs the vamp by the front of his shirt holding on long enough for his other fist to connect with it's nose. It lands with a hard crack, likely arranging its position as he draws his hand back preparing for the next go.

The blonde and the eastern european, with Sten distracted and Zyler out of the way, begin to retreat up the stairs.

The ugly feels his ribs crack until his big guys arms and fights back with the only weapon he has free - his teeth. He sinks them down into Miguel's arm, biting down hard, but this freak of nature is TOUGH.

The feral man facing off with Aldric swipes across him again, this time, he draws blood. His bares his fangs in satisfaction. Appears he wants to fight too.

Aldric rewards the clawing with another fist to his face, pushing that nose further out of joint and back into the vamps face with a solid crunch. So mighty is his anger over the destruction of his shirt, that he pushes through with the punch, knocking his would be attacker off of his feet and down onto the bar room floor with a crash.

However ineffectually it was, Miguel got gnawed on. And Fangs are something he knows what to do about. Throwing the ugly one to the ground he reaches for his hammer and swings it in one fluid motion, smashing across its already ugly face really hard.

<Frostbite> Sten says, "I WILL KILL HIM.... RIP HIM.... HE WILL DIE!"

Micah's eyes go wide and he levels his bow, sweeping the room, covering Aaryn and anyone else who is making their exit, "I lost my guy. My guy disappeared! SHIT!"

Sten rushes up after the blond man up the stairs looking for him, and if he spots him he is going to kick the living dead shit out of him.

The kinfolk turns, the chair broken in his hand. Its a classic move right? Works in all the movies. Theron drives down ontop of the vampire, driving the stake through the heart. Which as far as Theron is aware, it means the vampire is dead...like in the movies.


The Sheriff fixes his icy blue stare at the rear of the room and sends a shot into the air in an attempt tp Command the Gathering... And literally no one gives a loo. Chaos continues to reign in the town of this highly ineffectual Sheriff...

Aaryn makes it past the door, Bob safely tucked into the gathers of her dress, and looks up to the roof. Not seeing Hrafn, her brows furrow. She doesn't have time to Bird-Sit, however, and she turns back to watch and make sure her allies make it out of the Saloon...

Now that his quarry is down on the ground, Ric sees no need to prolong things further. His booted foot lifts up and he brings it down with all of his weight on the things already damaged face, caving the front of it in with an unappetizing squelching of bone and tissue. Then he turns to see how the others are fairing in their fisticuffs.

Upstairs, Sten reaches the top of the stair to see the two fleeing vampire leap full bodied through a second story window. The window shatters easily under their supernatural strength and the blonde man, the one who turned him against his allies, falls towards the ground below.

Zyler went outside at Aaryn's call. Sten? He'll have to deal with his Alpha. Either way, once outside, he hears the windows shatter and curses. That gun is pulled forward this time and he'd go towards where he hears the bodies landing. As long as he has a clean shot? You better believe they're going to get double barreled doom shot at them!

Miguel takes another swing while his foe is still dazed and once that's done he puts the hammer up on his shoulder and nods farewell to the sherrif before heading outside with the others.

Micah keeps his bow up, "Boss? What'd'ya want to do?" He glances from Aldric to the stairs where Sten is and then scans the rest of the room, his eyes wild.

The vampire staked, Theron quickly looks up. Aaryn outside and he is heading that way quickly. How cute, the kinfolk protective of his garou. He asks a question, unheard across the totem.

<Frostbite> Theron says, "Now what?"

<Frostbite> Aldric says, "Regroup out front, don't let them seperate us."

<Frostbite> Aaryn says, "Aldric's right. We have what we need. Let's go. The veil's rending..."

Aldric's head lifts and he looks to the stairs, eyes focused on the way Sten went. His jaw sets and a decision is reached, waiting until his Beta has returned before heading towards the door. He spares the Sheriff a glance, "Sorry about the mess." heading for the door. <Frostbite> Sten says, "They jumped the window. I am going after them!"

<Frostbite> Aldric says, "No! Out front!"

<Frostbite> Sten says, "Then fucking get them! We are not loosing them"

Sten stops himself and turns to run down the stairs NOT seeming at all happy about this idea, skipping many of the steps to make it faster.

<Frostbite> Aldric says, "They are not the mission. Focus on our task. We cannot fix every woe of this time period, we have to find the taken."

The Sheriff watches, helplessly as Miguel strolls past him with the Murder Hammer... And Aldric apologizes for the 'mess'. He gives a low growl to his Shifter cousins and kicks at a chair sending it flying. And then? There's a gunshot outside. His head snaps around and his eyes narrow as he begins to stalk, pointedly, in that direction.

Zyler gets outside and stiffens as he'd hear the shattering of windows. A jerk to the side, he sees one of the two land. Snarling a little, that shotgun suddenly slings up, set and with a click of one trigger BOOM!! fills the air, tagging the guy as he runs off. Glaring after the one who got away, he grunts, lowering the shotgun.

Micah covers the door until Aldric, Miguel, Sten and the Sheriff are out of the Saloon. Then walks over to the bar and grabs a half full bottle of whiskey that has been left out, shoving it into his quiver as they leave.

<Frostbite> Sten says, "If not for the task I would hunt the blond one to the end of the world... torn him limb from limb.. I will kill him"

Aldric doesn't look over his shoulder, though from the twitch in his brow he's thinking something really hard. He exits the front of the Saloon, looking up at the sound of the gunshot, before he moves towards Aaryn.

Theron moving to Aaryn's side, "This...I didnt expect this." he admits and glances into the saloon, "Will the Sheriff help us?" he wonders.

As Aaryn begins to back away, skipping as she goes. "Uhm," she responds to Theron, "that'd be a 'no'?" She pauses a moment as Aldric heads in her direction, and feels her danger sense go up. "What's up, boss?"

Miguel snorts at the question about the sherrif as he stows his hammer and says "That was bracing. What's next?"