08-26-2019 Make em suffer

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Bar good time
A bar
IC Date August 26th, 2019
Players Jess, Merick as ST
Location Not nice part of town
Spheres Garou Gaian M+/Kinfolk Fera

The need for a body, fresh body is what Merick askes her for tonight, he needs something by the end of the night. He made something and god dammit he wants to test it, after the fight between them and his own mistakes and hers they had rage to burn off, needing to do this but here she is going into the world, near his warehouse. The killing floor of his rented in a fake name, he is going to stay behind but only a phonecall away if she needs his help.

She doesn't mind going on a trip, to find someone to kill, she enjoys the hunt, and lord knows she needs practice. Jessy puts Blur on and begins to stalk through the darkness of the night, down alleys and keeping generally to the shadow's to find prey for here lover, one she's mad at, but also not.

The walk through the alleys, is fine till she is seen by a man in a leather jacket. The man has a huge green mohawk, and a wicked smile as he moves behind her now, with a large dragon on the back of his jacket. It is green with green fire coming out of it's mouth and he is moving slowly not quick, not hiding.

Jessica continues to walk slowly through the shadows of the alley, trying to find a good target. She's got her 'order', the list of criteria that he wants, and she's particular, she's looking for exactly what he wants her to get for him.

Well then it seems she is too focused on the art of the hunt, as a knife is plunges into her back, with a wicked little whisper into her ear."If you don't want another stab, your going to suck my cock slut?"

Jessica growls and hisses angrily as she's stabbed, Fucking stabbed! When he pushes her down, she'll turn to look up at him and growls, "Who the fuck are you, and you stab first and then ask for cock sucking second?", she'll snort, and then suddenly the area is covered in a shroud, it's pitch black and she'll yank away and pull out her own daggers, preparing to attack while she goes silent.

"Now then, slut you will eat this dick, you got it." The man is stumbles in the dark, in the fog now, confused and man. But she knows Merick, needs him alive for the start, but she will be allowed the kill at the warehouse.

Jessica laughs in the darkness and then steps forward, moving past him as she taunts him. "C'mon this way then, big boy. You catch me, you can have me..." Her tone is teasing, taunting and mocking him in the darkness, and she'll begin the long journey to lead him to the killing ground.

"Nah fuck that you spooky fucking cunt." The man in the jacket, is booking away from the voice, he is not slowing down full tilt boogie, down the alley into it, the maze of the ghetto, something he knows well, as he leaps over a fence and then he is off like a flash of light.

When the guy with the dragon jacket says fuck it and turns to flee, Jessica will snarl with annoyance and turn. With a smooth motion, she'll pull a dagger from her jacket and as the man climbs the fence, she'll throw it with a quick whip of her wrist, burying the dagger into his leg and causing him some serious pain.

The man is down on the ground rolling around with that knife in his leg, he is shocked and not seeing it coming, howling out and then he is trying to stand, but he falls again.

Jessica walks silently towards the man rolling and trying to stand. She'll smirk and then use a foot to kick the knife in his thigh, making it more painful. "Asshole... next time ... wait, there won't be a next time, will there." She'll say snidely and then brings up her dagger to knock him out with the butt of it. Growing in size, she'll then casually grab him and lift him over her shoudler to begin walking back to the warehouse with him. She'll use blur again as she goes, so as to not draw attention to herself.

There are many on the street, but due to the skill, the blur, all of the skill of this young pyscho of a garou, the spiral smiles on her, as she brings the victim, to her lover, her man, the maker of such pretty smells. It is time for the monthly, and she has the right victim, ode to rapist, will be the name of it, and it will be glorious.