
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 18:28, 30 November 2021 by Evonna (talk | contribs)
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  • Armani - My dearest Sissy!! Together again and oh the fun we will have!
  • Steele - What a find! It is like that wishing star sent me something I needed!

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RP Hooks
  • Southern Debutante - Being from the deep South, this Belle of the Ball is bubbly and overwhelming, charming and talkative, and certainly one that is hard to miss.
  • Fashion Designer - She loves to make new clothing and dress others. She does not put down others for their sense of style, only help enhance it.
  • Mixologist - She loves a good drink and knows how to make it! Which goes along with her learning alchemy and herbalism as well.
  • Art History - She has an eye for beauty. She has studied art history, and is actually well studied.
  • Grandmere - Her Grandmere lives in the Bayou and she spent time with her many summers which is where her sorcery training began. She was accepted with their group of Verbena. She learned French Creole as a part of this as well.
  • Family - Her family is extensive, which includes ties to Russia. Her half-sister Armani and her share the same mother, but different fathers. She has learned Russian so she can communicate with that side of the family.

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Chanel Davenport

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Race: Sorcerer/Kinfolk
Full Name: Chanel Davenport
Date of Birth: April 2nd, 1999
Heritage: Southern Peach
Occupation: Fashion Designer
Demeanor: Celebrant
Tribe: Silver Fang
Age: 22

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