2024.05.29: Forget it Norm, It's Chinatown

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Forget It Norm, It's Chinatown
It's all fun and games until your intestines hit the table.
IC Date May 29th, 2024
IC Time Evening-ish
Players Miko, Norman, Xiu
Location Chinatown: Yule District - Hotoke no Sake,
Chinatown: Shangye District - A Back Alley Restaurant
"Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown."
- Chinatown

Chinatown - Yule District

  The first sign of the cultural influence of the area is a change in architecture; many roofs and storefronts take on a distinctly East-Asian feel. The festive vermillion hue is stained upon maple storefront pillars and the overhangs have a matching red clay tiling that shows vividly through, despite the grime and wear of urban life. Likewise signs and waving banners in the area do not favor English, there are as many in the shared Kanji/Hansa alphabet of Japan and China as any with romanji characters. Other alphabets vary through the signage just as prominently, they are simply in a smaller minority. The squat two story building of the Apothecary is representative of the non-uniformity of the buildings that crowd the 'Chinatown' streets.
  Restaurants in the area offer everything from Sushi to 'Japanese' Hibachi style steak houses, but there are other East Asian cuisine represented as well, such as Pho stands on wheels and Korean barbecue stalls. The scents of food are absolutely everywhere, as are lines of laundry hanging like colorful banners between apartments above. The cultural center acts as a pulse for the community, and its pell-mell of architecture speaks to the identity of said community in a mixture of East versus West that blends like scarlet clouds against a brilliant sunrise.

Scene 1.1 - Spotting the Spotter

  It's the middle of the evening, on this fine Wednesday. Chinatown's nightlife is starting to get into gear. Tourists and natives alike mingle on the streets of Chinatown, the street vendors are peddling their wares, groups of more or less sober tourists laugh and chat as they walk. Ladies of the night stand at certain corners, while Chinatown's own residents hurry about, lurk behind counters, or sit at tables. Tourist-ready and just slightly seedy at the same time, depending on where you look. The back alleys, of course, are a different matter, good and bad.
  Leaning against the outside wall of the Hotoke no Sake bar, a rather peculiar figure is spending her time this night. An Asian girl with somewhat worn out clothes. A baggy hoodie. Baggy cargopants. Worn out running shoes. Probably a sort of street rat. A street rat whose black hair is spilling out past her face from the pulled up hood in a pile of long, black braids almost reaching to her feet.
  She is just subtly peering around, as she just hangs there. Japanese? No. Might be Chinese. Might be Vietnamese. Thai? Hard to tell unless the foreigner knows his Asian telltale signs.

  So a two-ton gorilla walks into a bar... Or at least steps out of a dark sedan from the driver's side. He's wearing a dark suit, mirrorshades, the whole kit and caboodle. You know, trouble. With a capital T. The orangutan wanders around to the rear passenger side and opens the door while looking around and scanning the crowd. Monkey boy isn't too pleased with his environs.
  From the back of the sedan spills out a large man. Not as large as the mook in the suit, but still a solid sort of fellow. He's in shirtsleeves and is talking on a cellphone which he puts away a few moments after sliding out of the vehicle. He seems amiable, jovial, and is smiling broadly as he looks around the neighborhood and inhales the air of Sichuan and Japanese cooking. He's got curly hair, and seems to be monied. As if the bodyguard wasn't clue enough. With a pat on the non-dominant arm of his watcher, the executive turns towards the Japanese bar and heads in that direction with a happy air and a possible whistle.
  Meanwhile, gorilla-boy is eyeing everyone, including the Asian girl leaning against the wall.

  The sedan only gets mild attention, at first. Though when the gorilla steps out, all dark suit, shades and clearly not Asian, the girl's slanted eyes narrow inside that hood. She, otherwise, does not move - simply standing there, one foot against the wall, leaning back and her hands inside the hoodie's pouch as she lurks and lingers. And watches that other guy get out. All smiles and bright expression? For some reason the guy does not mix with sedan and gorilla in ow.
  When said bodyguard looks at Xiu, she just stares at him for a longer moment without otherwise changing her rather casual positioning.
  It's when Norman seems to pick out the building she is currently using as a backrest, that her eyes find him again, and her expression changes. That narrowing of the eyes goes away, and she looks at him passively - though with clearly unhidden curiosity. Then again, who wouldn't be at that arrival?

  The gorilla seems to know his job. Having cleared the street of threats, he pops double-time to go into the bar before his employer. The jovial fellow just rolls his eyes as the large man scoots in the door before him. Which allows his eyes to spot the street rat currently lounging against the wall.
  Until now, his eyes had mostly passed over her and the braided hair. There's a moment of interest, a glance around the street, and then he seems to mark you as a spotter, maybe. It's hard to tell. He's not from California and they might do things differently here on the west coast. But given that there's no one else loitering obviously around he cocks his head a little.
  He pauses while he has a moment before the goon comes back out and palms a card to you along with a $50 bill. If you're NOT a spotter, this is going to get really embarrassing, really fast. But if you are, well then, his night could get a lot more entertaining, fast.
  The executive wanders into the bar and leaves you with the card and the money. On the back of the business card is written, in Mandarin, "I'm looking for some action. Any games for high rollers in the area?" on the flip side of the card is a name:
    H. Norman Alperson
    CEO, Alperson Investment Congolmerate

Hotoke no Sake - Bar

  This is just a small bar off the beaten path, one of the best kind really if you actually want a drink rather than some dance club. Dark but glitzy, the place is definitely Visual Kei themed. Bands such as Dead End, X Japan, and ExistTrace amongst many others past and present play over the speakers. The bar itself is a single piece of polished and lacquered mahogany that is kept wiped to a sheen gloss. Behind it can be seen many brands of beer and Sake, spirits and wine, alcohol of all sorts in a multitude of choice along with a door marked 'Private'.
  The room itself is sparing, only room for four tables and their chairs besides the bar and its stools. The floor is a maple paneling, polished to a dull gleam. Three fans overhead turn in a slow rotation amidst a set of four interspersed wood columns. The foyer has stairs that lead down from the street, giving the bar an almost underground atmosphere.

Scene 1.2 - Drinks Like a Fish

  When the man approaches her, Xiu has to look up. She's not exactly in the most straight standing position right now in the first place, and, well...he's just taller than her. The girl is just of average Asian girl height, after all. She *is* expecting him to speak up, but when he just extends a hand with the card and bill, she blinks, takes it, and eyes it. And then watches him from the corners of her eyes as he disappears inside the bar.
  So that's how it is.
  A smirk moves her lips as she pockets the bill, and then eyes the card, turning it, reading (She's Chinese after all!) and letting out a soft 'hrm'. Somebody wants to play.
  With a grunt, she pushes herself away from the wall, and begins to shuffle after him after a moment, pulling the door open to enter the rather small bar. Heck. Only four tables. But man, this place is definitely glitzy, with the playful style of the Visual kei rockbands of Japan.
  Of course the place's small size makes that Gorilla stand out even more, and when Xiu enters, she eyes him again with narrowed eyes, before her expression relaxes once more once she spots...Norman!

  Goon has cleared the bar and has taken up a seat where he can see the entrances and exits and the staff. Unobtrusive. Professional. Well-paid. Meanwhile, Norman heads for the bar and angles himself up onto a seat like a real pro. This is not his first time in a bar, by any stretch of the imagination, and there's a casual athleticism to the way he ensconces himself on that barstool.
  His grin is broad, friendly, and he politely waits for the bartender before ordering a Suntori Hibiki 30-year if they have it, a premium Junmai sake if not. He seems in his element, and strikes up a friendly rapport with the bartender almost immediately. Comfortable, would be the best term for the man, approachable, convivial. He's not loud, but he's clearly a force. People just seem to have a good time around him, or it might be that smile of his.

  Annnnd there is that girl, settling in on the barstool next to him. Unlike him, her order is more simple; A Japanese beer, Kirin. And she uses a certain bill to pay for it, too!
  Once it gets served, she takes a sip, elbows on the bartop and her body leaned forward a bit, while she peers sideways and reaches up to pull back her hoodie hood and uses the same hand to finally distribute that mass of braids all around her a bit more, without the hood forcing her to keep them all down her front. "'lo there." Well. She's casual.

  Norm is just as casual, if respectful. He's not in his hometown, he doesn't know the local players, and he doesn't want to offend on accident. He doesn't miss the portrait of Ulysses S. Grant sliding across the bar. He's just vaguely hoping that between the point he gave it to the woman and now a phonecall was made and maybe, just maybe he's going to get a little pai-gow going, or some mahjongg, or a poker game for the night. Well, if not, he's a happy fellow and here's someone to have a drink with.
  With a friendly air, he waves over the bartender for another glass, maybe two, and pours out drinks for both Xiu and the bartender from his bottle. There's a deft steadiness to his hands when he pours, too. The bottle is twisted at the last second just a touch so even that last drop clinging to the lip isn't wasted. "Evening, ladies!" he toasts the two of you in a decidedly American manner, though as polite as he can be.

  And the girl lightly grins as she seems to be getting a glass of sake for free. Well. She is not going to complain, definitely, and takes the moment to sit up more upright, picking up her glass and lifting it. "Evenin'!" she replies, and actually moves her hand to lightly tap her glass against his. "Got your message. Can't say I got recommendations, but I might know a couple places worth checkin' out." She does not lower her voice. With the way she is wording it, it is really not needed, and would just draw *more* attention. Especially in a little bar as this.

  Norman doesn't look disappointed, or resigned. He took a gamble, and it didn't pay off. Clearly, he's a man who likes that sort of risk. Still, it's not like the exchange out of sight of his bodyguard was entirely fruitless. After all, the young lady "might know a couple of places worth checking out."
  His teeth are white as he smiles and clinks his glass against the younger woman's and tips his curly-haired head towards the bartender. "I figured I'd ask the bartender next. Every town is different. New York, you find someone outside on the street. N'Awlins, it's the bartenders, Macau well..." he trails off. Generally out there he has business contacts who put him in touch with the wrong people for the right sort of fun.
  He, too, isn't bothering to lower his voice, though there's a tonal change from the more boisterous 'Evening, ladies' of earlier to the more discrete chat about entertainment, now. "So, if you'll pardon me being direct, what sort of fun is there to be had in this town?"

  Oh, Xiu grins at that. At both those statements. All of thems. "Oh, Chinatown's bustlin', an' if you want to have fun of any kind, it provides. All that matters is lookin' in the right spots." She takes a sip and licks her lips. "Place's good at separatin' the tourists from the 'tourists'. But vice's not hard to find. I mean, you saw the hookers." She lightly rolls a shoulder. "Not as blunt as those in other parts of town, but not hard to spot. 's the same with the other things. Not as blunt, but not hard to spot if you know what to look for."
  She takes another sip of her sake and puts it down. "So, Chinatown's got everythin'. What fun? All the fun?." She smirks at him. "Discreetly placed an' everybody livin' in these districts knows it." She pause for a moment, before she holds out her free hand. Quickly! Just to piss off that Gorilla. "Xiu. ('sheoo')."

  Norman has finished the first bottle in short order and is motioning over the bartender for a second bottle of sake already. Where the hell did it all go? This one he orders a much smoother, fruitier distillation, equally high priced. As he's pouring Xiu and himself another shot of sake, he replies, "Well, I'm not in the market for those sort of games. Even if I were," He cocks his head back towards the gorilla a little as if to say someone probably wouldn't let him have that much fun.
  The handshake is firm and polite, not overwhelming or game-playing. Nor does it linger inappropriately. "Norm," he replies to the Asian woman's introduction. "My friends call me Norm." he knocks back the sake and is already pouring himself another. This isn't a man, he's a fish. Well, give his size, whale. A trim whale, but a whale. Probably also in the gambling sense, a whale, given his interest.
  "Let's see. I'd definitely appreciate any help finding a game or two, but barring that, I'll take some fresh La'mian or La Zi Ji." His accent is impeccable when he pronounces the dish names. He pats his stomach and there's a thump against the solid mass of his belly. "I'd kill for some good dim sum."

  "Heh." Xiu lets out at the comment regarding the bodyguard being a leash around Norman's neck to some degree. Her grip is of course not as firm as Norman's, but also certainly not some shy barely-there thing. "Norm it is. An' if Chinatown can provide one thing easily, 's good food. No worries there." She smirks, and then nods in an appreciating fashion as he refills her glass, and this time she kicks it back, before softly exhaling and idly placing it onto the bartop without pulling her fingertips from its edges.
  "Food ain't hard. Know enough places for that. The games? Gotta look in the back alleys. Sounds worse than it is. An' that just made it sound less bad than it is." She smirks. "Gotta know which alleys to waltz into. In the good ones, local organized muscle makes sure clients can walk over there in safety. In the bad alleys, the same local organized muscle grab stragglers for easy pickings."

  Norm seems to be listening intently, and it's completely unfeigned. He's a good listener, and pays attention when people are dispensing information. Especially when it's vital to his continued well-being. "Food and drink," he says, lifting his full-again sake glass. You'll note he doesn't even look rosy cheeked or slurring his words in the slightest. But he also doesn't have the complexion of a habitual alcoholic. So he's just a big man who can really hold his liquor.
  "Totally understand," he says when Xiu mentions the various sorts of alleys in town and the sorts of people who work them. "It's why," he flicks his eyes back at the mirrorshaded muscle who's pretending to enjoy a drink but really just nursing a cheap bottle of beer and watching the exits. One might expect him to be paying more attention to the street rat currently chatting up his employer, but his mind just keeps forgetting about her and he spends his time looking for trouble elsewhere.
  "Something something 'liability and risk for insurance purposes' something something blah blah blah."

  Xiu slowly raises her eyebrows, and her expression takes on a definitely amusement-dripping turn. "Oh, you're just hatin' and lovin' his presence at the same time, aren't you?" This time, her voice was lowered, before it returns to its normal volume - after she takes a gulp of her beer!
  "Mh...and dependin' on the alley, he better be good." she remarks. "But 's not like you can take a turn straight off main street and stumble into that much trouble immediately. Chinatown's got to keep its tourists, an' drunk folks just love takin' a turn and pissin' into the nearest alley. So yeah, you gotta intentionally venture away from the pack." She lifts her beer bottle again and wiggles it a bit. "In the mood for some good food? I am."

  "Hating it. Definitely hating it." says Norm. "But it would really crimp my fun to get stabbed or shot or torn to pieces by one of those slashers you read about in the newspaper all the time. So I gotta put up with the ol' ball and chain over there." He looks genuinely sad that he can't just go traipsing off to drink and party and gamble.
  Because there's little Norm likes more than showing people a good time. Bar hopping, pub crawling, whatever - he loves it. If the man has a talent (aside from his ability to drink ridiculous quantities of alcohol and show absolutely no ill effects), it's entertaining friends and new acquaintances. And he does it exceedingly well. And Xiu is currently the recipient of that aura of fun. Well, and the bartender who receives a pleasantly large tip for the bourbon and two bottles of sake he's crushed.
  Norm pops down off the barstool with a spry motion and offers Xiu his hand to help her down. "Famished. I've been drooling since we drove into the neighborhood and I'm eager to see what Prospect has to offer in terms of authentic Asian cuisine.

  The girl grins wide as Norm reaaaaally doubles down on the 'hating it' part. And the grin gets followed with a laugh of amusement as he offers her his damn hand to get her off the barstool. She humors him and takes it, playfully jumping off the barstool before she lets go and stuffs her hands back into her hoodie pouch.
  After pulling up her hoodie hood. She waves to the bartender, before she glances at Norm and nods towards the door. "Alright. Let's go. Gonna show you a really nice place. Not a high class place. Just damn good food, an' not touristy." With that said, she marches towards the door.

  Since he's been mentioned, we should talk about The Big Gorilla. He does look well-trained to an expert eye. Probably ex-military. The size alone is generally enough to deter the truly stupid, and the professionalism should deter the not-so-stupid-but-still-not-smart sort of thug. When the two people at the bar moves, he notes the newcomer, again, shakes his head as if to try and knock out some cobwebs, and plants a neutral expression on his square-jawed face. Neutral, but clearly disapproving. How'd he manage that?!
  Norm is a gentleman who opens the door for Xiu, and Gorilla trails after him out the door to the street of Chinatown. Gorilla seems unwilling to leave the car behind, and double-times it to the back door of the sedan to open the door for you. Ok, so Gorilla is trained as well in the minimum of courtesy. His opinion on Xiu's mode of dress doesn't seem to matter.
  Norm offers his hand again to help the lady into the car, and then moves around to the other side along with the Ape who lets him into the other side. Mirrorshades slides into the driver's seat while the two of you are buckling up and eventually asks in a monotone, "Whereto?"
  Norm looks at you expectantly, and mentions, "His name is Derrick, by the way. He's new, and enthusiastic. So apologies." What? It's not like Derrick patted you down. He's just doing his job. Though it is true that he gave Xiu a thorough once-over - very thorough - as she got into the car. Probably checking for weapons and threats visually instead.

  Well, Xiu clearly expected a *walk* through Chinatown. Habit, being used to it, and probably not owning a car herself might all be parts of that. So when they step out, and the Gorilla goes running, just to bring the Sedan into place, she...blinks. And takes Norman's hand. "Alright, not sure if takin' the Sedan's worth the trip, but I'll roll with it." she remarks and lightly grins, before she slips into the vehicle before closing the door.
  She takes the moment to look around the interior, shifting a little in place, before she buckles up. Also, of note, the baggy clothes really make it hard to easily check the girl for weaponry of any sort. Who knows if Derrick might reconsider the patting-down later. "Ah, alright, best if I just give directions, yeah?" She gestures along the mainstreet, deeper into Chinatown. "Head along there, Once you get to the tea shop with the fancy flower arrangement over the sign, head left. Head past two intersections, and you'll see a li'l restaurant with a small exterior seatin' and a plastic tarp roof over that. Park there. 's not a touristy spot, so don't expect neon lights."

Chinatown - Market Alley

   The Chinatown Market Alley is where the majority of Chinatown goes to purchase their general, everyday goods and where tourists can find the cliche baoding balls, incense, and the like. The Market itself isn't a single building but several alleyways that are connected through one main thoroughfare with the ground floor establishments modified and used as shops. The Alleyway, during the day and afternoon time frames tend to be busy, often packed with people and congested. During the night, however, most of the shops close down except for a few that are specific towards health, food and a few last minute necessities.
   The entry alleyway into the Marketplace is highlighted with red and black lanterns with two gold colored Shiishii Dogs on either side of the entryway. If the lanterns and Shiishii dogs doesn't give away the location of the place, the people coming and going in and out of the Alleyway tend to be a dead give away. The entire length of the Alleyway is brightly decorated with lanterns of different colors and sizes as well as streamers, overhangs and other oddities that make shops stand out. For the most part the street of the alleyway is cleaned and kept up with as the shops seek to keep their fronts clean, pollution is bad for business after all.
   The further back one goes into the Market Alleyway the less and less there are shops that are open, or at least open to the general public and becomes less vibrant in there displays, making it seem dreary and even inhospitable. Eventually the Market Alley ends at a T, to the left the Alleyway extends for about a hundred and fifty feet before it dead ends, only one door is seen there and it is barricaded off with all sorts of strange talismans hung on the frame. The alleyway to the right of the T extends similliarly and ends as well, but there is a set of doors at the end leading into a building of some sort. Here there is constantly a group of thugs who seem to call that Alleyway their 'turf' and anyone who comes into the area are 'persuaded' to leave, if they know what's good for them.

Scene 2.1 - It's All Fun And Games Until Your Intestines Hit The Table

  Norm, clearly, would have preferred a nice walk through the sights and smells of Chinatown. Next time. But Derrick clearly didn't want to leave the sedan behind in an unknown place. As mentioned before, his job is all about insurance. And losing his employer's mode of transportation would be a black mark against him. You never blame the boss for the boss' stupid, ill advised, risky decisions. Nope. Not the customer's fault, ever. Even if the contract with the security company says otherwise. So the bodyguard rolls with it and ensures, subtly, that his job gets done. Like protecting both the car and his employer by Making The Man Get In The Damn Car.
  The interior of the vehicle is understated, but expensive. As if you hadn't already pegged him as Money with a capital M, the sedan speaks of quiet wealth. On the exterior it's not at all flashy, on the interior, it's stocked with a small bar, a work station, and comfortable front and rear-facing seating for moving meetings. Leather seats, but the expensive kind. All in all, classy.
  Norm entertains on the way. Both by being his enthusiastic self, and by asking about various shops and stores he sees out the window. Since you seem to know the neighborhood - even if you're not the corner spotter he initially thought you were - he takes full advantage of your expertise and knowledge to learn about Chinatown's points of interest. From the conversation, it's clear he's spent more than a little time in China, and his Mandarin when reading the signs is about as good as one can expect someone not born there would speak.
  The ritual of the car doors is repeated when the two of your reach the destination, with the added sight of Norm inhaling deeply and almost visibly drooling at the smells coming from the environs.

  And Xiu provides the tasty neighborhood information! It shows that the girl definitely, positively, has been around. She knows the alleys, she knows the streets, and she knows the establishments. She might not be an actual spotter, but she's probably equally not focused on any single place; She's the type to ask to find pretty much anything. Norman might have struck gold instead of copper.
  And she does it in Mandarin - at first to test him, and then the conversation just gets going. Bonus: Derrick probably does not know Mandarin. Double bonus: He can't understand what they are saying. Which they probably both make use of.
  Finally, when the doors get opened, Xiu slips out and deeply inhales. Oh yes. There is the smell of oh so damn tasty food coming out of that restaurant - a restaurant which is clearly not aimed at the tourists. Xiu lifts a hand, waving to a couple outside, greeting them before turning around, thumbs hooked into the belt hoops of her cargopants as she waits for Norman to be ready to head in.

  Nope, Derrick doesn't speak Mandarin. His employer made sure of that. Of course, it probably would have been intelligent to bring a bodyguard to Chinatown who _could_ speak Mandarin, to better protect Norman. But then, Norman wouldn't get into half the trouble, er, fun, that he came here looking for. Derrick is solid, though. He can read a room, even if he can't understand the language. Bundle up his charge and toss him into the back of the sedan? Can do!
  Norman's Mandarin is basically flawless and the accent and sentence construction follows along with his businessman appearance. Banker, finance, lawyer, something along those lines the way he talks about the places he's been on the mainland and elsewhere. No individuals' names are mentioned - he's not the sort to try and impress through contacts - so it's a little tough to pin down his background. Then again, Xiu has his business card and it probably wouldn't take but three seconds of googling to find out exactly what sort of company is Alperson Investment Conglomerate. Actually, probably investments given it's name. Or maybe not. Could be a front for evil, soul-sucking eldritch horrors. But probably not. Probably finance.
  "This smells amazing," Norm says as the two of you enter the place. "What's good here?"

  "Fuckin' everythin'." Xiu remarks and grins, clapping her hands once. "Includin' the duck guts fondue. Yeah, this place's servin' the *authentic* stuff. But don't worry, they got 'normal' food." Grinning wider she then turns and heads for the door, before she pushes it open.
  It is..homely. A small restaurant for the natives. No golden decorations, cliche statues or anything like it. The equivalent of a rustic pub - except for the Chinese folk. The moment the door opens, there is talk and soft laughter. Not too loud - the place is not packed, a couple tables having customers sitting around them. And Xiu just waltzes right in, waving to the waitress behind the bar before she glances around for a small table and heads right towards it.

  Norm is, as mentioned, taller than Xiu's diminutive size, so he has to bend over a little to speak to her softly with the change in atmosphere. "Listen, I'm no shrinking violet. Give me blood tofu, cow's stomach, and a roiling fire pot of mala spices and I'm all there."
  He lets Xiu lead the way and Derrick, for once, stays outside. He probably has other ways to track his boss. Probably. No need for an ungainly American bull inside this gorgeous China shop, as it were.
  Besides, Norm's big enough as it is. What with his shoulders almost brushing the wall and his legs the tables. When he sits down, given the more traditional Chinese setting, it's clear he kinda doesn't fit in the chair. He's big for a westerner, too big for the average Asian seating at a place like this. You get to watch as he shifts and makes a brief face at a discomfort he's clearly experienced more than a time or two before.
  "I'll let you order." he says as he picks up the menu and reads it. Since it's not for tourists - it's in Chinese - his reading comprehension seems to be on par with his verbal skills. He's not just looking at the pictures. Though he probably struggles with any truly obscure regional characters on the menu. "I'm just saying, if they have twice cooked pork belly, I wouldn't say no." And, looking up from the menu, he says, "Also, on me, obviously. Thank you for playing tour guide, Xiu. I really appreciate it."

Miko has arrived.

  The scene? A little Chinese restaurant, away from the hustle and bustle of tourism. A restaurant for the natives of Chinatown, two intersections away from the main street. No fancy neon signs, no touristy peddling. A small outdoor seating area, a plastic tarp roof over that. And an expensive Sedan parking nearby.
  Inside? A couple of tables, a couple of regulars (mostly Chinese) sitting about and talking. And Xiu and Norman, having just sat down.
  Oh, and a Gorilla in a dark suit and shades, sticking to a corner.

  "Oh, then we're all here. Gonna order somethin' fuckin' tasty." Xiu murmured right back at Norman before sitting down. And once they are seated, she just smirks as she watches his troubles of getting comfortable on the furniture. "Gotta suffer through that 'm afraid. Don't worry, food's gonna be worth it."
  She, of course, is just fine with the seating, and grins, hands behind her head, hood down, long braids draped over the everything. And given that she is sitting, coiled about on the floor around her a bit. That's some fucking hair. The length must be longer than her height if unbraided.
  When the waitress approaches, she orders herself a Tsingtao beer, and then food for two. And given that Norman understands Mandarin, it's a large pot. Hot spicy oil, beef tripe, other spices, vegetables. An authentic dish for the man who wants authentic food.

  Norm is the large, very American looking man in shirtsleeves. The shirt is white, the suspenders red. For now. As the two have just ordered a hot pot, there's more than a small chance that Norman's shirt will be splattered with bright red oil in the near future. And smell - amazing - and like beef tallow and garlic and herbs.
  He adds a few items to the pot order, in Mandarin, and adds an extra order of Chinese beer, whatever they have like Tsingtao is fine with him. "I believe you," he replies in English since the two of them have switched back now that the large, muscled bodyguard in the black suit and mirrorshades has planted himself off in the corner.

  Miko almost bops along with a pair of headphones resting just off her ears. One in front, the other behind. A long duffle-styled bag hanging off one shoulder. angling what it's containing across her back to keep it from bumping into anything in passing. The sight of Xiu being friendly causes a slight mis-step as she hops to the side, and nearly collides wit the body-guard. "Pardon, pardon. Damned laces." she offers as she holds up a hand in a soothing gesture.

  "Also, don't mention it." Xiu says and waves a hand. "'m gettin' good food an' booze out of this entire thing, 's not like I'm not profitin'. This's kinda a rare treat." The girl lightly grins. "Conversation's been nice so far, too. Rare to find a western guy who actually knows the continent."
  And the way Xiu is sitting, she has a good view of the door. And that bodyguard. When the door opens, and it's *Miko* walking in, she blinks, lifts her head - and then lightly smirks as she watches the near collision. "Friend o' mine just popped in." she remarks and nods towards Miko. "Didn't expect her here. Figured she'd stick to the Japanese parts." Xiu glances at Norman and cants her head. "Mind if she joins? She's good folk. Might just need loosening up."

  Derrick, aka Mr. Mirrorshades, is hanging out on the patio outside the tiny restaurant. He appears to be watching the street, mostly. Occasionally he remembers to look in the direction of his employer, but every time he does his eyes glide past and he ends up thinking about something else. Like the car. Yeah, gotta protect the car. The car and the oversized two-ton muscled gorilla definitely go together. One can possibly assume, correctly, that the well-dressed American with the curly hair is also attached to the car. And the bodyguard.
  The guard can focus on this individual, no problem, and does. Miko gets a thorough once over by a professional who's clearly working at the moment. His deft movements as he avoids the possible bush-by speaks of years of training in climes with pickpockets and knives to the guts. Probably ex-military. Possibly armed under the black jacket. Polite, though, in response without taking his eyes off a possible threat. "No harm, no foul." grumbles the Gorilla.
  Meanwhile, Norm isn't so much The Loud American as he is enthusiastic and entertaining. While his hands are expressive and his gestures somewhat large (for a large man), he keeps the motions pared down for the smaller space. Animated, would be a good word for the fellow's gestures.
  When the surprise guest arrives, Norm seems genuine in his invitation when he says, "Sure, the more the merrier!" He really does mean it. There's just this party air about Norman and the knowledge that people are going to have a good time in his vicinity.
  Looking back, he briefly eyes the newcomer with a grin and lets Xiu wave her over. While his table companion offers Miko a seat, Norman orders up a third bottle of beer. This time a large Laoshen for the unexpected addition. He also adds a bunch of mushrooms and meats to the hot pot order.

  Miko's own movements show more than a passing acquaintance with several of the deadlier sides, though she tries to hide it under the guise of the college girl. Possibly an instructor from the dojo logo on the bag as she turns to blink at the pair at the table. "Ohh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Was going to see if they had soup dumplings to tease Shinju with." She grins back, slipping slightly towards the vulpine as she winks to Xiu. "I think the garlic smell drives her bonkers."

  "Shinju's 'round?" Xiu wonders immediately, blinking up at Miko before she grins and lifts a hand, wiggling fingers. "Hi. Sit your ass down!" comes her invitation while she pulls out the third of the four chairs. "An' meet Norman. Rich business guy. Knows the mainland-" probably referring to China there.. "..an' seems like he just found Chinatown here. Interested in the everythin'." Well, she might not be the best at introductions, but she keeps them to a point. Miko's turn, and Xiu thumbs towards that one while looking at Norman. "Miko. Likes gardenin' and does dojo work beatin' up folks."
  With her duties performed, Xiu grabs her beer and enjoys a gulp, before she licks her lips and taps her chin with the tip of the bottle, grinning at Miko. "Norman here's been a good provider of booze an' entertainment." And money. She does not mention the whole mistaken-as-a-spotter thing.

  "Sit, sit, have a nosh." Norman says in imitation of Mike Myer's Linda Richman character. Or maybe his own mother. Of course, a 'nosh' at a Chinese restaurant involves a massive spread just short of a buffet. There Will Be Leftovers.
  He says, "Ms. Xiu was telling me all about the neighborhood and where to find the good stuff." And by good stuff, he clearly means the food. "I still need to find out where the karaoke bars are, but for now I'll take some authentic food and drink.
  Speaking of drink, Norm has clearly been busy plying Xiu with liquor for the past hour. So far she'd been spared his obsession with the stuff. But with three different brews hitting the table front of him be can't help but wax a little poetic about the smell and history of each of the bottles and cans. Laoshen is evidently also made by Tsingtao, and he almost launches into a history of the brewery before he stops himself and grins. The man is enthusiastic about his spirits. "Anyway, so you're welcome to join us. You run a dojo in town?"

  Miko shakes her head slightly to Xiu's question. "Not recently. But I've also been covering her classes as well." She slips the duffle off her shoulder, laying it carefully down under the seat offered to her. "The karaoke bars have been segmented off to the edge closer to the touristy portion of town. The Grinning Cat has a good selection of tunes they play."
  A soft chuckle escapes as she shakes her head again, "I do not run one. Simply work for a pair of them. One open to the public, one members only where some less than crowd safe sparing can happen." Her eyes flicking between you both as she deftly bumps her glasses back up her nose. "You know each other well, if you are playing her with her favorite spirits."

  Xiu listens to the enthusiastic rant about the Tsingtao brewery - just lightly shaking her head and grinning. Is she pleasantly surprised about just how deep the man's knowledge of her home country goes? Very probably. Though perhaps it is better that he stops himself, as Miko speaks up again. And thankfully answers his karaoke question. "Leave it to the japanese to know the good karaoke spots." Xiu remarks with a teasing grin towards Miko.
  The sound of dishes distract her a bit, and she scoots back slightly on her chair as the waitress approaches and begins to set down plates and tools for the feast to come. "Oh, no no.." Xiu shakes her head and gestures at Norman with a hand. "Met just 'bout an...hour ago?" she tries to judge the time. "He just approached me and was askin' stuff 'bout Chinatown. Figured it'd not hurt to show him places." Not *quite* what happened, but close enough to the truth, really.

  Since Miko mentioned them, Norm makes sure to order up a bag of frozen xiao long bao for Miko to take home, later. The order's in Mandarin, so she might miss it, but Xiu can understand the polite request and the personable smile and polite attitude the businessman gives the service staff. Seems Norm treats everyone with equal courtesy and friendliness. Then again, he can probably leave the distrust and menace to the bodyguard. Though 'can' is probably the wrong word, there. Norm seems genuine in his passions.
  At this point, the food starts arriving. As expected, it's a feast that fills the limited space. The hot pot broth hits the table first, over a portable burner. After that it's a bowl of tong ho topped with (formerly) frozen tofu blocks, bean curd skins, king oyster mushrooms, and shiitakes. A second chilled bowl of red meats and seafoods arrives and stuffs the table even more. As if that wasn't enough, there's the tray of offals: cow's honeycomb, blood tofu, tripe, meatballs, and the like. The smell rising from the center of the table as the heat hits the spicy pot is intoxicating in its own way.
  Norman leaves the description of his meeting with Xiu to the lady while he sets about pouring Miko a beer and arranging things for the pot. He knows his way around a hot pot, and tweaks things into the broth without dumping or splashing them. He does add to Xiu's narrative, "I'm new in town. Trying to get my bearings. I decided to come out for an evening of food and drink and fun and Xiu's been kind enough to show me around the district. She's been an amazing guide." he flashes a pearly, friendly smile across the table and raises his beer to the young woman. "To your health. Ganbai." he offers as the host of the fete.

  Miko mmms and nods slightly to the explanation of how Norman met the axe murder...erm... How Xiu and Norman met. A small grin showing as she glances to the beer being poured for her, then lightly bumps the bag under her seat with a toe. "This is most kind of you. And yes, she does tends towards being a divine guide to many." Her nostrils flaring slightly as she drinks in the aromas of the hotpot and the accouterments to it as they are twitched and teased towards perfection.

  FOOOOOD. Xiu's enthusiasm as the feast arrives is hard to hide. She shifts on her chair as things get set down, her slanted eyes flick their gaze left and right and forward and back - and as soon as it is 'go' time, she begins to feast. Not in a sloppy sense, but she is an enthusiastic eater, and the first thing she enjoys is a small bowlful of the beef tripe, soaked in the spicy oil. She grins lightly as she chews, her demeanor twisting into a positively 'fuck yes' vibe, and when Norman gives her the beer salute, she raises her own bottle and takes a chug, before licking her lips. "Mh, to your health, Norm. This is fuckin' great." Yeah, still has a mouth on her. Clearly she does not care.
  The comment of Xiu being a divine guide to many has her softly chuckle and eye Miko there. "Lemme guide you towards stuffin' your belly." she remarks with a grin. "Dig in." Yeah, she's not paying for it, but she's the reason it's there! Good enough for her. Looking at Norman, her spoon slips another mouthful of the tripe in, and she eagerly chews. Carnivore? Very yes. "Mh..mh, Norm?" she says - with her mouth full there for a moment, before she swallows and licks her lips again. "What brought you to Prospect, anyways?"

  Norman doesn't get the pun about divine guiding in the least. Aside from the fact that he's busy playing chef at the moment, he's clueless. And enjoying his beer and the food and the company. "Me?" he asks with a grin, "Isn't it enough to come here for the food and games?" he laughs at himself and explains, "I'm opening a branch of my company here in Prospect." As an aside to Miko, he leans in the woman's direction to explain, "I'm do stuff with stocks and bonds." That's probably an understatement, but he doesn't brag or explain much further than that.
  As he deftly flicks cooked meats from broth to bowl, he adds, "I've been cooped up in the hotel for a week while looking for an apartment and waiting for Mr. Cheerful over there," he knocks his head back towards the guard near the door, "to get assigned. Now that he's here, I'm allowed out and about and can enjoy myself."
  He stares at a block of blood tofu clutched between his chopsticks, puts it in his mouth, and sighs with an an almost orgasmic ecstasy. There's a sort of moan of pleasure at the spices and texture and flavor of the lump of yum you can't find anywhere but in an authentic restaurant. After swallowing and wiping his mouth with a napkin, he says, "I still need to find a local security team and hire a bunch of staff. Office personnel, researchers, and the like. West coast offices." he attaches in explanation.

  Miko ahhs softly as she lifts the glass poured for her in toast with the others, then sips almost delicately. The tip of her tongue poking out slightly as she eyes the floating bits of food in the hot oil as if searching for just the right bite. Finally she inclines her head slightly in thanks to the items before her chopsticks pluck out several bits that were floating near her. Her off hand moving her small plate closer to catch the morsels. A small swirl of her arm in doing so, reminiscent of longer sleeves. "Waiting on being freed to explore is a horrid thing, yes. I know I was exploring the city within an hour of my plane touching down. Charter seems to be the way to go though."

  "Oh ho. Preparing for big biz?" she remarks to Norman and grins, the mentioning of Derrick (the bodyguard) having her eyes focus on that one for a moment, visible through the window, before she looks back at Norman. "Stuff's goin' a bit over my head, but sounds like you're pretty involved in the big leagues."
  Another sip of beer later, she plucks up a piece of blood tofu herself (with her chopsticks, of course), and slips it into her mouth, chewing slowly - and happily. "Mh..you the boss? I mean.." she gestures with the free chopsticks now. "Your company, or nah?" She has seen the card. Perhaps she is asking for Miko's sake there? As she waits for the answer, she is picks up a few long strands of rice noddles, wraps some veggies into them, and then dips that into the hot pot. "An' yeah, Miko's been around for a good couple months, herself."

  From Xiu's perspective, Norm is already two bottles of sake into his night. Minus three shots poured for her and for the bartender at the sake bar. But that's still two bottles of sake. But now add to that a third bottle of beer; turned into an empty offering to the gods of entertaining and Norman's improbably large caloric intake. All this within about an hour. And he's already ordering a fourth. This time, it's a Snow. Which might seem a bit declasse and common, but it's clear he doesn't care about appearances when it comes to his liquor, only the taste. And lest one think he drinks to get hammered, he seems as sober as he was an hour ago. Surprisingly so. As mentioned before, he's more whale than man, at least when it comes to drinking like a fish.
  Norman is an expert at entertaining and ensures everyone has the meats and tidbits they seem to like. "Ah," he responds to Xiu's question, "yeah. The headcheese, as it were." He clearly pronounces the words slurred together as if mocking himself. He pats his shirt pocket, then his pants pocket, and pulls out a business card. This one doesn't have any writing on the back.
  As he's forking over the card between two fingers towards Miko, he says, "I hope so; the big biz that is. So far I've not had any luck finding locals to hire. I'm going to have to bring in staff from the East Coast at least temporarily. So if you know any good security firms in the area, or at least investigators who do background checks, let me know."
  The card reads:
          H. Norman Alperson
      CEO, Alperson Investment Congolmerate

  Miko glances at the card, then offers it to Xiu as she mulls over the question. "I'm afraid that my knowledge of security firms does not extend much outside of the confines of Chinatown here, or the police department - from when they brought me in to demonstrate some less lethal ideas for some of the officers on desk duty, for being too enthusiastic in their jobs." She wrinkles her nose playfully and deftly claims one of the shiitake mushrooms as it floats past on the surface where it escaped to. "I am a small business if that much. Mostly working for others as I did not wish to open yet another dojo in an area ripe with them."

  Xiu holds up a hand, grinning. "Already got one." she remarks to Miko and winks, before she nods along with Miko's words. "An' yeah, don't got much of a clue about security firms. Seen folks 'round of course, especially at big events in town. Or when fancy rollers like you drive up somewhere, but wouldn't be able to tell you any details. Some names keep poppin' up, but...hmh." She crosses her arms, leaning back for a moment, head tilting back as she thinks. "Ain't those companies easy to find on the internet and stuff?" She rolls her shoulders. "'m not good with that kinda thing, to be honest."
  Xiu herself is just a few beers in (and two glasses of sake, but who's counting?), but so far seems still good. or at least, Xiutastic.

  Norm nods in sympathy with Miko's plight and refills the pot with more food while listening to her gripes about the local police department. He makes a mildly off-color, if politically neutral joke about local cops and their baton fetishes... But nothing too risque or that goes beyond Xiu's colorful language already flavoring the meal.
  To Xiu, he responds, "I tried that." he goes on to explain that none of the companies seemed interested in what they called 'boring office work' or 'glorified babysitting' and 'dull corporate research.' He looks genuinely sad that he hasn't been able to find anyone but he's far too cheerful to let it keep him down for long. "It's well-paying, it just doesn't seem to be a thing locals are interested in. So for now, I'll import talent."
  He waves at the card, "Keep it. If you happen to run across someone you think might be qualified and interested, I'll set up an interview and a background check."

  Miko hmms softly as she bends slightly to slip the card into a side pocket on the duffle under her seat. "I find it a little hard to believe someone like the Pinkertons would turn down even a sit in the entry and take down names on a clip board position. They used to be all over the place when I was in the States as a child. Couldn't go two store fronts without running into one of the gray uniforms."

  Nods his head to Miko's comment. "It's the town. Prospect doesn't seem to have offices for the majors in those fields, yet. It means housing and office space and opening new branches and all that trouble. Most of them are based out of Los Angeles. Which isn't too far, but it is a heck of a commute. At least until they're set up with local housing and such. From what I understand, companies here in Prospect have their own private teams. Some highly professional. But already engaged to work for other major corporations."
  He finishes off another bowl of meat, rice, and soup and leans back. He's managed to keep himself clean and not splash red oil flecks all over his nice white shirt. Success! While cradling his fourth bottle and lightly tapping it with a chiming noise against the gold ring on his right hand, he muses, "Plus, of course, folks like Pinkerton don't exactly have the greatest reputation." he moues his lips with a wry grin.

Scene 2.2 - Pervy Sages

  Miko tsks softly as Xiu rises and slips off towards the restroom, leaving her all alone with this strange man. She shakes her head slightly at the abandonment, then remembers she still has some rice in her bowl. Her skills with the chopsticks that one a lifetime user. "Mmm.. I know father was not enthused when they asked about a discount in training their guards. Though those that did some to train learned well and swiftly. I have not seen much in the way of private security types here among my students." She wipes her hand clean, before offering it across. "Forgive my laxness in courtesy. I am Miko Nakamura, as they phrase it here. Currently working as a Kempo instructor at two different dojos. I do also teach a little bit of Iaijutsu, when I find a student of appropriate caliber."

  Norman apologizes as well. He was distracted by the food and beer and Xiu enthusiastically egging him on to order more. Because this was all Xiu's fault. Yeah. Totally. Norm had absolutely nothing to do with the mountain of food - that's rapidly disappeared - and the attending festivities surrounding it. "Sorry, Norman Alperson." his handshake is only as firm as it needs to be without being overbearing or lingering inappropriately. Formal and friendly, says the grip and release. His hands are uncalloused - he clearly works in an office - though there's a grace to his motions as if he's not a stranger to sports. Clearly enough gym time to burn off all those calories he seems to inhale at ridiculous speeds.
  "Financial guru or something like that. CEO, blah blah blah." he dismisses his own titles and accolades in favor of keeping things fun and the atmosphere light. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm the one who should have introduced himself formally when I handed over the card." As an apology, he pours Miko another glass of her beer, humbling himself. He doesn't seem to have a problem doing that. At least in this setting. It's not that he has no ego, just that he's not in business mode. This is leisure.

  Miko's beer has barely been touched in all actuality. Not much of a drinker this one. But then again, it does fit with what she had said her work is. Her own hand did however have the ridges of callus of one who has spent many, many hours with blade in hand. Or something else entirely
.   She chuckles softly and waves aside the need for apology. "The food arrived just shortly after I did. It was I who interrupted your obvious date with the charming Mistress." She nods off after Xui's form where she headed off to the powder room. "I am most grateful that you invited me to join."

  There's an amused snort. "Not a date." he seems genuinely amused, "Though she did offer to find me a lady of the evening here in Chinatown..." There's a story there. An obviously humorous one as he's laughing at the end. He explains quickly, since he's not the sort of gent to leave that a misconception lingering over the head of another.
  "I came to Chinatown in search of this," he waves his hand at the mounds of food and the steaming pot of broth, "sort of entertainment and maybe directions to a game of pai-gow or mahjong or poker. Ms. Xiu has been kind enough to direct me to the best food in town. For which I'm very grateful. Especially as it's not the sort of thing you'd find on the tourist side of Chinatown." He finishes off his beer and adds, "Panda Express is not laziji and xiao long bao."

  Miko inclines her head to that. "This is true. They are a pale comparison to anything resembling true flavors. Far, far too sweet."
  She settles back slightly in her seat, to tuck a leg up under her as she mmms softly. "Poker, you will not find often here abouts. The better places for that are in the suburbs, I hear. Mahjong, the games here abouts will see you as easy prey and try to strip away your pocket book." She slowly cant her head as she studies you for a moment, "Though perhaps you might find luck at the Temple if you do not wish to play for monies. There are several elders there that enjoy their tiles a little too much sometimes."

  Oh, now you have his attention. Well, you had his full attention before, but he perks up at the thought of gambling and being seen as a mark. All things considered, a white man in Chinatown looking for gambling is either blessed by the gods - with idiocy, or exceptional luck and talent. Given the bodyguard, you might guess idiocy. Or just an unhealthy addiction to taking outsized risks. Like ending up with an axe murderer cum divine guide, as Miko put it, for a local guide.
  "Oh," he says with a glint in his eyes and an eager lean forward against the table, "Do tell!" It's why he came to Chinatown, after all. "Xiu said she might know a few places, but it sounds like you definitely know which Aunties and Uncles to talk to about getting in on a game.
  Norm looks back at Mr. Gorilla outside and then back at you, "Would you care to play tour guide as well, perhaps? A gentleman would never decline the company of two beautiful ladies on an evening of debauchery." It's clear, though, he means gambling, and nothing more salacious than that. There's just this aura of fun around Norman, and he's happy to share his good times with friends. "Call me Norm, by the way. All my friends call me Norm."

  Miko mms softly and sighs, "I am afraid I can not. My time has already been booked by a client whom seeks to more understand the technique of utilizing a spear." She reaches down and draws out a marker and grins. "Though I can possibly give you directions to the more friendly game that I know of."
  She glances around the restaurant and hmms softly before shaking her head and setting the pen on the table next to her plate as she turns farther to dig more into her bag. Finally coming up with a touristy looking map. "Bah, all I have is the flyer style. Sorry." she shifts dishes a little to make room for it and starts marking places out on the map. "We are here. Market alley. The friendly game is over on Zhuzhai, behind the bakery. Knock on the door to the left in the alley. They will ask a password. Tell them that the little bird sent you. Will still cost you probably twenty to get in as a cover. But if you really want to risk your buns, there is a higher stakes game at the tire shop on the other side of Yule District. But the Yaks sometimes bust into that one. Most cheat on a good day, and frankly try to rob you blind on a bad one."

  Norm takes in the information with a professional air. When it comes to gambling, he's laser focused and definitely interested. Also interested in ensuring he doesn't meet an untimely end while having a good time. He loves to take risks, but he tries not to take stupid ones with his life. Money is another matter, but not his life.
  "I like the more professional games. I do like high stakes, but it's no fun if the house lets people cheat. Or the house cheats." he notes the map carefully and watches as Miko draws the various locations. "And the Temple?" he asks. You piqued his interest. "Sounds like a friendly game." well, he doesn't know what you know about the Temple. Yet. "Generally I play for money, but I'll take whatever I can get, some days." Ok, clearly an addict.
   "I really appreciate the info." The server is looking over at the table and Norm waves her over and hands over a credit card to pay for the meal. He'd pay cash, but that's probably being saved for any sort of gambling he might get up to, later. If Miko is done and leaving, the waitress will also bring over the bag of xiao long bao that Norm ordered for her much earlier, or hold on to them until it looks like the woman is ready to head out. "Where are your dojos? I'll be sure to send business your way whenever I do get a security team hired. I always try to give business to my friends."

  Miko just circles the Temple on the map as it is one of the sights people often seek out when visiting. "Ahh, the public one is linked with the Temple. The private is within the bounds of the house I share with a dear friend." She winks and grins, "That one is per invite only at her request as we both share it and she is working on a study in blade form, so has co-opted it mostly. Though the client I have in a bit, is a private lesson at the Temple. Thus why I like to tease the Temple Maiden with soup dumplings."

  Norm takes the map when Miko finishes and waits for the ink to dry before folding it up and putting it in his pants pocket. That's a treasure map he really doesn't want to lose anytime soon. Not that he didn't mostly memorize the directions. "I'll swing by the private game then once I've shown my face a bit at the public games." He adds, "Since you're the one pointing these out, I'm assuming this is riichi (Japanese) and not national (Chinese)?" He'd ask about house rules cards and such, but that's a discussion he can have on-site once he gets there.
  "If you'll allow, I might wander with you in the direction of the Temple, if only for an introduction. Is there a respectful gift I can or should bring the Elders...and the Shrine Maiden?" his training is Japanese etiquette isn't necessarily lacking so much as it's very light. Business etiquette, dining etiquette. More formal, religious type stuff is beyond his knowledge.

  Miko shakes her head slightly and sighs. "No gifts are required. Though a prayer to the kami and Ancestors is often welcomed." She winks, "I believe the old farts play Chinese style. Though since they use a Japanese temple, they also play riichi as well to honor the place. Either one, they are sharp as blades in the darkness."

  Norm much prefers to play against the skilled. Even if he loses, he has a fun time. Though he much prefers his fun time to come with real stakes and not mere bragging rights. Still, the thought of pitting wits against a bunch of old hands at the game sounds like a lot of fun. And considerably less stress for his beleaguered bodyguard who's already suffered so much this evening. Norman's going to get his game, but at least the inside of a Temple should be safe, right? Right?
  "I'm ecumenical," he jokes a little, "when it comes to my mahjong. Riichi, or whatever. Though American mahj was my first. Mom’s little old Jewish ladies on the Upper West Side with eyes like daggers and tongues like whips." Here's a slight shudder to his large frame but still a laughing tone to his voice.

  Miko snorts softly as she rises. "Sometimes whips cost extra though. You should get your eyes of daggers though as they will be suspicious of a gaijin wishing to join their games. But show respect and a willingness to loose a few games before you clean them out, and you will win lifelong friends as they attempt to win their monies back."
  She hooks the strap of her bag with a foot and tugs it out from under the seat before bending to slip it easily onto her back again. She blinks at the server bringing her the dumplings and accepts them with a deep bow form the waist, first to the server, then the kitchens, and finally to you. "This was not needed. But I thank you anyway. I can guide you as far as the Temple grounds. Then need to set up the lessons for my student. He had a wish to face against a naginata verses his twin blades."

  "I would never," says Norm while clutching his pearls, figuratively speaking. With his hand to his upper chest and a feigned shocked look on his face, "dare to take money from an honored Elder. Especially not a priest!" Yeah, and he probably has a bridge to sell in Brooklyn, too. "But I'll be sure to make a donation to the Temple at the very least."
  Getting up, he looks for Xiu who seems to have disappeared, then asks the server to mention - should she come back - that Norm's wandered off to the Temple with Miko.