Nuwisha Renown

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  • A Guide to submitting Renown Requests.
  • A Renown FAQ if you have questions about the system
  • A Cheatsheet for creating a Nuwisha




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The Trickster's Laws

  • Let Fools Die a Fool's Death

It is our responsibility to save the humans from themselves and to protect them from the Wyrm. It is not our place to stop a suicide or force a person to live who is in pain. It is our place to teach those who will listen. All others are on their own. We do not interfere in wars, and we do not punish the sinners. That is for others to do. The Garou have made clear that we are not welcome to infringe on what they see as their personal mission. Coyote dictates that we let the werewolves handle matters as they will. Leave justice to the Garou. We are their teachers, not their masters.

There is an exception to this rule. We are always to make the Wyrm suffer.

  • Teach Those Who Need Teaching a Proper Lesson

Let the punishment fit the crime. I've just explained that we do not commit acts of vengeance. That is true. But there is no rule against helping the foolish on their way. When you find someone who desperately needs to be taught the error of his ways, you may help him. You may help him in Coyote's way, by which I mean you may prank him endlessly until he can no longer stand the thought of what he did.

I once ran across a murderer who felt no guilt or remorse for the crimes he committed. More often than you might imagine, the ghosts of those killed by murderers find their own vengeans. In this case, no ghosts lingered in hopes of revenge. I took their place. For three weeks, I imitated the voices of those he killed. I whispered in his ear when he slept, and dropped personal items of the people he killed where he could not help finding them. Before I was done with him, he knew remorse for his deeds. He confessed to his crimes and was punished by the humans. Later, after he'd spent four weeks in prison, he committed suicide.

I met thieves who grew frustrated when the bounty they stole was in turn stolen from them. I also took whatever else they had that I found interesting. I replaced the bullets in every gun belonging to a violent gang with blanks. Imagine their surprise when they discovered the truth. In that case, they didn't live long enough to learn from their mistakes.

  • Always Prank the Wyrm

The Children of Worm are our enemies. They do not care for others or teach lessons that need learning. They kill and destroy for the sheer pleasure of doing so. We return the favor to them many times over. There are tricks, and there are pranks. Tricks are for friends. Pranks are for enemies. Pranks are normally fatal, or at the very least debillitating. Don't befriend the Wyrm, save in preparation of a prank. Never trust the Wyrm, for he is surely as much a liar as Coyote and twice the braggart as well.

This is more than a matter of right or wrong, this is a personal vendetta. Worm scorned Coyote, and Coyote always remembers a slight. In torturing the Wyrm, you honor Coyote.

  • Be subtle

Humans do not take well to seeing our Nuwisha nature. Many will imagine they have seen something else as time goes on. That is Brother Wolf's gift to us. We are under the Veil of the Delirium. But there are always a few who are willing to believe in us. For that reason, we do not flaunt our differences. In other lands, in distant times, the humans killed the Changing Breeds. We do not want to see this happen again.

  • Respect Luna

Coyote wronged Luna, and this he knows. We serenade the moon because this is the promise of Coyote.

  • Think, Then Act

Coyote gifted us with wits. Use them. Don't enrage an enemy you cant escape. Don't betray the location of a kiba, for we have few left. Don't mingle with the Wyrm, for he is dangerously seductive. Don't lash out in anger, for we are weaker than most other shapeshifters. Always find the humor in any situation, for laughter is our greatest gift, and can cure more than you could ever imagine.



The Nuwisha gain Renown in the categories Humor, Glory, and Cunning. They aren't a very status-conscious Changeling Breed, but even the Nuwisha see a need to honor their best - as well as a system to establish bragging rights.


Glory is awarded for actions of flamboyance, especially if the Nuwisha gets away with it....


Humor is awarded based on how skillful a werecoyote is. Humor does not cover silly behavior and bad jokes and pranks, but how well conceived a Nuwisha's actions are, what scale she is able to think on, and what the consequences are, and for whom.


Cunning is awarded for craftiness; for clever and ingenious actions that are subtle and well thought out.

Rank Requirements

Rank Any Combination
1 3
2 7
3 13
4 19
5 25

If a player is approved at Rank 0 and then goes through their Rite of Passage to Rank 1, then they gain gifts and renown as usual for Rank 1, assuming they have earned their first Rank.

  • These gifts don't cost XP.
  • Any previous renown unconnected to the Rite of Passage is retained on top of the rank baseline.

Sample Renown Awards

Note: These are not uniformly objective. They may be rejected/reduced/increased based on circumstances.

Note: These are not exhaustive. If something doesn't seem to fit here, or isn't found in this list, but still serves one of these types and the Ananasi's purpose, then go ahead and submit a request.

The following types have been tinted for ease of reading and browsing:

  • These awards and penalties are directly from the established renown lists found in Players Guide to the Changing Breeds pgs.#170-173

Items in Black are positive renown awards.

Items in Red are negative renown penalties


Activity Award
Telling a good story at a gathering 1
Participating in a just challenge 1
Proving one's bravery in a routine situation 1
Surviving an incapacitating wound 2
Defeating a minor threat 2
Telling a true epic that is later retold by others 2
Defeating an average threat 3
Traveling to an Umbral Realm and surviving 3
Defeating a strong threat 5
Dying while defending a Den-Realm 5
Defeating a very powerful threat 7
Sacrificing oneself for the greater good 7
Succumbing to fox-frenzy -1
Losing territory to a major enemy -3
Conscious cowardice that results in the death of another of your Breed -5


Activity Award
Conceiving a new riddle 1
Besting another Changer (not Nuwisha) in a riddle-contest 1
Crippling a Wyrm-operation through "unfortunate accidents" 2
Leading an enemy astray without hurting him 2
Leading two enemies against each other 3
Persuading other Changers to perform necessary tasks for you if they believe they have credit for it 3
Besting another Nuwisha in a riddle-contest 3
Fooling agents of the Wyrm to perform necessary tasks for you even if it hurts them 5
Covering over dangerous secrets without hurting anyone, or even arousing suspicion 5
Creating plots that involve entire septs (or the equivalent) of other Changers (particularly Garou) to further your ends (which are not egotistically motivated) that succeed 7
Banishing the Wyrm from an area through non-violent means 7
Losing a riddle-contest to another Nuwisha -1
Hurting innocents through your schemes -3
Being manipulated by another Changer -3
Losing a riddle-contest to a human -5
Furthering the Wyrm through your actions (involuntarily) -5


Activity Award
Drawing first blood in combat 1
Creating talens 1
Discovering a useful secret 1
Protecting an important secret from discovery 2
Surviving an incapacitating blow 2
Wounding a powerful foe and prudently retreating 3
Performing a monkeywrenching operation 3
Creating a successful diversion 3
Creating a fetish 5
Hatching a plot of Machiavellian proportions that succeeds 5
Stealing something of value from within an enemy lair 5
Destroying an enemy stronghold 7
Failing attempts at craftiness -1
Being captured by an enemy -1
Exposed as a liar -3
Not protecting a secret -3
Hurting other members of your Breed through recklessness or conniving -5
Getting caught trying to foil Elders -5