2020-11-29: Throwing Expo

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Throwing Expo
Vic meets Grace at the New Hope MMA Gym and they both show off a bit at the Akashic's suggestion
IC Date November 29th, 2020
IC Time early evening
Players Grace Kiyoung and Vic
Location New Hope MMA
Spheres Traditions Mage

Grace stands on a mat as she works through a kata exercise using a weighted length of brass prayer beads. She twirls and uses them like a chain weapon with a grace and easy like she is dancing.

Vic, coming into the back gym from the apartments, is dressed for a workout in a plain white t-shirt and little black shorts. She is barefoot and moving with confidence that visibly melts away a little bit when she sees Grace doing her kata on the exercise mats. She bolsters herself and smiles however as she realizes that there's magic afoot and recognizing Grace's tradition also from their previous meeting. "Good evening," she says pleasantly before beginning to do exercises in preparation to her own practice.

Grace smiles as she coils the beads and clicks the ends together into what seems to be perfectly harmless prayer beads. She smiles as she coils them around one wrist and waves as she walks over. Still obviously blind, but she does not seem to need the cane to actually move around, probably a prop for normal folk.

"I feel like I should apologize for trying to sign at you last time, at the meeting." Vic looks embarrassed but the facial expression is lost on the blind mage. She continues by saying, "An ally taught me Akashic sign and just assumed, with you navigating the stairs that you'd be able to see it."

Grace grins and says "I can still sense signs so it was not wasted." She grins and offers her hand "I am Grace." She does give a bow of the head as she introduces herself.

Vic returns the bow with one of her own, as she's been instructed by Raise in the martial arts classes she's been taught and then shakes the offered hand as well. "Vic, resident Virtual Adept here at the gym," she says as means of introduction.

Grace smiles "As you already guessed I am of the Akashic brotherhood. So what martial art is Raise teaching you out of curiosity? I have a small dojo in China Town, but I teach mundanes so I can really, really practice there."

"Well, when we started I had zero training. So mostly basic maneuvers and defense, but we had a month where we focused on more advanced techniques. I believe its an Israeli martial art that he felt might be a good fit for me," Vic replies.

Grace smiles and nods. "I have been studying a Russian one myself. I and very well versed in Do, but allot of the other arts I need practice in. have you learned any special maneuvers?"

Vic shrugs and says, "I know how to make my punches /really/ hurt," then disseminates by asking, "I guess that counts?"

Grace says, “Indeed it does. A solid strike is a basic building block that all should know." She smiles as she ask "How are your throws?”

Vic chuckles softly. "Well, I can do them? I guess pretty basic though?" She finishes stretching and offers, "I guess I could show you if you wanted me to?"

Grace smiles and nods as she says "Please, Id love to see what your capable of. Throwing was never my strong suit personalty."

The pair enter the ring and Vic takes a fighting stance and grabs Grace's arm and twists her hips slightly while also lowering her shoulder into the other woman's torso so as to leverage her opponent into a position that should lead to her flipping over Vic's shoulder and landing on her back if not adjusted mid 'flight'. Once the motion is started Vic also steps away from the direction Grace's body has been directed to move so as not to be close enough for an easy recovery attack /if/ her maneuver works as expected.

Grace rolls with the throw as she studies your technique. she lands with a thud on the ground and laughs as she pops back up in a kip up maneuver and says "Nice form." She walks over and offers. "Lets try it with me coming at you so you can use my inertia against me."

Vic nods and says, "Sure thing!" as she resumes her fighting stance and visibly braces for the practice exchange to begin.

Grace smiles as she comes at you full speed, maybe leading a little as a warning, but pulling punches does nothing to teach. She is sort of snake like in her movements.

Vic steps into the oncoming Akashic and turns the other shoulder towards Grace, dipping down so it should meet her in her below her breasts and, as they contact, she lightly touches the other woman's hips long enough to help guide her up and, hopefully, over Vic. If successful, this throw will lead to Grace flipping over and behind the V-Dept who recovers by stepping further in the opposite direction and half turning facing the other mage over the shoulder that wasn't used in the throw while holding a ready stance with her fists presented towards her 'opponent'.

Grace meeps as she gets heaved head over heals and lands on a shoulder. She huffs as she stands "Yes I think you got the hang of it." She looks to you and says "I see Raise is an excellent teacher. As for modern martial arts I couldn't do better."

"Thanks," is Vic's first response, quickly followed with, "But I'm sure if you'd actually been trying to defend, you'd've mopped the floor with me." That said she looks happy to accept the praise for herself and her instructor.

Grace says, “Teaching does not mean a beating. To bend a tree one slowly trains the trunk and slowly it yields. To much force and you simply snap it.”

Vic nods. "Raise says something similar," she says. "Much less flowery though in his version," she adds with a friendly but dark chuckle.

Grace takes a few steps back, She then strikes a martial pose, and then with a flourish she spins, rolls on her left heel and then her right is engulfed in flames as she kicks through the air leaving a fiery trail, before it fades jussst before her foot hits the ground.

The scene faded to black here, players agreeing further demos and general discussion of brawling-topics.