Carmen Cardel

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Carmen Cardel

"A woman came up to me and said,
'I'd like to poison your mind,
With wrong ideas that appeal to you,
Though I am not unkind.'"

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RP Hooks
San Francisco Native - Born in the Mission District.

Veterinarian - Formerly.

Estranged Sire - Uriko practiced the 'Fire And Forget' method of embrace.

Judas Goat - She was used by her Scourge sire to lure enemies into the open.

Second Generation American - Parents come from Mexico.

Default Anarch - Doesn't fit in well with the Camarilla too well, as she can be rather uncouth.

Goth Girl - Still keeps some of the aesthetic, was there for the wave in the early Eighties.

Nature Lover - Prefers deserts and vistas to the crowded city.

Dog Fighting - She treats prized dogs and studs, as well as finds them bait to train on.

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Carmen Cardel is the subject of a whirlwind affair with the tempestuous Gangrel Uriko Templar. Born in Bakersfield, she fell into the life of a ghoul by accident when encountering her sire acting in her capacity as scourge. She sought the company of possible wayward kindred or Cainites and lure them into a trap, much like a Judas goat. San Francisco's political scene became dangerous, and as is her way, Uriko embraced and abandoned her childe to force her to adapt in her new unlife. She refuses to speak about her time since her embrace and parting of ways. Whatever happened, the milk of human kindness has run dry.

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Carmen Cardel

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Full Name: Carmen Cardel

Date of Birth: April 30th, 1958

Date of Embrace: September 27th, 2000

Apparent Age: Early 40s

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Origin: San Francisco, CA

Concept: Judas Goat

Former Occupation: Veterinarian

Current Occupation: Dog Baiter

Nature: Thrill Seeker

Demeanor: Survivor

Clan: Gangrel

Sire: Uriko Templar

Generation: 12th

Sect: Anarch

Coterie: None

Religion: Lapse Catholic

Path of Enlightenment: Humanity

Clan Weakness: Furry ears

Notable Traits: Round frame

Briggs-Myers: ESTP-a (Entrepreneur)

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 160 lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair: Crimson (naturally brunette)

Carmen's Song: The Monkees - I'm Gonna Buy Me A Dog

Portrayed By: Liz Torres

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Mikael - Vanilla, extremely clean.

Devin - Faintly of cologne.

Martha - Metallic, cleaning oils, herbaceous.

Amelie - Expensive, light floral perfume, good-smelling.

Caerus - Sandalwood and cinnamon.

Alexa - Alcohol and weed.

Liraz - Leather, sweat, tobacco, bourbon.

Selena - Ambergris, myrrh, wet earth.

Sinclair - Earthy, clean, manly, musky.

Carys - Clean, light smell.

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Carmen is a voluptuous woman, short stature with chubby digits and long flowing brunette hair that has been bleached and dyed to a bright crimson. Her face would be round and cherubic if not for the layers of thick makeup and concealer, giving her a artificial or doll-like texture along with dark eyeliner and lipstick. Her skin is a pallid shade of cinnamon, and eyes deep brown bordering on black, giving he illusion of no irises. Her plus-size body is generally clad in gothic attire that gives emphasis to her curves, often low-cut with mesh and leather.

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Beastly Bloodsports - Her care of animals is long gone at this point.

Big Beautiful Woman - She is quite happy in her proportions.

Hell Bent For Leather - Many of her Gothic get-ups include this.

Kindly Vet - Her former life.

The Mole - The reason she was embraced, she would lure Anarchs and Sabbat into the open for her sire to destroy.

Moral Event Horizon - She crossed the threshold long ago.

Training From Hell - She doesn't talk about her time between her embrace and now. It wasn't pleasant.

Uncanny Valley Makeup - For some reason she wears far too much make-up, making her appear doll-like and artificial.

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