Kinfolk: A supporting Kinfolk from LA, even more dedicated to Gaia after her chrysalis, this being her only allegiance. Archer, thief, actress, and Elvish healer..
Family: Mom: Sarah - Calls the Einherjar, Fostern Homid Coggie, pure breed Get of Fenris. Dad: Jassek Ivanov, Pure breed Silverfang kinfolk, Imminent Strike member. Twin Daughters: Rose Thorn and Lune Ivanov, both fostered in LA Sept.
Coggie Girl: She loves and idolizes her tribe, fitting it’s stereotype well. She hunts Wyrmlings but is first a healer. She is vivacious, loyal, caring, and respectful, if overly playfull.
Local Sept: While passing through, her parent’s pack had her introduced, checked, and settled. She is very no confrontational with Garou, preferring to sooth, amuse, or disengage. Where she lives.
Banality3: She is quite Wyld minded, well past simply being open to belief, the world of possibilities ARE the world to her, and the Weaver's structure is artificial and a lie. So she is a little off.
Vengeful: She has had numerous encounters with Gorehounds, considering them her prey/enemy while the Garou hunt Spirals(Which scare her pretty badly).
Klepto: This is akin to a spirit’s ban rather than wanting to steal. Luckily an item’s perceived worth makes it less attractive to her and she gives back when losing interest.