Kinfolk: With parents (Sarah - Einherjar, Fostern Homid Coggie. Jassek Ivanov, kinfolk, of Imminent Strike.) and having birthed twin daughters(Rose Thorn and Lune Ivanov, both fostered in LA Sept), she is even more dedicated to Gaia/Nation after her Fae soul woke.
Coggie Ranger Girl: Loving-idolizing her Tribe, she serves as a hunter/thief/actress with healing gifts. She is loyal and caring if overly vivacious, non confrontational with Garou, preferring to sooth, amuse, or disengage.
Vengeful: Encountering Gorehounds far roo often, she feels rather vengeful words them.
Klepto: She often swipes unimportant bobbles that catch her eye, returning them when bored.
Wyld Mind(Banality3): She often has a hard time remembering or keeping things straight as if distracted by something. She is a believer in everything being possible.