The County

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The County of Lion's Reach

The County of Lion's Reach is a promising County that encompasses the lands of, and around, the mundane city of Prospect, CA. While the political climate has been rumored to have previously been unstable, the current Count Leras and Countess Ionae have made strides towards the future prosperity of the County. The County is typically viewed as Traditionalist with Reformer leanings, though with the nobility both of House Fiona major concessions are made for the benefit of the commoners. Those of the Seelie and Unseelie Court are both welcome within the County, though it should be noted that the Escheat is strictly upheld.

The County is particularly promising for Kinain, those who are prodigal or those who are not, who wish to dance with the Kithain. This mandate from the Duchy has been faithfully held to in the County. Loyal kinain are allowed to participate in all events, and even to hold positions in the Court.

County Nobility

Introduced Nobility To The County
House Dougal Sir Elassar
House Eiluned Baron Jynx, Baroness Shiva
House Fiona Count Leras, Countess Ionae, Sir Jackson, Sir Lonne, Dame Liazaelyn, Baroness Roxanne
House Gwydion Sir Fenwick
House Liam None
House Ailil Lady Iolhinn

County Court

The bard serves as the lorekeeper and storyteller for not just the court but the whole of the County. Tales are collected from the whole of the fiefdom to be recited during certain festivities and particular events. These should bring pride to not only the nobles but to the commoners as well.
  • Champion of the Lions: Jotun
The grand champion of the Tournament of the Lions, an annual Tournament held at Lion's Reach. The Tournament attracted artisans and warriors from far and wide to compete. The victor holds the title for the rest of the year and is renowned for their battle prowess. Quite often the Champion is sought out for training by eager students. In addition to this, rumor has it that the Champion is also a key element for defense of the County.
  • Chancellor: None
Chancellors serve as their lords' right hands, governing their lieges' lands in their absence and helping protect the fiefdoms from attack. Their intimate knowledge of the workings of their masters' freeholds and lands usually earns them the trust and respect of their lords. Few chancellors abuse this confidence; in return, many receive almost as much honor as their masters.
  • County Seer: None
The County Seer is a Kithain well versed in oath, lore, and chimera. Some of their duties overlap with the Personal Seer, but they have particular command during special faerie rituals.
Every powerful throne has a shadowy figure that stands behind it to listen and ensure that which stands remains standing. The Shadow Guardian is obviously this. She listens and she ensures that whispers of secrets contain nothing of Faerie within it. Rumor and speculation abound concerning her other ways of protecting her territory.
Heralds serve as messengers, diplomats and couriers to their lords. This gives them a certain amount of diplomatic immunity when interacting with the courts of other nobles, so long as they pay the proper respect to their superiors in status. They are responsible for summoning up commoner levies when fiefdoms are endangered and bringing forward those who are newly arrived in a fiefdom for proper introduction.
Skilled in magic and advising their lord in these particular matters, the Personal Seer is primarily concerned with magical defense and scrying.
  • Reeve: None
Reeves act as official liasons between a noble and the commoners who dwell within that noble's fiefdom. They also fill the position of advocates for commoners, often appearing in court to press a commoner's claims or voice a complaint. Should objection be found in a ruling, one can approach the Reeve and the matter will be respectfully reconsidered by the nobility. The Reeve must be agreed upon by both the commoners as a whole as well as the nobility.
Scribes serve the vital function of transcribing not only court proceedings, but also of recording any memories members of the court may have of Arcadia or their past lives. This act is done in the old style, written on parchment and vellum with quill and ink in chimerical tomes bound in griffin or boar hide. Many scribes also illuminate their texts to create works of beauty and repositories for Glamour.
  • Stewards: Kay (NPC)
Stewards are responsible for a fiefdom's resources, organizing and governing their lord's assets. They control household finances, disperse chimerical and 'real' weapons and guard court treasures. Stewards also train and manage a household's staff.
  • Thanes: None
Thanes are commoner warriors who have sword loyalty to their lords. They are charged with hunting for Glamour for their masters. Some lords see the advantage of placing bands of thanes on the field of battle, since these warriors are often more effective in war than noble knights. Many thanes who organized the resistance during the Accordance War now serve the lords they once opposed. The nobility's acceptance of these rebel leaders helped smooth relations with the commoners. Often, a noble will find support among commoners in her realms as long as she treats her thanes with honor and respect.
Troubadours are the musicians and performers of a noble's court. They also lead the court in the practice of courtly love, acting as chroniclers and go-betweens. Often troubadours are themselves involved in the amorous machinations of the nobles. They perform their own works, the ballads of the past and specifically commissioned songs in honor of their patrons or a paramour.


The Escheat as ruled by Count Leras and Countess Ionae, and blessed by their Graces.

The traditions that make up the Escheat form the basic laws of Kithain society. Believed to have originated among those wise faeries who lived closest to the Dreaming, they were recorded after the Sundering as a way to ensure fae survival in the face of inexorable change. Passed down and enforced by the nobility, the Escheat's tenets are respected by both Seelie and Unseelie nobles (though each Court has variations on how it interprets each principle). The Escheat is not enforced by Glamour, but instead carries the force of law, tradition and custom. Occasionally the Dreaming works its own chimerical subtleties around the Escheat, making certain that its rules are kept or forcing those who break it to reap the consequences of their actions.



Noble Fiefs

The County Seat and official Barony held personally by Count Leras and Countess Ionae of House Fiona. Lion's Reach freehold and The Sideshow is found within it.
  • The Fief of Divertimento Dithyramb Dance
This is the Fiefdom held by Dame Liazaelen Blackpool ni Fiona. It centers upon Robyn's School of Music and Dance. Seeking to continue to inspire those Dreams that have been planted here, she also looks to draw in new Dreamers through aiding underprivileged kids gain scholarships to the school through an endowment fund set up by Count Leras and Countess Ionae. There are a few rumors that come with laughs, that say some have shortened the name to the Fief of the Triple D's.


  • The Ivory Clocktower
This domain encompasses the Student Union at UC Prospect and is held by Aisling Foster. Inspiring Makers and bringing together Dreamers from all over campus are the main goals.


  • The Temptations
The Temptations (that's their name, really) is a motley/music group that has been frequently brought in for performances from the nearby County of the Emerald Dale. They're a small but talented bunch featuring satyr guitarist, troll on (chimerical!) keyboard, eshu lead singer, and of all things a sluagh on the drums. The sluagh naturally is sporting earplugs during all performances. Rumor has it that they are interested in permanently relocating to the County of Lion's Reach after an unfortunate incident where they acquired Count Belan's wrath. No one knows precisely what they did, only that Count Belan is most displeased.
  • Screaming Mimis
Enter the Redcaps! While the Screaming Mimis have not actually settled in the County just yet, there has been an increase of Redcap activity lately. Reports of sightings have started to come in through the normal avenues, though no action has been taken given the fact that this all female Redcap Corby has done nothing to provoke the County inhabitants. Some are whispering that this means trouble. Those that speak to the Redcaps hear that they think this County is a good place to settle -- after all, didn't the nobility sanction a rescue attempt for a Redcap Childling?

Nearby Counties/Nobility

Setting Sun

  • Duke Simon Cartwright ap Fiona
Unseelie Satyr Duke of Setting Sun which encompasses the County of Lion's Reach and surrounding Counties.
  • Duchess Dahlia Rengstorff La Fleur ni Gwydion
Seelie Sidhe Duchess of Setting Sun which encompasses the County of Lion's Reach and surrounding Counties.

County of the Emerald Dale

  • Count Belan ap Gwydion
Sidhe. Seelie. While Count Belan was formally neutral to the County of Lion's Reach, recent political events have raised his brows. While he did not support the returning Countess Kelira in her actions, this staunch Traditionalist Sidhe did point out some of the more valid of her claims. He also suggested that she spent such a length of time in the Dreaming that her bedlam was obvious, and perhaps she should have been given time before the untested Fiona were appointed in her stead. There is little secret that before the prior Countess Kelira left on her mighty quest that the two were courting. Speculation is that the loyalty of his heart will always rest with her.

County of the Reflective Dawn

  • Count Cyldeach ap Fiona
Sidhe. Seelie. Count of the Reflective Dawn, a nearby County, Count Cyldeach is a political ally of the County of Lion's Reach. The alliance was formed through the nobility to aid in the construction of the marketplace to the benefit of his people. Resources and an overseer was extended in offering. Count Cyldeach is invited to many of the events and attends those that are not official holidays (which he celebrates in his own County). The Sidhe is interested in the potential revenue for his crafters in the marketplace as well as aiding his fellow Fiona, Count Leras and Countess Ionae. His County's martial force is lackluster but present, though they have no outstanding rivals.
  • Baroness Merridwyn ni Dougal
Sidhe. Seelie. A strong political ally of the County of Lion's Reach - or perhaps particularly Count Leras and Countess Ionae - is the Baroness Merridwyn that serves underneath Count Cyldeach. Her chimerical frogmen were lent for the construction of the Faerie Market and although there was some stop and go construction due to numerous events, she has been a faithful supporter in Count Leras and Countess Fiona, backing their causes. During the recent fiasco with the Gwydion, Kelira, she was attempting to rally all to lend their official support to the County of Lion's Reach.

Notable NPCs

This former Countess of Radiant Hope (now known as County of Lion's Reach) left on a voyage into the Deep Dreaming, abandoning her County Seat (the Rhapsody Freehold/Faerie Market) in search of Faerie Immortality. She returned many years later with her army of chimera and her extreme viewpoints even more prominent. While initially she reclaimed the County, her proclamations of madness and ludicrous demands soon had her stripped of her title and Count Leras and Countess Ionae put in her place. This is when she decided to wage war on the Duchy, inhabiting the island of Fort Lodestone.
  • Emily Viktor
Very little is known about Emily Viktor at this point other than she was a Nocker prodigy that disappeared a number of years ago. A Boggan Grump more recently was chatting it up at the Sideshow and said he saw the oddest thing. He could have sworn that he saw the lost Emily and when he called out to her she ran into a drainage tunnel.
  • Raoul
Baron Raoul ap Ailil, the Knave of Spades, Herald of Fimbulwinter, and servant to the Court of Shadows is an infamous Sidhe who is the oathsworn enemy of Ferdinand. After Ferdinand's father crafted a brilliant blade for the Baron, he reneged on his payment and murdered him for sport instead. He is known for having an air of predatory brutishness about him (an oddity for a Sidhe and especially an Ailil) as well as an echo of frost and winter that follows in his wake. For some time it has been speculated that the Baron has hidden himself either in the County of Lion's Reach or in one of the neighboring ones.

Plot Threads

  • The Priest
A Redcap Childling was rescued from the foul grips of a beauty contest mother and her exorcism seeking ways. During the rescue attempt, the priest performing the exorcism lost a hand and saw the Changelings as demons. He is on the search for them and has vowed vengeance.
  • Treasure of the Sea
A treasure was stolen from a pirate wench, a Scathach, and currently exists within the County of Lion's Reach. Soon the pirates will seek to reclaim what was taken from them.
  • Raiders
The Faerie Market, when the merchants open their doors, will be host to guests both welcome as well as not.
  • What Rests Beneath
There are always stories about the monsters in the sewers. Kithain have come to expect this, but there is something most peculiar about the reports that have recently been surfacing...
  • The Tree
The Great Tree that exists within the island has been quiet as of late, but this does not mean that a great variety of chimera do not surround it. Two clans of creatures have been seen fighting amidst the roots, quarreling over something with their copper-colored weaponry and armor.
  • Island Unto Itself
Fort Lodestone, an island that Kelira inhabited, exists in the sea between the County of the Emerald Dale and the County of Lion's Reach. Which County has true claim to it?
