2024.05.19:Battle of the Rubber Chicken

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Battle of the Rubber Chicken
Raccoons ask the party for help cleaning up their home from creatures that took it over.
IC Date 2024.05.19 Sunday
IC Time Afternoon
Players Keeku, Boots, Libby, Jack, Mike, Patrick
Location Caern & and a Landfill
Prp/Tp PRP - Tainted Beginnings
Spheres Garou
Theme Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLYhN3eeTxE

It is a breezy Sunday afternoon at the Caern's living area, which is where our party starts the evening. There is a bonfire crackling away and several kin are tending to it, along with the large pot of food boiling above. Keeku, for his part, is piling some kindling from the main wood pile a few yards off to bring over to the fire to ensure it keeps being fed. The young native boy smiles as the breeze whisks away his sweat. "Beautiful afternoon," he says to no one in particular.

Jack and Mike are together, cause they're siblings! And they're heading into the living area while yammering back and forth. "So then *I* changed my answer to Riker cause in hind sight, I realized he'd get *super* into a bed time story and would start doing the voices, and then probably stand up and start acting out the story, and then I'd never get to sleep and it'd be *great*. Anyway the point is we're best friends with Libby now." And there's their connection to the other characters in a nut shell.

Hopper/Patrick has been sleeping in and around the caern. The smell of fire draws his attention. Still not completely familiar with the Sept and it's denizens he does not approach at first. Instead he get close enough to scout out the situation. As he spots Keeku by the fire his ears flick and he dismisses the garou from his attention, focusing on the two he does not know.

Mike twitches a bit as he follows his brother. "Oh, Riker? Really? Um, I would have picked Scotty." A small yelp follows when a branch Jack moved aside spribngs back and slaps Mike right in the face. "But, um. You're right about Riker. I bet he'd do all the voices and do all the fights and stuff. Is Libby real nice?" That's his natural worry creeping in.

"Oh yeah, super nice, didn't even punch a guy for mansplaining hunting at her." Jack insists with a sagocious nod of his head. He pulls a beer out of his pocket to crack open and drink. They make pockets exactly beer can size for a reason, you know. Any how, just pre-gaming it. "Hey dude!" he yells at Keeku, making sure the guy knows where exactly the yell is coming from by waving an arm in the air like an idiot. His own arm. Not, like, an arm that he found somewhere and decided to keep. And also, "Hey guy!" at Boots with a salute of his can.

Keeku finishes piling the wood and starts hefting it over using the wheelbarrow. As he gets closer, he notes Mike and Jack. He's met Jack before, but not the other guy. Boots gets a smile and a, "I hear congratulations are in order...Fostern, you're a big shot now." He is being sincere, but winks anyway. As Jack calls his name, the Uktena mimics Jack with an equally big wave, "Jack if I recall correctly! And who might this be at your side?" For now, Keeku doesn't notice Patrick.

Mike blinks at his brother. "Somebody did that? Wow, rude." He freezes as he spots all the people gathering up and shifts nervously from foot to foot. "Um, hi!" he blurts out, right before he's suddenly in Crinos. His ears flatten against his skull. totally embarassed. >> Sorry,<< he mutters. He tries to hide behind Jack when Keeku speaks, which is hilarious since he's way huge right now. OMG, a werewolf just appeared! Run, save yourselves!

Libby is singing to herself as she wanders down towards the living area. She's got her pack on, a bow strapped over her shoulder. She's singing absently to herself though there's no music to accompany her. "Tired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain, And you are young and life is long, and there is time to kill today.." It heralds her arrival from the tree line. Libby appears to be bored enough to risk personal harm as she juggles a hunting knife one handed, tossing it in the air and catching it deftly before doing so again. Spotting the gathering group she lifts a hand and waves that direction while tucking her knife away. "Hey! It is a fan-freaking-tastic afternoon." She enthuses in a friendly greeting. Spotting Jack she cheer, "Hey!" She two-finger waves and smiles at Jack's companion, Boots gets a similar warm greeting. The wolf is noticed, those wild-hazel eyes see just about everything, but she doesn't approach.

Hopper stands and pads towards the fire, making sure no one is startled by his presence. In wolf he greets Boots <Well met.> Circling to one side he approaches the fire and asks Keeku, <am I welcomed at your fire?>

"Yeah!" Jack says for Keeku totally remembering his name. It's like meeting a movie star when someone actually remembers you! "This is my hetro life mate and younger brother Mike For The Win Morrison, Cliath Ragabash Glass Walker just like me." He has no problem introducing himself for the shy murder machine trying to hide behind him, even though Jack's fat ass cant actually hide an entire crinosed werewolf, even if he tries extra hard. "Wussup mah girl!" Jack says, and offers out a fist bump at Libby, his self proclaimed bestie. And holy shit, a wolf! He beams stupidly at Hopper and greets, "Hi! I'm Jack Level Up Morrison." That's also for Keeku, tribe and auspice already mentioned so no need to repeat it!

Boots snorts. "More like a fuckin' rarity." He grins over to Keeku. "Full moons ain't got a good life expectancy. Fuckin' sun nearly killed me once. He's a dickhole." He grumps. "How is everyone doin'? Ain't seen the Frogs since that boat capture." He grins. "Good times, that was." A wave is offered to Libby. "Huntin'?"

"Part of the sept, welcome at the fire man." He mentions to Hopper.

>>HiMyNameIsMikeAndEverythingThatJackSaidPleasedToMeetYou, << For the Win rattles off like a shot. His ears perk up as he spots this wonderful Libby person his brother was just telling him about. >> Um, hi! << he says cheerfully.

Keeku looks up as Libby's singing comes wafting out of the forest. A smile grows over his features and he can't help himself but start to do a little shuffle step as he picks up the wood and tosses it into the fire. Yes, he's dancing a bit to the song. There is a reason his name is what it is. With the introduction given for Mike, Keeku ohs and stops dancing. "Right, formalities first." The native straightens, standing tall with his chin raised, "Keeku Bia, Rited Dances-In-Darkness, Cliath Uktena born under the Hidden Moon on two legs to Dine, or The People known as Navajo. I am the son of Uncle's Judgement Adren Philodox, grandson of Bureau's-Bane Elder Ahroun, great-grandson of Sings-Our-Sorrows Athro Galliard, and great-great-grandson of Fuel's-their-Slumber Adren Theurge, all of the Uktena Tribe." He sucks in air after saying that all in one breath. When he is done, he slouches again. "Glad to have some more Ragabash here."

To Boots, Keeku nods, "Our days are all over-shadowed by the Goddess of the Moon. We can only enjoy what we have before us." Deep, deadly uncle wisdom. "That and we can just say fuck you Death. Not Today!" He chuckles and gives the middle finger to the sky. "Glad you are on our side FAFO-rhya." To Libby, he calls out, "Stew?"

Libby fist-bump explodes with Jack because that seems like the thing to do, "Hey, hey. How's the new business been treating you? Hope you're getting some real action out here, the bougie folks in the hills have been getting really interested in making their yards personal botanical gardens I hear." Libby turns to Mike and taps her finger to her temple in a greeting, "Welcome to the party, Mike! Is this a party?" She looks to Keeku, "This seems like a party."

Libby shakes her head at Boots, "Naw, I did enough of that this week. It's my day of rest." The lanky feral-eyed kin replies with a grin as she slips out of her backpack. "I could eat."

Jack reaches back to pat the scardy wolf behind him, blinbly thwapping Mike's arm or something in a comforting manner. "So I heard we got some kinda *stuff* to do, maybe! Hybernation season is over, the boys are ready to prove to themselves once again that they're fuckin *awesome* and that moving out of our mom's house was totally the right call!" He looks massively optimistic and excited while sipping his beer and listening to the introduction. "Damn, having like super deep family history and liniage and stuff must be stressful as hell."

Like, the suffix to his name is almost as if someone dunked him in ice-water. Boots blinks, looking to Keeku. "Never fuckin' thought I'd hear that name addon." He snerks, shaking his head. "Just... I mean, FAFO works. Or Boots. Unless some other ranking tight-pants gets their nasty thong wedged up there about shit. Then, then you can use the Rhya thing." He winks. "And fuck death. I got shit to do." The young man beams. The cheetos are offered around, should anyone want some of the puffs.

"Didja ever cook that dinosaur meat, Libby?" He pronounces dinosaur like the animated DNA from Jurassic Park... nerd.

>> How do you remember all that? << For the Win asks Keeku, totally oblivious to things like family pride. >> I mean, I did the whole periodic table when I was three, but that was for science and stuff. << But then that magic key to his heart appears: Cheetos, in all their glory. >> Ooh, thank you! << he pipes up, coming out of hiding to nab some from Boots. >> Do you like these, Libby? <<

Keeku gives Boots a thumbs up, "You do realize you're asking a bunch of Ragabash to buck tradition right? That's like, throwing wood on fire." He winks. "No rhya? Consider it done." And Keeku throws more wood on the fire. The kin who were preparing the meal hand out bowls of stew to each and every one here, assuming they will take it. Even Mike is offered a bowl by a strong, young kin male. He is brave offering it to the Crinos, but he does so anyway. The odd-ball Uktena chuckles to Mike as he is offered the bowl, "Might want to come back to homid if you are to eat. And well, where I grew up I didn't have much by way of entertainment. We passed down stories of our ancestors and elders. It was pounded into my head you could say. I tried to tell them I wasn't a Galliard, but no luck."

As Jack asks about doing stuff, he shrugs, "Maybe. My spirit familiar said something is afoot. Hold on a second." He pauses and looks off into the distance at nothing in particular. "Hmm, yeah, sounds like we have some spirits incoming." He pauses and adds, "Friendlies."

A few minutes pass and sure enough, several furballs come waddling into view out of the forest. The critters have dark bands around their eyes, making them look like bandits - Raccoons. They chitter and chatter and squeak as they approach the gathered party. There are quite a few of them, more than one per person, which quickly happens as they scatter and go up to each and every one of you. Keeku goes blank stare again and states, "We have their spiritual counterparts here on the other side of the veil I'm being told."

"Yeah, I got to cook some while I was there. Getting the damn things dressed was a whole-assed-thing but man was it worth it. Still on the fence on if it tastes more like ostrich or gator." She tells Boots with a small grin, "If you ate at all the last two days that was meat I cooked. I think someone there was running field for me and kinda keeping the Buckets from cooking it themselves and stealing my thunder." She pushes her braid back over her shoulder. "After a while reciting an Odessy-level family tree just becomes second nature. That's what I've been told anyway." She grins playfully Keeku's way joining in on the light teasing. "Well... I mean cheesy puffs are great and all but I was raised on those big plastic barrels so I'm kind of partial to those. So many good uses for those barrel-buckets too." She declines the Cheeto as she seeks out the source of the stew which she promptly burns her mouth with making her suck in air past the piece of meat in her teeth in an attempt to cool it without being forced to spit it out or chew while it's too hot.

Libby turns her head to peer off into the distance. Umbrally she's checking with a rather large red-tailed Hawk Spirit perched atop a tree not too far from the group. The appearance of the raccoons seems to cause Libby to pull her food bowl closer to her chest.

"His dad probably wasn't a cock and it's all worth remembering, though. Or that yeah." Jack tells his XL baby brother, and then adds to Keeku and Boots, "Our dad sucks. And the Uktena at our old sept were a lot like that too." to explain both of that lack of family pride in them. Aside from the total lack of pure breeding as well, because glass walkers. He grins his complete agreement with Keeku though and points at him while the guy points out this terrible trap Boots hurled himself into regarding tradition. When bandits come rushing in, but without rapiers or cutlases, Jack looks a bit baffled at first. Not TOO baffled, I mean he is a werewolf and this shit happens, he just doesn't speak raccoon is all. "Oooooh! I just learned to talk to spirits!!" he says super excitedly. "I'm gonna get stuck in the gauntlet again, I know it."

>> I can eat out of bowls! << Mike says, puffing up a tiny bit. >> That's said that's all I deserved to eat out of back home, but I can eat out of anything. << Sure enough, he soon has his snoot buried in his stew bowl once he's handed one, neatly lapping up the contents. Fuck you spoon, he has a built-in version in his noggin. His burning the shit out of his tongue, but there's no stopping him now. >> You won't get stuck. I'll help you if you do!<< he cheerfully tells his brother. >> Whoa, are those REAL raccoons? <<

Racooons! Boots has /stuff/ for them! He fishes about in his pocket, getting out a couple of different Hot Wheels cars for the little bandits. Play is good for them, right? Either way, they are gonna take what they want, might as well head them off with a gift to begin with. He does scatter a few cheetos too, to appease the racoon swarm. "Stew. Fuck yeah." He says, getting a bowl after everyone else. He's got it all reversed - go figure. He listens to Libby's commentary on butchering in Pangea, grinning. "It was a fuckin' triumph. Climbin' a T-Rex to chase off a Nazi." A shake of his head. Looking to Keeku, he simply waits. This isn't his forte, talking to spirits. Let the pros handle it!

Libby is totally trying to hoover up her food without burning herself or loosing any to the racoons.

Keeku shrugs and laughs, "Nah, my pops wasn't so bad all things considered and the more I see of the outside world, the more I realize why our heritage was so important to him." Keeku blinks too at the racoons. It doesn't look like he was expecting actual flesh-and-blood trash-pandas.

Boots has the right idea offering them something to play with. For those that don't offer something, the Racoons start getting a little playful themselves, but without the directed aid, they start rummaging around in people's pockets or trying to get at the leftover bowls of food and whatever scraps have been left around people's feet in the living area. As if on command, as soon as the chaos starts to erupt, something begins to materialize over the fire, almost as if it is in the bowl of stew. Very quickly, the spirit of a very large, very old Racoon materializes in front of the gathering. It too begins to chitter. For those with spirit speech, it says, <<Stop bothering them. We need their help.>> It looks around to see who might understand it. Keeku looks to Jack, "Mind translating?"

Aha! Boots /can/ understand! Still, he's not going to be the guy chatting up the spirit. He'd likely offend by some manner of foul language. Instead, he shares his stew with the racoons brave enough to come near. (Mark of the Predator) He's not picky about sharing the bowl, either. He's had worse food partners.

Jack ain't got *shiiiiiit*. He doesn't even have car keys to steal! He's got his beer though. I mean he can kinda share that, but like are you a huge asshole if you offer beer to wild life? Probably. In which case the best thing to do here is not offer, but also not complain if someone wants to climb up and lick the top of his bewski. And like the super cool, subtle badass he is, he points at the newly arrived old raccoon sensai and says, "Heyhey! I understood that reference!!" Or well. The language. "Pappycoon says they need our help. Which I agree with cause I got a little teeny frog in the spirit world and it seems distantly concerned." And then he remembers he can not only understand it, but speak it! He chitters out some raccoon-spirit, ~What's up, buddy? You guys doin' okay?~ And then HA!'s cause he just fucking spoke raccoon! This life never gets boring, man. Never.

For the Win like, just beams at all of this. He's instantly captivated by the raccoons, he looks like a metis kid in a candy store when they climb all over him looking for stuff. >> Oh! Look how fluffy they are! << he blurts out. >> Um, you want this? I've got a lot of them. << He holds out a pawful of shiiiiny metal washers and teeny tiny bolts he's nabbed from his bag. This is the greatest thing ever, maybe even better than Cheetos. >> Oh! We can help them! << he tells Jack. >> We should, right? <<

Keeku listens. He is Uktena, of course he understands spirit speech, but he lets Jack do the honors of translating. "Well done," Keeku gives Jack a respectful nod. The Racoon spirit growls lightly and chitters back, <<No, we are not doing okay. We have been run out of our home by bad spirits. We need help. Will you help us?>>. Keeku nods back to Jack.

The Racoons around Boots paw at the bowl and lick at Boots' hands. They are hungry. Upon closer examination, it does look like they might be a little thinner than they should be. For the Win meanwhile quickly becomes a focal point of the younger Racoons of the group who start treating him like a jungle gym. His shinnies bring all the Racoons to the yard, and they're like, his are better than yours, damn right, they're better than yours. For the Win will treat you, cuz he doesn't charge. They're really rather happy around him with all the gifts. Keeku, for his part, takes several bowls and carefully does his best to get under the spirit hovering over the cook pot. He scoops out stew and offers it to the Racoons that need it - and they do.

Libby tilts her head curiously. She understands by way of her Familiar translating for her and she lowers her bowl of stew. She hasn't even bothered to scold the raccoon attempting to get into her pack. She sets the bowl aside before scoot-scoot-scooting her way back a little bit. Not to leave but to definately make sure that someone is standing between her and the spirit. She listens to the conversation with a curious expression and frowns when the Raccoon explains why they're here.

>> You gotta visit us, << For the Win insists, totally confident his brother will translate for him. >> We've got all kinds of cool shit back at our place. Snacks? Best on the block! And shinies? We buy so many in bulk, and cheap too! It won't be a problem at all. Right? << People make him nervous, but animals? Animals rule.

Boots sets the bowl down, letting the little hungry critters get to it. The cheetos bag is ripped open, and the contents offered over as well. Once done, the cheese dust is wiped on his coat. "OK, time to fuck up some bad spirits, sounds like." A wry grin. "Or get them unfucked, cause somethin' is causin' them to be runny shits." A shake of his head. "Y'all up for doin' the right thing?" He looks to each of the people present - regardless of rank or Kin status.

Swear to god, Jack is totally taking this seriously. Just... He's a Ragabash, you know? And a Cliath. Probably he's a magnet for the thwapping hand of instructors and elders alike. ~Psh, *yeah* we're gonna help you!~ he responds to Pappycoon, which is officially its name now, ~Take us where we gotta go. Look! We have a *cannon*!~ he points *both* index fingers at Boots to really underscore his confidence here. "Yeah so, bad spirits drove them out, they want help, I said take us there and we'll let Boots here off the chaaaaaaain." Even though Boots' player is gonna be getting on a plane, *still* though. He... 'translates' for his brother, ~For The Win says he's going to get you guys sixty pounds of the best snack food ever, and hand feed all of you like the adorable best friends you are.~ Jack gives Mike a thumbs up, and it's' not... totally untrue. It's just not an invitation to their home. He pats himself down but still doesn't have anything, thus has nothing to forget when going on a journey. "I'm ready to go!" he tells his partners in crime of the day.

Keeku gives a nod to those present, "Fuck yeah, let's do this." To Libby, he says, "You're coming along right? I know you can handle yourself. We can stop by an Elder on the way or something to vouch for you if need be." He remembers she was going to ask Sir Guy or something if she could go on the other adventure for the T-Rex meat. Keeku also travels lightly, so he gives a thumbs up and says, "Ready whenever the rest of you are."

Libby scans the group and looks back up towards the tree that holds Red umbrally. Whatever passes between them makes her snicker. "I can come, sure. Red can help out on the other side at least and I can keep an eye on the perimeter." She waves a hand at the Elder question, "Naw. I'll be fine." She says cheerily, quite ready to help out.

Once everything is decided, Boots joggs over to where he'd left his bag. Or pile of stuff. Hard to tell. He grabs his axe, a wicked looking Dead End sign that has been sharpened and reinforced - and his shield, which appears to be a manhole cover. "Fuckin' A. Let's do this." He bangs the axe off of the shield, in proper street-viking manner.

Libby flops open her pack and pulls out her vest and quiver which she quickly dons. The bow is quickly restrung and it is also slung over her shoulder. She checks to make sure she has her knives and she trots to try to keep up with the moving group of Garou. Nerd in a petting zoo, right here. Mike is happy to play pony Crinos for all these goat raccoons. >> I bet it's wasps, << he mutters to Jack. >> Bees are chill, but wasps? I can live without wasps.<< He pads after the others, wincing a bit as underbrush cracks underfoot. Graceful, he ain't.

Jack bangs down the rest of his beer and lets out a mighty war burp! And then carefully sets his can somewhere it wont blow away and annoy someone. He'll get it later. "Ah dude nooooo!" he whines about wasps, completely undoing all his badassness he worked up a minute ago. But point is, he's off with the group to do the thing!

As soon as the Elder Racoon spirit goes poof, the trash bandits grumble and start greedily scooping food into their maws before they reluctantly start to skitter off. The younger ones ride Mike and pull on his Crinos fur (with their opposable thumbs like humans have) to tell him the direction to travel in.

Soon enough, they're travelling on foot out of the Caern and towards the outskirts of the city, because no respectable city would have a dump within city limits. So, as the group approaches one of the many municipal fills of land, something feels off. Whether it is those that have familiar spirits on the other side of the veil letting them know it feels tainted here, or the fact that the Racoons themselves grow tense and skittish - it just doesn't feel right. Keeku, for his part, follows behind Boots, taking the Fostern (and Ahroun)'s lead.

As they near the dump, there's a roar-squeak and the scent of brimstone from Boots' side. The rat-dragon is awake! Looking around, he lifts his nose to the air. "OK... we got new Moons. We doin' this sneaky like? Any of y'all scent the wyrm?" He asks, looking to the others as they get closer.

Libby's head is tilted and she mutters something before they go too far. Before they get close she says, "Red will be flying ahead, he'll let me know what it looks like from above." As they get closer she does her best to stay absolutely quiet, hunched to move through the underbrush and not attract attention to herself so she can cover the Garou. For the Win drops to all fours as they get closer to the target, slinking through the grass on his belly like a long furry snake. >> Um, no, << he mutters back. >> You can sense that though, right? It just feels wrong. <<

"Newp on the sense." Jack tells boots with a sigh and a spread of his hands, "More B&E with the occasional explosion, for me." He makes his form a little blurry, a little more hard to notice when he's standing still and scratching his belly thoughtfully. "The locals don't seem real keen on the vibes around here, so that's probably a mark in the 'probably Wyrm' favor. "As for sneaky? I mean... YOU don't have to be sneaky, you're the Ahroun. You're like the best distraction ever. And then *we* get sneak attack damage and go up a Rogue level. Oh, yeah, let's do that!"

Jack muses all this shit while tromp tromp tromping through the underbrush.

>> Oh, maybe it's not wasps. I bet it's Seekers in there, like in Valheim, << Mike lobs over to his brother. >> Do you think Theron will get mad about us fighting them, like he did about the trolls? << He's still whispering, which comes out as low growls in Crinos. >> Too bad we don't have atgeirs like we do in the game. <<

"Theron's just butt hurt we got troll pants and he doesn't. SO MUCH STEALTH BONUS." says Jack, the least stealthy person in the entire god damned world! Is he even *trying* to miss dead leaves and sticks with his feet? NO. Cause he fucking forgot how to wolf, damn it Jack!

Libby's familiar being a hawk is awesome. It has a bird's eye view, literally, of the Nursery's home turf. Yes, a group of Racoons are called a Nursery. Isn't that stinkin' cute??? The group has a plan. Sneak in and find out what's going on while Libby keeps tabs from above. It was going well until Jack steps on something while tromping through the underbrush. It's one of those rubber chickens. As he steps on it, it goes HEEEROOOOOERK. Keeku visibly facepalms. He whispers, "Maybe no one heard it?" A cry goes up. Something heard it.

It doesn't take long for Libby to see what they are up against. Burrowing from under the trash heaps are large Racoons. Too large. And they appear to have extra tails and legs and one even appears to have a second head. A few seconds later and they crest the hill and come loping towards the Garou with speed.

Fuck it. We'll do it live! Boots was doing all right in the sneak department, until the chicken gives away Jack. It happens, honestly. Rubber chickens will be the death of the Garou. Spotting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Racoons, he nods. "Guess they want to take our shit." A shake of his head, axe banging on the shield to draw their attention to the Ahroun. "Shame." A tsk, the Gnawer shifting to Crinos as he braces.

>> Oh shit! Raccoon hydras! << For the Win blurts out. >> Run little dudes, run for your lives! << Hopefully those raccoon kids are beolting for cover. He pops up in the grass like a jack-in-the-box and shouts, >> RAAAR!<< as he starts forming a ball of fire in his furry mitts.

"Incoming nuculear-waste pandas." Libby whispers to those closest her. Maybe Jack's attention tactics will help cover it. She moves off from the group, not exposed but behind. Bows need space after all and Liberty is a confident hunter. She's already got her arrow nocked and ready.

"Our only hope is to continue cutting their heads off until they have so many heads that their blood supply cant handle it and they pass out!" Jack adds on the heels of Mike's explative. And not to be left behind, he also shifts to crinos. He looks less out of shape that way anyways, which is awesome. Still kinda extra fluffy though.

Level Up turns into a fuckin werewolf! Holy shit!

>> For real, they're at least Challenge Rating 8! << Mike growls, tapping into his 5e D&D rules nerd knowledge. >> I'll burn the heads, so they don't grow back! <<

There are four incoming TMNR's coming their way, each one being about the size of a lupus wolf. In theory, that makes one for each of the Garou. Well, more like 3 for Boots as an Ahroun, and 1 for Libby as the Ragabash are just as likely to hit each other as they are the dark-bandits. Keeku shifts into Crinos. It is a Sunday, so the likelihood of any hooomans here is minimal. Plus, they are relatively remote and far from the city. The trash STINKS after all; which is something everyone in Crinos will note immediately. The stench is almost unbearable. Dances-In-Darkness has no clue what FTW is saying, but he goes along with it anyway. Impact in 3-2-1 as each of the Racoons break off for an individual Garou, perhaps either not noticing Libby just yet or not taking her to be a threat.

It's a Dead End sign for a reason! There's even a skull and crossbones spray-painted under the lettering, thanks to Hammer-Tooth. As the mutant lopes in, FAFO plants his feet - talons in the earth. The Full Moon reacts with absurd quickness, squatting and swinging low. As the TMNR tries hopping over, FAFO stands, the arc of his axe curving upwards to split the critter in twain. Not Mark Twain, but in a nasty bifercation of a mutant racoon.

"YEAAAAAAAAAH!" Level up! howl/screams at his incoming adversary, claws out, hackles raised, ready to rock this mother fucker! Until he's dive tackled by it just after giving it a little 'eh!' swipe of his claws, Jack screaming like a furry bitch all the way down down. >>AH GOD NOOOOO!!!<< he wails from within the weeds and the trash, an old popcicle stick wedging up into his kidney while every wriggle of his fuzzy ass makes that rubber chicken HEEEROOOOOERK!

Libby comes up after she spots For-the-Win getting side-swiped by one of the massive mutated racoons. She's up for a second, exhales and releases her shot, straight for the eye of the racoon attacking the Garou. Like in a movie it hits, the Kinfolk makes it look effortless, readying herself to hide once more after the shot is taken.

Keeku isn't really a fighter, but in Crinos, anyone can do damage. Just as the critter is about to barrel into him, he notes a shiny piece of glass and nearly gets pulled into the umbra. That would have been bad. He focuses though and instead of slipping sideways through the veil, he stays and attacks with his maw. He manages to take a huge bite out of the TMNR's neck and it spurts black ichor. <Yuck,> DID manages to say as he spits. The creature retaliates in Rage and bites him back and DID cries out.

>> Ow! << For the Win complains as the raccoon-thing sideswipes him. He's lucky: Libby's a crack shot, and the Wyrmspawn's flailing claws only open up a scratch in his hide. He dodges back, sticks his tongue out between his fangs, and holds up the fireball in his claws. >> YEET! << he snarls, chucking that fiery orb at his target like a real wizard.

The fireball hits the side of the beast. Between Libby's arrow sticking out of its eye and For The Win's Eldritch Blast, the TMNR falls flat on its face and sputters blood out of its mouth dead. Two down, two to go.

Dropping his axe and shield for the moment, FAFO darts off to the side - claws reaching for the nasty who is threatening Level-Up. It's a natural motion, somehow - he ties up the critter in a bearhug of sorts. <<Finish it!>> Everyone deserves a win - this is FAFO helping out the others!

The Huge Jack Man is not a fighter. He'll tell you he can do it, he'll even *believe* that he can do it. But here he is, flat on his ass, farting out squished chicken noises, his enemy is BEING HELD STILL FOR HIM, and he's like a flailing god damned infant! Seriously, who passed him on his RoP!? Maybe he's just overwhelmed, or having a bad luck day, or something else.

DID gets low to the ground and snaps with his jaws again at the critter he is battling. His jaws dig into the fresh wound going even deeper and this time teeth meet neck bone and the beast goes limp in his fangs. He turns, Racoonbeast still in its mouth as he looks to see what is going on. He spits it out though once he notices FAFO has the last TMNR on lock.

Oh shit, he's a warlock! That totally makes sense, no studying required. For the Win can igure out who he's formed that pact with later, there's mean raccoon-hydras harshing everyone's vibe right now. He dances from foot to foot excitedly as Jack takes his swing and misses. >> Gethimgethimgethim!<< he chants, letting out a ragged howl-cheer as Libby gets her shot in. Oh shit! It's somehow not dead yet! He darts in and stomps on the thing, smooshing its head flat.

Libby's second shot wasn't as prepared as her first and though she hits the things fur is too thick for her arrow to get through. But the garou make quick work of the thing so she lowers her bow and checks with Red on the other side to make sure everything's clear.

Level Up! sits up, panting while dead bear hugged Ahroun victims are chucked away. >>Eeeeeeeew!<< he complains in a whine because he's got goop on him. He stands up, tries to wipe his fur off but just sorta makes it worse, so he does what any good brother would do and tries to wipe it on Mike instead. >>Does anyone have some cleansing stuff? And a shower-in-a-can?<<

With all critters accounted for (and dead) and all Garou and kin accounted for (and alive), Dances-In-Darkness asks, <Everyone okay? Anyone need medical attention? Can anyone heal? I can only do basic first aid and even there, not the best at it.> At the mention of the Rite of Cleansing, Keeku shifts to homid and pulls a small stick out of his pocket, "Never go anywhere without your cleansing stuff." He's awfully a lot like a Theurge for being a Ragabash.

Mike sees his brother coming and darts off on all fours, ducking behind Libby. Best shield ever. >> Cast Prestidigation! << he growls. What a nerd. >> That'll clean up everything. << He's already digging in his bag to add stuff to the Cleansing donation pile.

Libby shoulders her bow again. Staying a goodly distance still from the gruesome scene with no interest in getting closer. She waves a hand to indicate she's fine. She looks over her shoulder at Mike and then back to the others. "Not going to be any help in that regard." The Kin tells Dances.

>>You know, that spell's wording implies you're able to poop someone else's pants for them.<< Level up says, looking down at himself and sighing. Yep, gonna have to wear this for a bit. He does not go homid though, the rite of cleansing likes a crinos, and also then he wont have fur barrier between him and the ooze and his shirt'll get ruined. He spots the rubber chicken on the ground, and decides to keep it, picking it up to hang onto. They've been through some shit together.

The four of them begin the Rite of Cleansings and together quickly cleanse both themselves and the tainted racoons. Once the rituals are completed, the good little bandits start appearing out of the wood-, or eh, landfill-work. They are appreciative.

For Libby, her hawk still sees some taint up ahead, but there are no banes or other spirits, just the general taint that was corrupting the umbral side of the landfill because those critters were claiming it as their home. Keeku asks, "Libby, how's it looking on the other side?"

For the Win happily chips in to assist, checking out Keeku's ritual bag on the sly. It's a nice one. >> Um, think we got them all? << he asks.

Libby's head tilts and she's far away for a long moment, head turning though she's not looking at anything. At least nothing here. She just stares straight ahead before she nods, "Over towards the parking lot." She points, "There's a truck on that end of the landfill. Red's taken up a perch over it." She tells them. She's not actually going to lead them more than to point the way. She falls in behind the garou.

>> Wow, you've got a great spirit friend, << For the Win remarks. >> He doesn't eat frogs, does he? Maybe he could give Ziggy a ride sometime. << Little frog dudes flyin on hawk-back, best thing ever. He drops to all fours and slinks along on his belly, growling the Mission Impossible theme to himself.

The Garou have finished their ritual cleansing of themselves and their fallen enemies. Libby has motioned that the taint is coming from the other side of the landfill they've been brought to by the good lil' bandits. Keeku listens to Libby and nods, "To the truck it is then." FAFO leads the way again in case they run into any more of those things.

In no time, they make their way across the landfill and to the parking lot. The Racoons follow them and point out the one truck that rules all the others. We must take the truck to Mount Doom and destroy it. Keeku turns to the brothers and asks, "Don't suppose either of you can break into it and see if you can find out anything about why this one truck is tainted?"

"Not normally. He prefers rabbits and .." She looks back at the deceased racoons and then turns her attention back towards the parkinglot. "Other things." Libby replies to Mike. "Red might be willing to give a frog a ride. He's a pretty laid back bird despite his serious mug." Despite her clear caution around wyrmy-things Libby doesn't seem to be afraid to be walking with the Garou.

Having missed the action Hopper finishes his scouting of the far side of the landfill having found nothing despite the bad smell that is almost certain more than just trash. Hearing the rest of the group he trots closer keeping his sense open for any more over signs of taint. Other than some muck on his paws, Hopper looks and smells no worse for wear than when he departed.

Level Up! stuffs the rubber chicken into FTW's pouch to make sure it stays safe, before his brother gets to slinking. >>Yeah, sure!<< Jack says, takes one step and then remembers he's a werewolf. So he shrinks himself down to homid so he looks like a way more normal ichor covered idiot at a landfil. "I'm not going down there alone!" he tells his brother, and by extension everyone else! "Y'all fuckin comin with me, I cant possibly handle all of the lovecraftian glory that's tucked away in that van. Look at it, it might as well read 'free beer and ice cream' on the side it's so evil!" And with that, he starts off towards it, flip flops slapping away with each step.

Keeku notes Hopper being back in action and smiles, "Welcome back sir scout. Looks like you beat us to the tainted Truck Miss Libby found. Well done." The young native also grins at Level Up, "Wait, there's ice cream?" Yup, he would totally get sucked in. Keeku follows after the crowd and asks Libby, "You mind asking Red to keep an eye out, both around us and in case something is in that truck?"

"No problem." Liberty replies to Keeku. She smiles at Hopper's approach before scanning the mounds of trash again. She's also taking a ranged stance for the truck as well. Bow held loosely at her side.

Jack doesn't have anything on him, so his lockpicking tools are impromptu. Totally servicable, there's not much a length of wire cant do, but much like how he sucks at fighting, he sucks at lockpicking. He *knows* what he's doing, but this is not NEARLY as fast as in the movies! "Come on... Woooooooork! .... Git the.. YES! No. Damn it!..." But swear to god he's suddenly able to turn the lock and he stands back with both fists in the air, not *actually* screaming YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! but it's written *all* over his face. Oh the *joy*!

For the Win creep, creep, creeps closer to the truck, making sure to stick to the shadows. No Cthulhu monster is going to grab his big brother on his watch, no way mang! >> Whoo! << he shouts back, thrusting his fist in the air.

Keeku is beaming at Jack as he opens the door using a friggin' wire, "Well done, my man!" He moves to give Jack a hi-5 (which as a reminder his palm is covered in hair).

Red doesn't catch anything moving around them, but as the door opens the back of the garbage truck begins opening. Cthulhu emerges. Oh wait, no, that's just a black cloud of grime, waste, and general grossness coming out the back.

Hopper watches with some curiosity as the truck is unlocked. For him that means his eyes scan back towards the truck every few seconds and he scans the surroundings. Finding a dry patch of gravel, he scraps some of the gunk off the bottom of his paws.

Libby also gives Jack a slightly distracted thumbs-up. She continues to keep an eye on the trashy surroundings though, looking back to see the gunk coming out of the truck and she grimaces. "Eugch." Since the garou are focused there she thankfully turns back to the perimeter.

Jack's palm is covered in all kinds of shit at this point, so we're cool! Oh no, though, "It's the fuckin smoke monster from Lost! But shittier!" he shouts with a finger pointed dramatically at the thing, as if none of you already saw it. Time ta git crinosin' again! He needs the extra fur padding for falling down and stuff.

Level Up turns into a fuckin werewolf! Holy shit!

>> Oh shit! The Backdoors are escaping! << For the Win growls, leaping to his feet. He dashes back and forth and runs over to back up Level Up.

Aaaand, there's nothing there. Whatever Jack did by opening the door opened the controls of the back door of the truck. It literally just opened and let out some noxious gases. Awkward. Keeku too shifted to Crinos only to realize, like the rest of them, that there wasn't anything to fight. <Anything back there?> Psst, there's not.

Hopper feels the tension rise and whirls to face the threat. His hackles rise and he bares his teeth... then he looks around trying to spot the threat.

For the Win sniffs as he realizes what's happened. >> Aw, man! And me without my chemical analyzer. << The sept might not allow tech within the bounds of the caern, but they can't stop him from toting along his mundane collecting materials. He fishes a test tube out of his bag and pads forward to try to capture some of the smoke inside before it dissipates. >> Yuck, << he mutters. If there's any goo on the ground, he nabs a sample as well with a scraper. >> Ick. <<

Jack knew that. He totally knew that. He was just staying prepared and on his toes, that's all. Just Garouing, like a pro, you know how it is. ...Aaaaaaanyways. Back to homid. And um... "Yeah I'm gonna look in the um. In the thing." he says, pointing to the cab and then giving Keeku, Libby and Hopper a super confident wink and thumbs up. All totally part of the plan. There is a plan, right? If so, this is all part of it.

FTW is grabbing samples, Jack is going to see if there's anything in the cab or in the truck's computer. Meanwhile, Red does note that there is a small outbuilding in the parking lot. Perhaps Libby and Hopper would like to investigate that to see if anything gives them details as to why this one particular truck is tainted. Libby makes a face.. "Ew. No. No.. Damn..." She complains to, well, who? No one. That's who before she sags and sighs and gestures to Hopper, "Want to go make sure that whoever drove this truck here isnt in there." She eyballs the outbuilding.

Hopper looks in the indicated direction and sniffs at the ground. Then nose to the ground and eyes on the building he starts trotting in the direction of the out building. If the bad odder bothers him he does not give any indication. He does look to see if Libby has his back.

Hopper waits at the door for Libby since he currently lacks thumbs. Once she opens it he ducks inside then he lets Libby take the lead.

Jack goes through some stuff in the cab, beep boops on the computer a bit, hmmmmm's.... then beep boops a bit more. Then tilts his eyes up to look at Hopper and Libby's backs as they warily approach the shed. He smiles, perhaps comforted by their presence, and beep boops the computer one more time.

Keeku keeps his back to Jack while Jack is inside. They've had enough scares for one night. "Finding anything useful Jack?"

Libby does in fact have Hopper's back. She already has an arrow knocked in the Ishi method since they're going to be closer range. The Feral-eyed kin's senses are honed to catch onto little things that are off. She uses her chin to indicate the direction of the office, "Mailbox is by that door. Let's try that first." She suggests, but she is absolutely -not- going in first. She lets the wolf go inside then heads inside after. She picks up a list of names and scans it.. The sudden sound of the printer brings her bow up but when it's only paper she reahes up to snag them and peers over the addresses. "Huh. This might be a route." Both stacks of paper are folded and stuffed down the front of her shirt. She murmurs before then letting Hopper into the locker room where they find a locker.

Libby asks Hopper, "Can you open a lock?"

"Uhhhh yep." Jack says, his smile growing wider when he spies some jumps at the sudden sound of the printer, "Address. I handed it off to Libby and Hopper." He's still grinning, and he's still a Ragabash. Sliding out of the cab, he does so slowly so he can give the place a quick look over just in case there's a manilla envelope helpfylly stamped with 'evil plans' or anything. If not, fuck it, he's out!

Truth Keeper finds himself wanting finger so with a quicksilver speed he shifts from wolf to human.... or near human. grabbing a fire extinguisher off the wall he smack the lock on the locker in question. The lock snaps and he drops the extinguisher and opens the locker, standing aside as he does so as to give Libby a clear shot....just incase.

While Jack works his magic inside the vehicle, FAFO, Keeku, and FTW had prepared the Cleansing Rite again. Keeku laughs at Jack, understanding what he means by the hand-off. Once more the four of them work their circle to cleanse the truck. With that done, the area just feels better. The large Racoon spirit once again manifests and says, <<Thank you. You have freed our home from the interlopers,>> and then it vanishes. Keeku hmms, "Sounds like our Mischief has been Managed." He may have been sheltered, but he knows Harry Potter! "Shall we collect Libby and Patrick and get the fuck out of here folks?"

For the Win caps the last of his sample vials. >> Sure! I can test these once I get to my equipment. Um, which way do we go to get out of here? << Typical Glass Walker.

"Thank you kindly," Libby says to Hopper as she lowers her bow once she's sure there's nothing that needs an arrow to the face. She takes a look for anything tat might be useful, pictures, schedules, identification, loose keys and socks.. Libby isn't exactly a gumshoe but she's not ashamed to grab everything that she might consider useful. "I think this will be enough for folks to follow-up." She says heading for the door out.

Truth Keeper is back on all fours trotting behind Libby by time they are headed back out the door. He takes a moment to get a good sniff of the locker before following her though. In owlf he says, <That was anticlimactic.> but he does not sound upset by the lack of action. <Nice bow>.

A lone Racoon does meet all of them at the door as Libby and Hopper move to exit the outbuilding and the rest of the Scooby Squad move in to collect them. It's another one of those scary moments where Keeku goes to grab the door and Hopper goes to grab the door...and Keeku lets out scream. Luckily Libby is skilled enough not to shoot Keeku with an arrow or that would have been really awkward. With the whole squad asssembled, the lone Raccoon leads them out of the landfill and back towards the Caern, letting each of them fall out where they will or head all the way back home.

Jack offers to high five Pappycoon, ~We'll go find out where the bad guys came from so it doesn't happen again.~ he assures, the spirit, and then translates thusly for the others! "He says thanks for the help and I said we'd track down the source and stuff. But can we shower first? I wanna take a shower. I don't know who peed my pants."