Barony of the Shadowed Souls
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The Shadowed Souls Court is comprised of Seelie and Unseelie, welcome from any of the local Counties. It is located on The Lodestone Idles: Lodestone, Loch de Mar and Mist Vale Isle are now a part of Lion's Reach County under an agreement between the Duke, the Count of Emerald Dale and of course the new Baroness: Ambrosine. The isles seem to have a catering for just about anyone who needs a place to go. It is somewhat traditional though by loose terms and as of yet a pledge to the Lord and Lady of the Isle are not needed to seek vassalage from the Court.
Hobb's Ruin
- A small coastal town that houses more than it's fair share of Boggans, Knockers and related chimera/Denizens. This little town once was a great clockwork something that has fallen into ruin. However despite this it is very beautiful, built into the cliff face it has small outlets which allow the ferries to Lodestone to come in out of storms. There are bountiful places to eat seafood of every variety and buy coastal goods.
Places of note
- Mama LaMer's Divine Seafood
- K'Nick Knack's Brick-a-Brack
Lodestone Isle
- A look from the outside at the locks where ships port and the ferry unloads at the main island.
- The main portion of Lodestone has a welcoming cove that accents passenger ships at the Glittering Locks. There people will be welcomed and ferried by smaller boats to the Caer's Harbor. Larger ships to port are allowed into the bay area and registered at the harbor and linked directly to the Caer.
- Beyond this the Island is a vast wilderness that houses several types of landscapes. The island almost is alive, set upon by an eclipsed moon a majority of the time except on special Holidays. There are deep forests, waterfalls, mythical beasts, bands of roaming Fae Horses and other miscellaneous flora and Fauna that are a true wonder to behold now that the island has been allowed to flourish.
- The sibling to the waterbound Ferry this silver ship is the flying Ferry from the Lodestone isle's main dock to the sky port in the County of Emerald Dale.
Caer Tenebrous
- Within the Caer proper there are a variety of activities. This is a port and therefore all manner of trade goes on here. All Manner. Sailors and captains entertain themselves in bars or spend evenings in the small brothel allowed to exist within the Caer's walls. Stables, a forge, a training ground, shops and all manner of trade-skills can be obtained here for purchase or for training.
- A large wall that holds a labyrinth with watch towers is what separates the rest of the tiny port town from the great crystaline spire atop a peak set as far from the harbor and above the city itself.
Halcyon Spire
- Located inside Tenebrous Caer.
- This is the round crystaline tower. The seat of the Barony. A large round base at the bottom opens into many rooms used by the Court and Knights of the Shadowed Soul. In the center there is a large round table in the center of which burns a small heatless fire. There is only one chair that is different from the others and it is only moderately so. It's a great antechamber and anyone of the Barony can enter.
Darkstar Orrery
- Located inside the Halcyon Spire. This is allowed to only members of the inner court. This Orrery is set around the bale fire that powers the Holdings. Great copper cogs and works slowly tick away to the movements of the universe like some inanimate Auger. It's silent as it moves, every piece of the intricate work littered with representations of everything from planets, stars and other heavenly bodies. Each one finally crafted out of precious stones and metals. Around the outer edge of the orrery various reagents are stored as well as books that line the outer walls.
- Located inside the Halcyon Spire. This is allowed to only members of the inner court. This Orrery is set around the bale fire that powers the Holdings. Great copper cogs and works slowly tick away to the movements of the universe like some inanimate Auger. It's silent as it moves, every piece of the intricate work littered with representations of everything from planets, stars and other heavenly bodies. Each one finally crafted out of precious stones and metals. Around the outer edge of the orrery various reagents are stored as well as books that line the outer walls.
Deepmist Vale Isle
- Sister isle to Lodestone and the smallest of the trio of islands. The counterbalance to the other two Islands Deepmist Vale Isle is a mix of wild and a mix of quaint country. Seelie folks probably feel most comfortably here. There are small towns of brownies, dwarves, pixies and other small folk. It is reminiscent of a shire but the mist for which the Vale is named for is ever-present.
Places of Note
- There is also a massive tree that has emerged from a crack in the ground
where the underground systems have been caved in some to reveal the mystic oak.
Though the tree one can get to North Beach.
Loch de Mer Isle
- Sister idle to Lodestone and the second largest of the trio of islands. Of the trio it is dark and holds a certain welcoming ambiance to the Unseelie. It is ominous but very very beautiful in a dark way. The swampy remnants of what was the isle is patterned with ruins and trees that seem to have wisp lit rickety rope bridges that lead through the island like a network of spider webs.
Places of Note
- Kraken's Rest
- The island's history is so far short. As it was destroyed by the former Countess of Lion's Reach, fought over by nearby Counties and taken over by pirates. It has seen a massive land and water battle that determined the fate of a dragon imprisoned on the island by a wicked Sidhe Noble and a Necromatic Shade and a Dragon. Forces of Lion's Reach came together to work for the release of the Dragon from a pact and the return of the Island to the County of Lion's Reach. As per agreements made between the Duke on Baroness Philomene and Count of Emerald Dale the Island is now being looked after by a new Baroness.
- It is said that the port, while a hub of Dreaming commerce, is also a place of exile. A place off the land of both Counties where the strange Baroness from a Long Forgotten House can be stowed away until needed.
- Great prices have been paid to those who aided in the battle. It would seem that the Nobles of this island will retain little for themselves.
Mundane Places of Interest
Lodestone doesn't have a counterpart in the Autumn World. It does however exit from one of the islands onto the North Canary Beach in a small cove.
Shadowed Souls Escheat
- This is strictly for Seelie/Unseelie characters. If you are Shadow Court (even hidden) your risk on the island will be escalated to a 2. This by no means is a statement that you will be found out or outed. However if you are this Barony is not a safe place for you.
- The opinions stated here are IC knowledge. OOC knowledge may lead to other discoveries.
The Right of Demesne
- A lord is the king of his domain. He is the judge and jury over all crimes, large and small. His word is law. A noble expects obedience from his vassals and respect from all others. In return, a noble respects those lords superior to him.
- On the Isles:
- The Baroness of the Lodestone Isles expects that this be observed only in the loosest of terms. Anyone sworn to her court (By agreement or by oath) is expected to uphold the values of the Barony and at least observe this Right in front of visiting nobles, guests or at Court.
The Right to Dream
- Mortals have a right to dream unhindered by our needs. The Dreaming will die if we steal directly from the font. No one is allowed to use Glamour to manipulate the creative process. Although you may inspire creativity in the mortal mind, it is forbidden to give direct instruction or to infuse a human with raw Glamour.
- On the Isles:
- The Baroness of the Lodestone Isles will not allow Ravaging on her land. Period. There is no exception. She will not ask you to change your habits outside of the hub of the Caer but do not bring it within. If one is in an emergent situation they may ask for access to the balefire or Dross. Otherwise Fae are expected to follow their own moral code. Unless they're shadow Court (please see above)
The Right of Ignorance
- Do not betray the Dreaming to Banality. Never reveal yourself to humanity. Not only will humankind hunt us down for our wisdom and our power, it will overwhelm us with Banality and destroy our places of power. The more humanity knows, the more ardently it will seek us, draining the world of Glamour and petrifying our essence with its basilisk's gaze.
- On the Isles:
- The Baroness of the Lodestone Isles requires secrecy. The Autumn people and Winter spies are too prolific these days for this to be ignored. Kithain, Kinain, Chimera and Denizens only. If you're found to have brought someone not linked to the dreaming by fate's hand rather than your own, you will find your welcome quickly revoked. Do not bring them here.
The Right of Rescue
- All Kithain have the right to expect rescue from the foul grip of Banality. We are in danger together and must strive together to survive. Never leave anyone behind. Kithain are required to rescue other faeries or any creature of the Dreaming trapped by those who serve Banality.
- On the Isles:
- The Baroness of the Lodestone Isles encourages the fae to work together, to forget the lines of Legacy and Kith and aid one another in this terrifying time when Dauntain are lurking always and fae kind are endangered..
The Right of Safe Haven
- All places of the Dreaming are sacred. Kithain cannot allow faerie places to be endangered. All those who seek refuge in such places must be admitted. Freeholds must be kept free of both Banality and worldly violence.
- On the Isles:
- The Baroness of the Lodestone Isles expects that this be observed. She will observe Hospitality and give succor for those Seelie/Unseelie who need it. However if one is attempting to harm or take her Holdings from her there will be a price.
The Right of Life
- No Kithain shall spill the lifeblood of another Kithain. No Kithain shall bring salt tears unto the earth. No Kithain shall take from the Dreaming one of its own. Death is anathema.
- On the Isles:
- The Baroness of the Lodestone Isles expects that this be observed. Period. The End. Only the servitors of the Fomorians, the worst Dauntain and those who pose a direct threat to the fae are exception.
Members of the Freehold
NPCs, Denizens, ect Gallery