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[[Sumter]] My ''word''... ride alongside me?  My darling, dearest, ''sweet'' Joshua.. ride '''me''' instead.  Pretty, ''pretty'' please?  I'd never considered switching Traditions, but Gods alive.. if anyone could convert me, it'd be you.
[[Sumter]] My ''word''... ride alongside me?  My darling, dearest, ''sweet'' Joshua.. ride '''me''' instead.  Pretty, ''pretty'' please?  I'd never considered switching Traditions, but Gods alive.. if anyone could convert me, it'd be you.
[[Phydran]] My word.. a gentleman, with manners, and a brilliance that might outshine mine.. I never expected the Fun Police to be so... so... human, handsome, and tempting.  We'll definitely have to meet up again, Doctor.. you tongue-tied me a bit, but it ''was'' simply amazing to meet you.. I ''do'' wonder just how much more we've got in common.. only one way to find out.

Revision as of 06:30, 4 June 2017

Dexter Oh my goodness. I've got such a wonderful, fantastical feeling about you. I hope I'm not wrong, it's like the stars aligned, and poof, there you were. Please, take my breath away again with that smile and wit.. ... .... and as fast as you appeared, as much as we shared, you broke my heart, and left me wanting. And for what, work? Or was it fear of what we could have been? You'll never know, and neither will I. So much for wishing upon a star, eh?

Atlas Such mystery, yet, such a gentleman. We share a common passion.. I'll have to seek you out once more, no? Perhaps without interruptions, next time.

Brandon Love your books, but goodness gracious, you're such a rakish brat! How does Atlas deal with you? How does your conveniently not mentioned girlfriend put up with your antics? Do you slip your leash often? *grin*

Heathen Charming young fellow who sees the world through the starry eyes of a dreamer. Don't suppose you'd consider letting Harvey stay with me, now, would you? *grin*

Sharpe My, my, my. Handsome, skilled, talented, connected, and bold. Did I mention modest? A girl's got to admire a man who knows what he wants, and pursues it. Even if he's got ROTTEN taste in women -- stop chasing the blondes, we're the worst sort of trouble!

Carver Sunshine. I like you. Below the thin veneer of 'fuck off', you've got wit and curiosity that I find refreshing, to no end. I look forward to more conversations with you into the wee hours of the morning. It's rare to find a mind who can keep up with me, let alone challenge me to challenge my own preconceived notions of what was, what is, and what could come to pass.

Furio You know, I'm not sure what to think of you. I reserve judgment, maybe it's just a cultural misunderstanding. But, from where I'm from, we don't sit ourselves in the middle of a lady and a gentleman sharing an expensive drink and quiet whispered words and poke fun at her name like a teenager. Find your manners, good sir, and we can talk shop.

Lady A curious sort of girl... and you're on a respectable quest. I admire dedication to duty.

Thana A lost little poppet. I do hope Prospect takes better care of their prospective... students. She's a bit out there, but she's got a good heart.

Patty Elle, my dear, I did not mean to make your fellow there stare. I just wanted waffles. I saw the spark in your eyes, darling, shall we talk shop over cars? Let me know when you ditch the mister, sister. *wink* I might not swing that way, but cars, dear, cars.

Ersatz Manny, you poor soul. A man's eyes are going to wander, it's only natural, and Elle's a bit of a live wire, she is!

Chandler I respect why you switched majors... I never could leave behind my passion for Engineering, though, not even to save lives. I can save lives through SCIENCE... but, that's a bit of a secret I can't share yet, unless you're seeking Eloise for the same reasons I do, mm?

Tavia Such a helpful beauty -- I never seem to catch you in time to say hi, myself, though.

Wichal *raises an eyebrow* I was unaware a Federal Agent working in conjunction with Interpol would announce himself so boldly. I'm half-tempted to report you to the Shadow Ministry, good sir, you might be a danger to the secrecy you're supposed to be working with!

Eloise The woman herself! You're the very quintessential picture of mother and giving, I couldn't picture a better Herald. I'll keep shuffling lost little poppets and puppies your way as I find them. I've absolutely no idea who ate all the cookies, but they were delicious.

Nash Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes, cowboy.. bet you drive the ladies mad.

Branton An artisan through and through. Your reputation in the Sleeper world proceeds you.. refreshing to find out you're one of us. I look forward to seeing what your real work is like.

Salimah *raises an eyebrow* I don't think I've had anyone ignore what I say multiple times so MANY times in a row since I had to defend any of my theses. RIGHT. Order of HERMES. That explains it all. Perhaps you should ask the Monoliths themselves if the humans who build them suffered, as once the soul passes to the Shadowlands, the soul's memory and view is... skewed. I look forward to meeting your mentor, but I daresay she's probably just as set in her methods of thinking. That's why there's Nine Orders, and not one.

Gwydion "When gentlemen offer to show me their sword, they're generally more of, oh, I dare say.. being about as serious and literal as Shakespeare was, anytime he wrote of swords in his plays. I'm not terribly sure what I expected of a Master of Nine, but a Paladin with an actual Holy Avenger was quite the pleasant surprise."

Dantes One part manipulative manchild, one part crazy. How on Earth did the City ever hire you?

Harikumo A violet-eyed svelte vixen with a mind of honed steel. SUCH fun speaking with her. I'm not TERRIBLY sure what a peach like her is doing with a crazy man, but, we all have our vices? To the finer things in life. *raises a glass in toast*

Sumter My word... ride alongside me? My darling, dearest, sweet Joshua.. ride me instead. Pretty, pretty please? I'd never considered switching Traditions, but Gods alive.. if anyone could convert me, it'd be you.

Phydran My word.. a gentleman, with manners, and a brilliance that might outshine mine.. I never expected the Fun Police to be so... so... human, handsome, and tempting. We'll definitely have to meet up again, Doctor.. you tongue-tied me a bit, but it was simply amazing to meet you.. I do wonder just how much more we've got in common.. only one way to find out.